Bethel Investor: Spring 2014

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Spring 2014 |

Bethel Investor News for Donors to Bethel University

A Fork in the Road Bethel has faced both financial challenges and opportunities for growth and expansion in the past few years. I was reminded recently that Bethel’s current situation is very much like what the Bethel community faced in the 1960s and 70s. With the college and seminary in a tight financial spot, Bethel president Carl Lundquist faced a fork in the road. While he faced opposition to his belief that the 10 acres of land on Snelling Avenue would not be adequate for Bethel’s future, he led with his vision of acquiring land in Arden Hills

to develop a new campus for both the college and seminary. When a donor came forward with a large financial gift that was contingent upon a deeper commitment to building on the new campus, Lundquist considered that a miracle—a gift that couldn’t be ignored. He trusted that if God was “in” that plan, He would provide. And He did. That’s still good advice for us today.

Poised for the Future

Much like during Lundquist’s presidency, a miracle was presented to us this fall in the form of an office building—just a mile from our main campus—that will help us accomplish space goals much sooner

Happy Birthday, Edgren! The Bethel community celebrated the birthday of Bethel University founder John Alexis Edgren on February 20. The Royal Legacy committee, a group of students working to create awareness of Bethel’s history and traditions, served cake to the community in celebration.

and at a lower cost than first planned (see articles below and on page 2). This Goddirected gift is just one of the reasons that Bethel’s future looks bright. As we’ve approached our own “fork in the road,” we thank God—and donors like you—for our many blessings. Together we can be sure the Bethel tradition continues and that the future remains bright for our students. Please prayerfully consider making a gift before May 31, the end of our fiscal year. We are grateful for your support and partnership and for all you do for our students!

In gratitude and service,

Jay Barnes President

Bethel Purchases Pine Tree Property in Arden Hills Addresses Space Needs with Less Money, Time

In mid-December, a generous donor helped Bethel University purchase a 200,000-square-foot building at 2 Pine Tree Drive in Arden Hills, Minn., a little more than one mile from Bethel’s main campus. “The purchase of this building is momentous in the history of the university. It addresses many of the needs identified in the Campus Master Plan at a cost that is dramatically lower than the cost of new construction,” President Jay Barnes says. “It will address immediate space concerns for the College of Adult & Professional Studies and the Graduate School, provide the potential for more than a 50% increase in our core classroom space, allow us to meet better the needs of growing programs, and support the launch of strategic new programs.” Visit to read the full story.

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