October 2020 • Vol. 103, No 3 TISHRI ~ HESHVAN 5781 WWW.BETHELNR.ORG
BETH EL'S ENHANCED KOL NIDRE APPEAL Go to www.bethelnr.org/DonateNow to make your donation. Beth El is more than just a synagogue. For many of us, it is our second home and a vibrant center for Jewish life, culture and spirituality. For others, it is a place to turn to during times of joy and difficulty. The Beth El community expands beyond the four walls of our building. Over the past six months, we have seen this play out in immeasurable ways. The clergy, educators, staff and volunteers have been essential in nurturing and sustaining our community. Overnight, the Beth El staff created a virtual space for us to continue to learn, pray, sing, cry and laugh together.
Just as the global health crisis has impacted us in big and small ways, so too has it affected the financial state of our synagogue. The inability to run our much beloved and highly acclaimed Beth El Day Camp at full capacity-- which contributes $600,000 profit to the overall budget-- has put a considerable financial strain on the synagogue. The pandemic has also adversely affected other essential revenue streams that are of critical importance in supporting our various programs. The lay leadership and staff have worked diligently to find ways to offset these fiscal challenges; however, we continue to rely on our members for financial support. We have significantly reduced costs across all departments, including reductions to compensation.
To that end, it is essential that we launch a new fundraising initiative to expand the Kol Nidre Appeal as a way to combine our efforts and address the unique circumstances we currently face. Your contribution to The B'Yachad Campaign will enable Beth El to continue to thrive and provide the outstanding pastoral care and support of our clergy and our spiritual, cultural, and educational programming - all central to Beth El's mission. The goal of The B'Yachad Campaign is to raise the funds necessary to assure that Beth El can continue to play a central role in our lives, both in our virtual and physical space. All donations to the B’Yachad Campaign from individuals/families who did not make a 2019 Kol Nidre Appeal donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar.
www.bethelnr.org/DonateNow WE ACT AS ONE, TOGETHER, FOR THE GOOD OF ALL. Looking to Volunteer? We likely have something to match your interest! Contact Abby Wise at awise@bethelnr.org.
Rabbi's Message................................ page 2 Torah Fund........................................ page 6 Sukkot Schedule & Details............pages 3, 5 Sisterhood Fall Programs................. page 7
Nursery School....................................page 9 Youth & Family Engagement..... pages 10, 11
RABBI’S MESSAGE Dear Friends, This morning I noticed that the leaves on the trees outside my house are starting to turn their annual reddish and yellow hues. It’s official, autumn has arrived. The air around us has cooled and we’ve retrieved our favorite sweaters from their summer storage bins. I happen to love the Fall. I love the crisp air and the smell of cinnamon-scented pine cones bundled in their sacks outside of grocery stores. I Rabbi Zach Sitkin love the sound of nursery school children roaming the halls again and watching my beloved Steelers play on Sunday afternoons. But more than anything else, I love the spirit and energy of the Fall holidays. It’s as though our own spiritual reawakening mirrors the tempo and rhythm of the changing seasons; chaos and endless motion giving way to calm and stillness. The Fall reminds us that the world is ever changing, adapting, resilient... as are we. And as much as we might like to hold onto the warmth of summer, the world has other plans for us, and we must in turn adjust our expectations. This is a lesson we’ve learned well over the past seven months. By the time most of us read this message the High Holidays will be behind us. We will have had a chance to digest them and process how different they were from the past; how we had to quickly adapt to our new reality and the unique experience of davening in backyards, in front of a screen, or in the parking lot with masks on. We may have also gained new perspectives, new ways of finding meaning in challenging circumstances. Maybe we noticed that once we modified our expectations, letting go of the idea that this year would feel the same as every other year, we discovered joys we didn’t know were possible. I’ve talked to so many people who were able to share a piece of Beth El with family and friends in ways they never could before. People were able to pray or listen
to a sermon for the first time in years. Many people told me it was actually more enjoyable to participate from home where they didn’t have to chase children down the halls or feel pressure to dress or look a certain way. We’ve adapted. Soon I will unpack my sukkah from its boxes and build it in our backyard. We will then decorate it with Avi’s artwork, regardless of the fact that Sukkot will be different this year. While we won’t be able to host the teens for “sushi in the sukkah” or the different Nursery School classes for grapes, orange slices, and a story about my favorite holiday, that doesn’t mean that it won’t be meaningful— just different. As a community we will then transition to Simchat Torah, the culminating event of the holiday season, in which we take out the Torahs and dance and sing joyous songs. We honor people with special aliyot and call them up to the bimah to stand under the chuppah. This, too, will be different. Some of it will be indoors with a small cadre of congregants and some of it will be outside in the Beth El parking lot. And while we won’t pass around the Torahs from person to person, or dance in circles holding hands, or clink glasses for a hearty l’chaim, as we’ve already learned, different doesn’t necessarily mean bad, it just means different. The Torah tells us that we shall rejoice in our festivals, and I am confident that if we can muster the courage to adjust our expectations, we will still find that joy. Whether it’s singing from our cars, dancing from our seats, or just feeling grateful to be alive and to have the ability to notice the changing colors of the leaves. Wishing everyone a Chag Sameach and a happy New Year! L’Shalom, Zachary M. Sitkin
OPEN BEIT MIDRASH October 8th 8:00 pm
Our study will be about Sukkot
The below holiday greetings were received after our September Bulletin went to print. Fred and Judy Bomback Yvette Gordon The Silver Family
As Beth El begins its reopening process, we are reenergizing our initiative to broaden congregational participation in reading Torah as well as chanting the Haftarah on Shabbat morning. Those interested are invited to sign up at https://www.signupgenius. com/tabs/63277df02a5c3ebc24-torahhaftarah. Please reach out to Alan Kellman (alan@twoals.com) for Torah reading questions or to Steven Cohen (SCohen@ kanekessler.com) for Haftarah questions. Cantor Schvartz (gschvartz@bethelnr.org) can help with preparing or learning how to read.
SAVE THE DATE . . . Saturday, November 21st • 7:30 pm The Biennial Night of Music & Joy Virtual Celebration
presented by Kol Hazzanim and The Westchester Jewish Council ~ more details to follow. 2
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Beth El Family, I am writing these words between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. And despite our being in the midst of the Yamim Noraim (the Days of Awe), I am feeling at this moment an energy and lightheartedness that I have not felt in the last seven months. My elevated spirits are due to my perception that, whether online or in-person, we were able to provide our congregants on Rosh Hashanah with meaningful and inspiring experiences, even with the substantial limitations imposed upon us by the ongoing pandemic. As we approached the High Holidays this was by no means a given, notwithstanding our aspirations, our extensive decision-making process, our significant planning, and our effortful implementation. There were just too many factors beyond our control. But I should not have been surprised by the positive outcome, because Beth El has come together and overcome so much these past seven months. May this positivity buoy us as we enter the New Year, replete with hope and optimism yet cognizant of the realities and uncertainties of the world situation. I think Rabbi Schuck’s sermon on the first day of Rosh Hashanah captures an important element of our approach to the High Holiday season. He commented that at difficult times such as these, one can find strength in asking about the meaning of one’s life or, put differently, in giving meaning to each day rather than just trying to get through it. This sentiment reminds me of something the president of a shul in a neighboring state told me over the summer. He said the goal for this year’s High Holidays was just to make it through. And he backed up this assertion with a compelling argument. But we did not settle for that approach. We took the ambitious road of offering a pre-produced and extensive on-line experience coupled with a series of eight in-person tent services. We offered substantial educational and spiritual content in the month of Elul to help prepare us for the holidays. We joined with three neighboring Conservative synagogues for a wonderful online Selichot Service. And we augmented our Tashlich services (at two locations) with the blowing of the shofar. We could have just “phoned it in” this High Holiday season given the unusual circumstances, but we did not. We certainly did not get everything right, and we stumbled (and learned) along the way, but I believe our community derived significant meaning and benefit from our sincere and intense efforts. Singling out individuals for thanks is always a risky proposition because there is a danger of omitting someone. And, indeed, nearly 200 people have stepped up to help us (a) respond to the pandemic these last seven months, (b) prepare for this unusual High Holiday season, and (c) keep Beth El functioning with all this going on. Nonetheless, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge by name nine people whose roles were exceptional in planning and implementing our High Holiday experiences. First, of course, is the clergy team—Rabbi Schuck, Rabbi Sitkin, Rabbi Fisher, Cantor Schvartz, and Jack Klebanow. Each and every step of the way, they went above-and-beyond any reasonable expectation, simultaneously recording the online material during 12-hour days, preparing for the in-person services, and fulfilling their ongoing duties (made more challenging in the era of Covid-19). All of our professional staff and cadre of employees delivered
for us, but our Executive Director, Erica Leventhal, whose tasks were supposed to be reduced as she moved to Colorado, never worked harder or more effectively than she did these last few weeks (and that says a lot, given how hard and effectively she always works). I think everyone on our dedicated and diligent High Holiday Task Force would agree that three of our congregant volunteers on that team deserve special recognition—Alan Kellman, Brian Mark Silver Bosworth, and David Shechter. Their selfless and tireless efforts down to the last minute (and I do not mean the last day or the last hour but the last minute) were essential to the success of both the online and in-person services. We all owe these nine exceptional people a huge debt of gratitude. As long as I have ventured into naming names, I want to take this opportunity to offer special thanks to my fellow officers— Rob Patchen, Lauren Freeman-Bosworth, Debbie Young, David Shechter, Barbara Cohen, Ellen Barlis, and Nancy Mayerfield— for surprising me with a video tribute during our Rosh Hashanah virtual experience that was very touching and emotional for me. More importantly, I want to thank them for all they have done for our kehillah during these challenging months. It is a pleasure and a privilege to serve with these capable and devoted individuals. Lastly, I want to remind you of our B’Yachad Campaign to assure Beth El’s future together. I want to reemphasize how important this expanded and restructured Kol Nidre Appeal is to Beth El during these times that challenge us financially as well as logistically. Thank you to the many of you who have already contributed. If you have not yet made your pledge, I urge you to go to our website and be as generous as you can. May the coming year be a better one for us all. And may the day soon come when it will again be realistic to say, “See you in shul!” Mark
HOLIDAY DATES AND TIMES Friday, October 2 Erev Sukkot: Mincha .......6:30 pm Candle Lighting..........6:17 pm Saturday, October 3 Sukkot, Day 1, Shacharit.. 9:30 am Mincha 6:15 pm; Candle Lighting 7:14 pm Sunday, October 4 Sukkot, Day 2................... 9:30 am Hallel (parking lot)..12:00 noon Friday, October 9 Hoshanah Rabbah.......... 7:00 am Candle Lighting..........6:05 pm Saturday, October 10 Shemini Atzeret ............... 9:30 am Yizkor Service Candle Lighting 7:02 pm; Maariv/Hakafot .7:04 pm Sunday, October 11 Simchat Torah.................. 9:30 am Hakafot and Torah Reading 3
Misheberach List
Our Beth El website has a space to honor members and loved ones lost during these unprecedented times. Some who have experienced a recent loss have posted written reflections and photos of their loved ones for our Beth El community to honor and share in their memory. This website is password protected. Login to your ShulCloud account and visit bethelnr.org/virtualmemorial. If you need help, email Abby at awise@bethelnr.org.
At many of our services, and now at our evening Mishnah study, we say a prayer for healing for those who are ill. Any name added to the Misheberach list will be automatically removed after one month. If a name needs to remain on the list for another month, please reach out again to a member of the clergy.
Sermon Sponsorship
“Who is honored? One who honors others.� Pirkei Avot 4:1 This teaching reminds us that our tradition has an ethic of honoring our loved ones. One way we do this is through teaching and studying Torah in their honor or in their memory. To celebrate someone marking a simcha or elevate the name and memory of a loved one, consider honoring them with your Beth El community by dedicating the weekly sermon in their name (sent out by email in the weekly Shabbat Announcements). The cost is $180. For information, visit.bethelnr.org/sponsor.
Right now, it is more important than ever to stay connected to our community. Visit bethelnr.org/ livestream to see all of our upcoming events and to watch some of our past programs.
Mishnah Class
Join us for a 10-minute Mishnah study with our rabbis following morning and evening minyan (*Friday evening's study will begin 15 minutes before Kabbalat Shabbat—timing varies due to Shabbat*). We will recite the names of our loved ones aloud before and after we learn, and then end each mishnah study with the recitation of a communal prayer together in their memory.
SIT IN THE BETH EL SUKKAH! Sign up by household/pod to enjoy the sukkah every day of Sukkot from noon until evening minyan at bethelnr.org/sukkah.
Friday, Oct. 2, 2PM: Youth & Family Sukkah decorating 'drive by' at Beth El. Sign up at bethelnr.org/YFsukkah.
Tuesday, Oct. 6, 4PM & 7:30PM: Join us for a youth Cooking Chug at 4PM and a Sukkot-themed virtual cooking class with Rabbi Jessica Fisher at 7:30PM!
Sunday, Oct. 4, 12PM: Reserve a parking spot if you're driving (we'll use every other spot). If you're walking, reserve a spot to stand in! Please note, this will be AFTER services, which will also include Hallel. If it rains, this event will be cancelled. Sign up at bethelnr.org/hallel.
TEEN VIRTUAL SUSHI IN THE SUKKAH Thursday, Oct. 8, 6:30PM: Head to bethelnr.org/teensushi to register.
Thursday, Oct. 8, 8PM: Join us for a special Sukkot-themed OBM!
SERVICES FOR SUKKOT, HOSHANAH RABBAH, SHEMINI ATZERET,& SIMCHAT TORAH Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 3-4 & 10-11, 9:30AM & Friday, Oct. 9, 7AM: Services in our Beth El Sanctuary and via livestream. Email us at minyan@bethelnr.org to attend in-person.
Wednesday, Oct. 7, 7PM: Reserve a spot for yourself or your family (kids are welcome!) in our parking lot. Watch on a big screen outside of your car - don't forget to bring jackets/blankets! We'll provide hot chocolate, but you can bring snacks/drinks! bethelnr.org/movie
Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 10-11: Join us for Hakafot and Torah reading! Things will look a little different this year, but we can’t wait to celebrate with the Torah and with you! Stay tuned for more details on how we're going to make this fun for the whole family.
Visit bethelnr.org/sukkot for the most up-to-date information! 5
*“Keruv” = to bring close, to draw near
Warm greetings from the Keruv Committee for a sweet 5781. Our Yamim Noraim, celebrated around the world in unprecedented fashions this year, have concluded. The calendar turns to the remaining holidays of the season: Sukkot, with Hoshana Rabbah and Shemini Atzeret observances tucked neatly together within its closing days, and Simchat Torah, celebrating the obligation and joy to begin anew the reading of the Torah. Sukkot, the first to arrive, offers food for thought that is especially resonant for Beth El’s “Inclusion” Committee. During Sukkot, we are commanded to bring together four plants—three types of branches and one type of fruit—and wave them in a special ceremony each day of the holiday (excluding Shabbat). As some of us learned as children, others as adults, and others perhaps right here, the four plants are the yellow fruit of a citron tree (in Hebrew, etrog), branches with leaves from the myrtle tree (hadass), branches with leaves from the willow tree (aravah), and a ripe, green, closed frond from a date palm tree (lulav). The three branches are tied together, and because the lulav dominates the other two, the group of branches is usually referred to collectively as the lulav. There is a midrash as to why it is these four specific plant
species; it likens the taste and fragrance of each to the attributes of studying Torah and performing good deeds: • The lulav, which has taste but no smell, symbolizes Jews who study Torah but do not possess good deeds; • The hadas, which has a good smell but no taste, symbolizes Jews who possess good deeds but do not study Torah; • The aravah, which has neither taste nor smell, symbolizes Jews who lack both Torah and good deeds; and • The etrog, which has both a good taste and a good smell, symbolizes Jews who have both Torah and good deeds. Why does this midrash resonate with Keruv? The connection is not what each species represents or why. The connection is that each of these differing species plays an equal role in the ancient ritual. The midrash illustrates that just as we need all the species to complete the mitzvah, we need every type of Jew to be a complete community; only when we come together can we be our best. We, like the four species, are bound together in equal importance despite our differences. The Keruv Committee wishes our beautifully diverse community a new season of health, renewal, and inclusion. Nina Luban and Elise Richman, Co-Chairs
Sisterhood Evening Book Club
Monday, October 26th • 9:30 am
Wednesday, November 18th • 7:30 pm
We will discuss The Button Man, by Andrew Gross
We will discuss Apeirogon, by Colum McCann Find the Zoom link at www.bethelnr.org/livestream.
Questions? Contact Arlene Salman, 914-235-2485, aesalman@aol.com.
Questions? Email Erica Epstein at mmleepstein@gmail.com; or Cynthia Glickman at cynglickman@gmail.com.
TORAH FUND This year’s Torah Fund campaign theme is B’Yachad (Together). While our uniquely creative pins are not in yet, we urge you to join with us, B’Yachad, in helping to ensure future generations of Conservative Jews by supporting the education of our treasured professionals—rabbis, cantors, and educators alike. Costs have stayed the same, so please join us once again in supporting the Jewish Theological Seminary, along with four other Conservative seminaries around the globe. $180 Benefactor $300 Guardian Donations can be made easily online, by phone, or you can mail a check. Questions? Please contact Janis DeMartini, 917-836-6892, jdemartini37@gmail.com, or Sheila Cohen, 914576-1078, chilly321@aol.com. 6
Sisterhood Scene As we wind down from the extreme high of the holiest days of the year, on October 19th we begin the Hebrew month of Cheshvan, or Marcheshvan as it is known. Cheshvan is called MAR or bitter in Hebrew because it is a month with no holidays or fast days. Yet, this lull in the calendar does bring us some specialness as has this COVID pandemic. In Israel in ancient times, the grapes and figs would be harvested, the olives collected, the dates and sugarcane would ripen, and the rains that bring life would once again return. During this month in Jewish history the first Temple was completed by Solomon and the
Hasmonean Maccabees cleansed the Temple from Greek defilements. The pandemic, while dangerous and scary, has enabled us to draw closer to family friends and community. We have been called upon to strengthen our connections with those in our lives who bring us joy. So join us at Sisterhood for our October meeting on Monday, October 19th, when our speakers will be two renowned doctors (Dr. Susan Mandel and Dr. Susan Maxon) who will speak to us about Breast Cancer Awareness. Sisterhood is here for you in so many ways and we hope to see you, even if it’s only on Zoom – for our next meeting. Sandra Savitz Gruenberg
Free The Girls is an organization that financially supports women who have been unwilling victims of sex trafficking and have now been freed but need a way to support themselves. The bras donated are distributed to these women, mainly but not exclusively in South America and Africa where there is a robust market for used clothing. The bras are sold by these newly freed women in these clothing markets to support themselves and their families to ensure their continued freedom.
FALL FLOWER BULB FUNDRAISER Everyone Loves Flowers! Place your order online for flower bulbs to plant this Fall and have beautiful flowers in the Spring. This is available to the entire congregation. To place your order, visit www.bethelnr.org/BULBS. The last date for orders is October 22. Flower Bulbs delivery will be early November. Proceeds benefit Beth El Synagogue Center.
The SISTERHOOD MITZVAH FUND is now being handled by Gaby Newfield. Please send all correspondence for Sisterhood donations to her at the following address (or place in the Sisterhood box in the office when the synagogue reopens). Sisterhood Mitzvah Fund c/o Gaby Newfield 87 Runyon Place, Scarsdale, NY 10583
Our donation drop box will be at Beth El October 1-31!
914-235-4030 or gabyn77@yahoo.com 7
ISRAELI CULTURAL CONNECTIONS Presented by Beth El’s Israel Affairs Committee
Beth El’s Israel Affairs Committee (IAC) is pleased to share cultural items of interest concerning Israel each month. IAC always welcomes new members. For more information about meetings and events, please contact either Tamar Tait at TamarTait@optonline.net, or Bruce Gold at Bruces.gold@gmail.com. This month’s Israeli Cultural Connections column is presented by IAC member Tamar Tait.
The Start-Up Nation Tackles the Coronavirus About ten years ago the book Start-Up Nation by Dan Senor and Saul Singer described how Israeli culture creates a synergy of innovative and entrepreneurial intensity. Chutzpah, drive and ingenuity has propelled this small country of just 9 million people to become a world leader in emergent technologies, continually achieving record-breaking rounds of venture capital investments year after year. Although the coronavirus pandemic has hit Israel’s economy hard—its GDP fell by 7% in the second quarter of 2020—its hightech sector is already proving pivotal in the fight against the disease. Listed below are just some of the remarkable innovations that Israeli companies have recently developed: • Trackvirus: One of the world’s first contact tracing apps. Developed by emergency healthcare response organization United Hatzalah, Trackvirus has the ability to get people into quarantine after they are exposed to the virus to stop a widespread contamination. • Zebra Medical Vision: Artificial intelligence that provides accelerated and accurate medical image diagnosis to identify disease
severity and enable doctors to provide the most effective care. The AI platform has already received five United States Federal Drug Administration clearances and has been named by Fast Company as one of the most innovative healthcare companies in 2020. • Newsight Imaging: A small device that can identify and classify the virus in a matter of seconds by taking a sample of blood and saliva. The microchip is artificial intelligence ready and is significantly cheaper and more portable than its competitors. The device has already received the Sheba Medical Centre’s ethics committee’s approval and is waiting on FDA approval. • Improved Antibody Tests: Researchers at Tel Aviv University have created a serological test that can identify all three antibodies of the coronavirus with 98-99% accuracy. • Improved Testing: AID Genomics has developed a 30-minute COVID test that can process an entire plane full of passengers in less than 75 minutes. AID Genomics’s test kit is cheaper than competing “express services,” and is also waiting on FDA approval.
S.M.A.R.T. (Senior Mature Adult Retired Together) Discussions On Monday and Friday mornings, join us for a conversation with our social worker Shari Baum, M.S.W., 11:00 am - 12:00 noon
Beth El Celebrates October Birthdays Beth El would like to extend a “Happy Birthday!” to its members with a birthday in the month of October. If you have an October birthday, Debra Ackerman Ethan Afran Eric Alderman Ryan Altman Jenn Bergman Ally Berkowitz Ana Bernstein Melvyn Bloom Frances Blumenfeld Joshua Burack Nancy Chhahira Marvin Chinitz Shari Chinitz Carmel Coblence Sylvia Cohen Phyllis Cole
Susan Davis Sophie Ehudin Jane Epstein Alyssa Erber Marcie Ferder Allison Fisher Aaron Fleishaker Caroline Fox Daniel Gabel Jack Gingold Ethan Glickman Louis Goldberg Robyn Goldberg Marsha Goldstein Steven Guggenheim Sol Haber
but your name does not appear on the list, we are sorry for the omission and ask that you e-mail the synagogue at info@bethelnr.org so that we can update our records. Contact
us if you do not wish to have your name appear on our birthday list. (The list reflects our adult members and post-bar/bat mitzvah children up to the age of 21.)
Lynn Hirsh Gary Joseph Arthur Kaplan Ronnie Kaplan David Kaufman Allison Kellman Theodore Kesten Sharon Kevy Richard Klee Nina Kleiman Noah Kolodny Roy Krasik Deborah Kurlander Martin Levitin Gary Levy Joshua Lieberson
Hila Reichman Janice Reid David Reifer Julie Rockowitz Naomi Rothberg Fiorito Joy Rotker Steve Rotker Karen Sadok Jay G. Safer Brittany Sanford Elise Schepp Robert Schepp Peri Schwartz Blair Selber Hannah Shammas
Stephan Loewentheil Michael Lurie Marsha Lustig Marshall Matos Adam Mayblum Kyle Mayblum Ari Mayerfield Michael Meisler Jodi Menell Anne Negrin Reis Trevor Norwitz Roy Noy Molly Nozyce Daniel Patchen Deirdre Polow Leon Protass 8
David Silberstein Heidi Spitz Barbara Starr Ilana Tamir Jane Turkewitz Harvey Wacht Mark Walfish Norma Wasserman Naomi Weinberger Anne Weisbrod Esther Winik William Winters Jack Wolk Happy
NURSERY SCHOOL NEWS The Nursery School opened for inperson learning on Monday, September 14th. How wonderful it is to all be together again! Some changes that have been made for this school year to ensure the health and safety of our community include the following: classrooms/pods not to exceed ten children, creation of outdoor classrooms to ensure that a great deal of the school day is spent outside, and each pod
having its own, assigned bathroom. Each family completes a daily health screening at home and then each child’s temperature is taken daily, upon arrival, before they are admitted to school, and parents/ caregivers no longer enter the building. Additionally, we are thrilled to share that we have added two kindergarten classes this year! With many safety measures in place, we are hopeful for a meaningful year ahead, filled with much growth and learning. Ronnie Becher, Director
A socially distanced Religious School Opening Day was so much fun!
It was so great to see friends at our socially distanced High Holiday Drive By! Plus, we loved the Mikey Dubb's ice cream!
Religious School Educators were so excited to see their new students and families. 10
Our Teen Kick-Off Ice Cream Drive-By
A Note from the Director of Youth & Family Engagement . . .
Dear Families, Chag Sameach! It’s been great to see so many of you in person, safely at a distance, over the last couple of weeks. I hope we can gather, whether continuing in-person or virtually, again soon! We are excited to continue to launch new programs and we hope you stay tuned and join us throughout this month. If you have ideas for how we can come together, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We love this community because of each and every one of YOU and we can’t wait to see you again soon. Want to have virtual or distance coffee? You know where to find me! Email me at rgold@bethelnr.org. Kol Tuv, Bekkah
For all of our online and virtual learnings, teachings, and activities, visit www. bethelnr.org/livestream.
Shacharit 7:00 am
Mishna Yomit 8:15 am Religious School 4:00 pm Teen Learning 6:30 pm Minyan 6:30 pm
Visit us on facebook at facebook.com/BethElSynagogueCenter
Shacharit 7:00 am Nursery School Closed 6:17 pm Mishna Yomit 8:15 am SMART 11:00 am Youth Comm. Sukkot Drive-By 2:00 pm Minyan 6:30 pm
SMART 11:00 am Minyan 6:00 pm Sisterhood Guest Speaker 8:00 pm
Sukkot and Shabbat Services 9:00 am TOT Shabbat 9:45 am Kehillah Svc. 10:45 am Minyan 6:15 pm
Minyan 5:50 pm
Minyan 6:10 pm Daf Shevuii 8:00 pm
CSA 5:00 pm
Minyan 6:10 pm Bd of Trustees Mtg 7:30 pm
Shacharit 7:00 am RS Cooking Chug 4:00 pm Minyan 6:00 pm
26 TISHRI 15
Shacharit 7:00 am
Candle Lighting 7:02 pm
Nursery School 6:05 pm Shabbat Serv. 9:00 am Closed TOT Shabbat 9:45 am SMART 11:00 am Kehillah Svc. 10:45 am Kadima In-Person Sicha 10:45 am (6-8 gr) Minyan 6:20 pm Mincha 6:00 pm YIZKOR HOSHANA RABAH SHEMINI ATZERET
27 TISHRI 16
28 TISHRI 17
Bar Mitzvah Ben Schwarcz Shabbat Serv. 9:30 am TOT Shabbat 9:45 am Kehillah Svc. 10:45 am Havdalah 6:53pm SHABBAT MEVARCHIM
Shacharit 7:00 am
Parasha HaShavua 1:30 pm CSA 5:00 pm Minyan 6:00 pm
21 TISHRI 10
Shacharit 7:00 am
Shacharit 7:00 am Shacharit 7:00 am Parasha HaShavua 1:30 pm SMART 5:54 pm Religious School 11:00 am 4:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Minyan 6:10 pm 5:00 pm Teen Learning 6:30 pm Minyan 6:10 pm
Shacharit 7:00 am
Religious School 4:00 pm Minyan 6:00 pm Teen Learning 6:30 pm
Shacharit 7:00 am
Shabbat ends 6:42 pm
5:44 pm Bar Mitzvah Andrew
SMART 11:00 am Kabbalat Shabbat 4:45 pm Minyan 6:00 pm
Katzenberg Shabbat Serv. 9:30 am TOT Shabbat 9:45 am Kehillah Svc. 10:45 am Havdalah 6:42 pm
Shacharit 8:15 am Rise & Sing 9:00 am Religious School 10:00 am
RS Cooking Chug 4:00 pm
Shacharit 7:00 am
Shacharit 7:00 am
25 TISHRI 14
Shacharit 7:00 am
30 TISHRI 19
Shacharit 8:15 amm Rise & Sing 9:00 am Religious School 10:00 am BE Mitzvah Exp. 1:00 pm Ruach/Chaverim 3:00pm Teen In-Person Outdoor Event 4:00 pm Minyan 6:00 pm
Shacharit 7:00 am Parasha HaShavua 1:30 pm RS Cooking Chug Religious Sch. 4:00 pm CSA 5:00 pm 4:00 pm Minyan 6:20 pm Minyan 6:20 pm Teen Virtual Sushi in Outdoor Movie 7:00 pm Minyan 6:20 pm the Sukkah 6:30 pm Parent Support Group Cooking Class with RS Educ. Train. 6:30 pm 7:30 pm Rabbi Fisher 7:30 pm Open Beit Midrash Officers Mtg.7:30 pm Daf Shevuii 8:00 pm 8:00 pm HOL HAMOED SUKKOT HOL HAMOED SUKKOT HOL HAMOED SUKKOT
24 TISHRI 13
23 TISHRI 12
Shacharit 8:15 amm Synagogue Offices Closed Religious School Closed Simchat Torah Service 9:00 am Minyan 6:10 pm Family-friendly Hakafot Sis. Board Meeting Mincha/Maariv 6:00 pm 7:30 pm Havdalah 7:02 pm
Shacharit 7:00 am
Candle Lighting 7:14pm
EREV SUKKOT Synagogue Offices Shacharit 7:00 am Closed Religious School Closed Sukkot Serv. 9:00 am TOT Shabbat 9:45 am Kehillah Svc. 10:45 am Hallel (parking lot) 12:00 pm Minyan 6:20 pm Minyan 6:15 pm Havdalah 7:13 pm HOL HAMOED SUKKOT SUKKOT
Shacharit 7:00 am
Sis. Bagels & Bks 9:30 am Minyan 5:50 pm
Shacharit 7:00 am
RS Cooking Chug 4:00 pm Minyan 5:50 pm
Shacharit 7:00 am
CSA 5:00 pm Minyan 5:50 pm
Shacharit 7:00 am
Parasha HaShavua 1:30 pm Religious School 4:00 pm Minyan 5:50 pm
Parent Support Group Teen Learning 6:30 pm 7:30 pm
Shacharit 7:00 am
LECH LECHA 5:35 pm
Kabbalat Shabbat 4:30 pm Minyan 5:50 pm
Shabbat ends 6:33 pm
Bat Mitzvah Cora Maidenberg Shabbat Serv. 9:30 am TOT Shabbat 9:45 am Kehillah Svc. 10:45 am Havdalah 6:33 pm
The yahrzeit of the following deceased persons permanently inscribed on our Memorial Walls are observed on these dates: Patricia and Nathan Kornfeld on the birth of 17 Reuben Davidson 1 Sarah Zucker granddaughter Emmie Sara Topiler, daughter of Talia Saul Bernstein 18 1 and Alex Topiler; Laurie and Eric Roth on the birth of grandson Margot Fately Rose Belle Troodler 19 2 Ethan Hayden Nelson, son of Ariel and Brad Nelson; Lori and Rev. Wolf Joslevitz Sima Walfish 19 2 Rob Weber on the bar mitzvah of their son Zachary Weber; Tami Joel Miller George L. Desnick 20 2 and Michael Novoseller on the bar mitzvah of their son Gabriel Samuel Schaffer Martin Kramer 20 2 Novoseller; Anne and Rick Weisbrod on the engagement of their Ida Schneidman Sadie Cooper 21 2 daughter Allison Weisbrod to Sonny Gold; Rochelle Chaiken on Berl Wigder Jennie Friedman 21 3 the marriage of her daughter Emily Scharfman to John Schochet, Esther Croland David Gruber 21 3 son of Harvey and Kathy Schochet; Linda and Michael Goldstein Oscar Falk Max Anderson 22 3 on the marriage of their daughter Melissa Emily Goldstein to Tuvia Gertrude Israel Daniel G. Steingart 22 3 Chaim Peretz, son of Lydia and Yakov Peretz; Helene and Gary Miriam Levitin Samuel Weiss 22 3 Liebstein on the marriage of their daughter Dana Liebstein to Brian Esther Sampson Morris Worton 22 4 Roberts, son of Norman and Ivy Roberts; Elise and Bob Schepp on Peter Kardon Gross Herman Brevda 23 5 the birth of their first grandson Jay Miller, and to parents Brooke Frank Cohn Martha Kahn 23 Marion Noren 5 and Christian Miller and aunt Meri Schepp. Sidney Levy 23 Ruth Brenner 7 A Warm Beth El Mazal Tov to One and All!! Edith Scheinberg 23 Augusta Miller 7 David Zlotnick 23 Meta Pollak 7 Sarah Bernstein 24 Gussie Behr 8 Share your milestone events with us! Ida Garfinkel 24 Edward H. Berman 8 If you experience a milestone or a loss in your family, contact Isidore Hirsch 24 Maxine Bergman 9 Linda at LNewman@bethelnr.org, or 914-235-2700, ext. 246. Faye Meltzer 24 Libby Berman 10 Jay Jackson 26 Irving Levine 10 Louis M. Brown 27 Sarah Miller 10 Louis Golding 27 Sylvia Stein 10 George Lyons 27 Samuel Ginsburg 11 Emily Kander 28 Max Diamond 12 Saul Bergman 29 Arnold Funk 13 Gustav Feibelmann 29 Harry Zeitels 13 Annie Shanok 29 Selma Batkin 15 Martin Singer 29 Theresa Bellin 15 Ida Fashing 30 William Alan Gold 15 The Schwechter Family The Horowitz Family Cantor Jacob Friedman 30 Ray Braten 16 Of Scarsdale Of New Rochelle Oscar Sussman 30 Ida Gordon 16 Evan and Melissa Schwechter Ben and Heather Horowitz Sylvia Eisenberg 31 Marianne Gosschalk 16 Matthew, 2 Jacob, 4, and Eliana, 1 Benjamin Katowitz 31 Violet Katz 16 Sidney Lieberman 31 Bella Gilbert 17 The Wasson Family The Klein Family Sophie Ruskin 31 Of Pelham Doba Meyerson 17 Of Larchmont Rose Wygod 31 Andrew and Elizabeth Wasson Isidore Reiss 17 Andy and Julia Klein Adelina, 5, and Charlotte, 2 Regina Solov 17 Nathan, 5
Mazal tov to:
Welcome to the Beth El Community
The Levine Family (re-joined) Of Stamford Peter and Elizabeth Levine Joanna, Chelsea
The Wirchin Family Of New Rochelle Ellen and Jason Wirchin Hannah Beth, 5 months
We record with sorrow the losses suffered by our members and friends and extend to them our deepest sympathies. Condolences to: Lynne Cohen on the loss of her father, Jerome Cohen; Dahna Cohen (Schwartz) on the loss of her grandfather Jerome Cohen; Jay Safer on the loss of his mother, Rubye Safer.; Carol Diament on the loss of her brother Rabbi Sidney Goldstein.
The Zaidenberg Family Of White Plains Dor and Ayelet Zaidenberg Leah, 5
If you are not receiving Beth El emails, please check your ShulCloud settings or email us at info@bethelnr.org to make sure that your email is on file correctly. 13
GENERAL FUND A generous donation was received from Blair and Evelyn Selber. A generous donation was received from Jeffrey and Lynn Lowin. A donation was received from Andrea Spitz. IN HONOR OF: Jeff Lowin on his birthday, from David and Roberta Frank. Lynn Lowin on her birthday, from David and Roberta Frank. Our neighbors Jeff and Carole Graham, from Edward and Judy Schwartz. The birth of my first grandchild Jack B.L. Coyle, with gratitude and appreciation for all who sent donations and good wishes, from Robin Kaphan and family. Marsha and Tom Lustig on the birth of granddaughter Meyrav Shir, and to parents Lindsay and Guy Levy, from Robin Kaphan and family. Esther Winik on the birth of her granddaughter Sophia Julia, and to parents Dana and Joe Kekst, from Robin Kaphan and family.
YAHRZEIT DONATIONS Betty Barnett, Jill Barnett Kaufman and Family, Phyllis and Jerome Brown, Ruth Esses, Dr. Patricia Greenwel-Rojkind, Jay Howard Goldstein, Susan Goldstein and the Goldstein Family, Linda and Bill Grabel, Joel Grossman, Judith Harary, Stanley Krieg, Barbara and Arthur Margolin, Deborah Olstein, Esther Robbins, Henrietta Sanford, Joyce Silver, Cantor Alan Sokoloff, Jay Sommer, Rachelle and Steven Stern, Marjorie Sunshine, Nora Klion-Wolloch.
Rochelle Chaiken on the marriage of her daughter The New Rochelle 95’er Guys in the spirit of Emily Scharfman to John Schochet, from Robin learning and growth and with thanks to Rabbi Zach Sitkin; Ellen and Jason Wirchin in honor Kaphan and family. Cantor Uri Aqua on his retirement, with wishes to of the baby naming of Hadassah Ronit Batya and him and his family for many years of good health with thanks to Rabbi Schuck and Rabbi Sitkin; and happiness, from Robin Kaphan and family. Harriet and Marc Suvall in memory of Gabriel Feuerstein, beloved husband of Judith Feuerstein; The Beth El community with wishes of good Mindy and Stanley Patchen in memory of Amy health and good luck in the coming year, from Kaplan, beloved daughter of Eunice Kaplan; Robin Kaphan and family. Dawn and Rich Rosenkrantz in honor of our daughter Shira Rosencrantz as she embarks on IN MEMORY OF: her gap-year program in Israel; Dawn and Rich Samuel Goldstein, Howard’s father, on his Rosencrantz with thanks to Rabbi Schuck and yahrzeit, from Howard and Helene Goldstein. Bekkah Gold for all of your support throughout Ronnie Lazarus, beloved brother of Marc Lazarus, the years; Fred and Judy Bomback in memory from Robin Kaphan and family. of Gerard Goldman, brother of David Goldman; Robert Klein, beloved son of Shelley and Fred Avrun Rivel in memory of Art Rivel, my beloved brother, and Elayne Rivel, my beloved wife; Klein, from Robin Kaphan and family. Zona Kaufman in memory of Edward Kaufman, Renee Algazy, beloved mother of Laura Lewis, beloved husband and father, and with thanks to from Robin Kaphan and family. Rabbi Schuck for officiating at the funeral; Caryl Amy Kaplan, beloved daughter of Eunice Kaplan, Fuchs with thanks for the filming of the High Holidays which I enjoyed taking part in. from Robin Kaphan and family. Joan Lynton, beloved mother of Judy Schwartz, from Robin Kaphan and family.
Julie Rockowitz, from Sarah Rosenwasser and family.
Robert Klein, beloved brother of Brenda and Ivan Corwin and Ellen and Jason Wirchin, and beloved son of Shelley and Fred Klein, from Geralynn and David Reifer, and Derek Reifer.
Bob Schepp for his challah baking, from Kate Lawrence and Sylvia James. Maria and Steven Kessler on the marriage of their daughter Rachel to Kemoy Campbell, from Joyce and Michael Wechsler. Dr. Rochelle Chaiken on marriage of her daughter Emily to John Schochet, from Elise and Bob Schepp.
My beloved husband, Mitchell Kaphan, thinking of you at the holidays and always, from Robin In memory of Howard Loewentheil, beloved husband, father, grandfather, and greatKaphan and family. grandfather, from Leonora Loewentheil.
The baby naming of our daughter Hadassah Ronit Gabriel Feuerstein, beloved husband of Judith Batya, and with thanks to Cantor Gaby Schvartz, and father of Susanne Simchowitz, from Marjorie from Ellen and Jason Wirchin. Schlosberg. IN MEMORY OF: Robert Klein, beloved son of Shelley and Fred Robert Klein, beloved brother of Brenda and Ivan Klein, from Sandy and Jack Gruenberg. Corwin and Ellen and Jason Wirchin, and beloved Joshua Kuszel, beloved son of Rubin and Lynn son of Shelley and Fred Klein, from Shari and Kuszel and beloved grandson of Judith Szabo, Marvin Chinitz. from Sandy and Jack Gruenberg. Samuel Seymour Solow, beloved father of Susan Avi Shahar, beloved husband of Frankie Shahar, Solow-Dubin, from Lori and Steve Schwartz. from Sandy and Jack Gruenberg.
Linda and Michael Goldstein on engagement and marriage of their daughter Melissa to Tuvia Chaim Peretz, from Elise and Bob Schepp. Joan Lynton, beloved mother of Judy Schwartz, THE ELEANOR G. BAUMWALD Faye and Jack Gingold on marriage of their son from Sandy and Jack Gruenberg. PRAYERBOOK FUND Julian to Danielle, Elise and Bob Schepp. Amy Kaplan, beloved daughter of Eunice Kaplan, IN MEMORY OF: Robin Kaphan on the birth of her grandson Jack, from Sandy and Jack Gruenberg. and to parents Alison and Tim Coyle, from Elise My beloved daughter Ellen Costello, from Amy Kaplan, beloved daughter of Eunice Kaplan, and Bob Schepp. from Leonora Loewentheil. Beatrice Freedman. 14
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND IN MEMORY OF: Mark Preminger on his yahrzeit, from Robert Preminger and Pamela Friedman.
SYLVIA AND ROBERT SCHER CHESED COMMUNITY FUND IN HONOR OF: The birth of Nora Klion-Wolloch’s granddaughter, from Margo Lampert.
BERNICE FELDMAN NURSERY SCHOOL FUND A donation to the Nursery School was made by Aron Davidowitz and Talya Cohen. IN MEMORY OF: Aliza Cohen, beloved sister of Yehuda Cohen, from Marla and Mark Severance.
Beth El Synagogue Center Cemetery and Funeral Policies Cemetery plots are only for sale to members in good standing. To purchase cemetery plots, please contact Alise Liquorie in the front office, 914-235-2700, ext. 223, or aliquorie@bethelnr.org. Funerals may take place at Beth El Synagogue Center if the deceased is a member of Beth El and in good standing. There is a fee of $1,000. The following three funeral homes are the only approved funeral homes that can operate a funeral service at Beth El—Plaza Jewish Community Chapel (NYC), Riverside Memorial Chapel (Mt. Vernon), Weinstein Memorial Chapel (Yonkers). If you have questions about end-of-life planning, our clergy are available to speak with you. If you have questions about the logistics of having a funeral at Beth El, please contact our Executive Director, Erica Leventhal, eleventhal@bethelnr.org.
YOUTH ACTIVITIES FUND IN HONOR OF: Zachary Weber on his bar mitzvah, from Margo Lampert.
DONATION POLICY The way we handle notification of general donations made to Beth El is: We will only mail out acknowledgement letters for donations of $36 or greater made to our various funds. ALL donations of any value will continue to be posted in the monthly Bulletin. This is in line with common practice of other synagogues of similar size, and also yields administrative savings for Beth El. To donate, visit www.bethelnr.org/ donation. Note: This policy does not affect donations made to Sisterhood or the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund.
Please use ShulCloud wherever possible to make your donations e l e c t r o n i c a l l y, a s t h i s y i e l d s administrative savings. If you have questions, contact Zoe Raynes at ZRaynes@bethelnr.org, or 914-2352700, ext. 228.
Do You Know What You Can Do with Your Beth El Online Account? Did you make a new friend at kiddush, but have no way to contact her? Do you want a quicker way to make payments and donations to Beth El? Fear not! Using your online Beth El account you can: • access the directory with contact information for all members (searchable by first or last name of any adult or child), • pay your bill, make donations, and • register for and pay for Beth El events! If you need help to access or use the online account, see the instructions at www.bethelnr.org/logininstructions or contact: Shayna Klopott at shayna.klopott@gmail.com, or Carrie Fox at csfox99@gmail.com.
Give a lasting gift!! Purchase a brick on Beth El’s Brick Path of Honor (Derech HaKavod)
NOW YOU CAN PURCHASE ITEMS USING OUR VERSION OF "VIRTUAL SHOPPING!" 1. If you are in the synagogue stop by and check out the display cases and take a picture if it is NOT Shabbat; OR 2. Choose a category of Giftware, let us know, and we will send photos of our stock; OR 3. Find something online and we can order it for you.
This is the perfect way to celebrate a life-cycle event, commemorate the past, honor the future, permanently engrave a tribute, and make a lasting impression. Bricks are available in two sizes: 4” x 8” and 8” x 8”, and with the option of one to six lines of text, depending upon the size chosen. Text is available in Hebrew and English.
Call Carole or Ellen for further information. Carole Graham, 914-576-6617, or Ellen Hollander, 914-632-4658 OR E-MAIL GIFTSHOP@BETHELNR.ORG
To find out more, contact Linda at LNewman@bethelnr.org, or 914-235-2700, ext. 246.
NOW IS THE TIME TO S E L L Rising buyer demand and fewer homes for sale have created a seller’s market. Contact me for a complimentary market analysis for your home. # #
Real Estate Salesperson M 917.693.3557 jburton@houlihanlawrence.com jocelynburton.houlihanlawrence.com facebook.com/JocelynHallBurtonRealEstate N E W ROC H EL L E B RO K ER AG E 15 Q U A K E R R I D G E R D , N E W R O C H E L L E , N Y 1 0 8 0 4 Source: HGMLS, 1/1/19-12/31/19, total dollar volume of single family homes sold by Houlihan Lawrence agent, New Rochelle school district; 1/1/19-12/31/19, total dollar volume of single family homes sold by company, New Rochelle school district.
Right now demand for homes in our area is very high, what is driving that buyers leaving the city, low mortgage rates and most importantly low inventory. Let’s talk about taking advantage of today’s market. I B R I N G R E S U LT S A TO P P RO DU C E R F O R O V E R A D E C A D E AT HOULIHAN LAWRENCE
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NE W ROCHEL L E BROKERAGE • 15 QUAKE R RIDGE ROAD, NE W ROCHEL L E, NY 10804 Source: OKMLS, 2009 - 2019 each individual year, single family homes sold in New Rochelle School District, by agent by dollar volume.
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Wykagyl Estates Split Style Home | New Rochelle $755,000 | 3 BR, 2.5 BA | Approx. 2,381sf | Web# H6055810
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Non Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID White Plains, N.Y. Permit No. 925
SHERY ROSENSTEIN Licensed Real Estate Sales Person
Helping the Beth El community with their home buying and selling needs for over 10 years.
914.420.8556 s.rosenstein@yahoo.com
Wishing that your home is filled with blessings, light, happiness and joy.
מאחלת לכם שביתכם יהיה מל , באור,בברכה ובשמחה,באושר JOCELYN BURTON
Real Estate Salesperson
M 917.693.3557 JBurton@houlihanlawrence.com Proud Beth El member
Ranked in the Top 1% of All Agents in Westchester MLS # #
1 Agent in the 1 Brokerage in New Rochelle
NEW ROCHELLE BROKERAGE | 15 QUAKER RIDGE ROAD Source: OKMLS, 2019, total dollar volume of single family homes sold by Houlihan Lawrence agent, New Rochelle school district; 2019, total dollar volume of single family homes sold by company, New Rochelle school district. Top 1%: According to the OKMLS, there are approximately 6500 members located in Westchester County on an annual basis. Jocelyn ranks #53 and in the Top 1% in Westchester County by all properties sold, total dollar volume, 2019.