JULY - AUGUST 2016 • Vol. 99, No. 1 Sivan ~ TAMMUZ ~ AV 5776 www.bethelnr.org
want YOUR child to receive a postcard from us this summer? go to page 15 to find out how! Shabbat Shaboom............................. page 2. September Information...................... page 3 SummerFEST.................................... page 2 Meet Our Newest Officer.................. page 5
Nursery School’s Atelier................... page 11 Religious School Registration.......... page 15
9:30 am - 4:00 pm • Rain or Shine $12 per day until August 1st; $18 per day after
Sign up for one, two, or three days of summer fun! Questions? Contact Julie Rockowitz at JRockowitz@bethelnr.org, or 914-235-2700, ext. 256. Schedule for Tuesday, August 16th — Watch for more details!
9:00 am Welcome, coffee, newspaper, and shmooze 9:30 am-10:30am Exercise (Tai Chi or Zumba) 10:30 am -12:30pm Lecture: Classical Byzantine Origins of Jewish Culture in Art and Architecture. Instructor: Bruce Levy
12:30 pm 1:30 pm 3:30 pm
Lunch (Baked Ziti, tossed salad, ice cream) Relax at the pool and/or learn to play mah jongg and canasta Iced Tea and Snack, Closing
JOIN US ON WEDNESday, August 17th For a TOUr OF the ART GAllery & Gardens of Wave Hill 2
see you in september! Save the date!
Saturday, September 17th 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Celebrate with us! Sunday, September 18th
Join us for a great end to Shabbat and a great start to your Saturday night!
Installation of Rabbi David Schuck
Wine and Appetizers for adults. Programming, babysitting and dinner for the kids.
Beginning at 10:00am! Details to follow.
Catch up with friends or choose to join in a facilitated introspection around High Holy Day themes, led by Rabbi Schuck. All are welcome • Invite your friends • No charge
THIS YEAR, “RENT-A-SUKKAH” WITH BETH EL! Don’t have a sukkah and you wish you did? We have a great NEW program for you! On October 16th you can have Beth El friends build a sukkah for you, in your yard! And when the holiday ends they will come and take it down too! That’s right, you don’t need to store it, pay big bucks, or deal with the hassle of putting it up or taking it down!
FAQs What Is a Sukkah? A sukkah is a booth in which we are commanded to dwell during the festival of Sukkot. According to rabbinic tradition, the sukkot represent the huts in which the Israelites dwelt during their forty years of wandering in the desert after escaping from slavery in Egypt, and the structures built by farmers in their fields when they reaped their harvest. The sukkah is a temporary structure, whose roof is made out of thatch or branches. It provides some shade and protection from the sun, but also allows the stars to be seen at night. Traditionally, the Sukkah is decorated, and we are encouraged to spend as much time in it as possible. Weather permitting, meals are eaten in the sukkah, and the hardier among us may also elect to sleep in the sukkah. How much does it cost? How can I order? Pricing has not been determined yet. Please check back in August for online registration, and watch for more information in E-vents and the Shabbat Announcements. Who will build the Sukkot? Beth El friends and clergy! Interested in volunteering to build sukkot? Let us know! More questions? Contact Rabbi Josh Dorsch at jdorsch@bethelnr.org, or 914-235-2700, ext. 260. 3
Rabbi’S MESSAGE Dear Friends, This has been a whirlwind of a year for me and my family. It has been wonderful, if incredibly busy. The most energizing aspect of my first year at Beth El has Rabbi been the opportunity David A. Schuck to meet so many people within our community. When I began, I made it clear that my most important task was to meet as many people as possible. I just wanted to listen; I wanted to get to know who people are, learn their stories, and begin to understand their dreams for our community. This community did not disappoint: in the past ten months I met with over 350 people! And, it was absolutely wonderful. The first thing that I learned was that this synagogue has played a significant role in the lives of thousands of people for generations. In each schmooze, I asked people to share a moment or experience connected to Beth El that is precious to them. The number of people who spoke about the support that they received during moments of tragedy, loss, or deep pain was overwhelming. Rabbi Sirner,
our other clergy, and the community at large has been a salve amidst the inevitable sorrow of life for so many of our congregants. In the conversation that I had with families of children with special needs, people shared the profoundly meaningful ways in which our clergy team supported their children through a bar or bat mitzvah process. Others spoke about baby namings, weddings, and other joyous life cycle moments that were celebrated in this community. I wish that I could play those conversations back for people who don’t think that they need a synagogue community. One could not helped but be moved by listening to these stories. But not everything was rosy. People shared the things that they hope will continue to evolve and change here at Beth El. People are searching for new ways to access Jewish prayer, and many are looking to be more engaged during services. We discussed questions about the pace of davenning as well as moments for more teaching during the service. People are hungry for more learning opportunities and engagement around issues that are relevant to their life stage. Families who are dealing with new questions around intermarriage would like to see them more broadly discussed. We are reflecting on the feedback from these conversations in order to better understand
the common themes as well as how we can best respond to them. There were some people who suggested that there are members who have been feeling disappointed or disconnected from the community. I want to meet with anyone who feels this way, no matter what their reason is. Synagogues are not perfect and we make mistakes. I hope that those who feel disenfranchised will take the time to reach out to me so that we can discuss their experience and feelings, and through conversation, perhaps we will find ways in which they can be re-engaged. The one thing that all of these conversations had in common is that so many people feel connected to and invested in our synagogue community. The amount of good will is inspiring, as so many people want to see Beth El thrive as we move into the future. I feel blessed to lead a community with so much history and so much hope about the coming years. I hope that you will join me in continuing the conversations, and if we have not yet met, please reach out to set up a time to get together. I wish all of you a relaxing and meaningful summer. Rabbi David A. Schuck
notes from the hazzan Upon receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai, the Israelites famously cried out, “Kol asher diber Adonai, na’aseh Hazzan Jamie v’nishma.” – “All that Gloth God has said, we will do and we will hear.” These words are notable primarily because of their order: first they will do what they are told, and then they will hear, or learn what it is they are doing. This may be counterintuitive, but they confirm the Jewish people’s faith in God, and their willingness to try something new. Over the past couple of months, we have launched two new initiatives. Both have been very successful, demonstrating Beth El’s willingness to do, as well as to try, new things. In May, we sent Minyan Magnets to our members, asking each household to
commit to attending our minyan at least once a month on a specific day. I am happy to report that a significant number have taken this seriously. Rarely does a minyan go by without one or two folks who are there because it is their Magnet Day. Many have said that it is an easy way to help out and potentially make a difference. Also in May, we introduced our monthly Sing Out Shabbat Friday night service. The goal of this service is to bring everyone together with song, creating a fresh, engaging Shabbat spirit and giving us all the opportunity to feel connected as we worship as a community. We use accessible, easy-to-sing congregational melodies, some traditional and some new. I invited everyone to sing out in whatever way moved them— in harmony, with “yai dai dai,” or simply by tapping out the beat. And sing out you did! 4
We had over 120 people attend the inaugural service, and another large crowd the month after that. We have scheduled Sing Out Shabbat once a month, and I encourage you to check it out (see cover). I recently read a wonderful piece by Nigel Savage, the founder of Hazon (a Jewish environmental organization), who writes, “Newness is not good for its own sake, and birthing new things is certainly hard. But the world is changing fast, and Jewish life is changing fast. We need to relearn the ancient wisdom of Jewish tradition. We need to learn old things in new ways, and sometimes new things in old ways. We need to inspire those who are already involved in Jewish life, and we need to bring new people through the door.” Thank you for your enthusiastic support of our new initiatives. See you at services.
president’S MESSAGE Rabbi Schuck to Participate in Hartman Institute Program and Will Serve on the RA Committee on Jewish Law and Standards Rabbi Schuck is completing his first year at Beth El and I am excited to announce his participation in two important rabbinic initiatives—the Hartman Institute’s Rabbinic Leadership Initiative, and serving on the Rabbinical Assembly’s Committee on Jewish Law and Standards. We should all be very proud of our new rabbi and the recognition he is receiving, and also his enhancing the stellar reputation of Beth El Synagogue Center throughout the country. The Shalom Hartman Institute announced that Rabbi Schuck was named as one of twenty-eight outstanding rabbis to participate in the sixth Rabbinic Leadership Initiative (RLI). RLI is a threeyear intensive fellowship program for selected North American rabbis, which immerses them in the highest levels of Jewish learning in order to equip them to meet contemporary challenges with increasing intellectual and moral sophistication. Throughout the next three years, the twenty-eight rabbis of RLI will engage in extensive distance learning through video webinars, hevruta study, small group elective courses, and local projects. The capstones of each year’s activities are a three-week summer residency and a ten-day winter residency at the Institute in Jerusalem. The rabbis are chosen through a rigorous process of applications, interviews, and background research. RLI provides an open space of pluralistic inquiry and intellectual risk-taking for rabbis to ask burning questions about their own spiritual and intellectual lives, as well as their communal leadership. The RLI curriculum focuses on the main pillars of the scholarship and mission of the Shalom Hartman Institute: Judaism and Modernity, Religious Pluralism, Jewish and Democratic Israel, Jewish Peoplehood, Judaism and the World. The pluralistic framework of the program fosters a vibrant exchange of ideas aimed at integrating learning into the rabbis’ ongoing work and creating a multi-denominational community of colleagues uniquely able to elevate the quality of Jewish life. The objective of the initiative is to significantly impact the quality of contemporary Jewish life in North America by training exceptional
rabbis of all denominations to serve as profound spiritual and intellectual leaders. Through the study of texts and ideas Samuel E. Berger with renowned Hartman scholars and with their own rabbinic colleagues, participants gain a better understanding of the central political, moral, and spiritual issues facing North American Jewry and the modern state of Israel, enabling the rabbis to serve as bridges between Israel and the Diaspora. Rabbis who complete the three-year course of study with the RLI program receive the title Senior Rabbinic Fellow of the Shalom Hartman Institute. In addition to participating in the Hartman Institute RLI, Rabbi Schuck has been asked to serve on the Rabbinical Assembly Committee on Jewish Law and Standards. The Committee on Jewish Law and Standards sets halachic policy for Rabbinical Assembly rabbis and for the Conservative movement as a whole. Its membership consists of twenty-five rabbis who are voting-members, as well as five non-voting lay representatives of the United Synagogue, and one non-voting cantor representing the Cantors Assembly. The Committee discusses all questions of Jewish law that are posed by members of the Rabbinical Assembly or arms of the Conservative movement. When a question is placed on the agenda, individual members of the Committee will write teshuvot (responsa) which are discussed by the relevant subcommittees, and are then heard by the Committee, usually at two separate meetings. Papers are approved when a vote is taken with six or more members voting in favor of the paper. Approved teshuvot represent official halachic positions of the Conservative movement. Of course, rabbis have the authority, though, as mara d’atra, to consider the Committee’s positions but make their own decisions as conditions warrant for their congregations. Please join me in wishing Rabbi Schuck a hearty mazal tov and yishar koach for these two fabulous honors. See you in shul, Sam
Meet Barbara Cohen, Beth El’s Financial Secretary Barbara Cohen was born and raised in Saratoga Springs, a small city in upstate New York, where she and her three siblings attended the Saratoga Springs public school system. Barbara received a Bachelor of Science degree in Education, followed by a Masters in Business Administaration in Finance from the State University at Albany. She married her husband, Bob, in 1983 and they now have three children—Adam (31), Jessica (28), and Haley (24). They moved to Scarsdale from New York City in 1990, and immediately began looking for a shul in which their family could be comfortable participating in services and feel at home. After having researched many options in the area, they ultimately chose Beth El based on
the many programs available—pre-school, camp, religious school, youth groups, etc., but most of all because the people were so friendly and welcoming! They have been members of Beth El for twenty-six years; both girls attended Beth El Nursery School and all three children attended Beth El Religious School. Barbara’s professional background includes thirty years at British Airways PLC, most recently as the CFO/SVP Finance for the Americas region. After having been the leader of various finance teams dispersed across different cultures over the years, she had achieved strong analytical and strategic skills, with a reputation for delivering significant and sustainable change. When she retired from BA, she entered the next phase of her career, with the goal of giving back to the community and supporting the development of [continued, page 7, bottom}
Limmud Classes for July and August Saturday, July 2
1:00 pm
Daf Shevui
Thursday, July 7
7:30 pm
Summer Israeli Film Festival, “Magic Men”
Saturday, July 9
1:00 pm
Daf Shevui
Thursday, July 14
7:30 pm
Summer Israeli Film Festival, “Partner with the Enemy”
Saturday, July 16
1:00 pm
Daf Shevui
Saturday, July 23
1:00 pm
Daf Shevui
Tuesday, July 26
7:30 pm
Summer Israeli Film Festival, “Wedding Doll”
Saturday, July 30
1:00 pm
Daf Shevui
Monday, August 1
7:30 pm
Summer Israeli Film Festival, Ma’aleh Film School of Jerualem - 3 award-winning short films
Saturday, August 6
12:45 pm ShabbaTunes
Saturday, August 6
1:00 pm
Daf Shevui
Saturday, August 13
1:00 pm
Daf Shevui
Saturday, August 20
1:00 pm
Daf Shevui
Saturday, August 27
1:00 pm
Daf Shevui
For questions on these programs, contact Rabbi Josh Dorsch at jdorsch@bethelnr.org, or 914-235-2700, ext. 260.
Saturday, August 6th 12:45 pm
LOOKING FOR LEARNERS Hazzan Gloth is putting together a class for people who wish to learn to chant Haftarah. Want to brush up your skills? This class is for you, too. To participate, please contact Hazzan Gloth at jgloth@bethelnr. org, or call 914-235-2700, ext. 252.
ELLEN HOLLANDER AND DR. MANFRED SIMON IN MUSEUM Friday, July 1st – Sunday, August 7th master’s degree in Art Education It has been nearly five years at Queens College. After taking a since Ellen Hollander and Dr. break to have her children, Ellen Manfred Simon exhibited in our began to teach Judaic Arts to the museum. They now return with children of the Beth El Religious mostly new paintings. School, as well as at Bet Am Manny Simon left Germany Shalom Hebrew School. She took in 1939 for the United States, additional courses at the JCC of where he was subsequently Mid-Westchester, The Westchester educated. Many years later, and Art Workshop, and the Fairviewnewly retired from the practice Greenburgh Community Center. of gastroenterology, he was by Ellen Hollander by Manfred Simon Most recently, Ellen studied with spending the winter in Florida when he decided to embark on an exploration for inspiration, not slavishly copying the the late Gregory Lyson, and presently with of some creative activity in the field of art. photograph. He continues to take painting Jason Alloway (where she and Manny A course in woodworking convinced him classes, and that is where his friendship with Simon are both students). Ellen paints from that the field was better suited to younger Beth El member Ellen Hollander began. photographs and from life, both outdoors and individuals. A friend suggested that he join He has exhibited and sold paintings in indoors. She works mainly in oils, but she has him in a painting class with Roslyn Kirsch at both Florida and Westchester. Some of his also worked with gouache, watercolor, and the Armory Art Center in West Palm Beach, paintings have been auctioned off for the ink calligraphy (the last for making ketubot in Hebrew). Florida. Manny had always been interested benefit of the Garrison Art League. Ellen began her art career as a child The exhibit will start on July 1st, in art and had collected many paintings, so it was no surprise that he found this field more when she made drawings of family members however, the artists’ reception will be held suited to his interests. For the past fifteen and copied pictures from magazines. She on Sunday, July 10th, 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm. years or so, he has been producing portraits, took “major art” in high school and majored Everyone is invited to the reception, where still-lifes, landscapes, seascapes, and genre in art education at Brooklyn College, where you will be able to discuss the work with scenes. You will see examples of all of these. she studied with the late Ad Reinhardt and both artists. The museum will be open every Usually he starts with a photograph, often with Jimmy Ernst. Later, while teaching in a weekend. You can also visit any other day of another artist’s work, and he uses that Queens Junior High School, she earned her by getting the key from the office. 6
Keruv* Korner Summer greetings from Keruv! The Keruv Committee owes a debt of gratitude to all who, during the past programming year, shared their experiences, offered wisdom, expressed concerns, and asked questions, many questions, about intermarriage in the Jewish community. We learned that our community encompasses a diverse spectrum of thought and feeling about Jewish intermarriage, including, but not at all limited to, those who: • Believe that to embrace intermarried couples is the best way to grow our synagogue into the next generation; • Hold that intermarried couples would be more comfortable at a Reform synagogue;
• •
View an intermarried couple in Beth El as a step toward Torah through our doors that should be supported and fostered; Ache because an intermarried family member is not Jewishly involved; Take joy watching a non-Jewish family member support his or her Jewish children.
It would appear that almost all who have shared their thoughts with us feel the tension of this unanswered question: How can a synagogue welcome an intermarried couple without sending the message, particularly to our children, that “intermarriage is OK”? Developing our response to this question is a community challenge, and Keruv
*keruv: to bring closer; to draw near
believes that all in the Beth El community desiring to speak their minds and hearts on this must have the opportunity to do so. To that end, the Keruv Committee hopes to explore this conundrum with willing participants and partners in the coming year. Stay tuned for Keruv announcements and programming come the fall. We remain grateful to Beth El’s clergy and professional staff for supporting us, in compassion and within the bounds of Conservative Jewish law, in attempting to open doors that will bring interfaith couples and all our Beth El families closer to Judaism. Should you have any questions about Keruv, contact Nina Luban at nina. luban@gmail.com, or Elise Richman at elisekrichman@gmail.com.
BeTzelem Elokim AND INCLUSION How can we at Beth El become more welcoming, accessible, and inclusive? A year ago we asked all of you to respond to this in our Inclusion Questionnaire. What a year we have had since then! Armed with your feedback, we were able to implement several programs and make concrete changes. Beth Fisch Cohen has been coordinating a monthly support group for parents of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and/or impaired intellectual functioning. The group met through May, meeting the last Monday of each month, and will pick up again in the fall. Dan and Ron Burton led our first Kulanu Shabbat Experience for families who have children at home with ASD and similar disorders. It was very well received and will be expanded to three Kulanu holiday experiences in the coming year. Physical changes were made to our facility that were simple yet helpful to many. The coat room door is now propped open on Shabbat and holidays to ease access. The handicapped bathroom doors were made more functionally accessible. We continue to remove seats from the
last row of the sanctuary on the right and the left to leave room for wheelchairs and I encourage people to use the chair lift to the bima (stage) if it would be helpful. In response to a request from the SMART group of congregants, stable chairs with arms were ordered to allow individuals to get in and out of the seats independently and safely. More people are using the personal amplifiers to hear what is being said from the bima in our sanctuary, and are using large print version of our prayer books and Humashim (bibles). Please contact me if you encounter any difficult obtaining an assistive device or book. For those with food allergies, the menu for each week’s Shabbat Kiddush luncheon is posted on the door between the ballroom and the dairy kitchen so you can look up which items contain the ingredients of interest to you. The desserts are nut-free unless announced otherwise. In cases where desserts containing nuts are being served, platters of nut-free cookies are provided on a separate table. More important than any specific change or program is the general culture of inclusion that I see being embraced by
our congregation. An understanding smile or a helping hand remains the single most important factor making someone feel he or she belongs. With this in mind, last month we joined forces with Keruv and the larger Beth El Inclusion Committee to co-sponsor speaker Yiscah Smith. A trans-woman living in Jerusalem, she spoke movingly about her transformation from an Orthodox Jewish man to an authentic Jewish woman and educator. By hearing the stories of the diverse individuals who make up our community, we hope to become more sensitive to what we all share and how we can help one another. If you have a story to share, please let us know! I want to personally thank the hardworking members of our current committee—Rhona Aronstein, Beth Fisch Cohen, Rabbi Josh Dorsch, Ruth King, Stephanie Millman, Judy Schmeidler, Debra Seltzer, Jen Vegh, and Debbie Young. Best wishes for a healthy and relaxed summer! Let me know if I can be of any help, or if you are interested in joining our committee. Elise K. Richman, Chair, BeTzelem Elokim elisekrichman@gmail.com
Barbara Cohen, cont. from pg. 5 women. She now sits on the Board of three non-profit organizations, one of which is Beth El, where she has been a member of the Board of Trustees for three years. She is also a member of the Audit and Finance
Committee, the Financial Arrangements Committee, Sisterhood, and has been a member of the Nominating Committee multiple times, the last of which she chaired. Barbara and her family have made so many new friends at Beth El over the years!
She is so impressed by the hard-working professional staff, but even more impressed by the numerous volunteers who dedicate many hours of their time to make Beth El so special. She is very excited to be appointed as Financial Secretary.
Summer Israel Film Series All films are $8/person, including “movie refreshments.” All films are in Hebrew with subtitles.
Magic Men Thursday July 7th • 7:30
Nominated for 4 Israeli Academy Film Awards Winner: Best Actor, Makram Khoury Presented at more than 40 Film Festivals This modern-day road trip adventure explores challenges of faith across generations. An aging father and his middle-aged son have grown bitterly estranged over their beliefs. The father, Avraham, is a Holocaust survivor and a virulent atheist. His son Yehuda is his polar opposite—a Hasidic rapper, who supports his family through his religious music. Circumstances throw them together on a journey where Avraham searches for the man who saved him from the Germans during World War II. As they travel along the Adriatic coast, their arguing is punctured by unexpected moments of affection and humor. While the stunning coastal scenery helps cast a spell, it is the understated performances that give the film its real magic. “One of the most popular of the lot. Three distinctive, vivid characters.” — The Hollywood Reporter “Magic Men is one of those films that does just that – provides us with untouchable magical moments.” — Dalit Nemirovski, Telavivian
Partner with the Enemy Thursday, July 14th • 7:30
A Gripping Documentary The inspiring story of two women—Anat, an Israeli kibbutznik, and Rola, a Palestinian Muslim from Ramallah, uniting with the dream of forming a business. Against the hostile Israeli-Palestinian landscape, they face seemingly insurmountable pressures from family, society, and sheer chauvinism. Yet our heroines persevere—each having defined the other as an enemy for so long—creating a soulful and poignant bond, a touching triumph of humanity over conflict. “ . . . as funny as it is suspenseful and moving, the film tells a complex story suffused with vibrant color and strong characters . . . Make Partner with the Enemy the first film you see this year” — Midnight East “Partner with the Enemy is the type of incredible story that documentary is made for” — Yael Munk - When Women See Beyond Obstacles: Partner with the Enemy
Summer Israel Film Series Questions? E-mail Joyce Wechsler at joywechsler@gmail.com, or Alan Greenberg at agreenberg2@aol.com.
Wedding Doll (Chatuna MeNiyar) Tuesday, July 26th • 7:30
Nominated for 9 Israeli Academy Film Awards 2015 Winner: Best Actress, Moran Rosenblatt; Best Costume Design Jerusalem Film Festival, Best Actress (Asi Levi); Best First Feature Hagit is in love with love. Living with her mother, Sarah, in a town in southern Israel’s Negev desert, the young woman spends her evenings painstakingly making bridal gowns out of leftover materials from the toilet paper factory where she works. Sarah worries about her daughter. While possessed of remarkable warmth and a great strength of character, Hagit is mildly mentally disabled and doesn’t know how to separate her romantic fantasies from her real life. (Jane Schoettle, Toronto International Film Festival) It’s an emotionally intense, thought-provoking film that explores prejudice, the need for human connection, and sacrifices that a daughter and mother must both make. “A fantastic debut . . . two remarkable leading performances.” — CineVue
Ma’aleh Film School of Jerusalem presents Three Award–Winning Short Films Monday, August 1st • 7:30
Films about Relationships – Three Amazing Short Films A Story About Rain In a world without rain, a couple discovers that they have the power to create water. This ability increases the man’s status in the world and creates distance between him and his wife. This is a surreal and beautifully crafted fantasy tale about the power of rain. What is it that makes our dreams come true? Not to be missed! The Little Dictator Yossi is a nerdy professor whose area of specialization is totalitarian leadership. Unappreciated by his students, Yossi goes home at the end of the day to a domineering wife and three children. At a family weekend where the extended family is celebrating Grandma’s ninetieth birthday, he finds himself in a surreal situation, but is able to vindicate himself. A tour-de-force in acting and directing. Muktzeh Valdimir is the lighting technician at the Jerusalem Theater, but he dreams of much more—he wants to be an actor and play Shylock on the stage. This is an interesting and authentic drama about Jewish identity, about who is a Jew, and about who has a monopoly on being Jewish. 9
2016 GALA COMMITTEE THANKS BUSINESSES FOR SUPPORT Learn more about these businesses at bethelnr.org/Gala2016 and click on their ad. Monte Bros’ Sound Systems Inc. Abigal Press, Inc. The Fountainhead Prime Time Cafe A.G. Williams Painting Co. Frankfurt Kurnit Klein+Selz, PC Prostate Healthcare of New York Bellantoni Landscape Inc. Goodman’s LLP Riverdale Kosher Market Ben’s Kosher Deli The Grape Exchange Riverside Memor. Chapel/George T. Davis Bernard Katz & Co. CPA, P.C. H. & R. Bialy Inc. Stephen L. Herzberg DDS PC, Orthodontics Salomon & Esposito Dental Office Claire D. Leone Real Estate HSBC Bank USA Scarsdale Security Systems, Inc. Cleaning Systems Company Integrated Protection Services Scarsdale Pediatric Dental Assoc., LLP Cleanrite Carpet Co. Intercity Agency, Inc. Insurance Skyview Wines & Spirits Davis & Gilbert LLP Joyva Corp., Richard Radutkzy State Farm Insurance, Robert P. Weber Duane Morris LLP Kass & Jaffe PC, CPA Toby’s of Scarsdale, Jewelers Eden Wok Marcus, Gould & Sussman, LLP UPS Store Eden Kosher MBAF-ERE CPA Eye Designs of Westchester Valu Clean/Northridge Cleaners Modern Paint and Hardware Fenway Floors, Corp. Zion Memorial Chapel
Beth El Celebrates Summer Birthdays Beth El Synagogue Center would like to extend a “Happy Birthday!” to its members with a birthday in the months of July and August. If you have a July birthday, we hope that you will join us for Kiddush lunch on Shabbat, Ari Abramowitz Ellen Arad Cindy Arkow Richard Aronow Lynn Avni Richard Barnett Alisa Barney Abraham Bartell Joseph Baumgarten Ronnie Becher Trisanne Berger Aby Bernstein David Blaustein Priscilla Bloom William Bloom Brian Bosworth Mitchell Bradbury Dina Brot Terry Cohen Andrew Collens Susan Solow Dubin Barbara Ehudin James Erlikh Marina Erlikh Joan Faier Arielle Felberg Michael Ferder Adam Fleishaker Sabrina Fleishaker Jonathan Forman
Paul Freedman Bernard Freedman Mindy Friedman Talia Friedman Lawrence Getzler Faye Gingold Aaron Ginsberg Elissa Glickman Jeffrey Glickman Leon Goldberg Joshua Goldberg Julian Goldberg Brian Goldberg Mark Goldman David Goldman Howard Goldstein Benjamin Gotian Jerome Gottlieb Rachel Grandwetter Phoebe Gross Brenda Guber Michael Haber Sheldon Haber Aaron Hallac Edward Halperin Karen Hauptman Melinda Herman Edna Hoffer Loretta Holland Hagit Hope
July 9th. If you have an August birthday, please join us on Shabbat, August 13th. If you have a July or August birthday, but your name does not appear on the list, we are sorry for the omission and we ask that you e-mail the synagogue at info@bethelnr.org
so that we can update our records. Please contact us if you do not wish to have your name appear on our birthday list. (The list reflects our adult members and post-bar/bat mitzvah children up to the age of 21.)
Keith Hope Perry Jacobs Harry Kamel Robin Kaphan Solomon Kaplan Elaine Katz Harold Kaufman Jonathan Keltz Steven Kessler David Keusch Alfred Klein Matthew Klingsberg Stephanie Klingsberg Jonathan Klonsky Lillian Kreig Maya Kremins Alan Kurlander Frank Levin Richard Levine Michael Levine Sarah Levine Elaine Levitin Celia Levitz Gary Liebstein Sylvia Linczer Eugene Linett Eliot Locitzer Barbara Locitzer Randy Longman Eric Maidenberg
Alicia Popper Hillary Portnoy Dylan Portnoy Lucas Portnoy Robert Preminger Marvin Price Alanna Reid Jake Reifer Scott Reiner Andrew Reis Wendy Rosenberg Howard Rosenstein Adam Rosenstein Les Rothenberg Sharon Rozansky Francine Rubenstein Valerie Rudolph Gary Salmo Donald Salomon Taylor Salomon Barry Salter Robert Scheinfeld Corey Scheinfeld David Schlecker Paul Schneiderman Sharon Schoenholtz Joe-Victor Shammas Lloyd Sherman Itai Shoffman Maxine Siegel
Foster Maidenberg Ofri Maliniak Arthur Margolin Diane May Danielle Medin Susan Meisler Rebecca Meisler Scott Mellis Esther Mildner Robert Mishler Sydney Mitchell Jodi Moise John Morris Robert Morris Selma Moses David Myssiorek Ofer Nagar Gaby Newfield Carlos Newman Andrew Nitzberg Michael Novoseller Deborah Olstein Robert O’Neill Neil Orans Emma Peister Sophia Peister Lisa Platek Merrick Platzner Lianna Platzner Gary Pomerantz
Gitta Silberstein Eliana Silk Candace Silver Louise Silverman Susanne Simchowitz Liat Snyder Steven Solar Matthew Solar Bridget Stack Mark Stein Nicola Stein Justin Stein Ted Stricker Ronald Sundick Sheila Tanenbaum Ruth Treiber Daniel Troyetsky Joshua Troyetsky Ethan Turkewitz Peter Wasserman Robert Weber Jesse Weinberger Sylvain Weinberger Ira Weiner Rebecca Weiss Claire Wolkoff Norbert Wolloch Elizabeth Ziser Claudia Ziser Anita Zoldessy
Nursery School NEWS Hopefully by now you are aware that our Nursery School philosophy and practice is based on a Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education. Part of being Reggio-inspired is to have the
benefit of an Atelierista, an art specialist, who works with children in a deep fashion, exploring a variety of medium in our Atelier, our Art Studio, which was located in Room 6 this year. We have been truly blessed to have Vitaly Umansky serve as our Atelierista. He has raised the level of learning here at Beth El to new heights.
Throughout the school year, under Vitaly’s guidance, the children have explored working with clay, wood, wire, metal, and fabric. As a culminating activity, Vitaly created an inspiring gallery showcasing the work of the children throughout the year. Please enjoy the photos below and join us in imagining the work that children will create next year! Ronnie Becher Nursery School Director
Our Children’s Artwork created in our Atelier
Memories to Go: Our Stories about the Twentieth Century by Blanche Fried My Heroine A Note from Your Men’s Club . . .
It has been a great year for the Men’s Club and we look forward to another terrific year ahead in 2016-2017. First, we would like to share the big news! Our longtime Men’s Club President and fearless leader, Rob Levine, has assumed the presidency of the Hudson Valley Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs. It is a huge job, and we wish him all the best in his new role. Rob promises to continue to assist our chapter with our events. While Steve Young will continue as our titular president, the leadership of the Men’s Club will be shared by the members of our Executive Committee. Coming up . . . We have purchased a block of tickets to see the Israeli baseball team compete against the team from Great Britain at MCU Park in Brooklyn (home of the Cyclones) in the first game of a round robin tournament on Thursday, September 22nd, at 7:00 pm, to try and claim a spot in the World Baseball Classic. Please contact Rob Weber at 1topgum@gmail.com if you are interested. It is difficult to summarize our events over the past year, but we are particularly proud of our Scotch in the Sukkah event, two Blood Drives, cooking and serving breakfast for the hundreds of teens who participated in the METNY USY Regional Kinnus in November, and our sponsorship of the shulwide Purim Party featuring a live band. We want to again congratulate Mark Silver, our Man-of-the-Year, and Hannah Bartell, our Youth-of-the-Year, who were honored at the 13th Annual Chavayrim Kol Yisrael Awards Luncheon of the Hudson Valley Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs. We look forward to seeing you at our events in the fall and throughout the coming year!
My heroine is my mother, Esther Kaplan Sampson. She was born in a village called Yaneve, Russia, before the first World War. Her father and oldest brother came to America earlier than she in order to keep her brother from being conscripted into the Russian army. My grandmother was left in Europe with three young children, my mother and two younger sons. Then World War I came and they were stuck! Food was very scarce, but my mother would walk from house to house, wearing her apron, and ask families for a potato and an onion to give to even poorer families. All her life, my mother would try to help needy people. In the 1920s, my grandfather sent money to bring over his wife and children. He took an apartment in the Bronx on Claremont Avenue. My mother was raised, got married, and had children in that apartment on Claremont Avenue. I lived there until I was married. We were a very close family. My mother was always anxious to learn. When I would come home from school, she had me teach her my daily lessons. She was a very quick learner. She was always involved
in both my American school and my Yiddish school. She was Shomer Shabbat her entire life. However, she understood that I wanted go to the movies on Saturday, so she would leave a purse with money for the movies on top of the refrigerator so I could join my friends. When I was a very young child, a new neighbor moved into our building. She had a roomer, Mr. Glasser. Mr. Glasser had three children in a “home” because his wife died and he could not care for them. My mother told him to come down to our apartment to make tea and toast because the woman he lived with would not allow him to use her electricity. As World War II was approaching, the “home” where his children lived was closing. My mother found Mr. Glasser an apartment and traveled by bus to help him furnish that apartment with furniture and everything else a household might need. I was always dragged along. I could go on and on, but I will end here for now. I learned life’s lessons from my heroine, Esther Kaplan Sampson. Rest in peace my mentor. Blanche Fried
Presented by The Westchester Jewish Council, The Westchester Klezmer Program, Kol Hazzanim—The Cantors of Westchester in cooperation with Westchester County Parks The Festival expects to feature musical performances by Soulfarm, Matty Roxx, The Westchester Klezmer Program, and Kol Hazzanim; plus Israeli Dancing and family entertainment, including face painting by Maria and Juggler Ned Gelfars.
For more information, contact The Westchester Jewish Council at 914-328-7001, or Pam@wjcouncil.org www.wjcouncil.org
A beneficiary of
SISTERHOOD Sisterhood Scene Why Join Sisterhood? When I first joined Beth El over thirty years ago, I couldn’t imagine a place in my life for Sisterhood. I was busy with my young children, so my activities focused on them. I joined what was then called the Nursery School Committee and was an active member for a number of years. Participation in that committee was followed by participation in the PTA, Youth Activities Committee, and the Beth El Board. I couldn’t imagine that there would be a place for me with Sisterhood. But going through The Bulletin one day, I was intrigued by some of Sisterhood’s activities, so I showed up to an event and I am glad that I did. I was welcomed by a diverse group of women in different stages of life, with a variety of interests and talents, all working to enhance life for the Beth El community. There have been changes over the years that have resulted in our being a
more inclusive group, accommodating both women who work outside the home and those that do not. Many of our members treasure the sense of belonging that they feel and the support that is extended to all, whether we are sharing happiness or shouldering grief. And, of course, there’s the fun that we have whether we are making hamantaschen, playing mah jongg or cards, discussing books, acting in plays, or even just walking and talking together. Membership materials will arrive in your mail within a few weeks. Take a moment to look at what we have to offer to all members of Beth El. Contact any of our membership vice presidents (see box below) for more information. Or, talk to any Sisterhood member and find out why Sisterhood is for you! Barbara Horowitz Sisterhood President
Join Us! Sisterhood is for all Beth El women, from Nursery School parents to seniors. Join us as we bring together generations of Jewish women for friendship, education, fundraising, tzedakah projects, and fun! Watch for membership information in your mail. Contact our membership vice presidents (names below) for more information: Cynthia Glickman .......... tanman911@verizon.net Sandy Gruenberg ............ gamson36@gmail.com Linda Resnick ................. cosa48@yahoo.com
Monday, July 18 • 9:30 am We will discuss The Arrogant Years, by Lucette Lagnado. Questions? Contact Arlene Salman at 914-2352485, or aesalman@aol.com.
Sisterhood’s Baum Judaica Gift Shop We continue to acquire new items. Please stop by! Open by appointment. Contact Carole Graham at carolegraham@optonline.net, or 914-576-6617; or Ellen Hollander at ellenarts@optonline.net, or 914-632-4658.
Ongoing Sisterhood Programs Card Room is on hiatus for the summer. Watch for our return in the fall! Walking Club meets every Monday at 9:30 am for a nice easy walk—not a jog. All are welcome! M i t z va h K n i t t i n g : Free lessons and supplies. Knit at home and donate your work. Children’s hats, scarves, and 7” squares for afghans needed. Questions? E-mail Phyllis at pjf920@verizon.net.
Thursday, July 28th • 7:30 pm Septembers of Shiraz, by Dahlia Sofer FREE, NO R.S.V.P. NEEDED.
q u e s t i o n s ON AN Y O F THESE PROGRAMS? Contact Arlene Salman at aesalman@aol. com, or 914-235-2485.
YOUTH & FAMILY ENGAGEMENT A Note from the Religious School Parent Organization The Parent Organization plays an integral role in the success of the Religious School experience. As leaders of the committee, our goal is to build a strong community that complements the learning environment that we appreciate from Jen, Bekkah, and the dedicated teachers. Each of our families pays annual dues to the Parent Organization and we look to put those funds to good use. As the school year winds to a close, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on what an amazing year it has been. We started out the year with a fabulous bagel breakfast at opening day, where we said hello to many new families and welcomed back familiar faces. All learners received a colorful plastic envelope to carry their work back and forth throughout the Religious School year. In October, we spent a night in the Sukkah creating beautiful paintings. And in November, we hosted the annual Schmooze and Schmear during the Religious School Open House. In January, we learned the tradition and mitzvah of braiding challah with the one and only Challah Fairy. In May, we provided dinner to cap off a fabulous Religious School Year-End Showcase and a dessert reception at the Hebrew High School graduation. Finally, in June, we hosted the annual Summer Send-Off at A-Game Sports, in New Rochelle, with a yummy dinner from Ben’s Deli. And, most Sunday mornings, you can find Carrie Fox coordinating a wonderful Zumba class. In between hosting all of these wonderful events, we also support the Religious School by providing: a Shabbat Dinner at each of the grade specific Friday night Shabbat programs, bagels to the Hebrew High School learners every Sunday, Religious School educators with a Hanukkah and Year-End gift, and gifts to all of the Hebrew High School graduates. It has been a busy year and we are already planning for more amazing events for the upcoming school year. We look forward to seeing you all in the fall for the kick-off of another great Religious School Year. If you are interested in getting involved with the Parent Organization, or have additional ideas that will support these efforts, please reach out to the leaders and share your thoughts.
RELIGIOUS SCHOOL GRADUATION The Tichon Teen Learning Program has faced adversity in their life and has Graduation took place on Tuesday evening, persevered in order to successfully complete May 31st. At the graduation, five high school the Hebrew High School at Beth El. He or juniors were honored, and four high school she will have a well-rounded perspective, seniors were recognized for completing the shaped by experiences in school and at home, and will use Educational Leadership those experiences to Institute. Photographs not available help others overcome The graduates for web viewing their own challenges. of the Tichon (High Sophia Peister School) Class of 2016 include Adam Fleishaker, Sabrina received the Abraham and Fritzi Abrams Fleishaker, Sophia Peister, Juliana Reiner, Memorial Award, which is presented to the graduate of the Tichon Teen Learning and Claudia Ziser. Claudia Ziser received the Nat program who will attend Camp Ramah or Goldman Memorial Award, which is given participate in a summer educational program to the graduate of the Tichon Teen Learning in Israel under the auspices of the United program, who, in the opinion of the faculty, Synagogue. The four teens who participated in the over the preceding four years exhibited most consistently the qualities of character, year-long Educational Leadership Institute initiative, scholarship, and humanitarianism were recognized for their commitment to developing their pedagogic skills, to the highest degree. Juliana Reiner received the Max & learning to build lesson plans that focus on Sabrina Bialo Award, which is given to meaningful Jewish learning, and helping in outstanding graduates of the the Tichon Teen our Religious School classes. Mazal tov to Learning program who have participated Adam Ackerman, Hannah Bartell, David in and contributed constructively to the Rosenstein, and Dylan Tait. We also continued our tradition of Religious School and the synagogue. Adam Fleishaker received the Isaac, honoring our Mezinke parents, those who Gertrude & Edgar Moses and Sylvia & are graduating out their last child from Jack Markman Memorial Award for ethical the Religious School. Yishar koach to the Jewish behavior and a positive attitude parents of ALL of our graduates, who are all towards Jewish values which is given to mezinke parents—Abbe Fleishaker, Darren the graduate who has shown by precept and Jayne Peister, Scott Reiner and Dana and example that he or she has adhered to Asher, and Boris and Liz Ziser. the principles of Jewish ethics in his or her everyday life. Sabrina Fleishaker received the Paul M. Ganelles Resilliency Award, which is presented to the CHHS graduate, who We would be remiss not to thank Jen and Bekkah for their hard work and dedication to the Religious School experience this year. We are fortunate to partner with them as we educate our children and create a memorable and meaningful Jewish learning environment. Congratulations to Jen on her Jewish Education Project’s Young Pioneers Award, and to Bekkah for her graduation from The Jewish Theological Seminary. We hope everyone has a wonderful summer! Ellen Barlis, Sharon Brown, Rachel Casanova, and Marci Marcus, Parent Organization Co Chairs. Contact us at rsparents@bethelnr.org 14
Photographs not available for web viewing
YOUTH & FAMILY ENGAGEMENT END OF YEAR SHOWCASE This year our elementary families gathered on May 26 for our long awaited End-of-Year Showcase. Beginning with a photo montage (available on the Religious School Facebook page), the evening focused on celebrating the meaningful learning in which our children engaged over the course of the year. Each child prepared a portfolio of their work from the year. The class brainstormed three questions parents could ask them that would highlight their learning. At the Showcase, parents toured around, meeting children from each class, asking them the guiding questions, and viewing their portfolios. The room was buzzing with excitement as children enthusiastically shared their learning and parents demonstrated just how impressed they were with the knowledge, insights and excitement which the Religious School children displayed. The evening concluded with a brief reflection and a pizza dinner sponsored by the Parent Organization.
Registration Is Open for Religious School 2016-2017 We are excited to announce that the Beth El Religious School and the Tichon (High School) registration is now open for 2016-2017. This year, we will offer new initiatives, like an extra hour of enrichment, called Moadon, for Gan-Bet (K-2nd), as well as the opportunity for 11th graders to participate in the Educational Leadership Institute. For more information on these and other new changes in our Religious School, be in touch with Jen Vegh, Director of Youth & Family Engagement, at jvegh@bethelnr. org, or 914-235-2700 ext. 247, or with Bekkah Gold, Assistant Director of Youth & Family Engagement, at rgold@bethelnr.org, ext. 221. With an exciting curriculum in the elementary school and interesting new classes in the Teen program, this is a year you won’t want to miss! Gan (Kindergarten)
Sunday, 9:00 am – 11:00 am Optional: Moadon, Sundays 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Alef & Bet (1st & 2nd grade) Sunday, 9:00 am – 11:00 am Thursday, 4:00 pm – 5:50 pm Optional: Moadon, Sundays 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Gimel-Vav (3rd-6th grade) Sunday, 9:00 am – 11:00 am Thursday, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Optional: Hebrew through Cooking(Club) Tuesdays, 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm, Homework Space available 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Gesher (7th grade) Sunday, 9:00 am – 11:00 am Thursday, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Olim & Tichon (8th-11th grade) Sunday, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm Optional: Tuesday, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm, Teen Philanthropy
follow the Religious School on Twitter! @bethelrelschool
register AT www.bethelnr.org.
To register, log on to the Beth El website, www.bethelnr.org and click on the Religious School page.
Photographs not available for web viewing Remember to fill out the Summer 2016 survey (visit www. bethelnr.org/relschsurvey) so we can be in touch with your children over the summer! Everyone who fills out the form will get a handwritten note from us or an in person visit!
Mazal tov to the Vav/Gesher class (6th/7th grade), who will be moving into the Teen Learning Program! 15
JULY 2016 1324 North Avenue New Rochelle, NY 10804-2190 914-235-2700 • www.bethelnr.org
A Conservative synagogue affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Rabbi............................ David A. Schuck Hazzan................................ Jamie Gloth Associate Rabbi.............. Joshua Dorsch Associate Cantor...................... Uri Aqua Assistant Rabbi................Zachary Sitkin Rabbi Emeritus............ Melvin N. Sirner Cantor Emeritus..... Lawrence Avery, z”l Hazzan Emeritus............Farid Dardashti Executive Director......... Erica Leventhal Controller.......................... Olivier Vogel Day Camp Director........ Julie Rockowitz Nursery School Director. Ronnie Becher Dir. of Youth & Family Engag.... Jen Vegh Special Projects Dir........ Linda Newman Maintenance Director.... Milton Sinclair OFFICERS President.................... Samuel E. Berger Exec. Vice President.... Mark Seidenfeld Vice President.................. Daniel Burton Vice President........... Sandra Gruenberg Vice President . ........... Geralynn Reifer Treasurer...................... Joseph Wygoda Financial Secretary........ Barbara Cohen Recording Secretary......... Jayne Peister
SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Join us each Shabbat in JULY for: Ice Cream Desserts at Kiddush Lunch
Saturdays – 9:00 am Sundays – 8:00 am Mondays – 6:55 am Thursdays – 6:55 am Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 7:00 am
1 – 31
8:00 pm
August 1 – 4 8:00 pm 6 – 11 7:45 pm 13 – 25 7:30 pm 27 – 31 7:15 pm note: Friday evening services are at 7:00 pm through August.
27 SIVAN 4
Israeli Dance 10:00 am
28 SIVAN 5
29 SIVAN 6
30 SIVAN 7
1 tammuz 8
2 tammuz 9
Camp in Session Synagogue Offices Closed Walking Club 9:30 am
Shabbat ends 9:21pm
Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Pre-Serv Oneg 10:15 am Combined Youth Services 10:45 am Daf Shevui 1:00 pm
Visit us on facebook at facebook.com/BethElSynagogueCenter
3 tammuz
Korach 8:11 pm
Summer Reading Group 1:30 pm
Summer Israel Film Series 7:30 pm
Shabbat ends 9:18pm
Chai House Visitors Birthday Shabbat Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Pre-Serv Oneg 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am Daf Shevui 1:00 pm
7 tammuz 14
8 tammuz 15
9 tammuz 16
10 tammuz
Shabbat ends 9:14 pm
CHAKUT 8:08pm
Shabbat Shaboom 12:00 pm
Summer Israel Film Sing Out Shabbat Series 7:30 pm Service 6:30pm
Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Pre-Serv Oneg 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am Daf Shevui 1:00 pm
(service only, no dinner. no separate Mincha/Maariv)
17 11 tammuz 18 12 TAMMUZ 19 13 TAMMUZ 20 Nursery School Playground Play Date 10:00 am
Sisterhood Bagels and Books 9:30 am Walking Club 11:30 am
14 TAMMUZ 21
15 TAMMUZ 22 16 TAMMUZ 23
Shabbat ends 9:07 pm
8:02 pm
Summer Reading Group 1:30 pm
Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Pre-Serv Oneg 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am Daf Shevui 1:00 pm
24 18 TAMMUZ 25 19 TAMMUZ 26 20 TAMMUZ 27 Walking Club 9:30 am
High Holiday Honors Comm. 7:30 pm
Evening Minyan Times Mincha and Maariv
8:13 pm
Daily Minyan
AFFILIATES 10 4 tammuz 11 5 tammuz 12 6 tammuz 13 Sisterhood President...Barbara Horowitz Men’s Club President.... Steven L. Young Walking Club Religious Sch. Parent Org.....Ellen Barlis, 9:30 am Sharon Brown, Rachel Casanova, Summer Reading Marci Marcus Group 1:30 pm Nurs. Sch. Parent Org... Rachel Messenger High Holiday Honors Comm. BULLETIN EDITOR......... Linda Newman 7:30 pm
Beth El maintains morning and evening services every day of the year. Contact Associate Cantor Uri Aqua, 914-235-2700, ext. 222.
21 TAMMUZ 28
22 TAMMUZ 29 23 TAMMUZ 30 Camp 3s Parent Festival 9:05 am
Camp 4s Parent Festival 9:05 am
FAST DAY Summer Reading Group 1:30 pm Camp 6s & 7s Honors Comm. Parent Festival 7:30 pm Summer Israel 5:00 pm Film Series 7:30 pm
31 25 TAMMUZ High Holiday
Camp 5s Parent Festival 5:00 pm Sis. Evening Book Club 7:30 pm
PINECHAS 7:56 pm
Camp 2s Parent Festival 11:00 am
Shabbat ends 8:59 pm
Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Pre-Serv Oneg 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am Daf Shevui 1:00 pm
TAMMUZ ~ AV 5776
26 Tammuz 2
27 Tammuz 3
28 Tammuz 4
Shabbat Shaboom 12:00 pm 7:48 pm
Summer Reading Group 1:30 pm
1 av 6
29 Tammuz 5
Walking Club 9:30 am
Summer Israel Film Series 7:30 pm
2 av
Shabbat ends MATOT-MASSEI 8:50pm
Chai House Visitors Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Sing Out Shabbat, Pre-Serv Oneg 10:15 am welcoming Rabbi Zach and Lisa Sitkin Youth Services 10:45 am 6:30 pm, followed by ShabbaTunes 12:45 pm Daf Shevui 1:00 pm dinner
High Holiday Honors Comm. 7:30 pm
3 av 8
4 av 9
5 AV 10
6 AV 11
8 AV 13
7 av 12 Last Day of Camp
Walking Club 9:30 am
9 AV
7:39 pm
High Holiday Honors Comm. 7:30 pm
Shabbat ends 8:40pm
Birthday Shabbat Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Pre-Serv Oneg 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am Daf Shevui 1:00 pm Fast Begins 7:56pm
10 AV 15
11 AV 16
Walking Club 9:30 am
Fast Ends 8:24 pm
12 AV 17
Summer FEST for adults 60+ 9:30 am
13 AV 18
Summer FEST for adults 60+ 9:30 am
14 Av 19
Summer FEST for adults 60+ 9:30 am
15 Av 20 VAETCHANAN 7:29pm
High Holiday Honors Comm. 7:30 pm
16 Av
Shabbat ends 8:29 pm
Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Pre-Serv Oneg 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am Daf Shevui 1:00 pm
17 Av 22
18 Av 23
20 Av 25
19 Av 24
21 Av 26
22 Av 27 EKEV
Walking Club 9:30 am Annual Westchester Jewish Music and Arts Festival 12:00 pm (Kensico Dam Plaza)
7:19 pm
High Holiday Honors Comm. 7:30 pm
24 Av 29
25 Av 30
23 Av
Shabbat ends 8:17 pm
Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Pre-Serv Oneg 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am Daf Shevui 1:00 pm
26 Av 31
27 Av
Sisterhood Bagels and Books 9:30 am Walking Club 11:30 am
Join us each Shabbat in August for: Ice Cream Desserts at Kiddush Lunch
High Holiday Honors Comm. 7:30 pm Visit us on facebook at facebook.com/BethElSynagogueCenter 17
Mazal Tov
Newsmakers . . .
The yahrzeit of the following deceased persons permanently inscribed on our Memorial Walls are observed on these dates:
Phyllis and Harvey Jay on the marriage of their daughter Rebecca Jay to Michael Forman, son of Jerome and Diane Forman; Shari and Marvin Chinitz on the engagement of their son Isaac Chinitz to Janine Berenson; Rob Levine on his induction as the new president of the Hudson Valley Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs.
A Warm Beth El Mazal Tov to One and All!!
Share your milestone events with us! We would like to hear about your engagements, births, graduations, losses, and other events. If you experience a milestone or a loss in your family, please contact Linda Newman at LNewman@ bethelnr.org, or 914-235-2700, ext. 246, with your news.
Kiddush The Kiddush of July 2nd will be sponsored by Shari and Marvin Chinitz. The Kiddush of July 9th will be sponsored by Robin and Mitchell Kaphan in honor of the upcoming marriage of their daughter Alison Kaphan.
Volunteers Needed to help clean up after Kiddush lunch. Please pitch in!
Can you help? Be a Kiddush Sponsor! Kiddush lunch with our fellow congregants is just one of the many things that makes Beth El a special place. Beth El needs your help to sponsor these lunches. We are looking for individuals or families to sponsor a kiddush lunch. For just $750, you can provide lunch on Shabbat. Call Alise Liquorie in the office, 914-235-2700, ext. 223, or e-mail aliquorie@bethelnr.org to choose an available date.
Condolences We record with sorrow the losses suffered by our members and friends and extend to them our deepest sympathies.Condolences to: Naomi Adler on the loss of her husband, Alan Schiller, and to sons Matthew Schiller and Sammy Schiller; Arthur Sinkman on the loss of his wife, Ellen Sinkman. 18
July Joseph Halpern Bertram B. Schwarz Audrey Strauss Irving Gendelman Louise Troodler Dr. Leon Figur Esther Benkel Herman L. Goldman Daisy M. Holman Leizer H. Leibowitz Mary Newman Max Rabinowitz Abraham Belsky Max Belsky Rae Feuerstein Max Jackson Milton Gordon Samuel Gore Rose Sussman Martin Teichman Sarah Mandel Anna Strauch Rafael Moshe Zaiman Yona Kessel Sadye Leben Nathan Lopatin Clara Mirenburg Florence Teichman Benjamin Chabrow Samuel Feinberg Rebecca Kaplan Rebecca Wasley Israel Diesenhof Steven H. Hirsch Ruth Kornfeld Meyer Nova Albert E. Singer Max Bitter Dr. Herbert M. Jacobs Eva Meyers Ernst Grunauer Rose Wechsler Steven Douglas Miller Irving Kanner Bess Siegel Max Siegel Rose Stillman Sylvia Farber Sidney Fein Morris Halpern Sidney H. Posner Benjamin Raber
1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 16 17 17 17 18 19 19 19 19 20
Rubin Scheinkman Ida B. Shimm Myron Penn Aviva Berger Rabbi Kenneth Berger Milton Honig Mollie Sirner Ruth Sobel Sam Kavarsky Sam Zuckerman Eva Bernstein William Bloom Ida Grandberg Yetta Halpern Michael Lichtenstein Leo J. Springer Frances B. Sussman Isadore Kaplan Norma Osofsky Jack Einhorn Eva Greenberg Everett Kalb Lester Kellman Ruth Rosenblatt Robert P. Schustack Zelda Wagner Barry Evan Librett Taube Sokol August Sarah Hanchrow Bessie Getzoff Robert Heimowitz Rudolph Kahn Bernard Schwartz Hyman Bolnik Malvina Faerber Fried Gerson T. Margolish Jacob Markman Art Rivel Elayne Rubinoff Albert Pearlman Freda Rosenfeld Hyman Wolfson Sadie Bitter Betty Cohan Benjamin Gabriel Sylvia Geller Rose Sherman Adolph Mandel Morton Zuckerman Joseph Cohn John Olshansky
20 20 21 22 22 22 22 22 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 30 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7
continued, next page
Contributions YAHRZEIT DATES, cont. Arby A. Halpern Murray Kahn Sadie Neubauer Sarah Sperber Betty Grabel Ralph Kramer Anna Root Jack Fashing Helen Funk Miriam Lerner Sylvia Scher Elsie Stillman Joan I. Schustack Hindel Bryna Eichner Yetta Schnipper Abraham Abrams Dina Goldman Robert Gordon Anna Rubenfeld Beth Suzanne Siegel Jacob Bernstein Morris Wasley Lucy Fischler Helen Levinthal Lyons David Gingold Joseph Hanchrow Jack Ginsberg Doreen Lewis Hy Feingold Jack L. Patchen Eugene Bergman Ruth S. Teichman Leo Moskowitz Herbert Polow Barbara Gordon Minnie Simpson Samuel Streisfeld Joseph Klein Irving Grabel Harry Greenstein Jacob Levine Jacob Greenwald Herbert Pusick Max Baumzweig Nathan Bernstein Dr. Saul W. Brustein Jeanette Greenspan Maks Kooper Adolph Patchen Max Herrman Gail Harary Mozes Hyman Shapiro Janie Gottesfeld Joseph Salpeter Aaron Adolph Schlachtor Minnie Trugman Harry Wilk William Goodman
8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 21 22 22 23 23 23 24 25 25 25 26 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 31
General fund A donation was received from Diane and Eugene Linett. IN HONOR OF: Yvette Gordon on the birth of two great-grandsons, from Mila and Michael Greenberg. Barbara Birshtein and Howard Steinman on the birth of their granddaughter, from Mila and Michael Greenberg. Bea and Abe Walfish on their special wedding anniversary, Mila and Michael Greenberg. Vicki Fisher on being honored at the 2016 Sisterhood Gala, from Edna Hoffer, Sharone and David Snyder, Ilana and Joshua Skoff, and Liora and Rami Evar. Lori and Steven Schwartz on their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, from Dina and David Brot. Lauren Afran on her bat mitzvah, from Brian Tureck. Beth El’s 2016 Gala honorees Elise and Barry Richman and President’s Ne’emanim Service Award recipients Shery and Howard Rosenstein, from Bea and Abe Walfish, Ellen and Jerry Kaidanow, Louise and Jason Silverman, Peter Mongillo, Ellen and Jacob Hollander, Phyllis Cole, and Janet Yoskowitz.
SELMA AND STANLEY BATKIN RELIGIOUS SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN MEMORY OF: Harold Afran, beloved father of Scott Afan, from Tamar and Joe Tait.
DAY CAMP FUND IN HONOR OF: Sol and Linda Haber on the birth of a granddaughter, from Nora Klion-Wolloch. Faye and Jack Gingold on the birth of their grandson Maxwell Ian, from Nora Klion-Wolloch. Yvette Gordon on the birth of two great-grandsons, from Nora Klion-Wolloch. Barbara Birshtein and Howard Steinman on the birth of their granddaughter Leah Malka, from Nora Klion-Wolloch. Elise and Bob Schepp on the addition of another doctor in their family, from Nora Klion-Wolloch. IN MEMORY OF: Noah Rockowitz, beloved father and husband, from Kayla Sullivan, and Barbara and Bob Cohen. Harold Afran, beloved father of Scott Afran, from Susan and Michael Meisler and family. John Miller, beloved step-father of Abby Wise, from Nora Klion-Wolloch. 19
IN MEMORY OF: Karen Getzler, beloved wife of Larry Getzler, and beloved sister in law of Faye and Jack Gingold, from Marsha and Paul Lubin. Rose Zarembski, beloved mother of Frieda Lewis, from Sari Schneidman, Jenna Gabriel, and Michelle Waxman. The yahrzeits of our parents Harry and Rose Covkin, form Barbara and Bob Cohen. Shirley Katz, beloved wife of Bernard Katz, from Barbara and Bob Cohen. Rella Seidenfeld, beloved mother of Mark Seidenfeld, from Barbara and Bob Cohen. Ruth Slater, beloved mother and grandmother, from Mila and Michael Greenberg. John Miller, beloved step-father of Abby Wise, from Mila and Michael Greenberg. My mother, Bernice Silver, on her yahrzeit, from Susan Silver Schlecker. Yahrzeit/Yizkor Donations Albert (Bobby) Schmeidler; William Winters; Fred Rebak; Dorothy Zaro; Jay and Barbara Lerman; Ascher Katz; Nathan Eisler; Esther Robbins; Elise and Bob Schepp; Laura Penn; Melvyn Bloom; Hope and David Herzog; Michael Hirsch; Albert Katz; Ilan Moallem; Gladys Schaffer; Ruth and David Hirsh; Dr. Norbert and Claudia Wolloch; Lester and Marjorie Zimmerman; Robin and Mitchell Kaphan; Barbara and Sheldon Haber; Kelly Berkell-Mamaysky and Harry Mamaysky; Marvin Feldman.
MEN’S CLUB DONATION IN HONOR OF: Mark Silver on his Beth El Men’s Club Man-of-theYear award, from the Sullivan family.
TEEN EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN HONOR OF: David Rosenstein on his 2016 Inter-Religious Council Award, from Phyllis and Harvey Jay.
YOUTH ACTIVITIES FUND IN HONOR OF: Hannah Bartell on her Beth El Men’s Club Youthof-the-Year award, from Geralynn and David Reifer. David Rosenstein on his 2016 Inter-Religious Council Award, from Geralynn and David Reifer. Bekkah Gold on her graduation from JTS, from Marjorie and Mark Seidenfeld. IN MEMORY OF: Alan Schiller, beloved husband and father of the Schiller family, from the Mittleman family.
The fortieth anniversary of Mark Seidenfeld’s bar mitzvah, from Dina and David Brot.
Sandy and Jack Gruenberg and family on their USCJ honor, from Janet Yoskowitz.
IN HONOR OF: Dr. Abe Walfish on his special birthday, from Wendy and Alan Rosenberg.
Anne Claire Lester, from the Anne Claire Lester Foundation. My father, Alfred Lewis, z”l, from Laura Lewis.
Judy Schmeidler on her special birthday, from the Schmeidler and Sagor mishpacha.
Shirley Katz, beloved wife of Bernie Katz, from Wendy and Alan Rosenberg.
Harold Afran, beloved father of Scott Afran, from Lois Kohn-Claar and Gary Claar.
ANDREW SHAPIRO MEMORIAL FUND IN HONOR OF: Vicki Fisher on being honored at the 2016 Sisterhood Gala, from Annie Lowenthal.
JEREMY SCHEINFELD MEMORIAL FUND IN HONOR OF: Our daughter Dr. Allison Kaphan on her upcoming marriage to Timothy Coyle, from Robin and Mitchell Kaphan. IN MEMORY OF: Rose Zaremski, beloved mother of Frieda Lewis, from Esther Zarembski. Bobby Futterman, beloved Dad and Grandpa, on his yahrzeit, from Robin and Mitchell Kaphan. Norman Kaplan, beloved Pop and Grandpa, on his yahrzeit, from Robin and Mitchell Kaphan. Bradley Ruttenberg, beloved son of Leslie and Dick Ruttenberg, from Robin and Mitchell Kaphan. Jeremy Scheinfeld, beloved son of Jodi and Rob Scheinfeld, from Robin and Mitchell Kaphan.
Sisterhood Mitzvah Fund In Honor of: Mattie Wasserman, grandson of Norma Wasserman, on becoming a Bar Mitzvah, from Carol and Paul Freedman. The birth of Leah Malka Mener, granddaughter of Barbara Birshtein and Howard Steinman, from Joyce and Michael Wechsler, and Erica and Larry Epstein. Maxwell Ian, grandson of Faye and Jack Gingold, from Joyce and Michael Wechsler, and Erica and Larry Epstein. The birth of Michael Ian and Ilan Tobias, great grandsons of Yvette Gordon, from Joyce and Michael Wechsler. Dorothy and Herb Fox on the marriage of their grandson, from Joyce and Michael Wechsler. Euncie Kaplan on making a complete recovery, from Naomi Raber. Louise and Jay Silverman on their grandson Adam Rudt becoming a bar mitzvah, from Joyce and Michael Wechsler.
Vicki Fisher for being celebrated at the Sisterhood Spring Gala, from Tamar and Joe Tait, Clara Ingwer, The Bartell Family, Phyllis and Harvey Jay, and Nina Luban and Scott Bonci.
A donation was received from Joanna and Sam Kaufman, with thanks for including their family in the Spring 2016 B.E.S.T. Shabbat dinner.
Berish and Rena Strauch on their granddaughter Alexandra becoming a bat mitzvah, from Carol and Paul Freedman.
Judy Schmeidler for being honored by The Jewish Museum for forty-one years of service as a docent, from Carol and Paul Freedman.
Ronnie Becher with appreciation of many wonderful years of learning and growing at Beth El Nursery School, from the Kellman family. Mark Silver, on his Beth El Men’s Club Man-ofthe-Year award, from Geralynn and David Reifer.
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Dana Stein in appreciation of Beth El’s warm welcome of potential new members; Norma Wasserman in memory of Ruth Slater; Faith Liberman, Robin Liberman, and Debra Lassaw in honor of the yahrzeits of Simon Liberman and Irwin Daniels; Deborah Gerstein in honor of the yahrzeit of her husband, Joel Narod; Leah and Noel Edelson in memory of Spencer Tuchinsky; Joan Muss in honor of a speedy recovery for Richard Wolloch; David and Rita Kaufman in memory of Abraham Rosenfeld; Muriel Kessler in memory of her husband, Manny; Steve and Maria Kessler in memory of their father, Manny; Rita Kaikow in memory of Mary Salpeter; Aaron and Sheryl Fleishaker; Daniel and Susan Groner; Vera and Jason Kessler; Richard and Leslie Ruttenberg; Irwin Cohen; Deborah Olstein; Maria and Steve Kessler; Peter and Phoebe Gross; Gary and Donna Levy; Neil and Debra Goldfarb; Jonas and Claire Kessler; Lisa and William Kulak; Sharon and Peter Spenser; Jacob and Ellen Hollander; Adam and Debra Mayblum; Debbie and Steven Young; Joe and Carrie Goldberg; Grace Kalfus and Bruce Gold; Erica and Larry Epstein; Shoshana Markman; Alan and Linda Mazursky; Graham and Ellen Arad; Daniel and Robin Yairi; Lori and Steve Schwartz; Ted Keltz and Beth Breakstone; Esther Glassman; Jack and Elaine Katz; Rhona, Danny, and Jason Aronstein; Lorri and Rich Levine; A. Silver; Susan and David Schlecker in honor of the tradition of Maot Hittim; Ellen Gelboim with gratitude for the meaningful, joyous Special Needs Seder; Greg Seinfeld in memory of his mother, Leatrice Seinfeld; Laurie and Eric Roth and family in memory of Mr. Sidney Roth, beloved father and grandfather, on the occasion of his yahrzeit, and in memory of Dr. Morris Michael, beloved father and grandfather, on the occasion of his yahrzeit; Mitchell and Robin Kaphan; Marilyn and Mitch Sofer in memory of Aaron Sofer on his yahrzeit; Lisa and Perry Jacobs in memory of Olga Lefkovic, Alex Lefkovic and Myron Jacobs; Esther Zarembski and family in memory of Rose Zarembski; Susan Gelb Silverberg in honor of Shery and Howard Rosenstein on their welldeserved gala honor; Gary and Evelyn Trachten; Laurie and Eric Roth and family in memory of Ellen Sinkman, beloved wife and mother; Vicki and Nate Fisher in honor of Noam Schuck’s bar mitzvah.
Hazzan’s Discretionary Fund
In Memory of:
Gaby Newfield in appreciation of Hazzan Jamie Gloth.
My beloved mother, Rose Zarembski, from Freida Lewis.
Maria and Steven Kessler in memory of Harold Afran.
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Carmel Academy
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Beth El Synagogue Bulletin
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JOCELYN BURTON Real Estate Salesperson Proud Beth El member
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NEW ROCHELLE BROKERAGE | 15 QUAKER RIDGE ROAD * HGMLS, 1/1/15–12/31/15, All Property Types, Total Sales Dollar Volume by Agent, New Rochelle School District.