3 minute read
Mazal tov to:
Shireen and Matthew Lewis on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Juliette Lewis; Barbara and Lawrence Orans on the marriage of their son, Mark Orans to Alix Samuel; to Tami and Michael Novoseller on the Bar Mitzvah of their sons, Corey Novoseller and Jordan Novoseller; Risë Stern on being honored at Beth El Sisterhood’s Annual Gala; David and Gitta Silberstein on the recent marriage of their son, Jacob Silberstein to Dara Feigelson; Libi Palefski and her family on her first time reading Torah; Ellen and Merill Resnick on the marriage of their son David Resnick to Allison Cohen, daughter of Bruce & Susan Cohen; our Gala honorees: Mark Silver & Alan and Allison Kellman; Zoe and Robert Raynes on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Lucy Raynes; Simcha and Ross Bergman on the birth of their son, Ethan Avi Bergman, and to big sister Lana; Cantor Gaby Schvartz on her installation; all the children and teens who participated in our Youth Shabbat service; Eberle Schultz and Matthew Beatu on the birth of their daughter Golda Tudor, and to big brother Ziggy and big sisters Ardie and Lolo; Andrew Wasson and Libby Herbert-Wasson on the birth of their daughter Isabella Bina Wasson, and to big sisters Addy and Charlotte; Marty Keltz and Lynn Buckvar Keltz and also to Mark and Mindy Badash on the recent marriage of their children Sarah Keltz and Jesse Badash; Debbie & Steven Young on the marriage of their daughter Becky Young to Jake Orbach Smith and to Jake’s parents, Vivien Orbach Smith and Richard Smith; Julie Rockowitz on the marriage of her daughter, Shira to Dan Badiak; Matt and Mandy Grabina on the birth of their son, Noah Daniel Grabina, and also to big sister Abigail; Joyce and Michael Wechsler on their 55th wedding anniversary; Alan Greenberg on the marriage of his daughter Lauren to Aaron Steinberg-Medow; Avinoam and
Kiddush Sponsors
The Kiddush of June 18th was sponsored by Lynn and Marty Keltz in honor of the marriage of their daughter Sarah Keltz to Jesse Badash. The Kiddush of June 25th was sponsored by Debbie and Steve Young in honor of the marriage of their daughter Becky Young to Jake Orbach-Smith. The Kiddush of July 2nd was sponsored by Joyce and Michael Wechsler in honor of their wedding anniversary. The Kiddush of July 9th was sponsored by Gabrielle and Avinoam Shefa in honor of the babynaming of their daughter Tamar. Gabrielle Shefa on the baby naming of their daughter, Tamar Sylvie Shefa, and to all of the Shefa and Aufgang families; Remy Elbez and Emily Liftman on the birth of their son, and also to big brother, Aaron Elbez; Jonathan Ravski and Andrea Fleishaker on the birth of their daughter, Dana Juliet. And also to big brother, Noah Ravski, grandparents Aaron and Sheryl Fleishaker, and great grandfather Donald Fleishaker; Rabbi and Lenore Sirner on the birth of their grandson, Kobi Shai, and also to parents, Ari and Rachel Sirner and big brother Rafi; Dr. Gabriel Klein, son of Sandy & Samuel Klein, upon the completion of a fellowship in reconstructive microsurgery at the Cleveland Clinic; Leonora Loewentheil on the birth of her great grandson Levi Hunter Price. Mazal tov also to grandparents, Barbara and Peter Murray and parents, Jana and Ray Price; Bernie Katz on the birth of a great-granddaughter, born to his grandchildren Tova and Alex Katz of Jerusalem. Mazal tov to grandparents, Gila & Richie Katz and the entire family; and Tanya Diona Graham, daughter-in-law of Carole and Jeff Graham, for her Induction into the 2022 Buffalo Music Hall of Fame. Jonathan and Lori Zung on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Dylan Zung, Julie Rockowitz on the birth of her granddaughter, Aviva Navit, daughter of Leora and Ben Yardenay; Michael and Roni Schiffres on the birth of their granddaughter, Rachel Winnie Gale. A warm Beth El mazal tov to one and all!
Welcome to the Beth El Community:
Elana Castle & Grant Smuts Jason & Lauren Friedlander Eric Garfinkle & Shana Elbaum Kenneth Honig Julie Kattan & Milton Kreppel Jessica & Jeffrey Klein Jeremy & Gila Levinson
Michael Lewis & Frieda Zarembski-Lewis Daniel Mailick & Lydia Read Elliot Meiteles & Alana Chill Seth Mosner & Michelle Paredes Andrew & Jennifer Obus
Meri-Jane Rochelson & Joel Mintz
Andrew Salama & Rachel Barbanel-Fried Avi & Lauren Sussman Allison & Alex Wohl