June 2019 • Vol. 101, No.11 IYAR ~ SIVAN 5779 WWW.BETHELNR.ORG
Mincha 7:00 pm Dairy Dinner 7:30 pm Maariv 9:00 pm Havdalah 9:10 pm Tikkun Leil Shavuot (see right side column)
Sunday, June 9th
Morning Services 9:00 am Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Family Kehillah and Tot Shabbat 10:45 am Shavuot Hang Out (see right side column) Mincha/Maariv 8:20 pm Light candles after 9:38 pm
Monday, June 10th
Early morning service, 6:30 am, with Yizkor Morning Services, 9:00 am, with Yizkor Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Family Kehillah and Tot Shabbat 10:45 am Mincha/Shiur/Maariv 8:20 pm Yom tov ends at 9:08 pm
Saturday Evening, June 8th 9:30 pm-10:30 pm Learning session 1 10:45 pm-11:45pm Learning session 2 12:00 am-1:00 am Learning session 3 Please turn to page 2, bottom, for a comprehensive look at the topics and presenters for these sessions • Lounge space during the sessions. • Cheesecake and snacks will be served during the 15 minute break!
SHAVUOT HANG OUT Sunday, June 9th, 5:00
- 7:00
Enjoy a barbecue dinner and outdoor games! All are welcome. $10/adult, $5/child ages 2-13. Under 2, free. R.S.V.P. to bethelnr.org/fun. Bring a friend! Free for prospective members with advance registration.
KOACH AWARDS 2019 Mazal tov to those celebrating twenty-eight years of Beth El Membership. The Koach (strength) Award was presented at the 2019 Annual Meeting in May. Michele Silverman Bedell Arthur and Marsha Goldstein Elliot and Susan Hollander Scott Mellis and Melanie Kogan Laura Lewis Susan and David Schlecker Jeffrey and Dina Stahl Mark and Marjorie Stein
METNY Scholarship Dinner Tuesday, June 4th 6:30 pm at Beth El Synagogue Center HONORING
The Golub Family Marc Klee
Beth El Member & Past President
Loen Amer Looking to Volunteer? We likely have something to match your interest! Contact Abby Wise at awise@bethelnr.org. Tikkun Leil Shavuot Details.............. page 2 Rabbinic Fellows to Join Clergy....... page 4 Summer Minyan Times...................... page 3 Cemetery Policy................................ page 5
Seniors Programming (SMART).... page 10 Youth & Family Engagement....pages 14, 15
The Israel Affairs Committee invites you to march with Beth El, the Westchester Jewish Council, and UJA in the Annual Celebrate Israel Parade! Let’s show our undying love for Israel as a community!
Community Night For Israel & Dessert Reception
SUNDAY, JUNE 2 | 12:20 p.m.
Our assembly time is 12:20 p.m. We are assembling at Section 6W—53rd St. between 5th–6th Ave.
Ronen Bergman is an award-winning Israeli journalist, a leading Middle East national security expert and a New York Times bestselling author. He is the senior correspondent for military and intelligence affairs for Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel’s largest daily paid newspaper, and a staff writer for The New York Times Magazine.
Thursday, June 13, 2019 7:30pm
To march with Beth El is 100% FREE, but you must register to reserve a T-Shirt. T-Shirts are limited. Please RSVP at bethelnr.org/parade. Questions? Please contact Abby Wise at awise@bethelnr.org.
To RSVP Or For More Information Contact: Cynthia Blustein Registered Representative cynthia.blustein@israelbonds.com 914.713.9003
BETH EL SYNAGOGUE CENTER 1324 North Avenue ∙ New Rochelle, NY No Couvert Required to Attend An Israel Bond Investment Is Encouraged ISRAELBONDS.COM Development Corporation for Israel/Israel Bonds. This is not an offering, which can be made only by prospectus. Read the prospectus carefully before investing to fully evaluate the risks associated with investing in Israel bonds. Member FINRA Israel Kaleidoscope 2 Photos: israelimages.com, istockphoto.com, James Galfund
Tikkun Leil Shavuot SATURDAY, JUNE 8 An Evening of Torah Study 7:00 P.M. | MINCHA
9:00 P.M. | MAARIV
9:10 P.M. | HAVDALAH
Lounge space available both during and in between sessions with cheesecake and snacks.
9:30–10:30 P.M. | SESSION 1 Jewish Identity Throughout The Ages: An Exploration of Biblical and Rabbinic Notions of Jewish Peoplehood | Rabbi Sitkin Women and the Kohen Aliyah: Is it permissible for a bat kohen (a woman whose father is a Kohen) to take the Kohen aliyah during services? | Rabbi Schuck
10:45–11:45 P.M. | SESSION 2 For Heaven’s Sake: A Chasidic Perspective on Torah Learning | Rabbi Sitkin God’s Majestic Will and Profound Vulnerability: an exploration of Abraham Joshua Heschel’s understanding of Revelation | Rabbi Schuck
12:00–1:00 A.M. | SESSION 3 The Mystical Love Story Between God and Israel: the origins of staying up all night and studying Torah on Shavuot | Co-teaching with Rabbi Schuck and Rabbi Sitkin
For more information and to register, please visit bethelnr.org/torahstudy 2
Setting the Times for Summer Minyan There are two options in halacha with regard to setting the times for mincha (afternoon service) and maariv (evening service). One position is that of Rabbi Yehudah, which says mincha should be recited by plag hamincha (1 1/4 shaot zmaniyot – halachicSetting hours- before If one does this, they areMinyan permitted to recite maariv thesunset). Times for Summer immediately afterward even though it is before shkiah (sunset).
There are two options in halacha with regard to setting the times for mincha (afternoon service) and maariv (evening service). One position is that of Rabbi Yehudah, which says mincha should be recited by plag hamincha (1 1/4 shaot zmaniyot – halachic hoursThe other position is that of the Chachamim (the Sages), who say one can pray mincha until shkiah (sunset, which is before sunset). If one does this, they are permitted to recite maariv immediately afterward even though it is before shkiah (sunset).
later than plag hamincha) and only then pray maariv. In both cases, it is permissible to pray maariv before it is fully
The is that of thethe Chachamim (the Sages), whoAt sayBeth one can mincha until we shkiah whichtimes is later than plag dark,other but position one should recite shema again after dark. El, pray during the year set (sunset, the minyan hamincha) and only then pray maariv. In both cases, it is permissible to pray maariv before it is fully dark, but one should recite according to the Sages, which means we pray the mincha service as close to sunset as possible and then finish and the shema again after dark. At Beth El, during the year we set the minyan times according to the Sages, which means we pray the start maariv immediately after sunset. mincha service as close to sunset as possible and then finish and start maariv immediately after sunset. The Aruch Hashulchan captures it well when he writes: The Aruch Hashulchan captures it well when he writes:
"והיינו שעה, עד פלג המנחה: רבי יהודה אומר, תפלת המנחה עד הערב: "' בעניין סוף זמן תפלת המנחה תנן בריש פרק ד ופלג ממנה הוא שעה, שתי שעות ומחצה קודם הלילה, דזמן מנחה קטנה הוא בתשע וחצי, ורביע קודם הלילה ולרבי יהודה מתחיל זמן מעריב מפלג המנחה שעה, ולרבנן דמנחה עד הערב מתחיל זמן מעריב בערב ולא קודם. ורביע כן הסכימו רבותינו התוספות, דזהו דבר פשוט דכשכלה זמן תפלת מנחה מתחיל זמן תפלת ערבית, ורביע קודם הלילה והרא”ש והרשב "א וכל הפוסקים.
“In regards to the matter of when the time for reciting minha ends, the rabbis taught in the beginning of the fourth chapter of berachot: Onetomay until Yehuda says: untilthe Plag HaMincha, 1.25 halachic hours before “In regards the daven matterMincha of when theevening; time forRabbi reciting minha ends, rabbis taught which in theisbeginning of the fourth sunset...According to the sages the time for mincha extends until the evening, after which one may begin to daven Maariv in the chapter of berachot: One may daven Mincha until evening; Rabbi Yehuda says: until Plag HaMincha, which is 1.25 evening and not before. According to Rabbi Yehuda, one may daven Maariv from Plag HaMincha onwards. The simple issue is that halachic hours before sunset...According to the sages the time for mincha extends until the evening, after which one when the time for davening Mincha ends, the time for davening Maariv begins; and so our rabbis, the Tosafot, the Rosh (Rabbeinu may begin to daven Maariv in the evening and not before. According to Rabbi Yehuda, one may daven Maariv from Asher ben Jechiel),onwards. and the Rashba (Rabbiissue Shlomo ben Aderet) alltime agree.” Plag HaMincha The simple is that when the for davening Mincha ends, the time for davening
Maariv begins; andifsoone our rabbis, the according Tosafot, the RoshYehudah, (Rabbeinu Asher ben Jechiel), andbethesignificantly Rashba (Rabbi Practically speaking, sets the times to Rabbi then Mincha/Maariv would earlier than if we followben the Aderet) Sages, especially in the summer. The sources suggest that one should set these times according to one opinion (Rabbi Shlomo all agree.” Yehudah or the Sages) and not move between them. One is only permitted to set times according to both opinions in a pressing time of need,speaking, which we will understand to include to theRabbi challenge that ourthen community has in making a minyan in the summer Practically if one sets the broadly times according Yehudah, Mincha/Maariv would be significantly months when it would not start until 8:30 pm / 8:45 pm . Therefore, in the hope that we may consistently fulfill our commitment earlier than if we follow the Sages, especially in the summer. The sources suggest that one should set these times to three daily minyanim according to the appropriate halachic set between mincha / maariv for the months of July and August according to one opinion (Rabbi Yehudah or the Sages)time, and we notwill move them. One is only permitted to set according to Rabbi Yehudah’s opinion. times according to both opinions in a pressing time of need, which we will understand broadly to include the We are always to your feedback we try to balance our sustained commitment to both a dailynot minyan and to8:30pm acceptable challenge that open our community has inasmaking a minyan in the summer months when it would start until / halakhic norms. 8:45pm. Therefore, in the hope that we may consistently fulfill our commitment to three daily minyanim according
to the appropriate halachic time, we will set mincha / maariv for the months of July and August according to Rabbi Sincerely, Yehudah’s opinion. The Clergy Team Rabbis Schuck, Sitkin, and Cantor Aqua We are always open to your feedback as we try to balance our sustained commitment to both a daily minyan and to acceptable halakhic norms. Sincerely, The Clergy Team Rabbis Schuck, Sitkin, and Cantor Aqua
䨀漀椀渀 漀甀爀 䈀攀琀栀 䔀氀 昀愀洀椀氀礀 愀渀搀 挀氀攀爀最礀 昀漀爀 愀 眀攀攀欀攀渀搀 愀琀 戀攀愀甀琀椀昀甀氀 䌀愀洀瀀 刀愀洀愀栀℀ 䤀琀ᤠ猀 愀 眀攀攀欀攀渀搀 昀漀爀 愀氀氀 愀最攀猀 昀甀氀氀 漀昀 爀甀愀挀栀 ⠀猀瀀椀爀椀琀⤀Ⰰ 氀攀愀爀渀椀渀最Ⰰ 挀愀洀愀爀愀搀攀爀椀攀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 爀攀氀愀砀椀渀最⸀ 䔀瘀攀爀礀漀渀攀 眀栀漀 愀琀琀攀渀搀猀 洀愀欀攀猀 渀攀眀 䈀攀琀栀 䔀氀 䘀爀椀攀渀搀猀 愀渀搀 挀椀琀攀猀 琀栀愀琀 愀猀 琀栀攀 戀攀猀琀 瀀愀爀琀 漀昀 琀栀攀 眀攀攀欀攀渀搀⸀
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RABBI’S MESSAGE Dear Friends, As the summer quickly approaches I am already thinking about next year. I am thrilled to announce that we will be adding two part-time rabbinic fellows to our clergy team in the fall. Both Jessica Fisher and Becca Weintraub will be in their final year Rabbi David Schuck of rabbinical school—Jessica at the Jewish Theological Seminary and Becca at Hebrew College, a pluralistic rabbinical school in Boston. Please read more about them below. Both Jessica and Becca will participate in the responsibilities of the clergy team, such as teaching, officiating at shiva minyanim,
delivering sermons, running minyan, and supporting the holiday and general programming of the synagogue. In addition to this, Jessica will help plan and lead some of our family education while Becca will focus on intergenerational programming and a few new initiatives that we are still developing. They are both remarkably talented and we are extremely blessed that they will spend next year working in our community. Please feel free to reach out to both of them in order to introduce yourself and welcome them to our Beth El family (their emails are in their bios appear below). L’Shalom, Rabbi David A. Schuck
Jessica Fisher, Rabbinic Fellow
Becca Weintraub, Rabbinic Fellow
Jessica Fisher is entering her fifth year of rabbinical school at the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) and is thrilled to be joining the clergy team at Beth El Synagogue Center. She is looking forward to being part of the Beth El community as it works to realize its new vision and to help leverage the potential of family engagement and education in the life of the congregation. Over the past several years, Jessica has worked in a number of Conservative synagogues in the New York area and Chicago. She has also worked at Camp Ramah in the Berkshires, completed a unit of clinical pastoral education through JTS, and had a fellowship in interfaith and community relations with the Jewish Community Relations Council in Cincinnati, Ohio. Before starting rabbinical school, she ran the Chicago Diller Teen Fellows program at the Jewish Federation. Born and raised in Cincinnati, Jessica first moved to New York to attend the joint program between Columbia University and JTS, where she earned bachelor’s degrees in the History of Social Inequality in the Americas and Midrash. Jessica is a certified natural foods chef and loves experimenting with new bread recipes. She can be reached at jessicafisher716@gmail.com.
Becca Weintraub is a lifelong spiritual seeker, selfdiagnosed travel junkie, and Shabbat host extraordinaire. Her dedication to creating a more compassionate world made her fall in love with Torah and ultimately lead her to study at Hebrew College Rabbinical School. A native of Westchester, she is thrilled to come back to her home county to join the Beth El community once a month as a rabbinic intern. She is a proud mikveh guide at Mayyim Hayyim Community Mikveh, a passionate alumni coordinator for the Hadar Institute, loyal member of the community Hevra Kadisha of Greater Boston, and returning rabbinic intern at Temple Emunah in Lexington, MA. She currently lives in Somerville, MA with her travel buddy and husband, Jeremy. She is looking forward to a year of davening, learning, schmoozing, and asking big questions with you! She can be reached at rebecca.weintraub@hebrewcollege.edu.
ISRAELI DANCING Learn old and new dances with Cantor Uri Aqua
SUNDAYS, 10:00 am – 11:00
Misheberach List Update Any name added to the Misheberach list will be automatically removed after one month. If a name needs to remain for another month, please reach out again to a member of the clergy.
$10 per class at Beth El Synagogue Center
Interested? E-mail uaqua@bethelnr.org. Wear comfy clothes and sneakers. 4
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Schuck and Erica has been the highlight of being President at Beth El. The warmth, intelligence, pragmatism, dedication, and love they bring to their work is a gift from which we all benefit. The relationship I’ve developed with each of them is a personal gift I will always treasure. A couple of weeks ago, Shayna Mark Seidenfeld Klingsberg celebrated her Bat Mitzvah at Beth El. It was a wonderful Shabbat morning in our newly renovated sanctuary. Shayna read Torah and Haftorah beautifully, but it was her D'var Torah that keeps ringing in my ears. She spoke of how we have a beautiful space, our sanctuary and our entire facility. But it’s what the people inside that space do that makes it special and alive. We each bring something special to our community and together we create a Kehillah Kedoshah (sacred community) like no other. It’s with deep appreciation that I want to thank each of you for your kind words, constructive criticism, and support. I hope that together we will continue on our journey to build an even brighter future for Beth El. See you in shul, Mark
What do I write? Every month for the last two years, I’ve sat down to write my monthly Bulletin article, and today I sit down to write my last one as President. Two years have flown by, filled with ups and downs and everything in between. It’s been an incredible learning experience and I hope that I have somehow helped to move Beth El forward during this time. Whatever I’ve done, whatever I’ve accomplished, it’s been because of the help and hard work of so many people along the way. From the past Presidents who shared with me their insight and wisdom, to all the officers who worked together to help address each challenge that arose, to all the Trustees and Committee and Affiliate Chairs who devote countless hours to create the vibrant life at Beth El—it truly takes a village! I’ve been active at Beth El for many years, but over the last two years I have truly come to learn “how the sausage is made” (ok, bad metaphor for a synagogue, but you get the idea) and appreciate how our staff and clergy work tirelessly, usually behind the scenes, to really get things done. We are fortunate to have such committed individuals who go above and beyond to ensure that things run as smoothly as possible and that Beth El stands as a leading Conservative synagogue. And this team is led by two of the best at their craft—our beloved Senior Rabbi David Schuck and our Executive Director extraordinaire Erica Leventhal. I’ve said this on a number of occasions lately, but it’s so true and bears repeating—working closely with Rabbi
Do you have a car that is in good working condition that you would consider donating to Beth El? You would receive a letter of donation for tax purposes and we would take care of transferring the title, plates, etc. Please contact Erica Leventhal, eleventhal@bethelnr.org, or 235-2700, ext. 225.
Do You Know What You Can Do with Your Beth El Online Account? Did you make a new friend at kiddush, but have no way to contact her? Do you want a quicker way to make payments and donations to Beth El?
Fear not! Using your online Beth El account, you can: • access the directory with contact information for all members (searchable by first or last name of any adult or child),
As a reminder, cemetery plots are only available for sale to members in good standing. To purchase cemetery plots, please contact Alise Liquorie in the front office, 914-235-2700, ext. 223, or aliquorie@bethelnr.org. Funerals may take place at Beth El Synagogue Center if the deceased is a member of Beth El and in good standing. There is a fee of $1,000. The following three funeral homes are the only approved funeral homes that can operate a funeral service at Beth El: Plaza Jewish Community Chapel (NYC), Riverside Memorial Chapel (Mt. Vernon), Weinstein Memorial Chapel (Yonkers). If you have questions about end-of-life planning, our clergy are available to speak with you. If you have questions about the logistics of having a funeral at Beth El, please contact our Executive Director, Erica Leventhal, ext. 225, eleventhal@ bethelnr.org.
• pay your bill, make donations, and • register for and pay for Beth El events! If you need help to access or use the online account, see the instructions at www.bethelnr.org/ logininstructions or contact Shayna Klopott at shayna.klopott@gmail.com, or Carrie Fox at csfox99@gmail.com, for assistance. 5
Look for Kavannah events this fall.
ICNAW to Settle Second Family Your help is needed! To contribute these items, consult the Google spreadsheet at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AD5Bo1_ q i k l 2 S 6 U t A F s m C R D Q p h 2 e w K g I w x a K 2 RYi N r Y / edit#gid=626584380 At the bottom of the spreadsheet, select the category “household” and fill in the items you wish to donate.
Good news! Our first immigrant family, the Ghafoors, have now been here for eighteen months and are flourishing, thanks to your support and that of the other participating congregations. The children, fluent in English, have thrived in school, camp, and activities. Fardin is gainfully employed and Mahnaz is learning English and earning extra money for the family by catering and offering cooking classes. More good news! On May 14th, our second family, also from Afghanistan, arrived. Once again, we’ll need your help. We learned a lot by helping the Ghafoors, and are now more efficient in the use of our volunteers. Here are the ways you can help.
Volunteering • Drive • Tutor • Spend time with the family To discuss how you would like to volunteer, contact Susan Wolman at swolman9@gmail.com, or 914-633-6991.
Housing • Do you know anyone who can help us find housing for the family of four in lower Westchester? • Contact Michael Goldstein at mgoldstein@moundcotton. com.
Monetary donations If you wish to help support this new family, please make your check payable to Beth El Synagogue Center and in the memo section, please write ICNAW.
Furnishings • Furniture • Household items
We hope you will join us in participating in this mitzvah. Sandy Gruenberg, Joyce Wechsler, Susan Wolman
Museum Room to Feature Alexander Rutsch Exhibit beginning June 23 he is, however, passionate about the process of making art and surrenders his entire being as an instrument to the act of creation. The geometry of his imagination overflows with figures, profiles and penetrating strong eyes—windows to a deeper place. Their vitality and sensuality pulsate through the “dreamscapes” of Rutsch’s created worlds. At times romantic, yet always wild with energy, human forms and experiences are essential to the artist’s vocabulary. The son of opera singers and a singer himself, Rutsch speaks of “the art of painting as the art of silence” and the job of the painter “to dedicate himself to the silence.” He adds though, “that this silence is the greatest existing sound in the universe.” One wonders why then, if painting is “the art of silence,” that Rutsch’s paintings scream with sound. Sometimes melancholy, sometimes sensual, sometimes dissonant and sometimes whispering, the rhythms are always rich in the celebration of life and our shared humanity. Painter, sculptor and poet, Rutsch’s oeuvre over the past four decades is tremendous. Celebrated and collected especially in Vienna, Paris, Brussels and New York, he studied with renowned teachers like Boeckl and Dorowsky and collaborated with such geniuses as Salvador Dali. Having left Vienna in the fifties, Rutsch moved to Paris and took the city’s art scene by storm. There, Picasso was so enthralled with a portrait Rutsch has done of him that, in a state of great excitement, he countersigned it. We hope you will join us at Beth El for the artist's reception on Sunday, June 23rd, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
Rutsch is always “scribbling and scrabbling.” He is an artist of the purest breed—an artist who has no choice but to paint. He is a chosen traveler of the depths of existence; a man who follows a longing to explore his inner self and relate his findings with the energy and identity of the universe. The celebrated Austrian artist approaches painting and sculpture as he lives life—with the eyes of a child and the hand of a poet. Constantly in the quest for rhythms of form and vibrations of color, he catches those “sparks in the shadow” and evidences their fullest reality and beauty in his creations. Each of his paintings is as much a careful construction as it is a spontaneous act of love. While he might attribute certain artistic expressions to “coincidence,” his inspiration comes from such diverse sources as memories, dreams, sounds, numbers, telephone poles, and drift wood. Rutsch has an affinity to vibrant colors, strong contours and rich brush strokes which are apparent in his oils, mixed media works and ink drawings. He has a sensitivity to the unusual, the discarded and a fondness for the ugly as well as the chaotic. These he often transforms into poignant welded steel abstractions. Rutsch has an aversion to politics, citing dates and expounding upon honors achieved. There is no talk about ‘profound symbolism’ in his work, and as Carlo McCormick writes in the introduction to Rutsch’s monograph, “Meaning is not a seed that Rutsch plants, nurtures and then harvests. It is what grows wild in a volcanic swamp of fossilized, decaying and new-born fancies—as an afterthought and aftershock.” Alexander Rutsch is not concerned with interpretations;
International de Saceux and won first prize for abstract painting, the first of many awards received during his prolific career. During his thirteen years in Paris, Rutsch exhibited in many prominent galleries there and throughout Europe. In 1958, the City of Paris awarded him the prestigious Arts, Science and Letters Silver Medal. In 1966, Jean Desvilles presented his prize-winning film, Le Monde de Rutsch at the Cannes Film Festival and the Venice Biennial. In 1968 Rutsch moved to Pelham, New York, where he worked in his studio and exhibited in galleries and museums worldwide. Rutsch’s work, as seen through his mastery of many art forms—sculpture, painting, print-making, and drawing, and a wide variety of other media has been described as “vibrating showers of lines, bold geometries, wounded anatomically rambling scrapwood skeletons, enigmatic totem figures, and congregations of fetishized, domesticated, and recycled rubbish heaps that conspire to a fantasy of Expressionism, Cubism, Dada, Fauvism, Cobra, and Primitivism.” His pieces, as described by Emily Genauer, import silence and the monumentality of primitive statuary. His sculptures are stylized to abstract construction made of “found” objects welded and reshaped into bronze figures and animals of uncommon wit, airy, with grace and individuality. His portraits are crisp, intense, spare linear characterizations. Rutsch’s creations suggest empathy. Alexander Rutsch passed away in 1997. His friends, supporters and family established the bi-annual Alexander Rutsch Award and Exhibition competition for visual artists.
Alexander Rutsch was born in Russia in 1916, but raised in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. After studying voice in Austria, he became an opera singer like his parents. But after World War II, Rutsch’s love for visual expression propelled him to change careers. He was a painter, sculptor, philosopher, musician, singer and poet. His life as a romantic is reflected in his work, as he sought to perfect his soul and humanity, “I paint my dreams,” said Rutsch. “My dreams are color and life. They soar in my head like millions of symphonies. I can never stop building dreams.” In 1952, after studying under Josef Dobrowsky, Josef Hoffmann, and Herbert Boeckl at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, Alexander Rutsch received a scholarship to study in France. There he made contacts and began collaborations with his contemporaries, Picasso and Dali. Rutsch said of his experiences with Picasso, “Picasso played a short but important moment in my life in Paris that affected my entire artistic future. I learned from him that it is not important if art is not aesthetically finished. It can be raw, uncooked, rough. If an artist feels he has said it—it is not important to polish or finish it. Because of Picasso, I learned that if I don’t feel the need to finish—I don’t have to.” In 1954 he exhibited his work at the Salon Artistique 8
*“Keruv” = to bring close, to draw near KERUV* KORNER Where Have All The (Large-Print) Prayer Books Gone?
That is Keruv’s question of the month . . . • If, as you leave the sanctuary at the conclusion of services, Keruv Committee members Judy Schmeidler and Dorothy Fox you see a stray large-print book on a chair, please return it to the recently conducted an inventory of Beth El’s large-print siddurim cabinet. (prayer books) and chumashim (books of Torah), to ensure that Anyone who has, at any point, taken one of Beth El’s largethey are available and ready for use in the new sanctuary. It is print texts home for any reason… the same procedure we employ before the High Holidays, to make (a) We are delighted that you have been able to use it; sure that there are large-print machzorim (High Holiday prayer (b) Please return it! books) available upon request. What Dorothy and Judy found, Thank you. following their search, is that books are missing. We once had Nina Luban and Elise Richman complete sets of large-print chumashim—each of the five books Keruv Committee Co-Chairs of the Torah—in Hebrew and English. We no longer do. The Keruv budget for the new fiscal year includes the cost of purchasing one complete chumash set in Hebrew and two complete sets in English, from the Jewish Braille Institute. All of us—Keruv members, custodians, Shabbat ushers, the congregation as a whole—must maintain a bit more vigilance Keruv maintains a growing shelf of Beth El library with regard to this resource. True, a minority may require largebooks and resources addressing special needs, print books (and most of you reading this likely are not among intermarriage, LGBTQ, and “inclusion” generally. You that minority), but these texts permit sight where there would are welcome to peruse at any time! otherwise be none. They are important. They are needed. If the library door is locked, please ask office to Keruv, therefore, respectfully asks the following of our have it opened. (And please note: Keruv is always community. At Shabbat services: interested in related book recommendations!) • Please be mindful that large-print siddurim and chumashim will be available in a cabinet to be set up inside or just outside of the sanctuary. The cabinet will also contain Beth El’s hearing amplification devices. A sign will be hung over the cabinet, identifying its contents. • We request that Shabbat ushers kindly provide large-print texts to anyone who may inquire about them, and PLEASE remind the users to return them when services are over. Congregants should refer any service goer who might benefit from large prints books to an usher.
Did you know . . .
Join Beth El to March with “Jew York Pride” in the Historic 50th Anniversary of the first Pride March in 1970
SUNDAY, JUNE 30th Kosher Brunch provide by Keshet followed by marching in the parade New York hosts the 2019 World Pride this year! You won’t want to miss it! Please contact one of us in advance to register and give us your T-shirt size. Details will follow. Elise Richman, elisekrichman@gmail.com or Nina Luban nina.luban@gmail.com 9
DOROT Westchester Intergenerational Chess
Wednesday Mornings 10:30 am - 11:30 am
Opportunity for Older Adults to Participate in an Intergenerational Chess Program
Exercise schedule subject to change. Wear comfortable clothes and sneakers. This program is free of charge. Put on your silver sneakers and join the fun!
First Wednesday of the month
June 5: BALANCE, with Tim, North End Fitness
Second Wednesday of the month
June 12: GOLDEN ZUMBA, with Laura
Third Wednesday of the month
• • • •
June 19: CHAIR YOGA, with Nan CURRENT EVENTS, 11:30 am, with Shari Baum, M.S.W.
Great for brain fitness Wednesday afternoons in Hartsdale Learn and play chess with teens Transportation is available
For information or to R.S.V.P. on any SMART activity, contact Julie Rockowitz at jrockowitz@bethelnr.org, or 914-235-2700, ext. 256.
To register, call Cippi Harte, DOROT Westchester Director: (914) 573-8906 DOROT is grateful to the Targoff Family and UJA-Federation of New York / Westchester Program Services Cabinet for their vision and sponsorship of DOROT’s Intergenerational Chess Program.
MONDAYS AT 9:30 AM Looking for a good book to read this summer? Here is a list of our chosen books. 2019 July 29 ����������The Middlesteins, by Jami Attenberg August 26 ������Fierce Attachments, by Vivian Gornick September 23...The Weight of Ink, by Rachel Kadish October 28 ���The World Without You, by Joshua Henkin November 25 �We Were the Lucky Ones, by Georgia Hunter December 23 ��The Day of Atonement, by David Liss 2020 January 13 �����The Bridge Ladies, by Betsy Lerner February 24 ��The One Man, by Andrew Gross March 23 ������Ravelstein, by Saul Bellow April 20 �������All Who Go Do Not Return, by Shulem Deen New Rochelle Public Library reserves books for our Book Club. Mention you are a Beth El member. Questions? Contact Arlene Salman aesalman@aol.com or 914 235-2485 10
Sisterhood Scene
I’m experiencing mixed feelings as I sit down to write this article. I’m relieved that it is the last column I am creating for the Bulletin as Sisterhood president. You see, it’s not always easy to come up with something to say a month in advance of the date your audience will read it. Now, my second year as Sisterhood president is rapidly drawing to a close. By the end of this month Sandy Gruenberg will be the next president of Sisterhood and will write future Bulletin articles. I have enjoyed the opportunity to communicate with all the members of our community through this column. It has given me a chance to introduce myself and let you know what is important to me and to the women in Sisterhood. I’ve also heard from some of you about these columns and I’m glad they have sparked some thoughts for you and you shared them with me. I’m proud that over the last two years we held informative and educational programs with groups like Keruv, Hadassah, and Sharsheret. We had authors come and discuss their books. We had the Director of the Westchester County Consumer Protection Department here to share ways for us to avoid being scammed and cheated. We had events where we enjoyed films about Jewish women in movies and television. We had a zumba night and a month later we were taught to belly dance by Bina the Belly Dancer. Food continues to play an important part in the life of our Sisterhood. We have a special group of women who once a month come to the Beth El and prepare a dairy meal for the HOPE Kitchen in New Rochelle. We also have women who have come together for special events like the Kiddush in the Sukkah for the congregation, a brunch in the sukkah, Paid Up Membership Dinners, Cinema Brunches, Vashti’s Banquet, Torah Fund Brunches, and Spring Galas. These events give us a wonderful opportunity to break bread together, share experiences and create friendships.
In the last two years I’m thrilled that we’ve continued to raise funds through our Mitzvah Cards and our Tea Bag Fundraiser. We provide a Shabbat Shiva dinner to families in our congregation at their time of loss. We contribute to the scholarship fund at Beth El to help our youth attend a summer program in Israel. We contribute to local Jewish programs that help those in need in our community and those in need in Israel. Sisterhood continues to support Beth El with our annual donation of $10,000 and we have pledged to provide the same financial contribution next year. Through your generosity we have also increased our donations to Torah Fund, the scholarship fund for students enrolled in the schools where future Conservative Rabbi, Cantors, Educators and Social Workers are trained. When I retired from teaching I never expected to take on responsibilities that would lead me to become president of our Sisterhood. I am, however, glad that I followed the path shown to me by my parents. They both held positions on their synagogue and Sisterhood boards while I was growing up. There were always discussions around our dinner table about Temple Gates of Prayer, Sisterhood, Torah Fund, Ritual Committee, and Budget Committee. I grew up hearing that this activity was part of my parent’s daily lives and so it became part of my life when I was ready to take it on. I am happy that I was able to serve Beth El Sisterhood for the last two years. The Installation of our new board will take place on Tuesday, June 18th, at 7:30 pm, at a Singing As a Spiritual Practice Special Evening. We’d love to have you join us as Sandy Gruenberg and her board are installed as the new officers of Sisterhood. With thanks, Risë Stern
BAGELS & BOOKS Join us for a stimulating discussion, coffee, and bagels! The Fortune Teller's Kiss, by Brenda Serotte Monday, June 17th • 9:30 am QUESTIONS? PLEASE CONTACT ARLENE SALMAN 914-235-2485, AESALMAN@AOL.COM.
7:30 - 9:00 PM Free Event • No RSVP Required
June 27, 2019 The Female Persuasion, by Met Woilitzer 11
Beth El Day Camp is excited to announce the arrival of our new logo! With summer around the corner and Day Camp enrollment almost full, we are proud to present our new logo. Each feature represents a key part of the camp experience—a circle to symbolize the unity of our camp community, and trees to represent the growth, prosperity, and strength we see in our campers every day. As we prepare to meet new friends and reconnect with old ones this summer, proudly present this logo which embodies our camp values: 8 weeks of summer fun! Beth El offers the Best. Days. Ever. in a nurturing and loving environment. We even offer before and after-camp care from 7am-7pm. It is our aim to see that each child develops to the fullest both individually and as part of a group. We are dedicated to providing each child with an enriching summer experience that brings them back year after year. Beth El Day Camp provides children with the opportunity to engage in activities they know and love while trying new things. Campers create art and music, relax with yoga, and dance with Zumba. They explore mad science and STEM activities and learn new skills in swimming, soccer, basketball, and more! No two days are the same at Beth El Day Camp, with exciting special events from Truck Day to Paw Patrol Day to Israel Day. New this year is our prequel to camp: Playground, Pool & Pizza Program on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, June 24-26 9:00am-1:00pm. We can’t wait to kick off the summer of 2019 with our new logo, and we hope to see you there!
DAY CAMP PREQUEL: PLAYGROUND, POOL & PIZZA PARTY Monday–Wednesday, June 24–26 8:40 a.m.–1:00 p.m. $70 per day or $200 Total Open to children going into the 3s, 4s, and 5s (Kindergarten). There will be a full array of activities, including swim, STEM, art, yoga, and sports. Lunch which will be served at noon each day. Before and After Care will be offered for $15 per hour. Registration for Playground, Pool & Pizza Party will close on June 3.
Registration is required and is
limited tois families enrolling Registration required and is limited toin families enrolling in Beth El Day CampCamp 2019, go 2019. to bethelnr.org/precamp to register. Beth El Day Go to
bethelnr.org/precamp to register. Questions? Contact Julie Rockowitz at jrockowitz@bethelnr.org or 914-235-2700 ext. 256.
Questions? Please contact Julie Rockowitz at jrockowitz@bethelnr.org or 914-235-2700, ext. 256
MINI-CAMP Tuesday, June 11–Friday, June 21
9 a.m.–Noon
Thursday, June 27th through Wednesday, August 21st
$60 per day LUNCH OPTION (until 1 p.m.—$10 extra)
We are open on Thursday, July 4& Friday, July 5
Facilitated by Nursery School Staff
CURIOUS TO LEARN MORE? Contact Julie Rockowitz jrockowitz@bethelnr.org, 914-235-2700, ext. 256.
914-235-2700, ext. 250 nursery@bethelnr.org Application on the back of this flyer
NURSERY SCHOOL NEWS This has been a very exciting spring in the Nursery School. Every year our Anaf classes participate in a wonderful Israeli Dance Festival. The participants are over 125 four-year-old children from six schools in Westchester and Manhattan who have been taught by Shmulik, our Movement and Drumming instructor. The year it was Beth El’s turn to host. Joyous Hebrew music and dancing filled the Fayer Ballroom as children, decked out in blue and white tee shirts that they had created, sang out their love of Israel.
What a special day it was! A week later it was time for the official opening of our Outdoor Nature Space. The field below Playground #2 has been named GAN TEVA. Our Nursery School Board has been fundraising non-stop and the money they raised has been used to create a Tire Swing, a Mud Kitchen, a bridge, a log hill, slides, Tire Tower, Music Wall, Magnet Wall, Construction Area and more. Our Gan Teva is representative of cutting-edge education, as abundant research has proven the importance of outdoor exploration for young children. Gan Teva is becoming the favorite “go-to” place for all of our classes and it also boasts a beautiful sitting area for stories, snacks and picnics. We are blessed to have such a committed Parent Board who understand the importance of outdoor learning and exploration. Ronnie Becher, Director
And just like that, the school year has flown by! I am thrilled to have been given the chance to fill the position of Interim Director of the Department of Youth and Family Engagement for the year and I am humbled to continue as the Director of this department beginning July 1st. With summer quickly approaching, it is crazy that we are bringing this exciting year to an end! It was such a fantastic year of programming, thanks to our new Youth and Family Coordinator, Stephanie Lederman, who enhanced our family programming and elevated the experiences of our Ruach (Grades K-2) and Chaverim (Grades 3-5) children. A huge thank you also goes to our Teen Advisor and Educator Andrew Van Bochove and our Kadima Advisor Max Leader, as well as our Religious School educators, basketball coaches, and many volunteers. Highlights from the year include Youth and Family Shabbat Weekend, hosting Emek USY Kinnus this past January, the Family Tu BiShevat Seder, Ruach and Chaverim Krav Maga, Kadima (Grades 6-8) Saturday morning conversations and Friday night Shabbat dinners, Teen Shabbat Dinners and Sushi in the Sukkah, and so much more. These are just a few examples of ways our community came together this year, and we can’t wait for even more in the coming school year. Just a few weeks ago, I was having a conversation with one of our teens about the power of relationships. She expressed to me the impact she feels we can have on one another when we take the time to build real connections—and these connections help us find deeper meaning in our lives. Our connections have the ability to shape lives; when we authentically connect with others, we give one another a chance to feel a part of something greater than our individual selves – a part of a community. And now we turn to summer and the school year draws to a close, many of us have additional communities that play large roles in our lives reappear— camp communities, summer programs, jobs, and more.
Teen Highlights
(for 8th-12th graders)
Thursday, June 6
USY Teen End of Year BBQ and Elections. Register at bethelnr.org/usybbq19 Sunday, June 9 12th gr. graduation Aliyah over Shavuot Wednesday, June 12 New USY Teen Leadership Board Meeting
Smiling for a t’munah (picture) in Kitah Hey! Making S’mores at the Kadima/USY Chocolate Seder! 14
I look forward to hearing about the wonderful times spent away from Beth El this summer, and hope to see you during these next few months as well! Please remember to fill out our online Summer 2019 Survey at www.bethelnr.org/ycsurvey so we can be in touch with your children over the summer! Everyone who fills out the form will get a handwritten note from us, and even may get an in-person visit from the Youth and Family Engagement Team! If you have moved, changed schools, or have new email addresses or cell phone numbers, email rgold@bethelnr.org or slederman@bethelnr.org so we can update your information. Religious School Families—Registration is happening now! There is a $100 discount for registering for the 2019-2020 Religious School Year if you register before June 30. Also, by registering early, you help us make sure we are properly staffed and have ample supplies and set up for your children’s classes. As you make new friends this summer, send them our way! Beth El Members and Non-Members are welcome in the Department of Youth and Family Engagement! Have a wonderful summer everyone, and please feel free to pop in to say hello or grab a cup of coffee! All the best, Bekkah Gold
YOUTH & FAMILY ENGAGEMENT Looking forward to seeing you at our events this month!
Youth & Family Highlights Saturday, June 1 Sunday, June 2 Saturday, June 8 Sumday, June 9
Monica Afran Bat Mitzvah Celebration Celebrate Israel Parade in NYC! Assembly time 12:20 pm Charlie Bases Bar Mitzvah Celebration Tikkun Leil Shavuot Shavuot Hang Out, 5:00pm – 7:00 pm
Mazal Tov on becoming a B’nei Mitzvah!
Kitah Alef always has a great time bringing Hebrew letters to life with Shmulik and his Dancing Letters program. A huge Todah Rabbah to Donald Fleishaker and the Dorothy Fleishaker Fund for making this immersive experience, along with many others, possible.
All 4th graders were invited to a ceremony to receive their B’nei Mitzvah dates with Rabbi Sitkin! It was a really special morning and we can’t wait for 2022!
Baking for Cooking Chug is always fun! 15
SUNDAY Please visit the Beth El Synagogue Center website, WWW.BETHELNR.ORG for the most current information on meetings and events. To send us a message, e-mail info@bethelnr.org.
1324 North Avenue New Rochelle, NY 10804-2190 914-235-2700 • www.bethelnr.org
A Conservative synagogue affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Rabbi .................................... David A. Schuck Associate Cantor ...............................Uri Aqua Assistant Rabbi.........................Zachary Sitkin Rabbinic Intern ............................ Sam Blustin Rabbi Emeritus ......................Melvin N. Sirner Hazzan Emeritus ....................Farid Dardashti Executive Director ..................Erica Leventhal Asst. Executive Director ................ Abby Wise Controller .................................... Olivier Vogel Camp Dir./Seniors Coord........Julie Rockowitz Nursery School Director ......... Ronnie Becher Director of Elementary & Tee n Engagement ............................Bekkah Gold Music Director......................... Jack Klebanow Facilities Manager ..................... Carlos Lopez Sp. Projects Dir. /Asst.to Clergy ......L. Newman OFFICERS President ...............................Mark Seidenfeld Executive Vice President................Mark Silver Vice President ...........................Daniel Burton Vice President ......Lauren Freeman-Bosworth Vice President ....................... Robert Patchen Treasurer ...............................Joseph Wygoda Financial Secretary ................. Barbara Cohen Recording Secretary ..................... Daniel Yairi AFFILIATES Sisterhood President ......................Risë Stern Men’s Club President ........... Steven L. Young Religious Sch. Parent Org. ........... Ellen Barlis, Sharon Brown, Rachel Casanova, Marci Marcus Nursery Sch. Parent Org. ............ Laura Berlin Julie Berman BULLETIN EDITOR ................Linda Newman
Daily Minyan Beth El maintains morning and evening services every day of the year. Contact Associate Cantor Uri Aqua, 914-235-2700, ext. 222.
* Minyan times listed on this
calendar page and elsewhere in The Bulletin are accurate as of the date of printing. Please visit the Beth El website www.bethelnr.org/calendar for the most up-to-date information. NOTE: Friday evening services are held at 7:00 pm throughout the spring and summer months.
EVERY SHABBAT Shabbat Tween Lounge 12:00 pm Daf Shevui 12:30 pm
Visit us on facebook at facebook.com/BethElSynagogueCenter
Shacharit 8:00am
Omer Day 43
Religious School Closed Deadline to order cheesecake Israeli Dancing 10:00 am Celebrate Israel Parade: Beth El assembly time 12:20 pm (off-site)
9:38 pm
Yom Tov ends 9:08 pm
Shavuot Services with Yizkor 9:00 am Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Youth Services 10:45 am
Mincha/Maariv 8:20pm
Mincha/Shiur/Maariv 8:20pm
Shacharit 8:00am
Shacharit 6:55am
Mini Camp 9:00 am
Kallah: The Beth El Retreat
Sisterhood Bagels and Books 9:30 am Limmud Jewish Short Stories 10:30 am Walking Club 11:30 am Canasta 12:45 pm
Israeli Dancing 10:00 am
Dance Class 6:00 pm High Holidays Honors Comm Meeting 7:30 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:20pm
Shacharit 8:00am Israeli Dancing 10:00 am Artist Reception 3:00 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:20pm
Shacharit 8:00am
Israeli Dancing 10:00 am Pride parade 12:00 noon (rain or shine)
Mincha/Maariv 8:20pm
Shacharit 6:55am
Shacharit 7:00am
Mini Camp 9:00 am S.M.A.R.T. Discusion—Coffee 10:00 am; Presentation on “Staying Sharp” 10:30 am Mah Jongg 12:45 pm Camp Orientation for parents of two-yearolds 7:00 pm Open Beit Midrash Nosh 7:30 pm; Discussion 8:00 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:20pm
Shacharit 7:00am
Mini Camp 9:00 am
Mah Jongg 12:45 pm Sisterhood Installation 7:30 pm Special Singing as a Spiritual Practice 7:30 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:20pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:20pm
Mah Jongg 12:45 pm
Shavuot Hangout and BBQ 5:00 pm
Omer Day 45
Mincha/Maariv 8:10pm
Early Minyan: Shavuot Services with Yizkor 6:30 am
Shacharit 6:55am
METNY-USY Scholarship Dinner 6:30 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:10pm
Sisterhood Executive Board Meeting 6:00 pm
Dance Class 6:00 pm
Shavuot Services 9:00 am Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Youth Services 10:45 am
Omer Day 44
Walking Club 9:30 am Limmud Jewish Short Stories 10:30 am Canasta 12:45 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:10pm
Shacharit 6:55am
Shacharit 7:00am
Camp Prequel: Playground, Pool, and Pizza 8:40 am
Camp Prequel: Playground, Pool, and Pizza 8:40 am
Walking Club 9:30 am Limmud Jewish Short Stories 10:30 am Canasta 12:45 pm
Mah Jongg 12:45 pm
Dance Class 6:00 pm
Open Beit Midrash (Scholar) Nosh 7:30 pm; Scholar 8:00 pm
High Holidays Honors Comm Meeting 7:30 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:20pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:20pm
Shabbat ends 9:03 pm
Omer Day 42
Bat Mitzvah Monica Afran Shabbat Service 9:00 am Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Pre-Service Oneg 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am Mincha/Maariv 8:10pm SHABBAT MEVARCHIM
Shacharit 7:00am
Omer Day 46
Shacharit 6:55am
Omer Day 47
Last Day of Nursery School Limmud: Rabbi Molly Karp 9:30 am Get SMART Get Fit 10:30 am
Toddler Time 9:15 am Limmud: Class with Rabbi Hojda 10:00 am Parashat Hashavua, with Jack 1:30 pm
CSA Pick Up 6:00 pm Officers Meeting 7:30 pm Hebrew Ulpan: Intermediate 7:30 pm; Advanced 8:30 pm
USY Teen Elections and BBQ 6:00 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:10pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:10pm
Shacharit 7:00am
Mini Camp 9:00 am Limmud: Rabbi Molly Karp 9:30 am Get SMART Get Fit 10:30 am CSA Pick Up 6:00 pm
Shacharit 6:55am
Mini Camp 9:00 am Limmud: Class with Rabbi Hojda 10:00 am Parashat Hashavua, with Jack 1:30 pm Ritual Committee Meeting 7:30 pm Community Night for Israel and Dessert Reception/Israel Bonds 7:30 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:20pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:20pm
Shacharit 7:00am
Mini Camp 9:00 am Limmud: Rabbi Molly Karp 9:30 am Get SMART Get Fit 10:30 am SMART Current Events with Shari, 11:30 am CSA Pick Up 6:00 pm Executive Council 7:00 pm Board of Trustees 8:00 pm Hebrew Ulpan: Intermediate 7:30 pm; Advanced 8:30 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:20pm
Shacharit 7:00am
Camp Prequel: Playground, Pool, and Pizza 8:40 am CSA Pick Up 6:00 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:20pm
Shacharit 6:55am
Shacharit 7:00am
Omer Day 48
Yiddish Vinkl 1:00 pm Dance Class 3:30 pm
Shacharit 7:00am Mini Camp 9:00 am Yiddish Vinkl 1:00 pm Dance Class 3:30 pm
8:07 pm
8:10 pm
Kallah Retreat 4:00 pm
Mini Camp 9:00 am Bat Mitzvah Orly Charabee 9:00 am Limmud: Class with Rabbi Hojda 10:00 am Parashat Hashavua, with Jack 1:30 pm
Shacharit 7:00am
Shacharit 6:55am
8:13 pm
Mincha/Maariv 7:00pm
Shacharit 7:00am
Mincha/Maariv 7:00pm
Kallah: The Beth El Retreat Shabbat Service 9:00 am Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Pre-Service Oneg 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am
Shabbat ends 9:13 pm
Chai House Visits New Sanctuary Dedication Shabbat Service 9:00 am Niggun Halev 9:00 am Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Pre-Serv Oneg 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am
SH’LACH 8:13 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:20pm
Shabbat ends 9:11 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:20pm
First Day of Camp
Sisterhood Evening Book Club 7:30 pm
Open Beit Midrash Nosh 7:30 pm; Discussion 8:00 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:20pm
Omer Day 49 Chai House Visits Birthday Shabbat Bar Mitzvah Charlie Bases 9:10 pm Shabbat Service 9:00 am Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Learners’ Service 9:45 am Pre-Service Oneg 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am Tikkun Leil Shavuot 9:30 pm Mincha 7:00pm/Maariv 9:00pm EREV SHAVUOT
Mincha/Maariv 8:20pm
Mini Camp 9:00 am
Yiddish Vinkl 1:00 pm Dance Class 3:30 pm
Shabbat ends 8:44 pm
Mincha/Maariv 7:00pm
Mincha/Maariv 7:00pm
Hebrew Ulpan: Intermediate 7:30 pm; Advanced 8:30 pm
Shabbat ends 9:13 pm
Pride Shabbat Shabbat Service 9:00 am Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Pre-Serv Oneg 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am After Kiddush Talk by Jeff Fox 12:45 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:20pm
Our New Sanctuary For information about our Dedication turn to the back page.
The yahrzeit of the following deceased persons permanently inscribed on our Memorial Walls are observed on these dates:
Mazal tov to: Elisa Singer and Tom Cohen on the engagement of their daughter Jessie Cohen to Brian Schafler; Rebecca and Jack Wertheimer on the birth of a boy, their first grandchild, and to parents Judy Zeva Herbstman and Josh Wertheimer.
Vera Cooper Julius Messite Joseph Wagner Beatrice Zoldessy Alex Lefkovic Clara Librett Lyla Arkin Morris J. Goldstein Abraham Katz Abraham Levine Michael Glick Ida Gross Stella Scheinkman Rebecca Cohn Claire Goodfriend Sylvia Meller Bernard Besen Abraham H. Fab Joseph Simon Philip Brustein Lillian Cornick Bess Hoffer May R. Levinthal Dave Miller Henry Zoldessy David Schaffer Martin Stein Bernard Cheskin Abraham Geffner M. Elliot Jackson Mary Kornfeld Zevi Hirsh Motzkin Ruth D. Pashman Rita Mason Gourdji Rahamin Masri Sarah Mirsky Hyman L. Walfish Margaret Adlowitz Jennie Gordon Reuben Grunauer Nettie Kleppel Allan J. Riefs
A Warm Beth El Mazal Tov to One and All!!
Share your milestone events with us! If you experience a milestone or a loss in your family, contact Linda at LNewman@bethelnr.org, or 914-235-2700, ext. 246.
Kiddush The Kiddush of May 11 was sponsored by Stephanie and Matthew Klingsberg in honor of the bat mitzvah or their daughter Shayna Klingsberg; by Carol and Richard Chadakoff in honor of the aufruf and upcoming marriage of their son Adam Chadakoff to Jacquelyn Klein; and by Lisa and Mark Medin in honor of the aufruf and upcoming marriage of their daughter Rachel Medin to Gil Chen-Zion. The Kiddush of May 18 was sponsored by Lauren FreemanBosworth and Brian Bosworth in honor of the bat mitzvah or their daughter Robin Bosworth; by Drs. Carol and Paul Diament in honor of the aufruf and upcoming marriage of their grandson Elias Noah Gurewitsch to Melissa Ann Amler; and by Gwen and Gary Salmo in honor of the aufruf and upcoming marriage of their daughter Mia Salmo to Nicholas Ramanov. The Kiddush of June 1 will be sponsored by Rhonda and Scott Afran in honor of the bat mitzvah or their daughter, Monica Afran. The Kiddush of June 8 will be sponsored by Erica and Daniel Bases in honor of the bar mitzvah or their son Charlie Bases. The Kiddush of June 9 (Shavuot) will be sponsored by Elise and Barry Richman in honor of their special birthdays. The Kiddush of June 22 will be sponsored by the Loewentheil family in honor of the dedication of our new sanctuary.
Kiddush Sponsorships Sought If you would like to sponsor a kiddush, contact Alise Liquorie at aliquorie@bethelnr.org, or 914-235-2700, ext. 223.
1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15
Herman Strauch Bess Wasserman Morris Feldman Bertha Lerman Alfred Lewis Philip Ruskin Esther May Leo Scheffler Irving Wenig Sally F. Berman Augusta Borchert Sol Simon Hyman Wexler Dr. Israel Hochbaum David Schwartz Rose Gorlon Morris Szlachter Joseph Azer Feinberg Harry Langbert Gertrude Flora Moses Tillie Moskowitz Lillian S. Strum Lillian Gordon Alpern Kay Charm Henry E. Hirsch Nathaniel Kleppel Isaac Moses Ruth Pusick David Robinson Janette Alpert Hyman Greenberg Libby Wolf Morris F. Cron Louis W. Jaffe Andrew Scherz Seymour Sobel Joseph Halpern Bertram B. Schwarz Audrey Strauss Irving Gendelman Louise Troodler Dr. Leon Figur
15 15 16 16 16 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 30
CONDOLENCES We record with sorrow the losses suffered by our members and friends and extend to them our deepest sympathies. Condolences to: The family of Wendy Cutler Rosenberg on her passing; Paul Freedman on the loss of his brother, Joel Freeman; Barnett Troodler on the loss of his brother, Rabbi Jeffrey Troodler.
Welcome to the Beth El Community The Griffith Family Of New Rochelle Jason and Rebecca Griffith Nina, 10; Jack, 8 19
GENERAL FUND IN HONOR OF: Carol and Laurence Gross on the bar mitzvah of their grandson Maxwell Isaac Gross, son of Cynthia and Adam Gross, from Carol and Laurence Gross. IN MEMORY OF:
Steven Winik, beloved husband of Esther Winik, from Neil and Debra Wolfman. Nathan Lefkowitz, beloved father of Helene Goldstein, and David Lefkowitz, beloved brother of Helen Goldstein, on their yahrzeits, from Howard and Helene Goldstein.
Wendy Rosenberg, beloved mother of Kerri, Margo Lampert on the birth of her granddaughter Sophia, from Janet and Isaiah Seligman. Joshua, and Brian, from Abe Walfish. Mitchell Kaphan, beloved husband of Robin Selwyn Medin, beloved father of Mark Medin, from the JCC Nursery School Staff—Cathy, Amy, Kaphan, from Barbara and Harvey Katzeff. Tom, Deirdre, Pam D., Gloria, Deena, Marcia, Beatrice Simkhai, beloved grandmother, of Liat Joanne, Becky, Mina, Caryn, Caren, Alisa, Renya, Simkhay Snyder, from Barbara and Bob Cohen. Jessica, Laurie and Marlene. Solomon Blumenfeld, beloved brother of David Ethel Kaplowitz, beloved friend, from Harriet Blumenfeld, from Fran and David Blumenfeld. Steinberg.
Steven and Jane Berkowitz with appreciation; Tina Soffer-Koty with appreciation; The Beth El Religious School Middle School classes; Jeffrey Wasserman; Janet and Isaiah Seligman in honor of Nadav Schuck’s bar mitzvah; Rita Kaufman in memory of her father, Abraham Rosenfeld, on the occasion of his yahrzeit; Shelley and Felice Bergman in memory of Howard Loewentheil; Robert and Marjorie Kohn with thanks for the Yom Tov honors; Elise and Barry Richman in memory of Harold Keltz; Jeffrey Bloom in memory of Lori Gilbert Kaye; Susan and Jeff Mittleman in honor of Abe Walfish’s birthday; Susan and Jeff Mittleman in honor of Burt Gross’s birthday; Susan and Jeff Mittleman in memory of Burton Stern.
IN MEMORY OF: Cindy Aaronson and Stan Arkow, Rhona, Danny and Jason Aronstein, Irving Baumwald, Ellen and Steven Winik, beloved husband of Esther Winik, Joseph Berkovitch, Beth Breakstone and Ted Keltz, Felice and Steve Brostoff, Rita Cohen, Nathan from Joy and Steve Rotker. Eisler, Donald Fleishaker, Karen and Mitchell Fleiss, Robert Gerstein, Lawrence Getzler, Faye and Jack Wendy Rosenberg, beloved mother of Kerri, Gingold, Barbara and Mark Goldman, Susan and Joel Goldstein, Sherry Grabowski, Sandy and Jack Joshua, and Brian, from Joy and Steve Rotker. Gruenberg, Zona and Ed Kaufman, Barbara and Arthur Margolin and Family, Melvin Leitner, Anita and Stanley Liebowitz, Ruth and Marvin Price, Barbara and Leon Protass, Darlene and Fred Rebak, SPECIAL NEEDS FUND Hila Reichman and Josh Podietz, Elise and Barry Richman, Esther Robbins, Ellen and Allie Rosenberg, Eric and Laurie Roth, Emily Rubin and Dan Feldman, Jodi and Rob Scheinfeld, Linda Shumofsky, IN HONOR OF: Alice and Howard Schwartz, Marla Severance, Lloyd Sherman, Barbara Simon and Family, Shirin Elizabeth and Alan Legatt on the birth of their and Steven Stein, Marc Straussberg, Bernard Sunshine, George Tecklin, Roberta Troeder, Denise and grandson, and on the bat mitzvah of their Betsy Troeder, Tova Friedler Usdan, Ronnie and Jesse Weinberger, Richard Wolloch. granddaughter, from Margo Lampert.
SISTERHOOD MITZVAH FUND IN MEMORY OF: IN HONOR OF: Margo Lampert on the birth of her granddaughter, Selwyn Medin, beloved father of Mark Medin, from Janet and Isaiah Seligman, and Vicki and from Vicki and Nate Fisher. Nate Fisher. Mitch Kaphan, beloved husband of Robin Carole Graham on being the 2019 Torah Fund Kaphan, from Vicki and Nate Fisher. honoree, from Marianne and Robert Sussman, Louise Abrams, beloved sister of Marvin Chinitz, and Marcia and Hy Pryluck. from Vicki and Nate Fisher. Linda and Steve Newman on the birth of their Louise Abrams, beloved sister of Lynn Chinitz grandson Benjamin Leonard Ford Newman, from Gruenstein, from Vicki and Nate Fisher. Marcia and Hy Pryluck, and Vicki and Nate Fisher. Solomon Blumenfeld, beloved brother of Rabbi Stephanie and Matthew Klingsberg on the bat David Blumenfeld, from Vicki and Nate Fisher. mitzvah of their daughter Shayna, from Vicki and Harry Gruza, beloved father of Sy Gruza, from Nate Fisher, and Joyce and Michael Wechsler. Vicki and Nate Fisher. Barbara and Marc Lazarus on their fortieth wedding anniversary, from Vicki and Nate Fisher. Jeffrey Troodler, beloved brother of Barney Troodler, from Joyce and Michael Wechsler. Laurie Griffel on the engagements of her sons Jared Griffel and Jeremy Griffel, from Elise and T O D O N AT E T O S I S T E R H O O D ’ S Bob Schepp. MITZVAH FUND, contact Marcia Pryluck Marge Schlosberg and Mitchell Glick on their at marciapryluck@gmail.com, or mail your donation(s) to 1255 North Avenue, B2O, New move, and wishing them many happy, healthy years together in their new home, from Carol and Rochelle, NY 10804. Donation minimum is $10. Make checks payable to Beth El Sisterhood. Paul Freedman. 20
Burt Gross on his ninetieth birthday, from Norma Wasserman. Yvette Gordon on her ninety-seventh birthday, from Norma Wasserman. Carrie and David Shechter on their twentieth wedding anniversary, from Norma Wasserman,
MENS CLUB FUND IN MEMORY OF: Rabbi Jeffery Troodler, beloved brother of Barney Troodler, from Barbara and Marc Klee.
DAY CAMP FUND IN HONOR OF: Julie Rockowitz for all your help and support with the wedding, from Ben Yardenay.
THE BERNICE FELDMAN NURSERY SCHOOL FUND IN HONOR OF: Linda and Steve Newman on the birth of their grandson Benjamin, from Laurie and Eric Roth.
Thinking of buying or selling?
Don’t make a move without me. Your neighborhood is my expertise. JOCELYN HALL BURTON Real Estate Salesperson
M 917.693.3557 JBurton@HoulihanLawrence.com Proud Beth El member R ANKED IN THE TOP 1% OF ALL AGENTS IN WESTCHESTER ML S #1 AGENT IN THE #1 BROKER AGE IN NEW ROCHELLE S I N G L E F A M I LY H O M E S
15 Q UA K ER R I D G E R OA D, N E W R O C H EL L E , N Y 10 8 0 4
According to the HGAR media-kit, there are currently 10,300 members of HGAR, Jocelyn ranks 68 and in the Top 1% in Westchester County by all properties sold, 2018. Source: HGMLS, 2018, single-family homes, City of New Rochelle, total volume, by company. HGMLS, 2018, single family homes, New Rochelle School District, total volume, by agent, Houlihan Lawrence New Rochelle Brokerage.
Beth El Celebrates June Birthdays Beth El would like to extend a “Happy Birthday!” to its members with a birthday in the month of June. If you have a June birthday, we hope that you will join us for
a Kiddush lunch on Shabbat, June 8th. If you have a June birthday, but your name does not appear on the list, we are sorry for the omission and ask that you e-mail the synagogue at info@bethelnr.org so that we
can update our records. Contact us if you do not wish to have your name appear on our birthday list. (The list reflects our adult members and post-bar/bat mitzvah children up to the age of 21.)
Adam Ackerman Scott Afran Maayan Aizenberg Smadar Amidror Rhona Aronstein Nathan Assor Alvin Begleiter Lauren Berger Jane Berkowitz Melinda Berman Robin Bronk Sharon Brown Richard J. Brown Ronald Burton Robert Cohen
Caryl Fuchs Amanda Gabel Lawrence Ginsburg Jonathan Glickman Joyce Goldklang Michael Goldstein Sarah Hallac Edward Heffner Harvey Heir Stephanie Heller Cynthia Hershkowitz Heather Mazursky Horowitz Margery Katz Rachel Katz
Barbara Nitzberg Barbara Pitkoff Elise Richman Shery Rosenstein Shayna Rosenstein Todd Rothenberg Malva Rothstein Evan Rothstein Michelle Sasson Judith Schmeidler Jeffrey Schwarcz Aviva Segal Marjorie Seidenfeld Michael Sherman Charles Silk
Ronald Cohen Steven E. Cohen Tres Cohen-Zolottev Beverly Drucker Marvin Dubin Maddy Efron Avi Einzig Jonathan Erber Caleb Esrig Lisa Estreich Ray Fein Alexander Fishler Vika Fishler Donald Fleishaker Dorothy Fox
Rita Kaufman Martin Keltz Claire Kessler Shelley Klein Margo Lampert Cathy L. Lane Barbara Lerman Donna Levy Benjamin Levy Leonora Loewentheil Thomas Lustig Beverly Marcus Debra Mayblum Alan Mazursky Seth Menell
Stephen Silverman Stuart Simchowitz Doreen Simon Evan Snyder Rise Stern Ana Urrutia-Wenig Rami Vamos Eleanor Walfish Ariel Weiner Churba Ben Wulfsohn Janet Yoskowitz Happy
To make a donation in honor or in memory of someone, contact Alise Liquorie at ALiquorie@bethelnr.org, or 914-235-2700, ext. 223.
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Glorianne Mattesi Presents the Best of New Rochelle
NEW ON MARKET! | New Rochelle | $999,000 | Web# 4854068
BONNIE CREST | New Rochelle | $1,429,000 All brick 5-BR, 3.5-BA Colonial sits on half acre with in-ground heated pool. With over 4,000 sf of living space this home includes 2 fireplaces, den and first and second floor master bedroom suites.
Don’t miss this 3,500-sf sun-filled 4-BR, 4.5-BA Colonial style home, privately set on almost one-half acre with pool in Wykgayl Park Estate section.
WYKAGYL PARK | New Rochelle | $999,000 | Web# 4905863 Classic 3,630-sf brick Colonial set in the heart of Wykagyl Park offering lots of natural light and terrific flow. Set back from the street, this 6-BR, 3.2-BA home sits on a large landscaped .38 acre lot.
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Amazing opportunity to live at The Anchorage, a wonderful WATERFRONT enclave. Members enjoy deeded rights to outdoor waterfront pool, dock and water access to Long Island Sound.
Glorianne Mattesi
Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker Direct: 914.393.6990 Glorianne.Mattesi@elliman.com 101 King Street, Chappaqua, NY 10514 914.238.3988 Š 2019 Douglas Elliman Real Estate. All material presented herein is intended for information purposes only. While, this information is believed to be correct, it is represented subject to errors, omissions, changes or withdrawal without notice. All property information, including, but not limited to square footage, room count, number of bedrooms and the school district in property listings should be verified by your own attorney, architect or zoning expert. Equal housing opportunity. *HGAR MLS, Jan-Dec 2018.
Glorianne Mattesi is the Undisputed #1 Agent in New Rochelle* Selling More Homes Compared to any other Agent! NEW BONNIE CREST | New Rochelle | $1,399,000 | Web# 4920997
Distinctive stone and brick faรงade gives way to a sleek interior highlighted by hand-crafted design elements and high-end finishes. Macassar Ebony wood kitchen, marbelized limestone floors in living room with brushed stainless steel cable railing at open stairway. Over 3,600-sf of upscale living!
PINEBROOK ESTATES | New Rochelle | $899,000 | Web# 4910170
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This beautifully updated, 5-BR, 3-BA Split-level home offers an open floor plan that flows from the living room with cathedral ceilings to the dining room and gorgeous new kitchen. This elegant, turn-key home is set on approx. .32 acres of property and is close to schools, Ward Acres and community park.
Captivating Split-level home borders Ward Acres Nature Preserve giving you the feeling of a country setting. This delightful home features 5 bedrooms, 3 full baths, modern eat-in-kitchen, living room with cathedral ceiling and brick fireplace.
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Custom built by present owner, this home features over 3,100-sf of living space, 2 fireplaces and a first floor family room. Plus 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths and 2-car garage. Beautiful setting abutting Nature Study Woods. Convenient to shops, schools and restaurants.
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מאחלת לכם שביתכם יהיה מלא 29 Wilmot Road , באור,בברכה Scarsdale, NY ! ובשמחה,באושר
CHANUKAT HABAYIT Join us on Shabbat June 22 as we dedicate our sanctuary and honor the Loewentheil Family. Services begin at 9:00 am. A special kiddush sponsored by the Loewentheil Family will follow. To view more images, turn to page 18.
J O C E LY N B U R T O N Real Estate Salesperson
M 917.693.3557 JBurton@houlihanlawrence.com Proud Beth El member
1 Agent in the # 1 Brokerage in New Rochelle #
S I N G L E F A M I LY H O M E S N E W RO C H E L L E B RO K E R AG E | 1 5 Q UA K E R R I D G E ROA D Source: HGMLS, 1.1.18-12.31.18, Single Family homes, New Rochelle School District, Total Volume, by Agent, Houlihan Lawrence New Rochelle Brokerage.