Welcome to Bethel! We are so glad to have you here! As you look through this Connect Bulletin, we trust you will quickly find that Bethel has something for you and your family.
JUNE 2012
This Month
TO KNOW City Prayer - June 6th On May 15th, churches from Sarnia met together at Temple Baptist Church for a special prayer meeting in response to the tragic recent suicides in our high schools and city. The response in that prayer meeting was tremendous, especially to hear the prayers of the students. It was agreed that this was not to be a one time prayer, but we are to continue to address this issue in our city in prayer. So we are calling the churches together again to join in prayer for our schools and city on Wednesday June 6th at 7PM at Temple Baptist Church. Come and be a part of this unified prayer movement.
Wednesday Prayer Beginning on Wednesday, June 13th, we will be showing a 4 part video teaching series by David Hogan, President of Freedom Ministries called “Faith to Raise the Dead”. This teaching was presented at the Brownsville School of Ministry in 1998 and was powerfully received. David Hogan’s ministry in missions has been marked by supernatural healings and even resurrections from the dead, confirmed by eyewitnesses. David has been used to plant several hundred churches. This teaching series will challenge you as you listen to this radical servant of the Lord. Do not miss these 4 Wednesday evenings beginning June 13th at 6:30PM in the Sanctuary.
Outreach Picnic Kathleen Ave A Neighbourhood Outreach Picnic is planned for Saturday, June 30th at Kathleen Ave park off of Indian Road between 11AM and 1PM. Volunteers are needed for games, BBQ, facepainting, etc. Plus distributing invitations in mailboxes the week before. This is a great way to bless an area in our city and share Christ’s love. Sign-up at the Welcome Desk or speak to Pastor Tricia.
Israel Trip 2013 - Info Meeting A trip to Israel is an absolutely amazing experience! Pastor Tim is leading a tour to Israel in April of 2013. An information meeting will be held on Monday, June 25th at 7:00PM. A full itinerary along with costs will be outlined. Please let the church office know of your interest so we can prepare for this information meeting.
We Are Christ Day Coming up very quickly is the We Are Christ Day for the Sarnia/Windsor section in Dresden, ON on June 23rd. This is our opportunity to join together with other churches in our section and be a part of a one-day missions trip in our own backyard. On June 23rd we will be meeting at the Dresden Arena (1212 North Street) at 10:00 a.m. to pray and worship together before breaking up into teams and preparing for acts of service around the town. There are lots of projects to choose from - we have something for men, women, teens and children to help with. It’s going to be a great day and we hope that you will come out and get involved! We want to bless the town of Dresden with so many volunteers from all over our section who will show them the love of Jesus! We need people to help with running a Carnival, running a Free Store, blessing a low-income housing unit, running activities for teens, serving refreshments on the street, serving breakfast to our local service men/ women, fixing and painting houses, doing yard work for people who need help, cleaning up the main street in Dresden, running a spa for women with child care, putting on a fitness class, offering cookie decorating for kids, and serving the town at the end of the day with a Pig Roast! And we need volunteers to help in every area!!! There are also some specific people we are looking for like: nurses, hairdressers, estheticians, and people who will come prepared with paint brushes and garden gloves to do some painting and yard work. We also need some men to help set up our Bethel tents for the Pig Roast. In preparation for the free store we need donations of: Toiletries (shampoo, soap, deodorant, creams, etc.) Linens and kitchen items (towels, new sheets, dish cloths, etc.) Baby items and Children’s clothing (diapers, wipes, etc.) Toys (new or gently used) Adult clothes
To help with the We Are Christ Day, sign up at the Welcome Desk or speak to Pastor Tricia for more information. Join us on June 23rd as we live out the Great Commission in Dresden by being the hands and heart of Jesus!
On May 18th – 20th, Bethel sent 34 teens and youth leaders to Overflow Youth Convention in Waterloo, ON. Overflow is our Western Ontario District’s annual event that hosts over 2000 youth for a weekend of concerts, worship and sermons from some of the leading youth speakers in North America. This year Overflow sold out with 2500 teens in attendance! The weekend was an amazing testament to the heart of passion our youth generation has for Jesus. I can’t explain to you how incredible it is to watch as 2500 teens lift their hands and voices and worship God with all their heart. Mark Colwell, our District Youth Director and the various speakers led the weekend by teaching and preaching from John 15:5. “I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” Our youth were challenged by the Word to remain in Jesus, to live for Him and through Him, not just in the moment, but for a lifetime. It was an honor for me as the Student Ministries Pastor and for all our dedicated youth leaders, to watch and see how God ministered to our teens and to be able to pray for them as they responded to the Spirit of God. But even greater than that, was to stand back and watch as the youth began to take leadership and lay hands on one another, praying for their friends and prophesying into their generation. It was a phe-
nomenal weekend that has forever changed our revothree youth group! Thank you to the parents, leaders and congregation of Bethel for loving our youth, believing in them, and being their greatest prayer support. It is a blessing to belong to a Church that values the next generation. Also to Steve, Josh, San, Laura, Stephanie, Katie, LaDawn and Kim – you guys rock! Thank you so much for sacrificing your weekend, for giving your all on a very small amount of sleep, for loving our youth, praying for them, staying up late to talk to them, and for being an example of what it means to remain in Jesus. I am so grateful for all of you! To our revothree students – I love you and I am so proud of you! The way you passionately pursued Jesus at Overflow has only increased my belief in your generation. Never forget that you have value in the Kingdom of God and that God’s glory is in you for the purpose of shining through you. It doesn’t stop just because the weekend is over; God’s presence is not just for the moment, but also for the lifetime. Remain in Him! -Tricia Gibb Student Ministries Pastor
FROM OUR YOUTH God changed my life and I’m not changing back for anything! The Lord gave me a gift, the Lord gave me a passion. The Lord gave me the wisdom on how He will use me. I’m giving everything for God now. There’s no going back! Fell in love this weekend again, and again, and again, with Jesus Christ. My Saviour, strength, guidance, trust, hope, and so much more. In complete awe of the indescribable things God is doing in our generation this weekend. This past weekend was amazing! From spending time in worship/prayer to the talks with my roomies, to listening to crazy good speakers! Don’t make everything you gained from overflow just a memory... Make it your LIFE. Thank you to all who were involved in making this weekend life altering for myself and many other youth. FROM OUR LEADERS What an awesome weekend. So overwhelmed with how much I love our Revo kids. So so proud of you all. And leaders…I could not ask for more quality people to serve along side. LOVE you all. OFLO = no sleep, no voice BUT an absolutely amazing time with a couple thousand crazy excited teens and I wouldn’t change a second of it! Revo you guys rock my socks!! :) I can’t even describe this past weekend!! It was absolutely amazing, I definitely serve a great God!!!!
UKRAINE MISSIONS TRIP - AUG 2ND-16TH A team of 15 people from Bethel will be traveling to the nation of Ukraine this August for ministry to churches and orphans. Team members include: Mary Carr, Chris Dionne, Justina Dionne, Sarah Ellenor, Tim Fleming, Mary Gates, Doug Nixon, Joyce Nixon, Laura Nixon, Dave & Jeanette Strevel, Chantelle White, Carolyn Zavitz, Pastor Tricia and Pastor Tim. This team will be working with Ed Dickson of Loads of Love Ministry. The team will be ministering in a number of churches over the 2 weekends of ministry. For 5 days during the week, Pastor Tricia and 10 of the team members will be running a Bible summer camp for orphan kids. It is expected that between 100 to 150 kids will be in attendance. Pastor Tim, along with Doug Nixon and Dave & Jeanette Strevel, will be traveling to various cities for the purpose of connecting with local Pastors and city-wide revival services, as well as minister at a 2 day church workers conference.
WHAT CAN WE BRING TO UKRAINE? Our airline carrier is allowing us to bring 3 fifty pound suitcases along with a carry-on. Each team member is going to use only 1 suitcase and carry-on for personal belongings, leaving 2 suitcases (or hockey bags) for supplies. We want to bring approximately 150 bags filled with supplies, as a gift to the orphan kids (similiar to Operation Christmas Shoe Boxes). At the time of printing this bulletin, we are working with Ed Dickson to determine the best items to be put in each bag and will present to you an opportunity to supply these items soon. We also wish to bring some other supplies with us. Children’s clothes, shoes and craft / school items are appreciated. We welcome any donations of these items. If we are not able to get all of the donated items in our suitcases, we will take them to the Loads of Love Warehouse in Chatham where they will be shipped to Ukraine in a large shipping container.
Upcoming Fundraisers to Support the Ukraine Mission 1. Sticky Fingers (Cinnamon Buns) for Father’s Day, June 17th. Order a box or more of Sticky Fingers (10 to a box) for Father’s Day for a minimum donation of $10. Orders must be in by June 13th. We have been guaranteed that the sticky fingers will be baked early morning on Father’s Day and delivered to our church that Sunday morning for pickup in our Lobby after the service. 2. Big Air for Ukraine Wakeboard Show, BBQ & Try-outs! Friday June 29th 4PM-8PM Tim Nixon of Boarder Pass will be bringing us an evening of good times on the Bay wakeboarding. Try it out for yourself or sponsor someone to show their skills. Hang-out and enjoy a BBQ as you watch your friends on the water. All proceeds will go to the Ukraine missions trip!
M e s s a g e s F r o m A b o v e - A 7 w e e k s e r i e s o n t h e o l d Te s t a m e n t P r o p h e t s
JUNE 3 - Chapter 15 – God’s Messengers
1 - Canada Day Special Service
- (Elijah, Elisha) AM Service
8 - Chapter 19 – The Return Home
- The Prophet Hosea PM Service
15 - Chapter 20 - The Queen of Beauty & Courage (Esther)
10 - Chapter 16 – The Beginning of the End
22 - Ed Dickson, Missionary to Ukraine
17 - Chapter 17 – The Kingdom’s Fall
29 - Chapter 21- Rebuilding the Walls (Nehemiah)
24 - Chapter 18 – Daniel in Exile
Article By Lorrie Gibbons
delegration of seniors once came to see me when I was their Lead Pastor to express their feelings about an issue that concerned them. Their question to me was simply: “Why is it that although it seems that we pay for everything around this church, it appears that nothing is ever done for us?” I thought about it for a few moments and then the Lord dropped this response into my head… “Welcome to parenting!”
All of us who are parents, understand that statement. As a parent, I have often felt like nothing is for me but yet everything costs me. We pay for everything. It’s what parents do, we pay the shot. I have never charged our boys rent or made them cover the hydro bill and it seems to me that they, and all their friends, have free access to the refrigerator at any time, day or night. I do not require our sons to return my love nor do I resent all the hours I have spent doing the things they enjoy, whatever it is-because it’s not about me! I’m the parent so life is not about me. Parenting is about the children.
How we act and how we live is the true proof of godliness and spirituality. The old axiom is true, actions speak louder than words.
Paul speaks to the Galatian church illustrating the depth of his love and his devotion to them as their spiritual parent. In the New Living Translation of Galatians 4:19 Paul states: “Oh, my dear children! I feel as if I’m going through labor pains for you again, and they will continue until Christ is fully developed in your lives.” Paul knew what it was like to birth spiritual children and also stay involved in their lives to help them grow up in the Lord. What a privilege it is to be a spiritual parent! As I have pondered this idea recently, God showed me ten ways we can identify a spiritual parent:
GOOD PARENTS PAY FOR EVERYTHING They don’t consider how their life will be impacted but they always put their family first.
WANT. Need versus want is an important difference to clarify and teach to our children. To give a child everything they ask for is to let a child destroy themselves.
GOOD PARENTS PROTECT A shepherd is willing to give his life for his sheep.
GOOD PARENTS LEAVE A LEGACY We must sow seeds of kindness and leave our spiritual children with a godly example to follow.
GOOD PARENTS RAISE CHILDREN TO RELEASE THEM It usually is that just when your children get to an age where they have become wellrounded, responsible adults that you can enjoy instead of pay for, they move on with their life often far away from home. We must always influence our children to grow to go…and do greater things than we could ever accomplish.
that all children need love, especially when they don’t deserve it.
GOOD PARENTS PRAY Prayer is always the key to successfully raising spiritual children. They need our support in all ways but especially in prayer, helping them understand a sense of the divine in all things.
GOOD PARENTS PRAISE CHILDREN AND ARE PROUD OF THEIR ACCOMPLISHMENTS Children grow best in a positive environment and need to be affirmed about the goodness of their unique design. Recently, I asked our district executive to give me in ten seconds the name of an individual whom they are personally discipling. We each should be actively discipling someone on an ongoing basis. 1 Corinthians 13:11 says, “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.” We, who have served God for many years, must realize our great responsibility and role as spiritual parents. We should actively engage ourselves in caring for those who are young in faith, and we should be concerned about their well-being. When things are right between you and the Lord, regardless of much, or how little, you know intellectually you can be a spiritual parent and be part of fulfilling the Great Commission. What a privilege!
We must not only be proud of any success our spiritual children may have, we must revel in their successes and never be threatened.
GOOD PARENTS LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY We must love like Jesus loved with no expectation of love in return. We love our children because it’s the right thing to do and understand
Lorrie Gibbons District Superintendent PAOC Western Ontario
Marriage Mentoring - A program that matches experienced married couples with couples that want to improve their marriage, fix problems, or are preparing for marriage.
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Sunday mornings during service: Nursery - Newborn to Age 3 Pre-School - Ages 3 to 5 Kidsplosion - Grades 1 to 4 YOUTH MINISTRY Revo 3 - Thursday night Jr. & Sr. High Youth service [Ages 13-17} Additional activities planned throughout the year. ADULT MINISTRY We have many groups with ongoing activities, check the bulletin and website for details of what’s upcoming! Young Adults - Weekly Bible Study group called “Life” meets Tues. nights in Bethel Cafe. Led by Chris & Linda Guerette and Steve & Kathy Fraser. Real Women - Ongoing activities for women of all ages. Led by Pam Lozon. The Core Men’s Ministry - Activities for all men. Led by Shannon Smith. Keenagers Seniors Ministry - Monthly lunch or special activity. Led by Carl & Faye Johnson. Music Ministry - Is always looking for new talent, including choir, audio and visual personnel. Speak to Caleb or Stephanie Courtney. Home Fellowship groups - New to Bethel or desire to connect with others? Join one of our Thursday evening Home Fellowship Groups. Contact Darwin & Angela Armstrong or Pastors Keith & Patricia for more details. A great way to connect with others. Bible Study - Tuesday night Bible Study & Hymn Sing. Led by Gilbert & Margo VanSligtenhorst. Restoration Course - A course on the essentials of Christian faith followed by a retreat weekend. Led by Pastor Keith Patrick.
Connect At Bethel
JUNE 2012