CONNECT MAGAZINE | March 2011 Issue

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Welcome to Bethel! We are so glad to have you here! As you look through this Connect bulletin, we trust that you will quickly find that Bethel has something for you and your family. Our hope is that you will take the next step into our community and get involved. As you do, you will begin to see that Bethel is more than just a Sunday service, it is a family of everyday people following Christ to bring hope and change to the world ! one life at a time.

Pastor Tim Gibb Lead Pastor




Elder Board As a result of our Annual Church Business meeting, the following will serve as our Elders for 2011: Grace Celaire, Caleb Courtney, Bob Foster, Steve Fraser, Chris Guerette, Doug Nixon, Ken Steenwyk, Dave Strevel.

Membership On Sunday, February 27th, we welcome 13 new members into our church. They are: Abin Alex, Bill Dunn, Cheryl Dunn, Mary Elliot, Madhummitha George, Dave Kernohan, Arun Kumar, Kim Lapier, Gord Nimmo, Michele Nimmo, Jordan Ouellette, Elizabeth Ryan, Marianne Service. If you would like to become a member at Bethel, please contact the church office and we will let you know when our next membership classes will be taking place.

Choir With Easter coming the end of April, we are welcoming choir members to join as we prepare for the Easter season of ministry. Choir practices are Wednesday nights. See Stephanie Courtney for more information.

Moms In Touch Moms In Touch is a prayer group for women who pray for area schools, teachers and students ! for God’s blessing, protection, and Christian witness. If you are a woman and have a calling to pray for our schools, then we invite you to join us on Mondays at Bethel Church from 1PM to 2PM for prayer. Speak to Carol Kernohan or Rozanne Leystra for more information.

Adult Sunday School Class Starting Sunday at 9 am on April 17th Do you ever feel like your brain has just ‘switched off’? Have you ever felt discouraged, unfocussed or overwhelmed? Are there unhealthy patterns in your life or your family that you just can’t seem to break? A thought may seem harmless, but if it becomes toxic, it can become physically, emotionally, or spiritually dangerous. Dr Caroline Leaf has an amazing way of teaching both the scientific and spiritual aspects of the mind. We will clearly see how brain science lines up with Scripture – your mind can be renewed, toxic thoughts and emotions swept away, and your brain can be ‘switched on’. Join Pastor Patricia for this 6 week series featuring this South African doctor who has been researching the science of thought since 1985. Each week we will watch a 30 minute video teaching, and then discuss the implications and applications in our everyday lives.



MARK GRIFFIN Mark Griffin is a former PAOC Western Ontario Youth Director and Pastor. He and his family have felt the call of God to begin a network of church plants in Germany. This nation, of the great protestant reformation, is now predominantly agnostic and is less than 1% born again evangelical.

MARK DAVY Mark and Sharon Davy are founders of Global Harvest Ministries based in London, On. Mark conducts evangelistic crusades predominantly in North Africa, demonstrating the Gospel through miracles. To date, GHM has seen 1.7 million salvation in these Muslim nations.

STEVE HAWKINS Terry & Heather Burns have recently concluded their full"time missions work in the nation of Ukraine. On January 2, 2011, Terry and Heather began their new role as Senior Pastors of the Pembroke Pentecostal Tabernacle in Pembroke, Ontario. Terry & Heather will desire to continue with ministry in Ukraine through short"term missions trips through their local church. We pray God’s richest blessing on them in their new ministry.!

Gord and Anita Cooledge recently announced that they will be concluding their ministry at the Village of Hope in Zimbabwe in 2011 and will be returning to life in Canada. Bethel has been a financial supporter of the Cooledge’s since they began their ministry in Zimbabwe in 2004. Bethel will be continuing to support the Cooledge’s as they conclude their ministry this year. We will then see what direction the ministry of Village of Hope takes when! our missions budget for 2012 is set. We thank the Cooledge’s for their ministry these past 7 years and wish them all the best in their future plans.!

Ken & Marge McGowan have recently concluded their full"time missions work in the nation of Uganda. On February 7, 2011, Ken & Marge were installed as the new pastors of the PAOC church in Watford, On. Watford is a part of the Sarnia section for the PAOC. We welcome Ken & Marge to our section and pray God’s blessing on them and the church in Watford. !

Charles & Desirea,! our Missionaries in India, are home in Canada for a few months for rest and connection with supporting churches. They will be with us at Bethel on Sunday, May 1st to bring us a report of their ministry.!

Steve travels as a missionary evangelist in many nations of the world. He also leads tours to Israel and has a strong connection with culture groups within the city of Toronto. Steve is well equipped in his ministry as he is able to speak several languages fluently.

Bethel recognizes the nation of Israel as God’s promised land for the Jewish people whom He loves. We desire to be a blessing to the Jewish people in Israel and to provide support to Christian ministries sharing the love of Jesus in Israel. We will be selecting a Christian ministry to support in Israel.!

This June 13"30, Pastor Tim will be leading a mission of ministers and medical personal to the countries of Kenya and Uganda. In Kenya, Pastor Tim and team will be ministering in churches and at the Pentecostal Assemblies of Kenya Bible College. Working with our Missionaries Mike and Sheila Middlebrook along with the General Superintendent of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Kenya, the team will be teaching at the Bible college as well as chapel services and evening services. In Uganda, we will be traveling to the community of Fort Portal and there be will conducting a Pastor’s conference, Men’s and Women’s conferences, along with village and gospel crusades. The medical team will be providing health seminars as well as HIV testing. We will be working with Evie Komuntale and her Outreach to Africa ministry. We will also travel to the Congo border and conduct a one day pastors conference and evening crusade, ministering to both Uganda and Congo pastors. This is the same community to which Bethel in 2005 provided a medical clinic with solar panels along with medical supplies. We will be looking to raise funds for this trip for the purpose of providing practical assistance to the churches and ministries in these communities where we will be ministering.

Crisis In The Middle East

by: Pastor Tim Gibb

The Middle East is in chaos right now as segments of the population in various

Libya will experience peace even if (or when) Gaddafi is deposed. Dirk

in the power of the Holy Spirit. Some 3,000 people that day repented of their

nations are revolting against brutal dictators and demanding change. While these dictators personally rape their nation with billions of dollars in personal assets, the people are experiencing high

Vandewalle, a Libyan expert at Dartmouth University, told Time:"”Both sides, both the population, and the security organizations, know exactly what’s at stake. If government militias [are to] win, they will have to kill

sins and became fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. It is likely that Libyans were among them since they are mentioned in the text.

unemployment and food shortages. While we hope for peace and democracy to come to these nations, democracy does not have a very good track record in the Middle East Arab nations. Israel and the

many more, and if the security organizations lose, then the people, the regular people in Libya are going to take their revenge….Either way we’re going to see a terrible blood bath.” David Mack, a

In Acts 11, we learn that Libyan (Cyrene) followers of Jesus Christ helped bring the gospel to Antioch, Syria, and made disciples for Jesus there.

West are greatly concerned of what may take over these nations – namely, the Muslim brotherhood, who has clearly stated that one of there goals is the destruction of Israel.

former deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs, told Time that"the worst possible outcome would be a widespread lawlessness in which Libya degenerated into a kind of “Somalia on the Mediterranean.”

At the time of this writing (March 4,2011), Libya is the nation dominating the news headlines. Estimates tell us that at least 1,000 Libyans are dead. Many more are wounded. Some 100,000 people have apparently fled Libya in recent"days as the situation"goes from bad to worse.

What does the Bible tell us? Libya is referred to numerous times in the Scriptures, both directly and indirectly.

The first sentence of a"new Time magazine

In Matthew 27, for example, we learn that it was a Libyan man — Simon of Cyrene"(a part of ancient Libya)"– who carried the cross for our Lord Jesus.

article asks “Is it the End of Days for Libya?” The article looks at the rising death toll as Gaddafi continues using his army to slaughter the Libyan people desperate for change. It also asks the question of whether

In Acts chapter 2, we learn that God! fearing men from Libya were present in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost and heard the Apostle Peter preach the gospel

Libya is referred to numerous times in the Scriptures, both directly and indirectly In Acts 13 we learn that a Libyan man — Lucius of Cyrene — becomes one of the leaders of the church at Antioch, helping send out Barnabus and Paul to take the gospel to Asia and Europe. Again and again in the Scriptures we see that the Lord loves the people of Libya. He wants them to know Him and receive His free gift of salvation. That said, Bible prophecy also tells us the government and many of the people of Libya will be engaged in great evil in the End of Days.

In Ezekiel 38-39, we learn that Libya is one of the nations that joins the Russian!

Antichrist"”will gain control over the hidden treasures of gold and silver and

Iranian alliance against Israel in “the last days” (referred to as the War of Gog and Magog). In this prophecy, Ezekiel uses the name “Put.” Bible & history scholars tell us that the area of ‘Put” is modern Libya

over all the precious things of Egypt; and Libyans and Ethiopians [the people of "Cush," which includes modern Sudan, Ethiopia and possible Eritrea] will follow at his heels.” It is not entirely clear why the

and possibly included Algeria and possibly Tunisia. This tells us the no matter what the near term outcomes of the revolutions underway in North Africa are, in the not!too!distant future Libya for certain, and possibly her neighbors, will have virulently anti!Semitic and anti!Israel leadership who will eagerly join a coalition"bent on"destroying the Jews and occupy the land of Israel. Gaddafi, of course, is already such a leader. Perhaps he will ride out this storm and stay in power. Perhaps someone worse will rise up after him. Hopefully Gaddafi will be deposed and"a more moderate leadership will rise up for a season before the prophecy of the “War of Gog and Magog” comes to fulfillment. Either way, the Church should be using this window of time to do everything possible to get the gospel into Libya and to strengthen the persecuted believers in Libya before the country faces God’s judgment for attacking Israel. In Daniel 11, we learn that Libya is one of the countries that will be under the control and direction of the Antichrist in “the last days.” The Hebrew Prophet Daniel tells us that “a despicable person will arise”"during “a time of tranquility” and will seize global power “by intrigue” and by “overflowing forces” in the End"Times."This person, known in Christian theology as the Antichrist,"”will do as he pleases, and he will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will speak monstrous things against the God of gods; and he will prosper until the indignation is finished, for that which is decreed will be done.” The Bible tells us the Antichrist “will enter the Beautiful Land” — that is, Israel — and “will stretch out his hand against other countries.”"Eventually, the"Antichrist will gain control of the entire world and force all people who haven’t received Christ as Savior and Lord to bow and worship him or"be beheaded. But the Bible specifically notes that the

The Church should be using this window of time to do everything possible to get the gospel into Libya and to strengthen the persecuted believers in Libya before the country faces God’s judgment for attacking Israel Bible points specifically to “Libyans” and “Ethiopians” as among those who will follow and serve the Antichrist, but this is what the Lord tells us in advance will happen. This is all the more reason the Church must seek to reach all of North Africa with the gospel of Jesus Christ before it is too late. Please be praying faithfully for Libya and all of North Africa at this critical hour.

This Article is also Available Online at Bonus Article on Egypt in Bible Prophecy

News Pastor Tim recently accepted the invitation to serve on the national board of directors for the ministry Christians for Israel Canada which is based in Brantford, On. Pastor Tricia was recently appointed by the Western Ontario District of the PAOC to serve as the Women’s Ministry representative for the Windsor!Chatham! Sarnia area.

Praise Report by: Alice DeRoeck My testimony is for God’s Glory, for with Him all things are possible when we believe and put our faith in Him. 2010 was a very challenging year for me. On July 9th, I collapsed on the floor and became instantly paralyzed from the arms down. I had no strength in my hands and could not move an inch. When I was taken to the hospital, it was discovered that a large tumor was pushing on my spinal cord blocking 70 percent. It was determined that surgery had"to be done immediately"or the damage to my spinal cord would be permanent. I was taken to Harper hospital in Detroit to have this 10!hour surgery to be done. What all took place with the surgery is a testimony in itself that I can share another time. At the time of my surgery, I also had 3 smaller tumors along my spine. On November 19th, I went back to the doctor for an examination and a CT scan was done. The CT scan showed that the 3 tumors where still there, as well as a soft mass growth of 4cm to 5 cm was developing on the surgery side. I spent many hours with the Lord in prayer and being still to hear His voice. Each time I prayed, the answer I received from the Lord was “I am the Light, trust in Me and believe.” Then on January 19th, I again went to the doctor for an examination and I was given an MRI. Praise the Lord…the results came back: No tumors found. The doctor was amazed and double checked with the radiologist to make sure that this indeed was the right report. I want to publicly thank and praise the Lord for this miraculous healing in my body. In April of 2003, the doctors told me that I had only 2 years to live. We are now in 2011! Though I have been through some difficult times with my health, God has always been there to sustain me and bring me through with His healing touch. For those who may be going through a difficult time, I would say to you: Do not water the seeds of fear and doubt that the enemy throws at you. But keep your focus and trust in God. Revelation 21:23 says, “The Lamb is the light.” Where there is light, the enemy cannot prevail. Alleluia!

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Sunday mornings during service: Nursery - Newborn to Age 3 Pre-School - Ages 3 to 5 Kidsplosion - Grades 1 to 4 ! YOUTH MINISTRY Revo 3 - Thursday night Jr. & Sr. High Youth! service [Ages 13-17} Additional activities planned throughout the year.! ! ADULT MINISTRY We have many groups with ongoing activities, check the bulletin and website for details of what’s upcoming! ! Young Adults - Weekly Bible Study group called “Life” meets Tues nights in Bethel Cafe. Led by Chris & Linda Guerette. ! Young Families - Monthly activities for families with young children. Led by Kevin & Josie Hazzard. ! Real Women - Ongoing activities for women of all ages. ! The Core Men’s Ministry - Activities for all men. Led by Shannon Smith. ! Keenagers Seniors Ministry - Monthly lunch or special activity. Led by Carl & Faye Johnson. ! Music Ministry - Is always looking for new talent, including choir, audio and visual personnel. Speak to Caleb or Stephanie Courtney. ! Small Groups - Organized throughout the year around specific themes. Usually 4 to 6 weeks long. A great way to connect with others. ! Bible Study - Tuesday night Bible Study & Hymn Sing. Led by Gilbert & Margo VanSligtenhorst.! ! Foundation Course - A course on the essentials of Christian faith followed by a retreat weekend. Led by Pastor Keith Patrick.

Connect at Bethel

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