This Month
Bethel News PASTOR GARY NETTLESHIP DEC 18TH Pastor Gary & Pam Nettleship will be our special guests on Sunday December 18th in our 10:30AM service. Pam will be ministering in song and Pastor Gary will be bringing an exciting report of what God is doing around the world through Empower Ministries. A missions offering will be received for this ministry.
KIDS CHRISTMAS PRESENTATION Our Pre-school and Elementary Kids ministries will be presenting a short Christmas program during our service on Sunday December 18th. Parents & Grandparents...make sure to bring your cameras!
CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE CHRISTMAS DAY - Please note that we will not be having a service on Christmas Day, Sunday December 25th. We see Christmas as an important time for families. But we do encourage you to attend our Christmas Eve service at 6:30PM on December 24th.
NEW YEARS DAY - We will have a service on Sunday January 1st at our normal time of 10:30AM. There will be no evening service.
WEDNESDAY PRAYER MEETINGS - Our final Wednesday night prayer for 2011 will be on Wednesday December 14th. Prayer will resume on Wednesday, January 11th, 2012.
OFFICE HOURS - Please note that the church office will be closed on Monday December 26th, Tuesday December 27th, and Monday January 2nd.
RICHARD CRISCO AT BETHEL Richard Crisco, lead Pastor of Rochester First Assembly of God in Michigan, will be coming to Bethel for 3 nights of revival meetings on January 15-17, 2012.
MEMORIAL TEA FOR JANICE TIFFANY A Memorial Tea for Janice Landeryou Tiffany will be held in the Bethel Cafe and Lobby on Saturday December 3rd from 11AM to 12PM. There will be an opportunity to share some of your memories of Janice for those who would like to do so.
Christmas Parties
Bethel Choir The Bethel Choir will be ministering at various locations around Sarnia. Please keep the choir in prayer and also feel free to come out and support the choir. Wed Nov 30
Trillium Villa
Thurs Dec 1
Landmark Village
Mon Dec 5
Vision Nursing
Wed Dec 7
Lambton Mall
Thurs Dec 8
Lambton Mall
Fri Dec 9
Kathleen Ave Event
Sat Dec 10
Afton Park Place
Sun Dec 11
Bethel Church
Mon Dec 12
Residence St Clair
Tues Dec 13
Rosewood Manor
Thurs Dec 15
Twin Lakes Terrace
Fri Dec 16
Lambton Mall
Sun Dec 18
Bethel Church
Sun Dec 18
Bethel Church
Note: Performances at Lambton Mall will be inside in front of Sears.
Student Ministries
Coming In 2012
Scan With Your Smartphone To Watch
Marriage Mentoring You all know the statistics, over half of all church couples eventually
marriages by having another couple with more experience walk beside them.
divorce, and a third of all marriages break up by the fourth year. I could go on about all the negative effects of that, such as a child from such a broken marriage is 20 more times
Serving as a relational safety net, mentors will lift up and support couples at crucial crossroads – those just starting out, about to have a baby, in crisis, raising teenagers, looking to maximize their marriage, whatever. Marriage mentoring applies to every stage and phase of married life.
likely to finish up in jail, but you can easily find such statistics for yourself. How do we help as a church? By providing assistance like our current Marriage Course run by Doug and
To provide this ministry, we have already trained couples at Bethel to be mentors in these three areas. Our Mentor couples have been deliberately chosen to cover all the age groups from the 20’s to our seniors, because it is essential that couples are compatible for mentoring to work.
Elaine Nixon, by inner healing through the Restoration Course, or by specific counseling sessions. Another way is a vital new ministry which we have started called Marriage Mentoring, from an established world-wide ministry based in Seattle. This ministry has already been introduced in November in our
So the sequence would be that a couple would approach me directly or the office with a request for mentoring. We would then seek to fit that mentoree couple with a compatible mentor couple who would then have the choice to go forward. The couples would be then brought together and at that stage the mentoree couple
services. Marriage Mentoring aims to help couples in one of 3 areas:
would have their choice to go ahead. Subsequent meetings would then be up to the two couples according to the need and their respective schedules. We would expect such mentoring relationships to last a minimum of three months. This essential ministry is designed to be flexible and meet all the
Preparing Building solid foundations for engaged and newlywed couples
Maximizing Deepening and enriching stable marriages Repairing Encouraging couples in difficulty or distress All married couples fit somewhere in one of those 3 categories! Hopefully at Bethel most marriages are good. However, wouldn’t it be wonderful if each of these good marriages moved to being great
possible needs of couples here at Bethel. In every culture throughout human history, mentoring has been the primary means of passing on knowledge and skills. However, in our fractured society today with the modern issues of divorce and abortion, and where communication within families can be so limited, the need for mentoring has never been greater. So here at Bethel, we are providing a ministry to address your needs.Please use it. Do contact me for any further information. -Pastor Keith
Last year God began to shift our focus to
in China have told us that the
beatings, imprisonments and even deaths
include not just the local church but also the Global Church. So we are now partnering with Ron Pearce, who many of you know, at Empower Ministries, to work with the national and persecuted
Underground Church in their country has grown between 120 to 150 million believers. And each of the Pastors we spoke with in China earlier this year told us that their greatest need was for more
of Christians who are bringing the Gospel to their nations.
church around the world.
God has directed and opened doors enabling us to be involved in 40 different countries where the Holy Spirit is being
In Ethiopia there are so many Muslims and Orthodox people coming to the Lord that the church leaders told us they
and other Middle East countries this year. But in the midst of all this turmoil God had been working, growing His church and getting Bibles and support into these exact countries where His church is
poured out and where there is persecution and great need. We are involved in getting Bibles into the hands of Pastors and believers in countries where the Word of God has been
believe Ethiopia may be on the verge of a huge national revival that will be unstoppable! They report that in the past 5 years the Evangelicals have grown by over 5 million, and all of this represents
growing and increasing.
outlawed and we also provide discipleship materials and supplies such as computers, motorcycles, bikes, blankets, food and many other supplies. Last year we printed and distributed over
first time commitments to Christ!
God is doing in places where the Spirit of God is being poured out and revival is on a national level. What exciting times we are living in!! Praise God!
1 million Bibles, plus 171,590 evangelistic and discipleship booklets. God also enabled us to provide monthly support for 1,180 national workers, pastors and church planters. In addition
the Middle East. But through the faithfulness and willingness of God’s people in Canada, who have given generously, we have been printing and delivering more Bibles each year and we
10,487 national workers received ongoing Bible training and we either fully or partially supported 34 underground bible schools in countries we cannot name for security reasons.
are believing this will continue for many years to come. In a way, our work has just started when you look at the size of the need and the cry for Bibles around the world.
And that’s only part of what God is enabling us to do.
We’re not able to print enough Bibles to meet the needs for Christ’s church in countries in Asia, Northern Africa and
Part of “The Good News” is that Christ’s church is exploding in growth around the
But there is also great danger. Churches are being burned and Pastors and believers are being beaten, arrested and killed for the Gospel. We’ve had our
world in a way that should make us jealous here in Canada. Church leaders
leaders in India, China, Vietnam and Ethiopia describe to us the attacks,
We’ve watched on television and read about the uprisings in Egypt and Libya
Christ is coming soon and around the world a great work of God is being done. It is exciting to be a part of what
-Gary Nettleship
The Holy Spirit In The Christmas Story As we approach the Christmas season and once again reflect on the wonder of the Christmas story, I am paying closer attention to the
met a baby who was filled with the Spirit! But because John’s task was so great—to call a wayward Israel to repentance and prepare the
Spirit’s work in the miracle of the Incarnation. The same Holy Spirit who brooded over the waters at Creation, inspired the Old Testament prophets and empowered the first disciples at Pentecost; was involved in every step of the Christmas story. In fact, there would be no Christmas story without the Holy Spirit’s power.
way for Jesus—he required exceptional power.
Luke, who also authored the Book of Acts, pays close attention to the work of the Holy Spirit in the gospel that bears his name. Luke’s account of the birth of Jesus is the most detailed of all the gospel writers, and he highlights the Holy Spirit’s activity in the lives of five people in the first two chapters.
Zacharias We tend to look down on Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, because he doubted God’s ability to give his barren wife a child. But Luke reminds us that after Zacharias was struck mute in the temple, he was filled with the Spirit when his son was born (see Luke 1:67) and he began to prophesy. Humbled and chastised by God, Zacharias gained new strength from the Spirit and uttered one of the richest Messianic promises recorded in Scripture. Zacharias reminds me that the Holy Spirit refines and corrects us, and ultimately uses us in spite of our failures and weaknesses. We must never grow weary of God’s discipline—because in the end, we will emerge with a message from Him.
Elizabeth John the Baptist’s mother, rarely appears in nativity scenes or Christmas card illustrations. She seems like a minor player. Yet Luke tells us that she was filled with the Holy Spirit when Mary came to visit her at her home in Judah (see Luke 1:41). How was the Spirit’s power
John reminds me that if I am to attempt any task for God, I must do it in the power of the Spirit. I cannot just come up with a good idea and ask God to bless it. It must be God’s idea, and it must be soaked in the Holy Spirit’s anointing from the moment of conception!
Mary When the young Mary asked Gabriel how she would be able to conceive the Messiah as a virgin, the angel said: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you” (see Luke 1:35). Many Bible scholars, including commentator Matthew Henry, have speculated that Mary actually conceived after she arrived at Elizabeth’s house, perhaps even at the moment when Elizabeth felt the baby John leap in her womb. At that moment Mary begins to praise the Lord extravagantly, extolling Him for His mercy, power and faithfulness. Mary reminds me that one of the key manifestations of the Spirit in our lives is praise and worship. Being filled with the Spirit automatically unleashes uninhibited praise. If my praise is subdued, casual or restrained, then I need a fresh infilling.
Simeon Toward the end of the Christmas narrative, Luke also introduces us to an elderly man named Simeon who had been praying for the coming of the Messiah for many years. The Holy Spirit was “upon” this man (Luke 2:25), and the Spirit had revealed to him that he would not die until he had seen Jesus. As it turned out, Simeon held the baby Jesus in his arms, spoke a prophetic blessing over the child and prophesied to his mother.
manifested in her life? Luke says she “cried out with a loud voice” and announced that Mary was carrying the Christ child. Her prophetic encouragement was crucial in Mary’s life.
Simeon reminds me that the Spirit will give me the power to hold onto
Elizabeth reminds me that the Spirit is an Encourager and a Comforter,
The original Christmas was Spirit-filled. This holiday, I pray you will not be so focused on the decorations and distractions of the holiday that you miss what the Holy Spirit wants to do in and through you.
and that I cannot make this spiritual journey without His help. I must also recognize that God sometimes brings people into my life to provide words to sustain me.
John Even the baby John was filled with the Holy Spirit while in his mother’s womb (see Luke 1:15). This was an exceptional miracle—I’ve never
God’s promises, no matter how many years it takes to see their fulfillment.
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Sunday mornings during service: Nursery - Newborn to Age 3 Pre-School - Ages 3 to 5 Kidsplosion - Grades 1 to 4 YOUTH MINISTRY Revo 3 - Thursday night Jr. & Sr. High Youth service [Ages 13-17} Additional activities planned throughout the year. ADULT MINISTRY We have many groups with ongoing activities, check the bulletin and website for details of what’s upcoming! Young Adults - Weekly Bible Study group called “Life” meets Tues nights in Bethel Cafe. Led by Chris & Linda Guerette and Steve & Cathy Fraser. Real Women - Ongoing activities for women of all ages. The Core Men’s Ministry - Activities for all men. Led by Shannon Smith. Keenagers Seniors Ministry - Monthly lunch or special activity. Led by Carl & Faye Johnson. Music Ministry - Is always looking for new talent, including choir, audio and visual personnel. Speak to Caleb or Stephanie Courtney. Small Groups - Organized throughout the year around specific themes. Usually 4 to 6 weeks long. A great way to connect with others. Bible Study - Tuesday night Bible Study & Hymn Sing. Led by Gilbert & Margo VanSligtenhorst. Foundation Course - A course on the essentials of Christian faith followed by a retreat weekend. Led by Pastor Keith Patrick.
Connect at Bethel
11 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb
25 CHRISTMAS DAY No Services
6:30 PM Concert Rich & Lavinia Celaire & Bethel Choir
18 10:30 AM Service Pastor Gary Nettleship
6:30 PM Concert Kevin Pauls & Band
6:30 PM DivorceCare
6:30 PM DivorceCare
6:30 PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb
12:45PM Alpha Course
12:45 PM Mom’s In Touch
4 Communion 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb 12:30PM Inside Out Jr. High-Hub 12:45PM Alpha Course
7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults
6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room
7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults
6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room
7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults
6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room
6:30 PM Prayer
6:30 PM Prayer
7:00 PM REVO3
7:00 PM REVO3
10:00 AM Mom’s Group-Foyer/Cafe
6:30 PM Christmas Eve Service
7:30 PM Dessert Social Night (see ad in bulletin)
11:00 AM Memorial Tea for Janice Landeryou Tiffany
7:00 PM REVO3
10:00 AM Mom’s Group-Foyer/Cafe