November CONNECT

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Welcome to Bethel Welcome to Bethel! We are so glad to have you here! As you look through this Connect Bulletin, we trust that you will quickly find that Bethel has something for you and your family. Our hope is that you will take the next step into our community and get involved. As you do, you will begin to see that Bethel is more than just a Sunday service, it is a family of everyday people following Christ to bring hope and change to the world one life at a time.



This Month

BETHEL NEWS Guest Michael Pierce Michael Pierce of Christ for your City ministries will be our special guest on Sunday, November 2nd in our 6:30PM service. Based in London Ontario, Michael’s ministry is focused on strengthening the church in prayer, evangelism, and love for Israel.

Ukraine Donations Thank you for all who were able to donate items to help Ukraine families. The donated items will be delivered to the Loads of Love store in Chatham and then will be shipped in large shipping containers to Ukraine by the end of November. Thank you for being a blessing!

Wednesday Prayer & Fasting We are setting the Wednesdays of November 5th and 12th as days of prayer and fasting as we seek for the Lord’s blessing on our special Encounter services with Nathan Morris. The church sanctuary will be open from 9AM to 7PM for prayer with our regular corporate prayer time from 6PM to 7PM led by Pastor Tim. During the day, please use the church office entrance.

This December

missions update

BOB & MAGDA EMBERLEY | Ukraine | Mark Davy

REPORT FROM BOB & MAGDA EMBERLEY Bob & Magda Emberley are Bethel missionaries who work with Youth with a Mission (YWAM). Bob & Magda helped start a YWAM base in Recife Brazil 20 years ago. Over the years, they have led missions trips to various nations of the world. This October 22nd to November 6th, Bob & Magda are traveling to Northern Iraq (Kurdistan region) to help the refugees displaced by the terrorist group ISIS. This is a exploratory trip to see how their mission can come alongside the missionaries that are on the ground and help alleviate the needs of the refugees. Bethel has contributed $2,000 in support of this missions trip. Here is their latest report, received on October 25th: “We have been told that the Kurdish church

and distribute food, water, heaters, and

Erbil, the first city we are visiting is the most

the refugees. That blessed my heart for

gospel now; the harvest is plentiful but the

invade Erbil some weeks ago. They had put

is doing most of the relief work among

that is what the kingdom of God is, being

God’s hands and feet (serving), His mouth

blankets. He said people are so open for the labourers are few. His face saddened when

dangerous of the 3. ISIS had started to

their flags up, but the Kurdish army pushed

them back.. ISIS is 45 minutes from the city. Yesterday (Sunday) we went to an Arab

service (we had translation) and the pastor was exhorting the followers of Jesus to

seek first the spiritual/eternal things of God instead of the material. He tied it up with

the refugee situation where they are in such need of material things, but at the same he shared that some of the leaders of the piece, sharing the gospel. This morning, we went to an evangelical church and spoke

with the local Pastor. His church is working with 500 refugees. They provide shelter

church, his closest friends, are leaving Iraq because of the threat of ISIS. His heart is

broken; he feels overwhelmed. Pray for the churches and pastors that are in Kurdistan

time the greatest thing they can offer is the Gospel. Today we move to Dohuk. Much love,

Bob and Magda

dealing with this humanitarian crisis.

PRay for mark davy and his upcoming crusade in Paidha uganda nov 4-9

Report from Lena Taran and the Krivoy Rog ‘Cell Groups for Children’ Program in Ukraine Over the last few years, Bethel Sarnia has been very involved in the nation of Ukraine. In the summer of 2013, Bethel sent over $5,000 through the Loads of Love ministry led by missionary Ed Dickson. The purpose of these funds was

to begin a Kids Club ministry in orphanages. These funds were used to hire a full-time Christian worker to lead these programs. Lena Taran, a young Christian woman, was selected to lead this outreach. Here is her recent report:

For Pastor Tim Gibb, Pastor Tricia Gibb and all our friends at Bethel Church in Sarnia We are so grateful for the push and the help that you have given to us in our ministry to these beautiful children! We missed you this year, but we want you to know that you were in our hearts and the hearts of our children, even in this difficult time in Ukraine. In the past academic year, our cell group meetings were attended eagerly and regularly by over 100 children, whose lives were impacted every week! We consider this to be a big success! These meetings took place five days a week in the Rehabilitation Centre (for children from disadvantaged families), the ‘Sunrise’ Boarding School, and the ‘Pearl’ Boarding School. Our meetings included crafts, games, and special themes combined with Bible lessons.

our cell group meetings were attended eagerly and regularly by over 100 children, whos lives were impacted every week! In the summer our ministry held four week long summer camps which were attended by over 70 children. We held two camps

in a village, one camp at the Rehabilitation Centre and one camp in the ‘Pearl’ Boarding School. So what’s new this academic year? This year, we plan to cover more institutions. We will increase our involvement from

from 100 to 170! Also, due to numerous requests from our children, we will be adding free English lessons to our weekly programs. We are also adding two trained Christian psychologists to the staff of our ministry. We are expecting that they will work directly with 25 children on a weekly basis. That’s a short ‘view’ of our work so far and our plans. Thank you so much for believing in us and in our children! With love, In Jesus’ name, Lena Taran

three to six institutions! We will be adding a social dormitory (where graduates from several different orphanages live), a children’s hospital (which provides long term treatment and care for orphans

nervous disorders) and a sanatorium for children (which treats orphans with tuberculosis). We are planning to increase the number of children attending weekly cell groups

Student Ministries



“Ditching secondhand religion for a faith of your own”

I Don’t Know What I Believe









Mental Health Conference At Temple Baptist

From me to you A letter from our Lead Pastor

It is hard to believe but we are already into the last 2 months of 2014. At Bethel, we have a number of special events that make for an excellent opportunity to invite family and friends to. Let me highlight 3 of them:

1. BILLY GRAHAM MOVIE ON HEAVEN On Sunday, November 16th in our morning service, we will be showing the very latest video release by Billy Graham ministries on the subject of Heaven. Many of you would remember this time last year when we showed the video produced by Billy Graham called “The Cross.” It is truly one of the best presentations on the cross that I have ever seen. Many people responded that Sunday morning for salvation. We anticipate that this newest release on Heaven will be equally as excellent as The Cross video. Prayerfully consider who you can invite to this special service. People are searching for meaning in life and about eternity. Here is an excellent opportunity to invite someone to clearly receive the Gospel message. After the video is shown on November 16th, we will also make the it available to you to plan your own special evening with family and friends at your home to show them the presentation. Please pray about how you can plan your own personal outreach using this video.

2. NATHAN MORRIS ENCOUNTER SERVICES We are so excited to have international evangelist Nathan Morris and worship leaders Lydia Marrow and Lindell Cooley with us for 6 services from November 19th to 23rd. These services will be filled with the Holy Spirit’s presence and will be a real spiritual blessing.

Please remember that Nathan is primarily an evangelist and the greatest miracle is salvation. God has anointed Nathan with a gift to present the Gospel in an effective way that brings results. Prayerfully think about who you can invite to these meetings so that they may clearly hear the Gospel message.

3. BRETT ULLMAN - THE WALKING WOUNDED On Sunday December 7th, Brett Ullman will be our special guest. Brett is a specialist in social issues that effect today’s youth and families. Brett has designed a series of talks on various issues. Brett will be presenting in our Sunday morning service a talk called: The Walking Wounded. It focuses on the issues of depression, self-injury, and suicide. These are very real issues in Sarnia and I am sure that you would know someone who would benefit from this talk. Then at 6:30PM, Brett will be presenting a talk for parents and teens on Faith.Media.Culture. A look at today’s entertainment industry. Great talks to invite friends to. MENTAL HEALTH SUNDAY Recently the Pastors of the Sarnia Evangelical Fellowship of Churches decided to designate a Sunday in all of our churches in Sarnia to address the issue of mental health. So Sunday November 30th has been selected as a day that many of our Evangelical churches in Sarnia will all speak on the issue of mental health. At Bethel, we are going to actually extend this theme over two Sundays. On November 30th, I will be speaking a message on the subject of ‘Mental Health and Depression’. Then on December 7th, Brett Ullman will continue the discussion with his talk on depression, self-injury, and suicide. For those who wish to learn even more on this subject and how the church can be a more

attentive place to the needs of those who struggle with mental health, Temple Baptist church is offering a two day conference on Mental Health on Friday November 14th and Saturday November 15th with speaker and author Amy Simpson (see ad in CONNECT for more information and to register).The topic of mental health has been a pressing issue in Sarnia and around the country. As a church we want to learn more about the complex and important topic of mental health and the role we can play in being a helping and healing presence in our community. THE COMING OF THE LORD IS SOON We certainly live in what the Bible calls “perilous times.” I believe like never before we must have a sense of urgency about us. Urgency to get the Gospel out to our community and around the world. Also a passionate desire to live for the Lord and to make sure we are walking in the truth of His word. There are many voices in the world today. We must be diligent to keep ourselves in the love of God and looking for the soon return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Let us be a people that have eternity in our hearts.

- Pastor Tim Gibb









10:30AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb


10:30AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

6:30PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

Bethel Boardroom

Community Room

7:00PM REVO 7:00PM Bible Study at Ken & Marti Steenwyk’s


11 9:30AM Prayer Group-



6:30PM Alpha 6:30PM DivorceCare Bethel Boardroom



10:30AM Video “Heaven”-by Billy Graham

6:30PM Alpha

6:30PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

6:30PM DivorceCare



Bethel Boardroom

10:30AM Service Nathan Morris

6:30PM Alpha 7:00PM Service Nathan Morris


7:30PM Men’s Mentoring Group-Bethel

6:30PM DivorceCare



9:30AM Prayer Group-Prayer Room 7:00PM Blackwood Brothers Quartet– Sanctuary 7:00PM Grief Share-Bethel Boardroom 7:00PM Breaking Free Bible Study-Community Room 7:00PM Bible Study at Dalton & Robyn Burke’s 7:00PM Bible Study at Ken & Marti Steenwyk’s

6:30PM Alpha

6:30PM Service Michael Pierce Communion


6:30PM DivorceCare Bethel Boardroom





Prayer and Fasting 9:00AM—7:00PM Prayer-Sanctuary 6:00PM Rescue 7:00PM Choir

6:30PM Cancer Prayer Support Group-Board Room

Prayer Room 6:30PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room 7:00PM Grief Share-Bethel Boardroom 7:00PM Breaking Free Bible Study-Bethel Foyer 7:00PM LIFE-Young Adults at Chris & Linda Guerette’s 7:00PM Bible Study at Dalton & Robyn Burke’s 7:00PM Bible Study at Ken & Marti Steenwyk’s

7:30PM Men’s Mentoring Group-Bethel

Community Room

7:00PM REVO 7:00PM Bible Study at Ken & Marti Steenwyk’s






7:00PM Encounter Service

7:00PM Encounter Service

7:00PM Encounter Service

7:00PM Encounter Service





7:00PM Choir


7:30PM Men’s Mentoring Group-Bethel

7:00PM Bible Study at Ken & Marti Steenwyk’s

6:00 PM Keenagers Christmas Banquet

9:30AM Prayer Group 7:00PM Grief Share 7:00PM LIFE-Young Adults at Chris & Linda Guerette’s 7:00PM Bible Study at Dalton & Robyn Burke’s 7:00PM Bible Study at Ken & Marti Steenwyk’s

25 9:30AM Prayer GroupPrayer Room 6:30PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room 7:00PM Grief Share-Bethel Boardroom 7:00PM Breaking Free Bible Study-Bethel Foyer 7:00PM LIFE-Young Adults at Chris & Linda Guerette’s 7:00PM Bible Study at Dalton & Robyn Burke’s 7:00PM Bible Study at Ken & Marti Steenwyk’s

Prayer and Fasting

9:00AM Alpha Day

9:00AM—7:00PM Prayer-Sanctuary 6:00PM Rescue 7:00PM Choir

Momentum Jr. High Convention Cambridge Nov 14th-15th

6:00PM Rescue 6:00PM Prayer

Community Room


10:30AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb 6:30PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb 6:30 PM Foundation Course-Community Room


Lead Pastor Ext. 228


Student Ministries Pastor Ext. 223


NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH? Need a ride to Church on Sunday morning? Just call the church office before 8:30AM Sunday morning & follow the instructions to leave a message.

CONTACT US Bethel Pentecostal Church 1565 London Line Sarnia, Ontario N7T 7H2 @bethelsarnia /bethelsarnia 519.542.7731

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