May 2019 • Vol. 101, No.10 NISAN ~ IYAR 5779 WWW.BETHELNR.ORG 2 Sanctuary Celebration...................... page 5 Seniors Programming (SMART)..... page 10 Spring Film Festival.......................... page 3 ShulCloud 8 Carole Graham to Be 11
Join Beth El Synagogue Center and UJA-Federation for
Executive Director of the Israel Policy Forum (IPF)
“The Politics of Poverty: How Public Policy Shapes the Lives of the Neediest”
TO SPEAK AT BETH EL SYNAGOGUE CENTER Sunday Evening, May 19th • 7:00 pm
Saturday night, May 18th • 9:30 pm at Young Israel of New Rochelle
Prior to joining IPF, Mr. Halperin was a reporter in Israel for the English edition of Ha’aretz. His opinion writings have appeared in a variety of publications including The Jerusalem Post, The Los Angeles Times, Politico, The New York Times, Ha’aretz, and The New York Jewish Week.
DAVID G. GREENFIELD ceo of metropolitan council on jewish poverty, a uja nonprofit partner
Program arranged by the Beth El Israel Affairs Committee.
will share how UJA and Met Council leverage diverse political priorities to secure resources for the most vulnerable, including more than a half-million New York Jews who live in/near poverty. Beth El is an event partner. There is no charge to attend, dessert reception and RSVP requested at
Celebrate Israel Day Parade Sunday, June 2nd The parade runs from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. (We will get our marching time closer to the date.)
Questions? Contact Susan Scharf Glick, Senior Development Executive for UJAFederation of New York | Westchester, 914-385-2120, or
We are marching with WJC and UJA. Registration is required. To sign up and receive a complementary t-shirt visit
䨀漀椀渀 漀甀爀 䈀攀琀栀 䔀氀 昀愀洀椀氀礀 愀渀搀 挀氀攀爀最礀 昀漀爀 愀 眀攀攀欀攀渀搀 愀琀 戀攀愀甀琀椀昀甀氀 䌀愀洀瀀 刀愀洀愀栀℀ 䤀琀ᤠ猀 愀 眀攀攀欀攀渀搀 昀漀爀 愀氀氀 愀最攀猀 昀甀氀氀 漀昀 爀甀愀挀栀 ⠀猀瀀椀爀椀琀⤀Ⰰ 氀攀愀爀渀椀渀最Ⰰ 挀愀洀愀爀愀搀攀爀椀攀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 爀攀氀愀砀椀渀最⸀ 䔀瘀攀爀礀漀渀攀 眀栀漀 愀琀琀攀渀搀猀 洀愀欀攀猀 渀攀眀 䈀攀琀栀 䔀氀 䘀爀椀攀渀搀猀 愀渀搀 挀椀琀攀猀 琀栀愀琀 愀猀 琀栀攀 戀攀猀琀 瀀愀爀琀 漀昀 琀栀攀 眀攀攀欀攀渀搀⸀
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In a year when hats are being thrown into the ring with abandon and the importance of the stakes is being shouted with each day’s headlines, our thirty-fourth annual festival will explore the political scene and the Jewish characters who impinge on it. We are delighted that, after an absence of thirteen years, Rabbi Azriel Fellner will be our guest lecturer for both the opening and closing sessions. Throughout the month of May, Beth El’s silver screen will present riveting stories and commanding performances on Thursday evenings, with a final asymmetrical Wednesday showing. For the second and third sessions, our lecturer will be Elaine Katz, founding chairwoman of the festival. Because our guest lecturer for the past thirteen years, Larry Strickler, is unable to join us this year, we immediately invited the festival’s founding lecturer, Rabbi Azriel Fellner, to preside. A former member of our own congregation, Rabbi Fellner has for the last several years been a distinguished lecturer and scholar-inresidence throughout the country and has recorded fifty books for Audible. He has recently returned to the pulpit in Patchogue, Long Island, is publishing weekly columns of rabbinical scholarship, and continues to analyze the complexities of film and contemporary Jewish culture. Presented in the form of a dinner-theatre, each session is selfcontained and begins with a delightful buffet delicatessen supper, followed by a formal introduction to the film, a complete screening, and probing group discussion. Many participants wait eagerly each year for the series to begin and the pastrami to be served, while others, immediately welcomed, are newcomers. Here is your chance to sit on both sides of the aisle. And no filibustering is permitted! Throw your own hat into the ring and register promptly; we need a quorum!
Thursday, May 9: “ALL THE PRESIDENT’S MEN”
Robert Redford, Dustin Hoffman, and Jason Robards as the men who helped to bring down the president.
Thursday, May 16: “THE IDES OF MARCH”
A primary campaign political thriller directed by and starring George Clooney supported by Ryan Gosling.
Thursday, May 23: “CITY HALL”
An electric performance by Al Pacino as New York’s mayor, balanced by Danny Aiello’s subtle portrayal of a mobster.
Wednesday, May 29: “THE POST”
Steven Spielberg’s masterful rendition of the struggle to publish Daniel Ellsberg’s Pentagon Papers, starring Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks.
All sessions 6:30 - 10:30 PM
Fees include dinner, film and lecture.
$25 per session, Beth El Members $28 per session, Non-Members Or subscribe to the entire film series! $80, Beth El Members $95, Non-Members
ADVANCE REGISTRATION REQUIRED! To register, visit, or mail your check, payable to Beth El Synagogue Center, to 1324 North Avenue, New Rochelle, NY 10804. Call 914-235-2700, ext. 223 for more information.
Beth El Men's Club invites you to join us and Temple Israel of New Rochelle for our jointly sponsored
SPRING BLOOD DRIVE SUNDAY, MAY 19th 8:30 am – 12:30 pm at Temple Israel
1000 Pinebroook Blvd, New Rochelle, NY 10804 “Walk-ins” welcome. Please bring government issued photo ID and NY Blood Center donor card, if available.
Donations appreciated.
RSVP A MUST! Julie Rockowitz, 914-235-2700, ext. 256 3
RABBI’S MESSAGE metaphor. This privileged reading of Jewish life is fully untethered to our history. Just 76 years ago Jewish heroes read those words as they marched into their deaths. These words reflect our desperate need for a homeland and sovereignty; only a dangerous naiveté could turn “Next Year in Jerusalem” from a call to action into a “Proustian dreamscape about the ache of longing.” I don’t know about you, but in my home, only a few of us are left at the table when we get to the words “Next Year in Jerusalem,” our stomachs full from brisket and sweet potatoes with marshmallows. To me, it feels audacious, almost disrespectful to say L’shanah Habah B’Yerushalayim knowing the horrors that engulfed millions of Jews who had the courage to recite these words while crouched in corners, hiding in forests and holes in the ground, and in death camps covered in the ash of their brethren. We say these words knowing that we can hop on a plane for a thousand bucks and go home. It is this privilege that has led us into thinking these words are mere metaphor. So what is the responsibility that comes with this privilege? For starters, we must stop fetishizing Israel as a partisan tool to fight our internal political battles. We hurt ourselves and disgrace the memory of those who fought to gift us a state when we claim that only one political party or organization can claim to represent the interest of Zionists. Of course political disagreement is healthy, but we ought to remain unified on the following commitments of American Jewry: investment in institutions of Israeli civil society; the education of our children about the critical importance of Zionism and a Jewish State; the preparation our teens to fight the anti-Israel venom on college campuses; and encouraging our kids to spend as much time in Israel as possible during their formative years. When the majority of our engagement is around the ZOA vs. J Street, or President Trump vs. Obama, we have lost our way. After all, the New American Haggadah tells us that the “New American Jew” thinks that going home to Jerusalem is a charming metaphor for longing, as if our enemies are imagined and our need for safety and security was just so 1940s Poland. This year, on the first night of Passover, for the first time in 76 years, there was a Passover seder held in the Warsaw Ghetto. One hundred families from the United States, Europe, and Israel shared a Passover seder in the very streets where our ancestors were brave enough to rise up against their oppressors. The symbolism of the seder held there this year is profound: we will never again cower in corners because people persecute us, not as long as there is a Jewish State. In fact, the degradation experienced by those first slaves in Egypt was finally redeemed in 1948, as we found our way home, back into our Promised Land, and we built the most remarkable country of the modern period. “Next Year in Jerusalem” was never meant to be a metaphor. It was a call to action, and now that our pride has been restored, it is our duty to teach our children the critical importance of the Jewish State to the safety and pride of Jews all over the world. Perhaps next year, we should begin our Passover seders with those three sacred words. L’Shalom,
Dear Friends, April 19, 1943, exactly seventy-six years before this year’s first seder, the Nazis began to liquidate the Warsaw Ghetto. The symbolism of sending the Jews of the ghetto to their deaths on the Festival of Freedom appealed to the twisted and malevolent Rabbi David Schuck collective mind of the Nazis. Much to their surprise, the Jews had been planning an uprising, which began on that first night of Passover. One of the fighters, 29-year-old Tuvia Borzykowski, recounted that Passover eve in his diary. He wrote that he went to 4 Kacza Street in search of flashlights: Wandering about there, I unexpectedly came upon Rabbi Maisel. When I entered the room, I suddenly realized that this was the night of the first seder. The room looked as if it had been hit by a hurricane. Bedding was everywhere, chairs lay overturned, the floor was strewn with household objects, the window panes were all gone… Amidst this destruction, the table in the center of the room looked incongruous with glasses filled with wine, with the family seated around, the rabbi reading the haggadah. His reading was punctuated by explosions and the rattling of machine guns; the faces of the family around the table were lit by the red light from the burning buildings nearby. I could not stay long. As I was leaving, the rabbi cordially bade me farewell and wished me success... I shudder to think of what it felt like to say the words “L’shanah Habaah B’Yerushalayim—Next Year in Jerusalem” around Rabbi Maisel’s table, a man who died in the flames of ghetto later that night. Their “Jerusalem” that year was the bravery of their resistance and willingness to fight the Nazis knowing that death was around the corner. How far we have come. Yet for most of our children who have never experienced persecution for the crime of being Jewish, those 76 years may as well be centuries ago. For many of them, the world is a place in which Jews are accepted and at home. In fact, some American Jews have become so overconfident that thet have developed a dangerous naiveté rendering these sacred words “Next Year in Jerusalem” as mere metaphor. In the New American Haggadah, one of the comments on L’shanah Haba’ah B’Yerushalayim reads, “The seder ends in an outburst of longing, and it is a longing for home. No matter where we are, the chances are that we feel displaced. No strangers to estrangement, we carry a homesickness from place to place. Somewhere on earth will feel like home…” How quaint. Jerusalem is now a metaphor for “somewhere on earth that feels like home.” If the haggadah at its core launches an experience of preserving memory, then the New American Haggadah has a convenient case of amnesia, blotting out the lessons of Jewish history instead of Amalek, sacrificing it on the altar of juicy, literary
Misheberach List Update Any name added to the Misheberach list will be automatically removed after one month. If a name needs to remain for another month, please reach out again to a member of the clergy.
Rabbi David A. Schuck 4
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE I was thrilled to see that we had a large turn out that morning, and that people with varying perspectives on Israel attended and expressed interest in going. The number of attendees is limited, so be sure to submit your application to join the trip as soon as possible. To learn more about Encounter Mark Seidenfeld and this trip, go to https://www.bethelnr. org/blog?post_id=865912 and to apply to go on the trip, visit Passover teaches us to see ourselves as if we experienced the exodus from Egypt. We are urged to welcome and help the stranger because we were strangers in Egypt, and we have continued to be outsiders in so many places throughout history. From Bridges to Civility to Encounter, we are striving to create opportunities for each of us to gain greater understanding of others we many not agree with. These efforts will hopefully enable us to recognize the humanity we all share and help us be the kehillah kedoshah, the sacred community, we aspire to be. Happy Mothers Day to all the moms, and see you all in shul! Mark
I’m writing this just a few days before the first Seder and once again, I am late getting my Bulletin article to Linda Newman. Mah Nishtanah?? I love this time of year! Even with all the craziness of preparing for Pesach and putting together the readings and games for the Seders, the holiday brings back so many memories from my own youth and the memories Marjorie and I have already built with our family. It is also a great time of year that brings in the wonderful Spring weather, and we look forward to Yom HaAtzma'ut, Mother’s Day, Shavuot, and Father’s Day, and we also take time out to reflect and mourn on Yom HaShoah and Yom HaZikaron. In celebration and sorrow, we come together as a community to share these moments. And by the time you are reading this, we will be coming together in our newly renovated beautiful sanctuary. The opening on May 3rd will be a special celebration recognizing Aaron Fleishaker and all the volunteers who worked so hard to make this a reality. And, on Shabbat morning, June 22nd, the Loewentheil family will join us for the official dedication of the new sanctuary in honor of their parents, Howard, z"l, and Leonora, and grandparents Beatrice and Herman Brevda. The Loewentheils will be sponsoring the Kiddush that day, and it’s sure to be a special and memorable experience. In addition, we have a few special new initiatives that we are launching as well. By the time this article comes out, we will have had our first “Bridges to Civility” workshop, run by Resetting the Table. Both Rabbi Schuck and I wrote about this last month in our Bulletin articles, so I won’t repeat myself. But I have no doubt I and other participants will be able to report about a meaningful and impactful experience that enhanced our ability to engage in civil dialogue around difficult and typically divisive issues. The other initiative will be a special Israel trip run by “Encounter,” a nonpartisan educational organization enabling Jews to “encounter firsthand the people, perspectives, and challenges at the heart of the conflict.” It will be an eye opening visit to the West Bank, giving participants the opportunity to visit with Palestinians from all walks of life and to hear first hand from them to deepen our understanding of the complex issues and reality and gain new perspective on life in Israel. Although this trip is further off in December, we already have had an inspiring presentation by Rabbi Schuck and the Executive Director of Encounter, Yona Shem Tov.
Do you have a car that is in good, working condition that you would consider donating to Beth El? You would receive a letter of donation for tax purposes and we would take care of transferring the title, plates, etc. Please contact Erica Leventhal,, or 235-2700, ext. 225. 5
Our ongoing exploration of singing and new niggunim, wordless melodies, as a way of touching the deepest recesses of our souls. If you’ve never prayed, this is an opportunity to experience transcendence without words of any kind. If you like to pray, these sessions will enhance and enrich your prayers.
Our melody-filled Saturday morning service is a beautiful balance of traditional liturgy with accessible and moving song and harmonies. Saturdays at 9:00 a.m.: May 25 and June 22
7:30 p.m. unless otherwise indicated: May 19 (9:30 a.m.) and June 18
Join one of our rabbis for an hour of mindfulness, meditation, intentional study, silence, singing and prayer. This time is a gift for yourself.
Join us to greet the Sabbath on Friday evenings with uplifting song, quiet meditative prayer, and inspiring words of Torah. Together, we will shake off the stresses of the work week and wrap ourselves in the light and song-filled spirit of Shabbat.
Saturdays at 10:45 a.m. unless otherwise indicated: May 25 (10:00 a.m.) and June 29
Fridays:atMay at 7:20 and May Fridays 6:303 p.m.: Mayp.m. 3 and May 2424 at 6:30 p.m. For more information on all of our spiritual practices, visit
Yom HaZikaron Tekes Wednesday, May 8th, at 7:00 pm
Yom Hashoah Memorial Program at Beth El Synagogue
Join us for a commemoration ceremon,y followed by the personal testimony of a lone soldier. Come and learn more about how to support lone soldiers in the IDF. The event begins at 7:00 pm and concludes with Mincha/Maariv and a light Israeli snack to mark the beginning of Yom HaAtzma'ut.
Kiddush Ha’Chaim The Sanctification of Life in the Shadow of Death
Thursday, May 2 | 6:15—8:00 p.m. Led by Lorenn Peer Ben-Gur Committed to Remember, Director As Jewish life continued to deteriorate under Nazi rule and the Nazi appointed Jewish Councils failed to provide what fellow Jews had expected of them as community leaders, a new form of an informal alternative leadership phenomenon comprised of Rabbis, physicians, Educators and members of the Jewish Youth movements began to appear. We will explore the challenges faced by these alternative community leaders—individuals who were called to fulfill roles that reached far beyond the normal scope of their ordinary duties.
LEARNERS’ SERVICE SHABBAT, MAY 11th • 9:45 am - 10:45 am with
Rabbi Zach Sitkin
Our community is diverse; people have varying degrees of knowledge about Jewish text, tradition, worship, and access to Hebrew vocabulary. Since Jewish prayer assumes a certain amount of background exposure and knowledge, this service is intended to create an access point into prayer for those who may feel lost and/or alienated from our typical prayer services. This service is an introductory exploration of the prayer service. Each prayer will be studied in depth and read in English to gain a basic understanding of its meaning and intent. We will discuss the basic physical mechanics of each prayer when necessary. It is our hope that over time, everyone in our community will be able to enter the sanctuary with confidence and feel at home.
No Registration Required Walk-ins welcome! Refreshments and a light snack will be offered.
Questions? For more information, contact Rabbi Sitkin at
BETH EL SYNAGOGUE CENTER 1324 North Avenue • New Rochelle, NY 10804
Do You Know What You Can Do with Your Beth El Online Account?
Learn old and new dances with Cantor Uri Aqua
SUNDAYS, 10:00 am – 11:00
Did you make a new friend at kiddush, but have no way to contact her?
$10 per class •
Do you want a quicker way to make payments and donations to Beth El?
Beth El Synagogue Center
Interested? E-mail Wear comfy clothes and sneakers.
Fear not! Using your online Beth El account, you can: • access the directory with contact information for all members (searchable by first or last name of any adult or child), • pay your bill, make donations, and • register for and pay for Beth El events!
Have fun with Yiddish! FRIDAYS, 1:00 pm,
at beth el
Call Bea Freedman, 914-337-8645.
If you need help to access or use the online account, see the instructions at logininstructions or contact Shayna Klopott (shayna. or Carrie Fox (csfox99@gmail. com) for assistance.
SHAVUOT HANG OUT June 9th • 5:00 pm - 7:00
TORAH PORTION STUDY PARASHA HASHAVUA with Jack Gruenberg Thursdays at 1:30 pm in Beth El’s library. No R.S.V.P.
Enjoy a BBQ dinner and outdoor games! All are welcome!
Community Night For Israel & Dessert Reception
$10/adult • $5/child • ages 2 and under, free Bring a friend! Free for prospective members with advance registration.
Ronen Bergman is an award-winning Israeli journalist, a leading Middle East national security expert and a New York Times bestselling author. He is the senior correspondent for military and intelligence affairs for Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel’s largest daily paid newspaper, and a staff writer for The New York Times Magazine.
Register at
Thursday, June 13, 2019 7:30pm
To RSVP Or For More Information Contact: Cynthia Blustein Registered Representative 914.713.9003
BETH EL SYNAGOGUE CENTER 1324 North Avenue ∙ New Rochelle, NY No Couvert Required to Attend An Israel Bond Investment Is Encouraged ISRAELBONDS.COM Development Corporation for Israel/Israel Bonds. This is not an offering, which can be made only by prospectus. Read the prospectus carefully before investing to fully evaluate the risks associated with investing in Israel bonds. Member FINRA Israel Kaleidoscope 2 Photos:,, James Galfund
*“Keruv” = to bring close, to draw near
will be Saturday, June 29th, with speaker Rabbi Jeffrey Fox, and for our participation the next day, Sunday June 30th, in the “Jew York Pride” Keshet contingent of the Pride Parade. This year for the first time other members of the Westchester Jewish Council will be following Beth El’s lead and joining in the march, so that together we can represent Westchester. Let’s Talk About It, our bimonthly discussion group addressing intermarriage and interfaith relationships will be held this month on Wednesday, May 22nd, at 7:30 pm. (see box below.) Our Beth El members from Chai House will be joining us for services again on Shabbat mornings May 11th and May 18th. Also, our website is getting closer to finally being updated. We continue to evaluate the best ways to insure that are bathrooms are accessible and comfortable. Hopefully our new sanctuary design has succeeded in making active participation more accessible for all. We have large print siddurim (prayer books) and are in the process of replacing the large print volumes of the Chumash (five books of Moses) that went missing. The amplification devices should continue to work with the new sound system. If there is an inclusion issue that you are concerned is not being adequately addressed, please alert one of us. We look forward to hearing from you! Elise Richman Nina Luban Co-chairs of the Keruv Committee
May is a beautiful month. Just as we count the omer, we can finally count on there being no more snow. The flowers bloom, the days grow long, we are back in our long-awaited sanctuary, and on Yom HaAtzma'ut (Independence Day) we celebrate the existence of the modern State of Israel. This year the holiday falls on May 9th, as always the day after Israeli Memorial Day. As with all Jewish holidays, the celebration begins at sunset the evening before. Wednesday evening, May 8th, at 8:00 pm, is also our next Keruv (Inclusion) Committee meeting and anyone is welcome to join us. The meeting is at Beth El. “Keruv” means to “bring close”… What better way to celebrate the Jewish nation-state than by making it easier for all who identify with the Jewish nation to connect with one another at Beth El. Why not come dressed in blue and white? We’ll bring the hummus; you bring your ideas and energy! Some of the projects we are working on include automating our front door entry so that it remains secure, but does not act as a barrier to anyone who is not a threat. Beth El has some preliminary estimates and Keruv is looking into how to make this work financially. We have significant funds but are not fully there. If you agree that those with walkers, wheelchairs, scooters, crutches, strollers, children in their arms, decreased upper arm strength, etc. should not be stranded outside in the cold, you can help us by making a donation to the Special Needs Fund at Beth El for this purpose. We will also be planning Pride Shabbat, which
Wednesday, May 22nd • 7:30 pm at the home of Elise and Bob Schepp
25 Mildred Parkway, New Rochelle, NY 10804
Join us for a lively discusion, led by Shari Baum, MSW R.S.V.P. to Elise Schepp, TOPIC: Grandparents have a unique opportunity to influence their grandchildren Jewishly, especially when so many children are being raised in multifaith families. We will examine and share ideas and discuss how a first of its kind survey finds that the older generation could be the key to Jewish engagement. An article about the study will be e-mailed to those who are on our “Let’s Talk About It” list.
Questions? Contact Nina Luban at or Elise K. Richman at
Anyone wishing to have an honor or participate in the Torah Service on Pride Shabbat should e-mail Elise Richman,, or Nina Luban,
Generously funded by UJA-Federation of New York Sponsored by the Keruv Committee 9
Wednesday Mornings 10:30 am - 11:30 am Exercise schedule subject to change. Wear comfortable clothes and sneakers. This program is free of charge. Put on your silver sneakers and join the fun!
First Wednesday of the month
May 1: BALANCE, with Tim, North End Fitness
Second Wednesday of the month
May 8: GOLDEN ZUMBA, with Laura
Third Wednesday of the month
May 15: CHAIR YOGA, with Nan Current Events, 11:30 am, with Shari Baum, M.S.W.
Fourth Wednesday of the month
May 22: GOLDEN ZUMBA, with Laura
Fifth Wednesday of the month
May 29: CHAIR YOGA, with Nan For information or to R.S.V.P. on any SMART activity, contact Julie Rockowitz at, or 914-235-2700, ext. 256.
ARCHAEOLOGY AND THE PATRIARCHS Tuesday, May 21 | 10:00–11:45 a.m.
DOROT Westchester Intergenerational Chess
Opportunity for Older Adults to Participate in an Intergenerational Chess Program
10:00 a.m. | Coffee, Schomooze, and the Newspaper 10:30 a.m. | Presentation Did Abraham travel by camel or by donkey? Was he an ancient merchant, nomad, or war lord? Where was his ancestral home? Did Abraham break the law by expelling Hagar and Ishmael? Why did Rachel steal her father’s idols? Why did she hide them in a cushion on top of her camel? To answer these and other questions Professor Spar will discuss and illuminate the Patriarchal stories in light of the newest archaeological discoveries from the ancient Near East.
THIS IS A FREE EVENT! RSVP to Julie Rockowitz at 914.235.2700 ext. 256 or
SMART Group Event (Senior Mature Adults Retired Together) • • • •
Great for brain fitness Wednesday afternoons in Hartsdale Learn and play chess with teens Transportation is available
To register, call Cippi Harte, DOROT Westchester Director: (914) 573-8906 DOROT is grateful to the Targoff Family and UJA-Federation of New York / Westchester Program Services Cabinet for their vision and sponsorship of DOROT’s Intergenerational Chess Program.
Sisterhood Scene participated in ways that definitely showed off their strengths. Linda Klempner, president of Metro North Region of Women’s League, was impressed with the level of participation from our women and the beautiful way in which each person did her portion of the service. At the end of this month, we are honoring a most deserving woman of Sisterhood, Carole Graham. We selected Carole for all the many ways she has chosen to support Sisterhood. The words, “Yes, I can,” or “Of course, I can do it,” are the answers that come from Carole whenever you ask her to do something. In my D’var Torah at Sisterhood Shabbat I said, “We do a lot, but we can always do more. I urge you to deepen your commitment to Sisterhood, to take on some new undertaking, perhaps something you have until now been hesitant or afraid to commit. You will never know how much satisfaction, how much pride, how much nachas there is in the work we do. When I spoke about the many Sisterhood activities in my talk, I repeated the phrase, “For this we are chosen.” We are chosen only if we choose to be. Once again, I invite you to choose to be chosen. See you at the Sisterhood Gala, Risë Stern
The sun is shining, and the sky is a beautiful shade of blue. It really looks like spring is beginning to take hold. The flowers will soon be brightening our views, just the way they did at our Torah Fund event. The women of our Sisterhood certainly know how to throw a brunch. Barbara Horowitz and Vicki Fisher, along with a wonderful team of women, created a beautiful and welcoming scene in the Wiener Lounge to raise money to support Torah Fund. Our guest speaker Daniella Risman informed everyone about the importance of having money available for scholarships for our future Jewish leaders and educators. She also shared some of her talent with us and sang two beautiful pieces. Daniella came to Beth El with her husband and ten-month-old daughter, who stole the show at the table, where she sat with her parents. We work to support Torah Fund so that when she is older there will be rabbis, cantors, and educators to lead the Conservative synagogues and schools. The previous day was Sisterhood Shabbat and our women conducted the service with kavanah. Thanks to Vicki Fisher and Janis DeMartini, their wonderful planning enabled the women to lead the service that flowed smoothly throughout the morning. Our women
BAGELS & BOOKS Join us for a stimulating discussion, coffee, and bagels! The Sacrifice of Tamar, by Naomi Ragen Monday, May 20th QUESTIONS? PLEASE CONTACT ARLENE SALMAN 914-235-2485, AESALMAN@AOL.COM.
Sisterhood’s Ongoing Programs CARD ROOM, 12:45 pm weekly: Canasta,Mondays; Mah Jongg, Tuesdays WALKING CLUB meets every Monday at 9:30 am for a nice easy walk—not a jog. All are welcome! MITZVAH KNITTING: Free lessons and supplies. Knit at home and donate your work. Children’s hats, scarves, and 7” squares for afghans needed. E-mail Phyllis at
QUESTIONS? Contact Arlene:, or 914-235-2485.
Free Event • 7:30 - 9:00 PM • No RSVP Required
May 1, 2019 Karolina’s Twins, by Ronald Balston June 27, 2019 The Female Persuasion, by Met Woilitzer 11
SUMMER 2019 IS ALMOST HERE! Thursday, June 27, through Wednesday, August 21 We are open on Thursday, July 4, & Friday, July 5
CURIOUS TO LEARN MORE? Contact Julie, or 914-235-2700, ext. 256.
Beth El Celebrates May Birthdays
Beth El would like to extend a “Happy Birthday!� to its members with a birthday in the month of May. If you have a May birthday, we hope that you will join us for
a Kiddush lunch on Shabbat, May 11th. If you have a May birthday, but your name does not appear on the list, we are sorry for the omission and ask that you e-mail the synagogue at so that we
can update our records. Contact us if you do not wish to have your name appear on our birthday list. (The list reflects our adult members and post-bar/bat mitzvah children up to the age of 21.)
Elizabeth Alderman Joseph Aronauer Judith Aronow Marcia Assor Alexander Babayev Revekka Babayev Rick Barlis Charlie Bases Judy Baumgarten Michele Bedell Steven Berkowitz David Blumenfeld Robin Bosworth Daniel Burton Dean Chhahira Thomas Cohen Beth Cohen Barbara Cohen Bernice Coll Sharon Cooper
Gloria Grobstein Susan Groner Jack Gruenberg Susan Hart Gary Heller Robert Hershkowitz David Herzog Nadine Jacobson Janet Jakoby Herbert Joffe Grace Kalfus Mitchell Kaphan Mitchel Kaplan Gillian Katz Donna Katz Maria Kessler Brandon Klee Samuel Klein Sandy Klein David Klonsky
Hilario Ramos Diane Solomon Arnold Reifer Peter Spenser Jacqueline Spiegel- M. Jacob Renick Cohen Barry Richman Morris Stampfer David Rosenstein Alyssa R. Sherman Laurence Stein Marcia Stern Mark Sadok Marc Straussberg Barry Salman Thomas Sullivan Mark Salomon Robert Sussman Henrietta Sanford Marjorie Schlosberg Talia Swartz Judy Wacht Bette Schneidman Marc Wager Noam Schuck Teresa Wager Joshua Schulman Ilisa Wallach Rachel Schulman Jack Wertheimer Dana Schwarcz Frederick Wiener Harriet Schwartz Debbie Young Jeffrey Schwartz Zachary Seiden Ira Shechter Happy Birthday!
Aron Davidowitz Ann Davis Jay Diamond Daniel Efron Robert Ehudin Alison Enis Ryan Enis Carrie Ernst Goldberg Russell Fayer Daniel Feldman Herbert Fox Pamela Friedman Lea Gabbay Emily Ginsburg Esther Glassman Tatia Goldberg Lynette Goldberg Neil Goldfarb Bari Goldstein Arthur Goldstein
Rita Krasik David Lacher Robert Levine Samuel Levy Michael Lewis Ira Lippel Andrea Lippel Addison Maidenberg Anita Malina Assaf Maliniak Marianne Mani Alan Marcus Nancy Mayerfield David Mendelson Mark Mildner Gerard Parker Robert Patchen Lisa Patchen Jeremy Platek Stuart Prager
NURSERY SCHOOL NEWS This past month was a busy and festive time here at the Nursery School as we prepared for the Passover holiday. As we did at Hanukkah time, we once again approached our “ritual item” making in a new way. We divided our efforts according to grade level. Our two-year-old children focused on matzah, so they created matzah trays and matzah covers. Our threeyear-olds made bowl afikomen bags, and our four-year-olds created Seder plates. These activities involved sewing, weaving, beading, tie-dying, rolling, stenciling, pasting, and painting. Our children are accustomed to baking challah for Shabbat. We now shifted into Matzah mode. We compared and contrasted
the process of baking matzah vs. baking challah. The singing of Passover tunes, including the four questions, permeated the halls of our school. Our days have been spent washing, scrubbing, wiping, and cleaning all of our tables and chairs with soapy water and sponges to get our classrooms ready for Pesach. We have also been very busy chopping apples and raisins for charoset, and making matzah balls! Immediately before we started our model Seders, the children conducted Bedikat hametz, the search for any hametz in the classroom. This was an exciting activity for the children. We shut off the lights as the children carried dustpans and feathers, and began their search. A few strategically places bags of hametz made the search a
success. This search culminated in a burning ceremony outdoors, where we disposed of the remaining portions of hametz. Passover was not just about the Seder but included discussions about rebirth and renewal. We watched as our parsley and radish plants began to sprout just in time for the Seder dipping ceremony. One of the most exciting projects we embark on in the Nursery School is the “birthing” of baby chicks and ducks. Our incubators are being cleaned and sterilized as we anxiously anticipate the arrival of our chick and duck eggs. Now that spring is here, teachers and children alike are enjoying the warm weather with extended outside time. It is wonderful for the children to run and climb and play in the fresh air! Ronnie Becher, Director
Join us afterward for the sanctuary celebration. More on page 5.
I want to take a moment to reflect on the immersive experience I was able to have at the AIPAC Policy Conference at the end of March. For the third year in a row, I was struck by the way that the Beth El Teen Delegation was able to enhance my experience at the AIPAC Policy Conference so much. Below are a few anecdotes from the Teen Delegation. “That moment reaffirmed my pride in being a part of the Jewish community and a supporter of the state of Israel. AIPAC inspired me to look forward to college next year where I can continue to do my part to strengthen the US-Israel relationship.” –Josh Glickman, 18 “At the AIPAC Policy Conference, I learned that there are many different ways that even someone my age can take action and be a part of the Israel-United States relationship conversation. Everybody has different ideas about the politics involved, but everyone at AIPAC seems to agree that we need to show our support for the country. I also really enjoyed seeing all of the technological innovations that are being developed in Israel, something that interests me tremendously –Dylan Tait, 17 in my personal life.” “I have always had a love for the state of Israel. I even traveled there this past summer on USY Pilgrimage. I am currently the Israel Affairs Vice President for our Beth El USY Teen Leadership Board and always feel there is more to learn. Before this conference, I was never really involved with Israel politically, and therefore I was able to learn a ton of valuable information last week that I will cherish for my entire life. This new information that I obtained has helped me form my own opinions about Israel and has influenced me to become a more active participant in Israeli political conversations, as well as in the U.S.-Israel relationship. Additionally, I began to understand how vital Israel was to the world, not just as a Jewish State but also through its’ technological advancements and multicultural society.” –Logan Wasserman, 17
On behalf of the Teen Delegation, I want to thank Donald Fleishaker for his generous donation, contributing the funds that allowed our teens to experience something as meaningful as the Policy Conference, an experience that brings together 18,000 people—including 4,000 students—and gives our teens a chance to explore their own Judaism and Israel connection in a new way, helping them find their own voices in a time where speaking up has the chance to change the world. Thank you so much. Join us for our end-of-year (can you believe it?) programming and, as always, feel free to pop into the office and say hello! I imagine some of you are also beginning to think about your summer plans, wondering what to do. I am thrilled to be a Jewish Education Project ambassador, eager to help your middle schooler or high schooler find something exciting to do this summer that fits who they are right now. Visit findyoursummer. org and reach out to me to schedule a time to talk! Bekkah Gold
Looking forward to seeing you at our events this month!
Youth & Family Highlights Thursday, May 2 Saturday, May 4
Yom HaShoah Program, 6:15 pm Jonathan Matcovsky Bar Mitzvah Celebration BE Mitzvah Experience (6th Graders) Program, 9:00 am Sunday, May 5 Westchester Jewish Council Yom HaAtzma'ut Experience! Make sure to join! Open to all, 3:00 pm -5:30 pm Wednesday, May 8 Yom HaZikaron Tekes at Beth El, 7:00 pm Saturday, May 11 Shayna Klingsberg Bat Mitzvah Celebration Saturday, May 18 Robin Bosworth Bat Mitzvah Celebration Thursday, May 23 Lag BaOmer Fest! NEW Program Open to all Youth & Families, 5:00 pm! Register at Our teens baked cookies at the Shul In as a part of a social action/tikkun olam project, preparing for our Religious School middle school class to put on a bake sale on Sunday morning!
Our 8th graders loved the Annual Beth El Shul In! 14
Religious School Highlights
(for 8th-12th graders)
Thursday, May 2 Sunday, May 5 Tuesday, May 7 Thursday, May 9 Sunday, May 12 Tuesday, May 14 Thursday, May 16
Religious School (RS) RS Board Meeting RS – Rosh Hodesh Blue & White Day RS Cooking Chug RS Shmulik–Dancing Letters for Kitah Alef, Bet Shinshinit Israel Prog. Kitah Gimel, Dalet, Hey RS RS Cooking Chug RS Board Meeting (Tentative) RS RS Board/Educator End-of-Year Dinner, 6:30 pm Sunday, May 19 RS – Playground Playdate sponsored by the Parent Organization, 11:00 am-1:00 pm Register at Tuesday, May 21 RS Cooking Chug Thursday, May 23 NO RS – Lag BaOmer Fest, 5:00 pm Sunday, May 26 NO RS Tuesday, May 28 RS Cooking Chug Thursday, May 30 RS Last Day – End-of-Year Showcase
Wednesday, May 1 Thursday, May 2 Friday, May 3
USY Teen Leadership Board Meeting, 6:00pm Yom HaShoah Program, 6:15 pm USY Teen Shabbat Dinner, 6:30 pm–Register at Sunday, May 5 Emek USY Elections at Shaarei Tikvah Friday, May 10 Rosh Hodesh (11th Grade Girls) Shabbat Dinner, 6:30 pm Sunday, May 12 Teen Bagel BREAKfast (Take a break from APs!) Fri., May 17- Sun. May 19 METNY USY Regional Convention Wednesday, May 22 USY Teen Leadership Board Meeting Thursday, May 23 Volunteering at Lag BaOmer Fest–bethelnr. org/may23volunteer
Mazal Tov on becoming a B’nei Mitzvah!
Thursday afternoon dismissal procedures for the Religious School can be found at
Kitah Alef Kitah Dalet put on Passover working hard on Skits during Kehillah before Ivrit (Hebrew). spring break! They had fun creating their own spin on the Pesach story and watching it come to life!
Middle School students with Rabbis Schuck and Sitkin held a bake sale and raised $360 for the Rabbi Discretionary Fund after learning about how the fund helps members of our community. 15
SUNDAY Please visit the Beth El Synagogue Center website, WWW.BETHELNR.ORG for the most current information on meetings and events. To send us a message, e-mail
1324 North Avenue New Rochelle, NY 10804-2190 914-235-2700 •
A Conservative synagogue affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Rabbi .................................... David A. Schuck Associate Cantor ...............................Uri Aqua Assistant Rabbi.........................Zachary Sitkin Rabbinic Intern ............................ Sam Blustin Rabbi Emeritus ......................Melvin N. Sirner Hazzan Emeritus ....................Farid Dardashti Executive Director ..................Erica Leventhal Asst. Executive Director ................ Abby Wise Controller .................................... Olivier Vogel Camp Dir./Seniors Coord........Julie Rockowitz Nursery School Director ......... Ronnie Becher Dir. of Teen Engagement & Interim Director of Elementary Engagement ..........Bekkah Gold Music Director......................... Jack Klebanow Facilities Manager ..................... Carlos Lopez Sp. Projects Dir. / Clergy ......L. Newman OFFICERS President ...............................Mark Seidenfeld Executive Vice President................Mark Silver Vice President ...........................Daniel Burton Vice President ......Lauren Freeman-Bosworth Vice President ....................... Robert Patchen Treasurer ...............................Joseph Wygoda Financial Secretary ................. Barbara Cohen Recording Secretary ..................... Daniel Yairi AFFILIATES Sisterhood President ......................Risë Stern Men’s Club President ........... Steven L. Young Religious Sch. Parent Org. ........... Ellen Barlis, Sharon Brown, Rachel Casanova, Marci Marcus Nursery Sch. Parent Org. ............ Laura Berlin Julie Berman BULLETIN EDITOR ................Linda Newman
Daily Minyan Beth El maintains morning and evening services every day of the year. Contact Associate Cantor Uri Aqua, 914-235-2700, ext. 222.
* Minyan times listed on this
calendar page and elsewhere in The Bulletin are accurate as of the date of printing. Please visit the Beth El website for the most up-to-date information.
Visit us on facebook at
Omer Day 15
Shacharit 8:00am
Emek USY (off-site) Zumba 9:30 am Israeli Dancing 10:00 am West. Jewish Council Yom HaAtzma’ut Celebration 3:00 pm (off-site) Interreligious Council Gala 4:00 pm (off-site)
Mincha/Maariv 7:50pm
Shacharit 8:00am
Omer Day 22
Dance Class 6:00 pm
Sisterhood Executive Board Meeting 6:00 pm
Shacharit 6:55am
Mincha/Maariv 7:50pm
Omer Day 23
Shacharit 7:00am
14 IYAR 20
Moadon 11:00 am IAC Speaker, David Halperin 7:00 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:00pm
Mah Jongg 12:45 pm Religious School Board Meeting 6:30 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:00pm
Omer Day 30 Sisterhood Bagels and Books 9:30 am Limmud Jewish Short Stories 10:30 am Walking Club 11:30 am Hadassah Meeting: Lunch 12:30 pm; Program 1:00 pm
Shacharit 6:55am
Omer Day 36
Religious School Closed
Shacharit 7:00am
Dance Class 6:00 pm Teen Board Meeting 6:00 pm
Shacharit 8:00am
S.M.A.R.T. Discusion—Coffee 10:00 am; Presentation 10:30 am Mah Jongg 12:45 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:00pm
Omer Day 37
Shacharit 7:00am
Walking Club 9:30 am Mah Jongg 12:45 pm
Israeli Dancing 10:00 am
Omer Day 31
Canasta 12:45 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:00pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:10pm
Omer Day 24
S.M.A.R.T. Trip to Jewish Museum 9:15 am
NOTE: Friday evening services are held at 7:00 pm throughout the spring and summer months.
Omer Day 17
Mah Jongg 12:45 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:00pm
Omer Day 29 METNY USY Regional Convention Men’s Club Blood Drive 8:30 am (off-site) Zumba 9:30 am Singing as a Spiritual Practice 9:30 am Israeli Dancing 10:00 am Rel. School Playground Playdate 11:00 am
Shacharit 8:00am
Shacharit 7:00am
Open Beit Midrash (Scholar) Nosh 7:30 pm; Discussion 8:00 pm
Canasta 12:45 pm
Walking Club 9:30 am Limmud Jewish Short Stories 10:30 am Canasta 12:45 pm Dance Class 6:00 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:00pm Shacharit 8:00am
Walking Club 9:30 am Limmud Jewish Short Stories 10:30 am
Israeli Dancing 10:00 am Moadon 11:00 am
Omer Day 16
Mincha/Maariv 7:50pm
Shacharit 6:55am
Mincha/Maariv 8:10pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:10pm
Omer Day 38
Omer Day 11
Shacharit 7:00 am
Get SMART Get Fit 10:30 am Dor L’Dor Reading Program 11:00 am USY Teen Leadership Board Meeting 6:00 pm Sisterhood Evening Book Club 7:30 pm Officers Meeting 7:30 pm Hebrew Ulpan 8:00 pm
Shacharit 6:55am
Omer Day 12
Toddler Time 9:15 am Limmud: Class with Rabbi Hojda 10:00 am Parashat Hashavua, with Jack 1:30 pm Yom HaShoah Program “Committed to Remember” 6:15 pm Religious School Board Meeting 8:00 pm
Mincha 6:00pm/Maariv 8:00pm YOM HASHOAH
Mincha/Maariv 7:40pm
Omer Day 18
Shacharit 7:00am
Shacharit 6:55am
Omer Day 19
Shacharit 7:00am Omer Day 13
7:36 pm
Dance Class 3:30 pm Cafe Shabbat 5:15 pm Teen Shabbat Dinner 6:30 pm Sanctuary Sneak Peak 7:00 pm Libeinu Heart and Soul Shabbat 7:20 pm
Mincha/Maariv 7:30pm Shacharit 7:00am
Omer Day 20
Toddler Time 9:15 am Limmud: Class with Rabbi Hojda 10:00 am Parashat Hashavua, with Jack 1:30 pm
Lone Soldier/ Yom HaZikaron Tekes 7:00 pm Keruv Committee Meeting 8:00 pm Hebrew Ulpan 8:00 pm
Yiddish Vinkl 1:00 pm Dance Class 3:30 pm
Spring Film Festival 6:30 pm
Rosh Hodesh Shabbat Dinner 6:30 pm
Mincha/Maariv 7:50pm
Mincha/Maariv 7:50pm
Limmud: Rabbi Molly Karp 9:30 am Get SMART Get Fit 10:30 am
Shacharit 7:00am
Omer Day 25
Limmud: Rabbi Molly Karp 9:30 am Get SMART Get Fit 10:30 am SMART Current Events with Shari, 11:30 am Hebrew Ulpan 8:00 pm Annual Congregational Meeting— Cocktails 7:00 pm, Meeting 8:00 pm Board of Trustees 9:00 pm
Shacharit 6:55am
Toddler Time 9:15 am Limmud: Class with Rabbi Hojda 10:00 am Parashat Hashavua, with Jack 1:30 pm Boy/Cub Scouts 6:00 pm Spring Film Festival 6:30 pm Religious School Board and Educators Year-End Dinner 6:30 pm Bikkur Cholim Learning Session 6:30 pm
Shacharit 7:00am
Omer Day 32
Get SMART Get Fit 10:30 am USY Teen Leadership Board Meeting 6:00 pm Ritual Committee Meeting 7:30 pm Keruv Let’s Talk About It 7:30 pm (off-site) Hebrew Ulpan 8:00 pm Youth Services Committee Meeting 8:00 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:00pm
Shacharit 7:00am
Shacharit 6:55am
Omer Day 33
Toddler Time 9:15 am Limmud: Class with Rabbi Hojda 10:00 am Parashat Hashavua, with Jack 1:30 pm Lag BaOmer Fest 5:00 pm Spring Film Festival 6:30 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:00pm
Shacharit 6:55am
Omer Day 27
METNY USY Regional Convention Yiddish Vinkl 1:00 pm Dance Class 3:30 pm
Shacharit 7:00am
Omer Day 34
Yiddish Vinkl 1:00 pm Dance Class 3:30 pm
Omer Day 40
7:56 pm
Libeinu Heart and Soul Shabbat 6:30 pm Scholar-in-Resid. Shabbat Dinner 7:30 pm
Toddler Time 9:15 am
Spring Film Festival 6:30 pm
Religious School End-of-Year Showcase 5:00 pm
Shacharit 7:00am
Dance Class 3:30 pm
Sisterhood Spring Gala: Cocktails 6:00 pm; Dinner 7:00 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:10pm
Mincha/Maariv 7:00pm
Shabbat ends 8:44 pm
Omer Day 21 Chai House Visits Birthday Shabbat Bat Mitzvah Shayna Klingsberg Aufruf Rachel Medin and Gil Chen-Zion Shabbat Service 9:00 am Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Learners’ Service 9:45 am Pre-Service Oneg 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am Mincha/Maariv 8:00pm KEDOSHIM
Shabbat ends 8:51 pm
Omer Day 28 Chai House Visits Bat Mitzvah Robin Bosworth METNY USY Regional Convention Shabbat Service 9:00 am Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Pre-Service Oneg 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am Memory Minyan 11:15 am UJA/BE Politics of Poverty 9:30 pm (at YiNR)
Shabbat ends 8:57 pm
Omer Day 35
Scholar-in-Residence Shabbat Shabbat Service 9:00 am Niggun Halev 9:00 am Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Kavannah. Mindfulness/Contem. 10:00 am Pre-Serv Oneg 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am After Kiddush Talk by Scholar 12:30 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:10pm
Omer Day 41
Yiddish Vinkl 1:00 pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:00pm
Mincha/Maariv 7:00pm
Get SMART Get Fit 10:30 am
Mincha/Maariv 8:10pm
7:50 pm
Nursery School Reunion Shabbat Dinner 7:00 pm
Omer Day 14
Bar Mitzvah Jonathan Matcovsky Shabbat Service 9:00 am BE Mitzvah Experience 9:00 am Shabbat SPACE 9:30 am Pre-Service Oneg 10:15 am Youth Services 10:45 am Mincha/Maariv 7:50pm SHABBAT MEVARCHIM
Scholar-in-Residence Talk, “The Moral Tribes of the Jewish People,” with Tal Becker 9:00 pm
Omer Day 39
Shacharit 7:00am
Mincha/Maariv 7:00pm
Mincha/Maariv 8:00pm (fayer ballrm) Mincha/Maariv 8:00pm
7:43 pm
Mincha/Maariv 7:00pm
Omer Day 26
Shabbat ends 8:37 pm
Yiddish Vinkl 1:00 pm
8:02 pm
EVERY SHABBAT Shabbat Tween Lounge 12:00 pm Daf Shevui 12:30 pm
MAY 2019
HORS D’OEUVRES AND COCKTAILS 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Come schmooze with us! Plentiful Cocktail Hour provided by Pride Caterers
A Mincha/Maariv A D'var Torah ...........................................................Rabbi David Schuck A Approval of Minutes from December 12, 2018 Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting (Minutes can be viewed at A Good and Welfare A Koach Awards for 28 years of membership.................Vicki Fisher A State of the Synagogue .....................Mark Seidenfeld, President A Annual Elections A Recognition of Outgoing Officers & Board of Trustees Members A Green Team Update: Reusables at Kiddush Lunch A Beth El’s Strategic Vision ................................................... Nina Luban Mark Silver A Financial Report .....................................Joseph Wygoda, Treasurer
Mark Seidenfeld, President
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of the Membership will take place at Beth El Synagogue Center on WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2019, AT 8:00 PM, preceded by cocktails and Hors D’oeuvres. All members in good standing are eligible to attend and vote upon all matters duly presented at said meeting.
The yahrzeit of the following deceased persons permanently inscribed on our Memorial Walls are observed on these dates:
Mazal tov to: Laurie and Eric Roth on the marriage of their daughter Ariel Roth to Brad Nelson, son of Wendy and Greg Nelson; Jay and Bari Goldstein on the engagement of their son Josh Goldstein to Abby Freeman; Jessica and Seth Newman on the birth of their son Benjamin Newman, and to big brother William and grandparents Steven and Linda Newman and Stan and Loretta Marvel.
A Warm Beth El Mazal Tov to One and All!!
Share your milestone events with us! If you experience a milestone or a loss in your family, contact Linda at, or 914-235-2700, ext. 246.
Kiddush The Kiddush of May 4 will be sponsored by Lisa Estreich and Matthew Matcovsky in honor of the bar mitzvah of their son Jonathan. The Kiddush of May 11 will be sponsored by Stephanie and Matthew Klingsberg in honor of the bat mitzvah of their daughter Shayna. The Kiddush of May 18 will be sponsored by Lauren FreemanBosworth and Brian Bosworth in honor of the bat mitzvah of their daughter Robin. The Kiddush of May 25 will be sponsored by Barbara and Marc Lazarus in honor of their fortieth wedding anniversary.
Kiddush Sponsorships Sought If you would like to sponsor a kiddush, contact Alise Liquorie at, or 914-235-2700, ext. 223.
David Heimann Mamie Lichtenstein Yetta Stieglitz Nathan Goldman Irving Joslevitz Abraham Lampert Jacob Mirsky Matilda Fleet David J. Lefkowitz Julius Joseph Betty Axenzow Harry Feinberg Edward Moskowitz Bessie Ginsburg Abraham B. Goldstein Rebecca K. Diamond Shava M. Fab Marvin Fleishaker Moe B. Safer Dr. Raymond Stillman Rose Zarembski T’ai Merion Anna Tarloff Nathan Flaster Abraham Rubin Mildred Bialo Irna Patchen Minnie Zucker Rubin Neiman Bertha Robbins Louis Gordon Nathan Lefkowitz Leonard B. Mendelsohn Alexander Aaron Anna Cron
2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 15
Helen Grad Samuel Jonas Max Gold Jack Schwartz Morris Katz Zelda Fately Saul Friedler David Satenberg Herman Wechsler Arthur Fischler Eileen Katz Ida Sarah Meyerson Philip Turner Isidore Louis Wolf Leon Karp Harry Levin Leonard Lewinsohn Morris Michael Cecelia Rosenberg Florence Friedman Fredericka Kolins Miriam Osofsky Gertrude Greenberg Sadie Anderson Harry Covkin Harry Goodman Gisa Henner Kolman C. Davis Cellock Dreizen Stanley S. Hirsch Gershon Newman Seymour Rosen Bradley Ruttenberg Harry A. Gordon Morris Lapin
15 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 21 21 22 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 30 31 31
YIZKOR/ YAHRZEIT DONATIONS Rachel and Barry Charles; Carol Diament; Leon Farber; Beatrice Freedman; Susan Eichen and Jeffrey Mittleman; Donald Fleishaker; Deborah Gerstein; Deborah Greenberg; Robert Greenberg; Helen Gruenfeld,;Beth Weingast Halperin; Robin and Jeff Hessel; Steven Kessler; Barbara Lerman; Phyllis and Melvin Leitner; Annie Lowenthal; Michael Malina; Darlene Rebak; Elise and Bob Schepp; Tova Friedler Usdan; Amanda, Eleanor and Mark Walfish; Melanie Winters and William Winters; Helene Wolloch.
Welcome to the Beth El Community
We record with sorrow the losses suffered by our members and friends and extend to them our deepest sympathies. Condolences to:
The Goulston/Heligman Family Of New Rochelle Wendy Goulston Tamara Heligman, Benjamin Heligman
The family of Ethel Kaplowitz on her passing; Mark Medin on the loss of his father, Selwyn Medin; The family of Burton Stern upon his passing. 19
IN HONOR OF: IN MEMORY OF: Laura and Brian Feinblum in honor of Ellen and Abe Walfish on his birthday, from Barbara Walzer. Louise Abrams, beloved sister of Lynn Chinitz Rick Barlis on their Gala recognition; Lisa and David Itzkowitz in honor of Marjorie and Mark The clergy, congregation, and staff of Beth El; in Gruenstein and Marvin Chinitz, from Rochelle Seidenfeld on their service to the community; Chaiken. appreciation for the learning opportunities offered; Lisa and David Itzkowitz in honor of Jodi and and my family Beth and Ted Keltz, Elise and Barry DOROTHY FLEISHAKER Rob Scheinfeld on their service to the community; Richman, Lynn and Martin Keltz, and Julia Keltz RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND Elissa and Jonathan Glickman in memory of and Zachary Seiden and family, from Lida Keltz. IN MEMORY OF: Louise Abrams, beloved sister of Marvin Chinitz IN MEMORY OF: Louise Abrams, beloved sister of Lynn Chinitz and Lynn Chinitz Gruenstein; Rae and Barry Steven Winik, beloved husband of Esther Winik, Gruenstein and Marvin Chinitz, from Donald Charles in memory of Steven Winik, beloved husband of Esther Winik; Robert and Cynthia from Marsha and Larry Lebenson, and Ellen and Fleishaker. Hershkowitz in memory of Mitchell Kaphan, Jonathan Litt. SYLVIA AND ROBERT SCHER beloved husband of Robin Kaphan; Robert and Mitchell Kaphan, beloved husband of Robin CHESED COMMUNITY FUND Cynthia Hershkowitz in memory of Steven Kaphan, from Teresa and Marc Wager. Winik, beloved husband of Esther Winik; Alisa IN MEMORY OF: Selwyn Medin, beloved father of Mark Medin, and Theodore Kesten in memory of Mitchell from Priscilla and Melvin Bloom, and Lois Kohn- Louise Abrams, beloved sister of Lynn Chinitz Kaphan; Sheila Tanenbaum in memory of her Gruenstein and Marvin Chinitz, from Susan and late husband, Michael Bernet, Ph.D.; Elly and Claar and Gary Claar. Bob Goldstein. Ted Zabb in memory of Louise Abrams, beloved Louise Abrams, beloved sister of Lynn Chinitz sister of Marvin Chinitz and Lynn Chinitz ELEANOR G. BAUMWALD Gruenstein and Marvin Chinitz, from Lois KohnGruenstein; Sharon Spenser with thanks for a Claar and Gary Claar. PRAYERBOOK FUND Shabbat aliyah; Phyllis Cole in memory of Ethel IN MEMORY OF: YOUTH ACTIVITIES FUND Kaplowitz; Jonathan Bellman in memory of his Steven Winik, beloved husband of Esther Winik, father, Bernard B. Bellman, on his third yahrzeit; IN HONOR OF: from Susan Katz. Harriet and Marc Suvall in memory of Mitchell Bekkah Gold with thanks for including Daniel Kaphan; Harriet and Marc Suvall in honor of in the AIPAC experience, from Elizabeth and MENS CLUB FUND Vicki and Nate Fisher on the bar mitzvah of their David Lampert. IN MEMORY OF: grandson; Harriet and Marc Suvall in memory IN MEMORY OF: Mitchell Kaphan, beloved husband of Robin of Steven Winik; Judy Schmeidler in honor of Beatrice Simkhay, beloved mother and Kaphan, from Rochelle Chaiken. Bernice Ward with thanks for her magical finger! grandmother, of Jack and Hava Simkhay and Evan and Liat Simkhay Snyder, from Sharon Snyder. SISTERHOOD MITZVAH FUND IN HONOR OF: IN MEMORY OF: Louise Abrams, beloved sister of Lynn Chinitz Gruenstein and Marvin Chinitz, from Ellen and Susan Morris, from her loving husband, George Lea Lucy and Morris Ferstenberg, from their Moshe Gelboim. daughter Annette Ferstenberg. Morris. Avi Berkovitch, son of Ellen and Yossi Berkovitch Bob Schepp for his Pink Hat Project knitting Avi Berkovitch, beloved grandson of Bernie Katz, and grandson of Bernie Katz, from Ellen and skills, from Nina Luban, Barbara Greenstein, and from Erica and Larry Epstein. Moshe Gelboim. Kim and Francis Kaphan. Louise Abrams, beloved sister of Marvin Chinitz Joyce Wechsler on her special birthday, from and Lynn Chinitz Gruenstein, from Naomi Raber, JEREMY SCHEINFELD Elise and Bob Schepp, Maria Kessler, and Joyce Erica Epstein. MEMORIAL FUND and Michael Wechsler. Shari and Marvin Chinitz on the birth of their IN MEMORY OF: Emily Marx, beloved mother of Leslie Ruttenberg, Dr. Mitchell Kaphan, with love from your granddaughter Noam Tamir, from Erica and Larry from Gaby and George Newfield. family—Robin, Mark, Kimberly, Adam, Frannie, Epstein, and Phyllis and Harvey Jay. Alison and Tim. Donna and Gary Levy on the birth of their Edith Kutner, beloved mother or Shari Chinitz, from Gaby and George Newfield. Mitchell Kaphan, beloved husband of Robin granddaughter Samantha Cara, from Phyllis and Avi Berkovitch, beloved son and grandson of Harvey Jay. Kaphan, from Leslie and Dick Ruttenberg. the Berkovitch and Katz Family, from Gaby and Louise Abrams, beloved sister of Lynn Chinitz Larry Epstein on his Simchat Torah Honor, from George Newfield. Gruenstein and Marvin Chinitz, from Robin Phyllis and Harvey Jay. Bobby Schmeidler, beloved husband of Judy Kaphan and family. Alan Kellman on his Simchat Torah Honor, from Schmeidler, from Gaby and George Newfield. Dr. Steven Winik, beloved husband of Esther Phyllis and Harvey Jay. Mitchell Kaphan, beloved husband of Robin Winik, from Robin Kaphan and family. Gwen and Gary Salmo on the birth of their Kaphan, from Gaby and George Newfield, Elise Jeremy Scheinfeld, beloved son and brother, from granddaughter Magnolia, from Phyllis and and Bob Schepp, and Shelley Goldring-Silverman Harvey Jay. Robin Kaphan and family. and Arnold Silverman. Bradley Ruttenberg, beloved son and brother, Barbara and David Horowitz on the marriage of Steven Winik, beloved husband of Esther and their son Joshua, from Gaby and George Newfield. father of Adam, Jenny, and Dana, from Joyce and from Robin Kaphan and family. Norman Kaplan, beloved Dad and Grandpa, from Ellen and Jack Hollander on the birth of their Michael Wechsler, and Elise and Bob Schepp. grandson Caleb, from Gaby and George Newfield. Solomon Blumenfeld, dear brother of Rabbi Bobby Futterman, beloved Pop and Grandpa, Vicki and Nate Fisher on the bar mitzvah of their David Blumenfeld, from Elise and Bob Schepp. My father, Gerald Friedman, from Lynn Hirsh. grandson, from Gaby and George Newfield. from Robin Kaphan and family. Robin Kaphan and family.
What are the latest home design trends?
My mom, renowned home furnishings designer Jena Hall, will share the latest colors and styles.
Join us Tuesday, June 11th
Coffee and conversation beginning at 9:30am at a beautiful New Rochelle home This event is free for all Beth El Members To reserve a seat please call or text 917.693.3557 ENTER TO WIN A COMPLIMENTARY IN-HOUSE DESIGN CONSULTATION
Ranked in the Top 1% of All Agents in Westchester MLS
JOCELYN HALL BURTON Real Estate Salesperson
M 917.693.3557
1 Agent in the # 1 Brokerage in New Rochelle # Proud Beth El member
15 Q UA K ER R I DG E ROA D, N E W ROC H EL L E, N Y 1080 4
According to the HGAR media-kit, there are currently 10,300 members of HGAR, Jocelyn ranks 68 and in the Top 1% in Westchester County by all properties sold, 2018. Source: HGMLS, 2018, single-family homes, City of New Rochelle, total volume, by company. HGMLS, 2018, single family homes, New Rochelle School District, total volume, by agent, Houlihan Lawrence New Rochelle Brokerage.
THANK YOU TO OUR VENDORS WHO GENEROUSLY SUPPORTED THE 2019 ANNUAL GALA LacherLaw Leo Ingwer Jewelers Marcus, Gould & Sussman, LLP Mensch Supply Lumber Yard & Building Supply Mikey Dubb’s Frozen Custard New Rochelle Fund for Educational Excellence Peter Gisolfi Associates Plaza Jewish Community Chapel Prime Time Cafe Prostate Healthcare of New York Reed Smith LLP Remodeling Consultants Richie Brothers HVAC Riverside Memorial Chapel Rock Mitzvah Rosario Hair Salon Scarsdale Pediatric Dental Associates Scholastic Inc. Solomon Schechter School of Westchester State Farm, Bob P. Weber Stephen Herzberg, Orthodontist Tutoring Solutions Learning Center The UPS Store ValuClean Cleaners Wykagyl Cleaners X-Quisite Flowers & Events, Inc.
Abigal Press Inc. Baker Botts Barlis Wedlick Architects Beehive Press Ben’s Kosher Delicatessen & Caterers Bernard Katz & Co. CPA, PC Cleaning Systems Compass Realty Davis & Gilbert LLP Douglas Elliman Real Estate Duane Morris Eden Kosher Foods Eden Wok Eric Rayman, Miller Korzenik Sommers Rayman LLP Frankfurt Kurnit Klein+Selz PC Goodmans LLP H & R Bialy Houlihan Lawrence, Real Estate Insyte Partners Integrated Protection Services InterCity Agency, Inc. Insurance Iris Creative Group Janet Seligman Real Estate Assoc. Broker, Better Holmes & Gardens Rand Realty Judith A. Okun, DMD, Orthodontics Kanter’s Carpet & Design Center Kass & Jaffe, PC, Certified Public Accountants
Bradford Portraits Camp Zeke Creative Coalition Empire State Appraisals FunFuzion New Roc Bowling Party Jeff Weinman, Jewelry Knotz Hair Salon The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Leo Ingwer Jewelers Let’s Get It Done Organization Services Lois Kroll Ceramics Mathnasium
Maxine Hellman, Massage Therapist North End Fitness & Training Pride Caterers Puzzle Parlor Skyview Liquors SpitSpot Organizing Stephen Horowitz Artist Sundance Film Festival Sunningdale Country Club Walls of Jerusalem, Grace Kalfus Whippoorwill Golf Club Yoga Haven 22
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New Rochelle. With breathtaking water views from absolutely every room and every window, enjoy this stunning approximately 4000 square feet, five bedrooms, newer Colonial single family home, built in 2004 on 0.32 acres, on a private gated cul-de-sac, in a gated community. on water, with private beach. This home has been renovated. $1,499,000 $1,549,000
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G l o r i a n n e M a t t e s i - T H E R E ’ S O N LY O N E # 1 R E A LT O R I N N E W R O C H E L L E !
COMING SOON! | New Rochelle | $1,429,000 Bonnie Crest brick Colonial sits on one-half acre of lush property with heated in-ground pool. First and second floor master bedroom suites.
NEW ON MARKET! | New Rochelle | $999,000 | Web# 4854068
Don’t miss this 3,500-sf sun-filled 4-BR, 4.5-BA Colonial style home, privately set on almost one-half acre with pool in Wykgayl Park Estate section.
FABULOUS WATER VIEWS | New Rochelle | $999,900 | Web# 4854068
WYKAGYL PARK | New Rochelle | $999,000 | Web# 4905863 Classic 3,630-sf brick Colonial set in the heart of Wykagyl Park offering lots of natural light and terrific flow. Set back from the street, this 6-BR, 3.2-BA home sits on a large landscaped .38 acre lot.
Capture sunrises and fabulous water views from this 3700-sf brick home located directly across from Long Island Sound. Just steps from Davenport Estates private deeded 300-ft beach.
Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker Direct: 914.393.6990
101 King Street, Chappaqua, NY 10514 914.238.3988 © 2019 Douglas Elliman Real Estate. All material presented herein is intended for information purposes only. While, this information is believed to be correct, it is represented subject to errors, omissions, changes or withdrawal without notice. All property information, including, but not limited to square footage, room count, number of bedrooms and the school district in property listings should be verified by your own attorney, architect or zoning expert. Equal housing opportunity. *HGAR MLS, Jan-Dec 2018.
Extraordinary custom built home with a fresh look of luxury, embodying the art of design and elegance. Over 3,600-sf of upscale living $1,399,000
PINEBROOK ESTATES | New Rochelle | $949,000 | Web# 4910170
FRESH & MODERN | New Rochelle | $839,000 | Web# 4912815
This beautifully updated, 5-BR, 3-BA Split-level home offers an open floor plan that flows from the living room with cathedral ceilings to the dining room and gorgeous new kitchen. This elegant, turn-key home is set on approx. .32 acres of property and is close to schools, Ward Acres and community park.
Captivating Split-level home borders Ward Acres Nature Preserve giving you the feeling of a country setting. This delightful home features 5 bedrooms, 3 full baths, modern eat-in-kitchen, living room with cathedral ceiling and brick fireplace.
BAYBERRY BEAUTY | New Rochelle | $775,000 | Web# 4920477
FIRST TIME ON THE MARKET | New Rochelle | $749,000 | Web# 4914555
Custom built by present owner, this home features over 3,100-sf of living space, 2 fireplaces and a first floor family room. Plus 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths and 2-car garage. Beautiful setting abutting Nature Study Woods. Convenient to shops, schools and restaurants.
Sun-soaked Contemporary style home offers an open floor plan enhanced by oak floors, beamed cathedral ceilings and a brick wood-burning fireplace. Finished lower level with playroom and gym. Community pool, tennis courts and day camp. WESTCHESTER | NEW YORK CITY | LONG ISLAND | THE HAMPTONS | CONNECTICUT | NEW JERSEY | FLORIDA | CALIFORNIA | COLORADO | MASSACHUSETTS | INTERNATIONAL
Non Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID White Plains, N.Y. Permit No. 925
Personalized attention to you and your needs. B: (914) 723-8228 C: (914) 420-8556 E: W:
מאחלת לכם שביתכם יהיה מלא 29 Wilmot Road , באור,בברכה Scarsdale, NY ! ובשמחה,באושר
J O C E LY N B U R T O N Real Estate Salesperson
As Real As Real Estate Gets
Licensed R.E. Associate Broker ABR, CBR, CDPE, CRS, GREEN, GRI, SRES c: 914.907.2645 • Larchmont Brokerage • 1946 Palmer Avenue Each office is independently owned and operated
M 917.693.3557 Proud Beth El member
1 Agent in the # 1 Brokerage in New Rochelle #
S I N G L E F A M I LY H O M E S N E W RO C H E L L E B RO K E R AG E | 1 5 Q UA K E R R I D G E ROA D Source: HGMLS, 1.1.18-12.31.18, Single Family homes, New Rochelle School District, Total Volume, by Agent, Houlihan Lawrence New Rochelle Brokerage.