CONNECT MAGAZINE | February 2012 Issue

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Welcome to Bethel! We are so glad to have you here! As you look through this Connect bulletin, we trust that you will quickly find that Bethel has something for you and your family. Our hope is that you will take the next step into our community and get involved. As you do, you will begin to see that Bethel is more than just a Sunday service, it is a family of everyday people following Christ to bring hope and change to the world - one life at a time.

Pastor Tim Gibb Lead Pastor




BETHEL NEWS WEDNESDAY NIGHT HEALING SCHOOL Following the recent Healing School held at Bill Johnson’s Bethel Church in Redding, California, Pastors Keith & Patricia will be duplicating these classes here at Bethel on Wednesday evenings in the Sanctuary from 6:30 – 8:00 pm, featuring powerful video teachings by Randy Clark and Bill Johnson. The first class will be on Wednesday, February 1st and will run for nine weeks. If you believe that Divine Healing is for today, then this is a course you should attend, which deals with all the practical aspects of healing, with examples and activations. During the school in Redding, there were over 500 significant healing within a group of about 1800 people. If you have been discouraged in the past, hesitant to minister in healing, and want to be radically encouraged, then this course is for you.

MEMBERSHIP CLASSES Interested in becoming an official member of Bethel Church? Membership classes are being held on Sundays Feb 12th and 19th at 9:30am in the Board Room by the Main Office. Sign-up at the Welcome Desk.

ANNUAL MEETING Bethel members: Mark your calendars for our Annual Church Business Meeting being held on Wednesday, March 21st at 6:30pm.

WATER BAPTISM - FEB 26TH Wanting to follow the Lord's command in being water baptized? A Water Baptism service is planned for Sunday, February 26th. Speak to Darwin and Angela Armstrong or one of the Pastors. Application forms available at the welcome desk.



Watch This Weeks


Special Bible Teaching Seminar | The Tabernacle of Moses Join Pastor Tim Gibb on Saturday February 25th from 9:30AM to 12:00PM as he presents a special teaching seminar on the Tabernacle of Moses. Learn about this “moveable tent” that was the place where God met with His people.

The Tabernacle teaching is important because it shows: - God’s desire to live among His people - God’s original design for the world - God’s plan to fix a broken creation - Understanding the offerings and sacrificial system

THE SCHEDULE AN E XSTORY ERPT F ROM T H6 E S TSERIES O R"NEW Y BEGINNINGS" WEEK Jan 29 - Chapter 1 – Creation: The Beginning of Life Feb 5 - Chapter 2 – God Builds a Nation Feb12 - Chapter 3 – Joseph: From Slave to Pharaoh Feb 19 - Chapter 4 - Deliverance Feb 26 - Chapter 5 – New Commands and Covenant Mar 4 - Chapter 6 - Wandering

- Learn the significance of the function of the priesthood - Insight into Jesus’ life, His death, and His resurrection - How the significance and the symbolism of the tabernacle find their ultimate fulfillment in Christ - Follow the movement of the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament - See how the earthly tabernacle was patterned after the heavenly one

SMALL GROUP Want to go deeper in your understanding as you read through The Story? Then join The Story small group Bible study as they discuss each weeks reading. This group is open to all and meets on Thursday nights at

While the Bible provides only 1 chapter to present the creation of the world; 50

7PM in the Bethel cafe. Dave Strevel is leading this

chapters in the Bible present the instructions concerning the construction, function,


and fulfillment of the Old Testament Tabernacle. This shows the importance the Word of God gives to this teaching.

Sign-up at the Welcome Desk to reserve your spot. Handouts will be given out. Cost $10 for light refreshments and presenter’s notes.

• Scripture in Non-Italics


The Fidgets Fundraising Event at Temple Temple Christian Academy presents Improv Comedy Troupe & Silent Auction on Saturday, February 11th from 7:00-9:00pm with The Fidgets. Upon arrival mouse traps will be for sale! For what you ask? We cannot say, but pain and laughs will be apart of that “tail�! There is no charge to attend this event. A free will offering will be taken for TCA.


By: Pastor Tim Gibb

There is no other book in all of human history

of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy

of detailed historical statements found in the

like the Bible. The reason - It is God's book. 2

Spirit." This means that the Bible is not the


Timothy 3:16 states: "All Scripture is given by

thoughts of man but rather that God

inspiration of God, and is profitable for

overshadowed the mind and spirit of the

3. The third reason why I believe the Bible

doctrine (shows you the path to walk on), for

human writers of the Scriptures motivating

is the Word of God is that it is supernatural

reproof (shows you where you’ve gone off

them to write the precise words as recorded

in its unity of content.

the path), for correction (shows you how to

in the word of God.

get back on the path), for instruction in

Consider this…Take over 40 writers over

righteousness (shows you how to stay on the

Recently I spoke a message at Bethel where I

1600 years, speaking 3 different languages,

path), that the man of God may be complete,

talked about why I believe the Bible is the

from different continents. Take people from

thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Word of God. Let me review those reasons

different walks of life…doctors, kings, tax

with you here.

collectors, fishermen. Give them little to no

The word “Inspiration” is the Greek word

chance to communicate. Ask them to write on

Theo Pneumatos which literally means “God

1. I believe the Bible is the Word of God

religion, poetry, health, ethics, science, and

breathed”. It is equivalent to the Hebrew

because it claims to be.

morality. Ask them to make predictions on

into Adam. Just as God breathed life into

Now I quickly admit that this reason alone is

Adam and he became a living soul, so there is

not sufficient, but it is worthy of note. The

“ The Bible is the greatest

life in the Scriptures. It means that the

Bible claims to be the word of God. The Bible

Scripture literally takes on the very nature

writers emphatically and repeatedly state

and character of God. This means the

that the words they wrote were not their

Scripture is:

own but came from God. Not only that, but

word that was used when God breathed life

the Bible provides a clear presentation for

of all books; to study it is the noblest of all pursuits; to understand it, the

1. A Living Book – because God is Life. Jesus

the salvation of man. Either it is true or it is

highest of all goals.”

said, “The words I speak to you are Spirit, and

not true. To say the Bible is just a good book,

― Charles C. Ryrie

they are life.”

with good principles and good thoughts, is at

least a total misunderstanding of the book; or

future events, the meaning of life, the

2. A Perfect Book – because God is perfect.

at worst, a mockery of its claims. Intellectual

creation of the world, man’s salvation. Then

Meaning the Bible is inerrant, without flaws,

honesty demands you cannot be neutral with

you be the editor. What do you have? Literary

and incapable of error. The Psalmist said,

the Bible. Either the Bible is true and we're


“The law of the Lord is perfect converting the

responsible to His teachings, or it is false and


we are free from its demands.

But the Bible was written just like that. And

yet ask any honest reader who has carefully

3. An Eternal Book – because God is

2. The second reason why I believe the

examined its message and you find the Bible

eternal. Meaning it is indestructible and

Bible is the Word of God is because it has

to be one amazing whole from Genesis to

imperishable. Jesus said, “Heaven and earth

proven to be credible in its content;

Revelation – united in theme, consistent in

will pass away, but the Word of God will abide

specifically as it relates to history.

concept, logical in development, and agreed in doctrine. With one doctrinal system, one


The Bible does not present itself as a history

moral standard, one plan of salvation, that is

4. An Unchanging Book – because God

book, but much history is in its contents.

simply supernatural.

never changes. Meaning that it is never

Credible secular students of history and then

outdated or irrelevant. Its truth applies to all

also through archaeology, have consistently

4. The fourth reason why I believe the Bible

cultures, races, and societies.

and without exception verified the places,

is the Word of God is because of the

times, and cultural aspects of much Bible

scientific information it provides BEFORE

No other book has the power to transform

history. Especially in the last 100 years of

that information was universally

lives like the Bible. 2 Peter 1:20,21 states:

archaeological exploration in the Middle East,


“No prophecy of Scripture is of any private

archaeologists have been provided with an

interpretation. For prophecy (Scripture]

abundance of evidence confirming thousands

never came by the will of man, but holy men

Read the Bible and you will discover amazing scientific information that the world only

discovered hundreds of years after it was

(1788) there would be no Bible in the world

Of course probably the greatest example of

written. For example: even to the time of

unless held by chains in some museum. He

fulfilled prophecy is seen in the life and death

Columbus, most of science/humanity thought

claimed “I see the end of Christianity.” Yet 50

of Jesus Christ. Over 300 Old Testament

the world was flat. Yet Isaiah 40:21,22 speaks

years after his death, the very house in which

prophecies were completely fulfilled in Jesus

of the circle of the earth. Job 26:7 factually

he once lived became a Bible publishing

Christ. Prophecies such as: that He would be

describes the earths free float in space: “He

house. And from his former home, thousands

from Nazareth yet born in Bethlehem, that

hangs the earth on nothing.” This was

and thousands of Bibles were sent all over

He would spend time in Egypt, that He would

discovered hundreds of years after it was

Europe! At the same time, a complete set of

be sold for 30 pieces of silver, that He would

written. The same is true of such scientific

the works of Voltaire sold in the market in

ride into Jerusalem on a donkey, that He

facts of the moon being a reflector (Job 25:5)

Paris for 11 cents. Yet that same day, the

would be crucified yet with no broken bones,

and the reality of the water cycle through

British Government paid the Czar of Russia

that the soldiers would cast lots for His

evaporation and condensation given in Job

$500,000 for a copy of the Word of God that

garments, that He would be buried in a rich

36 & Isaiah 55. This is centuries…

had been discovered on Mount Sinai.

man’s tomb, and that He would rise again on

millennia….prior to scientific discovery. All of this speaks to Divine authorship.

the 3rd day. This is an impossibility without 6. The Sixth reason why I believe the Bible

Divine orchestration.

is the Word of God is because of its For centuries it was the common


understanding that the earth was flat and

Then there are the prophecies concerning the days in which we are living in. From the

there were at the most between 1044 to

The worldwide influence of the Bible is

days of Adam until the early 1900’s, man rode

1056 stars. Until Galileo came around in the

unmatched by any other book. It has touched

by horse. Yet the Bible predicted a time of

17th century and brought about modern

every nation on the earth and influenced

great knowledge explosion. And the Bible

astronomy. Yet I saiah 55:9 says that the

countless cultures. It has been translated into

spoke of a coming time when there would be

heavens are so high they're immeasurable.

more languages and reproduced in larger

international travel and communication, a

And Genesis, the first book of the Bible,

quantities than any other book. The Bible has

cashless economic system, a world economy

equates the number of the stars of heaven

produced the highest results in all walks of

and government. All of these for the first time

with the number of grains of sand on the sea.

life including music, art, law, and science.

in human history are possible and are daily

Jeremiah 33:22 said that the stars can't be

Millions of lives have been changed by its

talked about in our news programs. Israel is

counted. We now know that there are

truth and only eternity will reveal its full

another shining example of Bible prophecy.

probably a hundred billion in our galaxy

impact on mankind. Abraham Lincoln said: “I

The Bible prophesied that Israel would be


believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever

dispersed and trampled under by the

given to man.”

Gentiles, but there would come a time when

A well-known scientist, named Herbert

the nation of Israel would be reborn. That

Spencer, who died in 1903 made one of the

7. The seventh reason I believe the Bible is

Jewish people would return to the land of

greatest scientific discoveries of his time. He

the Word of God, and probably the greatest

Israel. That the barren wilderness will spring

discovered that everything that exists in the

reason, is its fulfillment in Bible prophecy.

forth and blossom with agriculture. That the

universe can be contained in five categories…

Hebrew language would be re-established.

time, force, action, space and matter. Spencer

Let me give one outstanding Old Testament

That there would be a resurgence of the

even listed them in that order. This was a

example. In Ezekiel 26, God said, through the

Israeli military. That world politics would

major science discovery in the 19th century.

prophet, that the city of Tyre would not only

focus on Israel and Jerusalem, and that

Yet the very first verse in the Bible, Genesis

be destroyed, but that the entire city would

Israel’s neighbours would come against Israel

1:1 provides this very discovery… "In the

be scraped clean and everything left on the

to “cut her off from being a nation” (Psalm

beginning (time) God (force) created (action)

city's surface will be thrown into the ocean.

83). All of this concerning Israel, we are

the heavens (space) and the earth (matter).

That's a rather bizarre prophecy. And then

seeing fulfilled in our lifetime.

Only God!

the prophecy ended by saying men will dry their fishnets there and it will never be

8. The final reason I believe the Bible is the

5. The fifth reason I believe the Bible is the

rebuilt. It was just a few years after this

Word of God is because of its power to

Word of God is because it is supernatural in

prophecy that King Nebuchadnezzar came

transform lives.

its survival.

and destroyed the city, leaving it in rubble. But the prophecy wasn't fulfilled because the

Simply put, millions and millions of lives have

The Bible not only has received more

rubble was still there. 250 years later came a

been transformed by its message. What other

reverence and adoration than any other

man by the name of Alexander the Great who

book has ever come close to doing that?

book, but it has also been the object of more

came into that area and he picked up all the

persecution and opposition. Emperors and

rubble that was left from King

This article has been adapted from Pastor Tim’s

Kings have tried to destroy it, yet it has

Nebuchadnezzar’s devastation and threw it

sermon given on Sunday, January 15th. You can

multiplied with every assault.

into the sea. The city has never been rebuilt,

hear the message on Bethel’s webpage

The famed French philosopher Voltaire made

just as Ezekiel prophesied.

this boast that 100 years after his death

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Sunday mornings during service: Nursery - Newborn to Age 3 Pre-School - Ages 3 to 5 Kidsplosion - Grades 1 to 4 YOUTH MINISTRY Revo 3 - Thursday night Jr. & Sr. High Youth service [Ages 13-17} Additional activities planned throughout the year. ADULT MINISTRY We have many groups with ongoing activities, check the bulletin and website for details of what’s upcoming! Young Adults - Weekly Bible Study group called “Life” meets Tues. nights in Bethel Cafe. Led by Chris & Linda Guerette and Steve & Kathy Fraser. Real Women - Ongoing activities for women of all ages. Led by Pam Lozon. The Core Men’s Ministry - Activities for all men. Led by Shannon Smith. Keenagers Seniors Ministry - Monthly lunch or special activity. Led by Carl & Faye Johnson. Music Ministry - Is always looking for new talent, including choir, audio and visual personnel. Speak to Caleb or Stephanie Courtney. Home Fellowship groups - New to Bethel or desire to connect with others? Join one of our Thursday evening Home Fellowship Groups. Contact Darwin & Angela Armstrong or Pastors Keith & Patricia for more details. A great way to connect with others. Bible Study - Tuesday night Bible Study & Hymn Sing. Led by Gilbert & Margo VanSligtenhorst. Foundation Course - A course on the essentials of Christian faith followed by a retreat weekend. Led by Pastor Keith Patrick.

Connect at Bethel

6:30 PM Financial Peace Course

6:30 PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb


6:30 PM DivorceCare

7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults

6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room


7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults

6:30 PM Financial Peace Course


6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room


7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults

6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room


7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults

6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room




6:30 PM Healing School


6:30 PM Healing


6:30 PM Healing School


6:30 PM Healing School


6:30 PM Healing School



7:00 PM REVO3

7:00 PM “THE STORY” Small Group

6:30PM Fellowship Groups


7:00 PM “THE STORY” Small Group 7:00 PM REVO3

6:30PM Fellowship Groups


7:00 PM REVO3

7:00 PM “THE STORY” Small Group

6:30PM Fellowship Groups


7:00 PM REVO3

Men’s Night Out– Stings Game



9:30 AM Real Women Event



9:30 AM Teaching on Tabernacle


REVO3 Ski Trip 9:30 AM Mom’s Group -Foyer/Café


12NOON Keenagers Luncheon

9:30 AM Mom’s Group -Foyer/Cafe


9:30 AM Mom’s Group -Foyer/Cafe


9:30 AM Mom’s Group -Foyer/Cafe

7:00 PM “THE STORY” Small Group


6:30PM Fellowship Groups





6:30 PM DivorceCare Follow-up

Family Skate 4-5pm Clearwater Arena


6:30 PM Financial Peace Course


6:30 PM DivorceCare

1:00 PM Mom’s In Touch


6:30 PM Financial Peace Course


6:30 PM DivorceCare

1:00 PM Mom’s In Touch



26 Water Baptism 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb “The Story-Chapter 5”

12:30PM Inside Out Jr. High-Hub 6:30 PM Service Rev. Glen Blazosek

10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb “The Story-Chapter 4”

19 Membership Class

6:30 PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

12 Membership Class 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb “The Story-Chapter 3”

6:30 PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

12:30PM Inside Out Jr. High-Hub

5 Communion 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb “The Story-Chapter 2”


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