Bethel Parent: Spring 2013

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BethelParent A newsletter for parents of Bethel University students


Issue 57/Spring 2013

All across the country, Bethel friends pray for the university through the Nation­ al Prayer Initiative (NPI). The NPI has 40 prayer teams comprised of grandparents and parents of current students, alumni, and friends who believe in the power of National Prayer prayer and strongly affirm Bethel’s mission. Initiative To keep in touch with the current prayer concerns, team leaders receive Prayer Points, a monthly com­ munication that lists items of praise and requests for prayer from Bethel’s leaders and faculty. Each team determines when and how often they pray. Says Judy Moseman, NPI coordinator, “We realize that you pray for your children and that many of you already pray faith­ fully for Bethel. Becoming a prayer partner gives you access to specific prayer requests and praises that are substantive and timely for Bethel. No guilt. No pressure. Just pray as you have opportu­nity. Hope you’ll consider it!” Interested in praying for Bethel University? Please contact Judy Moseman at or Julie Tutt at n

Parent Volunteers Wanted for Spring Banquet One of Bethel’s enduring traditions is the Spring Banquet, which takes place right before final exams. The student body dresses up and heads to the Sports and Recreation Center (SRC) to enjoy a meal and program together. Parents play a significant role, and we need your help! This year’s banquet will be held on Saturday, May 18. We ask parent volunteers to help with set-up, serving, and clean-up, all while enjoying the company of other parents and socializing with the students who are celebrating a successful year. Once the students are served, we invite you to sit down and en­ joy dinner as our guests. Interested in vol­ unteering at the 2013 Spring Banquet? Visit events/spring-banquet to register and learn more. n

Photo by Barry Howell

Pray for Bethel!

First Grandparents Day More than 200 grandparents from 11 U.S. states – and one from the Netherlands – enjoyed a special day connecting with their grandchil­dren at Bethel’s first Grandparents Day on April 5. Together, the generations worshipped in Chapel, enjoyed a recep­ tion and the opportunity to meet Bethel leaders and other guests, had their photos taken, connected over lunch, heard from Bethel alum and current Bethel grandparent Dick Varberg (’55, S ’58), and took tours of the campus. They also heard from President Jay Barnes, who shared about Bethel’s mission and acknowledged the significant role that grandparents play in the lives of their grand­ children. Corrie Majolee, who travelled from the Netherlands to connect with her grandson Jesse Hill (’16), says of the event, “This day means a lot. It’s a blessing that my grandson can study here. It gives me a feeling for how he studies and lives. It’s a won­ derful way to connect.” n

Bethel Ranks 7th for Study Abroad U.S. News & World Report recently released its “Short List” of schools with the most students studying abroad. Bethel University ranked seventh, with 75% of the 2011 graduating class spending at least one term abroad. Read about the U.S. News ranking at “Bethel’s commitment to preparing students to be worldchangers is why we offer young men and women these invalu­ able opportunities to be global participants, to step out of their comfort zones, and to make a difference in the world,” says Ralph Gustafson, vice president for constituent relations. One such student is Jared Hehn. A senior majoring in finance, Jared took the interim course Introduction to International Busi­ ness in Europe. He says, “It was really cool experiencing church services in Europe. . . it was awesome to see the impact God is having globally! As a result of this trip, I feel God pushing me to work internationally and spread His Word.” Bethel offers more than 30 semester, summer, and interim study abroad opportunities to undergraduates in the College of Arts & Sciences. Visit to learn more about Bethel’s study abroad program. n

Reminders Is your student graduating this spring? Congratulations! Bethel has several meaningful events planned for graduat­ ing seniors and their families over commencement weekend, including a Senior/Parent Banquet, the Baccalaureate Service, and more. Visit to learn more about what’s planned for commencement weekend. n

Jared Hehn ’13 took this photo outside the Louvre while studying in Europe during interim.

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