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Welcome to Bethel Welcome to Bethel! We are so glad to have you here! As you look through this Connect Bulletin, we trust that you will quickly find that Bethel has something for you and your family. Our hope is that you will take the next step into our community and get involved. As you do, you will begin to see that Bethel is more than just a Sunday service, it is a family of everyday people following Christ to bring hope and change to the world one life at a time.


MAY 2014

This Month

BETHEL NEWS Youth At Overflow Our Revo Youth Ministry will be attending the PAOC Western Ontario Youth Convention in Waterloo on May 16th-18th. Please pray for our youth and for this convention that God will touch many lives for His purposes.

Special Guest - May 11th On Sunday, May 11th, we will have guest speaker Ignatenko Vadim, from Poltava, Ukraine at our 10:30AM service. Pastor Vadim will be sharing on a miracle that is happening in his church. Pastor Tim, Pastor Tricia and Bethel teams have ministered in Pastor Vadim’s church. We are excited that this opportunity has now come for Pastor Vadim to come to Canada and to Bethel!

Next Alpha - May 15th In Fellowship Hall 6:30PM Contact OfďŹ ce for more info

Coming In June

Student Ministries


Dear friends, classmates, media, and the watching world, Allow us to introduce ourselves; we are a segment of our generation,

we are part of you, but we are not defined by you. Our generation has been labeled by issues, problems and by the perspective that what’s

right and true is decided by what we think is best for us. But we don’t fit into that mould, because we are choosing to make our decisions based on what God thinks is best for us. See we’ve watched as

This past month at Revo we’ve taken a

teenager after teenager has lived by blurred lines and the result has

generation. We live in a world where right

must be a better way.” And Jesus tells us there is; that life is really

making truth a blurred line. But the Bible

And so we’re issuing a declaration so you are well aware. We refuse

example of the world. The Bible teaches us

for what is right and wrong because we’re following Jesus, not public

moral decisions are to be guided by the

place, in Him, and with His strength and grace we’re going to live out


as you see Jesus in us, that you’ll choose to follow Him too. Because

My prayer for our Revo family is that we

relationship with Jesus Christ.

defined lines of righteousness. That culture


we would be resolved in our commitment to

A Youth Group that’s following Jesus and never turning back.

close look at the issue of tolerance in our

led to destruction and pain and confusion. It’s left us thinking ‘there

and wrong is defined by a person’s opinion,

supposed to be abundant, full of joy and love, and a hopeful future.

teaches us something very different than the

to live with blurred lines any longer. We are drawing clear parameters

that God’s Word is absolute truth and our

opinion, peer pressure, or a desire to fit in. We already found our

example of Jesus and the instructions in the

our moments so you can clearly see Jesus in us. And our prayer is that

would be a generation that lives by clearly would not cause us to bend or waver, but

there is no greater way to live, than in a daily, constant, committed

serve Jesus with our every decision.

And so as we end this series, we send out an open letter to our generation:


This Is My Story Chris Losier went downhill. I moved to Winnipeg, April

it to get out of your system. For me, it was 4

job and start my life. I was trying to forget

and I didn’t have that kind of time to work

5th 2012, to see my Mom’s family, to get a

the life I left behind. For the first 4-6 months I didn’t know many people so I was just by myself, except for the family I knew there.

After meeting some people my age, I could

finally have a social life. Soon I found myself spending most of my nights at the club.

3-4 nights per week I was drunk. 7 days a

week I was high and well… I was very, very promiscuous. I thought I was being loved, I remember looking in the mirror and was

having fun and just doing what everyone is

to my Mother’s grave site and crying out to

time it was fun, and to mask the reality that

part in my life? Well let me tell you my story

it’s still there, and all you did was spend a lot

there. Then when I’m done, I’ll tell you who I

future wife who means nothing, and make

so disgusted in myself. I remember driving

supposed to do. I did it all because at the

God. Now, how did I get to this particular

was around me. Truth is when you wake up,

of who I was, where I was and why I was

of money for nothing, sleep with someone’s

am now, and why I’m here.

a fool of yourself… for nothing. All because

I believe it all started when I went to Bethel

friends are doing it and basically the whole

the very first time with my Mother. I, more

or less, went to make her happy and to see what made her happy about Bethel. At the

end of the service, there was an altar call for people who want to be saved. I felt a huge

burning sensation inside me, like I was in an

everyone else is doing it. Your group of world advertises it as a lifestyle. During

this lifestyle, I began to think if I’m a good

hearted person I’ll make it to heaven. Then I

began to accept that I was going to hell, and couldn’t turn back because it was too late

and was thinking “seriously how bad could

weeks for the drugs to get out of my system with. So I took a week cleanse that’s literally

supposed to clean your whole system within a week. Take a home test after I’m done it and I pass! After a week something in my

gut tells me to take another because I’ll be

heading out in a week. So I do and I failed.

I didn’t smoke anything and ate clean. I just looked at it crying, looked up in the mirror

and was just so disgusted with myself. Then

it hit me, something inside me really wanted to go to my Mom’s grave at 9PM. So I go,

and right when I get there and stepped in

front of my Mom’s grave site, I start bawling, apologizing to God. I cried out to God

asking guidance and just apologizing over

and over again. After 30mins of bawling my eyes out and asking for guidance and for

God to forgive me, I went home and went to sleep. Next day, I had a big urge to go

into Superstore and I begin to walk around not knowing why. In the store, I see my

Mom’s friend. We talked about faith and that

conversation really opened my eyes to many things.

hell be?”. I was officially lost.

January 26th 2014, I go to Bethel and first

I said no, and then it got hotter and hotter.

December 24th 2013, I land in Toronto and

to me. The next week is the second service

heating up, I don’t know what’s going on”.

and quitting another job, I was finally fed up

Spirit inside you telling you to go up”. So I

there was no difference. Here I was living

always believed in Him) and went on about

What was wrong with me? Didn’t I see that it

oven. My Mother asked me if I wanted to go up and accept Jesus as my Saviour. At first So I turn to my Mother and said “Mom I’m

drive home with my dad. After losing a job

She then replied with “Hun that’s the Holy

and something told me to come home. Yet

went up, accepted God (even though I’ve

the same lifestyle as I was back in Winnipeg.

my life, not really knowing what I did. That

got me nowhere and it didn’t help me at all?

day was May 2nd 2010.

January 4th 2014, I get an offer to go

Fast forward to November 16th 2011. My

to Alberta and work on the oil rigs. One

My Mother passed away on that date when

After 2 years of getting high every day,

and didn’t even know what kind of emotion

of people know that depending on body

my lifeline, was GONE! That’s where I really

exercise you do, effects how long it takes for

world as I knew it turned right upside down.

problem though, I have to pass a drug test.

I was 19 years old. I was so lost, depressed,

I have a month to pass a drug test. A lot

to express. My best friend, my Mother and

fat, how much you smoke and how much

message I hear in over 2 years speaks right I go to, and again the message speaks

right to me! All of a sudden, another altar

call to accept God and to be saved. Again

another burning inside me like an oven and

I literally fast-walk up to the front. Then all of a sudden, a huge relief was just all over me. I was officially found. February 23rd 2014,

I got water baptized. Now I’m living for the

Lord, loving the Lord and giving Him all the glory. His will be done! Praise God! Amen! - Chris Losier



As many of you are aware, Temple Christian Academy will be closing at the end of this school year. Although this is the end for TCA, it is not the end for evangelical Christian education in Sarnia. Instead, this has birthed the beginnings of a new school with enthusiastic leadership and a renewed faith and trust in God’s provision. That school is Lambton County Christian Academy (LCCA). Much has been accomplished since the end of March when it was decided to pursue the opening of a school that will be operational by September 1, 2014. So much has happened in this short time that it can only be because God’s hand is in this! The governing structure has been decided. LCCA will be governed by an interdenominational board of 7 members, so the leadership will not be associated with any one church. We already have the 7 people committed for this board: 3 from Bethel, 1 from Bluewater Baptist, 2 from People’s Church, and 1 from Temple Baptist. We have a team of people actively searching for a facility to house the school. Many facilities have been visited already, and a decision on where LCCA will locate should be made by the middle of May. Most of the TCA staff have agreed to work at LCCA. Many TCA families have already

committed to send their kids to LCCA. New families have expressed interest in enrolling their children at the school as well. LCCA will partner with the parents and the church to equip its students to live out a Christian life as well as providing excellent academic instruction. The ultimate goal of LCCA is to raise up a generation of men and women who are fully equipped to succeed in whatever calling God has for his/her life. We are so very grateful for all the support we have received for this school already. We

have the support of ACSI, the Association of Christian Schools International, area Pastors and churches, Christian school supporters, and many parents. We would especially like to give a special thank you to Pastor Tim and the Deacon Board here at Bethel for the opportunity to promote LCCA in this bulletin, for future opportunities to give updates, and for their blessing moving forward. Another school update will be given during the morning service on Mother’s Day. For more information on Lambton County Christian Academy, email

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FROM ME TO YOU TABERNACLE TEACHING On Sunday nights I have been teaching on the Old Testament Tabernacle. I have really enjoyed this study and hope that it is a blessing to those who are hearing it. I will resume the Tabernacle teaching on Sunday night May 11th. In the month of May, the teaching will be on the Laver, and then 2 lessons on the Priestly anointing and clothing. As today, we are all called to be God’s “royal priesthood” (1 Peter 2:9), we can gain some valuable insights in understanding the Old Testament priesthood. Then in the month of June we will focus on the Holy Place of the Tabernacle, examine the Candlestick, the Table of Showbread, and the Altar of Incense. We will then conclude our study on the Tabernacle in the month of July with teaching on the Holy of Holies, including the Mercy Seat and Ark of the Covenant. I remind you that if you miss any of these teachings, you can go to the website and watch any of the past messages online.

REWIND SERIES This past Easter season marks 14 years that I have been at Bethel Church, with 10

Pastor Tim Gibb

of those years as the lead Pastor. As the old saying goes…”time flies when you are having fun!” Over the years I have preached many sermons at Bethel - hundreds of them. While I trust that each sermon was helpful, there are sermons that were indeed special. Sermons that have become, for me, noteworthy messages. Beginning on May 18th, and throughout the rest of the summer months, I am going to revisit these messages in a sermon series I am entitling “REWIND”. These are messages that should not just be filed away, but are worthy of repeating. And with many new people to Bethel, I know they will be a great blessing.

WEDNESDAY PRAYER Over the last several weeks, we have had such a tremendous response to our Wednesday night prayer meetings (6PM 7PM). At some of these prayer meetings, we have had over 100 people participating. I know that the blessing of God we are experiencing at Bethel can be directly linked to this prayer meeting. From April 1st to April 24th (time of this writing), we have seen 24 people come to salvation in Christ in just 3 weeks! May I encourage you, if you are able to attend this prayer meeting, to make every effort to come. Your participation is so important and valuable.

Our prayer meetings are anything but dull. But “something happens when we agree in prayer. Our faith isn’t just added together, it’s multiplied.” (Quote from Draw the Circle, Mark Batterson).

TURKEY / GREECE TRIP I have mentioned over the last few months an opportunity to go with me on a very special trip to “the other Holy Land” - Greece and Turkey. The trip is 14 days from October 5th to 18th, 2014. Along with seeing the beauty of each country, we will journey in the footsteps of the Apostles Paul and John. We will make stops in places like Athens, Corinth, Thessaloniki, Philippi, Ephesus, and all the 7 church locations of Revelation. Trip brochures are available through the church office. I do need to know by the middle of May if you are interested in this trip. It will be a truly amazing spiritual experience and make the Bible come alive in full high definition colour!

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MAY 2014 SUN










1 6:30PM Alpha at Darwin & Angela’s





9:30AM Mom’s Group

7:00PM Bible Study at– Ken & Marti Steenwyk’s 7:00PM REVO








6:30PM Service Ted Shuttlesworth

7:00PM Encounter Service Ted Shuttlesworth

7:00PM Encounter Service Ted Shuttlesworth

7:00PM Encounter Service Ted Shuttlesworth

7:00PM Encounter Service Ted Shuttlesworth

7:00PM Encounter Service Ted Shuttlesworth

7:30PM Keenagers Bus Trip to Imperial Theatre








10:30AM Service Ted Shuttlesworth

Mother’s Day

1:00PM Ladies Bible Study at—Deb Lapier’s

1:00PM Ladies Bible Study at—Deb Lapier’s 6:30PM Alpha at –Pastors Keith & Patricia’s


10:30AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

19 OFFICE CLOSED Victoria Day

6:30PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

6:30PM Cancer Prayer Support Group-Board Room 6:30PM Ladies Bible Study atPastor Patricia’s

10:30AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

6:30PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb


6:30PM Alpha-at Bethel Fellowship Hall 6:30PM Alpha at Darwin & Angela’s

7:00PM LIFE-Young Adults at Chris & Linda Guerette’s

7:00PM Man Tour– New Life Assembly in Petrolia

20 6:30PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room 6:30PM Ladies Bible Study atPastor Patricia’s

6:00PM Prayer

7:00PM Bible Study at– Ken & Marti Steenwyk’s



6:00PM Rescue

7:00PM Bible Study at– Ken & Marti Steenwyk’s

Chris & Linda Guerette’s

6:00PM Prayer





6:30PM Alpha at –Pastors Keith & Patricia’s

6:30PM Cancer Prayer Support Group-Board Room 6:30PM Ladies Bible Study atPastor Patricia’s 7:00PM LIFE-Young Adults atChris & Linda Guerette’s


Lead Pastor Ext. 228


Student Ministries Pastor Ext. 223


6:00PM Rescue 6:00PM Prayer

Overflow Youth Convention Waterloo May 16th-18th


7:00PM Bible Study at– Ken & Marti Steenwyk’s 7:00PM REVO

24 11:00AM REAL WOMEN– DeGroot’s Nurseries

6:30PM The Solid Way


6:30PM Alpha-at Bethel Fellowship Hall 6:30PM Alpha at Darwin & Angela’s

6:30PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room 1:00PM Ladies Bible Study at—Deb Lapier’s

6:30PM Alpha-at Bethel Fellowship Hall 6:30PM Alpha at Darwin & Angela’s

6:00PM Rescue

7:00PM LIFE-Young Adults at -


9:30AM Mom’s Group

6:30PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room

10:30AM Service Ignatenko Vadim

6:30PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

9:30AM Mom’s Group

9:30AM Mom’s Group


7:00PM 20/30 Young Adults Social Night

NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH? Need a ride to Church on Sunday morning? Just call the church office before 8:30AM Sunday morning & follow the instructions to leave a message.

CONTACT US Bethel Pentecostal Church 1565 London Line Sarnia, Ontario N7T 7H2 @bethelsarnia /bethelsarnia 519.542.7731

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