CONNECT MAGAZINE | July 2011 Issue

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Welcome to Bethel! We are so glad to have you here! As you look through this Connect bulletin, we trust that you will quickly find that Bethel has something for you and your family. Our hope is that you will take the next step into our community and get involved. As you do, you will begin to see that Bethel is more than just a Sunday service, it is a family of everyday people following Christ to bring hope and change to the world - one life at a time.

Pastor Tim Gibb Lead Pastor


JULY 2011

This Month

Bethel News

PT Article

The Lord Is Rich To All Who Call On Him Genesis 4:25,26 “And Adam knew his wife again; and she bore a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew. And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enosh: then began

us that has a God so near to us - and helps us when we call on his name.’ This calling was not ceremonial. It was not sophisticated. It was from the heart. From the gut. It was a deep sincere call out to God for His help and intervention.

men to call upon the name of the Lord.” This verse of Scripture provides for us the beginning of religion. Seth, the 3rd son born to Adam and Eve and who had become to

The Psalmist David said in Psalm 18:3 “I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.” This was not something studied, it

Now this promise of blessing on callers is carried over into the New Testament. Paul the Apostle in Romans 10:12 says: “The Lord is rich in mercy to all who call upon Him. (v.13) For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” I remember my grandfather telling me of the challenges they had coming to Western Canada from Ukraine in the 1930’s to farm the land. They did not have, of course, so many of the modern conveniences and

Eve a replacement for her son Abel who his brother Cain had killed, began to pursue God. The Bible does not provide the details as to what the circumstances were that caused Seth to call out to God, but

was experienced. It was lived out. King Saul may be pursuing David to kill him but David said, ‘I know that when I call on God, he will hear me and deliver me.’

availabilities we have today. He said many times they would need a miracle from God just for basic provisions. He said, “We did not come to God with big religious words, but we simply cried out to Him as little

somehow instinctively; without any Bibles, churches or religious programs; Seth understood both his need and God’s ability that caused him to call on God. Perhaps his son Enosh became ill and Seth and his wife

David confirms this in Psalm 4:3 when he said, “But know this: that the Lord has set apart for Himself him who is godly; the Lord will hear when I call to Him.

children.” And God answered time and again.

lifted their child to Creator God and called on Him for help.

God has special promises to callers. Not complainers. Not silent observers. Not attenders of church. Not sincere hearers. No but He has promises to those who, from the depth of their heart, call on the name of the

we have forgotten where our power truly is - it is when we call on the name of the Lord. The book of Acts provides numerous examples that the church, though persecuted, when they called on the name of the Lord, God


responded and the church grew exponentially. How tragic with so much need all around us, that the weakest attended meeting in the church is the corporate prayer meeting. James the Apostle is right “We have

The word “call” is used over 100 times in the Old Testament. It means “to cry out, to shout, to invoke.” In the sense that I see someone from a distance and I cry out to him to get his attention. This is what the Old Testament people of God were known by. Not a doctrinal statement. Not a religious organization. But simply that they were those who called on the name of the Lord. Moses took note of what made God’s people special to other nations and people groups when he said in Deuteronomy 4:7: “For what nation is there so great who has a God so near them as the Lord our God is, when we

God said in Jeremiah 33:3: “Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things.” Again the Psalmist in Psalm 145:18 states: “The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth. He will fulfill the desires of those who fear Him; He will hear their cry and save them.”

The modern Pentecostal church has so much by way of programs and presentations - but

not, because we ask not.” May I exhort you today by borrowing the words of Isaiah the prophet: Seek the Lord while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near.

Psalm 14:4 provides a definition of the wicked as ‘those who do not call on the Lord.” They think they have all the answers. They live as if they do not need God.

I believe as we make prayer a priority in this house, God will respond to the call of His people.

call on Him.” The Philistines have their swords. The Egyptians have their chariots. The Amorities have their weapons. But ‘who is a people like

This is often why God permits trouble - so we learn the value of calling on God. David said, “In the day of trouble, I called upon the name of the Lord.

Pastor Tim Gibb Join us Wednesday nights this summer for Prayer from 6:30 to 7:30PM in the Sanctuary.

Coming This August

August 27


August 28

Family Barbeque & Youth Night All Churches Worship Night w w w . t h e l a n d i n g s a r n i a . c o m

A Note From Pastor Tricia Gibb Throughout the year the Western Ontario District of the PAOC organizes special

I came away convinced that these events are so incredibly valuable for our teens.

our Jr. High students said to me “It’s so great that we have a place that is ours that no

events for our Sr. High Youth to attend. One of those events is Overflow Convention, which we recently attended; the other is Braeside Youth Camp, coming up in July. This past May we took 17 teenagers to

They need occasions where the worship is geared to their musical preference and the preaching is directed specifically to their generation. They need times to get away, get re-focused and seek God in an

one will take away from us.” The last few months we’ve had the opportunity to build relationships with over 50 kids who each week are being engaged in conversations

Waterloo, ON to join with 2,000 other Christian youth at Overflow for an amazing weekend of worship, teaching and prayer. This was my first time attending our District Convention so I went with stereotypical

atmosphere that has been planned just for them. Which is why I am thrilled that 14 of our Bethel teens will be attending Youth Camp at Braeside this July 18th to 23rd. As with all District events, much prayer and

expectations. I assumed it would be loud, somewhat crazy, and that there would be little sleep. My expectations were certainly met… and exceeded. The worship was loud but powerful and centered on the

planning has gone into this week in order to give our youth the opportunity to go deeper in their relationship with Christ. As a Church I encourage you to be praying

presence of God. The services had moments of fun and craziness but they were focused on the Word of God and its

for our youth throughout the year. They are so important to Bethel; as part of our current congregation and as the future leaders of the Church. They are simply amazing and very deserving of our support and love!

Thank You We’ve wrapped up another amazing

relevance to this generation. And I definitely only got a little sleep but seeing our youth respond to God at the altar, taking their time to seek His presence and pray for one another was worth every hour of sacrificed sleep.

season of Rescue, our weekly program for kids in our community who are in grades 5 to 8. At the end of last year we were faced with a problem when our host location, The Annex announced they were closing. Thankfully our Church was willing to revamp our Hub so we could continue to offer Rescue. When the kids walked in the first week and saw the donated games and the new items we were able to purchase, they were thrilled! At the end of the night one of

about God and living a life of integrity. Thank you so much for your support of Rescue and your prayers for the kids in our community!

Impacting The Next Generation This summer our youth will be ministering to children at Braeside Family Camp. Over the weekends of July 9th/10th and 16th/17th our Revo3 teens will be teaching 100 children God’s Word through stories, skits, songs, and object lessons. Pray for them on these weekends that God will use them to powerfully teach the Bible.

intervention counseling and power of intercessory prayer at the

It is a real thrill to watch people grow and discover their gifts and callings, then to watch them use them for the glory of God to advance His Kingdom here in this part of the world.

altar. There are many alcoholics and drug addicts that come to church both drunk and (or) high. So we need to keep strong control of the altar to prevent disruptions. At our first training session one person asked “pastor you say that men should pray with men

Many young people have joined us. They have come from many parts of South America such as Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, and Brazil (only to name a few). This growth has caused a demand for a strong youth service to minister to their

and the women with women but what if a drag queen comes to the front for prayer?” I thought Danny was joking. After I pulled myself together and realizing he was serious, I explained that we are to love all and trust the Lord for wisdom. We do face unique situations because our neighborhood is full of drag queens.

special needs. They are often lonely, facing the temptations of the bright lights of this huge city. We discovered one young man whose name is Daniel from Ecuador. He is an excellent pianist. His cousin Norman is a drummer. Pablo is a guitarist with Daniel (from here in the Capital). Together these fine young men have formed a youth band. I really believe this is the time launch a strong youth

Roxana invited Rocío to church. Rocío had just received Jesus as her Savior and was looking for a church. Then Rocío invited her three sisters who came with their children, and all surrendered to Christ. Pray for one sister; her name is Sara. Sara has suffered unspeakable sorrow. She had four children, and two died

ministry. I will keep you posted regarding their progress.

terrible deaths. Without going in to a lot of details at this time, I simply ask for our friends in North America pray for Sara. She gave permission to share this request with you. Daniel and Johana invited María, who brought her baby girl and invited Eduvigis who brought her little boy Francisco. Pray for

The church is growing and new people are showing up in almost every service. For this reason we had to form and train an altar team because of the many problems in the inner city and the many dysfunctional families. I am working with them in crisis

each new believer that they will grow in Christ and that the seed of the gospel will be planted in good soil.

1. Pray for Sara and Edu

3. Pray for Victoria

They are new believers. Pray that they will grow in Christ. Pray that the seed of God's word will be planted in good ground.

She is a 45 day old baby with very serious heart problems. At this point, the doctors have not been able to find an answer. Her parents are under terrible stress.

2. Pray for the Enzo

4. We are growing

A Enzo, a child in our church with serious medical problems.

The purchase of a new building is an ever increasing need. Continue to pray that the Lord will supernaturally provide.

For more on the Bradbury ministry go to

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Sunday mornings during service: Nursery - Newborn to Age 3 Pre-School - Ages 3 to 5 Kidsplosion - Grades 1 to 4 YOUTH MINISTRY Revo 3 - Thursday night Jr. & Sr. High Youth service [Ages 13-17} Additional activities planned throughout the year. ADULT MINISTRY We have many groups with ongoing activities, check the bulletin and website for details of what’s upcoming! Young Adults - Weekly Bible Study group called “Life” meets Tues nights in Bethel Cafe. Led by Chris & Linda Guerette and Steve & Cathy Fraser. Young Families - Monthly activities for families with young children. Led by Kevin & Josie Hazzard. Real Women - Ongoing activities for women of all ages. The Core Men’s Ministry - Activities for all men. Led by Shannon Smith. Keenagers Seniors Ministry - Monthly lunch or special activity. Led by Carl & Faye Johnson. Music Ministry - Is always looking for new talent, including choir, audio and visual personnel. Speak to Caleb or Stephanie Courtney. Small Groups - Organized throughout the year around specific themes. Usually 4 to 6 weeks long. A great way to connect with others. Bible Study - Tuesday night Bible Study & Hymn Sing. Led by Gilbert & Margo VanSligtenhorst. Foundation Course - A course on the essentials of Christian faith followed by a retreat weekend. Led by Pastor Keith Patrick.

Connect at Bethel

6:30 PM Prayer

Fellowship Time to follow

6:30 PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

31 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

25 26 27 6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room 7:00 PM LIFE-Young 6:30 PM Prayer Adults KIDS ADVENTURE WEEK 25th-29th AGES 5-10

6:30 PM Service Mark Griffin

7:00 PM REVO3


7:00 PM REVO3


7:00 PM REVO3

6:00 PM Men’s BBQ




7:00 PM REVO3



7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults


6:30 PM Prayer


6:30 PM Prayer



24 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

Fellowship Time to follow

6:30 PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room



17 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room


7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults


7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults

6:30 PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

10 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

Fellowship Time to follow


6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room



3 COMMUNION 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb 6:30 PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb



JULY 2011















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