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Robert Baker grew up in Philadelphia. Rob Weber grew up in San Diego, He was a member of Kneseth Israel California. Perhaps this explains his easy Synagogue, where he became a Bar going, laid back approach to life. At Mitzvah and attended Confirmation. seventeen he became an Eagle Scout Rob is an alumnus of the United States and received the Ner Tamid award, Naval Academy and got his Bachelor of scouting’s Jewish award. Arts degree at Brandeis University and Rob came home from school one his Medical Degree at the University of Maryland day shortly after his twelfth birthday and informed CONT. PAGE 16

DONNA BARTELL, Kallat Beresheit Donna Bartell moved to New Rochelle in 2001 with her husband, Abe, and their two-year-old daughter Hannah. Donna’s twin sons Jesse and Stephen were born in 2002. When choosing a synagogue, Donna gave Abe no choices. They would join a conservative shul, and since they lived in New Rochelle, they were zoned to attend a New Rochelle

MICHAEL MEISLER, Hatan Maftir Michael Meisler was born in Brooklyn, New York, and met his wife, Sue, in tenth grade. They married in 1984 and started their lives together in Queens. Sue joined what is now Pediatric Associates of Southern Westchester in New Rochelle, where she is the lead physician. They moved to Westchester and joined Beth El Synagogue Center

More Holiday Information................ page 3 Limmud & Other Adult Learning...... page 6 Sisterhood Membership Dinner ......page 11 Staff Changes.................................... page 5 Israel Affairs Committee Speaker..... page 7 Nursery School New Programs........ page 13

ONE SYNAGOGUE - MANY SERVICES Beth El Synagogue Center 1324 North Avenue New Rochelle, NY 10804-2190 (914) 235-2700 www.bethelnr.org

A Conservative synagogue affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Rabbi Melvin N. Sirner Hazzan Jamie Gloth Associate Cantor Uri Aqua Assistant Rabbi Joshua Dorsch Cantor Emeritus Lawrence Avery Hazzan Emeritus Farid Dardashti Executive Director Erica Leventhal Controller Olivier Vogel Day Camp Director Julie Rockowitz Maintenance Director Milton Sinclair Nursery School Director Ronnie Becher Religious School & Youth Activities Dir. Jen Vegh Special Projects Director Linda Newman

OFFICERS President Executive Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Treasurer Financial Secretary Recording Secretary

Samuel E. Berger Geralynn C. Reifer Daniel Burton Mark Seidenfeld Mark Silver Joseph Wygoda Debbie Young Sandy Gruenberg

AFFILIATE OFFICERS Sisterhood President Barbara Horowitz Men’s Club Co-Presidents Robert Levine Steven L. Young Parent Organization Ellen Barlis, Rachel Casanova, Marci Marcus

BULLETIN COMMITTEE Editor & Production Assistant Editors

Linda Newman Michelle Levy Blaustein Jack Gruenberg Steven L. Young

EDITORIAL BOARD Rabbi Melvin N. Sirner Samuel E. Berger Hazzan Jamie Gloth Erica Leventhal Steven L. Young

Shabbat Youth Services Information on Youth Services, programs, and babysitting on Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur can be found on pages 3 and 14. October 11, 10:45 am Birthday Shabbat 10:15 am Pre-Service Oneg 10:45 am Torah for Tots Family-Friendly Kehillah Service October 18, 10:45 am 10:15 am Pre-Service Oneg 10:45 am Torah for Tots Family-Friendly Kehillah Service October 25, 10:45 am 10:15 am Pre-Service Oneg 10:45 am Torah for Tots Family-Friendly Kehillah Service • Torah for Tots: Ages 0 - Kindergarten in the Wiener Lounge • Family-Friendly Kehillah Service in the Levenson Chapel An American Sign Language interpreter will be provided upon request.

Daily Minyan Beth El maintains morning and evening services every day of the year. Contact Associate Cantor Uri Aqua, 914-235-2700, ext. 222.

Shabbat Discussion Group Services take place in the Bess and Nathan P. Jacobs Library from 10:30 am to 12:00 noon. Participants gain a better understanding of the Shabbat morning service through study and discussion of individual prayers and the weekly Torah portion. Other relevant topics are also discussed. Contact: Jack Gruenberg jackgruenberg@gmail.com OCTOBER 18, 25

I n S h a b b a t S . P. A . C . E . (Synagogue Play Activities Children’s Environment), offered weekly on Shabbat, children are supervised by child-care providers in a safe and fun environment, be with their friends, and play with Shabbatfriendly games and toys. No food is allowed in Shabbat S.P.A.C.E., allergy-aware snacks and water are available. If your child has any allergies, please alert the supervisor in the Kasakove.

Visit us on facebook at www.facebook.com/ BethElSynagogueCenter

On Shabbat and Yom Tov, the telephone in the main office is available only for physicians answering electronic pagers, and not for other purposes.


The Bulletin Vol. 97, No. 2

October 2014 Tishri ~ Cheshvan 5775

Please visit the Beth El Synagogue Center website, www.bethelnr.org for the most current information on meetings and events. To send us a message, e-mail info@bethelnr.org.

Saturdays – 9:00 am Sundays – 8:00 am Mondays and Thursdays – 6:55 am Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays – 7:00 am

Evening Minyan Times Mincha and Maariv October 1 – 2 6:30 pm 3 – 10 6:15 pm 11– 17 6:00 pm 18– 31 5:45 pm 2

Cemetery Grave & Plot Availability Beth El Synagogue Center has sections at Mt. Eden and Sharon Gardens Cemeteries (both in Valhalla), in which graves and plots are available for members and their families. (A plot is made up of four graves.) For information, call the office, 914235-2700, ext. 223/226..

Sukkah Walk


Join us for a multigenerational Sukkah walk!

First day of Sukkot Thursday, October 9 • 12:30 pm

Wednesday Evening, October 8....................6:15 PM Thursday Morning, October 9....................... 9:00 AM Thursday Evening, October 9........................6:15 PM Friday Morning, October 10......................... 9:00 AM Saturday Morning, October 11..................... 9:00 AM


A Sukkah Walk is a progressive, pot luck, community lunch. Families from our congregation will stroll from Beth El to the homes of local congregants to enjoy a three-course meal, with each course hosted in a family sukkah. Everyone is invited to participate. Each participating family brings an appetizer, main course, or dessert. Visit bethelnr.org/sukkahwalk to register. Questions? Call 914-235-2700, ext. 223. Meet by the overhang after Kiddush lunch. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes!

Wednesday Morning, October 15 ................ 6:30 AM


Wednesday Evening, October 15..................6:00 PM *Thursday Morning, October 16.................... 9:00 AM Yizkor (Memorial Services)................... 10:45 AM *Early Service with Yizkor............................. 6:30 AM in the Goldberger Chapel


Thursday Evening, October 16......................6:00 PM Friday Morning, October 17......................... 9:00 AM Saturday Morning, October 18..................... 9:00 AM


YOUTH PROGRAMMING (details, page 14)

Friday evening, October 3*...............................6:15 PM Main Sanctuary and Kasakove Auditorium Candle lighting ......................6:00 PM – 6:15 PM

KOL NIDRE 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM Friday, October 3 Teen Congregation, Junior Congregation, Babysitting available for children up to age 8.

Saturday morning, October 4** Main Sanctuary and Kasakove Auditorium Two simultaneous services..... 9:00 AM – 1:15PM Main Sanctuary One combined service....... 1:15 PM to conclusion Musaf, Mincha, Ne’ilah * Candle Lighting begins 15 minutes prior to services ** Yizkor (Memorial Service, following the sermon, 11:30 am.

YOM KIPPUR 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Saturday morning, October 4 Teen Congregation, Junior Congregation, Mini-Minyan, and Torah for Tots Join us for creative, participatory youth experiences, including dynamic, musical prayer services, professional master storytellers, games, and holiday-friendly art projects. Older groups will additionally have drama games, discussion groups, and interactive, holiday-themed activities.

PURCHASE A LULAV & ETROG Be apart of this special holiday experience on Sukkot. Purchase a Lulav and Etrog at the low cost of just $50 per set!

WHICH PROGRAM IS RIGHT FOR YOU? Teen Congregation = grades 8 - 12 (Goldberger Chapel) Junior Congregation = grades 4 - 7 (Youth Lounge) Mini Minyan = grades 1 - 3 (Levenson Chapel) Torah for Tots = ages 0 - Kindergarten (Wiener Lounge)

TO ORDER (by Monday, October 6): Visit bethelnr.org/lulav or call the office, 914-2352700, ext. 223. Payment in advance (check to Beth El Synagogue Center) required by Monday, October 6. QUESTIONS? Contact Cantor Uri Aqua at uaqua@bethelnr.org, or 914-235-2700, ext. 222.

BABYSITTING (for children from babies to age 8)

PICK UP (in Cantor Aqua’s office): Tuesday, October 7, 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm, or Wednesday, October 8, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm.

Kol Nidre.........................................6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Yom Kippur.................................... 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM Snacks and water provided. No reservations required. 3

RABBI’S MESSAGE A contemporary J e w i s h commentator referred to the Rabbi Jewish calendar as Melvin N. Sirner our “catechism.” What I believe he meant was that our holidays, and the associated rites and rituals, are important statements of our fundamental beliefs and values. At this busy season of the year, we mark Yom Kippur, the holiest

day on the Jewish calendar. The holiday marks several very serious themes— sin and repentance—and a turning inward in our efforts to do better and be better. We fast the entire day, removing ourselves from the routine, and turning to the spiritual. With our Yizkor (Memorial Prayers) we remember treasured loved ones who are no longer here. With the final service of Neilah and the blast of the Shofar, the day is concluded and we return, re-energized and renewed for the New Year.

But a few days later we welcome the colorful holiday of Sukkot. Here we celebrate with food and beverage, friendship and community. The holiday is marked by a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the blessings we enjoy. Hallel is an important feature of the Liturgy. As we prepare for these two holidays, may we derive full spiritual benefit, realizing the power of our tradition to add meaning and beauty to our lives. I look forward to seeing you in shul. Rabbi Melvin N. Sirner

NOTES FROM THE HAZZAN During the High Holiday season, each of us is charged with the daunting, but hopefully renewing, task of self-reflection and introspection. We examine our lives, identify our successes, and re-evaluate where we may have come up short. Forcing ourselves to focus on these things gives us direction as we try to live better lives in the year to come. In my office, and in many offices at Beth El, there hangs a large sign displaying our congregation’s mission statement. It states who we are, what our mission is, and what our objectives to achieve that mission are. It attempts to answer the simple but poignant question of “Why?” Why do we do what we do at Beth El? What are the reasons, what is the purpose, and what is it we hope to achieve? I try to make it my practice to look at this sign frequently, to reflect on it throughout the year, and to use it as my guide in the work that I do. (To read the mission statement for yourself, visit our website, http://www.bethelnr.org/about-us/ about-us-2/.) This year, we are taking our focus one step further. Beginning with the High Holidays, Beth El is introducing a theme for the year. We will infuse our programming, our communal celebrations, and shared holy days with this underlying theme. This year’s theme highlights one of Judaism’s most

basic precepts, the “Golden Rule:” V’ahavta l’reiacha kamocha – Love your neighbor as yourself. You will see this theme in many of our synagogue-wide offerings throughout the year. We begin the year with the USY High Holiday Food Drive, which will supply countless people in our own community with the food they may not otherwise be able to afford. Next month, Beth El is hosting Rabbi Daniel Cohen, who will speak on how to live our lives the way we truly want, to maximize our potential. In December, we will have opportunities to help those less fortunate as we head into the winter holiday season. January brings our annual Day of Service, which seems tailor-made for this theme. At Purim, we will again encourage the donation of pasta and other non-perishable foods to help restock our local food bank’s shelves. And Yom HaAtzmaut will again bring more opportunities to make a difference, both here and in Israel. This year we are also expanding our relationship with the Westchester Jewish Community Services, finding new ways to partner together to bring together residents of Chai House and other residences for people in our community with special needs. In addition to joining us regularly on Shabbat mornings and for the annual Special


Needs Passover Seder, these amazing people will be part of other community celebrations at Beth Hazzan Jamie Gloth El as well. Along the way, I encourage each of you to reach out to your neighbors and strengthen your connection with them. Invite someone to your sukkah this year; have people you have never had over for a Shabbat meal. Participate in Beth El’s BEST Shabbat Dinner program in March, where we match up hosts and guests to enjoy a Shabbat evening together. Or walk around the ballroom during Kiddush lunch on any given Shabbat and get to know someone new. Finally, I think it most appropriate that we are introducing this theme, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” during Rabbi Sirner’s final year as our senior rabbi. I can think of no one who better epitomizes the sentiment of this core mitzvah of our tradition. Through his ongoing work of more than four decades in this community, Rabbi Sirner has served as our teacher and role model in countless ways, but most of all how to love each other as ourselves. Let us all follow his example this year as we focus not only on the “why,” but on the “how.” ~Hazzan Jamie Gloth

“Golden Rule:” V’ahavta l’reiacha kamocha – Love your neighbor as yourself. 4


An Important Part of our Our Kehillah: Excitement at the Nursery School Dear Friends: I am sitting down to write this message the week of Rosh Hashanah, so by the time this appears in your mailbox, we all have been to Rosh Hashanah services, maybe to Tashlich, and getting ready for Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur (but since we use USPS Bulk mail to save money, maybe Sukkot has already begun). Last month, I had the opportunity to spend time with about eighty of our Nursery school parents at Nursery School Orientation. It is so exciting to see the enthusiasm of the parents and their sincere interest in their children’s education. I offered advice to the parents to cherish every moment with their kids because time will zoom by before they know it. Children grow into teenagers quickly, learning how to drive, preparing for SATs, applying to college, and then out of the house. I recall when my children Yali and Kenny were in Nursery school and someone told us the same thing. I thought about college and felt that it was “100 years” in the future. Yet now, Yali is off for a gap-year in Israel and then to USC in California and Kenny just started high school. Those “100 years” went by so very fast. I am sure that other members of our kehillah have had the same experience and would have the same advice for our Nursery School parents. Our Nursery School Director, Ronnie Becher, started the session with an introduction of all of the Nursery School staff. Rabbi Sirner welcomed all of the parents, and then Ronnie introduced Rick Ellis, an early childhood educator for forty years. Rick has worked with infants through third grade-age students and is also a faculty member of Bank Street College of Education in Manhattan. Rick discussed his recent experience working with teachers and parents,

focusing on developmentally-appropriate education for young children, highlighting the philosophy of the Reggio Emilia Italian preschool. Beth El’s Nursery School, under Ronnie’s leadership, is becoming Samuel E. Berger more Reggio-inspired, all through a Jewish lens. Next time you are in the shul, stop by the identity panels located in the lower lobby. It will give you a taste of what our children and families are experiencing in the Nursery School. The evening finished with a wine and cheese reception. Parents were happy to have time to socialize and schmooze with each other and their children’s teachers. I was so excited to meet so many parents of our Nursery School. The excitement of the year continued on Friday evening, September 20th, when the Nursery School had a fantastic, well-attended Shabbat Dinner and program. Over 200 parents, Nursery School children, siblings, teachers, and staff came to Beth El for the event (53 of 61 Nursery School families were represented). It was so exciting to see all the parents and kids engaging in Shabbat fun! The Nursery School is many times the first point-of-entry for people in our community and is such a wonderful source of new members to our Beth El family. I ask our Kehillah to reach out, engage, and welcome this important constituency of our shul. Tris and I still cherish the interaction we had with members when we joined the shul many years ago. See you in shul, Sam Berger

BETH EL’S EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ANNOUNCES STAFF CHANGES I wanted to alert you to some exciting changes for the upcoming year. There have been some shifts of responsibility among some of our professionals and as a result: JULIE ROCKOWITZ will be spearheading adult programming. The specifics and scope of Julie’s new role are still being fleshed out. Julie is excited for this new challenge and brings the skill and enthusiasm needed for success. RONNIE BECHER will be heading up J-LiFE, continuing to work with Judy Friedman and Shery Rosenstein. Ronnie has been working on J-LiFE for the last three years with Julie and will continue these efforts while adding some new programs. JEN VEGH will be working with Hazzan Gloth and Rabbi Dorsch on Bar/Bat Mitzvah Institute. Jen has a relationship with our Bar/Bat Mitzvah students through both the Religious School and the Youth Community, making her a perfect addition to this planning team. ANDREA MOLDOFF, our very talented and creative assistant in the Religious School and Youth Community office, will be taking on additional responsibilities helping the Nursery School. Andrea’s enthusiasm and energy, coupled with her creative publishing and organizational skills, will help to bring the Nursery School to greater heights. We are lucky to have such dedicated and wonderful professionals working for Beth El! Erica Leventhal, Executive Director 5

Limmud Programs for October Sunday, October 5

11:00 am

Israeli Dancing

Tuesday, October 7

After Minyan

Torah Tuesdays

Saturday, October 11

1:00 pm

Daf Shevui

Sunday, October 12

10:00 am

Israeli Dancing Shabbat Morning Discussion Group, with Jack Gruenberg

Saturday, October 18

1:00 pm

Daf Shevui

Sunday, October 19

10:00 am

Israeli Dancing

Tuesday, October 21 7:30 pm

WAJE: Validating Ancient Israel’s Existence: The Stakes are High, with Ze’ev Aviezer

Thursday, October 23 10:00 am

WAJE: The Prophets: First Isaiah and Jeremiah, with Rabbi Molly Karp

Thursday, October 23 6:30 pm

Hebrew Ulpan, Beginners, with Miri BenAvi

Thursday, October 23

Hebrew Ulpan, Intermediate

Thursday, October 23 7:30 pm

Art is for Everyone: Artist-inResidence Mordechai Rosenstein

Thursday, October 23

Choir Rehearsal, with Hazzan Arad

8:00 pm

Rabbi David L. Blumenfeld, Ph.D. (Near Eastern Literature and Languages)

Saturday, October 18 10:30 am

7:30 pm

“A Modern Understanding of the Bible”

Friday, October 24 6:45 pm

Friday Night Shabbat Dinner with Artist Presentation

Saturday, October 25 8:30 am

Rabbi Blumenfeld – “A Modern Understanding of the Bible”

Saturday, October 25 At Kiddush Informal Conversation with Artist in-Residence Mordechai Rosenstein Saturday, October 25

1:00 pm

Daf Shevui

Saturday, October 25

8:00 pm

Artist Soiree (off site)

Sunday, October 26

10:00 am

Israeli Dancing

Monday, October 27th 9:30 am

Sisterhood “Bagels & Books” Book Club Meeting

Tuesday, October 28th 7:30 pm

WAJE: Validating Ancient Israel’s Existence: The Stakes are High, with Ze’ev Aviezer

Thursday, October 30 10:00 am

WAJE: The Prophets: First Isaiah and Jeremiah, with Rabbi Molly Karp

Thursday, October 30

6:30 pm

Hebrew Ulpan, Beginners

Thursday, October 30

7:30 pm

Hebrew Ulpan, Intermediate

Thursday, October 30

8:00 pm

Choir Rehearsal, with Hazzan Arad

Questions? Contact Rabbi Dorsch, 914-235-2700, ext. 260, or jdorsch@bethelnr.org.


“The Five Biblical Megillot (Scrolls) and the Dead Sea Scrolls” By applying the most modern, upto-date scholarship to the unique “scroll texts,” a new understanding of the Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls will be gained. The classes below are open to all (no charge) on the following Shabbat mornings: 8:30 am in the Board Room. October 25 - Ecclesiastes November 22 - Lamentations December 13 - Maccabees (Apocrypha) February 28 - Esther March 28 - Song of Songs April 25 - Dead Sea Scrolls May 16 - Ruth

Yiddish Vinkl Resumes on Friday, October 24th 1:00 pm All are welcome! We all enjoy speaking mamalochen! Join us every Friday! Speak Yiddish, shmooze, and have fun! For further information, contact Bea Freedman, 914-337-8645.

Mark your calendar now . . .

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9th MEDICAL EXAMINER EXPERT ERIC R. MANDEL, M.D. Bagel Breakfast at 9:00 am Hebrew High School Program on Anti-Semitism at 10:00 am The Israel Affairs Committee, in conjunction with StandWithUs, will cosponsor back-to-back programs, featuring Middle East expert Eric R. Mandel Eric R. Mandel, M.D. Please join us for a bagel breakfast and a timely and exciting talk on “America and Israel’s New Challenges in the Middle East, Post Operation Protective Edge.” As Jews, we share a vital interest in Israel’s long term peace and security, the de-militarization of Gaza and an IDF that will continue to defend Israel against all threats. At 10:00 am, Dr. Mandel will visit our Religious School and present a group

program on “Anti-Semitism TODAY/ Why Israel’s Existence is Important” to our Hebrew High School students. As our committee member Jeff Swarz recently observed in the September Bulletin, there is an alarming increase in hostility to Jews in many European cities beset by severe recession, high unemployment, rising Muslim populations, and extreme right wing parties. This special program promises to challenge and engage our teens to learn more about rising anti-Semitism in today’s world. If successful, this program could be a model for future similar educational presentations for our young adults. Dr. Mandel is the director of MEPIN, the Middle East Political and Information Network, a private research and analysis newsletter that focuses on Israel and its

Arab and Muslim neighbors. Dr. Mandel writes an opinion column for the Jerusalem Post. We are grateful for his return to BESC (his last visit was in 2011 when he presented a well-received “Israel Update”). Sponsorships for both programs are welcome at the $18 and $36 levels. There is a suggested contribution of $5 for the bagel breakfast and talk. Students are admitted at no charge. Help make this event a success with your attendance at the breakfast and your support. For information, contact David Horowitz at dbhlspc@aol.com. The Israel Affairs Committee is grateful to Avi Posnick and StandWithUs for co-sponsoring these programs. To learn more about StandWithUs, visit its website at standwithus.com. David Horowitz, Chair IAC

RABBI SIRNER TRIP TO ISRAEL IN AUGUST Dear Beth El Family, At the end of August, I travelled to Israel on a brief solidarity mission, sponsored by the New York Board of Rabbis. The trip included updates on the contemporary scene from political leaders and officials as well as visits of solidarity. We travelled to Ashkelon, a coastal city severely hit by rockets and mortars, and saw first-hand the devastation. We also visited an elementary school and helped decorate classrooms in anticipation of the opening of school. A very powerful experience was our visit to Tel Hashomer hospital to spend time with several Israeli soldiers wounded in active duty in Gaza. A ceasefire went into effect as we left and I pray it will last and endure. Our people have experienced a very trying summer, yet there is a special feeling of unity in Israel and the Jewish world. Am Yisrael Chai! Melvin N. Sirner, Rabbi

Pictured above: Rabbi Sirner (far left); Ambassador Dan Shapiro and Congressman Peter King (center) 7

Report from the Keruv Committee . . . You may know that one of the Keruv Committee’s initiatives has been to invite residents of group homes to come for Shabbat services. These residents have developmental problems seriously affecting their cognitive abilities. You may have seen them at services or at Kiddush lunch. Is this a worthwhile expenditure of effort? It takes a fair amount of effort for the residential facility staff to get residents ready for this outing, bring them to Beth El, and supervise them through services and lunch. It also takes effort on Beth El’s side for our members to greet them, stay with them, and try to make them feel at ease here. Do these disabled people get anything out of this experience? Many people with fair-sized families have relatives who are less than fully able

to care for themselves, make independent and informed decisions about life plans and goals, run their lives on a day-to-day basis. Sometimes the disability is of a minor nature; their judgment is persistently bad, they do inappropriate things at just the wrong time, their dressing and grooming is idiosyncratic. But often enough the level of disability is more severe and requires supervision and assistance in matters of daily living. Many people thus afflicted live in residential facilities. We all know that facilities vary in quality. Residents are better treated at some than at others. It is possible to enrich peoples’ lives or to just keep them living at a meager cultural level. Coming to Beth El is a major way to enrich a life. Do the residents understand the prayers and rituals? It really doesn’t matter

CHAI HOUSE FALL VISITS Join us on these Shabbatot to welcome Chai House residents and staff: October 25, November 22, and December 13

BETH EL SYNAGOGUE NORTH END SENIOR PROGRAM Wednesday, October 1 Golden Harvest Ball, sponsored by Westchester County, 10:30 am. $8 includes boxed lunch and transportation to County Center. Friday, October 3


Wednesday, October 8


Friday, October 10


Wednesday, October 15

Yoga with Polly, 10:30 am Book Discussion with Judy Petsonk, 11:30 am

Friday, October 17


Wednesday, October 22

Tai Chi with Norma, 10:30 am Issues Affecting Seniors Today Guest Speaker Senator George Latimer ,11:30 am

Friday, October 24

Zumba with Julie, 10:30 am

Wednesday, October 29

Yoga with Polly, 10:30 am Current events with Shari, 11:30 am

Friday, October 31

Zumba with Julie, 10:30 am

All seniors are welcome to attend any of these programs.


either way; they do understand that they are seeing and participating in something important, and eating a meal afterwards in a setting that is different than their usual. As Jews, they are participating in a Jewish experience. Should they not? Do we, the congregants, get anything out of having the disabled at Beth El? Or is it somehow uncomfortable for us, disturbing to our sense of propriety, our sense of ease and comfort? Each of us must answer for ourselves. The next time you encounter any of the disabled at Beth El, greet them with a Shabbat Shalom, and a welcoming smile. If you would like to participate in the work of the Keruv Committee, please contact me at rbsuss@optonline.net. Bob Sussman

Adults Shmooze, Sip and Enjoy! WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15th 11:00 am

Update on Medicare Rights

12:00 noon - 1:00 pm

Lunch date for ADULTS in the Beth El Sukkah (light jacket may be needed). In case of inclement weather, lunch will be served indoors. Sample Etrog liqueur and enjoy hot apple cider, salad, and tuna/ vegetable wraps. $5 Early Etrog price (register before Wednesday, October 8) $7 Late Lulav registration (registration after Wednesday, October 8) R.S.V.P. to Julie Rockowitz at jrockowitz@bethelnr.org or 914-235.2700, ext. 256.


Memories to Go: Our Stories about the Twentieth Century

Ruth Kon, Berlin, 1935

“Who cares about my memories, anyway?” I hear this frequently when I talk to people about joining our writing class so I thought I would write a few of my own thoughts on the subject. Historians write of wars and battles and timelines and troop movements. This is very important in understanding a war, but it leaves out the ordinary person’s perspectives about that war. You may not have physically participated in World War II, but you will remember how it felt to have a father away in France or how it felt when your uncle died in Okinawa. Perhaps you remember the United Nations voting to accept the new country, Israel. You may not have been in the towers on 9/11, but which one of us can forget that day? Newspaper accounts give us the big picture, but it is the diaries and letters and personal writings that really show us what happened. “Memories to Go” is a class dedicated to writing down memories of American Jews in the 20th century so our children and grandchildren will know what really happened. For example, one of our members wrote about December 7, 1941 through the eyes of a six year old. Another member wrote about leaving Berlin in 1936 to begin a new life in Montevideo, Uruguay. Brooklyn in the 1940s, the Bronx in the early 1950s, President’s Roosevelt’s death, Korea . . . all these topics and many others are part of our collective memories. I invite you to join us as we explore not only our past, but our nation’s past. We meet on alternate Mondays at 10:00 am. Our assignment is to write about early memories of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, or Sukkot. Our next meeting will be on October 13th. I look forward to a new year of memories and I wish all of you a Happy New Year. Lynn Lowin

This is the first essay in the new column of monthly essays from the Memories To Go group (see column at left). We are writing down memories of the twentieth century with a Jewish slant.

I was born in Berlin, the product of many generations of loyal German citizens. Although my family adhered to Jewish tradition, they were proud Germans who admired the Kaiser and fought in uniform for the Reich. Our family lived well in Germany. As an only child, I enjoyed a great deal of attention from my parents and our extended family. Although we lived in the city, we had a summerhouse in the countryside by a lake. Many idyllic days were spent in my family’s rowboat, rowing to small islands around the lake, with my parents and their friends for picnics and games. When I was four or five years old, things began to change dramatically. The Nazis’ rising influence in government led to ever-increasing restrictions in our lives. The streets were often filled with militant torchlight parades, banners, trumpets, and loud chants. Adolph Hitler’s amplified voice demanded perpetual obedience in guttural roars. When his calls for combat rang, my mother would pull me into the lobby of whatever building we happened to be passing by so that she would not have to raise her arm in the required salute. Both my parents worked and we had a very kind housekeeper named Anna who looked after me. In time, however, my parents were forced to let Anna go because Christians were not permitted to work for Jews under the new Nazi laws. Then, suddenly, I was forbidden to continue attending my kindergarten. It was a

neighborhood school and the new racial laws permitted only Christian children to attend. My best friend Ilse, a Christian, was no longer allowed to play with me either. When we passed her and her mother on the street they could not even smile at us or say hello. Our home life became stressful too. My father, a lawyer, was increasingly at home because, as a Jew, he was forbidden to make court appearances. His German partners no longer wanted him to come into the office, although he tried to work from home to the extent that he could. I had to learn to be very quiet. Even my doting grandfather changed. When he visited, he would lock himself in a room with my parents to talk in hushed voices. Unable to go to school or play with friends, I was at a loss. I could not go to the park because Jews were forbidden to sit on the benches, use the swings, or play in the sandbox. My only entertainment was in the form of our dog, Teddy. Teddy was old and probably wanted nothing more than to sleep, but he became my constant companion once my world began to shrink. One day a shocking new law was passed: Jews could no longer own pets. In horror, I vowed to hide Teddy. But my parents were law-abiding people and they insisted that we comply by turning Teddy over to the authorities. My mother and I, both of us in tears, brought Teddy to a big place where we turned him over to the official in charge. We went home carrying Teddy’s empty leash and it felt like we were returning from his funeral, which we probably were. A few months later, we escaped Europe and started a new life in Montevideo, Uruguay. But that is a story for another time. by Ruth Kon

NEW ROCHELLE CARES This is a not-for-profit, newly formed organization created to provide support and services to allow residents to remain independent, safe, and healthy in their homes as they grow older. A citywide kick-off meeting is planned for Monday, October 6, 6:00 pm, at the New Rochelle Library. Enjoy chatting with neighbors and community leaders who care about your independence. There will be a take home surprise! Light refreshments will be served. All are welcome. For more information, contact Frankie Shahar at frankie7378@yahoo.com, or 646-942-8654; or Arleen Zuckerman at aphz@aol.com or 914-632-4559. Let us know if you’re interested in volunteering or providing a service. Your tax-deductible donation would be appreciated. 9

A Note from Your Men’s Club . . . The Men’s Club is back, and it’s better than ever! We have an actionpacked year ahead, with some of your old favorites (Monday Night Football, Steak and Scotch in the Sukkah), and some surprises to meet our mission of service to the shul as well as fun, educational and social events for our members. We are always looking for ideas and involvement. Please join us. Steak and Scotch in the Sukkah will take place on Monday, October 13th, 6:30 pm. It is a great place to meet other members and to discuss our plans for the year. The cost is only $30 for Men’s Club members and $40 for nonmembers. You can join Men’s Club while you are there! Please register online at www. bethelnr.org/scotch and join us! We are continuing to join with other

organizations and groups to support the Beth El community at large. On Thursday night October 23rd, we are co-sponsoring an adult art event in conjunction with the Scholar-inResidence weekend. On November 6th, we are co-sponsoring what promises to be an inspirational talk by Rabbi Daniel Cohen of West Hartford, Connecticut. Please watch for additional information. Also, mark your calendars for Pizza and Monday Night Football, featuring the Dolphins and the Jets, on Monday, December 1st, and our hosted Blood Drive on Sunday, December 7th. Our upcoming planning meetings (bagel and shmear) are on Sunday, October 12th and November 9th, at 9:00 am. We look forward to seeing you at our events this year. Rob Levine and Steven Young, Co-Presidents

Beth El Celebrates October Birthdays

Beth El Synagogue Center would like to extend a “Happy Birthday!” to its members with a birthday in the month of October. Please join us for a birthday celebration at our Kiddush luncheon on October 11th. If you have an October birthday, but your name does not appear on the list, we are sorry for Debra Ackerman Ethan Afran Eric Alderman Lauren Axelrod Michael Barrett Hannah Bartell Stanley Batkin Howard Bauman Yael Berger Melvyn Bloom Frances Blumenfeld Erica Bonime Joshua Burack Avi Carr-Gloth Nancy Chhahira Shari Chinitz Marvin Chinitz Lilly Claar Leam Cohen Sylvia Cohen Phyllis Cole Barbara Leeds Davis Susan Davis Sophie Ehudin Arthur Elkind Jane Epstein Alyssa Erber

Marcie Ferder Naomi FioRito Aaron Fleishaker Karen Getzler Jack Gingold Robyn Goldberg Louis Goldberg Nina Goldberg Marsha Goldstein Sol Haber Rebecca Hallac Charles Hallac Cari Herskowitz Lynn Hirsh Joni Jablansky Gary Joseph Ronnie Kaplan Arthur Kaplan Emily Katz Ashley Katz David Kaufman Allison Kellman Theodore Kesten Richard Klee Emma Kravitz Heidi Kremins Jordana Kulak

the omission and we ask that you please contact the synagogue at info@bethelnr.org so that we can update our records. Please also contact us if you do not wish to have your name appear on our birthday list. (The list reflects our adult members and post-bar/bat mitzvah children up to the age of 21.) Lenny Kundel Karen Sadok Sarah Kusnetz Jay Safer Jacob Lenchner Elise Schepp Martin Levitin Bobby Schmeidler Gary Levy Judy Schustack Evan Levy Joseph Schwartz Michael Lurie Miriam Schwarz Marsha Lustig Gregg Seidner Ed Manning Blair Selber Marshall Matos Caroline Shechter Judith Matos David Silberstein Adam Mayblum Shira Silver Ari Mayerfield Joshua Silverman Michael Meisler Samuel Silverman Molly Nozyce Jonathan Stahl Elliott Pollack Aaron Szabo Deirdre Polow Arielle Tait Wendy Portnoff Jane Turkewitz Lynda Posner Harvey Wacht Leon Protass Mark Walfish Janice Reid Norma Wasserman David Reifer Naomi Weinberger Anne Reis Anne Weisbrod Julie Rockowitz Esther Winik Sidney Rosen William Winters Steve Rotker Dorothy Zaro Joy Rotker Henry Zupnick 10

Challah Princesses Visited Sistherhood

Beth El Sisterhood Sisterhood Scene Happy New Year from Beth El Sisterhood! We have a year full of activities planned and we hope you will join us for fun and friendship. Our ongoing daytime activities are listed on this page, but if you need more information about them, call Arlene Salman at 914-235-2485. She will be happy to answer your questions. An evening book group is also in formation at this time. Please contact Erica Epstein at mmleepstein@gmail.com, or Cynthia Glickman at tanman911@verizon.net for more information. Membership envelopes were mailed over the summer. Please send in your dues as soon as possible so that you can help us continue the important work that Sisterhood does for Beth El. And don’t forget that your prompt payment entitles you to attend our annual Paid Up Membership Dinner on Tuesday, October 28th (see box at right). Along with Men’s Club, we are planning an evening with artist Mordechai Rosenstein on Thursday, October 23rd. This event is part of the artist’s visit as scholar in residence on October 24th and 25th. Mark your calendars and watch for further details. Our campaign to raise funds for the Jewish Theological Seminary continues through our Torah Fund Pin Campaign. If you have not yet been contacted for this project, or if you want to know more, please call Gaby Newfield at 914-235-4030, or Rita Kaufman at 914-723-7347. In friendship, Barbara Horowitz, President

SISTERHOOD PAID-UP MEMBERSHIP DINNER Tuesday, October 28th 6:30 pm Cocktails • 7:00 pm Dinner Become a member of Sisterhood for only $45 and join us at this free dinner! Send your membership dues to Ellen Hollander, 4 Dora Lane, New Rochelle 10804, or drop it off in the Beth El office before October 18th. Be sure to mark your envelope to let us know that you plan to attend this relaxing, delicious, and enjoyable event, catered by our own Classic Caterers. See old friends and make new ones! Reservations are required. Paid up Sisterhood members can register online at www.bethelnr.org/sisterhooddinner. And, remember to send in $5 for your ticket to the Lord & Taylor Fall Fundraiser (box below); then pick up your ticket at the dinner! For information, contact Linda Resnick at 914-576-3632, or e-mail cosa48@yahoo.com.

SHOP SMART, DO GOOD FUND-RAISING DAY Lord & Taylor Shopping Benefit FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14th 9:00 am-11:00 pm

at the Eastchester Store only! Sponsored by Sisterhood

Pre-shopping (credit card only) begins on November 7th Purchase a ticket for a $5 donation, which serves as your admission to this event. The ticket includes two 25% bonus coupons, with very limited exclusions, and your 15% savings pass (usable all day), good on regular and sale-priced items, including cosmetics and fragrances! Plus, you can save an additional 10% on top of all the other great savings when you use your Lord & Taylor credit card. Tickets may be purchased from Linda Resnick, 914-576-3632 or cosa48@yahoo.com, members of Sisterhood, the Nursery School office, or the synagogue office, 914-235-2700, ext. 223/226. You can also visit www.lordandtaylor.com/dogoodeastchester (be sure to enter Beth El Synagogue Sisterhood New Rochelle in the drop down). Questions? Contact Linda Resnick, 914-576-3632, or cosa48@yahoo.com. 11

Sisterhood Ongoing Programs CARD ROOM: Both Canasta ( Mondays at 12:45 pm) and Mah Jongg (Tuesdays at 12:45 pm) meet weekly! WALKING CLUB continues to meet every Monday at 9:30 am for a nice easy walk—not a jog. Everyone is encouraged to walk with us. It is quite enjoyable! BAGELS & BOOKS BOOK CLUB usually meets on the last Monday of the month, at 9:30 am. Our October meeting is scheduled for October 27th. We will be discussing Daniel Kalla’s book, The Far Side of the Sky. MITZVAH KNITTING meets once a month on Wednesdays. Our next session is October 15th, at 9:30 am. We have supplies. Lessons are available. Mark your calendar: Our next date is Wednesday, December 17th (no meeting in November). FOR QUESTIONS about any of these ongoing activities, contact Arlene Salman at 914-235-2485, or aesalman@aol.com.

ELAINE FRIEDMAN AND LOUISE STERN IN KANNER-KURZON MUSEUM in Philadelphia. She has received awards Louise Stern, a longtime member in juried exhibits by the New Rochelle Art of Temple Israel of New Rochelle, and Association, Mamaroneck Artists’ Guild, Elaine Friedman, a longtime member of our and JCC. Her work has been reviewed in own Beth El Synagogue Center, will join the New York Times, Sound Shore Review, together to exhibit their artwork in Beth Eastchester Chronicle, Jewish Week and El’s Kanner Kurzon Museum, from October elsewhere. She has pieces in collections in 25th to November 30th. Both women are on France, Bulgaria, Cabrini Medical Center, the board of the Mamaroneck Art Guild and Pfizer, General Foods, as well as in multiple head different committees. These friends private collections. have quite different techniques and styles, Elaine Friedman studied at the New so you will enjoy a different experience York City High School of Music and from that which we usually display. Louise Art, Queens College (Bachelor of will exhibit her mixed media/collages Elaine Friedman Arts degree), Teachers College of from her studio and Elaine will exhibit Columbia University (Masters Degree her current landscapes done with oil in art education), Brooklyn Museum, pastels, as well as previous ones using Silvermine, Westchester Art Workshop, acrylic paint. SUNY-Purchase, Norwalk Printing Louise Stern studied at Syracuse School, as well as with several artists. University, Boston University She taught art in New York City public (receiving a Bachelor’s Degree in fine schools. After moving to Westchester, arts), Art Sudents League of New York, she continued at SAR Academy, A. as well as with Edgar A Whitney, Don J. Heschel School, Temple Israel Stacy, Harriet FeBland, Linda Adato, Center of White Plains, The Solomon Robert DeLamonica, Reiji Kimura, Schechter School, and The Childrens and others. She was trained in multiple Arts Workshop in Rye. A previous visual art media, but she was originally Louise Stern exhibit in the Kanner-Kurzon Museum a pianist and singer (including with the Collegiate Chorale). She has produced both figurative and abstract was all acrylic landscape paintings. She has also exhibited at work (sometimes combinations of both). She has exhibited oils, Mamaroneck Artists’ Guild, New Rochelle Library, Greenwich acrylics, watercolors, wood block prints, monoprints, drawings Library, Silvermine and Iona College. In juried exhibits she received and collages. Her exhibits include both group and solo shows. awards at Mamaroneck Artists’ Guild and New Rochelle Art Exhibits have included such venues as Mamaroneck Artists’ Guild, Association. Her work is in many private collections. The artists’ reception will be on Sunday, October 26th, from Temple Israel, Sarah Lawrence, Silvermine Guild Arts Center, Iona College, College of New Rochelle, Adelphi University, Prints 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm. All are invited to come and discuss the work International, New Zealand, Japan, India and Denmark. Her work with both Elaine and Louise. If you purchase anything, 25 percent has also been seen in many galleries in New York City, as well as of the purchase price is a tax deductible donation to Beth El.

The Cameragenic Experience:


Alan Cohen’s Photography in Museum through Sunday, October 19th

Beth El Synagogue Center is blessed to have many hardworking volunteers who make our congregation a special place. To help recognize their extraordinary work, the Dinner Dance Parking Space in our front parking lot has been designated by Jayne and Darren Peister, who won the spot in the Live Auction at the Dinner Dance, to recognize our Beth El members who “go above and beyond” to enhance our community. Each quarter, a Beth El volunteer will be recognized and thanked for his or her contributions with the exclusive use of the parking space. For the months of October, November, and December, we are pleased to bestow this recognition on NADINE JACOBSON for her efforts on behalf of Beth El over the years, and especially for her recent work on the Constitution Committee. Thank you Nadine for all that you do!

Alan Cohen’s interest in digital photography grew as the hardware and software evolved into an integrated system capable of providing an almost unlimited control of photographic imagery. The resulting works are a composite of individual high resolution photographs shot throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe, extensively edited and reformatted, puzzle-like, to create what Alan calls the “Cameragenic” experience. The finished work is a result of the joining of two very different activities. The outside world of an array of imagery through photography and the inside world of the digital darkroom, where most of the creative process happens and where anything is possible. Alan can be contacted through his website—cameragenic.com. These outstanding works will be for sale, and 25 percent of the sales price will represent a tax deductible contribution to Beth El. 12

NURSERY SCHOOL NEWS Beginnings are magical, wondrous, and filled with emotion. Whether bringing in a first child for their very first day of school, or a third child for their third year here at Beth El, this moment is special and filled with blessing. It is a blessing that our children are healthy; a blessing that we are part of a school that is able to offer abundant and rich opportunities for our children; and a blessing that we are a part of a community of families that want to be together and offer the best for our children. We are also blessed to work with a professional, calm, devoted, and caring staff that has made the beginning weeks of school run so smoothly. And we are blessed to work with all of you parents, relatives, and caregivers who were so gentle and present for your children. Your trust and confidence in us helped to effectively make the giant transition from home to school so

that together we could successfully launch the year ahead. One of the most gratifying events we have ever sponsored was the Nursery School Friday Night Shabbat Dinner. With almost 100% participation, our families sang, ate, and celebrated Shabbat together as a community, filled with much joy and ruach. New friendships were forged and a meaningful time was had by all. The beginning of the school year coincided with the beginning of the Jewish year 5775 as well. Our first Hebrew month, Tishri, is chock full of holidays, which presented many wonderful experiential learning opportunities for the Nursery School. Since children are kinesthetic learners—they learn about their world through their senses— we approached this part of our curriculum by allowing many opportunities for sensory exploration. Beginning with Rosh Hashanah, children observed, touched, smelled, and tasted many different types of apples. Math

language was developed as children graphed their favorite varieties. Guests and clergy rotated through our classrooms blowing the shofar as the children compared and contrasted the variety of blasts—short ones, long ones, staccato sounds, elongated sounds. This month we will continue to explore and learn about our Jewish holidays of Sukkot and Simchat Torah. Mark your calendars for Supper in the Sukkah on Monday, October 13th, our next J-LiFE Event—details to follow! We also are looking forward to beginning our many enrichment activities: Shirah – Music, with Lori and Bobby Doowah; Rikud – Movement and Drumming, with Shmulik; and Teva – Science and Nature, with Gail. We have such a rich program! Enjoy the photos below, as share our beginnings of the 2014-2015 school year. Ronnie Becher, Director


Registration is now underway for the Beth El Nursery School “FIRST SEEDS” Parenting Program 2014/2015

This intimate, professionally staffed parent group occurs parallel to supervised play for the children.The fluid exchange between the groups allows for interactions among parents, children, and staff and stirs interesting and informative discussions.

Mondays and options for more! 9:30am-11:00 am Beginning October 27

Join Judy Friedman, MS Parent Discussion Facilitator & Early Childhood Teachers

Art ~ Music ~ Puppets ~ Snacks Motor Room ~ Manipulatives ~ Stories You and your children can make new friends and learn together! For children with birthdays from January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2014


Baby U begins Wednesday, December 3rd. For information and to register, visit bethelnr.org/babyu.


SUPPER & STORIES in the Sukkah Join us on Monday, October 13th at 5:00 pm!

R.S.V.P. to bethelnr.org/sukkah. Questions? E-mail nursery@bethelnr@org.

RELIGIOUS SCHOOL & YOUTH NEWS YOUTH YOM KIPPUR INFORMATION Kol Nidre, Friday, October 3rd Supervised Childcare: 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Junior Congregation, in the Youth Lounge (grades 4-7; grade 3 welcome to join if present) 6:00 pm – 6:45 pm: Supervised Play Space and Board Games 6:45 pm – 8:15 pm: Interactive Presentation and Service Teen Minyan (grades 8-12) 6:15 pm – 6:30 pm: Line up for Torah Processional in the Wiener Lounge 6:30 pm – 8:15 pm: Main Sanctuary Service

Yom Kippur, Saturday, October 4th There will be childcare available from the beginning of services, 9:00 am until approximately 1:00 pm. 9:00 am – 10:30 am Supervised Play Space and Board Games in the Youth Lounge 10:30 am – 12:30 pm Torah of Tots (birth-Kindergarten), in the Wiener Lounge There will be a special interactive performance by Nicole Raphael, Master Story Teller at 11:00 am. Mini Minyan (grades 1-3), in the Levenson Chapel There will be a special interactive performance by Nicole Raphael, Master Story Teller at 11:45 am. Junior Congregation (grades 4-7), in the Youth Lounge Teen Minyan (grades 8-12) 10:15 am – 10:45 am: Food collection in the lobby and Religious School wing 10:45 am – 12:30 pm: Services, in the Goldberger Chapel 12:30 pm -1:00 pm: Honey and Food Drive Bag Distribution, in the Lobby

Jen’s Corner I have incredibly vivid memories of my own childhood Religious School director telling a story about a boy who got his hand stuck in a pickle jar. The boy went to the town’s scholar, who explained that he should oil his hand and it would slide out. The boy tried that, but his hand was stuck. He went to the town’s judge who gathered the full jury and pulled on the jar and the boy’s arm, trying to separate them, but it was a no go. Finally, the boy went to the town’s rabbi, who surveyed the situation. He simply said to the boy, “let go of the pickles” and guess what . . . his hand slid right out of the jar!

The truth is that I don’t really remember what message my Religious School director was trying to convey with that, but right now, to me, in the moment, it’s all about perspective. Sometimes we just have to look at a situation in a new way, with new eyes. Sometimes it takes a community to solve a dilemma. Sometimes, we just have to let go. I hope that this holiday season we find fresh perspective, supportive community, and the courage to let go. Jen Vegh Religious School & Youth Activities Director

Youth Community: Meet Your Youth Staff YOUTH DIRECTOR Jen Vegh is entering her fourth year as Youth Activities Director. Previously she worked in Manhattan, where she attended the William Davidson Graduate School for Jewish Education at the Jewish Theological Seminary. Jen has a strong history with USY where, after serving on SWUSY Regional and International General Board, she staffed and roshed USY on Wheels and Eastern Europe-Israel Pilgrimage. Contact Jen at jvegh@bethelnr.org.

CHAVERIM (3rd-5th grades) Abby Marcus is joining our team of Youth Advisors for her first year. She’s born and raised in Riverdale, and is now in her final semester at Queens College, where she is double majoring in finance and economics. Abby is also the Assistant Youth Director at the Riverdale Jewish Center and the Assistant Coach for the JV girls basketball team and softball team at SAR High School. She’s excited to get to know you all! Contact Abby at Chaverim@bethelnr.org.

RUACH (K-2nd Grade) Carly Shapiro is entering her fourth year as a Beth El Youth Advisor. She hails from Chicago and went to college in Michigan, where she received her degree in Outdoor Recreation Leadership and Management. She currently lives in Brooklyn and recently became an adult Bat Mitzvah! Contact Carly at ruach@bethelnr.org.

KADIMA (6th-8th grades), USY (9th-12th grades), and ROSH HODESH GIRLS (7th grade) Bekkah Gold is thrilled to join us for her third year as a Beth El Youth Advisor. She grew up at Beth El Synagogue Center and loves New Rochelle! Bekkah is currently in her second year at the William Davidson Graduate School for Jewish Education at the Jewish Theological Seminary. Contact Bekkah at kadima@bethelnr.org, usy@bethelnr.org, or roshhodeshgirls@ bethelnr.org.


Family Sukkah Decorating: Pop by the Beth El Sukkah to make and hang decorations anytime betweem 11:00 am and 1:15 pm!

Sunday, October 19

Ruach Animal Day, 11:00 am-12:15 pm

Thursday, October 23 Rosh Hodesh Girls Sunday, October 26 14

Chaverim Noah Scavenger Hunt, 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm

RELIGIOUS SCHOOL & YOUTH NEWS Memorable Moments from Religious School I am a junior in high school and have been in Beth El Religious School since 1st grade. When I was in 7th grade I polished the silver Torah mantels, this was in preparation for Simchat Torah. During that experience, I was amazed that there were over ten Torahs in Beth El alone! I knew that same Torah was the one that I read from when I had my bar mitzvah! Throughout the years I have had countless fun and unique experiences like this. I’m happy that I kept going to religious school and can’t believe all the fond memories I have. Adam Ackerman

Follow the Religious School on Twitter! @bethelrelschool

Religious School News Religious School began a few weeks ago with an exciting opening day. After sharing in a delicious bagel breakfast, younger learners went to their classrooms for teambuilding games, while parents participated in their own icebreaker games to build relationships with other Religious School parents. Teen parents and teens participated in a unique workshop with David Bryfman, from the Jewish

Education Project, in which they explored the value of continued Jewish Education. It was an incredibly meaningful morning! We welcome your feedback if you have ideas, questions or thoughts on the program! This month we are looking forward to establishing some continuity for our learners, post holidays, and working to build a community of meaningful learning and exciting Jewish experiences.


Art for Dalet-Vav

Thursday, October 9

Closed – Sukkot

Sunday, October 12


Thursday, October 16

Closed-Shemini Atzeret

Sunday, October 19

Educator Meeting – Gesher, Olim & Tichon

Monday, October 20

Religious School Board

Thursday, October 23

Educator Meeting – Gan-Vav

Sunday, October 26

Scholar in Residence

Thursday, October 30

Art Alef-Gimel


WESTCHESTER JEWISH COUNCIL with grant support from UJA-Federation of New York/Westchester present

A NIGHT OF MUSIC AND JOY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15th • 7:30 pm at Temple Israel of New Rochelle 1000 Pinebrook Blvd., New Rochelle, NY 10804 We expect hundreds of people from all over Westchester to join us in what promises to be a great night as we celebrate the richness of our Westchester Jewish community. The doors will open at 7:30 pm and will be followed by a dairy dessert reception. The cost is $20 per person until November 8th, and $25 thereafter. Register at www.wjcouncil.org or pay by check to the Westchester Jewish Council. For more information, contact Donna Bartell at donna@wjcouncil.org or call 914-328-7001. Twenty-seven cantors from all over Westchester are participating in the evening, including our own Hazzans Jamie Gloth, Ellen Miller Arad, and Farid Dardashti. Sing along with a unique selection of music, ranging from contemporary to traditional, Jewish to secular, rap to rock—enjoy the diversity and talent of Kol Hazzanim. 15

DONNA BARTELL, Kallat Bereshit

ROBERT BAKER, Hatan Kol HaNearim School of Medicine. Rob completed his residency in ophthalmology at the Mayo Clinic and his fellowship in eyelid surgery at the University of Minnesota. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the American College of Surgeons. He is an attending ophthalmologist at the New York Eye & Ear Infirmary. Rob moved to New Rochelle in 1992, and promptly joined Beth El Synagogue Center. In 1995 he married the love of his life, Melissa Weiss, whom he met at Jewish singles volleyball at the JCC of Mid-Westchester. The ceremony was performed at Beth El Synagogue by Rabbi Sirner. The Bakers moved to Purchase in 2000, but bypassed other Conservative synagogues to come back to their “home away from home,” Beth El. Rob and Melissa were involved in the Young Couples Club at Beth El for many years. In 2011, Rob and Melissa were blessed with the birth of their son Aaron,

and in 2012 with daughter Sophie. Both children have attended Torah for Tots almost from birth and love going to Beth El’s Day Camp and Nursery School. This year Rob and Melissa joined the Nursery School Board. They are big supporters of its Reggio-inspired methods. In addition to spending time with his family and attending synagogue, Rob enjoys community service and civic work. He is a member of the New Rochelle Elks, the Masons, and the New Rochelle NAACP. He is also the vice president of the Westchester County Board of Health, past treasurer of the New Rochelle Chamber of Commerce, and past president of the New Rochelle Lions Club. Rob has received many awards for his work, including receiving the Health Award from the NAACP, the Community Service Award from the New Rochelle and Huguenot Historical Society, and multiple recognition awards from Lions Clubs International.



in 1988, shortly before the birth of their first child, Jacob. Michael is a tax partner in the Banking and Capital Markets practice of Ernst & Young’s Financial Services office. He also serves as an adjunct professor at both NYU’s Stern School of Business and Baruch College, where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in taxation. Before joining EY, he worked as an associate at a law firm, a tax consultant at another major accounting firm, and in various finance/accounting roles at two banks. He earned his accounting degree at NYU, his J.D. at Fordham University’s School of Law, and his LL.M. in Taxation at NYU’s School of Law. Current roles at Beth El include member of the Board of Trustees, member of the Audit and Finance Committee, and treasurer of the Men’s Club. Michael has previously served as a member of two Nominating Committees. Sue and Michael are most proud of their children, Jacob, Sarah, and Rebecca, all of whom attended the Solomon Schechter School of Westchester. Jacob, a Cornell University graduate, works as a software engineer. Sarah, a University of M i c h i g a n continued, bottom of next page

his parents that, like his cousin and his uncle, he would become a dentist. It had been a dream of his mother’s, but in the 1950s women were not accepted into dental school. Sadly, by the time Rob reached age nineteen, both his mother and sister had succumbed to cancer. Anybody who knows Rob is aware that once he sets his mind to something, there is no stopping him. He received his bachelor of science degree in biology, cum laude, from The American University and his dental degree, cum laude, from Medical College of Virginia in 1994. He is now a Board Certified Periodontist and Oral Implantologist in private practice. He has also attained diplomat status in the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. In 2003 he was recognized as dental attending of the year at Mt. Sinai Medical Center, where he is on staff as a volunteer clinical instructor. In 2004 Rob moved to New Rochelle with his beautiful wife, Lori. They immediately became members of Beth El Synagogue Center. On most Shabbat mornings, Rob can be found sitting with Lori and their two incredible sons, Sammy and Zachary, in Junior 16

synagogue. The obvious and only choice was Beth El Synagogue Center. Beth El quickly became the families’ second home. Donna has served on numerous committees at Beth El. She especially enjoys working on Youth Activities and really enjoyed organizing meals when Beth El hosted the USY Spring Kinnus two years ago. She anxiously awaits the next time Beth El hosts a USY Kinnus. Donna has served as co-chair of the Membership Committee, the Youth Activities Committee, and Couples Club. She has been on the Nursery School Board, and Search Committee for Beth El’s new executive director. Donna grew up on Long Island, where she attended Commack Jewish Center. She attended SUNY Binghamton and went on to get her Law Degree at Emory University. After spending time working as an Assistant District Attorney in Brooklyn, Donna happily retired from the practice of law and moved to Rhode Island, where Abe was completing his medical training. Donna currently works for the Westchester Jewish Council, a job she considers an extension of both her life at Beth El and her connection to the Jewish community. Donna especially enjoys watching her children grow and learn at Beth El as people and as Jews. She feels lucky to have such an amazing community filled with amazing friends.

WEBER, cont. Congregation. Once Sammy was born, Rob made a clear choice to spend as much time as possible with his children and to help create a better Jewish community for them. He is co-chair of the Havurah Service, vice president of the Men’s Club, a member of the Beth El Board, a member of the Religious School Board, a member of the Youth Services Committee, and Cubmaster of Boy Scout troop 613, Westchester’s only Jewish scout troop. While he is honored to be recognized this year on Simchat Torah, Rob looks forward to many years of showing Sammy and Zachary how to be Jewish, how to be proud, and how to be Beth El strong.



The yahrzeit of the following deceased persons permanently inscribed on our Memorial Walls are observed on these dates:

Newsmakers . . . Mazal tov to:

Shari and Marvin Chinitz upon the birth of their grandson Nadav, and to parents Ilana and Uri Tamir; Elissa Baum upon the marriage of her grandson Jason Baum, son of Drs. Seth and Laura Baum, to Kelley Taylor, daughter of Susanne and Neil Taylor; Rabbi Melvin and Lenore Sirner upon the birth of grandson Lev Benjamin, and to parents Gabrielle and Morris Cohen.

A Warm Beth El Mazal Tov to One and All!!!

Kiddush The Kiddush of September 13th was sponsored by Marjorie and Mark Seidenfeld in honor of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. The Kiddush of October 18th will be sponsored by the Batkin family in honor of the 100th birthday of Stanley Batkin, and by the Fisher family in honor of the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Vicki and Nate Fisher. The Kiddush of October 30th will be sponsored by Barbara and Robert Ehudin in honor of the bat mitzvah of their daughter Sophie Ehudin.

Welcome to the Beth El Community The Avni Family of Scarsdale Erik & Lynn Noa, 4; Yonatan, 5 months

The Maliniak Family of New Rochelle Assaf and Ofri Arielle, 9; Liam, 7; Noam, 5

The Ferdman Family of New Rochelle Eve Ferdman Julian, 11

The Norwitz Family of New Rochelle Trevor and Sharon Raphael, 19; Hershel, 15

Debra Greenberg of New York City

The Sokoloff Family of New Rochelle Cantor Alan & Erica Arielle, 25; Ranan, 23

The Levine Family of Mamaroneck Lance and Mila

The Vamos Family of New Rochelle Nurit Pacht & Rami Vamos Carmel Coblence, 12; Matan Vamos, 5; Yonah, 22 months

October Samuel Cohen May Finn David Sampson Mollie Schulman David Warshaw Joseph Brustein Rebecca Kleinman Stanley Strauss Emanuel Gross Louis Halpern Ann Rubin Anna K. Springer William Dinkes B. Sol Goldfinger Ethel Streger Fay Friedman Solomon Troodler Herman Fishman Abraham Newman Dina Ulitzky Reuben Davidson Margot Fately Rev. Wolf Joslevitz Joel Miller Samuel Schaffer Ida Schneidman Berl Wigder Esther Croland Oscar Falk Gertrude Israel Miriam Levitin Esther Sampson Peter Kardon Gross Frank Cohn Marion Noren Ruth Brenner Augusta Miller Meta Pollak Gussie Behr Edward H. Berman Maxine Bergman

1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 11 11 13 13 13 14 14 15

Libby Berman Irving Levine Sarah Miller Sylvia Stein Samuel Ginsburg Max Diamond Arnold Funk Harry Zeitels Selma Batkin Theresa Bellin William Alan Gold Ray Braten Ida Gordon Marianne Gosschalk Violet Katz Bella Gilbert Doba Meyerson Isidore Reiss Regina Solov Sarah Zucker Saul Bernstein Rose Belle Troodler Sima Walfish George L. Desnick Martin Kramer Sadie Cooper Jennie Friedman David Gruber Max Anderson Daniel G. Steingart Samuel Weiss Morris Worton Herman Brevda Martha Kahn Sidney Levy Edith Scheinberg David Zlotnick Sarah Bernstein Ida Garfinkel Isidore Hirsch Faye Meltzer

16 16 16 16 17 18 19 19 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30

CONDOLENCES We record with sorrow the losses suffered by our members and friends and extend to them our deepest sympathies. Condolences to:

MICHAEL MEISLER, Hatan Maftir graduate, is studying medicine at the Sackler School of Medicine in Israel. Rebecca, a junior at New Rochelle High School, finished her first job working for Beth El’s Day Camp. Michael is grateful to the Beth El community for this Simchat Torah honor and looks forward to celebrating with the other honorees.

Gary Trachten upon the loss of his mother, Shirley Trachten; Roberta Morse upon the loss of her son Alan Kent Morse. Joyce Newman upon the loss of her mother, Beatrice B. Newman; Esther Robbins upon the loss of her husband, Milton. Glen Herskowitz upon the loss of his father, Nat. 17

CONTRIBUTIONS RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Rosalind and David Hertzog in memory of Saralee Avery; Jim and Elaine Glover, Eric and Meredith Glover, Lori and Bryan Zaslow in memory of Alan Kent Morse; Selma and Fred Moses in memory of Alan Kent Morse; Avi and Robert Killip in honor of Fred Moses’s ninetieth birthday; Judith and Mel Gabriel in memory of Michael Jove; Sol and Linda Haber in honor of the birth of son Andrew to Erica and Josh Leventhal and on the engagement of Rabbi Josh Dorsch; Phyllis Cole in memory of Florence Kaplan; Victoria and Jeff Bloom in memory of Bettyann Cohan upon her yahrzeit; Lloyd Sherman in memory of Rose Sherman upon her yahrzeit; Noel and Leah Edelson in memory of David and Sylvia Tuchinsky and Claire Edelson; Joyce and Michael Wechsler in memory of Benjamin Chabrow; Priscilla and Melvyn Bloom in memory of Lillian Bloom; Joel and Lorian Jacks; Eilene Kahn in memory of brother Lester Kellman upon his yahrzeit; Claire Gerstein in memory of her grandfather; Barbara and George Mayer; Caryl Fuchs in memory of Ruth Teichman, for a speedy recovery of Jonas Kessler, and in honor of the birth of a grandson to Muriel and Leon Geller; Ellen L. Cohen; Marcia Kahn in honor of Fred Moses’s ninetieth birthday; Bettina Graf in honor of Fred Moses’s ninetieth birthday; Barry Kramer and John Crittenden in honor of Fred Moses’s ninetieth birthday, and the sixty-seventh anniversary of Fred and Selma Moses; Judy and Hy Harary in honor of the sixty-seventh anniversary of Fred and Selma Moses; Yvette Gordon in honor of Herman’s ninety-ninth birthday; Ethel Kaplowitz in memory of Janet Appell and husband, Irwin Kaplowitz, upon his yahrzeit; Mary Salpeter and Allyn Salpeter in memory of Joseph Salpeter upon his yahrzeit; William Null and Lauren Thaler in honor of Fred Moses’s ninetieth birthday and the sixtyseventh wedding anniversary of Fred and Selma Moses; Norma and Charles Fleischman in honor of Selma Moses’s eighty-seventh birthday, Fred Moses’s ninetieth birthday, and the sixty-seventh wedding anniversary of Fred and Selma Moses; Maryanne and Thomas Damiano in honor of Fred and Selma Moses’s sixty-seventh wedding anniversary; Lobban family in honor of Fred Moses’s ninetieth birthday; Mary and Tony Ilardi in honor of Fred Moses’s ninetieth birthday and the sixty-seventh wedding anniversary of Fred and Selma Moses; Joyce and Melvyn Meyerson in honor of Fred Moses’s ninetieth birthday; Fred and Shelley Klein in honor of Fred Moses’s ninetieth birthday.

SPECIAL NEEDS FUND IN HONOR OF: Fred Moses on his ninetieth birthday and to Fred and Selma Moses on their sixty-seventh wedding anniversary, from Elizabeth and Alan Legatt. Judy and Bobby Schmeidler on their fiftieth wedding anniversary, from Erica and Larry Epstein, and Carole and Jeffery Graham. Michael Horowitz, son of Barbara and David Horowitz, on becoming a member of the Israeli bar, from Elizabeth and Alan Legatt. IN MEMORY OF: Max Berry, beloved father of Dr. Brenda Berry, from Elizabeth and Alan Legatt.

THE DOROTHY FLEISHAKER RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Frank Madow, beloved father of Sheryl Fleishaker, from Ed, Judy, and Lisa Schwartz; and Jody and Dan Burton. Shirley Knopp Nutkis, beloved mother of Debbie Young, from Jody and Dan Burton, and Donald Fleishaker. The beloved sister of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Miller, from Donald Fleishaker. The beloved husband of Betsy Landis, from Donald Fleishaker.

MARC FRIED SPECIAL NEEDS RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND IN HONOR OF: Muriel and Leon Geller on the birth of their grandson Jason Michael, from Ethel Kaplowitz.




Florence Kaplan, beloved mother of Mitchel Kaplan, from Wendy and Alan Rosenberg.

Molly and Max Nozyce on their fiftieth wedding anniversary, from Janet and Isaiah Seligman.

Ralph Zim, beloved brother of Cantor Paul Zim, from Wendy and Alan Rosenberg.

IN MEMORY OF: Shirley Knopp Nutkis, beloved mother of Debbie Young, from Erica and Larry Epstein.




Julie Rockowitz, from Rita and David Kaufman.

Rochelle Chaiken on the birth of her grandson Eli Judah, from Robin and Mitchell Kaphan.

Fred Moses on his ninetieth birthday and to Fred and Selma Moses on their sixty-seventh wedding anniversary, from Nora Klion-Wolloch.

Elise and Bob Schepp on the birth of their great nephew Matthew Brandon Hirsch, son of Melissa and Shamir Hirsch, from Robin and Mitchell Kaphan. GET WELL TO: Wishing a speedy and complete recovery and successful treatment to Dr. Mitchell Kaphan, we love you, from Robin, Mark, Adam, and Alison Kaphan.

Donna and Gary Levy on their wedding anniversary, from Nora Klion-Wolloch. Shari and Marvin Chinitz on the birth of their grandson, from Nora Klion-Wolloch. IN MEMORY OF: Michael Jove, beloved husband of Laura Jove, from Betty Moallem.


Shirley Knopp Nutkis, beloved mother of Debbie Young, from Nora Klion-Wolloch.

Nancy Stauss, beloved stepmother of Judy Schwartz, from the Jablansky family, and Robin and Mitchell Kaphan.


Max Berry, beloved father of Dr. Brenda Berry, from the Jablansky family.


Shirley Trachten, beloved mother of Gary Trachten, from the Jablansky family.

Judy and Boby Schmeidler, on their fiftieth wedding anniversary, from Marjorie and Lester Zimmerman.


Shirley Knopp Nutkis, beloved mother of Debbie Young, from Robin and Mitchell Kaphan, and the Jablansky family.

Marianne and Bob Sussman on their fiftieth wedding anniversary, from Marjorie and Lester Zimmerman.

Shirley Knopp Nutkis, beloved mother of Debbie Young, from Geralynn and David Reifer.

Our beloved mother, Esther Futterman, on her first yarhzeit, from Robin and Mitchell Kaphan.

Erica and Josh Leventhal on the birth of their son Andrew Blake, from Judy, Ed, and Lisa Schwartz.




Louise and Jason Silverman on their move to a new home, from Andrea, Stuart, and Ilana Leopold.

A donation was received in honor of the ninety-ninth birthday of Herman Gordon, and for the Daf Shavuei Plus kiddush on August 9th, from Norma Wasserman.

Rabbi Sirner with thanks for caring, from Norman Posner.

A donation was received from Diane and Eugene Linett.

Andrea and Michael Posner with thanks you for your outstanding care, concern, and comfort, from Norman Posner.

A donation was received from Evelyn and Gary Trachten in gratitude for all the warmth and support received from the Beth El community during difficult times.

Shari and Marvin Chinitz with thanks for your friendship, concern, and care, from Norman Posner.

Rochelle Chaiken on the birth of her grandson Eli Judah, from Laura Penn, and Shari and Marvin Chinitz.

My dear friend John Cannon, with wishes for a speedy recovery, Lisa Jacobs.


Judy and Bobby Schmeidler on their fiftieth wedding anniversary, from Barbara and Marc Klee, Norma Wasserman, and Laura Penn.

Chuck Raffel, beloved husband and father, from Judy, Ed, and Lisa Schwartz.

Fred Moses on his ninetieth birthday, from Barbara and Marc Klee, Marianne and Bob Sussman, and Claudia Siegel-Kelson.

Shirley Knopp Nutkis, beloved mother of Debbie Young, from Susan and Michael Meisler, and Barbara and Marc Klee.

Marianne and Bob Sussman on their on their fiftieth wedding anniversary, from Barbara and Marc Klee, Laura and Marty Weitzman, and Elaine and Martin Levitin.

Alan Kent Morse, beloved son of Roberta Morse and brother of Susan Schacht, from Claudia Siegel-Kelson.

Donna and Gary Levy on their fortieth wedding anniversary, from Phyllis and Harvey Jay.

Gladys T. Orans, beloved mother of Lawrence Orans, on her yahrzeit, from Barbara and Lawrence Orans.

Barbara Ehudin on her special birthday, from the Selber family.

The yahrzeit of Danny Kon, from Jac Friedgut.

Sam Berger and Steve Young for their hospitality during my visit, from Jac Friedgut.

Samuel Goldstein on his yahrzeit, from Helene and Howard Goldstein. Shirley Knopp Nutkis, beloved mother of Debbie Young, from Carla and Laurence Stein.

Shari and Marvin Chinitz on the birth of their grandson, from Lynn and Jeffery Lowin.



A donation was made by Ed, Judy, and Lisa Schwartz expressing their thanks to Sisterhood.


IN HONOR OF: Ellin Falk on her birthday, from Judy and Bobby Schmeidler.

The beloved father of Eliot Garson, from Lauren Freeman-Bosworth and Brian Bosworth.

Shari and Marvin Chinitz on the birth of a grandson in Israel, from Naomi Raber, and Joyce and Michael Wechsler.

Mildred Luban, beloved mother and grandmother, on her yahrzeit, from Nina Luban and family.

Zipporah and Henry Oksman, wishing you mazal tov in your new home, from Joyce and Michael Wechsler.


Dr. Heidi and Michael Kremins, on the bat mitzvah of their daughter Maya, from Joyce and Michael Wechsler.

Burton and Lila Stern; Roberta Greenberg; Marjorie and Bernard Sunshine; Marcia Kahn; Ruth Slater; Ruth Stern; Carole and Howard Berman.

Linda and Steve Newman on the birth of their grandson William, and to and great-grandmother Hilde Stern, from Miriam Rabin. Rabbi Josh Dorsch on his engagement, from Blanche Fried. Judy and Bobby Schmeidler on their anniversary, from Blanche Fried.

The family of SHIRLEY K. NUTKIS, Z�L wishes to thank the Beth El Community for all the warmth, love, and support you have shown us during this time.

Helene and Howard Katz on their anniversary, from Blanche Fried. IN MEMORY OF: Max Berry, beloved father of Brenda Berry, from Joyce and Michael Wechsler, and Vicki and Nathan Fisher. Larry Heligman, beloved husband of Wendy Goulston, from Joyce and Michael Wechsler. Shirley Nutkis, beloved mother of Debbie Young, from Joyce and Michael Wechsler, and Blanche Fried. Florence Kaplan, beloved mother of Mitchel Kaplan, from Joyce and Michael Wechsler.

The Nutkis and Young Families

Joan Freedman, my beloved wife, from Bernard Freedman. Louis Freedman, my beloved father, from Bernard Freedman. 19

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*Cannot be combined*1 Per Customer* Expires 12/31/14*




Date: _____________ Amount: $__________ Method of Payment:

From: _________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ Check ________ Bill Me ________

Please check one of the funds below. Make your check payable to Beth El Synagogue.

_____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

General Donation _____ Special Needs Fund _____ Youth Activities _____ Day Camp Donation _____ David Gingold Nursery Sch. Donation _____ Teen Educational Exp. Scholarship Fund _____ PTA Israel Travel Study _____ Scholarship Fund _____ The Sylvia and Robert Scher _____ Chesed Community Fund Marc Fried Special Needs Religious ______ School Fund

Jeremy Scheinfeld Memorial Fund Zaro Senior Programming Fund Endowment Fund Andrew Shapiro Memorial Fund Eleanor G. Baumwald Prayerbook Fund Nursery School Donation Capital Improvement Fund PTA Library Fund Dorothy Fleishaker Religious School Enrichment Fund The Hannah & Joshua Fund, funding the Families Initiative Committee

A separate check, payable to the name of the fund, is needed for the below: _____ Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund _____ Sisterhood Mitzvah Fund _____ Hazzan's Discretionary Fund _____ Men's Club Donation Circle one: In Honor of Memory of Recovery of ______________________________________________________________ Name and address for acknowledgment and relationship of below named person(s) to person named above: Relationship: _____________________________________ Name: _________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ 20

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Nursery School Closed Seniors 10:30 am



Officers Meeting 7:30 pm Executive Council 8:00 pm


18 TISHRI 13

Religious School Closed

Audit & Finance Meeting 7:30 pm

Mahjong 12:45 pm

Board of Trustees Meeting 8:00 pm

26 TISHRI 21


20 TISHRI 15

Walking Club 9:30 am

25 TISHRI 20

Connect to Care 6:09 pm 10:00 am

Nursery School Board Meeting 7:30 pm



Nursery School Closed

Shabbat SPACE 6:00 pm Services 6:15 pm

Walking Club 9:30 am Zumba 9:30 am Israeli Dance 10:00 am Nursery School Mahjong 12:45 pm Kasakove Playdate Ruach 11:00 am 11:45 am Nursery School Canasta 12:45 pm Curriculum Night E.L.I. Meeting 5:45 pm 7:15 pm Sis Boards (Exec. & Gen.) Meeting 7:00 pm WAJE: Ancient Israel 7:30 pm Religious School Board Mtg. 8:00 pm

15 TISHRI 10

Seniors 10:30 am

17 TISHRI Shabbat

Nursery and Nursery School ends SUKKOT Religious Sch. Closed 7:03 pm Closed Synagogue 6:53 pm Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am after Synagogue Offices Closed 7:06 pm Pre-Serv Oneg 10:15 am Offices Closed Youth Services 10:45 am Sukkah Walk 12:30 pm Birthday Shab 12:00 pm Daf Shevui 1:00 pm FIRST DAY SUKKOT

21 TISHRI 16



16 TISHRI 11


22 TISHRI 17


29 TISHRI 24

Gateways 9:30 am WAJE: The Prophtets 10:00 am


23 TISHRI 18

Nursery and Nursery School Nursery School Religious Sch. Closed Closed Closed Synagogue 6:41 pm Mitzvah after 5:58 pm Synagogue Offices Closed Knitting Offices Closed 6:55 pm 9:30 am Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Seniors 10:30 am Youth Services 10:45 am Retirees Club 12:00 pm Simchat Torah Program 7:00 pm YIZKOR HOSHANAH RABAH SHEMINI ATZERET SIMCHAT TORAH

27 TISHRI 22

Shabbat ends 7:14 pm

Services 9:00 am



Torah Tuesdays, after minyan, 7:30 am (off-site) Mahjong 12:45 pm

19 TISHRI 14

Canasta 12:45 pm Men’s Club Meeting 9:00 am Israeli Dance 10:00 am J-Life Supper in Sukkah 5:00 pm Men’s Club Steak & Scotch 6:30 pm




Zumba 9:30 am Walking Club 9:30 am Israeli Dance 11:00 am Canasta 12:45 pm


6:17 pm Shabbat SPACE 9:00 am

Rabbi Search Committee 8:00 pm

Visit us on facebook at facebook.com/BethElSynagogueCenter



Shabbat ends 6:52 pm

Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Pre-Serv Oneg 10:15 am Shab Disc. Grp 10:30 am Youth Services 10:45 am Daf Shevui 1:00 pm

30 TISHRI 25

Seniors 10:30 am Yiddish Vinkyl 1:00 pm 6:29 pm




Shabbat ends 6:43 pm

Welcoming Chai House A Modern Understand. of the Bible 8:30 am Rosh Hodesh: It’s A Shabbat Dinner & Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Girl Thing 6:00 pm Artist in Residence Pre-Serv Oneg 10:15 am Hebrew Ulpan 6:30 pm 6:45 pm Shab Disc. Grp 10:30 am Limmud: Art 7:30 pm Youth Services 10:45 am Daf Shevui 1:00 pm Choir Rehearsal 8:00 pm Conversation with ROSH HODESH Artist 1:00 pm 5 CHESHVAN 30 7 CHESHVAN Artist Soiree 8:00 pm 3 CHESHVAN 28 6 CHESHVAN 31 4 CHESHVAN 29 26 2 CHESHVAN 27 (off-site) Nursery School Nursery School ROSH HODESH WAJE: The Prophtets Zumba 9:30 am Seniors 10:30 am Parenting 9:30 am Closed 10:00 am Israeli Dancing JECA Sisterhood Bagels and Mahjong 12:45 pm 10:00 am Conference 5:35 pm Books 9:30 am Chaverim 12:00 pm 8:30 am Walking Club 11:30 am Artist’s Reception Hebrew Ulpan 6:30 pm Seniors 10:30 am Canasta 12:45 pm Sisterhood Paid Up 2:00 pm Nursery Sch. Kasakove Membership Dinner Choir Rehearsal 8:00 pm Yiddish Vinkyl 1:00 pm 6:00 pm Playdate 4:30 pm Membership SubWAJE: Ancient Israel Committee 8:00 pm 7:30 pm 31


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