CONNECT | October 2012

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CONNECT Welcome to Bethel! We are so glad to have you here! As you look through this Connect bulletin, we trust that you will quickly find that Bethel has something for you and your family. Our hope is that you will take the next step into our community and get involved. As you do, you will begin to see that Bethel is more than just a Sunday service, it is a family of everyday people following Christ to bring hope and change to the world - one life at a time.



Phil Corbett See page 2 for service time schedule


NIGHT OF WORSHIP Join us on Sunday October 7th @ 6:30PM for a 1 hour time of Worship and Declaring God’s Word on Praise followed by fellowship time in our Cafe/Lobby.

breakf st Saturday, October 27, 2012 | 8:00AM-10:00AM $5.00 for breakfast | Sign up at the Welcome Desk


With Michael & Linda Livengood and Phil & Rachel Corbett


Services at 10:30AM & 6:30PM


Prayer and Teaching at 10:00AM Nightly Services at 7:00PM

PRAYER TIMES Saturday October 27th from 7:00-8:00PM Plus 30 minutes before each nightly service.

Saturday October 13th at Bethel 9am – 4pm

COMMISSIONING RETREAT Are you enthusiastic and full of joy at the thought of being used by God, or are there reservations, a sense of apprehension when God asks you to move? Come to this retreat and be spiritually refreshed and deal with any wounds to your spirit that have affected your walk and ministry. The Commissioning Retreat is a one-day retreat which builds on the individual spiritual growth you achieved in Restoration, encourages your leadership potential, and equips you to fulfill your role in the Kingdom. Please register in advance at the Welcome Desk from September 2 onwards – no cost to participants. Drinks will be provided but bring your own packed lunch. To register, you must have completed a Restoration Retreat. Any questions, please contact Pastor Keith.

Keenagers Keenagers Bus Trip | $20.00

Friday Nov 2nd, 2012 Travelling to the Rock Glen area, then to Forest for a Roast Beef Dinner. Christmas Concert with the Chapelaires at Forest Cliff Camp at 6:00pm

Tickets on sale Sunday Oct. 14th


Shoppin g Trip To Great Lakes Crossing Mall in Michigan on a Coach Bus Saturday, Novembe r 3rd $25 & sig n-up by Oct 14th Passport Required Limited Seats Available




Nov 22nd, 2012 Game ticket is $20.00. Sign up at the Welcome Desk by Oct 19th

Sun. Nov 4th, 6:30-8:30PM

A one class session on establishing and solidifying the basics of our Christian faith, and the essential preparation for the Restoration Retreat. Taught by Pastor Keith in the Fellowship Room.

Fri. Nov 9th, 7-10PM & Sat. Nov 10th, 9AM-5PM

A 2-day retreat weekend that strengthens and deepens a believer’s faith and Christian walk, with an emphasis on inner healing, gaining freedom from past issues, and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

For all those interested Sign Up at the Welcome Desk.

With Live Presenter David Heasler



URGENT PRAYER NEED FOR ILYA & JANET BANTSEEV AND THE CHURCH IN SIBERIA On Monday, September 24th, we received this urgent prayer request email from Ilya Bantseev. Ilya is the lead Pastor of the church in Novokuznetsk, Siberia, Russia, a church of 1,000


plus people in a city of 600,000. Their

Bethel Missions Goal for 2012 - $3,500

congregation ministers in prisons, orphanages,

NeighbourLink Sarnia-Lambton is a

how to reach out to people in practical

addictions through the Teen Challenge program.

network of Christian churches that

ways. High unemployment, decreas-

Ilya & Janet are missionaries that Bethel supports

bridges the needs of individuals in the

ing government funding of social

in our prayers and finances. Here is Ilya’s prayer

community with available resources

programs, and public resistance to tax


through love in action, education

increases underline the urgent need for

and advocacy. In these difficult times,

churches to become the focal points of

Dear Prayer Partners,

many of us have a deep desire to help

compassion within our communities.

our neighbours in need by following

NeighbourLink helps churches identify

We have an urgent request for prayer. As you

Christ’s command, and to translate our

and mobilize all the resources and gifts

probably remember some time ago we had a

words of faith into acts of love in His

that its members can offer to change

victory in court. The local prosecutor tried to

name. However, we don’t always know

lives and communities.

close the Source of Life (Teen Challenge Siberia)

and to people with life controlling problems or

by initiating several law suits. There were


Bethel Missions Goal for 2012 - $3,500 The Pregnancy Centre provides ser-

to receive help in thinking through this

vices to women, teens, their partners

event with someone who is not person-

and parents who are in a difficult place

ally involved in your situation.

as it relates to an unplanned pregnancy.

The Centre does not provide or refer

Decisions at this time are difficult and

for abortion, and our support includes

personal. Navigating this decision-mak-

confidential, non-judgemental care,

ing can be stressful and life-changing.

education about options, post-abortion

The goal of The Pregnancy Centre is to

care, relationship counsel and

provide a safe place for those involved

community referrals.

approximately 20 cases with the fire dept., sanitation dept., the prosecutor’s office and the city administration of Kultan (where the TC program is located.) As you may remember, we won every court case; however, the prosecutor did not stop. Last week our lawyer was informed that a decision was made to start a criminal case against me for starting an extremist religious organization. They want to press charges stating that the Source of Life is harmful to citizens. If convicted, I could be sentenced to three years in prison.

THE ROCK ON CAMPUS - LAMBTON COLLEGE Bethel Missions Goal for 2012 - $1,000 The Rock on Campus seeks to provide

The Rock on Campus also engages

chaplain services to students and

churches in the local community by

staff on community college cam-

linking students to a place they can call

puses. Chaplains seek to ‘be there’ for

their spiritual home while in school.

students and staff, offer friendship in

Local churches in Sarnia have come

confidence, listen to, pray for, provide

together to provide for this ministry

spiritual care as requested. The Rock

at Lambton College and Dan Helps is

on Campus also provides a venue for

currently serving as the official chaplain

campus ministry, allowing students

at the school.

the opportunity to be involved in and grow in their faith while in attendance at college.

This past Friday I had a meeting in the Canadian Embassy in Moscow. The First Secretary and Consul will send a letter on Monday to the Ministry of External Affairs of the Russian Federation requesting an explanation of the circumstances concerning the Source of Life. We are praying that Isaiah 54:17 would be fulfilled. Please pray with us that as the Ministry of External Affairs begins to check into this case that all the false allegations would be exposed, that the truth would be revealed, and that this case would be dropped. Thank you! Ilya

Lessons Learned From Motion 312 By Pastor Tim Gibb

On Monday, September 24th, I sent out an

1. The Canadian Church needs to do

motion , along with a ‘handful’ urging her to

email to our Bethel church family outlining

a better job of informing Pastors and

vote against it.”

3 prayer items. (Note: If you did not receive

Evangelical believers in this country of

an email and would like to be on our email

the issues that come before Parliament.

list, please contact the church office). One

Now I am not suggesting that I was the one responsible for the ‘hundreds’ of requests

of these items concerned a Motion that was

I did not mention Motion 312 on Sunday,

of support, but I do know that I brought the

presented to the House of Commons and was

September 23rd because I did not know

issue to the attention of others (something

scheduled for a vote on Wednesday, Septem-

about it. Now maybe somewhere I missed

we can all do) and that as a result, people

ber 26th. The Motion, dubbed the “Abortion

it. I try to stay current with news, but I only

contacted Pat Davidson’s office. I also know

Motion” by the media, was presented by

learned of this Motion on Monday, Sept 24th

that her voting decision was strongly encour-

Kitchener Centre MP Stephen Woodworth.

through a Facebook post of a friend. When I

aged by the response she received from the

The motion was simply to appoint a special

read the post, I researched the issue on the

community. Even though the Motion was

committee of the House to review the dec-

internet which then prompted my appeal to

ultimately defeated, our local MP voted for it!

laration in Subsection 223(1) of the Criminal

you and to the other Pastors in the city. Sadly,

I thank Pat Davidson for taking this position.

Code of Canada which states that a child be-

this was just 2 days before the vote. Here is

Our voice made a difference for our riding!

comes a human being only at the moment of

an important issue for the sanctity of life, and

complete birth. There is currently no human

I did not know about it until 2 days before

3. Ultimately, the change that is needed

rights protection for the unborn and a child

and only through a Facebook post.

in this country on these issues is only going to come as the hearts of

in the womb is considered by our government to be a non-human. This committee is

2. Our voice can make a difference.

Canadians are changed.

When I learned of this Motion on Monday

Prime Minister Stephen Harper, when asked

to examine the question: When does human life begin?

September 24th, I contacted MP Pat Da-

about this motion and the issue of abortion,

While the study was not specific to the abor-

vidson’s office both in Sarnia and Ottawa

said to CBC anchor Peter Mansbridge, ”What

tion debate, the results of the study certainly

to express my desire for Ms. Davidson to

(is)... necessary (is) to change the hearts of

would have implications on the abortion

support the Motion. I asked to speak with Ms.


question. For example, our current law al-

Davidson but her assistant in Ottawa told me

lows for partial birth abortion as the child is

she was unavailable at the time. He then told

How TRUE! But here is where there is hope on

deemed not human even if only a foot is still

me that Pat has not made a decision as to

this issue. According to Evangelical Fellow-

in the birth canal. Another issue affected is

whether to support this motion but is waiting

ship of Canada’s Vice President Don Hutchin-

that of gender selection. People are using

to hear from the residents of her riding. Her

son, “consolidated independent opinion polls

abortion as a means of ending a life simply if

assistant said to me that they have received

(in Canada) demonstrate strong support for

the child is not the gender they were hoping

calls from local residents both for and against

restrictions on abortion; for those who are

for. Seeing as our current law deems that

the motion. I asked him to clearly commu-

medically viable, to prohibit sex selection, etc.

an unborn child is non-human, there is no

nicate my desire for Ms. Davidson to vote in

As more Canadians learn of Canada’s “born

recourse as it comes to gender selection and

favour of this motion. I then sent the email to

alive” rule, their hearts are changing!”


you and also strongly encouraged through Facebook. I received many replies that

Even though the defeat of this Motion was a

As you can see, this is a very important and

individuals from our church did in fact then

setback in the sanctity of life issue, all is not

moral issue especially for us as Christian

contact Ms. Davidson’s office. Pastor Laurie

lost! Medical science and technology is con-

believers. This is why I appealed to you for

Morris of Forest Baptist church responded to

vincing that the child inside the womb is not

prayer and encouraged you to contact MP Pat

my email and thanked me for informing him,

just a blob of tissue but indeed a human life.

Davidson to vote for the Motion. Sadly the

and he too sent an email to his congregation

Young people especially are more pro-life

vote in the House was 203-91 against the Mo-

encouraging their communication to their

than their parents. If we as Christian believers

tion. Even our Prime Minister voted against

local MP.

will be informed and engaged, and will voice

the motion as he did not want to open up the abortion debate in the country.

our positions, we will change the hearts of I learned after the vote, through the Sarnia Observer, that Pat Davidson did in fact vote

As I reflect on this, there are some things that

in favour of the motion, as she said she “had

I learned....

‘hundreds’ of requests for her to support the

Canadians on this issue in time.

We want to say a big thank you to everyone who volunteered this past Family Fun Day to serve our local community. This is a day we could not have done without you! The day was a HUGE sucess and we cannot wait to do it again! We had just over 1,200 people come out to our property, gave away 1,500 hot dogs, handed out more bags of cotton candy than we can count and had a ton of fun with everyone who came that day.

We had lots of great feedback from people who came out this year. Here is an example of the impact we made on someone who came. A gentleman from our community came to FFD where he found out about our Divorce Care program. He said he had no idea that Bethel had such great programs for the community and was impressed with what we had to offer.

Or watch it at

With any special event we do here at Bethel we really encourage people to invite their friends, family members, neighbours, and co-workers to come out to the event we are promoting. We resource our people with postcards or some form of marketing material to make the job a little bit easier.

So this year we took a survey when people signed up for the grand prize to find out how they heard about the day. We were pleased to find out the #1 reason people came out was because of a friend invite. Here are the top 3 results of everyone who filled out the survey.

FIGHT YOUR ADVERSARY WITH PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING We have been doing a message series on Sunday nights on Spiritual Warfare: Winning in Battle. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 2:11 “lest Satan should take advantage of us; we are not (to be) ignorant of his devices.” We have been examining the spiritual protection that Paul the Apostle outlines for the believer in his letter to the Ephesians in chapter 6. Along with the spiritual protection that Paul outlines, the Bible also makes it clear that thanksgiving and praise are vital weapons in our ability to win over our adversary. Thanksgiving and praise involve more than just speaking lovely words to God. There is power in praising God. Praise was ordained by God for a definite reason. It serves a purpose. Psalm 8 and 9 point out some things about praise that every believer should know. Psalm 8:1-2 says, “O Lord, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth, Who have set Your

glory above the heavens! Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength, Because of Your enemies, That You may silence the enemy and the avenger.” Jesus quoted this Psalm in Matthew 21:16, “Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have perfected praise.” He equates praise with strength. From these Scriptures, we see that God brought praise into existence. He ordained it. Why? “Because of Your enemies, That You may silence the enemy and the avenger.” Praise stops Satan right in his tracks. It is a weapon we are to use in calling a halt to Satan’s maneuvers. Psalm 9 says, “I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High. When my enemies turn back, They shall fall

and perish at Your presence. For You have maintained my right and my cause; You sat on the throne judging in righteousness.” Notice it says: When your enemies are turned back not if! There is no question about it. Remember: We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against Satan’s forces (Ephesians 6). Whatever adversity is challenging you today, begin to praise God. Thank Him for the victory secured for you through the Cross of Jesus Christ. Exercise this vital weapon in your warfare against Satan and his forces. Your enemies will have to turn back. They will fall and perish at your presence, and the peace and victory that Jesus bought for you will be yours.

I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High. When my enemies turn back, They shall fall and perish at Your presence. For You have maintained my right and my cause; You sat on the

-Pastor Tim Gibb

THE STORY SCHEDULE October 7th #25 - Jesus, The Son of God October 14th #26 - The Hour of Darkness October 21st #27 - The Resurrection October 28th Special Guest Michael Livengood

throne judging in righteousness. PSALM 9:1-4


WARFARE W I N N I N G I N B AT T L E CONTINUES SUNDAY NIGHTS IN OCTOBER Oct 14th How To Stand When The Battle Is On & Oct 21st The Power Of Praying In The Spirit

Marriage Mentoring - A program that matches experienced married couples with couples that want to improve their marriage, fix problems, or are preparing for marriage.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Sunday mornings during service: Nursery - Newborn to Age 3 Pre-School - Ages 3 to 5 Kidsplosion - Grades 1 to 4 YOUTH MINISTRY Revo 3 - Thursday night Jr. & Sr. High Youth service [Ages 13-17} Additional activities planned throughout the year. ADULT MINISTRY We have many groups with ongoing activities, check the bulletin and website for details of what’s upcoming! Young Adults - Weekly Bible Study group called “Life” meets Tues. nights in Bethel Cafe. Led by Chris & Linda Guerette and Steve & Kathy Fraser. Real Women - Ongoing activities for women of all ages. Led by Pam Lozon. The Core Men’s Ministry - Activities for all men. Led by Shannon Smith. Keenagers Seniors Ministry - Monthly lunch or special activity. Led by Carl & Faye Johnson. Music Ministry - Is always looking for new talent, including choir, audio and visual personnel. Speak to Caleb or Stephanie Courtney. Home Fellowship groups - New to Bethel or desire to connect with others? Join one of our Thursday evening Home Fellowship Groups. Contact Darwin & Angela Armstrong or Pastors Keith & Patricia for more details. A great way to connect with others. Bible Study - Tuesday night Bible Study & Hymn Sing. Restoration Course - A course on the essentials of Christian faith followed by a retreat weekend. Led by Pastor Keith Patrick.

Pastor Tim Gibb Lead Pastor


Office Closed


Tricia Gibb Student Ministries

7:00 PM Michael Livengood Phil Corbett

10:00 AM Prayer/Phil Corbett


7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults

6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room


7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults

6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room


7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults

6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room


7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults

6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room



Keith & Patricia Patrick Pastoral Care

7:00 PM Michael Livengood Phil Corbett

12:45 PM Mom’s In Prayer 6:30 PM DivorceCare

10:00 AM Prayer/Phil Corbett


6:30 PM DivorceCare

12:45 PM Mom’s In Prayer


6:30 PM DivorceCare

12:45 PM Mom’s In Prayer



6:30 PM DivorceCare

12:45 PM Mom’s In Prayer


Our Pastors

6:30 PM Service Michael Livengood

28 10:30 AM Service Michael Livengood

6:30 PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

The Story #27

21 Membership Class 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

6:30 PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

The Story #26

14 Membership Class 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

Fellowship Time Following the service

Communion 6:30 PM Service Night of Thanksgiving and Praise

The Story #25

7 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb


7:30PM Choir


7:30PM Choir

6:30 PM Prayer


7:30PM Choir

6:30 PM Prayer


7:30PM Choir

6:30 PM Prayer


6:30 PM Prayer



Nov 1st

7:00 PM REVO3


7:00 PM REVO3


7:00 PM REVO3


7:00 PM REVO3



1:00 PM Keenagers Bus Trip to Forest

Nov 2nd

9:30 AM Mom’s Group


9:30 AM Mom’s Group


9:30 AM Mom’s Group


9:30 AM Mom’s Group



REAL WOMEN– Bus Trip To Great Lakes Crossing

Nov 3rd

7:00 PM Prayer/Phil Corbett

8:00 AM Men’s Breakfast



9:00 AM Commissioning Retreat




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