The yahrzeit of the following deceased persons permanently inscribed on our Memorial Walls are observed on these dates: Robin Kaphan on the birth of grandson Mazwell Lee Florence Teichman 12 Lillian Gordon Alpern 1 Kaphan, and to parents Kimberly and Mark Kaphan; Benjamin Chabrow 13 Kay Charm 1 Alan and Liz Legatt on the birth of grandson Micah Shai Legatt, Samuel Feinberg 15 Henry E. Hirsch 1 and to parents Joel and Aviva Legatt; Eunice Kaplan on the birth of Rebecca Kaplan 15 Nathaniel Kleppel 1 her third great-grandson Micah Reed Katz, grandson of Lisa Kaplan Rebecca Wasley 15 Isaac Moses 1 and Leon Katz, and son of Suesan and David Katz and to big brother Israel Diesenhof 16 Ruth Pusick 1 Solomon; Michelle and Noah Kolodny on the bar mitzvah of their Steven H. Hirsch 16 David Robinson 1 son Spencer; Jessica and David Keusch on the bar mitzvah of their Ruth Kornfeld 16 Janette Alpert 2 son Sam; Beth and Ron Cohen on the bat mitzvah of their daughter Meyer Nova 16 Hyman Greenberg 2 Gabby, and to grandmother Mona Gross; Jacqueline and Jason Albert E. Singer 16 Libby Wolf 2 Friedland on the bar mitzvah of their son Shepherd; Sydney and Max Bitter 17 Morris F. Cron 3 Dan Rosenberger on the bar mitzvah of their son Caleb; Bernie Katz Dr. Herbert M. Jacobs 17 Louis W. Jaffe 4 on the birth of great-grandson Nathan Arakanchy, son of Michelle Eva Meyers 17 Andrew Scherz 4 and Yossi Arakanchy; Hanita and Paul Schneiderman on the birth Ernst Grunauer 18 Seymour Sobel 4 of their first grandchild, Cameron Lawless Schneiderman, to Jesse Rose Wechsler 18 Joseph Halpern 5 Schneiderman and Megan Lawless. Steven Douglas Miller 20 Bertram B. Schwarz 5 A Warm Beth El Mazal Tov to One and All!! Irving Kanner 21 Audrey Strauss 5 Bess Siegel 21 Irving Gendelman 6 Share your milestone events with us! Max Siegel 21 Louise Troodler 6 If you experience a milestone or a loss in your family, contact Rose Stillman 22 Dr. Leon Figur 7, or 914-235-2700, ext. 228. Sylvia Farber 23 Esther Benkel 8 Sidney Fein 23 Herman L. Goldman 8 Morris Halpern 23 Daisy M. Holman 8 We record with sorrow the losses suffered by our members Sidney H. Posner 23 Leizer H. Leibowitz 8 and friends and extend to them our deepest sympathies. Benjamin Raber 24 Mary Newman 8 Condolences to: Rubin Scheinkman 24 Max Rabinowitz 8 Orgeary Gabriella Parsley on the loss of her father, Ezra James Ida B. Shimm 24 Abraham Belsky 9 Henderson; Myron Penn 25 Max Belsky 9 Joseph Aronauer on the loss of his wife, Peri Schwartz. Aviva Berger 26 Rae Feuerstein 9 Rabbi Kenneth Berger 26 Max Jackson 9 Milton Honig 26 Milton Gordon 10 Mollie Sirner 26 Samuel Gore 10 Ruth Sobel 26 Rose Sussman 10 Martin Teichman 10 Sam Kavarsky 28 The Fishman Family 11 The Rafalowicz/Porcaro Family Sarah Mandel Sam Zuckerman 28 Anna Strauch 11 Of Scarsdale Of New Rochelle Eva Bernstein 29 Rafael Moshe Zaiman 11 Eric and Vivian Fishman Ben Rafalowicz and William Bloom 29 Yona Kessel 12 Ariella, 15, and Eliza 9 Lizzie Porcaro Ida Grandberg 29 Sadye Leben 12 Yetta Halpern 29 Ellen Dembicer Nathan Lopatin 12 Michael Lichtenstein 30 of Scarsdale Clara Mirenburg 12 Leo J. Springer 30 Frances B. Sussman 30
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