WITH ISRAEL Beth El banner final w/bleed.indd 1
10/12/23 4:36 PM
RABBI’S MESSAGE Dear Friends, As I write these words, I know that anything I say about what is happening on the ground in Israel or in Gaza will be obsolete. As I write this, ground troops have not yet entered Gaza. A northern front has not fully opened, and I pray that it will not. My comments about the war itself will not be meaningful by the time this bulletin is in your hands, as everything I just wrote may have changed. What I can do is write personally. The terror attacks of October 7th have been unbearable for me. They are not distant in any way. They have fractured the core essence of my identity. My love of Israel is central to my identity. The feeling of belonging to the people of Israel and its citizens is unmatched in my life. I feel at home there in ways that are hard to describe in words. The sense of Israel as a secure home for our people has been shattered. Over the years I have learned to compartmentalize the brutal terror attacks Israel endures. The ethos of Israelis is to mourn hard, often privately, but to live each day as if it is their last. Grief does not stop life. Not in Israel. But this is different. It’s extremely difficult to integrate what unfolded on October 7th with the Israel I know, and the Israel that shaped me. Yossi Klein Halevi articulated this shift succinctly: Even more than the atrocities themselves, what
The Bulletin November 2023
was so – yes – unbearable to many of us was the helplessness of our fellow Israelis. Nothing is more antithetical to the Israeli ethos than for Jews to be burned alive with their hands bound behind their backs, with the IDF nowhere in sight.
The predictable politics of equivocation has mushroomed in the weeks since the war began. Calls for an immediate ceasefire have grossly abandoned the 240 hostages held by Hamas, as the demand for their immediate release is curiously missing from these calls. Many student organizations on campuses across America and Europe- as well as presidents of universities- not only refused to condemn the savage murder of Israelis, including the beheading of children and the rape of women but celebrated them (one professor at Cornell described them as exhilarating). I have been thinking about the Dreyfus affair and the limits of our acceptance by others. If we are not all struggling with this question after the sadistic murder of over 1400 Jews and the refusal of so many thought leaders and people of conscience to condemn it, then we are in denial. That has always been a dangerous space for a Jew. I am exhausted and heartbroken by the ways in which this massacre and its attendant war incessantly interrupt life. But this is the way it must be now. Our people are at war, and as long as that is the case, we have a duty to bear witness to their struggles and support their efforts. We must read the
stories of heroism from October 7th as well as the painful stories of tragedy. They are our stories now. We must make space for them. They are sacred. We must also continue living full lives as Jews, tending to our spiritual commitments as well as our commitments to peoplehood. We will celebrate life cycle moments and build the programming and structures of a vibrant Jewish life, because other than fighting the evil of antisemitism directly, this is the only other response to a pogrom that makes any sense. Rabbi Sitkin, Cantor Gaby, and I are here to offer pastoral support as we all navigate these trying times. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to set up a time to talk. Wishing all of us strength in these coming months. Chazak ve’ematz- be strong and courageous! L’Shalom, Rabbi David A. Schuck
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE On Kol Nidre, I spoke to the Beth El community about our kehilah. I spoke about my own gratitude for our community and about how Beth El is here for each of us, in times of celebrations of B’nei Mitzvot and other joyous life cycle moments and in times of pain and loss. I also spoke about all the other wonderful aspects of our community, from learning to social events to educating our children. Neither I, nor anyone else, could have imagined that a mere two weeks later our lives would change with the October 7 attack on Israel. We have all read poignant pieces by Israelis, scholars, and our own clergy as we process the attack. I want to share a few thoughts, not from any of those perspectives, but both personally and in my role as Beth El’s president about the Beth El community. Since October 7, the gratitude that I had previously felt to be a part of Beth El has only multiplied. At a time when so many of us feel alone as Jews, feel consumed by the news and by our emotions and anxiety, Beth El has been and is providing a space for us: a space to sing together, a space to pray together, a space to stand together, and a space to learn and process together. I am amazed at the agility of our clergy, professional staff, and volunteers in anticipating and understanding the needs of our community at this moment and providing ways to
address them. This ranges from making on the fly changes to the davening on Simchat Torah to adding opportunities to learn about Israel and to stand in solidarity with the New Rochelle community. And I am struck by how much we as a community need this, as evidenced in part by the many, many faces I see in person and on zooms at these events, and by the people I have spoken to on Shabbat who said some variation of, “I am here because I wanted to be here at Shabbat services with all that is going on.” I will end this article where I started, talking about the core aspects of Beth El that make it so special to each of us. We still celebrate joyful milestones (nearly every weekend this fall, as you see in shul and in the Mazel Tov section of this bulletin) and still come together to support one another through losses. We still provide incredible education to learners of all ages. And, we come together in all the ways that we as a community can, and should do: organizing talks, davening, singing in solidarity, pastoral care for processing these events, and just being together in a place where we can be open about how we feel and what we experience with one another. I hope that you will continue to share with me, and with the other lay leaders and professional staff, ways that we can continue to provide support during this difficult time. Am Yisrael Chai.
The Bulletin November 2023
Hanukkah Schedule 5784 (2023): December 7th - December 14th *Every evening we will light Hanukkah candles and recite Hallel during davening. Thursday, December 7th Erev Hanukkah (First Candle) 5:30 pm: Community Candle Lighting We invite you all to join us to light the first night of Hanukkah together with song and dance. No registration required.
Saturday, December 9th (Third Candle) 10:30 am - Tot Hanukkah Join our Tots community for a special Hanukkah/Shabbat experience! During our normal Tots service, we will also celebrate Hanukkah together with Hanukkah songs, stories, and even a delicious Hanukkah snack! This event is geared towards our families with children under 6. 6:00 - 7:15 pm - Maccabee Madness
Join us in blue and white for Havdalah, Hanukkah candle lighting, a light dinner with latkes, and lots of Hanukkah-themed activities such as dreidel spin art, relay races, Hanukkah Bingo, and more! This event is geared towards K-5th grade. Middle Schoolers are invited to be team leaders and helpers! Register Here: 8 pm - Share the Light: Hanukkah Glow Party Register here: $25 per person
Wednesday, December 13th (7th candle) 6:30 pm - Teen Hanukkah Lounge Night Thursday, December 14th (8th candle) The Bulletin November 2023
5:30 pm - Community Candle Lighting We invite you all to join us to light the 8th night of Hanukkah together with song and dance. No registration required.
The Bulletin November 2023
Beth El Day Camp “We are so happy here!” “We had a wonderful summer.” “The programming is very sweet and age-appropriate.” “My child is more confident in the pool and loved participating in a wide range of activities.”
The Bulletin November 2023
This praise only begins to capture how wonderful it was to play, learn, and grow together this past summer at Beth El Day Camp. From Basil Day, where we learned how to make pesto and care for our basil plants, to our Earth Day Carnival, to pony rides on Wild West Day, to swimming in the outdoor pool, every day was fun and exciting! This past summer, we launched Creativity Camp for children ages 8 to 12. In addition to providing classic summer fun like free swim, yoga, and dance, Creativity Camp also provides children with the opportunity to learn new creative skills in visual and culinary arts. Campers practiced their culinary skills while exploring food from around the world
such as spanakopita and shakshuka. They also utilized new creative materials, including polymer clay, fused glass, textile art, beading, and photography. Fridays started with a dance lesson followed by a trip to the Down to Earth Farmers Market. The campers also had the opportunity to visit the planetarium at the Hudson River Museum. We look forward to introducing even more trips and art forms this coming summer! While we may have said shalom (goodbye) to summer 2023, we said l’hitraot (see you later) to Beth El Day Camp. One parent shared, “My children cannot stop talking about next summer. We are already counting down the days!” If you or your children are looking forward to next summer, you are in luck! Early enrollment is open for summer 2024 (June 24th - August 16th). Reach out to our Day Camp Director, Rebecca Guralnik, at to register.
The Bulletin November 2023
Nursery School News
The Bulletin November 2023
This past month, which was chock-full of holidays, afforded the Nursery School children an opportunity for deep learning. Shofarot, lulavim, etrogim, and Torah scrolls were in all of our classrooms. There was intense blowing, shaking, smelling, exploring, and comparing. We decorated our outdoor school sukkah with murals, wall hangings and many artistic creations. Classes were also able to enjoy snack/and or lunch in one of Beth El’s many Sukkot. We even had off-site excursions when our 4-year-old Anaf classes went on a fall walk to visit Rabbi Fisher’s sukkah and Rabbi Sitkin’s sukkah. During Sukkot, our families were invited to join us for “Supper in the Sukkah”, which included two parts: the children had an opportunity to create beautiful sukkah decorations before our pizza meal, and we enjoyed singing and parading with stuffed Torahs, lulavim, and etrogim led by Cantor Gaby and Moreh Jack Klebanow when they finished eating. We were thrilled by how many people came together to celebrate Sukkot with us and we hear that, “a great time was had by all!”
Before Simchat Torah, many of our classes went on a Torah Walk and counted all of the Torah scrolls at Beth El. While we were in the sanctuary, we opened the Ark and took out a real Torah. We discussed the many parts of the Torah and we verbalized many new Hebrew vocabulary words: Beit Knesset Synagogue Yad Torah pointer M’eel Torah cover Aron Ark Degel Flag Hashem God Siddur Prayer book Our gathering culminated in singing and dancing with the Torahs. Subsequently, each class created their own Aron Kodesh, an ark to house their class sefer torah. What a rich month October was!
Keruv Korner
The prayer book that our synagogue uses for Shabbat and festivals, Siddur Lev Shalem, is a beautiful siddur. It is full of a wide range of content to enrich our prayer experience – the Hebrew prayers, with English translations and transliterations for select parts, educational explanations in the right column to help us understand the prayers, and inspirational poems and readings in the left column to help us derive meaning from the prayers. The book is not only a prayer book, but also an anthology of historical, halakhic, and spiritual content. Some of my favorite highlights are the personal prayers before opening the ark during the Torah service on page 169, the explanation of each Festival on page 304, the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel on page 449, and a comprehensive glossary of Hebrew and Liturgical Terms on pages 454-457. All this content comes at a cost -- the book is quite heavy. It is 466 pages long and weighs over 1.5 pounds. If you use one of our large print editions (which you can always find
“Keruv” = Hebrew for “to draw closer”
on the table outside of the sanctuary), it weighs over 5.3 pounds! This can make it very difficult to hold the book in your hands, especially if you have carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, or a hand or wrist injury. For this reason, the Keruv Committee has made available three stands that can be used to hold the prayer books. The height of the stand is easily adjusted using a foot pedal so you can use it while sitting or standing, and the flat surface that holds the book can be tilted to any angle. The stands are spread out around the sanctuary and are on wheels so you can bring them to your seat. If you cannot find a stand, please come to Carrie Fox, Ellen Hollander, or Dorothy Fox, and we will help you find one. If you have ideas about other Keruv Committee initiatives or if you are interested in joining the committee, please email Carrie at Keruv committee meetings are listed on and all are welcome! Carrie Fox
The Bulletin November 2023
Youth & Family Engagement Department - Update! Our Department of Youth & Family Engagement has been off to a great start! We have lots of upcoming programming in December! Saturday, December 2 at 11:15 am: Hanukkah Club for our 3rd-6th graders Join us for a Hanukkah-themed service on Shabbat morning. This program is designed for our upper elementary schoolaged children and gives them a chance to learn and celebrate together while also practicing leading services.
The Bulletin November 2023
Saturday, December 2 at 6:00 pm: Havdairy for our Tots and their families Our Beth El Tots community will enjoy singing, Havdalah, a dairy meal, and a special performance by our Nursery School teachers. Don’t forget to wear your pajamas!
Saturday, December 9 at 10:30 am: Tot Chanukah Join us for a Hanukkah-themed Tot Shabbat service and jelly donuts! Saturday, December 9 at 6 pm: PJ Hanukkah for K-4th graders Come in your pajamas for Havdalah, Hanukkah candle lighting, Hanukkah games, and activities while we enjoy some Hanukkah treats! Thursday, December 14 at 5:45 pm: Community Candle Lighting Light the 8th night’s lights with your Beth El community! Saturday, December 16: Family Havdalah for 5th-7th graders and their families Join our clergy to say goodbye to Shabbat and welcome the new week with dinner, games, and s’mores!
The Bulletin November 2023
Shoresh Halev Center for Jewish Music at Beth El Dear Friends, I’m happy to share with you some of the elements of the new prayer initiative, “Discover the Sacred: Awakening Communal Prayer,” which is spearheaded by Shoresh Halev Center for Jewish Music at Beth El and Beth El’s clergy team. We encourage your feedback and of course your participation. Please don’t hesitate to be in touch with me directly. As part of this new initiative: 1. We will have enhanced singing opportunities during Shabbat and holiday services. We encourage everyone to join in our monthly sessions. Over the next few months, we will introduce new opportunities for communal singing during services, including the original melodies we have commissioned from our guest artists these past years. 2. New learning opportunities will give everyone who is interested a chance to learn Hebrew and understand the prayers and the structure of the services better, and to participate fully.
3. We will initiate creative moments during the services, including musical moments, kavanot, and other opportunities to spark emotion, interest and connection. 4. W e will experiment with the physical layout (on non-Bnei Mitzvah Shabbatot only), in an effort to bring people closer together, and to enhance communal singing. 5. W e will initiate an outreach campaign to bolster attendance at our Daily Minyan. 6. All of this will be accompanied by branding and marketing to engage congregants in our prayer life as much as possible. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Please be in touch with me directly if you have questions or if you would like to participate in any way. Jack Klebanow Music Director
The Bulletin November 2023
Religious School Update I don’t know how it’s already Fall, but I am happy to have spent the last few months working with our children and families. Israel has obviously been on our minds, and I’m happy to share that in addition to having a special assembly, our Religious School classes made cards that we sent to our current and past Shinshinim. Our Shinshinim loved their personal cards and notes, and it really helped them feel supported during this difficult time. Our Shinshinim for this year in the Religious School are Noy Laufer and Nimrod Ziv. They join us on Thursdays and spend time with all of our learners. Many thanks to the Dorothy Fleishaker Religious School Enrichment Fund for supporting this initiative, which helps our learners build deep, personal connections with Israel and Israelis. Our children now know Israelis, and their time with our Shinshinim is often their favorite memory of Religious School. We also have other specialists in our Religious School who fulfill a very necessary role – our Learning and Behavioral Specialists–who support the learning, emotional,
behavioral, and social needs of our community. This team consists of Becca Behar, Emily Herzfeld, Sharon Plaue, and Jared Sullivan, all of whom have special education and/ or social work, educational, and professional backgrounds. These wonderful educators visit classrooms each day of Religious School to support our learners both individually and in groups, helping us meet the diverse needs of our community. You’ll often see them working individually with a learner, running a small group during class time, or leading “brain breaks” to help a class re-energize and refocus. We appreciate the support of the Robert Matthew Klein Fund for Inclusion and Special Needs, which enables us to hire these important team members. We strive to be a Jewish home that enriches the Jewish life and learning of our families, and we appreciate your support in helping us meet these needs! Am Yisrael Chai, Alyssa
The Bulletin November 2023
The Bulletin November 2023
Israel 360 At the time of this writing, our community, like so many around the world, is reeling from the news of Israel’s largescale attack by Hamas terrorists from Gaza. Watching this dire situation unfold, we are shocked and horrified by the scenes of brutality and savagery directed at innocent Israeli civilians. We pray for the recovery of those who have been injured and we grieve with the families of those who have had loved ones murdered, kidnapped, or terrorized. Drawing on our mission of Ahavat Yisroel (‘love of Israel’), the Israel 360 Committee has planned a range of programming for the year 5784 aimed at deepening our understanding and connection to Israel. However, given the exigencies of the crisis, please note that some of our speakers may prove unable to proceed with a scheduled event. Our first program on Tuesday, October 17th was a presentation by Yuval Donio-Gideon, the Consul for Public Diplomacy at the Consulate General of Israel in New York. With a distinguished military career of six years in the Israel Defense Forces, Mr. Donio-Gideon served as Deputy Ambassador of Israel to Ethiopia, Rwanda, Burundi, Finland, and Estonia. He also served as a critical member of the Congress Relations Department in the North America Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry’s Representative to the Planning Directorate of Israel Defense Forces. Mr. Donio-Gideon provided us with an overview of the current crisis and challenges facing Israel. He stressed that the current conflict will be a “hard bitter war, but make no mistake, we will prevail. We will
win this war...because light is stronger than darkness.”Over 200 attended the presentation, which was covered by CBS News and News 12. On Wednesday, November 1st at 8:30 am, Israel 360 presented a ‘Breakfast Briefing’ featuring Amir Tibon, award-winning Israeli journalist, and Chief Diplomatic Correspondent for Ha’aretz, Israel’s longest-running daily newspaper. Mr. Tibon, who lives on Kibbutz Nahal Oz next to Gaza, shared with us his family’s experiences trapped in their safe room as Hamas terrorists roamed through their community until his own father, together with a group of IDF soldiers, rescued them. It was a powerful experience for all who attended. We are planning more events for the year ahead that will focus on important issues within Israeli society including women’s rights, educational stratification, and transformational demographics, as well as a panel with our own teens and Westchester’s shinshinim, Israeli high school graduates who have deferred their military service for a year to bring their love and enthusiasm for Israel to our community, to share their respective perspectives on and connections to Israel. Of course, as events continue to unfold, we may modify our programming to better meet the concerns of the moment. We invite you to join us and to continue learning about and supporting Israel, especially in its time of need. Am Yisrael Chai, and may we see an end to this tragic war soon.
Security Committee Update approved within the guidelines. We will continue to provide updates on these improvements in the months to come. Thank you to Marilyn Russell, our Facility Manager, and Rob Patchen, as well as the Security committee for their diligent work in preparing the grant application. We’d also like to give a shout-out to Joe Esquivel and Jonathan Mpamugo who work every day at the front entrance for our nursery school, religious school, services, and events we hold at Beth El. We hope Richie is enjoying retirement, and appreciate that they have filled his role seamlessly! Please join us in thanking them for their hard work, friendly greetings, and support in maintaining our safety.
The Bulletin November 2023
Following the tragedy on October 7th in Israel, the security committee has been in close contact with our FBI liaison, New Rochelle Police Department and our own outside security team to determine what, if any, changes we need to make in our security coverage. Our priority is to ensure that we provide a safe environment for all the wonderful things that happen at Beth El on a daily basis. With the assistance of outside agencies, the security committee will remain vigilant to the needs of Beth El. During the summer we received the good news that Beth El has been awarded four new federal and state grants to invest in building and technology improvements and we are in the process of planning and executing on those items
The Bulletin November 2023
Sisterhood Happenings I write this month with a heavy heart, shared with every member of our synagogue, the worldwide Jewish community, and our family and friends in Eretz Yisrael victimized by an unspeakable tragedy. At this moment, all we can do is mourn the dead and pray for the safety of those in harm’s way, including the brave members of the Israel Defense Forces and more than 218 hostages whose fate is still unknown. In October, Sisterhood held our kickoff dinner for paid up members. We appreciated coming together as friends and with members of the clergy for comfort and conversation. We wished Rabbi Jessica Fisher mazal tov on her forthcoming marriage and the next chapter of her life in North Carolina. An important part of the mission of Sisterhood is our fundraising to support the shul and the Jewish community. At the dinner we were able to raise over one thousand dollars
through raffle sales that we unanimously agreed to donate to the Magen David Adom. Sisterhood hosted two book clubs in November. Bagels & Books featured A Convenient Hatred: The History of Antisemitism by Phyllis Goldstein. The evening book club discussed The Postcard by Anne Berest. On the evening of November 8th we heard from Taiba Jafari, who shared the story of how she and her family walked from Uruguay to Texas in search of a better life. On November 12th Beth El participated in a UJA Westchester-sponsored mitzvah program with our partner New Rochelle synagogues to collect and package feminine products for women in need. Over 60 women and teens participated. We hope we will see you at our upcoming events. In addition to regularly scheduled Mah Jongg and Canasta, please mark your calendars for the following: December 17, 3 pm: Symphony of Westchester All Mozart Program - The Symphony partners with the Beth El Sisterhood. Sisterhood receives a portion of each ticket sold. To purchase tickets visit www.Thesymphonyofwestchester. org. After purchasing tickets, email me at marcia.assor@ and let me know how many you have purchased. December 18: Bagels & Books - Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Life, by Jane Sherron de Hart
The Bulletin November 2023
The Bulletin November 2023
Mazal Tov to Senior Hall of Fame Honorees: Cindy Shechter and Joyce Claar Congratulations to Senior Hall of Fame Honorees Cindy Shechter and Joyce Claar who will be inducted into Westchester County’s 41st Annual Senior Citizens Hall of Fame on Friday, December 1, 2023. Cindy Shechter moved to Hartsdale in 2017 and immediately joined Beth El. Believing that creativity is contagious, she took note that Beth El’s community members had not been exposed to the privilege of art instruction and offered to teach her lifelong passion to others. Cindy always liked to “paint someone in good light” and within a short period of time, she had reached out to the Sisterhood and Senior community to offer small group art classes. Sharing her love of color, shape, line, texture, and form, Cindy used these elements of art to make new friends and build a community within a community at Beth El. Joyce Claar was an English and Special Education teacher in the Hastings and Dobbs Ferry School systems.
She went on to teach adult classes and in 2001 was chosen as Teacher of the Year in Workforce Preparation by NYAACE. Joyce was chair of the Social Action Committee at Congregation Sulam Yaakov in Larchmont and when it closed, she joined Beth El. Along with her husband Fred, she created and edited Torah Topics for Today, a family discussion website. As a former Officer and Board member of the Westchester Jewish Council, Joyce has served as chairperson of the Jewish History and Heritage Month event, a member of the Nominating Committee, and a member of the advisory committee for the Westchester Adult Learning, known as WAJE. We are extremely proud that Cindy Shechter and Joyce Claar have been selected for induction into Westchester County’s Senior Citizens Hall of Fame, which will take place on Friday, December 1, 11:30 am-3:00 pm, at the Westchester Marriott in Tarrytown.
Welcome Circle inhumane conditions. In the past five years, a large portion of those resettled in the U.S. have been from the Congo. We are excited for the reunification of this family and we need your help in preparing to welcome our new neighbors. If you are interested in joining our team to support this family reunification, please let us know. We welcome all levels of community support for needs that range from clothing, transportation, tutoring, job searching, furniture, household staples, pantry items, and funds. Please contact any one of the group members for your questions, commitment, or donations. Thank you for all your support! Blair Selber ( Howard Steinman ( Evelyn Selber ( Barbara Birshstein ( Holly Fink (
The Bulletin November 2023
Over the past few years, Beth El’s effort to support refugees new to Westchester has been through our participation in the Interfaith Council of New Americans Westchester (ICNAW). In the past, our efforts focused on the resettling of Afghan families and our support for these families remains strong. Now, in partnership with Westchester Reform Temple (WRT), we have the opportunity to reunite a refugee family from sub-Saharan Africa. A new US resettlement program that begins this winter will allow us to name the refugees whom we wish to sponsor. With guidance from HIAS, our new Beth El and WRT Sponsor Group will apply to sponsor the family members of the two sub-Saharan refugee women who arrived four years ago with the support of WRT. SubSaharan refugees flee the threat of human rights violations including physical mutilations, killings, sexual, and genderbased violence, arbitrary arrest, and imprisonment in
Volunteer Spotlight: Alan Greenberg We’re excited to spotlight the wonderful volunteer contributions of Alan Greenberg. 1. W hat volunteer projects are you currently and recently involved in? What else will you be working on later this year? I just wrapped up coordinating Beth El’s Sukkah rental project. It’s a project with lots of logistics and one-on-one contact with our Beth El members who really appreciate that they can enjoy the Sukkot holiday with family and friends in a Sukkah at their home, without having to store or build the sukkah themselves. Once the Sukkah is up, you can decorate with kids, and just have fun eating and entertaining. I also coordinate our weekly Seuda Shlisheet meal between Mincha and Maariv every Saturday evening, all year. We have members host each week, either preparing a light meal or purchasing prepared items. Currently, about twenty people have wonderfully agreed to host, and are part of a rotation, but all are welcome to join us or host. It’s an opportunity to close out Shabbat in a low-key communal setting, with food, sometimes song, and conversation. I will now start working on Beth El’s Blood Drive that we share with Temple Israel of New Rochelle. The drive is on December 17th at Beth El. If your college-aged kids are home, encourage them to come donate. The blood supply is low and it’s important as a community that we do our part and work together to boost donations. I’ll also start thinking about our summer Israeli Film Series that I manage at Beth El; and begin working with film distributors to assess what new or recent films will work for our audience. We aim to expand our audience’s knowledge about Israeli culture and issues using film as the medium. The films are entertaining and you are welcome to join a discussion afterward.
The Bulletin November 2023
2. What inspires you to volunteer at Beth El? I grew up in a culture of family volunteering and involvement in synagogue and community. In one sense it’s an ingrained value, on the other hand, I really want to help make Beth El a place where there are low-barrier opportunities for people to feel part of a community with common Jewish values and traditions. Having lived in Israel, I am also inspired to expand our community’s knowledge of the wonder, diversity, and complexity of Israel. 3. What’s the most rewarding part of your volunteer work? The most important reward is the positive feedback. It’s also gratifying when someone participates in something new or meets someone new and appreciates the connection that they would not have had otherwise.
4. What’s something you are looking forward to? I’m intent on visiting Morocco, but also looking forward to celebrating my Mom’s 92nd birthday in Florida with family in the next few months. My daughter and her husband recently moved to Massachusetts so anticipating a few road trips … a bit further than Brooklyn. I’m also looking toward less troublesome times in Israel, for family, friends, and the entire Jewish community and beyond. 5. H ow can others get involved and support your work? Come donate at the Blood Drive at Beth El on December 17th. Your donation is lifesaving. Join us at Seuda Shlisheet any Shabbat evening and maybe become a regular; it’s a great congenial crowd. If you would like to host, even better. The Green team is always looking for people to participate as ambassadors at Kiddush, directing congregants and guests to properly dispose of tableware and food, and encouraging zero-waste/composting. Contact Jayne Peister at peisterjs@ or me at If you like to schlep and build, contact me to join our sukkah crew next September.
VOLUNTEER AT BETH EL! Calling all volunteers! Beth El is looking for volunteers to help lead our efforts to expand Beth El’s involvement in the following areas: social action, chesed, and community building/social programming. If you are someone who is looking to get more involved, please contact Stephanie Lederman at
Synagogue Guide We hope this guide makes it easier to figure out who on staff to contact for all your needs. If you have any other questions, please contact Naiza at To see all upcoming services and events, go to: For a list of this week’s events with registration and Zoom links, go to: To sign up to read Torah or Haftorah, go to:
Ronnie Becher (Nursery School Director) ext 250 Naiza Cintron (Executive Assistant) ext 226 Elizabeth Clain (Executive Director) ext 225 Rebecca Guralnik (Camp Director) ext 256 Jack Klebanow (Music Director) ext 252 Stephanie (Director of Programming) Lederman ext 246 Abby Prager (Administrative Coordinator) ext 223 Zoe Raynes (Clergy Assistant) ext 228
Julie Rockowitz (Senior Programming Coordinator) ext 340 Shery Rosenstein (Nursery School Assistant Director) ext 235 Marilyn Russell (Facilities Director) ext 226 David Schuck (Rabbi) ext 230 Gaby Schvartz (Cantor) ext 326 Alyssa Schwager (Youth & Family Director) ext 221 Berman Zachary Sitkin (Rabbi) ext 338 Olivier Vogel (Controller) ext 231
SYNAGOGUE RESOURCES – WHO TO CALL IF YOU: Zoe Raynes ext 228 ✔ Have a question about events? Stephanie Lederman ext 246 ✔H ad a baby, know someone in the hospital, had a death in the family, or need Rabbinic counsel? ✔ Interested in joining one of our many clubs? Zoe Raynes ext 228 Stephanie Lederman ext 246 ✔ Want to make a donation?
✔ Are celebrating a milestone or achievement? ✔ Want to volunteer? Stephanie Lederman ext 246
Stephanie Lederman ext 246
✔ Have a question about catering or celebrating a ✔ Need information about membership? simcha at Beth El? Stephanie Lederman ext 246 Elizabeth Clain ext 225 ✔ Need to set up a Bar/Bat/B’nei Mitzvah date? ✔ Have a question about your statement? Zoe Raynes ext 228 Olivier Vogel
The Bulletin November 2023
✔N eed to purchase a cemetery plot or need ✔ Interested in our religious school? information about our cemeteries? Alyssa Schwager ext 221 Elizabeth Clain ext 225 ✔ Interested in our day camp? ✔ Have a question about a Yahrzeit date? Rebecca Guralnik ext 256 Zoe Raynes ext 228 ✔ Want to join Sisterhood or Men’s Club? ✔ Need to know the time of services? Abby Prager ext 223 Abby Prager ext 223
The Bulletin November 2023
BETH EL NEWS Mazal tov to: B’nei Mitzvahs: Henry and Jill Charrabe on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Dani Charrabe; Jason and Lauren Friedlander on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Eli Friedlander; Adam and Vanessa Kerchner on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Russell Kerchner; Sheila Cohen and Irwin Cohen on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Russell Kerchner; Randy and Jenny Longman on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Hannah Longman. Weddings/Aufrufs: Derek Reifer and Becky Marder on their wedding, and mazal tov also to parents, David and Geralynn Reifer and David and Margaret Marder; Gail and Steven Goldman on the marriage of their daughter, Adina Goldman to Zachary Zelman. Mazal tov also to Susan Zelman and Warren Zelman; Mazal tov also to David and Margaret Marder; Mark and Esther Mildner on the marriage of their daughter, Alana Mildner to Josh Smolow. Mazal tov also to Rhoda and Craig Smolow, and to grandpa Donald Fleishaker; Marsha and Arthur Goldstein on the recent marriage of their son Josh to Stephanie Schulman; Laurie and Eric Roth on the birth of their grandson, Oren Michael Nelson. Mazal tov also to parents, Ariel and Brad Nelson, and to big brother, Ethan; Rabbi Jessica Fisher and Rabbi Geoffrey Claussen on their aufruf and upcoming wedding; Marc Epstein and Sarah Glickstein on their aufruf, and mazal tov also to their parents, Larry & Erica Epstein and Leslie & Craig Glickstein; Neil Orans & Ilana Bruckman on their aufruf, and mazal tov also to their parents, Barbara & Lawrence Orans and Dena & David Bruckman; Samuel Platek and Claire Carden on their aufruf. Mazal tov also to their parents, Lisa and Jeremy Platek, and Leslie and Matthew Carden. Award Recipients/Fellowships: Beth El Teen Gabby Cohen, who was chosen to participate in Moving Traditions’ national Kol Koleinu Teen Feminist Fellowship; Richard “Richie” Grant on his retirement after twenty-one years of service at Beth El; our Simchat Torah honorees, Julie Rockowitz and Rabbi Jessica Fisher; Joyce Wechsler on her recognition award for service to the congregation and community award from the Inter Religious Coalition of New Rochelle; Arielle Maliniak on her youth recognition award for service to congregation and community award from the Inter Religious Coalition of New Rochelle.
Births: Jacqueline and Avi Einzig and to Sarah and Daniel Goldman on the birth of their grandson, and to parents Heath and Isaiah Einzig; Elissa Baum on the birth of her great-granddaughter, Penelope Ruth Low. Mazal tov also to parents, Sabrina & Charlie Low, and grandparents, Simeon & Duffie Baum and Amanda & Peter Low; Phyllis and Harvey Jay on the birth of their grandson to Rebecca and Michael Forman and on the birth of a second grandson to Rachel and Sam Shikiar; Aaron Hodes and Brittany Sanford on the birth of a baby boy, born on Wednesday, September 27, 2023. Mazal tov also to big sister Talia; Cantor Uri and Judy Aqua on the birth of a granddaughter born to Shabsi (aka Adam) and Frumie Aqua of Jerusalem, Israel. Mazal Tov to aunt and uncle Talia Litwin and Daniel Aqua and to siblings Meir Simcha and Yosef Menachem. Anniversaries: Elise and Bob Schepp on their 40th wedding anniversary; Arnie Bernstein on the 60thanniversary celebration of his Bar Mitzvah; Mel Bloom on the 72nd anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah.
A warm Beth El mazal tov to one and all!
Share your milestone events with us If you experience a milestone or a loss in your family contact Zoe at or 914-235-2700, ext. 228
Condolences to: Our member Rhonda (Jonathan) Kaufman Golub on the loss of her father, Norman Kaufman z”l; Harriet Schwartz on the loss of her brother, Ted Meyrowitz z”l; the Gingold family on the passing of former beloved Beth El nursery school teacher Eugenie Gingold z”l; Ann Oestreicher on the loss of her husband, Julius Oestreicher z”l; Roslyn Barnett on the loss of her husband, Richard Barnett z”l; Jacqueline (Steven Cohen) Spiegel Cohen on the loss of her mother, Dr. Barbara Gaims-Spiegel z”l; the Rivel family on the loss of our member, Avrun Rivel z”l; our member Jerome LeBowitz on the passing of his wife, Estelle LeBowitz z”l.
We record the losses suffered by our members and friends and extend to them our deepest sympathies.
BETH EL GIVES We will list the B’Yachad donations in the January bulletin. If you have not yet made your contribution to the B’Yachad campaign, you can still donate here:
Baumwald Prayer Book Fund In Honor of: Geralynn and David Reifer on the marriage of their son Derek to Becky Marder, with love from Tamar & Joe Tait and family. The AufRuf and upcoming marriage of Rabbi Jessica Fisher and Rabbi Geoffrey Claussen, from Phyllis & Harvey Jay. In Memory Of: Barbara Gaims Spiegel z”l, mother of Jacqueline Spiegel Cohen, from Susan & Marvin Reiss.
The Robert Matthew Klein Fund for Inclusion and Special Needs In Honor of: Richard (Richie) Grant on his retirement from Beth El, from Ellen & Jacob Hollander.
The Bulletin November 2023
General Fund: Ilyse Goldman; Diana Savit & Marvin Szymkowicz; In Honor Of: Richard Grant for always being a warm and welcoming presence at Beth El. Wishing you health, happiness, and Mazel in retirement, from Perry & Lisa Jacobs, Arlene & Barry Salman, Eva Platzner, Judy Schmeidler, Lois Morgenstern, Nina Luban & Scott Bonci, Lauren Berger & Jay Rehr, and Shayna Klopott & Michael Frankel. The aufruf and marriage of David Reifer and Becky Marder, from Barbara & Bob Cohen, Dina & David Brot, and Lisa & Rob Patchen. The marriage of Alana Mildner & Josh Smolow, from Nina Luban & Scott Bonci. Jeremy & Carlin’s aufruf, from Risa Ryger & Peter Wasserman. Julie Rockowitz for her years of outstanding camp service, from the Forman and Jay families, Dana & Avi Stein, and Nina Luban & Scott Bonci. The birth of grandsons to Harvey and Phyllis Jay and a son to Becky and Mike Foreman and also to Rachel and Sam Shikiar, from Rochelle Chaiken, and Shari & Marvin Chinitz. The Bar Mitzvah of Dani Charrabe, son of Jill and Henry Charrabe, from Barbara & Bob Cohen. David and Rita Kaufman on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Aaron, from Jeffrey & Lynn Lowin. Lauren Freeman-Bosworth’s Presidency at Beth El, from Sheila & Stephen Freeman Charitable Fund. The engagement, aufruf and upcoming wedding of Rabbi Jessica Fisher to Rabbi Geoffrey Claussen, from Bob & Barbara Cohen, Shayna Klopott & Michael Frankel, Shirin & Steven Stein, Cantor Gaby Schvartz, Lois Kohn Claar & Gary Claar, Dan Mailick & Lydia Read, Barbara & Robert Ehudin, Lauren Freeman-Bosworth & Brian Bosworth, and Rosalind & Richard Kaufman. The birth of baby boy Hodes, from Brittany Sanford and Aaron Hodes. The aufruf and upcoming marriage of Marc Epstein, son of Erica & Larry Epstein and Sarah Glickstein, from Debbie & Steven Young, and Rochelle Chaiken.
The aufruf and upcoming marriage of Neil Orans, son of Lawrence & Barbara Orans to Ilana Bruckman, from Debbie & Steven Young. Julie Rockowitz and Rabbi Jessica Fisher, Simchat Torah Honorees, from Marjorie Schlosberg, and Pearl & Tom Sullivan. In Memory Of: Stanley Patchen z”l, beloved husband and father, from Meryl Glass Druckerman & family, and Tamar Owens. Samuel Goldstein z”l, Howard’s father, upon his yahrzeit, from Helene & Howard Goldstein. Ted Meyrowitz z”l, beloved brother of Harriet Schwartz, from Martha Goldman. Gladys Trace Orans z”l, beloved mother of Lawrence Orans, on the occasion of her yahrzeit, from Lawrence & Barbara Orans. Rhoda and Philip Greenberg z”l, from Martin Greenberg. Teddy Jacobs z”l on her yahrzeit, from Lisa & Perry Jacobs. Jeffrey Hodes z”l, Ronnie Hodes z”l, Audrey Hodes z”l, Ruth Hodes z”l, Jonas Bellovin z”l, Sylvia Bellovin z”l, Jack Sanford z”l, Estelle Sanford z”l and Shelly Sanford z”l, from Brittany Sanford & Aaron Hodes. Barbara Gaims Spiegel z”l, mother of Jacqueline Spiegel Cohen, from Shari & Marvin Chiitz. Harry Goldstein z”l. He was loved by us and everyone that knew him. We will remember him forever, from Jerry & Ellen Kaidanow. Debbie Ackerman’s Aunt Evie z”l, from Lisa Itzkowitz. Av Rivel z”l, from Bernard Katz.
The birth of Ziv Aviv Corwin, son of Brenda and Ivan Corwin, from Miriam & Joel Wirchin. Ethan Horwitz and Gloria Kindman, wishing you many years of health and happiness together as a married couple. With Love from Shelley & Alfred Klein. The aufruf and upcoming marriage of Rabbi Jessica Fisher and Rabbi Geoffrey Claussen, from Leslie & Dick Ruttenberg, and Shelley & Alfred Klein. Shelley & Fred Klein, we thank you for your kindness and incredible generosity of time. You two were our life savers and we thank you for being the best neighbors ever, from Barbara & Leon Protass. Shari Chinitz, todah rabah! From Shelley & Alfred Klein. The 40th wedding anniversary of Elise & Bob Schepp, from Rochelle Chaiken. Bob Schepp’s special birthday, from Rochelle Chaiken. Carrie Fox’s special birthday, from Ron & Beth Cohen. Capital Improvement Fund Deborah Olstein; In Honor of: The aufruf and upcoming marriage of Rabbi Jessica Fisher and Rabbi Geoffrey Claussen, from Dana & Avi Stein. Yvette & Herman Gordon Century Fund for Adult Teaching & Learning In Honor of: The aufruf and upcoming marriage of Rabbi Jessica Fisher and Rabbi Geoffrey Claussen, from Norma Wasserman, Laura Lewis, and Nora Klion Wolloch. Carrie Fox’s 50th birthday, from Norma Wasserman.
The Bulletin November 2023
Endowment Fund In Honor of: The marriage of Derek Reifer and Becky Marder, from Marc & Barbara Klee. In Memory Of: Sylvia Klee z”l on her yahrzeit, from Marc & Barbara Klee. Shoresh Halev Center for Jewish Music Fund May your heart always be joyful; May your song always be sung, from Arnie & Ellen Bernstein. In Honor Of: Richard (Richie) Grant on his retirement from Beth El, from Steven & Gail Goldman. The anniversary of the Bar Mitzvah of Arnold Bernstein, from Shari & Marvin Chinitz. Scott Bonci formally joining the Jewish people, from Marc Suvall & Harriet Kaplan Suvall. Jodi & Robert Scheinfeld on the birth of their
granddaughter, from Marc Suvall & Harriet Kaplan Suvall. Jack Klebanow, for helping to enhance and enrich a sevenyear- old’s love of contemporary liturgical music, from Rabbi Barry and Judy Kenter. Laurie and Eric Roth on the birth of their grandson, Oren Michael Nelson, from Susan & Bob Goldstein. The AufRuf and upcoming marriage of Rabbi Jessica Fisher and Rabbi Geoffrey Claussen, from Maria & Steven Kessler, Dorothy Fox, and Susan & Bob Goldstein. Julie Rockowitz and Rabbi Jessica Fisher, Simchat Torah Honorees, from the Mildner family, and Susan & Bob Goldstein. In Memory Of: Chana Schoenberger z”l, beloved mother of Zipporah Oksman, from Marc Suvall & Harriet Kaplan Suvall. Jeremy Scheinfeld Memorial Fund In Memory of: My beloved parents, Rebecca and Frank Hack z”l, from Arlene Reifer. The loving-kindness of Eugenie Gingold z”l to generations of families, from Alisa Kesten. Dorothy Fleishaker Religious School Enrichment Fund In Honor of: The marriage of Alana Mildner & Josh Smolow, from Laura Lewis. Rabbi Jessica Fisher’s time at Beth El, from Sandy & Jack Gruenberg. In Memory of: Bernice Ward z”l, from Mildred Speciale. Richard z”l, husband of Dr. Sharon Oberfield, from Donald Fleishaker. The mother of Dr. Peter Buch, from Donald Fleishaker. Rachael Gordon Smolow z”l, beloved wife and mother of Michael and Ezra Smolow, from Donald Fleishaker. The Playground Renovation Project In Honor of: Rabbi Jessica Fisher, whose unique combination of characteristics - wisdom beyond her years, heart of gold, soul, love of learning and teaching, and sheer playfulness has blessed our entire congregation, especially our children, from Laura Lewis. To the incredible morot, who bring their love to our children every day, from Desiree & David Miller.
The Sylvia & Robert Scher Chesed Community Fund In Honor of: Rabbi Jessica Fisher and Julie Rockowitz for their contribution to the community, from Jeff & Susan Mittleman.
Youth Activities Fund In Honor of: The aufruf and marriage of David Reifer and Becky Marder, from Russell & Ella Fayer. Lynn & Jeffrey Lowin on their 80th birthdays, from Ruth Kon. The upcoming marriage of Rabbi Jessica Fisher to Rabbi Geoffrey Claussen, from Susan & Elliot Lesser. The David Gingold Memorial Nursery School Donation In Honor of: The birthdays of Jeffrey and Lynn Lowin, from Sheila Mignone. In Memory of: Eugenie Gingold z”l, from Nora Klion Wolloch, Dori Graff, and Mildred Speciale. Israel PTA Scholarship Fund In Memory of: Stanley Patchen z”l, beloved husband and father, from Jonathan & Elissa Glickman. Teen Education Experience Scholarship In Honor of: The marriage of Alana Mildner & Josh Smolow, from Nora Klion Wolloch.
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Loretta & Arthur Holland in memory of Sande Holland z”l; Elise & Bob Schepp in honor of the one and only Richie Grant; Caryl Fuchs in memory of her beloved mother, Ruth Teichman z”l; Norma Strassler in memory of Stanley Patchen z”l; Donald Fleishaker; Harriet Schwartz in memory of her beloved brother, Ted Meyrowitz z”l, and also in memory of her beloved father Elthan Meyrowitz z”l on his yahrzeit; Barbara Finder in honor of the Beth El clergy; Greta Gross in memory of Don Albert z”l; Elena Katzeff in memory of Stanley Patchen z”l; Diane & Jerome Forman in honor of the bris of Jacob Forman and with thanks to Rabbi Zachary Sitkin for officiating; Perry & Lisa Jacobs for the recovery of Skip Soper; Roberta & Jeffrey Graf in memory of beloved grandmother, Berta Graf z”l on her yahrzeit; Louise & Bobby Cohen with much gratitude for always welcoming us into your daily minyan; Janet Seligman in memory of her beloved father, Joe Kenler z”l, and her beloved brother, Robert Kenler z”l; Nina Luban & Scott Bonci in honor of the aufruf and upcoming marriage of Rabbi Jessica Fisher and Rabbi Geoffrey Claussen; Leila & Bob Strassler in loving memory of Theodore Meyrowitz z”l, beloved brother of Harriet Schwartz. Teddy was a good, sweet, and kind person. May his memory be a blessing; Eric & Ruth Treiber in memory of Eric’s father, Leo Treiber z”l; Brooke & Ramel Balchan in honor of their continued
The Bulletin November 2023
Yahrzeit Donations Perla Aliphas; Miriam Tamar Batista; Beate Becker; Jane & Steven Berkowitz; Berkowitz family; Fred & Judy Bomback; Jerome & Phyllis Brown; Irving Buchsbaum; Rachel & Barry Charles; Irwin Cohen; Lisa Cohen; Noel &
Day Camp Fund In Honor of: The retirement of Julie Rockowitz from Beth El Day Camp and with thanks for her years of kindness and dedicated service, from Norma Wasserman, Phyllis & Harvey Jay, Lois Kohn Claar & Gary Claar, Elise & Bob Schepp, Steven & Shirin Stein, Leora, Dahlia & Shira Rockowitz, Maria & Steven Kessler, Rochelle Chaiken, Rosalind & Richard Kaufman, Laura Lewis, Nora Klion Wolloch, and Blair & Evelyn Selber. Julie Rockowitz and Rabbi Jessica Fisher, Simchat Torah Honorees, from Susan & Bob Goldstein.
Leah Edelson; Arthur Elkind; Joan S. Faier; Ella & Russell Fayer; Judith Feuerstein; Vicki & Nate Fisher; Judith & Mel Gabriel; Helen Geffner; Loren Gilberg; Rita & Bruce Gilbert; Rheta C. Goldschmidt; Jay Howard Goldstein; Susan Goldstein & Family; Carol Ann Gross; Sandy & Jack Gruenberg; Sheldon Haber; Jill Barnett Hastings & Family; Arthur & Janet Jakoby; Phyllis & Harvey Jay; Gary & Micki Joseph; Julie Kattan; Cindy & Ken Klein; Stanley Krieg; Lynn Szabo Kuszel; Ronald Lang; Susan & Elliot Lesser; Ira & Andrea Lippel; Barbara & Arthur Margolin & family; Patricia Mirsky; Susan & Jeff Mittleman; Lois Morgenstern; Mindell Patchen; Judith Pogostin; Robert Preminger & Pamela Friedman; Barbara Rajchgot; Patricia Greenwel Rojkind; Sharon & George Rozansky; Arlene & Barry Salman; Evelyn & Barry Salter; Marjorie Schlosberg; Judith Schwartz; Raymond Shemer; Lloyd Sherman; Joyce Silver; Doug & Doreen Simon; Lenore & Rabbi Melvin Sirner; Sharon & Peter Spenser; Andrea Spitz; Robin & Ronald Sundick; Bernard Stahl; Joanne Weisner-Steiner; Rachelle & Steven Stern; Judith Szabo; Stephen Tenenbaum; Gary & Evelyn Trachten Family Foundation; Roberta Snerson Troeder; Judy & Harvey Wacht; Norma Wasserman; Jesse & Ronnie Weinberger; Rick & Anne Weisbrod; Esther Winik; Bill Winters; Murray & Elizabeth Zung & Family; Naomi & Zvi Ben Zvi.
The Bulletin November 2023
daughter’s baby naming; Barbara Finder in honor of the aufruf and upcoming marriage of Rabbi Jessica Fisher and Rabbi Geoffrey Claussen; Barbara Finder in honor of the Beth El clergy for the inspiring Yom Tov services; Janis Demartini in honor of the aufruf and upcoming marriage of Rabbi Jessica Fisher and Rabbi Geoffrey Claussen; Janis Demartini in honor of Larry and Erica Epstein on the upcoming marriage of their son Marc to Sarah Glickstein; Elise & Bob Schepp in honor of Rabbi Jessica Fisher’s upcoming marriage and to all she has contributed to Beth El Synagogue! Mazal Tov; Marc & Anita Zoldessy in honor of Julie Rockowitz and Rabbi Jessica Fisher, Simchat Torah Honorees; Rochelle Chaiken in honor of the aufruf and upcoming marriage of Rabbi Jessica Fisher and Rabbi Geoffrey Claussen; Rabbi Scott Weiner in honor of Beth El’s wonderful clergy team; Marc & Anita Zoldessy in honor of Joyce Wechsler for her community service award from the Inter Religious Coalition; Debra Malki in memory of my beloved husband, Elliott Malki z”l, with thanks to clergy and minyan attendees who welcomed me during shloshim; Vanessa & Adam Kerchner in honor of Rabbi Schuck, Rabbi Sitkin, Rabbi Fisher and Cantor Gaby for the support and assistance as Russell became a Bar Mitzvah; Beth & Ron Cohen in honor of the aufruf and upcoming marriage of Rabbi Jessica Fisher and Rabbi
Geoffrey Claussen; Harriet Schwartz in honor of the aufruf and Upcoming Marriage of Rabbi Jessica Fisher and Rabbi Geoffrey Claussen; Barry Erner & Melissa Dreyfus with heartfelt gratitude for the beautiful Yom Kippur services; Sharon & Peter Spenser with thanks for the Yom Kippur aliyah; Stephan Loewentheil; Cantor’s Discretionary Fund Susan & Daniel Groner in honor of Richard Grant’s retirement; Kenneth Honig in honor of Cantor Gaby and her patience in teaching; Lea Gabbay.
To make a donation contact Zoe Raynes at or 914-235-2700 ext 228. Minimum donation is $18. Mail your payment to Beth El Synagogue Center, attn: Zoe, 1324 North Ave, New Rochelle, NY 10804.
Kiddush Sponsors The kiddush of October 28th was sponsored by Hila Reichman and Josh Podietz in honor of their son Ilan Podietz’s bar mitzvah. The kiddush of November 4th was sponsored by both, Barbara Engelson and Marc Klee, and Susan and David Schlecker in honor of the celebration of their 40th wedding anniversaries. The kiddush of November 11th was sponsored by Aby Marco and Scott Bernstein in honor of their son Theo Bernstein’s bar mitzvah.
Want to sponsor a Kiddush? Email Naiza Cintron at
This kiddush of September 2nd was sponsored by Jill and Henry Charrabe in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Dani Charrabe. The kiddush of October 14th was sponsored by Erica and Larry Epstein in honor of the Aufruf of their son Marc Epstein and Sarah Glickstein and by Barbara and Lawrence Orans in honor of Aufruf of their son Neil Orans and Ilana Bruckman. The kiddush of October 21st was sponsored by Jenny and Randy Longman in honor of their daughter, Hannah Longman’s bat mitzvah.
The Bulletin November 2023
Sisterhood Donations
The Bulletin November 2023
In Honor of: Scott Bonci, your first aliyah from Sandy & Jack Gruenberg Jodi & Rob Scheinfeld, the birth of your grandchild from Sandy & Jack Gruenberg Heather & Benjamin Horowitz, your baby naming from Sharon & Peter Spenser Elizabeth & Andrew Wasson, your baby naming from Sharon & Peter Spenser Phyllis & Harvey Jay, the birth of your two grandsons from Joyce & Michael Wechsler Geralynn & David Reifer, the marriage of your son, Derek to Becky Marder from Joyce & Michael Wechsler Gail & Steve Goldman, the marriage of your daughter, Adina to Zachary Zelman from Joyce & Michael Wechsler, Sandy & Jack Gruenberg Esther & Mark Mildner, the marriage of your daughter, Alana to Josh Smolow from Joyce & Michael Wechsler Donald Fleishaker, the marriage of your grandson, Josh Smolow to Alana Mildner from Joyce & Michael Wechsler Rabbi Jessica Fisher, your marriage to Rabbi Geoffrey Claussen from Barbara & David Horowitz, Marcia & Nathan Assor Joyce Wechsler, your Community Service Award by the New Rochelle Inter-Religious Coalition from Phyllis & Harvey Jay Elise & Bob Schepp, your 40th wedding anniversary from Janis Demartini Erica & Larry Epstein, the AufRuf and marriage of Sarah and Marc from Gail & Steven Goldman Vanessa Kerchner, the bar mitzvah of your son, Russell from Susan Germaine Sharon Spenser, you being a true eshet chayil from Debra Malki Roberta Silman and Vicki Fisher, from Laura Lewis Refuah Shelemah Marvin Dubin, and speedy recovery from Joyce & Michael Wechsler In Memory of: Gitta Silberstein, beloved wife of David Silberstein from Sandy & Jack Gruenberg Stanley Patchen, beloved husband of Mindell Patchen from Sandy & Jack Gruenberg, Judith Harary Stanley Patchen, beloved father of Robert Patchen from Sandy & Jack Gruenberg Aaron Blumenfeld, beloved brother of David Blumenfeld from Sandy & Jack Gruenberg
Yahrzeit of Irvin Wasson, beloved father of Barbara Horowitz from Barbara & David Horowitz Barbara Gaims-Spiegel, beloved mother of Jacqueline Spiegel Cohen from Joyce & Michael Wechsler Eugenie Gingold beloved to the Gingold Family from Sandy & Jack Gruenberg Av Rivel beloved to the Rivel Family from Joyce & Michael Wechsler Yahrzeit of Dinah and Max Stern, beloved parents of Alan Stern from Rise & Alan Stern Elliott Malki, beloved husband of Debra Malki from Debra Malki, Faith & George Eisenberger
To donate to the Sisterhood Mitzvah Fund Please send donations to: Sisterhood Mitzvah Fund: Gaby Newfield, 87 Runyon Place, Scarsdale, NY 10583 P: 914-235-4030 E:
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The Bulletin November 2023
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The Bulletin November 2023
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