Welcome to Bethel! We are so glad to have you here! As you look through this Connect Bulletin, we trust that you will quickly find that Bethel has something for you and your family. Our hope is that you will take the next step into our community and get involved. As you do, you will begin to see that Bethel is more than just a Sunday service, it is a family of everyday people following Christ to bring hope and change to the world - one life at a time.
Pastor Tim GIbb Lead Pastor
Mother’s Day
MAY 2012
This Month
TO KNOW Mike Kerychuck Missionary Mike Kerychuk to South East Asia (Thailand, Cambodia, Burma, Vietnam) will be with us on Sunday May 20th. Mike will be bringing a report of the ministry in our 10:30AM service and then preaching in the 6:30PM service. Mike is one of our missionaries we support. A love offering will be received that day to bless this ministry.
Water Baptism A Water Baptism is planned for Sunday May 27th in our 10:30AM service. If you are a follower of Christ and have not yet been water baptized, then we encourage you to do so. Speak to Darwin & Angela, one of the Pastors, or pick up a form at the Welcome Desk.
Youth Convention Our PAOC Youth Convention “Overflow” is taking place in Waterloo on May 18-20th. We have 29 who are registered to attend this convention. Let us be in prayer for our youth as they attend this event that God will touch their lives, along with the other approximately 2,000 other attendees.
Wednesday Prayer Our corporate prayer time continues in May each Wednesday night from 6:30PM to 7:30PM. Then coming in June...a 4 part video teaching series by David Hogan, President of Freedom Ministries will be shown called “Faith to Raise the Dead”. This teaching was presented live at the Brownsville School of Ministry in 1998 and was powerfully received. David Hogan’s ministry in missions has been marked by supernatural healings and even resurrections from the dead, confirmed by eyewitnesses. David has been used to plant several hundred churches through his ministry. This teaching series will challenge you as you listen to this radical servant of the Lord. Do not miss these 4 Wednesday evenings beginning June 6th at 6:30PM in the Sanctuary.
Coming Soon
Be A Missionary To Dresden, ON June 23rd On June 23rd, 2012 we as a Sarnia/Windsor section are hosting a We Are Christ Day in Dresden, Ontario. WAC Days are an initiative of the women’s ministry department of the Western Ontario District of the PAOC - an idea that came from Sue Keddy’s heart for the Church to be the hands, feet and heart of Jesus to a community. This happens through simple acts of kindness that all take place in one day, in one town, for the sole purpose of showing people outside of the Church who Jesus is. There have now been over 20 WAC Days in our district and each one has resulted in people coming to salvation and communities being transformed. Dresden is getting ready by planning various events that we as a Church can be a part of in simple ways, like… - painting nails at a women’s spa - cheering on kids at a carnival - playing video games with teenagers - washing windows for an elderly couple - serving food at a picnic - walking the streets praying for the community And there’s so much more! There is something for everyone to do on June 23rd in Dresden as we bring the love of Jesus to that community. More details will come in June’s Connect Magazine and through video announcements. If you want more information, speak to Pastor Trish.
Watch We Are Christ Day Promo
Covenant Eyes
An Internet Accountability Program as a Deterrent to Pornography | Pornography is a BIG problem in our society. Pornography is damaging to a person in that it becomes an addiction, dulls the senses and ability to have a normal healthy sexual relationship in marriage and is damaging in our walk with the Lord. The reality today is that both men and women struggle with pornography and also many christians. Another reality is that youth are being exposed and becoming addicted to pornography at younger ages due to the ease of accessibility through the internet. Pornography is almost always secretive and carries with it a lot of shame and condemnation. Often the key to victory in this area is to find someone to be accountable to in this area. Recently Bethel became aware of an internet accountability program that serves as a great help and deterrent to gain victory in the area of pornography. This program is also very good to serve as a preventative means to reduce or eliminate the temptation in a moment of weakness to succumb to the lure of pornography.
Let’s be honest…If there was someone in the room, watching you, seeing the sites you visit, would you still watch porn? Covenant Eyes Internet accountability differs from filtering in that it doesn’t block any websites you visit. Instead, it monitors all the sites you visit and sends a report to an accountability partner.
Here’s how it plays out: You select someone to be your accountability partner. This should be
someone you trust and feel comfortable with, and who feels comfortable calling you out if you’re starting to go down sketchy paths, like a friend or mentor. Once you’ve signed up for Covenant Eyes and downloaded the software, just use the internet like you normally do. While you’re online, Covenant Eyes Accountability works in the background, recording and rating every site you visit. Once a week, your Accountability Partner will get a report listing the sites you’ve visited. Unlike your internet history, which can be cleared, you can’t delete anything from these activity reports – what you visit, your partner will see. Now that your Accountability Partner has seen your report, he or she should feel free to talk to you about it. Together this online transparency will help you learn to use the internet with integrity.
Your Accountability Partner should be… Someone you trust. Choose a person who will keep your report and your conversations confidential. You should feel comfortable being open with them. Someone who will help you change and grow. Your partner should be direct but also encouraging. This person should be a good listener who points you in the right direction.
What will my Accountability Partner have to do? Receive and review your accountability report. Each week your partner will receive your report by e-mail. Sometimes the report will take only a few minutes to
review, but they should be willing to look in more detail when needed. Touch base regularly. This can be as simple as an e-mail or as in-depth as a face-to-face conversation. As your partnership grows, you’ll find meaningful ways to communicate. Bethel recommends this program to you for those who struggle with the issue of pornography or as a preventative measure for your home and family. For more information or for a possible accountability partner, speak to one of the Pastors or one of our men’s ministry team leaders (Shannon Smith, Mark Faasse, Ken Steenwyk, Ken Lapier, or Dave Strevel). Privacy and confidentiality with who you may choose to speak to will be kept. Note: Bethel has no relationship with Covenant Eyes. We are not paid to promote or enlist people to the website. We simply know of Covenant Eyes through individuals in our church who have been helped by this program and through their testimony. We recommend this program to you.
Pornography & The Internet - More than 1 in 8 web searches are for erotic content - 67% of children admit to clearing their internet history to hide their online activity - 79% of accidental exposures to internet porn among kids take place in the home - 56% of divorce cases involve one party having an obsessive interest in online porn - 29% of working adults accessed explicit websites on work computers
Testimony Of Carl McIntyre We were so pleased to have Carl and Anna McIntyre come all the way from the state of Mississippi to be with us during the week of our Encounter Services with John and Caroline Wilkinson and John Kilpatrick. Carl and his wife Anna were a wonderful help to us as they assisted in the altar times. Carl has experienced the wonderful saving grace of The Lord Jesus in his life and we asked him to share a small testimony.
“Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, that in His good time He will lift you up.” 1 Peter 5:6 Having lived a carnal and selfish life for over 30 years, in 2004 a gracious and merciful God allowed me to turn from my wicked ways and after asking for His forgiveness, He welcomed His prodigal son back home after seemingly a lifetime of misery. It was shortly after-wards that I was introduced to John Wilkinson and Nathan Morris in a little church in South Mississippi. As I sat in front of these two young passionate men of God preaching the Gospel, a Gospel that I had never heard preached quite like this might I add, God began to touch my heart and I began to realize that there truly is more to this God stuff than just a few songs, a little preaching and a closing song and prayer. At that time, the Holy Spirit began tugging at my heart saying “Carl, seek me with more passion than you sought the world and I will fill you.” Each time that John or Nathan would come to the States and preach, I would find myself up front and center while God used these two men to fill my spirit man. As we became closer friends as a spiritual family, I could feel myself wanting to become more of a servant of God and being drawn closer and closer to Him. God began to allow my discerning spirit to recognize the needs of others and he would quicken my heart to serve these needs. In August 2010, Nathan was asked to speak at a conference in Daphne, Alabama, so naturally, Anna and I drove over to hear Nathan
speak. As many know revival broke out and we found ourselves driving to Mobile nightly. One night approximately three to four weeks into revival God lay it on my heart that it was time for me to begin to serve Him in this move of God. I let it be known to Nathan that I was available to serve in any aspect of revival and before I knew it God had me right in the middle of His Kingdom business. You see that’s how God works, if you have a willingness to serve Him, he will begin to use that willingness and as He finds you more and more trustworthy, He begins to give you more responsibilities. Looking back, I realize that God used my time of service in the Bay Revival as preparation for the next chain of events. After serving in the Bay Revival a few months, John called me and says that he had scheduled five meetings in Miami, Oklahoma, and would I like to join him. Humbly, I said yes, but inside I was about to explode, thanking God for this opportunity to serve Him. We had these meetings and saw many miracles and salvation’s. We were also able to make many new friendships. You see, I think that God uses these services as a way for His Kingdom to connect as well as winning souls, miracles, signs and wonders. Last September John called and invited me to Bethel church in Sarnia. Naturally I said yes. It is important for all of us to come to a place in our lives that we recognize when God is calling us to serve Him, and we go, God will not let us down! I arrived at Bethel and immediately I knew God was up to something in this house. The leadership was in order, the praise was prepared properly and the house was a house of prayer. When these things are in proper
order then the Holy Spirit can do the work that He needs to do. It was a time that I will never forget. God moved in His house and I have met many new Kingdom friends. Friends that are spiritually linked with God’s Kingdom. He allowed me to serve Him to the best of my humble ability in Bethel in a way that has opened the door to many new friends and kingdom connections. A couple of months ago I received an invitation from Pastor Tim to come back with John for the Easter Revival services. As you already know, by now that was a “no brain-er.” I booked a flight for myself. Several weeks later Anna and I met John and Caroline in North Alabama for services. It was such an awesome time that I told Anna “ I want you to come to Sarnia with me”. It was just a week or so before the trip to Bethel and we were concerned whether or not we would be able to get her on the same flight with me. We looked at the availability and there was only one seat left. Praise God, guess where that seat was, right beside me. Praise God!! Who knows that when you serve the King, He takes care of His people. So Bethel of Sarnia, I am honored to serve a King that is alive, who takes care of His people and who is always on His Throne. If we will humble ourselves, seek His face and serve like Jesus did, we will see a God that will not forsake us, always love and care for us, and He will allow His people to enter into His presence in an undeniable way that only He can do. I praise God for humbling me to serve Him. I am truly a product of His grace and mercy and I WILL SERVE HIM all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of The Lord forever. Amen
Thank You Jesus Your Humble Servant Carl McIntyre
BETHEL MISSIONS TRIP TO UKRAINE A team of 15 people from Bethel will be traveling to the nation of Ukraine this August for ministry to churches and orphans. Team members are: Mary Carr, Chris Dionne, Justina Dionne, Sarah Ellenor, Tim Fleming, Mary Gates, Doug Nixon, Joyce
100 to 150 kids will be in attendance. Our team will have opportunity each day to participate in activities with the children and to teach the Word of God. As well, Bethel will be providing funds for some repairs to the camp and team members will be assisting in this work. Pastor Tim, along with Doug Nixon and Dave and Jeanette Strevel, will be traveling to various cities in Ukraine for the purpose of connecting with local Pastors and city-wide revival services. Pastor Tim and team will also be the feature ministry speakers at a church workers conference for 2 days.
Nixon, Laura Nixon, Dave Strevel, Jeanette Strevel, Chantelle White, Carolyn Zavitz, Pastor Tricia and Pastor Tim. This team will be working with Ed Dickson of Loads of Love Ministry. The team will be ministering in a number of churches over the two weekends of ministry. For 5 days , Pastor Tricia and 10 of the team members will be running a Bible camp for orphan kids at a summer camp. It is expected that between
This is an exciting opportunity for each of these team members. We welcome any donations to the mission and also for any of the individual team members to help with their costs. Our airline carrier is also allowing for extra suitcases to bring supplies. We will be providing a list of items we wish to take over to Ukraine to bless the orphans and the churches. As well, your prayers for this team and the ministry is greatly appreciated.
Pastor tim in africa AUG 16-28 Pastor Tim will be traveling to Fort Portal, Uganda, East Africa to conduct a Pastors school. This will be Bethel’s 5th missions to Fort Portal. In previous trips, we have held Pastors and church workers conferences with up to 600 plus in attendance. While these conferences are a tremendous blessing, the vision of this trip is to have a full week of mentoring / teaching with 60 selected lead Pastors from the area. PAOC Missionary Don Mann and Pastor Garry Fess of Royal View Church in London, Ontario will be accompanying Pastor Tim on this mission. We will be teaching basic Bible doctrine along with leadership lessons. You can help partner with this mission by sponsoring a Pastor to participate with this school. At a cost of $80 per Pastor, the costs for the expense of the conference, accommodations for the Pastors and printed materials will be met. Would you consider sponsoring a Uganda Pastor, for $80, to provide for him/her to attend this Pastors school? We appreciate your help!
Ilya Bantseev REPORT Our Missionary to Russia, Ilya Bantseev, was recently elected as the National Director for Teen Challenge Russia. Please remember Ilya and Janet in your prayers as they take on this new position of ministry.
THE STORY SCHEDULE May 6 - Chap. 13 – The King Who Had It All May 13 - Chap. 14 – A Kingdom Torn in Two
2 WEEK BREAK May 20 - Missionary Mike Kerychuk May 27 – PENTECOST SUNDAY – Rev. David Wells, PAOC Superintendent The Story resumes on Sunday June 3rd with Chapter 15 “God’s Messengers”
CHOOSE TO BE GOD’S SERVANT On the Day of Pentecost, about 120 of God’s servants, both men and women, were gathered in the upper room continuing in one accord in prayer and supplication (Acts 1:14,15). They were in one place, ready to move into the streets as soon as God’s Spirit was poured out upon them. They were doing exactly what
Apparently 380 of them decided to stay home!
Jesus told them to do.
tians. Those in the second group were God’s servants.
The shameful part of it was, only about one fourth of those who had been instructed to be there were present. The resurrected Jesus, who they had witnessed being crucified and put to death, had appeared to more than 500 of them and told them all the same thing…to tarry until they were endued with power (Luke 24:49).
“Wait in the city of Jerusalem, until you are filled with power from on High.” Luke 24:49
What’s the difference between the 380 who didn’t follow Jesus’ instructions and the 120 who did?
You see, when you were born again, you did not become a hired servant of God. You became a child of God, a son or daughter of the Almighty. You were made free and “if the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).
Those in the first group were merely Chris-
The word translated “servants” in Acts 2:18 is the Greek word doulos. It is the same word used twice, once in the feminine form (maidservants) and once in the masculine form (men-servants). In this particular instance, doulos refers to someone who has voluntarily subjected himself to another person’s will. It describes a bondslave who could be free if he wanted to, but chooses instead to be wholly subservient to another because of his love for that person. If you are a servant, you will be committed to the Lord Jesus. It is not a commitment He forces upon you. It is one you make by choice, because you love Him.
But if you truly love the One who set you free, you will trade that freedom for a life of service to Him. That’s what the Apostle Paul did, for in Romans 1:1 (AMP), he calls himself “a bond servant of Jesus Christ.” Choose today to be a bondslave…one who longs to stay close to the Master’s side…serving Him wholeheartedly from a heart of love and devotion. Choose to make this your life’s statement: “I am not enslaved by sin. I am free to be a servant of Jesus Christ. I choose His will above my own” (John 8:34-36). -Pastor Tim Gibb
Marriage Mentoring - A program that matches experienced married couples with couples that want to improve their marriage, fix problems, or are preparing for marriage.
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Sunday mornings during service: Nursery - Newborn to Age 3 Pre-School - Ages 3 to 5 Kidsplosion - Grades 1 to 4 YOUTH MINISTRY Revo 3 - Thursday night Jr. & Sr. High Youth service [Ages 13-17} Additional activities planned throughout the year. ADULT MINISTRY We have many groups with ongoing activities, check the bulletin and website for details of what’s upcoming! Young Adults - Weekly Bible Study group called “Life” meets Tues. nights in Bethel Cafe. Led by Chris & Linda Guerette and Steve & Kathy Fraser. Real Women - Ongoing activities for women of all ages. Led by Pam Lozon. The Core Men’s Ministry - Activities for all men. Led by Shannon Smith. Keenagers Seniors Ministry - Monthly lunch or special activity. Led by Carl & Faye Johnson. Music Ministry - Is always looking for new talent, including choir, audio and visual personnel. Speak to Caleb or Stephanie Courtney. Home Fellowship groups - New to Bethel or desire to connect with others? Join one of our Thursday evening Home Fellowship Groups. Contact Darwin & Angela Armstrong or Pastors Keith & Patricia for more details. A great way to connect with others. Bible Study - Tuesday night Bible Study & Hymn Sing. Led by Gilbert & Margo VanSligtenhorst. Restoration Course - A course on the essentials of Christian faith followed by a retreat weekend. Led by Pastor Keith Patrick.
Connect At Bethel
6:30 PM DivorceCare
1:00 PM Mom’s In Prayer
27Newcomers Reception 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Service David Wells Water Baptism 6:30 PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb
6:30 PM DivorceCare
6:30 PM DivorceCare
6:30 PM Service Mike Kerychuk
9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Service Mike Kerychuk
6:30 PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb
7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults
6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room
7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults
6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room
7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults
6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room
13 Mother’s Day 1:00 PM Mom’s In Prayer
7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults
6:30 PM Financial Peace Course
9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb
6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room
7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults
6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room
1:00 PM Mom’s In Prayer 6:30 PM DivorceCare
9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb Communion 6:30 PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb
6:30 PM Prayer
6:30 PM Prayer
6:30 PM Prayer
6:30 PM Prayer
6:30 PM Prayer
6:30PM Fellowship Groups 7:00 PM “THE STORY” Small Group 7:00 PM REVO3
6:30PM Fellowship Groups 7:00 PM “THE STORY” Small Group 7:00 PM REVO3
6:30PM Fellowship Groups 7:00 PM “THE STORY” Small Group 7:00 PM REVO3
6:30PM Fellowship Groups 7:00 PM “THE STORY” Small Group 7:00 PM REVO3
6:30PM Fellowship Groups 7:00 PM “THE STORY” Small Group 7:00 PM REVO3
World Religions Tour Toronto
Overflow Youth Convention Waterloo May 18th-20th
8:30AM Keenagers Bus Trip
6:00 PM Real Women “International Night”
May 2012 MAY 2012