CONNECT | July 2012

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JULY 2012



10:30AM &


Welcome to Bethel! We are so glad to have you here! As you look through this Connect bulletin, we trust that you will quickly find that Bethel has something for you and your family. Our hope is that you will take the next step into our community and get involved. As you do, you will begin to see that Bethel is more than just a Sunday service, it is a family of everyday people following Christ to bring hope and change to the world - one life at a time.


WEEK July 23rd-27th - Ages 4-10 *Volunteers Needed

Pastor Tim Gibb Lead Pastor


Online at or at the Welcome Desk

Watch This Week’s


This Month


TO KNOW Youth Team at Braeside For the past few years Pastor Tricia and our youth team have been invited to run kids ministry at Braeside, our PAOC Western Ontario camp in Paris, ON. On July 7th/8th and 14th/15th a team from Bethel will be teaching over 100 kids in morning and evening services. We are blessed to have teenagers at Bethel who have a heart to serve the next generation! Let’s keep them in prayer over these weekends.

Youth Camp Eleven teenagers from Bethel are going to Braeside Youth Camp this summer for a week of services and activities. This is an amazing time for teenagers from all over Western Ontario to get together to form lasting friendships and seek God in these powerful services. Every year our youth have been impacted in such a great way and now greatly look forward to this week at Braeside. A big THANK YOU to all who donated and supported our recent yard sale to help with the cost of youth camp. Pray for the following youth from July 16th to 21st that God would do a great work in their lives! Quynh Le, Brandan Fraser, Emilie Fletcher, Maggie Marques, Christina Marques, Jasmine Wall, Elizabeth Fletcher, Marc Pirie, Shilah Samuels, Jesse Whittal, Tori Whittal.

Kids Adventure Week Our Kids Adventure Week (VBS) is returning this July 23rd to 27th from 9:00 until 12:00 each day. It’s a week that is full of fun and activities for kids ages 4 to 10 that also teaches them Bible stories and important life principles. All kids must be pre-registered in order to attend. You can register your child at the Welcome Desk or online at bethelsarnia. com/events. And help us spread the word! The only thing better than your child attending Kids Adventure Week is attending with their friends! Volunteers are needed in all areas - to help with crafts, to prepare snacks, to lead a group of children, to run games, and to assist with preparations like decorations. You can sign up at the Welcome Desk to help or speak with one of our Children’s Ministry staff.

Tuesday Bible Study The Tuesday Night Bible Study and Hymn Sing will resume this Fall on September 4th. We once again thank Gilbert and Margo VanSligtenhorst for their leadership of this group for the past 8 years. Gilbert and Margo recently made the decision to retire from leading this group. We appreciate their service and dedication and look forward to seeing it continue with new leadership in the Fall.

Coming Events


BETHEL MISSIONS TRIP TO UKRAINE AUG 2ND -16TH Since our report in the June issue of Connect, the opportunity for this trip has greatly expanded. Initially, we were going to be providing a week of summer Bible camp for 100 orphan children. However, due to the great work that Ed Dickson has been providing in the nation of Ukraine working with orphanages and with a team coming from Canada, the number of orphans who will be at the camp has risen from 100 to 580 orphan children between the ages of 5 to 16. This is a huge opportunity as this is not a Christian camp but rather a government camp. But we have the complete freedom to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with these children. Due to the large number of orphans that we will be ministering to, we have determined that we will provide three 90-minute Vacation Bible School (VBS) programs a day for 200 children each. We will also be hiring 10 Christian Young Adults from Ukraine to work along

side the team. Please be in prayer now for this trip as we share the good news that each of these young people have a Heavenly Father who loves them. We are also sending funds over to purchase a gift bag for each student of personal items (soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, hat, etc) for their time at the camp. We are still receiving donations of new or gently used children’s clothes, shoes and craft supplies. If you wish to make a donation, please bring your items by the church office in the first couple of weeks of July to allow time for sorting and packing. Also be in prayer for the Pastors Conference that Pastor Tim will be leading in Ukraine. Approximately 400 to 500 Pastors and church workers will gather for 3 days of teaching and impartation. Pray for a great move of the Holy Spirit as Pastor Tim speaks to these Christian leaders in the nation.

We do appreciate your support in this mission. A special love offering will be received on Sunday July 22nd for Ukraine. Our goal this year is to raise $30,000 to help orphans but also to come along side 1 or 2 churches to significantly help them in their ministry (probably in the assistance of purchasing land or in a building project). While in Ukraine, Pastor Tim along with Elders Doug Nixon and Dave Strevel will be meeting with Pastors to determine where Bethel can be the greatest help and blessing. Team members are: Mary Carr, Chris Dionne, Justina Dionne, Sarah Ellenor, Tim Fleming, Mary Gates, Doug Nixon, Joyce Nixon, Laura Nixon, Dave Strevel, Jeannette Strevel, Chantelle White, Carolyn Zavitz, Pastor Tricia and Pastor Tim.

PASTOR TIM TO LEAD PASTORS SCHOOL IN UGANDA AUG 16TH - 28TH Pastor Tim will be traveling to Fort Portal, Uganda, East Africa to conduct a Pastors School. This will be Bethel’s 5th Missions to Fort Portal. In previous trips, we have held Pastors and church workers conferences with up to 600 plus in attendance. While these conferences are a tremendous blessing, the vision of this trip is to have a full week of mentoring / teaching with 60 selected lead Pastors from the area. PAOC Missionary Don Mann and Pastor Garry Fess of

Royal View Church in London, Ontario will be accompanying Pastor Tim on this mission. We will be teaching basic Bible doctrine along with leadership lessons. You can help partner with this mission by sponsoring a Pastor to participate with this school. At a cost of $60 per Pastor, the costs for the expense of the conference, accommodations for the Pastors and printed materials will be met. As of June 30th, sponsorship for 32 Pastors has been received. We need another 28 Pastors to be sponsored. Would you consider sponsoring a Uganda Pastor, for $60, to provide for him/her to attend this Pastors School? We appreciate your help!

Garry Fess

Don Mann

THE STORY SCHEDULE July 8th - Chap. 19 - The Return Home July 15th – Chap. 20 - The Queen of Beauty & Courage (Esther) July 22nd – Ed Dixon, Missionary to Ukraine July 29th – Chap. 21 - Rebuilding the Walls (Nehemiah)


They’ve survived wars and know how to deal with loss. “We want to convey the idea that we’re not there to change them but to help empower them.” Gibb knows about empowering. For 10 years she was president of Women Alive, a religious Canadian group that focuses on helping women through conferences, retreats and mentoring. But the idea for Women Together was bubbling under the surface for years. She gave a year’s notice at Women Alive, left in 2010 and spent another year travelling and doing the groundwork for this new venture. “I’ve been in the Ukraine, Thailand, Kenya and Uganda,” she said. “Next year it’s India. I’m looking for nurses, teachers and champions who will join me and create a movement that will embrace women in these various countries.” Gibb already has a core of volunteers.

Pastor Tim and Tricia’s mother, Margaret Gibb, recently launched a new international ministry for women. The vision of Women Together is to take professional Canadian women overseas to work with other Christian women in a mutual mentoring relationship. This article was recently published in the Brantford Expositor newspaper as Margaret resides in Brantford, ON. For more information on Women Together go to Older women have a wealth of skills, experience and time to share so Margaret Gibb plans to tap into that resource and share it with the world. Gibb’s new Brantford-based international charity-Women together—was officially launched at Crossroads Christian Communications in Burlington. “I’m very excited about this,” Gibb says. “This is a ministry to women, for women and by women.” Her plan is to take professional, skilled women from Canada, including doctors, nurses, teachers, dentists, nutritionists and others, form them into teams and have them “come along side” people in developing nations to offer training and encouragement.

Three local women have signed on for her first trip: Lauren Lauzon, nurse Melodie Petrella and photographer Karen Ennema are on board, along with a woman from Sarnia and one from Kelowna, B.C. The team will be heading to Uganda. “This organization is Brantford-based and we want to embrace it from here as much as possible,” Gibb said. She is a bit unwilling to talk about age since she looks nothing like the 68 she admits to being. But Gibb says that the issue of age ties into the negative image that some have of “older” women. “I have very strong feelings about retirement. The experiences of our lives shape us. So, why would you want to set it all aside when you reach a certain age? My best years of giving and serving are ahead of me.” And her targeted group of skilled women in the 50 to 60 age range should be dismissing the idea that there’s not much ahead except an easy chair and trips to Florida or Arizona. “It’s a waste when you’ve had all this investment in you to set it aside. Forget the age. You just have greater opportunities to give and live and learn. “Don’t shelve yourself.”

The “along-side” concept is of utmost importance, she says. “A lot of times in the West we have the feeling that we know everything and they don’t. The reality is there’s much these women can teach us.

By Susan Gamble, Expositor Staff, Brantford, ON

CTV National News recently ran a story on Sarnia. Sadly, it was concerning the problem in Sarnia with teen suicide. 9 teens have made the tragic decision to end their lives in the last 18 months. Dozens more have attempted. Suicide in Sarnia is not just a teen problem. The heart of the problem is spiritual. Jesus is the answer. Here are some practical guidance in dealing with someone who may be contemplating suicide.

ily.” Right now, it’s about what they’re feeling.

4. Talk openly about what you observe in your friend’s behavior. For example, you can ask: “You seem really down lately; is something bothering you?”

5. Evaluate the immediate risk If the person is experiencing suicidal thoughts, ask specific & direct questions about immediate risk: a. “Do you ever feel so badly that you think about suicide?” b. “Do you have a plan to commit sui-

Most people feel helpless and over-

cide or take your life?”

whelmed if they encounter someone who is suicidal. These guidelines pro-

c. “Have you thought about when you

vide direction for the helping process.

would do it (today, tomorrow,

However, you should never deal with

next week)?”

a suicidal person alone. Always reach out for assistance.

d. “Have you thought about what method you would use?”

If such a situation arises, pray and ask God to give you wisdom and to bring

Asking these questions will help you

these practical tips to your mind:

to determine if your friend or family

1. Listen We often undervalue the

member is in immediate danger, and if help is needed. Calling 911 or going

power of active listening. Help the in-

to a hospital emergency room are good

dividual feel understood by rephrasing

options to prevent a tragic suicide at-

words and feelings. For example,“It

tempt or death. The suicide hotline is

sounds like you are feeling really un-

also a resource for you or the person


you care about for help: 1-519-336-

2. Be supportive Show that you care


by telling them,“I care about you,” or

Often people are uncomfortable about

“You are important to me,” and “I’d

asking if a friend may be suicidal. Be

like to find a way to help.”

direct when addressing suicidal inten-

3. Do not judge lecture, or “fix” their

tions: “Are you thinking about suicide?” If the person is suicidal, such a

problems. Don’t try to minimize their

question can be a relief. He or she may

feelings. Your opinion of a person’s

actually welcome the chance to talk

situation is irrelevant. Avoid the temp-

about painful feelings! If the person

tation to say, “You have so much to live

is not suicidal, you simply expressed

for,” or “Suicide will hurt your fam-

your care and concern for your friend.

6. Never leave a person alone if they have secured a means for suicide. However, protect yourself. If the person is armed, leave the premises and call the police.

7. Reach out to others Do not allow yourself to be the only one helping a suicidal person. Recognize the limits of your expertise and responsibility. Share your concerns with others, particularly a mental health professional. You could also talk to a parent, teacher or pastor.

8. Never keep a plan for suicide a secret If you’re in a position to help, don’t assume that your persistence is unwanted or intrusive. Don’t worry about risking a friendship. You have bigger things to worry about-someone’s life! It is better to lose a friend from violating a confidence than it is to go to a funeral. Most of the time they will come back and thank you for saving their life.

9. Jesus is the answer! Whenever friends share that they are having a difficult time, even if they aren’t considering suicide, you can tell them that Jesus is the ultimate life line. Let them know that anyone can call out to Jesus in prayer, and He is always only a prayer away.

10. Always take thoughts or plans for suicide seriously Article by Erica Lazarakus, Prayer Leader at Temple Baptist Church Sarnia. Adapted from a recent seminar she attended on Suicide Prevention

Marriage Mentoring - A program that matches experienced married couples with couples that want to improve their marriage, fix problems, or are preparing for marriage.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Sunday mornings during service: Nursery - Newborn to Age 3 Pre-School - Ages 3 to 5 Kidsplosion - Grades 1 to 4 YOUTH MINISTRY Revo 3 - Thursday night Jr. & Sr. High Youth service [Ages 13-17} Additional activities planned throughout the year. ADULT MINISTRY We have many groups with ongoing activities, check the bulletin and website for details of what’s upcoming! Young Adults - Weekly Bible Study group called “Life” meets Tues. nights in Bethel Cafe. Led by Chris & Linda Guerette and Steve & Kathy Fraser. Real Women - Ongoing activities for women of all ages. Led by Pam Lozon. The Core Men’s Ministry - Activities for all men. Led by Shannon Smith. Keenagers Seniors Ministry - Monthly lunch or special activity. Led by Carl & Faye Johnson. Music Ministry - Is always looking for new talent, including choir, audio and visual personnel. Speak to Caleb or Stephanie Courtney. Home Fellowship groups - New to Bethel or desire to connect with others? Join one of our Thursday evening Home Fellowship Groups. Contact Darwin & Angela Armstrong or Pastors Keith & Patricia for more details. A great way to connect with others. Bible Study - Tuesday night Bible Study & Hymn Sing. Restoration Course - A course on the essentials of Christian faith followed by a retreat weekend. Led by Pastor Keith Patrick.

Connect At Bethel Canada Day





Pastor Tim Gibb Lead Pastor






Tricia Gibb Student Ministries


6:30 PM Prayer



7:00 PM REVO3

6:30 PM Fellowship Groups


6:30 PM Fellowship Groups 7:00 PM REVO3




6:30 PM Prayer

AGES 4-10

6:30 PM Prayer




5:30 PM Men’s Trap Shooting & BBQ-Lambton Sportsman




9:00 AM—12 NOON

6:30 PM Fellowship Groups


REVO3 @Braeside Camp

6:30 PM Fellowship Groups


Keith & Patricia Patrick Pastoral Care


7:00 PM Youth & Young Adult Service


6:30 PM Prayer/Teaching Raised From The Dead Video #4






Our Pastors

6:30 PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

The Story #21

29 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

Party On The Patio

6:30 PM Service Pastor Keith Patrick

22 10:30 AM Service Ed Dickson Fundraiser Lunch for Ukraine

6:30 PM Service Doug Nixon

The Story #20

10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb


Party On The Patio

Communion 6:30 PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

The Story #19

8 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

NO Evening Service

10:30 AM Service Paul Hilsden



JULY 2012






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