Bethel Southwest Spring 2013

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New Degree Programs Page 2

New Vice President and Dean Page 2

BethelSouthwest Spring 2013

News for Friends of Bethel Seminary San Diego

New Facilities Dedicated


n February 9, Bethel University officially dedicated the 14,000-squarefeet addition to its San Diego seminary campus. The celebration included tours of new and renovated spaces, a reception, and a dedication program. Speakers from Bethel included President Jay Barnes, Bethel Seminary Vice President and Dean David Clark, Bethel Seminary San Diego Dean and Executive Officer John Lillis, Professors James Smith and Mark Strauss, and stu-

dents Timothy Nwan, Mark Friestad, and Season Bowers. Carlton Harris, senior pastor at College Avenue Baptist Church in San Diego, and Jerry Sheveland, president of Converge Worldwide, also spoke during the service. Five new classrooms have been added to the seminary and existing classrooms have been completely renovated. All of the classrooms have been equipped with state-of-theart instructional technology. In addition, the seminary

Poised for Service



he 2013-2014 academic year has seen some New Directions for Bethel Seminary San Diego. During the past several months, the 14,000-squarefeet building addition for the seminary was completed and operations began in the new facilities. The trans-regional seminary as a whole (Bethel Seminary John R. Lillis San Diego, Bethel Seminary St. Paul, and Bethel Seminary of the East) has called a new trans-regional academic dean and vice-president. Our curriculum has been completely rewritten as we transition from a quarter-based system to a more streamlined semester-based system. And we have added a new “InMinistry” delivery model, which will begin in Fall 2013. Read on to find out more about Bethel Seminary’s New Directions in San Diego. Like us, I think you will be very excited by what God is doing with us and through us these days. •

now houses a beautiful new 375-seat chapel/auditorium. As well as greatly enhancing the seminary students’ chapel experience, the new auditorium allows the seminary to host larger events to serve the Christian community of San Diego. Students now also have access to expanded study, meeting, and lounge space. The new classrooms and these study facilities, along with a spacious patio and prayer garden, constitute a wonderful environment for spiritual retreats and conferences for the community at large as well. We invite you to be a partner in a greatly expanded educational ministry and community outreach through the new facilities God has so graciously provided through generous friends. •


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