July ~ August 2020 • Vol. 103, No 1 TAMMUZ ~ AV ~ ELUL 5780 WWW.BETHELNR.ORG
The High Holidays will be different than any we have ever experienced before. But with new challenges come new opportunities. Stay tuned to see how we will be celebrating. Rosh Hashanah Greetings Every Tuesday in July, 8 PM We are working on several ways to bring some of the high holiday spirit into your homes (or outside your windows at least) this year. During the month of Elul and on the second day of Rosh Hashanah, we will send teams of Shofar blowers around the community to help others fulfill their obligation to hear the Shofar inperson, but we need volunteers! If you are someone who has always wanted to learn how to blow shofar, now is your chance. Our very own Jenny Longman will work with you and a few others on the skills necessary to be a superstar Shofar blower. Previous experience with brass and wind instruments is a plus but not mandatory. No musical background required. Visit www.bethelnr.org/shofar for more information and to sign up!
Wish all of your Beth El friends a Shanah Tovah. Complete our simple form and your name will be added to the list of names wishing everyone in our community a happy, healthy, and sweet New Year! This year, names will be featured in our High Holiday issue of The Bulletin so your greetings are sure to be seen! How can I participate? It is simple! Complete the simple form www.bethelnr.org/RH2020 (less than 2 minutes) and make your payment of $180 by e-check (no fee), or credit card. In addition to wishing your Beth El Family a good New Year, proceeds from this fund-raiser help offset the cost of the countless programs and activities we offer at Beth El. The form must be completed by Friday, August 14th to have your greeting included. Visit www.bethelnr.org/ RH2020 to participate. From all of us at Beth El, we wish you and your families a Shanah Tovah and hope you will join us in wishing the rest of the community the same.
SUMMER ZOOMS NEW! LUNCH AND ZOOM Meet us for Lunch in the Virtual Den, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in July and August at 12:00pm. Take a break and bring your lunch and join us for a virtual lunch hour. Pop in and out to see your Beth El friends and meet new people! TALENT SHOW Share your talents with us Sunday, August 9, 7:30pm. Sign up at: www.bethelnr.org/talent ZOOMUSEUM Sunday, July 26, 7:30pm, we invite you to a virtual art museum. Everyone will show artwork from their home and share what the piece of art is and sentimental attachment.
Every Saturday
Looking to Volunteer? We likely have something to match your interest! Contact Abby Wise at awise@bethelnr.org.
Rabbi's Message about Holidays...... page 2 Cantor Aqua's Farewell..................... page 4 President's Message........................... page 3 Nursery School News........................ page 7
Youth & Family Engagement......... pages 8, 9 Virtual Learning Opportunities.........page 11
RABBI’S MESSAGE Dear Friends, I hope that this letter finds you managing as best as possible in these challenging circumstances. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has created a great deal of chaos throughout the world and, of course, in our community. I want to share the ways in which our vision for community engagement guided our response to this pandemic, and in particular, the way we rebuilt our religious and spiritual offerings. I will also share our vision for the Rabbi David Schuck upcoming yamim noraim, High Holidays. The first and primary part of our vision was to ensure the safety and health of all of our members, and to communicate transparently and frequently. Once we created systems to ensure the wellbeing of our congregants, we focused on the second part of our vision: creating the conditions for continued spiritual and religious growth. Our need for intellectual, emotional, and spiritual engagement was amplified by the isolation caused by this pandemic. On top of all of our programmatic offerings, we found ways to keep our community feeling connected to one another, as our communal bond is crucial to our identity. Our minyanaires quickly organized a morning minyan for the congregation on Zoom. Because Jewish law does not permit the recitation of kaddish without a minyan of ten people in the same physical space, we created another way for people to memorialize and honor their loved ones. Each morning and evening we studied Mishnah in memory of loved ones, and we recited a kaddish-themed prayer with the names of each of our deceased. This group became precious to those who mourned together as well as those who joined in search of study and to support others. Shabbat has always been an opportunity for us to experience connection and comfort. We have been gathering together for Kabbalat Shabbat on Zoom every Friday night. This weekly time together has been inspiring. The opportunity to pray together while seeing one another’s faces has been reassuring and has helped our communal bond remain strong. Between 130-150 people have been sharing in this experience together each week. As the world destabilizes, leaders must ask, “Is there an opportunity for growth in this challenge?” As I think about the question, I believe that the answer is yes. Many of us feel dependent on the synagogue to provide us with religious observance and spiritual meaning. We were never empowered with the skills and confidence to “do Judaism” on our own. To support every single member who would like to grow these capabilities, we are launching a synagogue-wide project called Shabbat At Home. We will work hard to use this time at home as an opportunity to empower members of Beth El to develop a new Shabbat practice or deepen their existing one. Please look out for more information on Shabbat At Home. We are now transitioning back into our physical space. By the end of next week, we plan to have minyan in the morning and evening every day, as we always have, and we will Zoom that minyan from the sanctuary to all who would like to pray with us. We are also in the beginning stages of organizing Shabbat morning
services inside and outside of the shul. As our capacity increases, so will the number of people who will be able to attend these services. At some point in the summer, we will begin live streaming our services from the sanctuary. More on this below. The Conservative Movement has an international body of twenty-five rabbis and scholars who develop legal responsa called the Committee for Jewish Law and Standards (CJLS). I am one of the rabbis on the CJLS, and I had the opportunity to study a responsum that was being researched and developed by a colleague on the permissibility of a one-way livestream on Shabbat. I believed that his halachic (legal) reasoning was sound, and as such, prior to the pandemic, we installed cameras in the sanctuary so that we would eventually be able to livestream our service to our members who cannot leave their homes. However, when the pandemic struck, the responsum was re-written to include the permissibility of multiway video conferencing on Shabbat through virtual platforms like Zoom. I did not agree with the arguments made by its author and was one of only three rabbis to vote against the responsum. If you are interested, you can read my dissent by visiting bethelnr.org/ dissent, (or email Zoe Raynes, zraynes@bethelnr.org, for a copy). I do, however, believe that it is permissible to set up video cameras before Shabbat for a one-way stream. For those who choose, they can easily disable their screen savers on their computers, which will broadcast whatever is happening in the sanctuary at the agreed upon time. As we plan for the High Holidays, we are aware that many people will not feel comfortable attending in-person services. We have been hard at work planning many options for our community so that we will engage the maximum number of people in the most impactful ways. For some people that will be fully virtual. Others will choose to combine some in-person prayer experiences with some virtual services. There are also other people who will prefer to attend in-person services and will not be comfortable streaming any of the services. I assure you that as we plan for the fall, we are considering how to best offer all of these options to our community to the best of our abilities. I believe that these challenging circumstances create opportunities for deep spiritual and religious engagement. Starting in the month of Elul, and continuing through Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, our aim is to inspire you. We will work tirelessly to meet these challenges with hope and optimism. We will do our best to engage the entire community, from families with young children to those who are elderly congregants. We will communicate directly and transparently with you as the plans coalesce, and as always, we are open to feedback. I believe that we have an opportunity to experience the holiness of these days in unforgettable ways. I know that we will rise to the challenge, and I look forward to praying together with you in the months to come. Whether we are together physically or virtually, our hearts are bonded to one another and to the legacy that Beth El bestowed upon us. Not even a pandemic can break that connection. Wishing you a safe and healthy summer. L’Shalom, 2
Rabbi David A. Schuck
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Beth El Family, Over these last few months, our congregation has demonstrated its strength in deeply meaningful ways. Our nimble clergy and staff pivoted quickly to bring our worship services, educational offerings, special events, and other programs online. Our professional team, together with lay leaders and volunteers, focused their efforts on reaching out to each congregant through phone calls, texts, and emails; establishing the “Beth El Cares” system for matching those in need with those volunteering to help; delivering much high quality and diverse virtual programming via livestreams and Zoom; and providing pastoral counseling and support groups. It was these efforts that got many of us through the worst days of the crisis. During this time, we collectively logged on to Zoom an unbelievable 9,000 times for programs and services. Where so many organizations have reduced their offerings and experienced decreased engagement, Beth El has innovated and offered all of us ways to find comfort, to learn, to pray, and to connect with one another and with our Jewish heritage and traditions. Now, while continuing to support the congregation at this difficult time, we are also in the process of coming “Back Together,” having restarted the daily minyan and planning for the resumption of other activities over the summer and the fall. The pandemic has also had a substantial adverse effect on Beth El’s finances for the coming year and we are projecting a significant budgetary shortfall. Nonetheless, recognizing that many of us are also suffering financially at this time, Beth El will NOT be raising membership dues this year. Our staff and Audit and Finance Committee are working diligently, finding ways to cut costs and preparing a responsible budget that takes into account the financial realities of our times while maintaining Beth El’s capacity to deliver the services our community needs now more than ever. To help with our challenging cash flow situation, we ask that you PLEASE pay your membership bill promptly. We know that many of us wait until the holidays, or even the end of the calendar year, to pay our bills, but this year we ask that you not delay. Membership dues remain a cornerstone of our budget and we are counting on you to renew your membership. Support for the congregation cannot just be measured by the number of times we enter the building. Rather, support for Beth El is about sustaining a bedrock institution of Jewish life, ensuring that members of our congregation have access to the fullness of Jewish experiences and ensuring the Jewish future. Right now, when coming together physically is impossible, we need our Beth El community more than ever. We need our clergy and staff, our Religious School and Nursery School teachers, our camp staff, and our volunteers to have the resources necessary to continue creatively serving the religious, intellectual, spiritual, and educational needs of our congregation. I know that we can count on you to make it happen. Now for the question everyone is asking: “What are Beth El’s plans for the High Holidays?” We have a team of clergy, senior staff, and congregants developing our plans, not just for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, but for the full High Holiday season. Many interesting ideas are being considered. The team, adhering to a tight timeline, is now
converging on a detailed plan. Here is the essence: (1) While we do not know what the public health situation will be, we are seriously exploring offering BOTH INPERSON High Holiday Services AND ON-LINE (LIVE STREAMED) Services. (2) We will do our very best to offer a diverse set of experiences that will be MEANINGFUL and FULFILLING for everyone. We will work within the limitations of the “new normal,” creating Mark Silver a new set of experiences that will give us the many things we all expect to take from the High Holiday season, leveraging the opportunities afforded by modern technology to create a unique Beth El High Holiday Experience. Many of these activities will begin over the summer, so be sure to look for announcements. The Coming Year: As society begins to re-open and we at Beth El are beginning to come back together in a carefully phased manner, we all wonder what the coming year will look like. Our hope is that we will be able to gradually go back to fulfilling onsite programming, although this will no doubt be more limited than our normal event-packed calendar that fills the building daily with activity. At the same time, we recognize that there will be many members who should not attend, or would be uncomfortable attending, face-to-face events and so we will also continue to provide a significant level of virtual programming. I am not suggesting any of this will be easy, especially with resources spread thin. But, with your help, we will get it all done. And, of course, our caring community will, as always, be here for one another. We have persevered as a supportive community through several extremely difficult months. We are looking ahead with hope and prayer to better times. But this is a critical moment for our sacred Beth El community. Our future depends on how we respond at this time. This will, no doubt, be an unusual High Holiday season and year. But with your continued participation and support it will be a bridge to a bright future. Finally, as you know, our clergy and staff are here for you. If you need something—a new program, a class, spiritual counseling, lifecycle support, or just someone to talk to—they are here for you. Just reach out. See you in shul!
Watch for your Membership Renewal application which will arrive in your "inbox" in July. Your prompt response would be appreciated. 3
A Message from Cantor Aqua to his Beth El Family As I look back on my 33 years at Beth El, I am flooded by memories. I’d like to share a few that stand out, as well as some thoughts that I have as I look back on my time with you. On a hot summer day in 1987, I visited Sol Goldfinger in his New York City office. Sol was in charge of my initial interview to join the Beth El clergy team. Coming directly from my job as summer Dance Director at Camp Hillel in Long Island, I arrived in his office wearing shorts, a T-shirt, and sandals. Unfazed by my appearance, which also included a head of long curls, Sol asked me to chant a selection of prayers for the High Holidays and the Shalosh Regalim and to read portions of the Torah and Haftarah. At the end of the interview, he told me: “Uri, I love your voice and am impressed by your knowledge. I’d like you to come to New Rochelle for an interview with the Human Resources (HR) Committee. And, by the way, don’t forget to get a haircut before you come!” I loved the fact that Sol was committed to Jewish teachings, which I induced from our meeting. Pirkei Avot says,
Rabbi David Schuck and Rabbi Zach Sitkin. The children at Beth El were my pride and joy. From blowing shofar for the Nursery School children to teaching at the Hebrew School to mentoring Bar and Bat Mitzvah students, I formed strong relationships with many of children, a number of whom came back to me to ask that I officiate at their weddings. Some said that they would never agree to read Megillah or lain on Youth Shabbat if I hadn’t asked them (their parents always confirmed this, saying that they were surprised and grateful that their kids said “yes”). I always saw my role as a teacher, not only to teach Torah and Haftarah but to inspire my students in their love of Judaism. As you may know, it wasn’t only the children that I loved. I was excited every day to wake up and come to Beth El. I loved leading the minyan and supporting those of you in mourning. I loved helping to guide those who had limited knowledge of the services and training those adults who wished to learn to daven or read Torah or Haftarah. Judy claims one of the advantages of minyan was that I got my best jokes from my fellow minyannaires. Of course, I can’t skip the fact that I love singing and bringing joy to the congregation. It was always a pleasure to hear your voices rising in song with mine. I also love reading Torah and always had fun reading upside down on special occasions. In short, my work at Beth El was more than a job—it was a passion. It gave me the opportunity to get to know, teach, help, support, cry with and laugh with many congregants of all ages, from toddlers to teens to young couples to elderly individuals, many of whom experienced loss of a spouse or loved one. This intimacy with a range of people who showed me love and affection is what I will miss most. My connection with you cannot be replaced and will forever be a crucial part of who I am today. With my daughter moving this summer to Los Angeles from New York, and my other two children living in Florida and Jerusalem, I look forward to having the time to travel to see them and spending time with our six (soon to be seven) grandchildren. I also hope to be able to spend more time with my father in Israel who B”H is doing well at the age of 95. I wish all of you Hatzlacha in your endeavors. I hope to see you in shul and to hear good news from all! With warm regards,
which loosely translated means, “don’t judge a book by its’ cover.” This was Sol. A few days later I had a great meeting with the HR Committee, including the stalwarts of the congregation–President Ed Rabin, z”l; Saul Katz, z”l; and Sol Goldfinger, z”l. I was invited to come for a Shabbat together with Judy and was hosted by Rabbi Jerry and Jane Epstein, who through their hospitality showed us the warmth of the Beth El community. Fortunately, I passed muster through my davening and Torah Reading and that was the beginning of a long and beautiful relationship with the kehillah. I was fortunate to work with Rabbi Sirner and Cantor Avery for many years and was blessed to have them both guide me and encourage me as I developed my career. I also have had the pleasure to work with many talented and interesting colleagues, including Rabbi David Small, Rabbi Brad Tecktiel, Rabbi Edward Bernstein, Rabbi Jeremy Fine, Rabbi David Kosak, Rabbi Josh Dorsch, Hazzan Farid Dardashti, Cantor Joanna Dulkin, Hazzan Jamie Gloth, and more recently,
Cantor Uri Aqua
Watching parents age and dealing with the stress of what that implies for our own lives can take a serious toll on our emotional well-being. This new group, facilitated by our “Partners in Caring” social worker, Shari Baum, is designed specifically for Children of Aging Parents (C.A.P.). Our focus is to provide a safe space to support one another as we care for our aging parents with dignity and love. Note: This group is not intended for primary caregivers. If you are the primary caregiver for your parent, reach out to Shari Baum (sbaum@ wjcs.com), who can connect you with more suitable support resources. 4
In June we read in the weekly portion B’Haalotkha that “Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Cushite woman he had married.” Cushite refers to people from Nubia or Ethiopia, who were racially distinct from both the Egyptians and the Hebrews. Even as a child, I was taught that this was a racial slur, used as a pretense for the siblings to wrest political power from Moses. God’s wrath was immediately kindled and Miriam was punished with a skin affliction that not only was highly visible to all but that necessitated her being excluded from the congregation for a week. Thus Miriam experienced first hand what it is like to be ostracised due to one’s external appearance. I have always puzzled, how could Miriam have behaved this way in the first place? Had she not herself experienced exclusion and mistreatment as a slave in Egypt just for being a Hebrew, i.e. “other”? God exhorts the Israelites over and over again to remember their tribulations as strangers in Egypt so that we never behave that way toward “others.” Moreover, Miriam herself was a prophetess. She had helped save Moses’ life in the first place. What happened here? Over the last few months, I have gained increased insight. Even when we ourselves have experienced mistreatment as a people, even when we know intellectually that others are being treated unfairly, we can’t always identify the ways we may be contributing to that injustice. Well intentioned, with many good works to our credit, we may be loath to address or even acknowledge playing some role in
*“Keruv” = to bring close, to draw near
perpetuating such wrongs. We don’t want to know. It is easy—and far more comfortable—not to see the burdens carried by others whom we have unwittingly excluded. This was highlighted for me in an article I read in The Jewish Week after the brutal death of George Floyd. Several Jews of color were asked about their experiences being both Black and Jewish. They talked about the pain of having to defend their authenticity to fellow Jews within their own communities, as well as having their daily struggles with racism minimized or dismissed. It is as if some feel that to recognize the persistent trauma of American racism is to minimize Jews’ historic suffering, or to betray the America that has treated us so well. But neither is true. There is no monopoly on victim-hood. Neither individuals nor countries are all good or all bad. However, great individuals and great countries become better by listening and learning from honest critiques. I would argue the same is true of Beth El. We are a warm and wonderful community, but maybe not all get to experience it the same way. If you feel marginalized here as a Jew of color or for any other reason—or know someone who has—please get in touch with us. We want to listen and learn. Only then can we do better. Have a safe and healthy summer! Elise Richman Nina Luban Keruv Co-chairs
Our Learning Continues All Summer! OPEN BEIT MIDRASH
Monday, July 27th • 9:30 am We will discuss The Lost Girls of Paris, by Pam Jenoff Questions? Contact Arlene Salman 914-235-2485 or aesalman@aol.com
Every Thursday in July and August at 8:00 pm Thursday, July 2 Thursday, July 9 Thursday, July 16 Thursday, July 23 Thursday, July 30 Thursday, August 6 Thursday, August 13 Thursday, August 20 Thursday, August 27
Sisterhood Evening Book Club
Wednesday, July 15 • 7:30 pm The Third Daughter, by Talia Carner Look for the Zoom link at www.bethelnr.org/livestream. The SISTERHOOD MITZVAH FUND is now being headed by Gaby Newfield. Please send all correspondence for Sisterhood donations to her at the following address (or place in the Sisterhood box in the office when the synagogue reopens).
Rabbi Jessica Fisher Rabbi Jessica Fisher Rabbi Zach Sitkin Rabbi Jessica Fisher Rabbi David Schuck Rabbi Zach Sitkin Rabbi Jessica Fisher Rabbi Zach Sitkin Rabbi David Schuck
Visit BethElNR.org/livestream for Zoom information.
Sisterhood Mitzvah Fund Gaby Newfield 87 Runyon Place Scarsdale, NY 10583
To sponsor a night of learning, visit www.bethelnr.org/OpenBeit
914-235-4030 gabyn77@yahoo.com 5
HAPPENING AT BETH EL . . . Sermon Sponsorship
Misheberach List
“Who is honored? One who honors others.” Pirkei Avot 4:1 This teaching from Pirkei Avot reminds us that our tradition has an ethic of honoring our loved ones. One way we do this is through teaching and studying Torah in their honor or in their memory. If you would like to celebrate someone marking a simcha or elevate the name and memory of a loved one, consider honoring them with your Beth El community by dedicating the weekly sermon in their name (sent out by email in the weekly Shabbat Announcements). The cost is $180. For more information on how you can honor or memorialize a loved one in this way, visit www.bethelnr.org/sponsor.
At many of our services, and now at our evening Mishnah study, we say a prayer for healing for those who are ill. Any name added to the Misheberach list will be automatically removed after one month. If a name needs to remain for another month, please reach out again to a member of the clergy.
Mishnah Class Rabbi Schuck teaches a Mishnah class on Tuesday and Friday mornings, 9:15-10:00 am. The class will study Masechet Makkot and all material will be shared via Zoom (no need to purchase books). This is not a drop in class; we ask that you make a commitment to consistent attendance. Minimum of ten people required. RSVP to Zoe Raynes, zraynes@bethelnr.org.
Beth El Craft Circle Forming All are welcome to join our new Craft Cirle—any age and any craft! Join Rabbi Jessica Fisher and Abby Wise on Zoom while working on your knitting, drawing, painting, doodling, sewing, or whatever project you are working on. No experience necessary! Bring whatever supplies you need. To participate, email awise@bethelnr.org. We will update you with dates and details once they are solidified.
Do you shop on Amazon? If so, you can earn money for Beth El at no cost to you! Simply log into your online account at Smile.Amazon.com and sign into your account. Choose Beth El Synagogue of New Rochelle as your charity, and then shop as usual. Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase price to Beth El. Beth El Synagogue of New Rochelle recently received a quarterly donation of $93.76 thanks to customers shopping at smile.amazon. com and choosing Beth El as their charity. To date, AmazonSmile has donated a total of $1,736.41 to Beth El Synagogue of New Rochelle. Thank you for supporting Beth El Synagogue of New Rochelle by shopping at smile.amazon.com.
Right now, it is more important than ever to stay connected to our community. Visit bethelnr.org/ livestream to see all of our upcoming events and to watch some of our past programs.
Beth El’s Social Worker: Shari Baum 914-761-0600, ext. 2145, sbaum@wjcs.com Beth El’s Emergency Line: 914-235-2700, press * You will be contact within 30 minutes by a member of the senior team. Beth El Cares Hotline and Email: 914-235-2700, dial 9 • bethelcares@bethelnr.org. A hotline and email for needs that arise which are specific to the public health crisis. Someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible. Want to Volunteer? Email bethelcares@bethelnr.org, write VOLUNTEER and your full name in the subject line. You will be added to our volunteer database. 6
NURSERY SCHOOL NEWS The Nursery School celebrated the end of the school year with meaningful moments and memorable festivities. Ronnie and Shery visited each family at their home in the first week of June, delivering fresh challah to all, as well as lawn signs and personalized kiddush cups to the Anaf (4-year-old) families. The presentation of kiddush cups to the four-year-old children is a long-standing tradition in the Nursery School, and they were given
when each child was highlighted during the Anaf end-of-year Zoom event. Parents, grandparents, and other relatives joined together to commemorate the special milestone of completing the pre-school years. The following day, the entire school drove through Beth El, one class at a time. Children waved to their teachers, collected personal belongings, dropped off hand prints to contribute to the display of “our caring community, joining hands, coming together,� and donated non-perishable food items that were delivered to HOPE Community Services. While the moment was bittersweet, it was filled with an abundance of love, joy and gratitude.
Monthly this summer, we plan to gather before our community Kabbalat Shabbat for a special Youth & Family style Kabbalat Shabbat, with Rabbi Jessica Fisher, Bekkah Gold, and other special guests. Here’s a picture from June’s Kab Shab. Join us on Friday, July 10, and Friday, August 7, at 5:30 pm on Zoom: bethelnr.org/kehillahzoom.
Tuesday Cooking Chug.
At right, what fun times we had in Kehillah on Sunday mornings! Join us this summer to sing with Jack and Cantor Gaby! Log in on Sunday, July 26, and Sunday, August 23 at bethelnr.org/ kehillahzoom at 10:00 am!
A Note from the Director ofYouth & Family Engagement . . . Happy Summer, Chaverim! Now that it is officially summer and the sun is shining, we want to wish you a relaxing couple of months of fun, family, friends, and whatever else keeps you going during this difficult time. See our Summer Schedule for details about upcoming programs through July and August. Of course, the schedule is subject to change. Between racial justice book clubs for kids of all ages (and some parents too), Cooking Chug, trivia games, Kehillah, Kabbalat Shabbat, Teen
Lounges and TED Talks, and so much more, we have a PACKED summer just for YOU! Stay connected to your Beth El mishpacha through this challenging time and remember to keep finding moments of joy that keep us grounded throughout the summer. As always, be in touch if you'd like to grab some virtual coffee or catch up; you can reach me at rgold@bethelnr.org. We're here for you! B'ahava, Bekkah Gold, Director of Youth & Family Engagement PS Stay tuned for details about our exciting Religious School program and registration, launching soon!
Our Tuesday Cooking Chug
Some photos to remember our special evening with our seniors who just graduated from high school. What a wonderful time together celebrating all of their successes as a cohort and with family too. Want to see their Graduation Video? Go to bethelnr.org/graduation2020video. 9
Beth El Members Peacefully and Safely Support Those Who Are Treated Unjustly
Beth El Celebrates Summer Birthdays
Beth El would like to extend a “Happy Birthday!” to its members with a birthday in the months of July and August. If you have a summer
birthday, but your name does not appear on the list, we are sorry for the omission and ask that you e-mail the synagogue at info@bethelnr.org so that we can update our
records. Contact us if you do not wish to have your name appear on our birthday list. (The list reflects our adult members and post-bar/ bat mitzvah children up to the age of 21.)
Cindy Aaronson Ari Abramowitz Hazzan Ellen Arad Richard Aronow Lynn Avni Richard Barnett Abraham Bartell Ronnie Becher Trisanne Berger Priscilla Bloom Brian Bosworth Dina Brot Jason Carter Lucy Casanova Michael Churba Terry Cohen Andrew Collens Lauren Daub Barbara Ehudin Joan Faier Michael Ferder Matthew Fisher Adam Fleishaker Sabrina Fleishaker Jonathan Forman Abraham Friedland Asher Friedland Mindy Friedman Allyson Geller Lawrence Getzler Bruce Gilbert
David Keusch Alfred Klein Matthew Klingsberg Stephanie Klingsberg Shayna Klingsberg Jonathan Klonsky Julia Klonsky Shayna Klopott Lillian Kreig Maya Kremins Alan Kurlander Evan Kurlander Cory Leventhal Frank Levin Richard Levine Michael Levine Sarah Levine Celia Levitz Gary Liebstein Sylvia Linczer Eliot Locitzer Barbara Locitzer Randy Longman Eric Maidenberg Foster Maidenberg Ofri Maliniak Arielle Maliniak Sibel Malka Sasha Mamaysky Aby Marco Arthur Margolin
Robert Preminger Susanne Simchowitz Marvin Price Liat Snyder Alanna Reid Steven Solar Scott Reiner Matthew Solar Andrew Reis Susan Solow-Dubin Merill Resnick Ilyse Spertus Leah Rivlin Bridget Stack Daniel Rosenberger Dana Stein Sydney Rosenberger Mark Stein Howard Rosenstein Robbie Stein Sharon Rozansky Ronald Sundick Francine Rubenstein Sheila Tanenbaum Valerie Rudolph Ruth Treiber Shayna Sacks Ethan Turkewitz Leaderman Blanche Wager Gayle Salama Peter Wasserman Gary Salmo Robert Weber Donald Salomon Zachary Weber Barry Salter Jesse Weinberger Robert Scheinfeld Sylvain Weinberger Corey Scheinfeld Ira Weiner David Schlecker Claire Wolkoff Paul Schneiderman Richard Wolloch Sharon Schoenholtz Norbert Wolloch Joe-Victor Shammas Petra Wulfsohn Jacob Shechter Elizabeth Ziser Lloyd Sherman Claudia Ziser Maxine Siegel Anita Zoldessy Gitta Silberstein Eliana Silk Happy Birthday! Louise Silverman
Faye Gingold Elissa Glickman Jeffrey Glickman Leon Goldberg Brian Goldberg Mark Goldman David Goldman Howard Goldstein Benjamin Gotian Ethan Gotian Jerome Gottlieb Roberta Graf Phoebe Gross Brenda Guber Michael Haber Sheldon Haber David Haft Karen Hauptman Scott Heifetz Loretta Holland Perry Jacobs Miriam Kalnicki Robin Kaphan Elaine Katz Samantha Katzenberg Andrew Katzenberg Rhonda Kaufman Golub Jonathan Keltz Rabbi Barry Kenter Steven Kessler
Susan Mark Ari Mayblum Hannah Mayerfield Susan Meisler Scott Mellis Esther Mildner Robert Mishler Jodi Moise John Morris Robert Morris David Moster Ofer Nagar Gaby Newfield Andrew Newman Carlos Newman Andrew Nitzberg Tami Novoseller Gabriel Novoseller Tahel Noy Deborah Olstein Stephen O’Malley Robert O’Neill Sophia Peister Lisa Platek Merrick Platzner Lianna Platzner Gary Pomerantz Alicia Popper Hillary Portnoy Dylan Portnoy Lucas Portnoy
Please visit www.bethelnr.org/livestream for web and Zoom links to join these activites and for updated lists of new activities. Weekly
Special Upcoming Events
Mishnah Yomit: 10 minutes of Mishnah study, daily (except Tuesday, July 7 Shabbat), at 9:00 am and 7:00 pm. Please visit Livestream for new link. 7:30 pm, Parent Learning Circle Contemplative Service, Sundays, 9:00 am. Spiritual, Relational, and Soulful Prayer.
Sunday, July 12 7:30 pm, Encounter Share Back
Talmud Study/Virtual Daf Shevui, Sundays, 10:30 am. Study Monday, July 13 is in English from text prepared by Josh Kulp of the Fuchsberg 8:30 am, Camp opens for the morning session arrivals Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem. Receive online, free, from 1:00 pm, Camp opens for afternoon session arrivals Israel@uscj.org (look for the Daf Shevui archives). Register with Wednesday, July 15, 7:30 pm, Sisterhood Wine, Cheese, and Dorothy and Herb at Dfox@bernalhill.net to stay informed of Books. We will discuss The Third Daughter. scheduling changes. Tuesday, July 21 Zumba, Sundays, 11:00 am 9:00 pm, Young Parents Happy Hour Health Care Support Group, Sundays, 6:00 pm -7:00 pm Sunday, July 26 SMART Seniors Group, Mondays, 11:00 am -12:00 pm 8:30 am, METNY Thinking Strategically, taking the Long View Traditional Shacharit, Tuesdays, 8:30 am - 9:00 am, with Rabbi Monday, July 27, 9:30 am, Sisterhood Bagels and Books. We will Jessica Fisher. Join us for a 30-minute traditional Shacharit over Zoom discuss The Lost Girls of Paris, by Pam Jenoff. Questions? Contact to jump start our day with prayer, community, and connection. We Arlene Salman, 914-235-2485. will come together virtually for P’sukei DeZimrah and the elements Check bethelnr.org/livestream for more activities! of Shacharit that do not require a minyan. Those who wish may join the Mishnah Yomit Zoom immediately after to learn for its own sake or in memory of a loved one. Mishnah Class, Tuesdays and Fridays, 9:15 am, with Rabbi Schuck (note: no class on July 3) Fireside Chats with Beth El Staff, Wednesdays, 12:30 pm. Would you like to spend some time with our staff members? Visit bethelnr. org/livestream and click on the Fireside Chat link. No appointments needed. These are open to the whole community for a schmooze, to answer questions, or just to see a friendly and familiar face and say a quick hello. Check bethelnr.org/livestream for dates and presenters. Parasha HaShavuah, Thursdays, 1:30 pm, with Jack Gruenberg. Study and discuss the parasha of the week Kabbalat Shabbat, Fridays, with Beth El’s clergy, featuring singing and words of Torah. It will uplift you and give you an anchor as we head into Shabbat. Please check for times. Virtual Havdalah, Saturdays at the conclusion of Shabbat. Open Beit Midrash, Every Thursday in July and August, 8:00 pm,with Rabbis Schuck, Sitkin, and Fisher. See page 5. Tot Shabbat, Fridays, 12:00 pm. A half hour of songs and stories for young children. Craft Circle, every other Wednesday, 4:00 pm, beginning July 1. Join Rabbi Fisher and Abby Wise on Zoom while working on your favorite project. Lunch & Learn, every Tuesday, 12:30 pm, in the Virtual Den. Tuesday, July 7, Rabbi Schuck; Tuesday, July 14; Rabbi Sitkin; Tuesday, July 21, Rabbi Fisher; Tuesday, July 28, Rabbi Sitkin; Tuesday, August 4, Rabbi Fisher; Tuesday, August 11, Rabbi Sitkin; Tuesday, August 18, Rabbi Schuck; Tuesday, August 25, Rabbi Sitkin. 11
Do You Know What You Can Do with Your Beth El Online Account? Did you make a new friend at kiddush, but have no way to contact her? Do you want a quicker way to make payments and donations to Beth El? Fear not! Using your online Beth El account, you can: • access the directory with contact information for all members (searchable by first or last name of any adult or child), • pay your bill, make donations, and • register for and pay for Beth El events! If you need help to access or use the online account, see the instructions at www.bethelnr. org/logininstructions or contact Shayna Klopott at shayna.klopott@gmail.com, or Carrie Fox at csfox99@gmail.com, for assistance.
Shacharit 8:15 am Israeli Dancing 10:00 am Virtual Daf Shevui 10:30 am Daily Minyan 8:20 pm
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am SMART 11:00 am Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Daily Minyan 8:20 pm
20 TAMMUZ 13
Shacharit 8:15 am Shacharit 8:15 am Virtual Daf Shevui 10:30 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am SMART 11:00 am Daily Minyan 8:20 pm Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
27 TAMMUZ 20
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Young Parents Happy Hour 9:00 pm
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am SMART 11:00 am Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Daily Minyan 8:20 pm
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Daily Minyan 8:20 pm
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Daily Minyan 8:20 pm
18 TAMMUZ 11
Shabbat Shacharit 8:15 am PINCHAS ends Mishna Yomit 9:00 am SMART 11:00 am 9:10pm Mishna Yomit 8:10 pm Havdalah 9:30 pm 7:00 pm
24 TAMMUZ 17
25 TAMMUZ 18
1 AV 23
2 AV 24
3 AV 25
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am CSA 5:00 pm Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
8 AV 30
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am CSA 5:00 pm Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Daily Minyan 8:20 pm
Shabbat Shacharit 8:15 am MATOTends Mishna Yomit MASEI 9:05pm 9:00 am SMART 11:00 am 8:06 pm Havdalah 9:15 pm Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm SHABBAT MEVARCHIM
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Daily Minyan 8:20 pm
4 AV
Shabbat Shacharit 8:15 am ends DEVARIM Mishna Yomit 9:00 am 9:00pm SMART 11:00 am Mishna Yomit 8:00 pm Havdalah 9:15 pm 7:00 pm SHABBAT HAZON
9 AV 31
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am
Synagogue Offices Shabbat CHUKATClosed ends BALAK Daily Minyan 8:15 am 9:12pm Mishna Yomit 8:12 pm Havdalah 9:30 pm 9:00 am
17 TAMMUZ 10
Shacharit 8:15 am Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am CSA 5:00 pm Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Evening Book Club 7:30 pm
7 AV 29
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Daily Minyan 8:20 pm
23 TAMMUZ 16
29 TAMMUZ 22
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am CSA 5:00 pm Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Daily Minyan 8:20 pm Rel. Sch. Bd. Mtg 7:45 pm
22 TAMMUZ 15
6 AV 28
5 AV 27
Shacharit 8:15 am METNY Thinking Strategically 8:30 am Virtual Daf Shevui 10:30 am Daily Minyan 8:20 pm
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Daily Minyan 8:20 pm
28 TAMMUZ 21
Shacharit 8:15 am Shacharit 8:15 am Virtual Daf Shevui 10:30 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am SMART 11:00 am Daily Minyan 8:20 pm Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am
21 TAMMUZ 14
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am CSA 5:00 pm Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Daily Minyan 8:20 pm
Visit us on facebook at facebook.com/BethElSynagogueCenter
For all of our online and virtual learnings, teachings, and activities, visit www.bethelnr.org/livestream. 5
TAMMUZ ~ AV 5780
10 AV
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am SMART 11:00 am Mishna Yomit 7:53 pm 7:00 pm
AV ~ ELUL 5780 1
11 AV
Shabbat ends 8:52 pm
Shacharit 8:15 am
12 AV 3
Virtual Daf Shevui 10:30 am
13 AV 4
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am Sis. Bagels & Bks 9:30 am SMART 11:00 am Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
19 AV 10
14 AV 5
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Daily Minyan 8:20 pm Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
26 AV 17
3 ELUL 24
10 ELUL 31
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
28 AV 19
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
4 ELUL 25
Shacharit 8:15 am Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am Virtual Daf Shevui 10:30 am Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
22 AV 13
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am
16 AV 7
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
29 AV 20
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am CSA 5:00 pm Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
6 ELUL 27
5 ELUL 26
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am CSA 5:00 pm
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
24 AV 15
25 AV
Shabbat ends 8:35 pm
7:36 pm Havdalah 9:00 pm Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm SHABBAT MEVARCHIM
1 ELUL 22
Shabbat Shacharit 8:15 am SHOFTIM Mishna Yomit 9:00 am ends Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm 8:24 pm 7:26pm Havdalah 8:45 pm
7 ELUL 28
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am
18 AV
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am SMART 11:00 am
30 AV 21
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am
17 AV 8
Shacharit 8:15 am Shabbat Mishna Yomit EIKEV ends 9:00 am 8:44 pm SMART 11:00 am 7:45 pm Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm Havdalah 9:00 pm
23 AV 14
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am
CSA 5:00 pm
27 AV 18
Shacharit 8:15 am Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am Virtual Daf Shevui 10:30 am Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am CSA 5:00 pm Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
21 AV 12
20 AV 11
Shacharit 8:15 am Shacharit 8:15 am Virtual Daf Shevui 10:30 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am SMART 11:00 am
Shacharit 8:15 am Shacharit 8:15 am Virtual Daf Shevui 10:30 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am SMART 11:00 am Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
15 AV 6
8 ELUL 29
Shacharit 8:15 am Mishna Yomit 9:00 am
7:15 pm Havdalah 8:15 pm
Mishna Yomit 7:00 pm
Shabbat ends 8:13 pm
The yahrzeit of the following deceased persons permanently inscribed on our Memorial Walls are observed on these dates: JULY Betty Cohan 22 Steven Douglas Miller 2 Benjamin Gabriel 22 Irving Kanner 3 Sylvia Geller 22 Bess Siegel 3 Rose Sherman 22 Max Siegel 3 Adolph Mandel 23 Rose Stillman 4 Morton Zuckerman 23 Sylvia Farber 5 Joseph Cohn 24 Sidney Fein 5 John Olshansky 24 Morris Halpern 5 Arby A. Halpern 25 Sidney H. Posner 5 Murray Kahn 25 Benjamin Raber 6 Sadie Neubauer 25 Rubin Scheinkman 6 Sarah Sperber 25 Ida B. Shimm 6 Betty Grabel 26 Myron Penn 7 Ralph Kramer 26 Aviva Berger 8 Anna Root 26 Rabbi Kenneth Berger 8 Norma Singer Brandes 27 Milton Honig 8 Jack Fashing 27 Mollie Sirner 8 Helen Funk 27 Ruth Sobel 8 Miriam Lerner 27 Sam Kavarsky 10 Sylvia Scher 27 Sam Zuckerman 10 Elsie Stillman 27 Eva Bernstein 11 Joan I. Schustack 28 William Bloom 11 Hindel Bryna Eichner 29 Ida Grandberg 11 Yetta Schnipper 29 Yetta Halpern 11 Abraham Abrams 30 Michael Lichtenstein 12 Dina Goldman 30 Leo J. Springer 12 Robert Gordon 31 Frances B. Sussman 12 Anna Rubenfeld 31 Isadore Kaplan 13 Beth Suzanne Siegel 31 Norma Osofsky 13 AUGUST Jack Einhorn 14 Jacob Bernstein 1 Eva Greenberg 14 Morris Wasley 1 Everett Kalb 14 Lucy Fischler 2 Lester Kellman 14 Helen Levinthal Lyons 2 Ruth Rosenblatt 14 David Gingold 3 Robert P. Schustack 14 Joseph Hanchrow 3 Zelda Wagner 14 Jack Ginsberg 4 Barry Evan Librett 15 Doreen Lewis 4 Taube Sokol 16 Hy Feingold 5 Sarah Hanchrow 18 Jack L. Patchen 5 Bessie Getzoff 19 Eugene Bergman 6 Robert Heimowitz 19 Ruth S. Teichman 7 Rudolph Kahn 19 Leo Moskowitz 8 Bernard Schwartz 19 Herbert Polow 8 Hyman Bolnik 20 Barbara Gordon 9 Malvina Faerber Fried 20 Minnie Simpson 9 Gerson T. Margolish 20 Samuel Streisfeld 9 Jacob Markman 20 Joseph Klein 10 Art Rivel 20 Irving Grabel 11 Elayne Rubinoff 20 Harry Greenstein 11 Albert Pearlman 21 Jacob Levine 11 Freda Rosenfeld 21 Jacob Greenwald 12 Hyman Wolfson 21 Herbert Pusick 13 Sadie Bitter 22 continued, page 15
Mazal tov to: Leonora Loewentheil on the birth of great-grandson Myles Greyson Price, and to parents Jana and Ray Price and grandparents Peter and Barbara Murray; Esther Mildner, Nina Luban, Donald Fleishaker, and Maria Kessler on being recognized by the Westchester Jewish Council with a Julian Y. Bernstein Distinguished Service Award; Marsha and Tom Lustig on the birth of granddaughter Meyrav Shira Levy, daughter of Lindsay and Guy Levy; Vicki and Nathan Fisher on the bar mitzvah of their grandson Simon Fisher, and to parents Amy Sandgrund and Avi Fisher; Ellen and Jack Hollander on the birth of granddaughter Aliza Malya Hollander, and to parents, Brian and Jessica Hollander.
A Warm Beth El Mazal Tov to One and All!!
Volunteer Recognition Thank you to our longtime member Russell Geller for going above and beyond helping Beth El navigate a challenging project. We are grateful for voluteers like Russell and are so fortunate to have many people doing wonderful things for our communtiy.
Share your milestone events with us!
If you experience a milestone or a loss in your family, contact Linda at LNewman@bethelnr.org, or 914-235-2700, ext. 246.
CONDOLENCES We record with sorrow the losses suffered by our members and friends and extend to them our deepest sympathies. Condolences to: Larry Mandelker on the loss of his mother, Thelma Yust Mandelker; Zona Kaufman on the loss of her husband, Edward Kaufman.
Beth El Grief Support Group
Bereavement is always devastating, however the additional pressures of physical distancing and its consequential restrictions on funerals and shiva have left those grieving family and friends feeling more alone and isolated than ever. Now more than ever before, we need connection and support through this difficult time. We are taking registrations for a virtual support group led by the Beth El Clergy at www.bethelnr.org/form/Grief-Support. Please let us know if you are interested, as this group will only move forward if there is a need.
ENJOY A “SMART� SUMMER The SMART group will continue to meet with Shari Baum on Monday and Friday mornings at 11:00 am, through August 17th. We will then have a hiatus until after the High Holidays. Watch for information about our fall programming. 13
GENERAL FUND A donation was received from Jay and Barbara Lerman.
Donald Fleishaker on his recognition by the Rabbi Jessica Fisher on her Rabbinical Ordination, Westchester Jewish Council for his distinguished service and in honor of his special birthday, from from Max Fisher. Lloyd Sherman . The Gala Honorees—Sandy and Jack Gruenberg, Jayne and Darren Peister, and Julia Keltz and Zach Donald Fleishaker on his ninetieth birthday, from Abbe Fleishaker. Seiden, from Jay and Barbara Lerman. IN MEMORY OF Barbara and Mark Goldman on their 65th wedding anniversary, from Marianne and Bob Sussman. Dorothy Fleishaker, my cherished mother, on her All healthcare workers for their courage and yahrzeit, from Abbe Fleishaker. service, from Joel and Ann Davis.
The recovery of Andrew Rubinstein, from Melvin Wermuth.
The bar mitzvah of Samuel Schmeidler, grandson of Judy Schmeidler, from Larry and Erica Epstein.
RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Margot Lampert in memory of Susan Morris; Sheila Tanenbaum in memory of her brother Bernie Siegel; Rita Greenberg in memory of Leonard Epstein; Barry and Sarah Josephs in honor of Rabbi Schuck and Rabbi Sitkin for their kindness; Jeff and Susan Mittleman in memory of Beverly and Morton Eichen and Kenie and Max Mittleman; Liz and Eric Alderman in memory of Leonard Epstein; Richard and Norene Arnold in memory of Thelma Mandelker; Carol Fuchs in memory of her father; Erica and Larry Epstein in honor of Rabbi Schuck for his kindness following the loss of Larry’s father; Rita Krasik with thanks to Rabbi Schuck and Rabbi Sitkin for their kindness and for officiating at the funeral of her mother and her father; Morris and Rosalind Herstein in honor of the bar mitzvah of Vicki and Nate Fisher’s grandson.
Leonard Epstein, beloved father of Larry Epstein, YOUTH ACTIVITIES FUND PROGRAMMING FUND from Debbie and Steven Young, Judy Schmeidler, IN HONOR OF: IN MEMORY OF: Rochelle Chaiken, Barbara and Joe Wygoda, Gary Claar and Lois Kohn-Claar, and Lawrence and Walter Herzberg, beloved father of Dr Stephen Sandy and Jack Gruenberg on the bat mitzvah Herzberg, from Jonathan and Darcy Greenburg. of their granddaughter Kayla, from Elliot and Barbara Orans. Susan Lesser. Thelma Mandelker, beloved mother of Larry Arnold Levy, from Donna and Gary Levy. IN MEMORY OF: Mandelker, from Bob and Barbara Cohen. Marilyn Platzner, beloved mother of Merrick Platzner, from Judy Schmeidler.
SISTERHOOD MITZVAH FUND Martin Zuckerman, cousin of Brenda Guber, from IN HONOR OF:
Joel and Ann Davis.
Carol and Paul Freedman, from Scottie Vogel, and Lauren Berger and Jay Rehr on the birth of their Thelma Mandelker, mother of Larry Mandelker, from Geralynn and David Reifer. Ann and Joel Davis. granddaughter, from Elise and Bob Schepp. Bernard Freedman, from Scottie Vogel, and Ann Patty and Isadore Huss on the birth of their Ernest Einzig, father of Avi Einzig, from Larry and Erica Epstein. and Joel Davis. granddaughter, from Elise and Bob Schepp. Ellen Costello, beloved daughter of Beatrice Sisterhood for their care during our shiva for Freedman, from Mr. and Mrs. Michael Alperin. my brother Robert Kenler, from his sister Janet Seligman. SERMON SPONSORSHIPS
Sisterhood, from Norma Wasserman.
Jesse Schneiderman’s graduation with a doctorate IN MEMORY OF: in Education from Johns Hopkins, from Hanita Barbara Engelson and Marc Klee in honor of their Leonard Epstein, beloved father of Larry Epstein, and Paul Schneiderman. anniversary on October 30. from Elise and Bob Schepp. IN MEMORY OF: Donald Fleishaker in memory of his wife Dorothy, Marilyn Platzner, beloved mother of Merrick and Leonard Epstein, father of Larry Epstein, from Devorah Bat Yosef V’Malcah. Eva Platzner, from Elise and Bob Schepp. Geralynn and David Reifer. Erica and Larry Epstein on the conclusion of the year of kaddish for Larry’s brother, Robert Robert Kenler, by his sister Janet Seligman. Ruth Sobel on her yahrzeit, we miss you every Epstein. day, from Hanita and Paul Schneiderman. Erica and Larry Epstein in memory of Myron Penn, Erica’s beloved father. Jeff Swarz in memory of his father, Itzak ben Josef. Jeff Swarz in memory of his great-grandparents Ze’ev ben Jozef ha Levi, and Hillela bat Delila. Vicki and Nate Fisher in honor of the recent bar mitzvah of their grandson Simon Fisher. David Kaufman in memory of James Kaufman. Deborah Olstein in memory of her father’s yahrzeit. Esther and Mark Mildner in memory of their Aunt Rae Elkin Gabe.
The Sisterhood Mitzvah Fund is now being headed by Gaby Newfield. Please send all correspondence for Sisterhood donations to her at the following address or place in the Sisterhood Box in the office (when the synagogue reopens). Sisterhood Mitzvah Fund Gaby Newfield 87 Runyon Place Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-235-4030 gabyn77@yahoo.com 14
Seymour Sobel on his fifteenth yahrzeit, from Hanita and Paul Schneiderman. Roberta Zuckerman, my dear sister, from Paul Schneiderman. Gary Salmo on father's day, from Mia Salmo.
BERNICE FELDMAN NURSERY SCHOOL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Leonard Epstein, beloved father of Larry Epstein, from Judy, Beth, and Rachel Freedman. Elaine Levitin, beloved wife of Marty Levitin, from Judy, Beth and Rachel Freedman.
Max Baumzweig Nathan Bernstein Dr. Saul W. Brustein Jeanette Greenspan Maks Kooper Adolph Patchen Max Herrman Gail Harary Mozes Hyman Shapiro Janie Gottesfeld Joseph Salpeter Aaron Adolph Schlachtor Minnie Trugman Harry Wilk William Goodman Muriel Begleiter Harold Goldfarb Max Golub David Locitzer Sadye Brustein Eugene Mandel Louis Shanok Marshall Gottlieb Elliott Pollack Sidney Silberman Herb Weintraub
14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 21
Ruth Lapin Bruce Merrit Reich Max Kellman Muriel Bogash Mary Heligman Goldie G. Kalish Alice Lopatin Florence Falk Marion Jacobs Anna Harris Marilyn Metzger George Schneidman Arthur Cohen Samuel Goldstein Ida Gordon Goldie Klein Benjamin Lichtenstein Joseph Rimsky Abraham Galuten Melvin W. Nova Anne G. Elowsky Kurt Hamburger Nathan Lesser Edith Margolish Marcos Rojkind Robert Scher
YAHRZEIT / YIZKOR DONATIONS 22 22 23 25 25 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 28 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31
Priscilla and Mel Bloom, Robert Chazen, Ray and Marc Fein, Nathan Eisler, Donald Fleishaker, Dorothy Fox, Cookie and David Fuchs, Judy and Mel Gabriel, Sherry and Vincent Grabowski and family, Laurie Drucker Griffel, Michael Hirsch, Lisa Jacobs, Madelyn and Albert Katz, Alex LaTorraca, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lippel, Arkady Mamaysky, Barbara and Arthur Margolin, Lois Morgenstern, Fran and Donald Salomon, Elise and Bob Schepp, Isabel Scherz-Selden, Cynthia Shechter, Morris Stampfer, Marjorie Sunshine, Andy Tannen, Helene Wolloch, Richard Wolloch, and Norbert Wolloch; Huguette Rosenthal in memory of Benjamin Luboff and Jeanne Rosenthal.
GALA DONATIONS We gratefully acknowlege the following people who contributed to our Gala with a donation to Beth El Synagogue Center: Eric Rayman and Susan Horton, Berish and Rena Strauch, Harvey Glick and Susan Scharf-Glick, Leah Gruenberg, Benjamin and Judith Segal, Eric Goldman, Elliott and Phyllis Rosen, Harriet (Chana) and Yitzchak Jacobsen, Scott Feuer and Lynne Savitz, Jeffrey and Jill Weissmann, David and Marjorie Lissy, Howard and Susan Candiotti, Pamela Ehrenkranz, Richard Darmstadter, Judith Harary, Philip and Francine Kalban, Barry and Eileen Brusso, Abraham S. Walfish, Steven and Jill Katz, Irwin and Ilene Davison, Ed and Debbie Ackerman, Harold Kravitz and Cynthia Reich; Elliott and Phyllis Rosen; Barry and Linda Rosenberg; Carole and Jeff Graham; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Goldbaum.
THE SYLVIA AND ROBERT SCHER CHESED COMMUNITY FUND IN MEMORY OF: My brother Robert Kenler, and for the kind support that the Chesed Fund gave to my family while we were sitting shiva, from Janet Seligman.
DAY CAMP FUND IN MEMORY OF: Barbara Breakstone, beloved mother of Beth Breakstone, from Larry and Erica Epstein
The way we handle notification of general donations made to Beth El is: We will only mail out acknowledgement letters for donations of $36 or greater made to our various funds. ALL donations of any value will continue to be posted in the monthly Bulletin. This is in line with common practice of other synagogues of similar size, and also yields administrative savings for Beth El. To donate, visit www.bethelnr.org/donation. Note: This policy change does not affect donations made to Sisterhood or the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund. Please use ShulCloud wherever possible to make your donations electronically, as this yields administrative savings. If you have questions about how to use ShulCloud, contact Zoe Raynes at ZRaynes@bethelnr.org, or 914-235-2700, ext. 228.
Beth El Synagogue Center Cemetery and Funeral Policies Cemetery plots are only for sale to members in good standing. To purchase cemetery plots, please contact Alise Liquorie in the front office, 914-235-2700, ext. 223, or aliquorie@bethelnr.org. Funerals may take place at Beth El Synagogue Center if the deceased is a member of Beth El and in good standing. There is a fee of $1,000. The following three funeral homes are the only approved funeral homes that can operate a funeral service at Beth El—Plaza Jewish Community Chapel (NYC), Riverside Memorial Chapel (Mt. Vernon), Weinstein Memorial Chapel (Yonkers). If you have questions about end-of-life planning, our clergy are available to speak with you. If you have questions about the logistics of having a funeral at Beth El, please contact our Executive Director, Erica Leventhal, ext. 225, eleventhal@bethelnr.org. 15
We have ritual items, giftware, and more.
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FOR INFORMATION PLEASE E-MAIL GIFTSHOP@BETHELNR.ORG or call Carole Graham, 914-576-6617, or Ellen Hollander, 914-632-4658
To find out more, contact Linda at LNewman@bethelnr.org, or 914235-2700, ext. 246.
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Contact Linda at LNewman@bethelnr.org or 914-235-2700, ext. 246.
David Lacher
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The Source of Support for the Jewish Community since 1897
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• Land Use: Zoning Board, Planning Board
Charles S. Salomon • Joel E. Simon
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Continuing to maintain the high service standards of the Rosenthal, Grossberg, and Alpert families 21
All Sights Set On The Suburbs.
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Find Your New Home In New Rochelle. Coming Soon!
Wykagyl Estates | New Rochelle $1,239,000 | 4-BR, 3.2-BA | Approx. 3800sf | Web# 6047055
Wykagyl Park Colonial | New Rochelle $1,699,999 | 6-BR, 4.5-BA | Approx. 5500sf | Web# 6046216
Stunning Wykagyl Park Tudor | New Rochelle $1,119,000 | 6-BR, 3.5-BA | Approx. 3400sf | Web# 6014439
Wykagyl Crossings Tudor | New Rochelle $825,000 | 4-BR, 2.5-BA | Approx. 2500sf | Web# 6045088
Sun Haven Ranch Style Home | New Rochelle $615,000 | 3-BR, 1.5-BA | Central Air | Web# 5044004
Wykagyl Gardens | New Rochelle $228,000 | 1-BR, 1-BA | Approx. 975sf | Web# 6011484
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SHERY ROSENSTEIN Licensed Real Estate Sales Person
Helping the Beth El community with their home buying and selling needs for over 10 years.
914.420.8556 s.rosenstein@yahoo.com
Now More Than Ever, There’s No Place Like Home
Continue to rely on me for all your Real Estate needs. We are leveraging the latest technology to provide virtual home showings of beautiful homes right from the comfort of yours. If you are thinking of buying or selling this year, let’s talk!
JOCELYN BURTON , Real Estate Salesperson M 917.693.3557 | JBurton@houlihanlawrence.com Proud Beth El member
RANKED IN THE TOP 1% OF ALL AGENTS IN WESTCHESTER MLS • #1 AGENT IN THE #1 BROKERAGE IN NEW ROCHELLE New Rochelle Brokerage | 15 Quaker Ridge Rd, New Rochelle NY | Source: OKMLS, 2019, total dollar volume of single family homes sold by Houlihan Lawrence agent, New Rochelle school district; 2019, total dollar volume of single family homes sold by company, New Rochelle school district. Top 1%: According to the OKMLS, there are approximately 6500 members located in Westchester County on an annual basis. Jocelyn ranks #53 and in the Top 1% in Westchester County by all properties sold, total dollar volume, 2019.