CONNECT MAGAZINE | November 2011 Issue

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Welcome to Bethel! We are so glad to have you here! As you look through this Connect bulletin, we trust that you will quickly find that Bethel has something for you and your family. Our hope is that you will take the next step into our community and get involved. As you do, you will begin to see that Bethel is more than just a Sunday service, it is a family of everyday people following Christ to bring hope and change to the world - one life at a time.

Pastor Tim Gibb Lead Pastor



This Month

Bethel News

ISRAEL IN BIBLE PROPHECY Rev. John Tweedie, President of Christians for Israel Canada, will be our special guest for Sunday night, November 6th at 6:30PM. He will be bringing a prophetic update as it relates to the nation of Israel.

MOMS GROUP BAKE SALE The Mom’s Group of Bethel will be holding a bake sale following the Sunday morning service on November 13th. The funds will go to Missionary Rachel Sticklee of "Into All The World" Ministries who is providing assistance to women in Haiti and the Dominican Republic by maintaining a self-supporting art co-op where they can work as an alternative to prostitution. For more info on Rachel go to

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes need to be returned to the church for Sunday, November 13th. Thank you for blessing a 3rd world child this Christmas!

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The Pregnancy Centre is currently seeking a committed Christian woman to serve in this ministry as Administrative Assistant. They require someone who has a good working knowledge of Word, Publisher and Excel, and who also has some basic bookkeeping experience. This is a part time position consisting of twenty hours per week. Please submit resumes via email to attention: Donna Prendergast, Executive Director please include references. They will accept resumes until the 10th of December, 2011. A job description will be available upon request. NOTE: only those selected for the interview process will be contacted. Donna Prendergast, Executive Director.

BIBLES FOR MISSIONS Please consider supporting your local Bibles for Missions Thrift Store. Funds received from the sale of all donated household goods and clothing are to purchase Bibles and other Christian materials throughout the world. Our store is completely operated by volunteers. We will be moving into our new, larger location (old Swiss Chalet lot) in the Spring of 2012 and will be needing additional volunteers. For more information and to volunteer, call 519-337-1614. We are currently located at 110 East Street in Sarnia.

Coming In 2012





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God doesn't give us what we can't handle... God helps us handle what we are given. Pride wants to win an argument. Love wants to win a person. Faith is the response to something God said, not the belief

Don't let a season in your life define your lifetime! A crisis is a terrible thing to waste! There has NEVER been a miracle without a crisis! The devil wants me to worry about what's NEXT so I can't enjoy what's NOW. The devils a liar!! GOD is GOOD!!!

of something you want. WITHOUT GOD…our week would be: Sinday, Mournday, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday, Fightday, Shatterday.

Circumstances don't make you, they reveal you. How you respond to the life God offers you is what makes you. Faith does not deny reality, faith knows and believes God can change reality.

Forgiveness is not saying it doesn’t matter. If it didn’t matter there wouldn’t be anything to forgive.

When the enemy starts knocking on a door that you closed long ago, you just say, "JESUS, IT'S FOR YOU!”

Betrayal is something that others do to you, bitterness is something you do to yourself. Just because it's delayed doesn't mean it's been denied. Keep the HOPE alive! Have "FAITH -Fully Anticipating Incredible Things Happening!” Be careful who you listen to.. Once you let people DEFINE you, they will CONFINE you! I have never lost a friend. Only imposters! Proverbs 17:17 :A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. God can change your season quickly. The Israelites went from the desert to Canaan in 24 hours. Are you ready?

Being obsessed with what people think about you is the quickest way to forget what God thinks about you... Excellence is no more than the consistent pursuit of improvement I can never change what I am unwilling to face... Never wrestle with a pig. You both get covered in mud,but only the pig likes it. Faith is facing the facts without being discouraged by them. It's NOT denying a diagnosis but defying a verdict. God always gives his best to those who leave the choice to Him!

Life can be understood by looking behind, but can only be lived by looking ahead. It's time to LIVE on Purpose!! I may not be perfect, but Jesus thinks I'm to die for. Satan can never schedule your destruction.. He can only schedule your distraction. That's where he gets you.. Stay focused!

A holy private life yields an anointed public life. Never trust Delilah to just give you a trim.

Article Giving Options

Giving Options Update

In these times of changing technology, the way we do business and financial transactions have changed. Most of your purchases would be through debit and bill payments through on-line banking. Understanding these changes, Bethel has provided a variety of convenient and secure ways for you to financially support the work of the Lord. Cheque’s and cash are still a good option in your giving as well. We appreciate and thank you for your partnership in the work of God here at Bethel. Your regular contributions allow for God’s work to go forward! Here are several options in giving:

Debit Giving The Debit - Interact Desk is open before and after the Sunday morning service and before the evening service. Just fill out an offering envelope and the Desk Hostess will be happy to help you process your tithe.

Credit Card Giving Consider the benefits of knowing your tithe to the church is automatically handled each month. You can take advantage of your credit card award programs as you give. Whether you are on vacation or simply forgot to bring your wallet to church, your commitment to supporting Bethel Church continues. If credit card giving is the right option for you, please contact the church office.

Online Giving Giving online is safe and secure. Whether you submit a single donation or would like to set up scheduled giving, you can do it all online. Go to your online banking and set up Bethel Pent. Church - Sarnia as one of your payees. Use your Bethel Church offering envelope number as your account number. If your envelope number only has two digits then you must add a ZERO in front of the number. Call the church office at 519.542.7731 if you need verification of your envelope number.

NEW: Charitable Donations of Securities Gifting shares could enhance your tax benefit To encourage individuals to increase their charitable giving, the Canadian Government has provided a tax incentive for individuals who wish to donate publicly traded securities. These securities include shares, stock options, debt obligations, mutual funds, segregated funds and Government of Canada or provincial bonds donated to charitable organizations.When you donate a security in-kind with accrued capital gains, you benefit from the elimination of the capital gain plus the donation tax credit. The combined tax savings can make a significant difference to the after-tax cost of your donation. Our church has recently opened an account that can facilitate in-kind donations of securities. Please contact the church office for additional information on this topic as well as account information required to facilitate an in-kind donation.

Reaching Kids International’s priority in

necessities on a regular basis. Please

working in Malaysia with refugees from

ministry is to help at risk children in third world countries. To achieve that goal,

pray for our Christmas outreaches in Northern Thailand. We will be going to a number of villages as well as public schools, to share the Christmas message and bring some little gifts to the children.

Vietnam and Myanmar. Part of their ministry will be to establish a school for the kids, because as refugees they are not allowed public education.

we also include ministry to other streams of influence such as Pastors,

The ministry in Cambodia is doing very well. We have a number of ministry points in that needy country. Last year we had an incredible baptism service with

youth , etc. While we have many outreach focal points, in the end it all boils down to what is best for the kids. Children's spiritual, physical, emotional, economic, and educational needs must

54 new student believers, who are continuing on in serving the Lord. We are working along with another mission

In Myanmar, the ministry continues to grow. Our outreach in Innwa has 90 children who accepted Christ as Saviour and are being discipled on a daily basis. We also provide a meal a day, plus school uniforms and other necessities for them. We are purchasing 4 cows for this outreach to help make them self supporting. We need to also help them

be addressed. In Thailand, an orphanage we support was wiped out by the flooding. We are thankful that we have been able to work with the local ministry there in assisting organization in helping to build homes for people who were forced from their slum homes on to the street and were left homeless. So far we have provided funding for 3 homes at $600 per home. Because of flooding in Cambodia, we

their recovery. This past year, we had a team come from Canada, who financed and built a church/community center for a village up north. Pastor Tricia Gibb was a part of that team and I am happy to report that the building is being used to reach children and the elderly with the gospel. In Thailand, we have expanded outreach to include the elderly, and widows. There is always a need there to help with materials for weaving so that the widows can be self supporting, plus we need to contribute rice and other

also need to provide rice and other necessities for these people. Our orphanage, located just outside of Phnom Pehn, still needs some assistance for it to become self supporting. We have built them a new kitchen, toilets, new desks for the school, plus medical aid and food as they need it. Because of the giving of Canadians, we will be building a 5 foot block wall around the property to protect the revenue projects that we have established for them. This fall we will be welcoming another couple to our RKI family, who will be

establish a bamboo mat business for them to be completely self supporting. Our outreach to the dog shelter kids was blessed with a good donation from a children's church in Ontario. The dog shelter kids need continual support for food, clothing and education. Praise the Lord they know how to pray and are believing God to meet their needs. RKI also provides education for 110 students in Uganda East Africa. Thank you for your prayers and support for hurting children around the world. Mike Kerychuk Reaching Kids International

From Me To You Missions Trip to Ukraine I will be traveling to the nation of Ukraine from Sunday night November 13th to November 25th. I will be speaking at 2 Pastors conferences as well as a number of churches. My first and last time in Ukraine was in 1995 when I led a youth ministry team on a Missions trip. It is a personal blessing to travel to Ukraine as it is where my grandparents on my mom’s side were born. It was in Ukraine where my ancestors came to know Christ and my grandmother was miraculously healed of diphtheria. I appreciate your prayerful support for this mission. Also thanks to my wife and son for allowing me to take the time to be away and to miss American Thanksgiving (Sorry Kim…I will make it up to you!). Note: My wife is American.

Important Case for Evangelical Christians Before the Supreme Court of Canada The Supreme Court of Canada is currently reviewing a case (Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission v. Whatcott) that has the potential to have great influence on the issues of religious freedom of expression and hate speech in Canada. The Court is examining two critical questions:

and even quoting certain passages from the Bible. These things could be considered hate speech. As a Christian church, we need to be much in prayer for our nation and for this particular case. The court decision is expected to take several months. For more information go to

Political Correctness Gone Too Far Recently a friend of mine went into her Canadian bank where she saw a large, bright, corporately designed poster, complete with bank logo, congratulating from all the staff, a “Happy Diwali”. What is Diwali? A Hindu festival that celebrates the triumph of good over evil where the god Lakshmi is worshipped and the demon Naraka is defeated. It is a celebration of lights, more specifically the inner light that the Hindu religion teaches that each individual possesses. When my friend asked the teller if the same bank will design a beautiful poster for all their branches to display saying “Merry Christmas” congratulating Christians on the celebration of their religious holiday? ‘Likely not’ he replied.

1. Is it necessary to a person’s faith to communicate their beliefs, particularly when others may consider those beliefs to be wrong or offensive?

Now I am tolerant of other religions. My intention is not to start a holy war or decline a religion the right to celebrate their festival or even for the bank to express its wishes to its customers. We have a

2. Can expressing moral opposition to someone’s sexual expression

number of Hindu students coming to Bethel and we are so pleased to have them and genuinely welcome them.

be distinguished from advocating hatred toward the person? The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, the voice of the Christian church in Canada of which Bethel is an affiliate member, is intervening in this case. The circumstances of this case involve a Mr. Whatcott, a resident of Saskatchewan, who distributed printed material that spoke against certain sexual orientations using Bible verses. The EFC is not defending the methodology of Mr. Whatcott’s expressions, but rather the rights of Evangelicals and others to speak truth – sometimes hard truth – in the public square. EFC President Bruce Clemenger has said that this is one of the most important and challenging cases the Evangelical Fellowship has taken on. As a Pastor, the ramifications of this case could mean that I could be restricted under Canadian law in addressing certain moral issues

But in the name of equality and tolerance, according to the 2001 Canadian census, 77% of Canadians identified themselves as Christian, why is that political correctness includes equality for all groups except for Christians? It’s time to speak up and remind people in a loving way that this holiday season we are about to come into is all about the celebration of Jesus Christ being born into this world to be our Saviour and to bring us to God. Pastor Tim Gibb

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Sunday mornings during service: Nursery - Newborn to Age 3 Pre-School - Ages 3 to 5 Kidsplosion - Grades 1 to 4 YOUTH MINISTRY Revo 3 - Thursday night Jr. & Sr. High Youth service [Ages 13-17} Additional activities planned throughout the year. ADULT MINISTRY We have many groups with ongoing activities, check the bulletin and website for details of what’s upcoming! Young Adults - Weekly Bible Study group called “Life” meets Tues nights in Bethel Cafe. Led by Chris & Linda Guerette and Steve & Cathy Fraser. Young Families - Monthly activities for families with young children. Led by Kevin & Josie Hazzard. Real Women - Ongoing activities for women of all ages. The Core Men’s Ministry - Activities for all men. Led by Shannon Smith. Keenagers Seniors Ministry - Monthly lunch or special activity. Led by Carl & Faye Johnson. Music Ministry - Is always looking for new talent, including choir, audio and visual personnel. Speak to Caleb or Stephanie Courtney. Small Groups - Organized throughout the year around specific themes. Usually 4 to 6 weeks long. A great way to connect with others. Bible Study - Tuesday night Bible Study & Hymn Sing. Led by Gilbert & Margo VanSligtenhorst. Foundation Course - A course on the essentials of Christian faith followed by a retreat weekend. Led by Pastor Keith Patrick.

Connect at Bethel

6:30 PM Service Mark Davy

2:45PM Alpha Course

27 Missions Sunday 10:30 AM Service Mark Davy

20 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tricia Gibb 12:30PM Inside Out Jr. High-Hub 12:45PM Alpha Course 6:30 PM Service Pastor Keith Patrick

13 Return Christmas Shoe Boxes 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb 12:45PM Alpha Course 6:30PM Foundation Course 6:30 PM Service Doug Nixon

6 Communion 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb 12:30PM Inside Out Jr. High-Hub 12:45PM Alpha Course 6:30 PM Service John Tweedie


6:30PM– Marriage Course

6:30 PM DivorceCare

12:45 PM Mom’s In Touch


6:30PM– Marriage Course

12:45 PM Mom’s In Touch 6:30 PM DivorceCare

7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults

6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room


7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults

6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room


7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults

6:30PM– Marriage Course


6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room

6:30 PM DivorceCare

12:45 PM Mom’s In Touch


7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults

6:30PM– Marriage Course


6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room


7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults

6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room



6:30 PM DivorceCare

12:45 PM Mom’s In Touch



6:30 PM Prayer 7:30PM Choir Practice


6:30 PM Prayer 7:30PM Choir Practice


6:30 PM Prayer 7:30PM Choir Practice


6:30 PM Prayer 7:30PM Choir Practice


6:30PM– Marriage Course 6:30 PM Prayer 7:30PM Choir Practice



7:00 PM REVO3-Offsite


7:00 PM REVO3


7:00 PM REVO3


7:00 PM Real Women “This is My Story Night”

7:00 PM REVO3




6:00 PM KEENAGERS Christmas Banquet

10:00 AM Mom’s Group-Foyer/Café







Restoration Retreat Weekend Friday 7-10PM Saturday 9AM-5PM

10:00 AM Mom’s Group-Foyer/Cafe


10:00 AM Mom’s Group-Foyer/Cafe


10:00 AM Mom’s Group-Foyer/Cafe



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