CONNECT MAGAZINE | June 2011 Issue

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Welcome to Bethel! We are so glad to have you here! As you look through this Connect bulletin, we trust that you will quickly find that Bethel has something for you and your family. Our hope is that you will take the next step into our community and get involved. As you do, you will begin to see that Bethel is more than just a Sunday service, it is a family of everyday people following Christ to bring hope and change to the world - one life at a time.

Pastor Tim Gibb Lead Pastor


JUNE 2011

This Month

Bethel News

Bay Revival In Detroit, MI June 16-17, 2011 | Thursday @ 7 PM, Friday @ 10 AM & 7 PM | New Hope Assembly of God Taylor, Michigan 48180 USA Join Pastor John Kilpatrick, Evangelist Nathan Morris and Worship Leader Lydia Stanley for two powerful nights of revival services at New Hope Assembly of God in Detroit, Michigan. Speak to Pastor Keith or call the Church Office if you wish to travel with group from Bethel.

Prayer Meetings In June For the month of June, we will be having our church prayer meeting on Wednesdays from 6:30PM to 7:30PM. God responds to a praying church.


Kids Fun Fest Day @ Centennial Park On June 11th Pastor Trish and team will be representing Bethel among 80 other organizations at Kids Funfest Day, a city of Sarnia initiative. This free event is open to all families and takes place in Centennial Park from 10:00 to 4:00.

Kathleen Ave Neighborhood Picnic Date: June 25th from 11:00 to 1:00 (volunteers meet at park at 10:00 a.m.) We have the opportunity on June 25th to be a blessing to our community and give back to a neighbourhood that is longing for encouragement and relationship. Join us as we bring an afternoon of food, activity, and the love of Christ to Kathleen Ave. Sign up at Welcome Desk or speak to Pastor Trish for more info.

Coming This Summer

Braeside Youth Camp Ages: 12 to 18. Cost: $265 if register by June 8th. Speak to Pastor Trish for more information and registration forms.

Summer Ministry At Braeside This summer Pastor Trish is taking 2 teams of youth to Braeside Camp to lead services for 100+ children at Family Camp. Please be praying for our youth as they prepare and minister during the summer! For more information talk to Pastor Trish.

King’s Kids Celebrate 30 Years “The Lord is great and greatly to be praised, His greatness is beyond understanding. What You have done will be praised from one generation to the next.” Psalm 145: 3-4 King’s Kids was founded by Pastor George Carrol and Connie Robertson in 1981. Connie left after one year and I had the priviledge of coming in 1982. Throughout the years we have had dedicated teachers, Shelly Carter, Sue Vanderwal, Esther Burden, Stacey Schiestel. We thank God for the years of great families who came through the doors of King’s Kids. We saw children grow up, some became teachers, nurses, plant workers, doctors, missionaries etc. We have children of the children now attending King’s Kids. Praise God! Our favorite theme at school is “Jesus loves me”. We feel this is the most important truth to teach the children. Our program is a Christian Co-op and we start our day with prayer and talk daily of God’s world, and love of Jesus while providing a nursery school experience. We do theme based programs: Christmas, Easter, Community Helpers, etc. Our highlight is our Graduation day where all the children sing songs for families, receive a diploma and have a fellowship time afterwards. We are celebrating our 30th year on Wednesday June 22nd at 10AM in the Sanctuary. I thank God for my co-worker, Amber Robb who has worked with me for several years. We thank God for the staff at Bethel who have supported King’s Kids all these years. Special thanks to Pastor Tim, Helen, Carol and King’s Kids board members. When I came to King’s Kids in 1982, the Lord gave me a verse, Ephesians 3:20-21, “Unto HIM who by means of HIS power working in us is able to do so much more than we can ever ask or think , to God be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus for all time, forever and ever. AMEN” Praise God for 30 years at King’s Kids Nursery School! We commit the future of King’s Kids to the Lord. - Betty Armstrong

Bethel congratulates King’s Kids Nursery School for 30 years. Special congratulates to Mrs. Betty Armstrong for who has served in 29 of those years. If you are interested in your children being a part of King’s Kids for enrollment for the Fall, please contact the Church Office.

Pastor Tim is leading a team of ministers and medical staff to the nations of Kenya and Uganda this June 13th to July 1st. Ministry Team members are: Pastor Tim Gibb, Margaret Gibb (Pastor Tim’s Mom), Ruth Coghill (Seasoned with Salt Ministries, Fergus, On), Chris and Linda Guerette (Bethel Elder). Medical Team members are: Brenda McLaughlin (Windsor), Catherine Routley (St. Catherines), Charlotte Allen (Strathroy), and Stephanie Fraser (Bethel Sarnia).

Mon June 13th Travel Day Tues June 14th Travel Day Wed June 15th Ministry at Pentecostal Bible College in Nyang’ori Kenya with Missionaries Mike and Sheila Middlebrook. Services both morning and evening. Afternoon Teaching Sessions. Medical Team will be working with local health clinic for 4 days. Thurs June 16th Ministry at Pentecostal Bible College in Nyang’ori Kenya. Services both morning and evening. Afternoon Teaching Sessions. Fri June 17th Ministry at Pentecostal Bible College in Nyang’ori Kenya. Services both morning and evening. Afternoon Teaching Sessions. Sat June 18th Ministry at Pentecostal Bible College in Nyang’ori Kenya. Services both morning and evening. Afternoon Teaching Sessions.

Sun June 19th Team will be divided and preaching in 3 area churches. Pastor Tim will be speaking to over 1000 High School Students. Travel that evening to Nairobi, Kenya. Mon June 20th Team will be visiting the PAOC Bible College in Nairobi, Kenya. Connecting with Ministry Leaders. Tues June 21st Travel Day to Uganda Wed June 22nd Connecting with Ministry Leaders in Kampala Uganda. Visiting Watoto Orphanage. Meeting with General Superintendent of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Uganda. Travel to Fort Portal Uganda (5 hour drive West of Kampala). Thurs June 23rd Pastors Conference in Fort Portal Uganda. Expect 300-400 Pastors to be present. Medical Team providing Health Seminars and working at local clinic. Fri June 24th Pastors Conference in Fort Portal Uganda. Distribution of Bikes and Bibles.

Sat June 25th Pastors Conference in Rwebisengo, Uganda. 2 hour drive from Fort Portal. On the Congo Border. Both Ugandan and Congo pastors to be present. Medical Team to provide basic health seminar and work at local health clinic. It is at this health clinic that Bethel Sarnia provided solar panels for electricity in 2005. Sun June 26th Minister at the Tree of Life Church Fort Portal in the morning. Women’s Conference in the Afternoon. Mon June 27th Day Off – Recreation Tues June 28th Travel to Kampala, Uganda Wed June 29th Medical Team to work with local health clinics in Kampala. Thurs June 30th Travel Day Fri July 1st Arrive at Pearson Int. Airport in Toronto at 3PM.

Article By Pastor Tim

O Israel, We Stand On Guard For Thee On May 19, 2011 President Obama sadly made an imperceptive declaration – announcing that any quest for peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians "must begin with a return to the 1967 borders". Such action against Israel would only put Israel in an impossible indefensible position against surrounding enemies whose sole goal is her destruction. It would move the tiny nation of Israel now from a country spanning 44 miles across to just 9 miles. Thankfully our Prime Minister has declared Canada’s full and unwavering support of Israel, even in the face of mounting political pressure. The Globe and Mail on May 25, 2011 reported: “Alone among G8 leaders, the Canadian Prime Minister refuses to embrace the U.S. President’s plan to begin peace negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis on the basis of a return to Israel’s de facto borders as they existed before its 1967 war with neighbouring Arab countries.” Here is an article by well-respected Christian leader Jack Hayford which outlines why we as Christian believers need to stand with Israel in these days.

Why Stand With Israel Today?

spare you either." When the fullness of the Gentiles is completed, "all Israel will be saved." Romans 11:16-27)

By: Jack Hayford

So why stand with Israel today?

Israel is a land about which God says uniquely, prophetically, redemptively and

We are living in a sobering moment in history that calls us, as believers in Jesus Christ, to take a stand with Israel. We could be people of the last hour. We are not to be passive in the face of prophecy; we are called to pray with

repeatedly in the Bible This is Mine. God refers to Israel as He does to no other land on Earth. Israel was raised up to be a light to the Gentiles. The Church at its inception was virtually entirely Jewish, and it remained so until the gospel began to spread. Ultimately the gospel spread to Antioch, where the first Gentile congregation began, the base from which the Gospel spread into all the world. In the book of Romans, chapters 9 through 11, the apostle Paul deals with the question of the Jews in God's providence and purpose. Within the whole of the Bible, these three chapters virtually stand alone as an elaboration of the theology of God's dealing with Jews. The Jews were the "first fruit"—the "first people" (through Abraham) to understand a covenant God. They then relayed the riches of that truth to the world, and through their agency, the Messiah came into the world. The Word of God calls Jews the "root" and Gentiles the "branches." We're reminded that while "because of unbelief, some of them were broken off and you stand by faith," we are not to become haughty but to fear: "For if God did not spare the natural branches, He may not

passion, to intercede and to minister according to the words of the Savior who said it is not our task to speculate when the end will be. It is our responsibility to do Kingdom business until He comes Luke 19:13). This is not about politics; this is about the Word of God, but the political ramifications are extremely dramatic. Scripture declares there will come a time when all the nations of the world will turn against Israel. It is so highly conceivable this could happen in our time that it is critical to outline why we should stand with Israel today.

Eight Reasons for Standing With Israel 1. Every believer is charged to make the Jews a priority in their value system and to render thanksgiving from their hearts for God's work via them as a people. Understanding the basis of the attention that we give to the Jews has to do with understanding God's divine order and things that God said. It involves a people and a land.

Every believer is charged to make Jews a priority in their value system because God has. The Lord selected a people ... He began by selecting a man named Abraham. The Lord said that through the seed of Abraham (in relationship with his wife, Sarah, giving birth to the promised child, Isaac) all the nations of the Earth will be blessed ... every human being having access to the divine blessing of Almighty God. In Genesis 12:3, the Lord says in the covenant He makes with Abraham: "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." This relates not only to a people (the Jews), but it also relates to a land (Israel). God will judge nations and deal with them for their decisions, just as He does individuals. The Lord chose them for purposes: "...who are the Israelites, to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service of God, and the promises; of whom are the fathers and from whom, according to the flesh, Christ came, who is over all, the eternally blessed God. Amen" Romans 9:4). Jesus, God’s gift to mankind, came through the Jews and came as a Jew. Jesus Himself, speaking to the woman of Samaria, said, "Salvation is of the Jews.” So Scripture speaks to us very clearly: We’re

dealing with the roots of everything that has to do with the revelation of God to humankind. The proof of this is in the very existence of the Jews as a people and the fact that they've been recovered as a nation. Today the struggle is over Jerusalem, over Israel, and over the presence of Jews and their right to have a land. There are few nations willing to make an abiding commitment to stand by the Jews and Israel, but the Bible says God will honor those who do.

2. Our place in God's present order inextricably links us with the Jews as a people, and thereby the land of Israel, according to the Word. When we put our faith in the Redeemer who came through the Jews, we enter into a line of those who have trusted God according to His revealed grace and redemptive purpose. Scripture declares that, spiritually speaking, when you receive the Lord, you become a Jew (Romans 2:28-29; Galatians 3:26-29). If you are a believer, you cannot be consistent with the whole of Scripture and take a position that is passive toward the Jews and Israel.

3. God has made unique declarations regarding the land of Israel which have never been rescinded: When we talk about Israel, we are dealing with: 1) a piece of property that God has made pronouncements about and 2) God's people to whom He's given the land. It is a major issue with the Creator of all things, and it is non-negotiable. Things that God has said uniquely about Israel have never been rescinded.

4. Israel's present conflict is neither by their initiative nor perpetuated by expansionism or racism on their part. The general attitude of the world today regards the Palestinians as the underdog, but Israel is defending the land covenanted to them in 1917 and established by the United Nations Assembly in 1948. The Palestinian goal is not to secure a homeland but to drive

by intercessory prayer where principalities and powers are cast down.

7. The same spirit driving these animosities is equally opposed to Christians as to Jews, and in time will eventually bring persecution to both. Just as Scripture states there are two witnesses that will be put to death in Jerusalem at the

Israel out altogether. For the sake of mounting public opinion against Israel, surrounding, well-resourced Arab nations have never offered refuge to the Palestinians. The majority of the world doesn't know this, and nobody is

very end of time (Revelation 11), there have been two witnesses that have stood for God throughout history: the Jews and the Christians.

bothering to tell them because sympathies are so overridden by other forces.

The hostilities and animosities are just as leveled at believers as they are at Israel, because there is a spirit in the world that is against all that is called God and everything about Him.

5. To stand with Israel is not to oppose Arab peoples as an entity nor to oppose the rights of Arabs living in Israel to a peaceful, politically secure, and prosperous life. God has no disposition against any human being, certainly not Arabs who are the offspring of, Ishmael, the other son of His chosen leader Abraham. Standing for Israel doesn't require an anti-Arab stance and doesn't require us to be loveless toward other peoples.

6. The relentless animosities of sectors of the Arab world are not merely political causes but are driven by spiritual powers that will not be satisfied until Israel ceases to exist. The forces opposed to Israel are not simply those of people who don't like Jews. We are

8. A biblical assignment and a divine promise summon our stand in faith, our intercession with expectancy, and our support with promise. We are called to stand with Israel today because we could be people of the last hour. The Lord has called us to be people with moral and biblical conviction, walking wisely and knowing His Word. He will honor those who make an abiding commitment to stand with the land He's called uniquely His Psalm 122:6). Jack Hayford is founding pastor of The Church on the Way in Van Nuys, California, and former president of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel.

caught in the stream of spiritual forces greater than humanity, forces that cannot be overthrown politically or by the power of persuasion. These forces can only be broken

Two Videos Worth Watching. (by searching) 1. Prager University: The Middle East Problem

2. Israel’s Critical Security Needs for a Viable Peace

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Sunday mornings during service: Nursery - Newborn to Age 3 Pre-School - Ages 3 to 5 Kidsplosion - Grades 1 to 4 YOUTH MINISTRY Revo 3 - Thursday night Jr. & Sr. High Youth service [Ages 13-17} Additional activities planned throughout the year. ADULT MINISTRY We have many groups with ongoing activities, check the bulletin and website for details of what’s upcoming! Young Adults - Weekly Bible Study group called “Life” meets Tues nights in Bethel Cafe. Led by Chris & Linda Guerette and Steve & Cathy Fraser. Young Families - Monthly activities for families with young children. Led by Kevin & Josie Hazzard. Real Women - Ongoing activities for women of all ages. The Core Men’s Ministry - Activities for all men. Led by Shannon Smith. Keenagers Seniors Ministry - Monthly lunch or special activity. Led by Carl & Faye Johnson. Music Ministry - Is always looking for new talent, including choir, audio and visual personnel. Speak to Caleb or Stephanie Courtney. Small Groups - Organized throughout the year around specific themes. Usually 4 to 6 weeks long. A great way to connect with others. Bible Study - Tuesday night Bible Study & Hymn Sing. Led by Gilbert & Margo VanSligtenhorst. Foundation Course - A course on the essentials of Christian faith followed by a retreat weekend. Led by Pastor Keith Patrick.

Connect at Bethel

6:30 PM Service Mike Kerychuk

26 10:30 AM Service Mike Kerychuk

6:30 PM Service Dr. Larry Martin

19 10:30 AM Service Dr. Larry Martin

6:30 PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

12 10:30 AM Service Steve Hawkins

6:30 PM Service Video-Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival Highlights


1:00 PM Mom’s In Touch


1:00 PM Mom’s In Touch



7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults-Café

6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room


7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults-Café

6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room


7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults-Café

6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room


7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults-Café

6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room



5 COMMUNION 10:30 AM Service Video- When God’s Spirit moves #6 1:00 PM Mom’s In Touch




6:00 PM RESCUE-Hub

10:00 AM King’s Kid’s 30th Graduation


6:00 PM RESCUE-Hub


6:00 PM RESCUE-Hub


6:00 PM RESCUE-Hub




7:00 PM REVO3


7:00 PM REVO3


7:00 PM REVO3


7:00 PM REVO3


7:00 PM REVO3

6-9 PM Drop off for Yard Sale in Gym


JUNE 2011


12:00 PM Keenagers BBQ



6-9 PM Drop off for Yard Sale in Gym



8:00 AM—12:00 PM Yard Sale

11:00 AM-1:00 PM Neighborhood Picnic -Kathleen Avenue


7:00 PM Dr. Larry Martin


11 10:00 AM-4:00 PM Kids FunFest-at Centennial Park



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