June 2020 • Vol. 102, No 11 SIVAN ~ TAMMUZ 5780 WWW.BETHELNR.ORG
Help us honor our volunteers and support Beth El at this critical time! We were all so disappointed not to be able to hold what would have been Beth El’s 66th Annual Gala in March. Since then, we have been trying to find an appropriate and meaningful way, given the current circumstances, not only to honor our amazing honorees: Sandra & Jack Gruenberg Jayne & Darren Peister Julia Keltz & Zach Seiden but also to maintain our fundraising efforts in this financially difficult time, since Beth El’s Gala is one of our biggest sources of revenue. After much brainstorming and discussion with our honorees and event chairs, we decided that the best way to celebrate our honorees is with a combination of: • Making a contribution in their honor to Hope Community Food Pantry (which is currently experiencing a significant shortage in food); • Posting a video tribute on our website for viewing at your convenience; and • Bringing a little piece of the Gala directly to your doorstep (stay tuned for more details!). We also want to remind you how much your donations mean to us, especially at a time when Beth El is facing an enormous financial challenge due to the current pandemic. Without the funds raised from our Gala, we would not be able to offer the amazing programs, activities, and events that nourish and engage our community throughout the year. All contributions of any kind to this year’s Gala are 100% tax deductible. If you have not already done so, please consider placing an ad at www.bethelnr.org/gala2020. New ads will join the many already on display at our Gala website and will remain in place for a year. NOW, MORE THAN EVER, BETH EL NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT!
Looking to Volunteer? We likely have something to match your interest! Contact Abby Wise at awise@bethelnr.org.
President’s Message.......................... page 3 Sisterhood Board and Installation...... page 5 Keruv Gay Pride................................ page 4 Our Nursery School Children...... pages 8-9
Virtual Learning Opportunities.........page 11 Saltute to Our Graduates......... pages 12-15
NEW HAPPENINGS AT BETH EL . . . Sermon Sponsorship
“Who is honored? One who honors others.” Pirkei Avot 4:1 This teaching from Pirkei Avot reminds us that our tradition has an ethic of honoring our loved ones. One way we do this is through teaching and studying Torah in their honor or in their memory. If you would like to celebrate someone marking a simcha or elevate the name and memory of a loved one, consider honoring them with your Beth El community by dedicating the weekly sermon in their name (sent out by email in the weekly Shabbat Announcements). The cost is $180. For more information on how you can honor or memorialize a loved one in this way, visit www.bethelnr.org/sponsor.
Spanish Chat Do you want to develop you Spanish language skills? Join Cantor Gaby Schvartz to practice Spanish, build vocabulary, and learn more. If you are interested, please email Gaby Schvartz at gschvartz@ bethelnr.org.
Join the CSA: Delivery begins on Wednesday, June 10th
Enjoy fresh, certified organic produce from Stoneledge Farm in Leeds, New York! Full shares are delivered weekly, half shares delivered bi-weekly. All deliveries will be pre-boxed at the farm for easy pick up. With the purchase of a vegetable share, you can add a fruit, bean, and/or coffee share. Pick up your share at Beth El on Wednesdays between 5:00 pm and 7:30 pm, beginning on Wednesday, June 10th. For more information, visit www.stonledge.farm. Questions, email info@stoneledge.farm.
Masorti Shabbat Weekend, June 19th - 20th
In order to expand the personal and communal engagement between Conservative-Masorti Jews in the United States and Israel, the Masorti movement developed Masorti Shabbat, a unique and innovative program. Synagogues around the country are celebrating their connections to Masorti Kehillot (communities) across Israel. Beth El will hold its Masorti Shabbat the weekend of June 19th and 20th. Come and hear a Friday evening D'var Torah from a Masorti rabbi in Israel as well as a special, pre-recorded, Havdalah presentation from Rabbi Mikie Goldstein, the president of the Masorti movements Rabbinical Assembly in Israel, and Nerya Knafo, the music leader at Kehillat Zion. We will also have a fireside chat between Rabbi David Schuck and Rabbi Dikla Duckman, the Rabbi of Kehillat Magen Avraham on Tuesday, June 23rd.
New Beth El Craft Circle Forming
All are welcome to join our new Craft Cirle—any age and any craft! Join Rabbi Jessica Fisher and Abby Wise on Zoom while working on your knitting, drawing, painting, doodling, sewing, or whatever project you are working on. No experience necessary! Bring whatever supplies you need. To participate, email awise@bethelnr.org. We will update you with dates and details once they are solidified.
Mishnah Class
Rabbi Schuck will teach a Mishnah class on Tuesday and Friday mornings, 9:15-10:00 am, beginning June 2nd. The class will study Masechet Makkot and all material will be shared via Zoom (no need to purchase books). This is not a drop in class; we ask that you make a commitment to consistent attendance. Minimum of ten people required. RSVP to Zoe Raynes, zraynes@bethelnr.org.
Rabbi Jessica Fisher graduated from The Rabbinical School at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City and is moving to New Rochelle to continue at Beth El Synagogue Center as the Assistant Rabbi this July!
Rabbi Becca Weintraub graduated from Hebrew College Rabbinical School in Newton Centre, M.A. and heading to B’nai Jeshurun in New York City as the Assistant Rabbi, with a focus on engaging, teaching, and serving families with children from birth through college years.
Sara Alderman graduated from the Columbia University School of Social Work with a Masters of Social Work on Wednesday, May 20th. Sara is considering positions as a social worker in an educational setting, working with children and adolescents.
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Beth El Family, Many years ago, I asked a (non-Beth El) rabbi a question I had been giving much thought for a long time. After dancing around my question for about a minute he concluded, “But you are asking good questions and that is a very Jewish thing to do.” At the time, I found his reply a bit frustrating. But today, as I contemplate the next stage of our COVID-19 response, I must admit that I feel a lot like that rabbi. Before I tell you why, let me summarize for those who were not at Beth El’s Annual Meeting the three stages of our response to the outbreak: 1. For the first ten days or so our focus was on immediate decision making, implementing those decisions, addressing the consequences of those decisions, and messaging the congregation about the decisions that were being made. 2. When the Containment Zone and then the NY Pause were declared we shifted our attention to meeting the congregation’s needs in a variety of ways, including the following: reaching out to each congregant through phone calls, texts, and emails; establishing the “Beth El Cares” system for matching those in need with those volunteering to help; providing virtual programming; and providing pastoral counseling and support groups. 3. Now, while continuing with all our efforts to support the congregation at this difficult time, we are also preparing for the eventual reopening of our building and coming “Back Together.” Although our building is not likely to reopen for some time, the logistics of doing so in this era of uncertainty are so complex that we must start now. Thus far we have been (a) creating teams for each aspect of reopening that requires attention, and (b) compiling the questions that these teams must answer. The list of questions is becoming quite long and, while I do not yet have any answers to give you, I feel confident that we are headed in the proper direction by asking the right questions. As I said at the Annual Meeting, I am making a commitment to you that the safety and well-being of the community—our members, our school and camp families, our employees, and the public—is our number one priority and we will always act with prudence and an abundance of caution as we have up to this point. As eager as we are to be back together—and we are very eager—we will not allow that to cloud our judgment on what is prudent. As I reflect on the Annual Meeting, I do have three new observations I would like to share with you: (a) Barbara Cohen, our treasurer, reported that our expectation is that we will experience a deficit next year of between half a million and a million and a half dollars. A number of congregants suggested that we need to launch a fundraising effort at this time—and we will. We do recognize that not only is this a financially challenging time for the congregation as a whole but also for many individual congregants. Those who can, therefore, will need to step up in a big way if we are to ensure the continued provision of services and the future vitality of our beloved shul.
(b) Prior to the coronavirus outbreak, much of our focus was on turning our Vision into Action. Indeed, this was a major theme at our last two congregational meetings (May and December 2019). Our beautiful, recently renovated sanctuary had been the site of reinvigorated davening. The Wiener Lounge had been transformed into “The Den@Beth El” and become a popular spot for congregants to hang out. After years of deliberations and consultations among our Clergy Team and Ritual Committee, Mark Silver we were set to introduce changes to our ritual practices starting this Pesach. Through the initiative of our Green Team, we had introduced a Zero-Waste Kiddush and were preparing to extend composting to other aspects of synagogue life. And we were exploring ideas to monetize our building. In the immediacy of our response to the outbreak, we have not had the chance to think or talk much about our Vision, although one can see that Vision reflected in our response to the outbreak (our caring for one another, our partnership between clergy, professional staff, and lay leadership, and so forth). As we look forward to reopening our building, we will do so in a way that pays attention not just to logistics but to who we are as a congregation. There is much talk of how the world will be different in the years to come. We must therefore ask ourselves how this changing world will affect our Vision. Just as we will have teams addressing the logistics, we will also have congregants looking at the Vision. (c) Given the ongoing declines in membership of Conservative and Reform synagogues, there has been much talk in recent years within the American Jewish community about the case for synagogue membership. What is the value proposition we offer members and potential members? The current crisis has answered that question. There is little doubt that so many of our members have benefitted greatly from being a part of Beth El in a way that those who are unaffiliated could not. Consider the sense of belonging and connection at a time when so many are feeling alone; the specific actions to ensure people’s needs for food, testing, and other necessities were being met; the extensive virtual programming to nourish our members’ intellectually, socially, and religiously when the physical world was unavailable; the opportunity to feel useful and vital by volunteering to help others; and the pastoral care and support groups. While the significance of these activities has surely been heightened during the current crisis, these essential benefits accrue to members in the good times as well. As we take on the logistics of coming back together, we will address how to remain a vibrant and caring community committed to our values and enriching the lives of our members while at the same time maintaining financial viability. Your Beth El leadership is committed to these endeavors and invites you to participate. Stay safe and be well. See you (virtually) in shul! Mark
4 *“Keruv” = to bring close, to draw near KERUV* KORNER JUNE 2020: NOT THE USUAL GAY PRIDE MONTH
Beth El usually commemorates Gay Pride Month in late June with a Pride Shabbat. The service features a guest speaker, postKiddush learning or discussion, and rainbowcolored décor and desserts. This June, however, Pride Shabbat, like most of life’s regular occurrences, will not be “usual.” The Pride movement was born in the Nadav Shachmon late 1960s, at a time when homosexuality was generally equated with mental illness. Brenda Howard, New York native from a Jewish family, is known as the “Mother of Pride” for her work in coordinating the first Pride March in 1970. Howard, who died in 2005, also originated the idea for a week-long series of events leading up to the march. Her idea grew into the annual LGBT Pride celebrations now held around the world every June. In more recent decades, Presidents Clinton and Obama, via proclamation, and President Trump, via tweet, have each recognized Gay Pride Month. Beth El members, supported by Rabbi Sirner and Rabbi Schuck, march behind the Beth El banner in New York City’s annual Pride Parade. Beth El was fortunate to have had its last three Pride Shabbat speakers be individuals who grew up within its walls. In 2017 we heard from 16-year-old Alyx Bernstein, who eloquently shared her experience growing into a young trans woman in our community. She is now a leader among Jewish LGBTQ youth. In 2018 Rabbi Aaron Weininger, now Associate Rabbi at Adath Jeshurun Congregation in Minnetonka Minnesota, spoke on The Power of LGBTQ Inclusion.
In 2019, Rabbi Jeffrey Fox, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Maharat, the first yeshiva to ordain women to serve as Orthodox clergy, spoke on The Mitzvah of Coming Out. The two rabbis’ respective histories with Beth El and the work both have done to open hearts and save lives deepened the meaning and the poignancy of their message that we are all created b’tzelem elohim (in the image of God) and radiate a guiding light from within. Once again this year Beth El is sponsoring Keshet’s Jew York Pride celebration—a virtual gathering in lieu of the annual parade. Beth El’s guest for our Pride Shabbat later this month is Nadav Shachmon, Westchester’s fourth Israeli shaliach, one of approximately 1,500 emissaries the Jewish Agency for Israel sends to all parts of the world to strengthen Jewish identity and connection to Israel. Nadav, who was born and raised in Jerusalem and served as an officer in the medical corps, lives in White Plains with his husband and their new baby daughter. Nadav will address LGBTQ+ life in Israel and his husband’s and his life there as an openly gay couple. Beth El’s Pride Shabbat commemoration was initially scheduled for Saturday, June 20th, during in-person services. Instead, to hear Nadav’s videotaped presentation, look for the link in the Beth El email to be sent on Friday, June 19th, prior to Shabbat. The video will also be uploaded to the Beth El website for you to view at your leisure. Stay tuned for more details later this month. The Keruv Committee sends its best wishes to the community for its safety and good health. Nina Luban and Elise Richman, Keruv Co-chairs
#BethElGoesGreener: Composting at Home—Art and Science At Beth El we started our Green initiative focusing on a zero waste Kiddush— essentially making everything compostable. Why did we do that? In a nutshell—to reduce our carbon footprint. We were plastic rich and filling our trash with useful organic waste destined for incineration. Even in landfills, organics release methane gas into the atmosphere, a greenhouse gas that is 25 times more powerful than carbon dioxide in regards to global climate change. On May 1, Rabbi Schuck spoke about Kedusha—holiness. I think those who care about the environment, our planet, look to this mission or responsibility as holiness, Kedusha. As he said, holiness is not binary but made up of both communal and personal acts. We started doing our “communal” (in-shul) environmental acts with the zero-waste Kiddush. We can do similar “personal” acts by composting our organics at home. In general, our waste stream (trash/yard waste) is around 33% organics. Composting is nature’s way of turning organic materials back into nutrient rich soil in order for the cycle of life to continue.
That rings of holiness. So, where to start? Composting at home is an art and a science. Lots of questions: • Piles, rows, bins, containers? • Browns, Greens, Water, Oxygen? What material? What ratios? • Nature’s FBI? What’s that? We are looking to schedule a speaker on the topic of home composting in June. When we arrange that, we’ll publicize, and it will be on the Beth El Livestream page. Some of us are already composting at home in one-way or another. Others have an interest. We hope so! We’d love to know if you are interested, so please drop me a note at asgreenberg2@ gmail.com. Perhaps we’ll arrange a group chat as well. In the meantime, if interested, I suggest you watch a YouTube presentation titled: The Art & Science of Composting. It’s a speaker from the City of Fort Collins. It’s a great presentation with comprehensive information. Green Team Contacts: Alan Greenberg, asgreenberg2@gmail.com Jayne Peister, Peisterjs@gmail.com
Sisterhood Scene As I begin the last month of this year’s presidency of Sisterhood, I want to think back on this unusual presidential term. Being Sisterhood president has allowed me to work with a talented, sharp, caring, and funny group of women. They give of their time, their energies, and their skills to help us raise money for Beth El, educate our congregation, and do for others in our small community and in the community at large. I am sure I don’t need to reiterate what I have written all year in my columns about our many programs and donations and even more so in this unusual time of the pandemic. We have zoomed and zoomed, met and planned, called each other to check in and just kept the shul going in our own small way. Our annual donation of $10,000 has once again been given with a full heart. Listed at right is our new board for next year. Please look at the names and if you see someone you know, thank them for their efforts. If you see a name you don’t know, try and find that person as soon as we are back together physically and thank them as well. Have a safe and wonderful, if unusual summer. Sandy Gruenberg, Sisterhood President
SISTERHOOD BAGELS & BOOKS Monday, June 22th, 9:30 am,we will have a Zoom discussion of The Girl from Berlin, by Ronald Balson Want to read ahead? On July 28 we will discuss The Lost Girls of Paris, by Pam Jenoff Questions? Contact arlene salman, 914-235-2485, aesalman@aol.com.
Wednesday, July 15, 7:30pm • Book to be decided Zoom link on www.bethelnr.org/livestream
Sisterhood Installation Tuesday, June 9th • 4:00 pm EXECUTIVE BOARD President – Sandy Gruenberg Executive Vice-President – Marcia Assor Vice Presidents Membership – Carole Graham, Ellen Hollander, Lori Schwartz Program – Joyce Goldklang, Phoebe Gross, Marcia Pryluck Torah Fund – Sheila Cohen and Janis DeMartini Ongoing Programs & Hadassah Liaison Vice-President – Arlene Salman Treasurer – Vicki Fisher Recording Secretaries – Lauren Berger, Rita Kaufman Corresponding Secretary – Barbara Finder Advisor – Rise Stern GENERAL BOARD – Includes all of the above names plus: Sheila Cohen, Erica Epstein, Phyllis Feingold, Pam Friedman, Cynthia Glickman, Barbara Horowitz, Kathy Kafer, Gaby Newfield, Geralynn Reifer, Linda Resnick, Karen Sadok, Cindy Shechter, Judy Schmeidler, Sharon Spenser, Nora Klion-Wolloch COMMITTEES Gift Shop – Erica Epstein, Carole Graham, Ellen Hollander Shiva Dinners – Cynthia Glickman, Carole Graham Mitzvah Cards – Gaby Newfield Evening Book Club – Erica Epstein, Cynthia Glickman D’var Torah and Hospitality – Judy Schmeidler Susan Morris Tea Bag Campaign – Barbara Horowitz, Linda Resnick HONORARY BOARD—Joan Atlas, Rosalie Cohen, Dalia Fenster, Barbara Goldman, Yvette Gordon, Ruth Hirsh, Norma Hurwitz, Eunice Kaplan, Miriam Rabin, Harriet Rudnick, Marjorie Schlosberg, Louise Silverman, Shelley Goldring Silverman, Rise Stern, Rena Strauch, Esther Zarembski
SMART (Seniors/ Mature/ Adults/ Retired/ Together)
As lockdowns are lifted, policymakers and experts are debating how to live our lives. Many of us have been stocking up on masks, hand sanitizer, and other personal protective equipment. We also need emotional protective equipment to endure the mental impact of this pandemic. So much has changed in a short time and we must adjust to a new normal. But what does that look like? For one thing, it is especially important to stay connected with your loved ones. Consider reaching out by telephone, email, and video chat. When you would like an adventure, consider exploring New York City from home.NYC is filled with many skyscrapers and though we are unable to see them up close, we live in a time where technology makes many things possible. While it does not replace actually being in the big apple, virtual tours and experiences are aplenty. Take a look at https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/22/arts/design/ nyc-skyscrapers-virtual-tour-virus.html. These expeditions are fun and no need to wear a mask or practice physical distancing! When you are ready for another learning experience, consider attending the American Jewish Committee’s first ever Global Forum, June 14 -18. Visit www.ajc.com and sign up to receive an update when registration opens for the various sessions. This five-day online
event will feature a moving opening plenary, conversations with world leaders and spirited debates. The most important issues facing the Jewish people and the world will be discussed, including the rise of anti-Semitism and other forms of hate in the era of the coronavirus, the 2020 United States presidential election, Israel’s quest for peace and security, and the future of the transatlantic relationship. This program will be available from the comfort of your home, free of charge. Don’t miss this learning opportunity! Social distancing, fabric masks, and stay-at-home orders have become regular topics of conversation. As we discover our new normal, coping with all of these changes can be a challenge. Beth El offers Support Group calls with Shari Baum, MSW, Beth El’s social worker, on Monday and Friday mornings, 11:00 am – 12:00 noon. If you would like to share in our sessions, or if you just want to chat, call 914-235-2700, ext. 256, or email me at jrockowitz@bethelnr.org. For now, we have to rely on technology to connect with one another, and these modes of communication are challenging and new to many of us. If you would like to receive 1-on-1 support, or if you can offer support, contact Abby Wise at awise@bethelnr.org. Julie Rockowitz
What Do Beth El’s Officers Do?
Any well run and innovative synagogue is reliant upon three groups to lead the way—the clergy, the professional staff, and the lay volunteers. For the past year, the Volunteer Recognition Committee, an outgrowth of the Journey process, has been highlighting an individual and one or two committees in the pages of the Bulletin. This month we wanted to take a different approach, and recognize a group that works tirelessly for the benefit of all of us, the Officers. Over the past year many of us have had the pleasure to work with one or more of these individuals—Mark Silver, President; Rob Patchen, Executive Vice President; Lauren Freeman-Bosworth, Vice President; David Shechter, Vice President; Debbie Young, Vice President; Barbara Cohen, Treasurer; Ellen Barlis, Financial Secretary; and Nancy Mayerfield, Recording Secretary. Besides their “normal” lives earning a living, being doting mothers and fathers, and community participants, these individuals spend numerous hours on behalf of Beth El working on more things than one can imagine. The Officers’ positions, roles, and terms are laid out in the Beth El Constitution (see Articles VII and VIII), which can be found on our website. They are selected by a Nominating Committee that works very hard over a relatively short period of time to select a group to lead for the following year. From setting policy in conjunction with the clergy and professional staff to attending committee meetings, working on the budgets and personnel issues, to ritual and fundraising, the Officers are involved in most aspects of shul life. When there is something that needs to be done, often it is the Officer group that gets the first call and begins, if not completes, the process. At the same time the group gets little recognition even though all of their efforts are provided as volunteers. Thus, the Volunteer Recognition Committee wanted to deviate from its normal procedure and, on behalf of all of us at Beth El, thank them for their hard work, time, and devotion. Also, a big thank you goes to the families of the Officers, since one consequence of all the time that the volunteers devote to Beth El means that much more time is spent away from their loved ones.
Want to feature your committee or a member? Contact Marc Klee at mklee7@gmail.com. Right now, it is more important than ever to stay connected to our community. Visit bethelnr.org/ livestream to see all of our upcoming events and to watch some of our past programs.
Meet Our Volunteer of the Month: Arlene Salman People volunteer for many reasons. I volunteer because my mother and grandmother taught me the importance of giving back to the world, doing for others, and teamwork. My family was far from rich, but my mother and grandma always had pushke (tzedakah) boxes for donations around the house. The saying, which my own kids have heard time Arlene Salman and again, is that “children learn what they live.” I learned to do volunteer work and to give back whenever I can. Beth El has been an important part of my family since we moved to New Rochelle from the Bronx in 1973. My children grew up at Beth El, attended the Day Camp, and participated in many programs. I even became an Adult Bat Mitzvah and will never forget the support and encouragement I received from Hazzan Dardashti to overcome my Bimah fear. Over the years, I did whatever little I could to help, but once I retired there was no stopping me. I became very active with Sisterhood, and continue to do so, serving on both the Executive Board and the General Board. Currently I chair the monthly Bagels & Books Book Club, which is a fabulous group of very bright and well-read people who enjoy reading and discussing books written by Jewish authors or contain a Jewish plot of some kind. I also teach and run the Canasta and Mah Jongg Programs on Mondays and Tuesdays, respectively. We are always looking for more people to join our Walking Club, which is an easy way to get exercise at a leisurely pace. Shabbat has always been special for me, a day to stop and unwind from the hectic week. Before this pandemic, at the end of Kiddush lunch on Shabbat, I was part of the clean-up team that took over and consolidated the leftovers, packed them up, and stored them in the refrigerator to be used by Beth El during the week. Our wonderful clean-up team made it easy to get the job done, proving that teamwork makes tough jobs easy. Together with my husband, Barry, a retired Supreme Court Justice, we are part of the Saturday team to help make Beth El cleaner and greener. We also help at the Bronx Jewish Community Council, where I currently serve as secretary.
MEMBER RESOURCES Beth El’s Social Worker: Shari Baum 914-761-0600, ext. 2145, sbaum@wjcs.com Beth El’s Emergency Line: 914-235-2700, press * You will be contact within 30 minutes by a member of the senior team. Beth El Cares Hotline and Email: 914-235-2700, dial 9 • bethelcares@bethelnr.org. A hotline and email for needs that arise which are specific to the public health crisis. Someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible. Want to Volunteer? Email bethelcares@bethelnr.org, write VOLUNTEER and your full name in the subject line. You will be added to our volunteer database.
ISRAELI CULTURAL CONNECTIONS Presented by Beth El’s Israel Affairs Committee
Beth El’s Israel Affairs Committee (IAC) is pleased to share cultural items of interest concerning Israel each month. IAC always welcomes new members. For more information about meetings and events, please contact either Tamar Tait at TamarTait@optonline.net, or Bruce Gold at Bruces.gold@gmail.com. This month’s Israeli Cultural Connections column is presented by IAC member Richard Aronow.
VOLUNTEERING FOR ISRAEL Most of us at Beth El are used to experiencing Israel in one of two ways—as frequent and knowledgeable travelers who have friends or family residing there, or as tourists seeing the major sites. There’s another way to visit, however: As a volunteer! Volunteers from America and around the world can travel to Israel and do basic work on military bases so that soldiers or government employees can focus on other tasks. Or, volunteers with certain skills can use their knowledge and expertise in specific areas to do meaningful work in the non-profit sector in either long or short-term engagements. VOLUNTEERS FOR ISRAEL (VFI) was created in response to the need to harvest crops after one of Israel’s wars 35 years ago. Since that time, almost 40,000 volunteers from around the world have participated in the program. Volunteers usually live on a noncombat base in the same barracks as the soldiers. Examples of work to be performed are: checking electronic equipment to make certain the equipment is working properly; checking expiration dates on medical supplies; sanding and painting tank wheels, or pitching tents for scheduled military maneuvers, etc. VFI also has programs that include real archeological exploration, or unique off-the-beaten-track touring in a program that includes one or two weeks of work on a military base. Meeting young IDF soldiers and other volunteers is another benefit of this program. In this writer’s volunteer service there was a doctor from Australia, a British government employee from London, a Russian Dear Friends Join us virtually for the twenty-fifth Annual Julian Y. Bernstein Distinguished Service Awards on Thursday, June 4th, 7:30 pm. Celebrate our outstanding local volunteers, with special Silver Anniversary Recognition of Beth El’s own Donald J. Fleishaker, recipient of the first Distinguished Service Award twenty-five years ago. Please register in advance for this webinar. Visit bethelnr.org/ livestream for the web address. After registering, you will receive a confirmation e-mail containing information about joining the webinar. A copy of the commemorative booklet, including tributes from friends and family, will be distributed electronically following the event. We hope you can join us to honor our very special community volunteers. Thank you! Westchester Jewish Council
925 Westchester Av., Ste 200; White Plains, NY 10604; www.WJCouncil.org Questions? Contact Donna Bartell, 914-328-7001, ext 103; Donna@ WJCouncil.org
emigrant from Detroit, a lawyer from Long Island, a married couple from Chicago who had volunteered together for 15 consecutive years, and other participants from various places. VFI is a 501 (C) (3) non-profit organization. SKILLED VOLUNTEERS FOR ISRAEL (SVFI) matches experienced professionals with meaningful skilled volunteer opportunities in Israel. They link the expertise of Jews from North America with the critical needs of the Israeli non-profit sector through short or long term volunteer engagements. Volunteers can be placed with partner organizations or have custom placement based on specific skills and interests. Examples of volunteer activities are tutoring English, conducting workshops in music, art, drama, or sports; working with refugees and asylum seekers or advancing women’s issues; or helping in adult rehabilitation facilities. How important are volunteers? One VFI volunteer visited a live concert in Jerusalem at which the headliner wanted to thank him for coming to Israel by introducing him to an audience of 300 so that they could show their appreciation. He pointed out that “coming to Israel to volunteer here is very different from just sending your money”. And one SVFI volunteer reported, “This experience has changed my life and changed the lives of many people”. For more information: contact Volunteers For Israel, vfi-usa.org, (212) 643-4848; or Skilled Volunteers For Israel, skillvolunteerisrael. org, (608) 469-0458
We Celebrate the Beth El Nursery School Children
SHORESH ALEPH 2019-2020 5-Day-2s
SHORESH BET 2019-2020 3-Day-2s
GEZAH ALEPH 2019 - 2020
Beth El Celebrates June Birthdays Beth El would like to extend a “Happy Birthday!� to its members with a birthday in the month of June. If you have a June
birthday, but your name does not appear on the list, we are sorry for the omission and ask that you e-mail the synagogue at info@bethelnr.org so that we can update our
Adam Ackerman Scott Afran Maayan Aizenberg Rhona Aronstein Nathan Assor Alvin Begleiter Lauren Berger Jane Berkowitz Melinda Berman Robin Bronk Sharon Brown Richard Brown Ronald Burton Ariel Churba Robert Cohen
Caryl Fuchs Amanda Gabel Lawrence Ginsburg Jonathan Glickman Joyce Goldklang Michael Goldstein Sarah Hallac Edward Heffner Harvey Heir Stephanie Heller Cynthia Hershkowitz Margery Katz Rachel Katz Rita Kaufman Martin Keltz
Ronald Cohen Steven Cohen Tres Cohen-Zolottev Beverly Drucker Marvin Dubin Maddy Efron Avi Einzig Jonathan Erber Caleb Esrig Lisa Estreich Ray Fein Vika Fishler Alexander Fishler Donald J. Fleishaker Dorothy Fox
Claire Kessler Shelley Klein Margo Lampert Cathy Lane Barbara Lerman Donna Levy Benjamin Levy Leonora Loewentheil Thomas Lustig Beverly Marcus Debra Mayblum Alan Mazursky Heather Horowitz Seth Menell Barbara Nitzberg
records. Contact us if you do not wish to have your name appear on our birthday list. (The list reflects our adult members and post-bar/ bat mitzvah children up to the age of 21.) Barbara Pitkoff Elise Richman Shery Rosenstein Shayna Rosenstein Todd Rothenberg Malva Rothstein Evan Rothstein Michelle Sasson Judith Schmeidler Jeffrey Schwarcz Aviva Segal Marjorie Seidenfeld Michael Sherman Charles Silk Stephen Silverman
Stuart Simchowitz Doreen Simon Evan Snyder Rise Stern Ana Urrutia-Wenig Rami Vamos Eleanor Walfish Ben Wulfsohn Janet Yoskowitz Happy
Lola Berlin
Casper Lieberman
Thommie Chernoff
Samara Sacks
Zev Levy
Sadie Heifetz
Ria Salama
Scarlett Siniscalchi
Addy Wasson
Sammy Baltch
Issy Lewis
Noah Berman
Taylor Newblatt
Goldie Chernoff
Ikey Oppenheim
Gabie Davidowitz
Maya Goodman
Violet Wolstein
Ayala Levy
Quinn Zeman
A Note from the Director of Youth & Family Engagement . . .
As we approach a summer different from most others in our lives, I want to reiterate that we in the Department of Youth and Family Engagement are here for you all summer long! Details for our summer schedule are below, but stay tuned for exciting programming for kids of all ages (and parents too)! While we can’t wait to see you in person, we look forward to ‘seeing’ you virtually throughout the summer. As always, if you are interested, I’d love to have virtual coffee and talk! Just be in touch. Sending well wishes to everyone. B’ahava, Bekkah Gold, Director of Youth & Family Engagement
The Below Programs Are for All Youth, grades K-7, and Anyone who Is Interested! Cooking Chug https://zoom.us/j/98205184331 Every Tuesday in June, 4:00 pm (June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30) Youth Programming with Kayla Sullivan, Youth Advisor Every Thursday in June, 4:00 pm (June 4, 11, 18, 25) https://zoom.us/j/92229970778 Family Kehillah for Singing & Activities Every Sunday in June, 10:00 am (June 7, 14, 21, 28) (fun for the whole family!) https://zoom.us/j/93905163835 Family Kabbalat Shabbat Program, June 5, 5:30 pm (before Community Kabbalat Shabbat), https://zoom.us/j/97242350733 Community Kabbalat Shabbat and Havdalah every Friday at 6:00 pm and Saturday after 9:00 pm!
Kadima (5th-7th Grade) Calendar Friday, June 12 Middle School Lounge, 3:00 pm Friday, June 19 Middle School Lounge, 3:00 pm
USY (8th-12th Grade) Calendar Friday, June 5 Thursday, June 11 Thursday, June 18 Friday, June 26
Teen Lounge, 3:00 pm High School Seniors Graduation Celebration (by invite only), 8:00 pm Teen Program, 8:00 pm Teen Lounge, 3:00 pm
Please visit www.bethelnr.org/livestream for web and Zoom links to join these activites and for updated lists of new activities. Weekly
Special Upcoming Events
Mishnah Yomit: 10 minutes of Mishnah study, daily (except Tuesday, June 2 Shabbat), at 9:00 am and 7:00 pm 12:00 pm, Lunch & Learn, with Rabbi Sitkin Contemplative Service, Sundays, 9:00 am, with Rabbi Becca 8:00 pm, METNY Virtual Gala. Weintraub. Spiritual, Relational, and Soulful Prayer.
Thursday, June 4 Talmud Study/Virtual Daf Shevui, Sundays, 10:30 am. Study 1:30 pm, Parashat HaShavuah, with Jack Gruenberg is in English from text prepared by Josh Kulp of the Fuchsberg 7:30 pm, Julian Y. Bernstein Distinguished Service Awards, honoring ConservativeYeshiva in Jerusalem. Receive online, free, from Israel@ Donald J Fleishaker, Nina Luban, and Maria Kessler. uscj.org (look for the Daf Shevui archives). Register with Dorothy and Wednesday, June 7, 7:00 pm, Israel PSA Awards Ceremony— Herb at Dfox@bernalhill.net to stay informed of scheduling changes. Celebrate Israel Video Contest. We will share the top entries and announce winners. Zumba, Sundays, 11:00 am Monday, June 8, 12:30 pm, Zoom 101 with Abby. Learn some tips and tricks on how to navigate Zoom. If you need help beforehand SMART Seniors Group, Mondays and Fridays, 11:00 am -12:00 pm to get on the call, email awise@bethelnr.org. Stories of Resilience in the Tanakh, Mondays,June 1, 8, and 15, Tuesday, June 9 7:30 pm, Parenting in a Pandemic: Responses to Catastrophe in 12:00 pm, Lunch & Learn, with Rabbinic Fellow Jessica Fisher the Hebrew Bible: Taught by Bex Rosenblatt from the Conservative 4:00 pm, Sisterhood Board Installation Ceremony Yeshivah in Jerusalem. Pre-registration requested. Sunday, June 14, 11:00 am, Kallah Reunion Traditional Shacharit, Tuesdays, 8:30 am - 9:00 am, with Rabbi Jessica Fisher. Join us for a 30-minute traditional Shacharit over Monday, June 15, 7:30 pm Zoom to jump start our day with prayer, community, and connection. Tuesday, June 16, 9:00 pm, Young Parents Happy Hour We will come together virtually for P’sukei DeZimrah and the Friday, June 19, 5:00 pm, Masorti Shabbat Weekend elements of Shacharit that do not require a minyan. Those who wish Monday, June 22, 9:30 am, Sisterhood Bagels and Books. We will may join the Mishnah Yomit Zoom immediately after to learn for its discuss The Girl from Berlin, by Ronald Balson. Questions? Contact own sake or in memory of a loved one. Arlene Salman, 914-235-2485. Mishnah Class, Tuesdays and Fridays, 9:15 am, with Rabbi Schuck Monday, June 29, 12:30 pm, Zoom 101 with Abby. Learn some tips Fireside Chats with Beth El Staff, Wednesdays, 12:30 pm. Would and tricks on how to navigate Zoom. If you need help beforehand you like to spend some time with our staff members? Visit bethelnr. to get on the call, email awise@bethelnr.org. org/livestream and click on the Fireside Chat link. No appointments needed. These are open to the whole community for a schmooze, Check bethelnr.org/livestream for more activities! to answer questions, or just to see a friendly and familiar face and say a quick hello. The dates and presenters (as of press time) are: June 3: Julie Rockowitz and Cantor Uri Aqua June 10: Erica Leventhal and Rabbi David Schuck pm June 17: Cantor Gaby Schvartz and Rabbi Zach Sitkin June 24: Ronnie Becher and Bekkah Gold See old friends, honor graduates, catch up! Health Care Support Group, Sundays, 6:00 pm -7:00 pm
College-Age Zoom Reunion Wednesday, June 3rd, 7:30
Parasha HaShavuah, Thursdays, 1:30 pm, with Jack Gruenberg Study the parasha of the week
Kabbalat Shabbat, Fridays, with Beth El’s clergy, featuring singing and words of Torah. It will uplift you and give you an anchor as we head into Shabbat. Please check for times. Virtual Havdalah, Saturdays at the conclusion of Shabbat. Open Beit Midrash, Thursdays, 8:00 pm June 11th, June 18th, June 25th
Zoom Meeting ID: 917 4240 7894 Password: alumni
Misheberach List
At many of our services, and now at our evening Mishnah study, we say a prayer for healing for those who are ill. Any name added to the Misheberach list will be automatically removed after one month. If a name needs to remain for another month, please reach out again to a member of the clergy.
Adam Ackerman
Adam is graduating from Muhlenberg College, Magna Cum Laude, with a double major in Finance and International Relations. Adam spent a semester abroad in Rome, Italy, and was a part of the Wall Street Club and an Economics tutor on campus! After graduation, Adam will be joining Foot Locker, Inc. as a financial analyst in their New York City office.
Gaby Altman Gaby received a BS in BioMedical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science from Washington University, St. Louis, Summa Cum Laude. She was awarded outstanding senior academic achievement, was on the Ice Skating Team, in the AEPhi Sorority, and was a Teaching Assistant. She plans to work on a Ph.D. at Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine in Genetics and Data Science.
Hannah Bartell Hannah graduated from Binghamton University with a degree in Judaic Studies and a minor in education. During her time in Binghamton, she was very involved in Hillel, serving as an Aroma -in Binghamton- Cafe co-chair (based on a coffee shop in Israel), First Year Students of Hillel director, and for her senior year served as the president of Hillel. She was the continued, page 14
Ben Burton
Simona Chhahira
Leam Cohen
Mattie Cohen
Caleb Esrig
Simona just completed her degree in Elementary Education at the University of Wisconsin. While there, she was involved with the Chabad board, as well as the Chi Omega sorority. Next year, Simona will be working at Success Academy in Harlem as a middle school English teacher.
Leam graduated from S y r a c u s e U n i v e r s i t y, Whitman School of Business with a dual major in Finance and Entrepreneurship. He spent his junior year abroad in Barcelona, Spain, and will be working at Morgan Stanley beginning this summer.
Mattie graduated from Binghamton School of Management (Dec. 2019) Cum Laude, with a BS in Accounting and a minor in Art History. She is an avid mountaineer and traveled in India and Nepal, where she summited Imja Tse (20,305 ft). She is an accomplished oil painter continued, page 14
Talia spent this school year working as an assistant teacher at Beth El Nursery School in the 3s classroom and had a wonderful, education-filled year. She also worked at Beth El Religious School as an assistant teacher in the fourth grade class. She is taking online classes to complete a degree in Graphic Design. Talia plans to work in the media/design world, specifically in social media. She also plans to stay closely involved in the Jewish education field, and hopes to spend a Talia Friedman second year working in our Religious School.
Ben is graduating from New York Univerisity with a major in history and a minor in psychology. He is currently living at home in New Rochelle, spending time going for walks around the neighborhood. Don’t be afraid to say hi!
Sammy Burton
A t Ya l e , S a m m y w a s p r e s i d e n t o f t h e Ya l e Undergraduate Prison Project, president of Chabad at Yale, and sang with the Baker’s Dozen a cappella group. Now he is working for a civil rights litigation law firm.
Arielle Felberg
Caleb graduated with an A.B. in Economics from Harvard College. He led Harvard’s FirstYear Outdoor Program, wrote for The Harvard Crimson, helped lead their Model Congress, and was active in Hillel. In the fall he will join Bain & Company’s New York office as an associate consultant.
Arielle graduated from Franklin and Marshall College with a major in Biology and a minor in Hebrew. She was the secretary for F&M Hillel, an EMT for the F&M EMS program, and a member of the Alpha Xi Delta Sorority. She taught a Hebrew class for 2-5 continued, page 14
Hailey, a granddaughter of Caryl Fuchs, is graduating from Yale University with a degree in Ethics, Politics & Economics. She will join The New York Times as a Rosenbaum Fellow, in Washington, D.C. Hailey was recently part of a group of journalists at The Washington Post who were finalists for a Pulitzer Prize in Breaking News.
Hailey Fuchs
Jeffrey Gordon
Brandon Klee
Jeffrey graduated from Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications with a degree in advertising. He was active in his campus Chabad and belonged to the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. He had a ton of fun in college, and is ready for the next chapter. Like many, Jeffrey is looking to use his degree to get a job in advertising strategy or media in New York City.
Brandon is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Kenan-Flagler School of Business (Dec. 2019). He was the president of the Reynolds Fund, a member of the Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, and a part of UNC Baseball Analytics. Brandon currently works as a Real Estate Investment Banking Analyst for Raymond James in Tampa, Florida.
Nate Platzner
David Rosenstein
Nate graduated from Binghamton University with a BA in psychology and cinema. He was the Video Coordinator for Binghamton University’s student newspaper and graduates with a 4.0 in his major. He plans to continue doing video and copy work for a marketing agency in NYC.
David studied marketing and management at the University of Maryland while giving tours and remaining involved in several academicbased honors programs, as well as marketing and student government clubs. He will be moving to San Francisco to be a Business Leadership Program-Global Sales Associate at LinkedIn.
Rebecca Meisler
Sam Silverman
Ben Tait
Taylor Salomon
Michael Seidenfeld
Jacob Shteingart
Re b e cc a g r a d u a t e d i n December 2019 with high honors from Northwestern, School of Education and Social Policy, and hoped to walk with her class in June. She was involved with Hillel and was on the executive board of Northwestern Community Development Corps, a student group that promotes engagement within the University, the l o c a l c o m m u n i t y, a n d Chicago. She plans to start law school at NYU in August.
Taylor is graduating from the University of Pennsylvania with a BA in Political Science and a Journalistic Writing minor. She was co-president of the Upstander Initiative, a club that mentors students in Philadelphia high schools in being positive change makers in their communities through the lens of Holocaust education. S h e w a s a cont., page 14
Kiki graduated with highest honors from Indiana University, College of Arts and Sciences, The Media School. She is a member of Gamma Phi Beta Sorority and looks forward to starting her career in film and television production.
Kiki Weiss
Danielle Wolk
Sam graduated with a B.A. from Georgetown University in December 20 1 9 a n d e x p e c t s t o begin work at a New York corporate communications firm later this year.
Michael attended DePaul University where he had a variety of great experiences. He was a research assistant to a professor writing a book on the sociological analysis of rock bands, interned at a film non-profit, produced/ filmed/edited his own ethnographic documentary short film, displayed his own photography in a gallery setting with cont., page 14
Danielle is graduating from Northwestern University with a B.A. in Neuroscience and a minor in Global Health Studies. Danielle conducted research in a neuropsychology lab, played on the club tennis team, and served on the board for Wildcats for Israel. Danielle intends to pursue a career in medicine.
Ben graduated from the University of Rochester with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. He will be starting work as a software engineer for Lockheed Martin in August.
Jacob studied philosophy at Princeton University. He was pre-med, music director of Princeton’s Jewish a capella group; president of Koach, the Conservative Jewish community; an undergraduate researcher in a virology lab; and a campus tour guide. He is working at Clearview Healthcare Partners and plans to go to medical school.
Other College Graduates Emily Ginsburg Darcy Stack Josh Troyetsky
Hannah Bartell, cont.
religious chair of her sorority, Sigma Alpha Epsilon Pi, sat on the steering committee of her education minor and was a student government congress representative. Next year, Hannah plans to be in Bat Yam, Israel on Masa Israel Teaching Fellows.
Mattie Cohen, cont. During Jesse Bartell’s time in high school, he climbed the USY ladder from Shabbaton co-chair to Beth El Membership Kadima Vice President to a position on the Emek Divisional Board. He balanced his academic studies at New Rochelle High School and additional responsibilities with his hobbies, like mountain climbing and cooking.
At New Rochelle High School, Stephen Bartell was a peer tutor through the Math Honor Society, played flute in the school band, and was a freshman mentor in the Ignite program. He has taken many classes about math, science, and economics and is excited to build on this in college. He has always been involved in regional, divisional, and chapter-level USY, serving as the METNY Regional President this year.
At New Rochelle High School, Hannah Bases was president and founder of the FEMpowerMENt Club for gender equality and activism, as well as National English Honor Society President and Band President. She volunteered at the Songcatchers program, teaching flute, and was a member of Area All State Orchestra. She was the Social Media and Marketing Intern for North End Fitness and Training.
A l l y B e r ko w i t z l o v e d participating in activities at the Leffell School, including softball, track, nefesh (leading prayer group), and anchoring a student led news show. She is proud of her involvement in musical theater at PGT (Play Group Theater) and the work she has done at local elementary schools, presenting to students during Health Awareness Week. Ally will graduate from The Leffell School in June.
favoring the impasto technique and has been featured in numerous exhibitions, including as NY Art Expo 2017 Launchpad Artist (madeleineanne. net). In the fall Mattie will work in the International Tax Department of Deloitte.
Arielle Felberg, cont.
year olds at a synagogue in Lancaster, PA. She will be working as a Medical Scribe in Westchester while applying to Physician’s Assistant school and will volunteer as an EMT at Scarsdale’s Ambulance Corps.
Taylor Salomon, cont.
Simone Goldberg has played soccer since age 5, the past 2 years on NRHS’s Varsity team. She was captain of the NRHS Varsity lacrosse team (played for 3 years); in PAVE Dance, a board member of Sports Central, Math Honor Society tutoring, the Ignite mentorship program, Model Congress, and Jewish Culture Club. On the High Honor Roll every year, she was in National and Math Honor Societies. She is an attendant at Larchmont Volunteer Ambulance Corp; in Beth El’s USY and Rosh Hodesh; did USY on Wheels; and summers at Cedar Lake.
Maddy Efron was on the New Rochelle High School Tennis Team and the Model Congress debate club since freshman year. As a junior, she was on the executive board for Hope from the Heart, a cancer awareness club. Senior year she was on the executive board of the Ignite mentoring program, in the National Honor Society, and volunteered weekly at Beth El Religious School.
J o n a t h a n G o t i a n was very involved in DOROT Intergenerational Chess; Student Government, where he was treasurer at the Leffell School; and B e t h E l U S Y. O n U S Y Teen Leadership Board, Jonathan was the Social Action/Tikkun Olam Vice President during his junior year and Chapter President senior year.
Throughout Josh Kirschner’s high school career, he is most proud of his time on the METNY USY regional board for the 20192020 year as the Regional Israel Affairs Vice President. He is graduating from Edgemont High School and is excited for all that’s to come.
News Intern at a local radio station, on The Penn Israel Public Affairs Committee, the Jewish Heritage Programs, Hillel, Sigma Delta Tau sorority, and the Orthodox Community at Penn. She will pursue a career in journalism and broadcast news production.
Michael Seidenfeld, cont
the DePaul Artist Collective, and made Dean’s List every quarter. Next, he is looking into options in Chicago, such as paralegal work, arts non-profit/administration, and higher education administration.
Ford Lenchner has run cross Maddie Klonsky was in the National country, participated in track, Honor Society at New Rochelle High been a CIT, attended the AIPAC School, as well as on the board of Conference in Washington Hope from the Heart and an Ignite D.C., participated in Midnight mentorship program Executive. Runs, made new friends, and Maddie also volunteered at the JCCA has grown through these Cottages, a place for foster children in experiences. He is graduating Pleasantville throughout high school, in addition to volunteering at Beth El from Scarsdale High School and is grateful for the support Religious School during her senior year. of family and friends to help him on this journey.
During Lucy Levin’s time at New Rochelle High School, she was a member of the Jewish Culture Club, the Green Club, the Garden Club, FEMpowerMENt, and student government clubs, as well as National and Science Honors Societies. Lucy was also part of the PAVE dance program, and took tap dancing during the week at the JCC. She’s excited to start college!
Ky l e M a y b l u m l o v e s performing and musical theater, and has done so in shows, cabarets, and choirs at the Leffell School (formerly Solomon Schechter) as well as at PGT (Play Group Theater). He has participated in the DOROT Chess Program weekly during the school year since 10th grade. Kyle loves spending time helping the community
Shira Rosencrantz has enjoyed being a dancer in New Rochelle High School’s PAVE program, Green Club President, and the Jewish Culture Club. She thanks everyone at Beth El for the wonderful memories, including the laughs during Friday night dinners, homemade hummus made on Sundays at Religious School, the therapeutic Rosh Hodesh sessions, and more.
At New Rochelle High School, Maya Scheinfeld held leadership positions in Students Against Destructive Decisions, Junior State of America, the FEMpowerMENt Club, and the National English Honor Society. She was in PAVE Vocal, the Varsity Soccer Team, and the National Honor Society. At Beth El, she enjoyed Rosh Hodesh and volunteering in the Religious School office.
At New Rochelle High School, Jonah Seidenfeld was co-captain of the Frisbee Team, on Ignite mentorship program’s Executive Board, the National Honor Society, and PAVE Theatre. Jonah was in USY, on the Emek USY Divisional Board junior year, and was one of the presidents of Beth El USY his senior year, and volunteered at Beth El Religious School.
Ilana Shechter is graduating from New Rochelle High School. She was in the PAVE Program for visual art, the National Art Honor Society, and the Jewish Culture Club, where she was president for 2 years. At Beth El, she was active in USY, president of the USY Teen Leadership Board during her junior year, and on the board senior year. She volunteered in the Religious School.
Dylan Tait spent his high school years competing on his school’s wrestling and crew teams, working at the JCC of Mid-Westchester as a lifeguard, participating in regional, divisional, and Beth El USY, and spending amazing summers lifeguarding at Camp Baco in the Adirondacks.
Logan Wasserman is graduating Harrison High School. He’s in the National and Foreign Language Honor Societies; on the Varsity Basketball Team; a 2019/2020 Section I Class A All Conference Basketball player; and was awarded the Harrison High School Basketball Heart & Soul Award and the 2020 William J. Thom Court of Excellence Aw a r d . A m e m b e r o f our teen community he was in USY and on Teen Leadership Board.
At White Plains High School, Rena Zisser participated in many clubs, was vice president of Students Against Drunk Driving junior year, and Co-Occurring Disorder Awareness president senior year. She was her school’s sports photographer (senior year) and was published in the ROAR Magazine throughout high school. Rena made her Carnegie Hall debut, went to Song Leader Boot Camp, a national Jewish leadership conference led by Jewish leaders, educators, and music artists.
Other High School Grad: Zack Kornreich
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (5th gr.) Brynn Abramowitz, Daniel Babayev, Dylan Erber, Jed Feldman, Hailey FioRito, Joshua Forman, Hannah Goldberg, Nina Griffith, Avigayil Koch Henry Leibowitz, Juliette Lewis, Noam Maliniak, Liv Mamaysky Nathan Meckler, Matthew Nitzberg, Nechama Nitzberg, Corey Novoseller, Jordan Novoseller, Jonathan Noy, Maya Noy, Emma O’Malley, Oren Podietz, Nicholas Ramos, Jack Reis, Naomi Shechter, Ari Snyder, Samson Solomon, Max Straussberg, Matan Vamos, Dahlia Wulfsohn, Dylan Zung MIDDLE SCHOOL (8h gr.) Monica Afran, Charlie Bases, Lola Bernstein, Robin Bosworth, Lucy Casanova, Kyra Esrig, Paige FioRito, Asher Friedland, Hannah Jacobson, Lily Jacobson, Shayna Klingsberg, Etel Malka, Hannah ManiAbraham, Jonathan Matcovsky, Alexander Meckler, Eliza Pei Morris, Noah O’Neill, Lindsay Reis, Nadav Schuck, Hannah Shammas, Raya Sulman Religious School (7th gr.) Mensch Award Rachel Cooper Hizdamnut Award Daniel Straussberg Akiba Award Jacob Tolle Scholar Award Recipients Cory Leventhal, Gabriel N o v o s e l l e r, B e n j a m i n Schwarcz, Sebastian Stock, Zachary Weber, Petra Wulfsohn
E t h a n Tu r ke w i t z was captain of the Varsity Tennis Team and president of the Green Club at NRHS. He was an Executive Board member for Ignite, a mentorship program for high school freshman, and a member of the Social Studies Honor Society. He’s the founder of an annual sneaker drive that he began as a bar mitzvah project in 7th grade, and volunteered at Beth El during Religious School.
SUNDAY All programs are virtual.
10 SIVAN 3
Daily Minyan 8:00 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am SMART 11:00 am
Daily Minyan 8:00 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am Mishna Class 9:15 am
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Stories in the Tanakh 7:30 pm
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
15 SIVAN 8
16 SIVAN 9
Daily Minyan 8:00 am Daily Minyan 8:00 am Contemplative Service Mishna Yomit 9:00 am 9:00 am SMART 11:00 am Rel. Sch. Kehillah Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm 10:00 am Stories in the Tanakh Health Care Support 7:30 pm Group 6:00 pm
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Officers Meeting 7:30 pm
22 SIVAN 15
Contemplative Service 9:00 am Rel. Sch. Kehillah 10:00 am Kallah Reunion 11:00 am Health Care Support Group 6:00 pm
WJC Julian Bernstein Distinguished Service Awards 7:30 pm
18 SIVAN 11
Daily Minyan 8:00 am Daily Minyan 8:00 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am Fireside Chat 12:30 am CSA 5:00 pm Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
24 SIVAN 17
25 SIVAN 18
Daily Minyan 8:00 am
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Stories in the Tanakh 7:30 pm
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Ritual Committee 7:30 pm
Mishna Yomit 9:00 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am Fireside Chat 12:30 am CSA 5:00 pm Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Executive Council Meeting 7:00 pm Board of Trustees Meeting 8:00 pm
30 SIVAN 23
Mishna Yomit 9:00 am Sis. Bagels & Books 9:30 am SMART 11:00 am
Daily Minyan 8:00 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am Mishna Class 9:15 am Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
Daily Minyan 8:00 am
Shabbat ends 9:07pm
Havdalah 9:15 pm
20 SIVAN 13
21 SIVAN Shabbat
BEHA’ALOTECHA ends Daily Minyan 9:10 pm 8:00 am Mishna Yomit 8:10 pm 9:00 am Mishna Class 9:15 am Havdalah 9:15 pm
SMART 11:00 am Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
27 SIVAN 20
MASORTI Shabbat SH’LACH ends WEEKEND 9:13pm Daily Minyan 8:12 pm 8:00 am MASORTI WEEKEND Mishna Yomit Havdalah 9:30 pm 9:00 am Mishna Class 9:15 am SMART 11:00 am Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm SHABBAT MEVARCHIM
Daily Minyan 8:00 am Daily Minyan 8:00 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am Fireside Chat 12:30 am CSA 5:00 pm Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
Daily Minyan 8:00 am Mishna Yomit 8:13 pm 9:00 am Mishna Class 9:15 am
Shabbat ends 9:13 pm
Havdalah 9:30 pm SMART 11:00 am Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
Daily Minyan 8:00 am Daily Minyan 8:00 am Contemplative Service Mishna Yomit 9:00 am 9:00 am SMART 11:00 am Rel. Sch. Kehillah Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm 10:00 am Health Care Support Group 6:00 pm
SMART 11:00 am Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
26 SIVAN 19
Daily Minyan 8:00 am
13 SIVAN 6
Daily Minyan 8:00 am Mishna Yomit 8:06 pm 9:00 am Mishna Class 9:15 am
19 SIVAN 12
Mishna Yomit 9:00 am Mishna Class 9:15 am
Daily Minyan 8:00 am Daily Minyan 8:00 am
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
Mishna Yomit 9:00 am SMART 11:00 am
29 SIVAN 22
Contemplative Service 9:00 am Rel. Sch. Kehillah 10:00 am Health Care Support Group 6:00 pm
Sis. Installation 4:00 pm
23 SIVAN 16
Daily Minyan 8:00 am Daily Minyan 8:00 am
17 SIVAN 10
Daily Minyan 8:00 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am Mishna Class 9:15 am
Daily Minyan 8:00 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am
Fireside Chat 12:30 am
Visit us on facebook at facebook.com/BethElSynagogueCenter
12 SIVAN 5
11 SIVAN 4
Daily Minyan 8:00 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am
Daily Minyan 8:00 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am
For all of our online and virtual learnings, teachings, and activities, please visit www.bethelnr.org/livestream.
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
The yahrzeit of the following deceased persons permanently inscribed on our Memorial Walls are observed on these dates: Martin Stein 1 Libby Wolf 14 Bernard Cheskin 2 Morris F. Cron 15 Abraham Geffner 2 Louis W. Jaffe 16 M. Elliot Jackson 2 Andrew Scherz 16 Mary Kornfeld 2 Seymour Sobel 16 A Warm Beth El Mazal Tov to One and All!! Zevi Hirsh Motzkin 2 Joseph Halpern 17 Share your milestone events with us! Ruth D. Pashman 2 Bertram B. Schwarz 17 If you experience a milestone or a loss in your family, contact Rita Mason 3 Audrey Strauss 17 Linda at LNewman@bethelnr.org, or 914-235-2700, ext. 246. Gourdji Rahamin Masri 3 Irving Gendelman 18 Sarah Mirsky 3 Louise Troodler 18 Hyman L. Walfish 3 Dr. Leon Figur 19 We record with sorrow the losses suffered by our members Margaret Adlowitz 4 Esther Benkel 20 and friends and extend to them our deepest sympathies. Jennie Gordon 4 Herman L. Goldman 20 Condolences to: Reuben Grunauer 4 Daisy M. Holman 20 Beth Breakstone on the loss of her mother, Barbara Breakstone; Nettie Kleppel 4 Leizer H. Leibowitz 20 Beatrice Freedman on the loss of her daughter Ellen Costello; Allan J. Riefs 4 Mary Newman 20 Cara Wulfsohn on the loss of her brother David Gevisenheit; Herman Strauch 4 Max Rabinowitz 20 Michele Brick on the loss of her mother, Harriet Steinberg; Bess Wasserman 4 Abraham Belsky 21 Larry Epstein on the loss of his father, Leonard Epstein; Morris Feldman 5 Max Belsky 21 Merrick Platzner on the loss of his mother, Marilyn Platzner. Bertha Lerman 5 Rae Feuerstein 21 Alfred Lewis 5 Max Jackson 21 Philip Ruskin 6 Milton Gordon 22 Esther May 7 Samuel Gore 22 Leo Scheffler 7 Rose Sussman 22 The Cove Family Irving Wenig 7 Martin Teichman 22 Of White Plains Sally F. Berman 8 Sarah Mandel 23 Steven Cove Augusta Borchert 8 Anna Strauch 23 Meredith, Ethan Sol Simon 8 Rafael Moshe Zaiman 23 Hyman Wexler 8 Yona Kessel 24 Dr. Israel Hochbaum 9 Sadye Leben 24 9 Nathan Lopatin 24 Bereavement is always devastating, however the additional David Schwartz 10 Clara Mirenburg 24 pressures of physical distancing and its consequential restrictions Rose Gorlon 10 Florence Teichman 24 on funerals and shiva have left those grieving family and friends Morris Szlachter 11 Benjamin Chabrow 25 feeling more alone and isolated than ever. Now more than ever Joseph Azer Feinberg 11 Samuel Feinberg 27 before, we need connection and support through this difficult time. Harry Langbert 12 Rebecca Kaplan 27 We are taking registrations for a virtual support group led by the Gertrude Flora Moses 12 Rebecca Wasley 27 Beth El Clergy at www.bethelnr.org/form/Grief-Support. Please let Tillie Moskowitz 12 Israel Diesenhof 28 us know if you are interested, as this group will only move forward Lillian S. Strum Lillian Gordon Alpern 13 Steven H. Hirsch 28 if there is a need. Kay Charm 13 Ruth Kornfeld 28 Henry E. Hirsch 13 Meyer Nova 28 Nathaniel Kleppel 13 Albert E. Singer 28 Isaac Moses 13 Max Bitter 29 Ruth Pusick 13 Herbert M. Jacobs 29 David Robinson 13 Eva Meyers 29 Janette Alpert 14 Ernst Grunauer 30 Hyman Greenberg 14 Rose Wechsler 30
Mazal tov to: Jack Renick and Barbara Finder on the birth of grandson Levi Nathan, and to parents Alexandra and Daniel Sackett, Barbara and Mark Goldman on their 65th wedding anniversary; Patti and Isadore Huss on the birth of granddaughter Avery Claire, and to parents Blaine Huss and Daniel Passeser.
Welcome to the Beth El Community
Beth El Grief Support Group
To make a donation in honor or in memory of someone, email Zoe Raynes at zraynes@bethelnr.org.
GENERAL FUND A generous donation was received from Helene and Howard Goldstein. IN HONOR OF:
Stephen Silverman for his Simchat Torah honor of The upcoming bar mitzvah of Cory Leventhal, Hatan Bereishit, from Janet and Isaiah Seligman. from Nina Luban and Scott Bonci. IN MEMORY OF: IN MEMORY OF: Elaine Levitin, beloved wife of Marty Levitin, Blanche Fried, beloved mother and grandmother, from Linda Grabel and Louise and Jay Silverman. from Selma Aronson. Herb Joffe, beloved husband of Florence Joffe, from Selma Aronson.
Mark Falow, son of Marilyn Falow, from Barbara Abe Walfish on the eighty-sixth anniversary of his bar mitzvah, from Nora Klion-Wolloch. and Bob Cohen.
Nathan Lefkowitz and David Lefkowitz, beloved Bernice Ward, on her special birthday, from Nora father and brother of Helene Goldstein, from Klion-Wolloch. Helene and Howard Goldstein. Elise and Barry Richman on the birth of their Jay Agular, brother of Linda Mazursky, from Eric granddaughter, from Nora Klion-Wolloch. and Liz Alderman.
Lauren Berger and Jay Rehr on the birth of their Dr. Walter Herzberg, beloved father of Dr. Stephen grandson, from Nora Klion-Wolloch. Herzberg, from Dina Brot. Lester Zimmerman on his ninetieth birthday, from Melvin Getlan, beloved father of Rita Krasik, Nora Klion-Wolloch. from Dina Brot.
IN MEMORY OF: Barbara Breakstone, mother of Beth Breakstone, Carol and Paul Freedman, beloved parents of from Steven and Shirin Stein. Beth, Rachel, and Judy, from Debbie and Steven My beloved father, Edgar Read, from Lydia Read. Young, Nora Klion-Wolloch, and Dana Asher. Bobby Schmeidler, from Judy Schmeidler.
DOROTHY FLEISHAKER RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND IN HONOR OF: Donald Fleishaker on his recognition by the Westchester Jewish Council for his distinguished service and for his upcoming special birthday, from Anita and Marc Zoldessy.
Susan Morris, beloved wife of George Morris, from Judy Schmeidler, Nora Klion-Wolloch, Dana Asher, and Debbie and Steven Young, Barbara Breakstone, beloved mother of Beth Breakstone, from Joyce and Michael Wechsler. Blanche Fried, beloved mother of Judy Conrad, from Judy Schmeidler, and Nora Klion-Wolloch. Herbert Joffe, beloved husband of Florence Joffe, from Marcia and Hy Pryluck, and Nora Klion-Wolloch.
IN MEMORY OF Barbara Breakstone, beloved grandmother of Julia Walter Herzberg, beloved father of Stephen Herzberg, from Nora Klion-Wolloch. Keltz, from Richard and Noreen Arnold. Jay Agular, beloved brother of Linda Mazursky, BERNICE FELDMAN from Nora Klion-Wolloch.
Melvin Getlan, beloved father of Rita Krasik, from Nora Klion-Wolloch.
RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Barbara and Bob Cohen in memory of parents, Rose and Harry Covkin, on their yahrzeits; Bernie Katz in memory of Bernard Freedman; Bernie Katz in memory of Blanche Fried; Bernie Katz in memory of Albert Scher; Judy Harary in memory of Elaine Levitin; Judy Harary in memory of Louis Palgon; Michael and Linda Goldstein in honor of their granddaughter Helen Leora; Judy Harary in memory of Paul and Carol Freedman; Fred and Judy Bomback in memory of Paul and Carol Freedman; Marc and Bonnie Sosin in memory of Carol Freedman; Susan Glanz; Rita Kaufman in memory of her father, Abraham Rosenfeld, on his yahrzeit; Joel Levitin in memory of Elaine Levitin; Sheila Tanenbaum in memory of her father, Al Siegel; Joyce and Michael Wechsler in memory of Michael’s father, Herman Wechsler; Larry and Lisa Mandelker for the recovery of Philip Mandelker and Thelma Mandelker; Sue and Michael Meisler in memory of Barbara Breakstone, mother of Beth Breakstone; Mindy Patchen in memory of her beloved brother Louis Palgon; Janet and Isaiah Seligman in honor of Rabbi Melvin and Lenore Sirner on the birth of their grandson Rafi Max, and to parents Ari Sirner and Rachel Hollander; Richard and Carol Chadakoff; Elisa Nemirow; Steven Cove; Barbara and David Horowitz in memory of Barbara Breakstone, mother of Beth Breakstone; Judy Schmeidler in memory of Elaine Levitin; Marc and Harriet Suvall in memory of Barbara Breakstone, mother of Beth Breakstone and grandmother of Julia Keltz; Jeffrey and Victoria Bloom in memory of IDF Staff Sgt. Amit Ben-Yigal; Fred and Judy Bomback in memory of Barbara Breakstone, mother of Beth Breakstone; Claire Gerstein in memory of her grandparents; Eric Treiber and Ruth Kaplan Treiber; Av Rivel in honor of Sandy and Jack Gruenberg; Jay and Barbara Lerman in memory of Bertha Lerman on her yahrzeit; Morris Stampfer in memory of Louis Palgon, brother of Mindy Patchen and uncle of Robert Patchen; Morris Stampfer in honor of Lester Zimmerman’s 90th birthday.
IN HONOR OF: Bernard Resnik, from Mitchel and Ronnie Kaplan. Rebecca Shahmoon Shanok, beloved member of The birth of a granddaughter to Elise and Barry Beatrice Newman, beloved mother of Paulette the Shahmoon and Shanok families, from Nora Richman, from Pearl Sullivan. Klion-Wolloch. Katz, from Maxine and Jay Friedman. IN MEMORY OF Jay Agular, beloved brother of Linda Mazursky, Elaine Levitin, beloved wife of Marty Levitin, Glenn Eichen, brother of Susan Mittleman, from from Nora Klion-Wolloch. from David and Barbara Horowitz. Anne and Rick Weisbrod. Louis Palgon, beloved brother of Mindy Patchen, ZARO SENIOR from Nora Klion-Wolloch. YOUTH ACTIVITIES FUND
Ernest Einzig, beloved father of Avi Einzig, from IN MEMORY OF: Nora Klion-Wolloch. Frances Gold, beloved mother of Bruce Gold and Our parents, Celia and Meyer Wiener and Harriet Bernard Freedman, beloved father of Barbara Starr, beloved grandmother of Bekkah Gold and Lissy and Arnold Levy, from Donna and Gary Levy. Gold, from Bruce Gold and Grace Kalfus. from Nora Klion-Wolloch. IN MEMORY OF:
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To advetise, contact Linda, LNewman@bethelnr.org, 914-235-2700, ext. 246
IN HONOR OF: The bar mitzvah of Samuel Schmeidler, grandson of Judy Schmeidler, from Judith Shapiro.
Elise and Bob Schepp for being such caring friends and neighbors, and thanks for the flowers, from, Robin Kaphan.
IN MEMORY OF: My beloved son, Andrew on what would have been his fifty-fourth birthday, from Judith Shapiro. Andrew Shapiro, from Richard A. Brown. Louis Palgon, beloved brother of Mindy Patchen, from the “New Year’s Group,” and Judith Shapiro. The yahrzeit of Irna Patchen, beloved mother of Stanley Patchen, and the yahrzeit of Aaron Palgon, beloved brother of Mindy Patchen, from Mindy and Stanley Patchen.
Matthew Cornick, Leah and Noel Edelson, Nathan Eisler, Karen and Mitchell Fleiss, Deborah Gerstein, Faye and Jack Gingold and family, Mark Goldman, Susan Goldstein, Jerry Gottlieb, Phoebe Gross, Ilan Moallem, Barbara and Arthur Margolin, Deborah Olstein, Ruth and Marvin Price, Barbara and Leon Protass, Esther J. Robbins, Ellen and Allen Rosenberg, Huguette and Robert Rosenthal, Laurie and Eric Roth, Sharon Rozansky, The Shumofsky family, Marc Straussberg, Roberta Snerson Troeder, Tova Freidler Usda, Ronnie and Jesse Weinberger, William Winters, Claudia and Norbert Wolloch and Esther Zarembski and family.
HAMETZ DONATIONS Neil Weiss and Jessica Berman; Rhona and Danny Aronstein
All the frontline health care workers locally and across the USA for working tirelessly in the face of this devastating health pandemic, from Robin Kaphan. My wonderful nurse colleagues and friends at the City School District of New Rochelle for their support of our department and the students of our community as we negotiate these challenging times—you are all true heroes, from Robin Kaphan. IN MEMORY OF: All Beth El members or family members who have been lost to the Covid -19 virus, from Robin Kaphan. Ernest Einzig, beloved father of Avi Einzig, from Robin Kaphan. Blanche Fried, beloved mother of Judy Conrad, from Robin Kaphan. Barbara Breakstone, beloved mother of Dr. Beth Breakstone and Ted Keltz and beloved grandmother and great-grandmother, from Robin Kaphan. Jeremy Scheinfeld, beloved son of Jodi and Rob Scheinfeld, from Robin Kaphan. Bradley Ruttenberg, beloved son of Leslie and Dick Ruttenberg, from Robin Kaphan. Clarence Overton, beloved father of Dr. Valarie Overton, from Robin Kaphan. 19
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Real Estate Salesperson M 917.693.3557 jburton@houlihanlawrence.com jocelynburton.houlihanlawrence.com facebook.com/JocelynHallBurtonRealEstate
D O N ’ T M I S S T H I S R A R E O P P O R T U N I T Y | C O N TA C T M E F O R M O R E N E W R O C H EL L E B R O K ER AG E • 15 Q UA K ER R I D G E R OA D • N E W R O C H EL L E , N Y 10 8 0 4
Source: HGMLS, 1/1/19-12/31/19, total dollar volume of single family homes sold by Houlihan Lawrence agent, New Rochelle school district; 1/1/19-12/31/19, total dollar volume of single family homes sold by company, New Rochelle school district. Top 1%: According to the HGAR, there are approximately 6500 members located in Westchester County on an annual basis. Jocelyn ranks #53 and in the Top 1% in Westchester County by all properties sold, total dollar volume, 2019.
I am committed to providing you with the same unrivaled service you have come to expect. I am leveraging the latest technology to virtually meet your real estate needs. • Zoom Meetings
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These are all the new realities that have come into our existence in the last 45+ days. I wish everyone a safe and healthy path during this challenging time. Connect with me to bring you results. In compliance with State mandate, homeowners will conduct virtual showings as applicable.
N E W R O C H E L L E B R O K E R A G E • 1 5 Q U A K E R R I D G E R O A D, N E W R O C H E L L E , N Y 1 0 8 0 4
H O U L I H A N L A W R E N C E .C O M
Source: HGMLS, 1.1.1990 - 12.31.2019, all properties sold, total volume, by agent. Source: HGMLS, 2009 - 2019 each individual year, single family homes sold in New Rochelle School District, by agent by dollar volume.
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SHERY ROSENSTEIN Licensed Real Estate Sales Person
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JOCELYN BURTON , Real Estate Salesperson M 917.693.3557 | JBurton@houlihanlawrence.com Proud Beth El member Ranked in the Top 1% of All Agents in Westchester MLS # 1 Agent in the #1 Brokerage in New Rochelle New Rochelle Brokerage | 15 Quaker Ridge Rd, New Rochelle NY | Source: OKMLS, 2019, total dollar volume of single family homes sold by Houlihan Lawrence agent, New Rochelle school district; 2019, total dollar volume of single family homes sold by company, New Rochelle school district. Top 1%: According to the OKMLS, there are approximately 6500 members located in Westchester County on an annual basis. Jocelyn ranks #53 and in the Top 1% in Westchester County by all properties sold, total dollar volume, 2019.