3 minute read
Sisterhood’s 2022-2023 Chazak v’Ematz Campaign – Be Strong and Courageous “…eighty, the age of strength”…Pirkei Avot 5:23
Each year Beth El Sisterhood members participate in the Torah Fund Campaign under the direction of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. The theme for this year’s campaign is Chazak v’Ematz – Be Strong and Courageous.
We summon strength and fortitude in these changing times to continue to make an important impact at our global Conservative/Masorti Institutes of higher education: Jewish Theological Seminary, Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, Schechter Institutes, Seminario Rabinico Latinamericano, and Zacharias Frankel College.
Your donation to the Torah Fund helps provide essential scholarships and programs to train future leaders of the Jewish community. It helps develop future rabbis, cantors, educators, synagogue administrators, social workers, scholars, researchers and lay leaders.
Every Torah Fund donation of $180 or more will be recognized with this year’s Torah Fund pin, Chazak -80 (the 80 is for 80 years of Torah Fund).
The best way to make your donation is to go to www. jtsa.edu/torah-fund. This is a safe, secure donation site set up by Women’s League-Torah Fund for this purpose. Be sure to enter Beth El New Rochelle when they ask for your affiliation. If you prefer to donate by check please contact:
Sheila Cohen Risë Stern
Chilly321@aol.com rskstern@verizon.net 914-576-1078 914-761-5645
Refugee Update
Dear Friends,
As you may know, as part of ICNAW (a refugee resettlement organization) Beth El has welcomed and supported five refugee families. Our most recent refugees are three young adult siblings from Afghanistan. The oldest, a 24-year-old young woman, is pursuing a career in web design. Her 19-year-old brother works at White Plains Hospital and hopes to become a nurse. Their 18-year-old sister will work at Target as she studies to improve her English. She, too, wants to be a nurse.
Our new Afghani friends are warm, grateful, and always want to feed us. (Maybe they’re really Jewish.)
There continue to be ways in which you can volunteer and connect with these loving people. Our refugees often need rides and support to medical appointments. They may need guidance negotiating “the system.” Although on their arrival, they were set up in furnished apartments, there are occasionally items that are still needed. You can put your name on a list to help get and/or deliver these items.
A fun way to volunteer is to have an adventure with a family. It can be as simple as a picnic or a hike or a swim or a visit to an interesting location of your choice. They are definitely fun to be with.
ICNAW is hoping to welcome a new family but does not have a specific date yet. You may have furniture you would like to donate for them but can’t store it until we need it. Until we know details about our furniture needs, you can donate it to Furniture Sharehouse, a Westchester non-profit that invites donors to provide furniture, in good condition, for people newly living in their own apartments. They’ve come from shelters, hospitals, and other dire circumstances. Your furniture gifts help people create a secure and comfortable life.
Please take this opportunity to do tzedakah in a profoundly meaningful way.
Contact us if you have any questions. Joyce Wechsler: 914 629-8731 Susan Wolman: 914 980-5050 Furniture Sharehouse: 914-834-1294
Purchase a Lulav & Etrog
Sukkot begins Monday, October 10. Order your Lulav and Etrog by Friday, September 23, at the low cost of just $43 per set!
Place Your Order: Visit www.bethelnr.org/lulav2022 or email Cantor Gaby at gschvartz@bethelnr.org.
Make your check payable to Beth El Synagogue Center. Payment in full is required in advance.
There will not be extra sets available past the payment deadline.
Pick up schedule is listed at www.bethelnr.org/lulav2022.
Do you have a Simcha coming up?
Are you celebrating a birthday or other milestone? Do you just love spending time with your community after Shabbat services? Sponsoring a kiddush on Shabbat is a wonderful way to share your special day with your Beth El community. To learn more about the details of sponsoring a kiddush and to help you make a choice that is right for you and your family please reach out to Alise Liquorie at aliquorie@bethelnr.org or (914) 235-2700 x223.
High Holiday Food Drive 5783
Please bring in non-perishable food items for this year's High Holiday food drives. Collection bins are located outside the front office and food can be delivered during Beth El open hours Sunday, September 11-Sunday, October 2