April 19 Bulletin

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April 2019 • Vol. 101, No.9 ADAR II ~ NISAN 5779 WWW.BETHELNR.ORG

An Evening of Music & Song MELAVEH MALKAH


WORKSHOP How to Move Through Charged Conversations with Honesty, Mutual Recognition, and Respect

SUNDAY, APRIL 28 | 5:00–8:00 P.M.

Saturday, April 13 | 8:30–10:30 p.m. Lift your spirit, open your heart with beautiful and inspirational music and song, and a nosh and a drink too! Join Rabbi Schuck and Rabbi Sitkin, Deborah Sacks Mintz, Rabbinic Intern Sam Blustin, Jack Klebanow and special musical guests for a soulful evening of singing as a community. Everyone is welcome, bring family and friends!

LOCATION: LOCATION: At the home of Lois Kohn-Claar and Gary Claar. Address will beKohn-Claar provided once you RSVP. At the home of Lois and Gary Claar, address information to RSVP, visit willFor be more provided once youand RSVP. bethelnr.org/melavehmalkah2019.

In the midst of destructive partisanship in America, we can do better! Join us in building a culture of productive dialogue on charged issues even in the face of strong differences. Resetting the Table trains organizations and their members in techniques for communication across both ends of the political landscape with civility and curiosity. Beth El will host this workshop on April 28th, which will be limited to 40 congregants. There must be a balance between participants who are left and right of center for this facilitation to be successful. As such, participation is limited to twenty people from each side of the political divide. For this purpose, we will be asking each person which political side they identify with. This information is only to ensure balance (so nobody feels isolated during the workshop) and will be kept in strict confidence.

REGISTRATION IS STRICTLY REQUIRED AND WILL BE CAPPED Please RSVP at bethelnr.org/civility. Questions? For more information contact Steve Silverman at stevesilverman44@gmail.com or Fred Wiener at fpwiener@aol.com.

For more information and to RSVP, please visit bethelnr.org/melavehmalkah2019. RSVP requested but not required.

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Sisterhood Gala...............................page 11 Beth El Day Camp............................page 15


Saturday, April 13

Shabbat HaGadol (The last Shabbat before Passover), 9:00 am

Friday, April 19, Erev Pesah Passover Early Mincha/ Maariv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 pm Candle Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:21 pm Nightfall **If starting Seder after nightfall**......8:08 pm First Seder: There are various customs regarding starting the seder and having it be “at night.” Some begin at sunset, some wait for nightfall (8:08 pm), and others wait for three stars.

Thursday, April 18th Bedikat Hametz (Checking for Hametz) 8:04 pm

After dark, hide ten pieces of hametz (crackers or small pieces of bread) around the house, wrapped in paper or foil. Using a candle or flash light to light the way, find the hametz and brush it into a paper bag using a feather and wooden spoon. Set aside for the next day. See the front of your Haggadah for readings.

Shabbat, April 20th, First Day Pesah

Shacharit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 am Mincha/Maariv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 pm Candle Lighting (after Shabbat ends). . . . . after 8:21 pm Second Seder* (Begin counting the Omer)

Friday, April 19th Fast of the First Born:

If you are fasting, the fast begins at dawn, 4:42 am. Shacharit (Morning) Services 6:30 am. Immediately following services there will be a Siyyum Behorim. (While first-borns are obligated to fast the day before Pesah, they may eat if they attend a celebration marking the completion of study of a tractate of Talmud.) Light breakfast served after Shiur.

Sunday, April 21st, Second Day Pesah

Shacharit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 am Mincha/ Shiur/ Maariv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 pm Yom Tov Ends/ Havdalah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:23 pm

Mehirat Hametz (Selling Leaven)

SCHEDULE FOR LATTER DAYS at the bottom of page 5.

Complete your proxy giving Rabbi Schuck or Rabbi Sitkin the authority to sell your hametz. Bring it to the shul, fax it by 9:30 am, or give your proxy to Cantor Aqua. He will be available before and after the minyan each day from April 14-19.

* Note Regarding the Second Seder For those who start their Second Seder early, it is important to try and reserve the Halakhically mandated portions of the Seder until after dark. The parts of the Seder that may be recited before dark include: the four sons, the story of the sages at B’nai Brak, the detailed analysis of Arami Oved Avi, and Dayenu. However, after nightfall, the “minimum required Seder” consists of Kiddush, washing, karpas, and Maggid highlights including the four questions, avadim hayinu, some review of Arami Oved Avi, the second cup of wine, and Rabban Gamliel’s presentation of the meaning of the ritual foods. Of course, the actual consumption of matzah and maror needs to take place after dark as well.

Make a contribution to our synagogue’s Maot Hittim Fund (“Wheat Money”) to help the needy celebrate Pesah. Please make your check payable to Beth El Synagogue Center and write Maot Hittim on the memo line. (Note, we cannot accept checks payable to Maot Hittim). Remove last Hametz from your house, car, office, etc. Eat last hametz by 10:38 am. Bi’ur Hametz (Sell and Burn): Burn collected hametz by 11:46 am. (No blessing; reading at front of Haggadah)

Rabbi Schuck will arrange a post-Pesah hametz “buy-back” after Havdalah Saturday night, April 27. Do not use or unpack your hametz before 9:00 pm.

Form for sale of Hametz at the bottom of page 25.


Post-Passover Food Drive Beth El Synagogue Center and UJA-Federation of Westchester are co-sponsoring a Post-Passover Food Drive from Monday, April 29th, through Thursday, May 2nd, to benefit the food pantry at Bronx Jewish Community Council (BJCC).

The ritual sale of hametz must be completed by 9:30 am, Friday, April 19th. For those who prefer to perform this ritual in person: Rabbi David Schuck or Cantor Uri Aqua will be available for this purpose before and after the Minyan for at least one week prior to the start of Passover. Cantor Aqua will have additional hours during the week before Passover. Those who cannot tend to this matter in person may complete the form on page 25 and return it to the synagogue office.

Please bring your leftover, unopened Passover groceries and everyday non-perishable food in bags or boxes and place them in the collection box in the Beth El lobby. Beth El is joining with multiple other Westchester synagogues to help stock the shelves at BJCC, a beneficiary agency of UJA-Federation.

If you wish, you may enclose a contribution for Maot Hittim (Passover tzedakah) to help others, less fortunate, celebrate the holiday. IMPORTANT: **Make your check payable to Beth El Synagogue Center, and write Maot Hittim on the memo line.**

For additional information, contact Barbara Engelson at BLE229@aol.com, or 914-654-1068. Note: Matzah is not being collected due to space considerations at BJCC. 2


will greatly miss mentoring us. We immediately invited the festival’s founding lecturer, Azriel Fellner to join us this year. A former member of our own congregation, Rabbi Fellner has for the last several years been a distinguished lecturer and scholar-in-residence throughout the country and has recorded fifty books for Audible. He has recently returned to the pulpit in Patchogue, Long Island, is publishing weekly columns of rabbinical scholarship, and continues to analyze the complexities of film and contemporary Jewish culture. Presented in the form of a dinner-theatre, each session is self-contained and begins with a delightful buffet delicatessen supper, a formal introduction to the film, a complete screening, and a probing group discussion. Many participants wait eagerly each year for the series to begin and the pastrami to be served, while others, immediately welcomed, may be newcomers. Here is your chance to sit on both sides of the aisle. And no filibustering is permitted! Throw your hat into the ring and register promptly; we need a quorum! The fees are : Series: $80 member, $95 nonmember. Individual session: $25 member, $28 nonmember. Sign up at www.bethelnr. org/FilmFestival, and mail your check, payable to Beth El Synagogue Center, to 1324 North Av., New Rochelle, NY 10804. For more information, call 914-235-2700, ext. 223.

In a year when hats are being thrown into the ring with abandon and the importance of the stakes is being shouted with each day’s headlines, our thirty-fourth annual festival will explore the political scene and the Jewish characters who impinge on it. We are delighted that, after an absence of thirteen years, Rabbi Azriel Fellner will be our guest lecturer for two of the four sessions. Throughout the month of May our silver screen will present riveting stories and commanding performances on Thursday evenings, with a final asymmetrical Wednesday showing. We will open on May 9th with Robert Redford, Dustin Hoffman, and Jason Robards as the men who helped to bring down the president, in “ALL THE PRESIDENT’S MEN.” A primary campaign political thriller directed by and starring George Clooney, “THE IDES OF MARCH” will screen on May 16th. “CITY HALL,” with an electric performance by Al Pacino as NewYork’s mayor, balanced by Danny Aiello’s subtle portrayal of a mobster, will be presented on May 23rd. The series will close on May 29th with “THE POST,” Steven Spielberg’s masterful rendition of the struggle to publish Daniel Ellsberg’s Pentagon Papers, starring Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks. Our guest lecturer for the past thirteen years, Larry Strickler is recuperating from surgery, doing very well, and

A Lesson with Dr. Josh Kulp: Rosh Yeshiva of the Conservative Yeshiva of Jerusalem



at Beth El Synagogue Center 1324 North Ave. in New Rochelle

The Twisted History of a Defining Difference Between Orthodox and Conservative Judaism

Thursday, April 11 | 7:30–9:00 p.m.

SUNDAY, APRIL 14 2:00–3:15 p.m.

We are about to install a new microphone system as part of our sanctuary renovation. Learn what the laws and controversies are surrounding the use of microphones on Shabbat from renowned talmud scholar and author, Josh Kulp, PhD who is co-founder of the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem and creator of Daf Shevui, a free online talmud study program in English.

Join the Memory Minyan at Beth El for a warm prayer and social experience. Donations appreciated.



Interested in volunteering to help make this program a success?

Walk-ins welcome!

Contact jrockowitz@bethelnr.org or 914.235.2700, ext. 256

To RSVP please visit bethelnr.org/joshkulp. Questions? Contact Elise K Richman for more information at elisekrichman@gmail.com.

UPCOMING PROGRAMS: Saturday, May 18 from 11:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m.




BETH EL SYNAGOGUE CENTER 1324 North Avenue • New Rochelle, NY 10804

RABBI’S MESSAGE Dear Friends, On Rosh Hashanah, I spoke about the importance of listening to people whose perspectives differ from our own and may even offend us. I offered the metaphor of Be My Eyes, an app that enables people who are blind to video chat with a sighted Rabbi David Schuck volunteer who helps them with whatever they may need in the moment. I suggested that we desperately need to integrate this very concept into the way we treat one another; our society needs people who are willing to see the world through the eyes of other people. In this time of nasty political partisanship, we here at Beth El are determined to be counter-cultural. We are starting a group for congregants of all political stripes with the goal of learning about one another’s perspectives by extending curiosity, dignity, and friendship to one another. We are committed to civil exchange, not agreement. We are willing to be one another’s eyes, to realize that we can disagree and learn without resorting to incendiary language, rage, and tribalism. This is, of course, easier said than done. We actually need to be trained to engage in this type of listening and sharing. To this end, I am thrilled to invite you to a workshop called “Speaking Across Differences,” run by Resetting the Table (information about them is at the end of this article). This is a workshop designed to offer communication skill-building for difficult conversations and a forum for dialogue across differences. Participants will share views, experiences, and core issues of concern in the face of U.S. political divides, and strengthen their capacity to speak, listen and learn across disagreement. Participants will practice strategies of communication that allow them to articulate views and experiences effectively while inviting curiosity, collaboration, and constructive debate. These are lifelong skills transferable to many other contexts. We believe that cohorts of Beth El members who go through this training will be able to impact the culture here at the synagogue

in positive ways. We want to actively work to change the culture of incivility that has come to characterize this moment in American civic life, and I invite you to join us (see Bulletin cover). The workshop will take place on April 28th, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Beth El, and it will be limited to forty congregants. There must be a balance between participants who are left and right of center for this facilitation to be successful. As such, participation is limited to approximately twenty people from each side of the divide. For the purpose of reaching this necessary balance, when registering, each person will be asked if s/he identifies with the political left or right of center. This information is only to ensure balance (so nobody feels isolated during the workshop) and will be kept in strict confidence. I encourage you to sign up as soon as possible. So many of us spend time lamenting the state of affairs in our current climate of incivility, cynicism, and condescension. Please join me in recognizing that we have the agency to change this, at least here in our sacred community. I hope to see you on the 28th, and I want to thank Steve Silverman and Fred Wiener for co-chairing this workshop. Feel free to email Steve (stevesilverman44@gmail.com) or Fred (fpwiener@aol.com) with any questions. L’shalom, Rabbi David A. Schuck

WHAT IS RESETTING THE TABLE? Resetting the Table (RTT) builds productive dialogue and inquiry across political divides in American and Jewish life. RTT offers a toolkit of programs and training supporting participants to speak, listen, challenge each other, and deliberate together with honesty, mutual recognition, and respect. RTT has developed one of the most celebrated methodologies for collaborative communication across political divides in the country. To date, RTT has collaborated with 25 Federations, 75+ college campuses, and hundreds of synagogues, JCCs, and other Jewish organizations.

Misheberach List Update Any name added to the Misheberach list will be automatically removed after one month. If a name needs to remain for another month, please reach out again to a member of the clergy.

STUDY SESSIONS WITH SAM BLUSTIN By now, many of you have had the chance to meet our Rabbinic Intern, Sam Blustin. Sam has already done so much with our community and will be teaching at the Open Beit Midrash on April 9. Sam is eager to study with those who are interested. We are offering you the opportunity to study with Sam in a small group of your family, friends and neighbors in your home. If you would like host three study sessions and invite family and friends, Sam will come to your home and teach! Please contact Rabbi Sitkin by email at zsitkin@bethelnr.org to host a study session. 4

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE WOW!!! As I write this, Marjorie and I are still floating from the incredible Gala celebration on Saturday, March 9th. We were blessed to be honored together with two amazing couples who have done so much for Beth El and who truly model what it means to be an active member and supporter of our a kehillah kedoshah (sacred community)—Jodi and Rob Scheinfeld (Ne’emanim Award) and Ellen and Rick Barlis (Lapid Award). From the delicious food, to the beautiful room and jazz trio that evoked a cool club feel, and a “Broadway-caliber” program (under an hour!) filled with the sounds of Anatevka, it was a night we will all be buzzing about for a long time to come. Howard and Shery Rosenstein, our Gala Co-Chairs, with the help of their hard-working Gala Committee and, of course, our amazing Beth El staff, pulled off a truly special experience. You knew this Gala was going to be different as soon as the video of the Fiddler on our Shul Roof (literally!) started playing and our very own “Tevye” (a/k/a, Howard Rosenstein) came onstage, guiding us through an evening of Fiddler-inspired hilarity and warmth with the help of his “shtetl dancers,” “Gala Gabbai” (Darren Peister), and, of course, our Music Director, Jack Klebanow. The room was filled with so much love and joy and, most importantly, it was an amazing celebration of our community. I’m sure I speak for all the honorees when I say that the outpouring that night was something for which we’ll be grateful for forever and we’ll remember for the rest of our lives. Our community is at the heart of our Gala and it is the core of what we all love about Beth El. We know what it means to have that support through life’s challenges and the joy of sharing a simcha or major milestone with our Beth El family. And we are richer for the diverse groups and demographics that make up our community. Of course, that diversity brings with it a diversity of opinions and perspectives on everything from Jewish practice, politics, Israel, and other issues that people feel passionate about. I know those passions can run deep, sometimes making it difficult for us to truly listen and hear what someone is saying with openness and respect, especially when we may disagree with them. But ultimately, as we have articulated through our Journey process, we strive to be a “community of communities”—multiple voices and groups sharing the common bond of a single community that brings those

groups together, because together we are stronger, and we are each enriched as we strive to find understanding amongst us. This past High Holidays, Rabbi Schuck spoke about the divisions in our society that have crept in to our own community, where people of differing political views Mark Seidenfeld feel ostracized because they perceive their views don’t align with the majority. Out of that discussion that Rabbi Schuck sparked, we have formed a group, Bridges to Civility, that is committed to helping our community members build bridges of understanding so that everyone feels heard and at home at Beth El. To help us bridge our differences, I am so proud and excited that the first initiative, Bridges to Civility, is undertaking to bring to Beth El the organization Resetting the Table (RTT), a nationally recognized leader in programming and services aimed at fostering open and respectful dialogue around challenging issues. On Sunday, April 28th (see Bulletin cover), 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm, we will run our first Bridges to Civility workshop, “Speaking Across Differences: Communication Skill Building for Conversations Across Political Divides.” This workshop will be limited to forty participants with a balance between those who are left and right of center. The balance of differing views is key to the success of this program, so registration will be limited to twenty people from each side of the divide. When you register, you’ll be asked to self identify as politically left or right of center. This information will only be used to ensure the required balance in the group and will be kept strictly confidential. For further details and to register visit bethelnr.org/civility. For questions or more information, contact Steve Silverman at stevesilverman44@ gmail.com, or Fred Wiener at fpwiener@aol.com. This is sure to be a sought-after opportunity, so please register as soon as possible. We pride ourselves on Beth El being like a family, and like any family we experience the joys of celebrations together, like we did at the Gala. And we must grapple with the complex emotions and conflicting views that often times strain even the strongest of families. Our Bridges to Civility group is doing just that in bringing RTT to Beth El. We should all feel proud to be a part of our community. Wishing you and your loved ones a zissen Pesah! See you in shul, Mark

Passover Latter Days cont. from page 2 Thursday, April 25

Early Mincha/ Maariv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 pm Candle Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:27 pm


Friday, April 26, Seventh Day Pesah

The mitzvah of Bikkur Cholim (visiting the sick) is an essential element of gemilut chasidim (loving-kindness). Beth El is hoping to expand our current corps of volunteers to meet the needs of those in our community who are ill, homebound or in recovery and who would appreciate visits, phone calls, etc. If you are interested in becoming part of this group, please contact zsitkin@bethelnr.org.

Shacharit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 am Mincha/ Maariv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 pm Candle Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:28 pm

Saturday, April 27, Eight Day Pesah

Shacharit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 am Yizkor Mincha/ Shiur/ Maariv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:40 pm Candle Lighting/ Havdalah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:29 pm 5



Learn old and new dances with Cantor Uri Aqua

Spiritual Practices

SUNDAYS, 10:00 am – 11:00


$10 per class at Beth El

NIGGUN HALEV (MELODY OF THE HEART) Our melody-filled Saturday morning service is a beautiful balance of traditional liturgy with accessible and moving song and harmonies. Give flight to the ancient words with melodies that tug at the heart.

Interested? Email uaqua@bethelnr.org.

Saturdays at 9:00 a.m.: April 13, May 25 and June 22

Wear comfy clothes & sneakers.

LIBEINU: HEART & SOUL SHABBAT Join us to greet the Sabbath on Friday evenings with uplifting song, quiet meditative prayer, and inspiring words of Torah. Together, we will shake off the stresses of the work week and wrap ourselves in the light and song-filled spirit of Shabbat.

ZUMBA There is Zumba every Sunday between now and Memorial Day weekend, except for April 21st. 9:30 am

Fridays at 6:30 p.m.: April 12, and May 24

SINGING AS A SPIRITUAL PRACTICE Our ongoing exploration of singing and new niggunim, wordless melodies, as a way of touching the deepest recesses of our souls. No special skills or talents are required. If you’ve never prayed, this is an opportunity to experience transcendence without words of any kind. If you like to pray, these sessions will enhance and enrich your prayers. 7:30 p.m. unless otherwise indicated: May 19 (9:30 a.m.), and June 18

KAVANNAH: MINDFULNESS AND CONTEMPLATION (FORMERLY THE CONTEMPLATIVE SERVICE) Join one of our rabbis for an hour of mindfulness, meditation, intentional study, silence, singing and prayer. This time is a gift for yourself. Saturdays at 10:45 a.m. unless otherwise indicated: April 20, May 25 (10:00 a.m.), and June 29

For more information on all of our spiritual practices, visit bethelnr.org/spiritualpractices.

Do You Shop on Amazon? If so, please sign into your online account using “Smile.Amazon” and designate Beth El as your selected charity. No additional cost to you, Beth El benefits!

TWO EXCITING LEARNING SESSIONS ON SHABBAT, APRIL 13 Women's Beit Midrash, with Deborah Sacks Mintz Tahara and Tumah: Evolving Concepts of Purity and Impurity In parashat Metzora, we explore the system of Tahara and Tumah, translated today as "purity" and "impurity." However, our ancient texts understood these concepts quite differently. Is it possible to explore, re-imagine, and reclaim these terms, and understand Tumah as not impurity, but heightened holiness? Open to all, men and women.

Lunch and Learn with Sam Blustin Is Your Suffering Dear To You? A sacred community at its best is a place where we can bring our full selves: our joys and our sorrows, and our successes and our challenges. However, our communities often fall short of that ideal. Through a study of Berakhot 5b, we will discuss how the rabbis attempt to build this sort of community, and how we might too.



Save these dates . . . Friday, May 24th and Saturday, May 25th SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE WITH DR. TAL BECKER at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, senior policy advisor to Israel’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, a lead negotiator and drafter in the Annapolis peace talks, Director of the International Law Department at the Israeli Foreign Ministry, counsel to Israel’s United Nations' Mission in New York, and an international law expert for the Israel Defense Forces. He earned his doctorate from Columbia University and, among numerous scholarly awards, is the winner of the Rabin Peace Prize and the 2007 Guggenheim Prize for best international law book for his book “Terrorism and the State.” Sessions will include: • The Politics and Ethics of Compromise • Identity, Justice, and Religion: A deeper look at the Israeli Palestinian Relationship • From No Home to Two Homes: Adapting to Jewish Reality in the 21st Century. Watch for details!

Dr. Tal Becker is a Senior Fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem where he leads educational initiatives on Israel and the Jewish world. In this capacity, he is a leading member of the Institute’s “Engaging Israel” series, Dr. Tal Becker which is the premier educational program on Israel engagement in North America. “Engaging Israel” is working to strengthen and re-imagine the relationship between Israel and World Jewry. Dr. Becker also serves as the Legal Adviser of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has been a senior member of the Israeli peace negotiation team in successive rounds of peace negotiations. He has years of experience on the front lines of many of Israel’s most pressing diplomatic, legal and policy challenges as a veteran negotiator, and key behind the scenes representative, for Israel in a wide variety of contexts. Among numerous previous positions, Dr. Becker has been a senior fellow

ICNAW Seeks Your Support Dear Fellow Congregants and Supporters, In 1939 Senator Robert Wagner (D-NY) and Congresswoman Edith Rogers (R-Mass.) sponsored a bill that would have allowed 20,000 refugee children (14 and under) to immigrate to the United States from Europe (10,000 in 1939 and 10,000 in 1940). It was a reaction to Kristallnacht (Nov. 9-10, 1938) in Germany. It had wide support among religious groups and labor leaders. It was opposed by nationalist groups and it never came to vote as Senator Robert Rice Reynolds (DNC) blocked it from coming to the Senate floor. Rice was a venomous anti-Semite and Anglophobe who because of his seniority wielded considerable power in the Senate. History repeats, and the venom today has been directed at immigrants from the Middle East, Africa and Central America. The Interfaith Council for New Americans Westchester (ICNAW) and its 150 volunteers, from six Westchester County congregations, continue to work towards a higher goal of attempting to save lives rather than destroy lives. We are very fortunate to be working with HIAS, NY and with their guidance have helped to resettle Fardin, his wife Mahnaz and their three children from Afghanistan, who are all doing very well in their home in White Plains. We are on the HIAS list for a second family this year and we need, as before, to be prepared to take this family in and give them the same support, love and attention as we did (and continue to do) with Fardin’s family. We are also expanding our outreach in 2019 to working with Catholic Charities and Hearts and Homes for Refugees to assist in refugee resettlement in Westchester County. Thus, we are again asking you to consider making a contribution to the ICNAW. 100% of all funds received go

to our refugee/SIV families. We know you get requests for donations from many organizations, but the funds you donate to the ICNAW have an immediate positive impact in the form of rent, food, medical care and education. In addition to your humanitarian action there is also a positive economic benefit as family members quickly enter employment and begin to pay taxes on income, and pay into Medicare and Social Security. Long term the benefits are even greater as the funds contribute to the growth and well being of the country. We cannot change the world, but we can change our small corner of it, and that is significant. We are very fortunate to have such strong support from our respective congregations and we hope you will be able to contribute once again. Please make all checks out to Beth EL Synagogue Center and write “ICNAW” in the memo section. They can be mailed to: Beth El Synagogue Center, 1324 North Ave, New Rochelle 10804. If I am not for myself, who will be for me But if I am only for myself, what am I And if not now, when Rabbi Hillel ICNAW EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Jeff R. Swarz, Co-Chair, Beth El Synagogue Judy Gilberg, Temple Israel Center Jane Dixon, Co-. Chair, Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation (WP) Gene Tozzi, New Rochelle Howard Horowitz, Temple Israel of New Rochelle

Save the date . . . PRIDE SHABBAT SATURDAY, JUNE 29Th 8


Picuach Nefesh—Saving a Life The Keruv Committee wishes Beth El a zissen Pesah. At the Seder we recount the story of our redemption by the hand of God: the Children of Israel renewing their lives. Perhaps it is not a coincidence that as we prepared for the coming Passover season, Beth El witnessed no fewer than three living commentaries about the renewal of life. The February 26th Open Beit Midrash featured Rabbi Jeffrey Fox, the head of Yeshivat Maharat, the first Orthodox Yeshiva to ordain women. Rabbi Fox’s presentation, Transgender and Halakha: Exploring Legal Boundaries in the 21st Century, offered a window onto his work with gender dysphoric individuals, including those in the ultra-Orthodox world. “Gender dysphoria” is the term for cases in which the gender an individual was assigned at birth does not match the individual’s own gender identification. Some who seek Rabbi Fox’s halachic guidance do not have even the vocabulary, or the most basic background information, to describe, let alone comprehend, the pain, anxiety, and depression they, or their children, suffer in this situation. Studies show that gender dysphoric teens are far more likely to attempt suicide than cisgender teens (those who identify with the gender they were assigned at birth). A national study published last fall by the University of Arizona examined survey data from more than 120,000 children and teens 11 to 19 years old. It found that 50% of transgender teens who identify as male but were assigned a female gender at birth have attempted suicide at least once. Among those who don’t identify exclusively as male or female, 42% have attempted suicide. Among those who identify as female but have birth certificates that label them as male, 30% have attempted suicide. Among those who are questioning their gender identity, 28% have attempted suicide. In contrast to all of these groups of transgender teens, the cisgender suicide rates are 18% of females and 10% of males. The percentages in all cases are horrific, but the variance between trans- and cisgender suicide attempts surely means that the rabbinical counseling Rabbi Fox and others offer gender dysphoric individuals is a task of picuach nefesh, saving a life. Study with Rabbi Fox included Midrashic and Kabbalistic texts, and writings from the Vilna Gaon and modern medical halachic decisors. But our studies began and concluded with Rabbi Fox’s message that the bar to performing this work—the work of picuach nefesh—is not high. Rabbi Fox gently and repeatedly underscored that whether we are rabbis, relatives, friends, or colleagues of anyone suffering from gender dysphoria, the task is —first, foremost, and simply—to be kind. A second living commentary on the renewal of life: Those able to maneuver through an unexpected eight inches of snow on March 2nd were privileged to hear from living organ donors at a special Shabbat service. We were moved as we listened to two donors describe what compelled them to make the lifesaving gifts of a kidney: one donation was to a sister, the other to a stranger. We sensed the deep gratitude of two kidney recipients who experienced the gift of renewed life and how that gratitude has shaped their lives. And we learned certain organ transplant technicalities from medical professionals, including the astonishing fact that a liver transplant need involve only a small portion of

*“Keruv” = to bring close, to draw near

the liver: the donor’s remaining kidney “knows” to grow back to original size, and the small transplanted portion “knows” to grow to the right size for the recipient. We also learned that while Jewish law prescribes numerous restrictions on what we may or may not do with our bodies in order to preserve their sanctity, “Whosoever saves a single life, it is considered as if (s)he saved an entire world.” The United States Department of Health and Human Services reports that 36,528 organ transplants were performed in 2018. As of January 2019 there were more than 113,000 candidates (including over 2,000 children under 18) awaiting organ transplants. Over 80% of those waiting are waiting for a kidney, many of them on dialysis. The National Kidney Foundation reports that life expectancy on dialysis is limited—an average of 5-10 years. Given these facts, can we consider organ donation—whether from a living donor or as a bequest after death—anything less than the fulfillment of a mitzvah? A third living commentary on the renewal of life: While this column was being written, the calendar announced two Ending the Silence programs on March 17th, one for teens, the other for adults. As this column is being read, the two programs, sponsored by the National Alliance on Mental Illness will have occurred (see NAMI support information in box below). What we most hope for is that our teens—all teens—are able to recognize, for themselves and for others, when, how and where help should be sought, without fear or embarrassment, for mental health issues. Forty percent of the population will have a mental disorder at some time in their lives and 20% will have a serious mental illness. The onset for serious mental illness is usually in early adulthood. Suicide rates are increasing and often occur in teens or young adults who are not receiving any treatment. Given these facts, affords for all of us—but especially for our children and grandchildren—to change our attitudes about mental health, and to seek help in efforts to renew lives. * Being kind. * Thinking about the possibility of organ donation. * Eliminating the stigma of mental illness. Each carries the potential to fulfill the mitzvah of saving and renewing lives. And none requires supernatural power. Nina Luban and Elise Richman, Keruv Committee Co-chairs

LEARN MORE AND FIND SUPPORT nami.org teenshealth.org stopbullying.gov ok2talk.org thetrevorproject.org jedfoundation.org 24/7 Crisis Text Line Text "NAMI" to 741741 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) To learn more about NAMI Text "ETS" to 31996 9


matzah Join us for a stimulating discussion, coffee, & bagels! Monday, April 22nd The Tatooist of Auschwitz, by Heather Morris

If you wish to read aheand, our next book is: The Sacrifice of Tamar, by Naomi Ragen Monday, May 20th

2019 Schedule Join us for a lively discussion!


May 1, 2019 Karolina’s Twins, by Ronald Balston June 27, 2019 The Female Persuasion, by Met Woilitzer

Sisterhood Tea Bag Fund Raiser We thank those who have already contributed to the Sisterhood Tea Bag Campaign to support our Shiva Fund. For those of you who still want to contribute, please note that this campaign, which funds important community support for our members will continue until early May. Thanks again for the consistent generosity of this special congregation.

No Registration Required Questions? Please contact Erica Epstein914-391-6662, or Cynthia Glickman, 914-582-6297

MEMORIAL PROGRAM Thursday, May 2nd

6:15 pm - 8:00 pm • at Beth El Synagogue Center

New Rochelle Hadassah and Beth El Sisterhood

Kiddush Ha’Chaim—The Sanctification of Life, in the Shadow of Destruction


Led by Lorenn Peer Ben-Gur, Committed to Remember, Director As Jewish life continued to deteriorate under Nazi rule, and the Nazi-appointed Jewish Councils failed to provide what fellow Jews had expected of them as community leaders, a new form of an informal alternative leadership phenomenon comprised of rabbis, physicians, educators, and members of the Jewish Youth Movements began to appear. We will explore the challenges faced by these alternative community leaders, individuals who were called to fulfill roles that reached far beyond the normal scope of their ordinary duties.

ELLEN HOLLANDER will share with us the stories of her husband Jack, the youngest survivor of the Demblin Ghetto, Poland, and of his mother Saba.

Refreshments and a light snack will be offered.

Lunch 12:30 pm Program - Meeting 1:00 pm

ELLEN KAIDANOW is a GenerationsForward speaker from the Holocaust and Human Rights Education Center. She will tell us about her mother -in-law, also named Ellen Kaidanow, who, at age six, was the sole survivor of her Ukrainian family. She was later hidden by a Christian woman for two years. at Beth El Synaogue Center

Questions? E-mail Rabbi Sitkin at zsitkin@bethelnr.org. 10

Sisterhood Scene Welcome April! I hope that the cold icy days of winter are behind us and we are starting to experience the sunny warmth of spring. Our days are longer and the sun is stronger. The buds are forming on the shrubs and trees and soon we’ll see the yellow forsythia in full bloom along side the roads and in our gardens. To me that is always a signal of the arrival of spring. The season of new growth and beautiful flowers also signals the season of Passover. This year Passover comes toward the end of April. Our cleaning and preparing for the holiday will be done in a time of the year when our outdoor environment is more cheerful and upbeat. Even though we work hard to prepare for the Seder we will definitely enjoy the benefits of our labor when our friends and family sit down with us to participate in the rituals of the holiday in our home. Immediately after Passover Sisterhood will join with New

Rochelle Hadassah to host a Holocaust Memorial Program. It will take place on Monday, April 29th at Beth El (see page 10). April is also the month when you will receive your invitation to the Sisterhood Gala. The event will take place on Thursday, May 30th. This year we are honoring Carole Graham for her years of service to Beth El and Sisterhood. In all the years that I have known Carole, I don’t think I ever heard her say “NO” to a request for her to create something, serve on a committee, or chair an event. We hope you will plan to be with us to celebrate Carole at this beautiful event. Please don’t forget the ongoing activities that Sisterhood runs – Canasta on Mondays, Mah Jongg on Tuesdays, Bagels & Books on April 22nd (this month it will be Matzah & Books), and the Wine & Cheese Evening Book Club on May 1st. I look forward to seeing you at Beth El and at our Sisterhood events. Shalom, Risë Stern

SISTERHOOD’S ANNUAL SPRING GALA honoring Carole Graham Thursday, May, 30th 6:00 pm Cocktails; 7:00 pm Dinner

Attendance by reservation only. R.S.V.P. by May 1st

Mail your payment to Carol Freedman, 2 Turner Drive, New Rochelle, NY 10804. Couvert: $75 per person. Sponsorships are available, which include raffle ticket(s): Bronze $118; Silver $180; Gold $250; Platinum $360; Diamond $500

Carole Graham to Be Honored at May 30th Sisterhood Gala

Carole Graham and her husband of fortyeight years, Jeff, joined Beth El in 1977 when they were looking for a Nursery School for their son Russell. Beth El became a second home for their family. Carole’s first involvement was in the Nursery School and PTA, a perfect extension for her educational background. A honors graduate of Queens College with a degree in education, she received a masters degree in education from Queens and The College of New Rochelle. Carole is committed to Judaism and the community. She credits Beth El for her Jewish education. She participated in the first Adult Bat Mitzvah program where she chanted a protion of the Haftarah. She became a member of the Bikur Cholim Committee, works with residents of the United Home for aged Hebrews in their recreation room. Children Russell and Danielle attended the Nursey School, Religious School, Community Hebrew High School, and were active in the Beth El Youth Community. Carole also served as a director of the Beth El Day Camp. Carole retired from teaching in the Mount Vernon School District in 2009, where she taught Art, Kindergarten, and First Grade, as well as Special Reading programs, for over twenty years. Since then, Carole has renewed her dedication to Beth El. She has been an active member of Sisterhood. She has been a member of the Sisterhood Board and Executive Board. She has served on Nominating Committees, Gala Committees, Decoration Committees, Tea Bag Fundraiser Committees, Membership Committees, to name

a few. Most recently, Carole has worked as co-chair of the Beth El Synagogue Center Baum Judaica Gift Shop. She takes great pleasure and pride in selecting and displaying the Judaica items that grace the lobby display cases. In addition, she is also co-chair of the Shiva Dinners Committee, extending condolences on behalf of Sisterhood to those families who have suffered a loss. Carole regularly attends the Sisterhood’s Bagels and Books Morning Book Club and the afternoon Mah Jongg group. Currently, she is also a member of the Green Committee, the Chesed Committee, the Keruv Committee, and regularly attends the Memory Minyan, Spiritual Singing, and the Open Beit Midrash. And, going back to her roots, Carole joined the Dor L’dor group to read to the Nursery School. She can also be found quite often at evening minyan as well as Shabbat services. Carole also finds the time to paint. She has twice exhibited in the Beth El Museum. She and her daughter Danielle had a joint exhibit [photography and oils] and she and Norma Wasserman had a joint exhibit [water color and oils] a few years ago. Carole began painting about thirty years ago, after being encouraged and mentored by Ellen Hollander while they worked together on the backdrops for the Beth El Youth Community Theater Productions. In line with her artistic hobbies, Carole was a member of the Safrai Israeli Art Exhibition and Sale Event Committee in November of 2017. She compiled the Original Draft for the Artisits and Event Guide. Carole and Jeff volunteer at Wave Hill in the Bronx and at varied other activities to promote and educate the public about Organ and Tissue Donation. They have two grandchildren, Bailee, 6, and Zachary, 2. Carole is honored to be chosen as the Sisterhood Gala honoree.


SMART Group Event (Senior Mature Adults Retired Together)

Current Events

at Home and Abroad Tuesday, April 9 Led by Shari Baum, MSW.

Wednesday Mornings 10:30 am - 11:30 am

10:00 a.m. | Coffee, schmooze, and the newspaper 10:30 a.m. | Presentation

SMART Group Event (Senior Mature Adults Retired Together) Led by Shari Baum, MSW, this will be a lively discussion on current events in our world. The focus will be on Israel’s elections which are taking place on April 9. We will also take a look at the candidates who have entered the race for President in 2020 here at home.

Exercise schedule subject to change. Wear comfortable clothes and sneakers. This program is free of charge. Put on your silver sneakers and join the fun!

Armchair Art Tour: Walk-ins Welcome!

Go, Van Gogh! For more information and to RSVP contact Julie Rockowitz at jrockowitz@bethelnr.org or 914.235.2700 ext. 256

First Wednesday of the month

April 3: BALANCE, with Tim, North End Fitness

Tuesday, April 30

Second Wednesday of the month

10:00 a.m. | Coffee, schmooze, and the newspaper 10:30–11:45 a.m. | Dr. Michael Norris Presentation

April 10: CHAIR YOGA, with Nan

Third Wednesday of the month

Get acquainted with one of the world’s greatest artists in “Go, Van Gogh!” a lecture hosted by art historian and former Metropolitan Museum of Art educator Dr. Michael Norris. An


Fourth Wednesday of the month

incredibly prolific painter, Vincent Van Gogh produced more than 2,000 works of art in the last decade of his life.




For information or to R.S.V.P. on any SMART activity, contact Julie Rockowitz at jrockowitz@bethelnr.org, or 914-235-2700, ext. 256.

For more information and to RSVP contact Julie Rockowitz at jrockowitz@bethelnr.org or 914.235.2700 ext. 256

Beth El Celebrates April Birthdays Beth El would like to extend a “Happy Birthday!” to its members with a birthday in the month of April. If you have an April birthday, we hope that you will join us for a Kiddush lunch on Beth Breakstone Steven Brick Michele Brick Felice Brostoff Steve Brostoff Madeline Burton Lisa Capelouto Rachel Casanova Deborah Chassen Lynn Chinitz Julia Cohen Judith Cooper Brandon Davis Maxine Dreizen Leah Edelson Ilan Felberg Erica Feldman-Bases Deborah Feuerstein

Paige FioRito Geoffrey FioRito Michael Fisher Tara Fishler Robin Freedman Blanche Fried Debra Fuchs Laura Gelb Ellen Gelboim Lauren Ginsberg Alyssa Ginsburg Rochelle Goldring Susan Goldstein Yvette Gordon Jeffrey Graf Dori Graff Sandra Gruenberg Helen Gruenfeld

Shabbat, April 13th. If you have an April birthday, but your name does not appear on the list, we are sorry for the omission and ask that you e-mail the synagogue at info@bethelnr.org so that we can update our Sy Gruza Peter Lane Matthew Hanau Jerome Lebowitz Lawrence Hanau Ford Lenchner Vona Herz Mitchell Littman Arthur Holland Jenny Longman Ellen Hollander Irvine Marcus Marvin Hyman Barbara Margolin Lisa Jacobs Jonathan Matcovsky Larry Jonas Lenore May Kathy Kafer Lisa Medin Eunice Kaplan David Mener Robert Kattan Frank Meyers Kenneth Katz Susan Morris Howard Katz Grace Myron Theodore Keltz Herschel Norwitz Karine Kleinhaus Shannon Norwitz Mark Koenig Claire O’Neill Lois Kohn-Claar Reuben O’Neill 12

records. Contact us if you do not wish to have your name appear on our birthday list. (The list reflects our adult members and post-bar/ bat mitzvah children up to the age of 21.) Claire O’Neill Nurit Pacht Stanley Patchen Josh Podietz Judith Pogostin Wendy Pomerantz Herbert Posner James Reid Juliana Reiner Marlene Rimsky Avrun Rivel Judith Rosenfeld Theodore Rosenzweig Richard Schechtman Roni Schiffres Susan Schlecker Steven Schwartz Jonah Seidenfeld

Mark Seidenfeld Ella Shteingart Brent Siegel Samuel Silverman Jason Silverman Elisa Singer Zachary Sitkin Jeffrey Solomon Judy Spiegeland Dara Spielvogel Avi Stein Phyllis Steinberg Tamar Tait Eric Turkewitz Abraham Walfish Sharon Weiner Rick Weisbrod Boris Ziser

NURSERY SCHOOL NEWS Purim in the Nursery School is one of the most festive times of the year. It presents a wonderful opportunity to engage children in a developmentally appropriate manner as we begin to instill in them an appreciation of their Jewish heritage. We begin two weeks before the holiday on Rosh Hodesh Adar, when we start to build the anticipation by dialogging about costume choices and favorite hamantashen flavors. Our Pre-Purim Pajama Party was a big hit. Children and teachers alike came to school wearing pajamas. Our staff delighted the students with a mini presentation first thing in the morning in the Youth Lounge -a Pajama Kick line show based on the

book, “Pajama Time,” by Sandra Boynton. In addition, the Mitzvah committee of our Parent Board organized a collection of new pajamas which will be donated to the needy. To make the day extra special, we served a mini-breakfast of bagels and fruit. Beyond hearing the megillah, there are a number of additional mitzvot linked to the holiday of Purim. This year a big focus was on mishloach manot, the sending of food baskets to friends and family. Many parents came to school to help us bake our hamentashen, which is always a special treat. Our 2s classes created triangleshaped vessels and sent home delicious hamantashen that they had made in school. Our 3s and 4s classes exchanged baskets with each other.

Purim Fun in the Nursery School

Photos, from left to right: Rabbi Schuck, Rabbi Sitkin, Security Guard Joe 13

This Purim happens to be the fiftieth anniversary of the writing of “The Very Hungary Caterpillar” by the well-known children’s author, Eric Carle. Our classes have been involved in an in-depth author study of this prolific author. Therefore, for Purim, our staff dressed up as the characters in the book and acted out the story for our school. We were a big hit! All the children came to school in costumes and after parading through the building, each age group had a turn to enjoy our Purim Carnival. Stop by the Nursery School and check out our display panel. See if you can guess whose pictures are posted – they are all in disguise! Ronnie Becher, Director


Looking forward to seeing you at our events this month!

Though technically the middle of the year, the Hebrew month of Nisan, in which Passover is celebrated, can be thought of as a new beginning to many, a time when we are finally given a chance to start anew. I, too, am thinking of this time of year as a time as a fresh start, as I have recently accepted the position of Youth & Family Engagement Director here at Beth El, beginning July 1st. Although I have functioned in this role for the school year, I must admit it feels very special to look forward to a new year in this role more permanently. I am grateful for the love and support this community has always shown me, as I have had the space to learn and grow here professionally. I am humbled by the excitement this community has shown me in regards to this new position I will take on. I am energized to continue working with all of you in order to enhance the Youth & Family Engagement Department at Beth El and beyond. And, so much more! Todah Rabbah is hardly enough. I cannot wait to see what’s in store. Join us for our Passover programming this month and, as always, please feel free to pop into the office and say hello! I imagine some of you are also beginning to think about your summer plans, wondering what to do. I am thrilled to be a Jewish Education Project FindYourSummer.org Ambassador, eager to help your middle schooler and high schooler find something exciting to do this summer that fits who they are right now. Go to findyoursummer.org and reach out to me to schedule a time to talk! Bekkah Gold

Youth & Family Highlights Wednesday, April 3 Sunday, April 7

Special Needs Seder, 5:30 pm Matzah Bake for: Ruach (K-2nd gr), 11:00 am - 12:15 pm Chaverim (Gr. 3-5), 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm Parent Learning! 11:00 am-12:00 pm The Passover Seder 101, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm The “Birth” of a Nation”(register by April 5 at bethelnr.org/matzah2019 Friday, April 12 Libeinu and Kadima Shabbat Dinner (6th-8th Graders at Beth El) 6:30 pm Thursday, April 18 Kadima/Teen Chocolate Seder 6:00 pm (6th-12th grades) Bedikat Chametz (at Beth El) Friday, April 19 First Seder Saturday, April 20 Second Seder Sat., April 20 - Sat., April 27 Passover Vacation

Ruach and Chaverim enjoyed Krav Maga fun too, thanks to 914 Training Center in Scarsdale!

Some of our Beth El youth had a wonderful time learning Krav Maga with Sensei Vladimir Zolottev of the Krav Maga Federation, at True ChampionZ Martial Arts Westchester Krav Maga in Quaker Ridge. We thank Sensei Vladimir Solottev and Rachel Zolotev, fellow Beth El members, for donating the Krav Maga Seminar to us! 14

YOUTH & FAMILY ENGAGEMENT Religious School Highlights

Teen Highlights (for 8th-12th graders)

Thursday, April 4

Teen Lounge Night

Sat., April 6-Sun., April 7

METNY-Palooza (offsite)

Sunday, April 7

J-Teen J-Serve (offsite)

Monday, April 8

Teen Leadership Board Mtg. (offsite)

Tuesday, April 2 Thursday, April 4 Sunday, April 7 Tuesday, April 9 Thursday, April 11 Sunday, April 14Sunday, April 28 Tuesday, April 30

Mazal Tov to KYRA ESRIG on her April 6th a Bat Mitzvah!

RS Cooking Chug RS Board Meeting RS RS – Rosh Hodesh Crazy Sock Day! RS Cooking Chug RS Religious School Closed for NRPS Spring Break and Passover RS Cooking Chug – Welcome Back

Thursday afternoon dismissal procedures for the Religious School can be found at www.bethelnr.org/rsdismissal At right: Our Religious School middle school class has been practicing Shabbat rituals as they prepare for becoming b’nei mitzvah! Below: Kitah Alef practicing blending sounds together in Hebrew!

Hebrew BINGO winners in Religious School’s Kitah Dalet!

SUMMER 2019 IS ALMOST HERE! Thursday, June 27, through Wednesday, August 21 We are open on Thursday, July 4, & Friday, July 5 CURIOUSTO LEARN MORE? Contact Julie Rockowitz jrockowitz@bethelnr.org, or 914-235-2700, ext. 256. 15



1324 North Avenue New Rochelle, NY 10804-2190 914-235-2700 • www.bethelnr.org

Shacharit 6:55am

OFFICERS President ...............................Mark Seidenfeld Executive Vice President................Mark Silver Vice President ...........................Daniel Burton Vice President ......Lauren Freeman-Bosworth Vice President ....................... Robert Patchen Treasurer ...............................Joseph Wygoda Financial Secretary ................. Barbara Cohen Recording Secretary ..................... Daniel Yairi AFFILIATES Sisterhood President ......................Risë Stern Men’s Club President ........... Steven L. Young Religious Sch. Parent Org. ........... Ellen Barlis, Sharon Brown, Rachel Casanova, Marci Marcus Nursery Sch. Parent Org. ............ Laura Berlin Julie Berman BULLETIN EDITOR ................Linda Newman

Daily Minyan Beth El maintains morning and evening services every day of the year. Contact Associate Cantor Uri Aqua, 914-235-2700, ext. 222.

* Minyan times listed on this

calendar page and elsewhere in The Bulletin are accurate as of the date of printing. Please visit the Beth El website www.bethelnr.org/calendar for the most up-to-date information. NOTE: Friday evening services are held at 7:00 pm throughout the spring and summer months.



Shacharit 7:00am


Walking Club 9:30 am

A Conservative synagogue affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Rabbi .................................... David A. Schuck Associate Cantor ...............................Uri Aqua Assistant Rabbi.........................Zachary Sitkin Rabbinic Intern ............................ Sam Blustin Rabbi Emeritus ......................Melvin N. Sirner Hazzan Emeritus ....................Farid Dardashti Executive Director ..................Erica Leventhal Asst. Executive Director ................ Abby Wise Controller .................................... Olivier Vogel Camp Dir./Seniors Coord........Julie Rockowitz Nursery School Director ......... Ronnie Becher Dir. of Teen Engagement & Interim Director of Elementary Engagement ..........Bekkah Gold Music Director......................... Jack Klebanow Facilities Manager ..................... Carlos Lopez Sp. Projects Dir. /Asst.to Clergy ......L. Newman


Canasta 12:45 pm

Mah Jongg 12:45 pm

Dance Class 6:00 pm

Sisterhood Executive Board Meeting 6:00 pm Religious School Board Meeting 8:00 pm

Officers Meeting 7:30 pm

Mincha/Maariv 7:10pm

Mincha/Maariv 7:10pm



Shacharit 8:00am

Encounter Presentation 10:00 am Israeli Dancing 10:00 am Ruach 11:00 am Religious Sch. Parent Learning 11:00 am Chaverim 12:00 pm Religious School Parent Learning 12:00 pm Vision Action Team Meeting 1:00 pm

Mincha/Maariv 7:10pm


Shacharit 6:55am

Religious School Closed Zumba 9:30 am Israeli Dancing 10:00 am

Canasta 12:45 pm

Mah Jongg 12:45 pm

Dance Class 6:00 pm Teen Board Meeting 6:00 pm

Open Beit Midrash Nosh 7:30 pm; Discussion 8:00 pm

Mincha/Maariv 7:10pm

Mincha/Maariv 7:10pm

Shacharit 6:55am



Shacharit 7:00am Mah Jongg 12:45 pm

Canasta 12:45 pm

Mincha/Maariv 7:20pm

Mincha/Maariv 7:20pm

16 NISAN 22

Shacharit 6:55am

Mincha/Maariv 7:20pm


Omer Day 2


Shacharit 6:55am

Sisterhood Bagels and Books 9:30 am Walking Club 11:30 am Canasta 12:45 pm Dance Class 6:00 pm

Mah Jongg 12:45 pm

Mincha/Shiur/ Maariv 7:30pm

Mincha/Maariv 7:30pm

Mincha/Maariv 7:30pm



Shacharit 8:00am


Omer Day 8 Religious School Closed

Beit Midrash Prototype 8:00 am Zumba 9:30 am Israeli Dancing 10:00 am Bridges to Civility Workshop 5:00 pm

Mincha/Maariv 7:40pm


Shacharit 6:55am


Omer Day 9

Walking Club 9:30 am Limmud Jewish Short Stories 10:30 am Hadassah Yom HaShoah Program Lunch 12:30 pm; Program 1:00 pm


Omer Day 3

Nursery School Closed Religious School Closed

Nursery School Closed

Passover Service 9:00 am Babysitting 9:30 am Pre-Service Oneg 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am



Walking Club 9:30 am

Dance Class 6:00 pm



S.M.A.R.T. Current Events Discussion with Shari Baum, MSW 9:30 am

Memory Minyan 2:00 pm

Yom Tov Ends 8:23 pm Omer Day 1 Religious School Closed


Shacharit 7:00am

Walking Club 9:30 am

9 NISAN 15


Shacharit 8:00am




Shacharit 7:00am


Omer Day 10

S.M.A.R.T. Discusion—Coffee 10:00 am; Presentation on Van Gogh 10:30 am Mah Jongg 12:45 pm

Canasta 12:45 pm Dance Class 6:00 pm Teen Board Meeting 6:00 pm

Open Beit Midrash (Scholar) Nosh 7:30 pm; Scholar 8:00 pm

Mincha/Maariv 7:40pm

Mincha/Maariv 7:40pm

Religious School Board Meeting 8:00 pm


Shacharit 7:00 am


Get SMART Get Fit 10:30 am Dor L’Dor Reading Program 11:00 am Special Needs Seder 5:30 pm Nursery School Board Meeting 7:00 pm




Shacharit 6:55am

Toddler Time 9:15 am Limmud: Class with Rabbi Hojda 10:00 am Parashat Hashavua, with Jack 1:30 pm Boy/Cub Scouts 6:00 pm

Hebrew Ulpan 8:00 pm

Israel Uncorked and Open Beit Midrash Nosh 6:00 pm Open Beit Midrash Discussions 8:00 pm

Mincha/Maariv 7:10pm

Mincha/Maariv 7:10pm


Shacharit 7:00am




Shacharit 7:00am

7:06 pm

Yiddish Vinkl 1:00 pm Dance Class 3:30 pm



Shacharit 7:00am

Yiddish Vinkl 1:00 pm

Board of Trustees 8:00 pm Hebrew Ulpan 8:00 pm

Boy/Cub Scouts 6:00 pm Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing 6:30 pm Ritual Committee Meeting 7:30 pm Limmud Presentation 7:30 pm

Kadima Shabbat 6:00 pm Combined Libeinu: Heart and Soul Shabbat and Mincha/Maariv Service 6:30 pm

Mincha/Maariv 7:10pm

Mincha/Maariv 7:10pm

Mincha/Maariv 7:00pm

Get SMART Get Fit 10:30 am


Shacharit 7:00am




Shacharit 6:55am

Religious School Closed Limmud: Rabbi Molly Karp 9:30 am

Limmud: Class with Rabbi Hojda 10:00 am Parashat Hashavua, with Jack 1:30 pm

Hebrew Ulpan 8:00 pm

5:36 pm

Dance Class 3:30 pm



Shacharit 6:30am

7:21 pm

Sell Hametz by 9:30 am

Kadima USY Chocolate Seder 6:00 pm


Shacharit 6:55am


Omer Day 4

Nursery School Closed

Hebrew Ulpan 8:00 pm

Mincha/Maariv 7:30pm

Mincha/Maariv 6:30pm


Mincha/Maariv 7:20pm



Shacharit 6:55am


Omer Day 5

Nursery School Closed Religious School Closed

7:27 pm



Omer Day 6 Synagogue Offices Closed Nursery School Closed

Deadline for Kallah Early Registration

Passover Service 9:00 am Babysitting 9:30 am Pre-Serv Oneg 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am

Mincha/Maariv 6:30pm

Mincha/Maariv 6:30pm


7:28 pm


Please visit the Beth El Synagogue Center website, WWW.BETHELNR.ORG for the most current information on meetings and events. To send us a message, e-mail info@bethelnr.org.

Shabbat ends 8:07 pm

Shabbat Service 9:00 am Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Pre-Service Oneg 10:15 am Shabbat Discussion Group 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am Bat Mitzvah Kyra Esrig 6:40 pm (note: No separate Mincha/Maariv service; no Seudah Shlishit; service ends 8:06 pm) ROSH HODESH/ PARASHAT HACHODESH



Shabbat ends 8:15 pm

Chai House Visits Birthday Shabbat Shabbat Service 9:00 am Niggun Halev 9:00 am Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Pre-Service Oneg 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am Post Kiddush Learning w. Rabbi Sam 12:30 pm Women’s Beit Midrash 12:30 pm Melaveh Malkah 8:30 pm (claar home) Mincha/Maariv 7:20pm SHABBAT HAGADOL




Fast of First Born 4:42 am Siyyum Behorim 7:00 am

If starting Seder after nightfall, 8:08 pm

Mincha/Maariv 7:20pm



Toddler Time 9:15 am Limmud: Class with Rabbi Hojda 10:00 am Parashat Hashavua, with Jack 1:30 pm

Limmud: Rabbi Molly Karp 9:30 am


Mincha/Maariv 7:00pm


Shacharit 6:55am



Shabbat ends 8:21 pm

Shabbat & Passover Service 9:00 am after Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am 8:21 pm Pre-Service Oneg 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am Kavannah. Mindfulness/Contem. 10:45 am

Mincha/Maariv 6:30pm





Shabbat ends 8:29 pm

Omer Day 7 Chai House Visits Shabbat Service 9:00 am Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Pre-Serv Oneg 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am

Mincha/Maariv 7:40pm


Shabbat Tween Lounge 12:00 pm Daf Shevui 12:30 pm

Visit us on facebook at facebook.com/BethElSynagogueCenter



The yahrzeit of the following deceased persons permanently inscribed on our Memorial Walls are observed on these dates:

Mazal tov to:

Anna B. Levene Isidore Rubenfeld Harry Halpern Nathan Theeman Saleh Masri Dr. Arthur D. Sobey Morris Ferstenberg Moshe Ferstenberg Tessie Katz Dorothy Klingsberg Burton L. Merdinger Irving S. Rapaport Beckie Krumholtz Evalin Lesser Ida Liebman Samuel Singer Joseph Tecklin Abraham Wissoker Sonia Nova Jacob S. Stillman Theresa V. Joseph Herman Karpel Selma Mintz Pauline Kelner Abraham Kovent Gertrude Morris Judith Sacks Dorothy Shanok Isaac Bloom Joseph Guber Abraham Strauss Antoinette Loinger Herman Mandel George Patchen Irving Goldstein Joseph Kramer Aaron Rappaport

Dr. Jack Wertheimer on receiving The American Jewish Studies Celebrate 350 Award from The Jewish Book Council for The New American Judaism: How Jews Practice Their Religion Today (Princeton University Press).

A Warm Beth El Mazal Tov to One and All!!

Kiddush The Kiddush of March 30th was sponsored by the Beth El Sisterhood in honor of Sisterhood Shabbat. The Kiddush of April 13th will be sponsored by Margo Lampert in honor of the birth of granddaughter Sophia Danielle Sklar, daughter of Linda and Philip Sklar.

Welcome to the Beth El Community The Carter/ Kalnicki Family Of New Rochelle Todd Carter and Miriam Kalnicki Simon, 5; Leo, 19 months

New Limmud Class with Elenor Aherenkantz Jewish Short Stories in English

“Jewish Literature” means many things to many people. In this course we will explore (in English) short stories originally written in Yiddish, Hebrew, and English. The course will encourage lively discussion of the content and its meanings. Monday, April 29 - Monday, June 24 (not Memorial Day, Shavuot) Cost: $220/person • 10:00am-12:00pm • Board Room * Minimum of 10 people to hold the class and maximum of 20.

1 2 3 3 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17

Emilie Schmeidler 17 Laura Goldman 18 Herman Grad 18 Irving L. Greene 18 Lawrence Leben 18 Doris E. Singer 18 Rita Streger 18 Pinchas Zakai 18 Simon W. Farber 19 Isaac Fately 19 Alice W. Nussbaum 19 Joan D. Sachs 19 Henri Schmeidler 20 Jacob Zimmerman 21 Freida Siegel 22 Monica Winters 22 Barney Arkow 23 Samuel Solomon Klingsberg 23 Helen Wertheim 23 Ida Kovent 24 Alvin H. Nirenberg 24 Ralph Sam Rubin 24 Anna Hochberg 25 Jacob Sussman 25 Eugene Strauss 26 Max Weinrib 26 Isidor Baum 27 Harvey M. Harrison 27 Irving Hochberg 27 Jacob Miller 27 Clara Singer 27 Lena Statsinger 27 Herman Hochberg 29 Max Milstein 29 Rose Feldman 30 Sylvia Markman 30


New Course with Rabbi Molly Karp Starts Wednesday, April 10th • 9:30 am - 11:30 am

We record with sorrow the losses suffered by our members and friends and extend to them our deepest sympathies. Condolences to:

Defining Israel: The Jewish State, Democracy, and the Law Contact Rabbi Karp at rabbimollykarp@gmail.com for details.

Jane Berkowitz on the loss of her father, Charles Koty; Robin Kaphan on the loss of her husband, Mitchell Kaphan; Lynn Chinitz and Marvin Chinitz on the loss of their sister Louise Abrams; Esther Winik on the loss of her husband, Steven Winik; Rabbi David Blumenfeld on the loss of his brother Solomon Blumenfeld.

RESOLUTION FROM “THE GREEN TEAM” adopted by the Board of Trustees Beth El Synagogue Center, inspired by the Torah and our Jewish values, imbues our community with ecologically sustainable practices to protect the environment.

Share your milestone events with us! If you experience a milestone or a loss in your family, contact Linda at LNewman@bethelnr.org, or 914-235-2700, ext. 246. 18

JEREMY SCHEINFELD MEMORIAL FUND IN HONOR OF: Jodi and Rob Scheinfeld, President’s Ne’emanim Service Award recipients, from Barbara Finder and Jack Renick. IN MEMORY OF: Harry Gruza, beloved father of Sy Gruza, from Geralynn and David Reifer. Louise Abrams, beloved sister of Lynn Chinitz Gruenstein and Marvin Chinitz, from Geralynn and David Reifer, and Gwen and Gary Salmo. Emily Marx, beloved mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother of the Ruttenberg family, from Robin Kaphan. Mitchell Kaphan, beloved husband of Robin Kaphan, from Geralynn and David Riefer; Ilene Poses and Laura, Glenn, and Robert Alterman; and Gwen and Gary Salmo.

YOUTH ACTIVITIES FUND IN HONOR OF: Ellen and Rick Barlis, 2019 Lapid Award recipients, from Dori Graff and Seth Leibowitz, and Sharon Cohen. IN MEMORY OF: Mitchell Kaphan, beloved husband of Robin Kaphan, from Harvey Heir. Louise Abrams, beloved sister of Lynn Chinitz Gruenstein and Marvin Chinitz, from Harvey Heir.

2019 GALA DONATIONS IN HONOR OF: The 2019 Gala honorees and award recipients— Marjorie and Mark Seidenfeld, Jodi and Rob Scheinfeld, and Ellen and Rick Barlis—for their good works, from Joyce and Michael Wechsler, Ilene and Irwin Davison, Amnon and Ruth Gotian, and Abe Walfish. Jodi and Rob Scheinfeld for their 2019 Gala honor, from Judy and Ed Schwartz, Jill and Evan Shapiro, Judy and Mark Gann.. Marjorie and Mark Seidenfeld for their 2019 Gala honor, from Judy and Ed Schwartz, Wayne Friedman, Judy Stein, Janet and Richard Kirshbaum, Andrew Seidenfeld and Melissa Pashcow, Leslie and Michael Goldberg, Eileen and Steven Satkin, Gladys and Harold Jacober, Rachel and Neil Shinder, Judy and Joe Baumgarten, Nelson and Rebecca Gomez, Margo Baender, and Alan and Jane Jacober. Ellen and Rick Barlis for their 2019 Gala honor, from Judy and Ed Schwartz.

RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Barbara and Bob Cohen in honor of Nadav Schuck becoming a bar mitzvah; Nora Klion-Wolloch in honor of Nadav Schuck becoming a bar mitzvah; Nora Klion-Wolloch in honor of Jacob Shechter becoming a bar mitzvah; Nora Klion-Wolloch in honor of Lester Zimmerman being inducted into the Westchester County Senior Hall of Fame; Harriet and Marc Suvall in honor of the engagement of Julie Rockowitz’s daughter Leora; Nora Klion-Wolloch in honor of the marriage of Bernie Katz’s grandson; Nora Klion-Wolloch in honor of the engagement of Linda and Steve Newman’s son Neil; Nora Klion-Wolloch in honor of the baby naming of Gwen and Gary Salmo’s granddaughter; Nora Klion-Wolloch in honor of the bar mitzvah of Lori and Rob Weber’s son Sammy; Nora Klion-Wolloch in memory of Dr. Louis Yavetz, father of Dava Yavetz; Nora KlionWolloch in memory of Michael Zarembski, son of Esther Zarembski; Julie Rockowitz in memory of Edith Kutner; Donald and Pamela Shassian in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Susan Tane in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Beverly Ferber; in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Pro Safety Services LLC in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Myra Levine-Harris in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Bernice Schargel in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Wladamir and Susan Maicovski in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Sharon and Joseph Feintuck in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Aaron Edelman in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Thomas Edsall in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Qasim Collidge in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Bunny Smotrich in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Norma and Esther Feintuck in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Renee Nadel in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Teddy and Ruth Kantor in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Evelyn Mitchel in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Mortimer Geisler in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Terence and Joyce Isakov in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Cathrine and Allen Troy in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Burton Stern in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Dan and Ellen Tyransky in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Nicholas Pasquenza in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Donald Capoccia in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Families of Class 1B at Solomon Schechter School of Westchester in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Jill Rozanoff in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; John and Ina Portnoy in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the 19

Mental Health Fund; Robert and Iris Driesen in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Richard and Shelley Leebow in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; WJCS Jewish Programming Staff in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Stacy and Tom Johnson in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Kimberly and Abraham Kader in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Carole Chirogianis in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Sue Pearson in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Carole Macht in memory of Howard Loewentheil for the Mental Health Fund; Leonora Loewentheil in honor of Rabbi Sitkin; Michael Goldstein; Sheila Tanenbaum in memory of Mitch Kaphan; Kevin and Karen Hand in honor of Jay Sitkin’s retirement; Leslie and Richard Ruttenberg; Marc and Harriet Suvall in honor of Cantor Uri and Judy Aqua’s son's wedding; Dorothy and Herb Fox; Bernice Ward in honor of Nadav Schuck’s bar mitzvah; Judith Harary in memory of Emily Marx; Arthur and Loretta Holland in memory of Louis Holland on his yahrzeit; Louise and Jason Silverman in memory of Avi Berkovitch; Shelley and Alfred Klein in honor of Nadav Schuck’s bar mitzvah; Beth and Ron Cohen in honor of Marci and Alan Marcus on the bar mitzvah of their son Jeremy; Beth and Ron Cohen in honor of Carrie Fox and David Shechter on the bar mitzvah of their son Jacob; Beth and Ron Cohen in memory of Barrie Straussberg; Barbara and Robert Ehudin in honor of Nadav Schuck’s bar mitzvah; Barbara and Robert Ehudin in memory of Edith Kutner; Susan Gelb-Silberberg in honor of Mark and Marjorie Seidenfeld on their Beth El Gala honor; Elisa Nemirow; Esther Zarembski; Claire Gerstein in memory of her father Sol Gerstein and grandmother Rebecca Jackson; Joyce Wechsler in memory of Annette Chabrow; Greg Seinfeld in memory of his father, Efraim David Ben Yonah, on his first yahrzeit; Michael Wechsler in memory of Rosalind Wechsler; Morris Stampfer in memory of Edith Kutner; Morris Stampfer in honor of the Brit Milah of the grandson of Ellen and Arnie Bernstein; Nora Klion-Wolloch in honor of Jay Lerman; Nora Klion-Wolloch with thanks to Donna and Gary Levy; Nora KlionWolloch in honor of the birth of Margo Lampert’s granddaughter Sophia; Nora Klion-Wolloch in honor of the birth of Liz and Alan Legatt’s grandson Ezra; Linda and Sol Haber in memory of Louise Abrams; Melissa and Brett Wishnia; Robin Bronk and Richard Schechtman in honor of Benjamin Fenster’s first birthday; Robin Bronk and Richard Schechtman with thanks to Rabbi Schuck; Robin Bronk and Richard Schechtman in honor of Nadav Schuck’s bar mitzvah; Robin Bronk and Richard Schechtman in memory of Steven Schechtman; Robert and Susan Goldstein in memory of Steven Winik; Richard Watt in memory of Rose Mantel; Lawrence and Francine Rubenstein in memory of Emily Marx; Ellen and Merill Resnick in memory of Mitchell Kaphan; Allison and Alan Kellman in memory of Louise Abrams; Lynn Hirsh in memory of her father, Gerald Friedman.






Mitchell Kaphan beloved husband of Robin Walter Klee, from Barbara and Marc Klee. Kaphan, from Sarah and Sherman Poncz. Jaqueline Obstgarten, from Shayna Klopott and Michael Frankel.

Elly and Teddy Zabb on the bar mitzvah of their grandson Harry Klarfield, from Phyllis and Harvey Jay.


Carrie Fox and David Shechter on the bar mitzvah of their son Jacob, from Phyllis and Harvey Jay.

IN HONOR OF: Anita and Marc Zoldessy on the baby naming Ellen and Jack Hollander on the birth of their Sheila Cohen, Carol Diament, Rosanna Eisenberg of their granddaughter, from Donald Fleishaker. grandson Caleb, from Phyllis and Harvey Jay. and family, Allyson and Russell Geller, Deborah Liz and Alan Legatt on the birth of their grandson Gerstein, Claire Gerstein, Rita and Bruce Gilbert, Jodi and Rob Scheinfeld on their 2019 Gala honor, Ezra Merchan, from Phyllis and Harvey Jay. from Donald Fleishaker. Jeffrey Graf, Sheila Giller Grossman, Barbara and Yvette Gordon on the birth of her great-grandchild, Daniel Kotler, Emma Lewis, Anita and Stanley ELEANOR G. BAUMWALD from Phyllis and Harvey Jay. Liebowitz, Laura Penn, Patricia GreenwelPRAYERBOOK FUND Rojkind, Nikki and Gil Sachs, Joyce Silver, Ruth Vicki and Nate Fisher on the bar mitzvah of their Sininsky, Marjorie and Bernard Sunshine, Reba IN MEMORY OF: grandson, from Phyllis and Harvey Jay. Zuckerman; Stephanie and Matt Klingsberg. Charles Koty, beloved father of Jane Berkowitz, Margo Lampert on the birth of her granddaughter, from Tamar and Joe Tait and family. from Janet Yoskowitz. Eva Teitlebaum from Jack R. Schwartz. IN MEMORY OF:



Avi Berkovitch, beloved grandson of Bernie Katz, from Phyllis and Harvey Jay.

David ben Leebah Etta and Aba, may he pass his bar exam, from Lisa Jacobs.




Mitchell Kaphan, beloved husband of Robin Kaphan, from Liz, Eric, Sara, and Jeremy Alderman.

Emily Marx, beloved mother of Leslie Ruttenberg, from Phyllis and Harvey Jay.

Louise Abrams, beloved sister of Lynn Chinitz Gruenstein and Marvin Chinitz, from Susan and Bob Goldstein.

Edith Kutner, beloved mother of Shari Chinitz, from Phyllis and Harvey Jay, and Ellen and Jack Hollander. Eddie Scharfman, beloved husband of Rochelle Chaiken, from Phyllis and Harvey Jay. Harry Gruza, beloved father of Sy Gruza, from Ellen and Jack Hollander.

TO DONATE TO SISTERHOOD’S MITZVAH FUND, contact Marcia Pryluck at marciapryluck@gmail.com, or mail your donation(s) to 1255 North Avenue, B2O, New Rochelle, NY 10804. Donation minimum is $10. Checks should be payable to Beth El Sisterhood.


The family of



Mitchell Kaphan, beloved husband of Robin Kaphan, from Linda and Sol Haber, and Nora Klion-Wolloch.

would like to thank the clergy, staff, and congregants of the Beth El Community for their concern and caring during our recent bereavement.

Dr. Ed Scharfman, beloved husband of Rochelle Chaiken, form Nora Klion-Wolloch.

SPECIAL NEEDS FUND IN HONOR OF: The birth of Sophia Danielle Sklar, daughter of Linda and Philip Sklar and granddaughter of Margo Lampert, from Elizabeth and Alan Legatt.

Your support gave us strength. We are blessed to be part of such a wonderful community.

The marriage of Joshua Horowitz, son of Barbara and David Horowitz, to Dr. Andrea Weiner, from Elizabeth and Alan Legatt.. IN MEMORY OF: Frieda Kalfus, mother of Grace Kalfus, from Elizabeth and Alan Legatt.

With appreciation from his wife and children, Robin Kaphan Kimberly and Mark Kaphan Frances Stein Kaphan and Adam Kaphan Alison and Timothy Coyle

Avi Berkovitch, son of Ellen and Yossi Berkovitch and grandson of Bernie Katz, from Elizabeth and Alan Legatt. Emily Marx, mother of Leslie Ruttenberg, from Elizabeth and Alan Legatt. Edith Kutner, mother of Shari Chinitz, from Elizabeth and Alan Legatt. Mitchell Kaphan, husband of Robin Kaphan, from Elizabeth and Alan Legatt. 20

The 2019 Spring Market is Blooming

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15 Q UA K ER R I DG E ROA D, N E W ROC H EL L E, N Y 1080 4


Source: HGMLS, 2018, single-family homes, City of New Rochelle, total volume, by company. HGMLS, 2018, single family homes, New Rochelle School District, total volume, by agent, Houlihan Lawrence New Rochelle Brokerage.



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Contact Linda at LNewman@bethelnr.org, or 914-235-2700, ext. 246, or www.bethelnr.org.

or call Carole Graham, 914-576-6617,

Ellen Hollander, 914-632-4658

Sale of Hametz The ritual sale of hametz must be completed by 7:00 pm on Thursday, April 18th. Many prefer to perform this ritual in person. Rabbi David Schuck or Cantor Uri Aqua will be available for this purpose before and after the Minyan for at least one week prior to Passover. Cantor Aqua will have additional hours during the week before Passover. Please call or email for an appointment. Those who cannot tend to this matter in person may complete the form and return it to the main office.

FORM FOR SALE OF HAMETZ I, __________________________________________, do hereby authorize Rabbi David A. Schuck of New Rochelle, New York, to act as my agent to sell the hametz that may be in my possession, whether it may be at home, place of business, or elsewhere, in accord with the requirements and provisions of Jewish law. NAME _____________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE __________________________________

E-MAIL ______________________________________

I enclose a contribution for Maot Hittim (Passover tzedakah) to help others, less fortunate, celebrate the holiday. Make your check payable to Beth El Synagogue Center, and write Maot Hittim on the memo line. 25


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Light Refreshments will be Served! New York state mandates that all contracts for prearranged funeral agreements executed by applicants for or recipients of supplemental social security income or medical assistance be irrevocable.


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Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker Direct: 914.393.6990 Glorianne.Mattesi@elliman.com

101 King Street, Chappaqua, NY 10514 914.238.3988 © 2019 Douglas Elliman Real Estate. All material presented herein is intended for information purposes only. While, this information is believed to be correct, it is represented subject to errors, omissions, changes or withdrawal without notice. All property information, including, but not limited to square footage, room count, number of bedrooms and the school district in property listings should be verified by your own attorney, architect or zoning expert. Equal housing opportunity. *HGAR MLS, 2016-2018


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M 917.693.3557 JBurton@houlihanlawrence.com Proud Beth El member

1 Agent in the 1 Brokerage in New Rochelle #


S I N G L E F A M I LY H O M E S N E W RO C H E L L E B RO K E R AG E | 1 5 Q UA K E R R I D G E ROA D Source: HGMLS, 1.1.18-12.31.18, Single Family homes, New Rochelle School District, Total Volume, by Agent, Houlihan Lawrence New Rochelle Brokerage.

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