in this issue:
Bethel Foundation Page 3
In Memoriam: Ralph Holman Page 2
BethelInvestor • Fall 2012
News for Donors to Bethel University
Beginnings and Endings “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1
n God’s plan, every beginning is also an ending, and every ending is also a beginning. And so it is at Bethel University. It feels like we just said goodbye to our graduates, who ended a chapter of their lives and are embarking on a new Members of the National Alumni Board (pictured) and the Seminary Alumni Council committed to investing in the Bethel Fund.
800+ freshmen and transfer students were welcomed to their new home during Welcome Week.
phase of their life’s journey. And now we’re welcoming new students who are starting on a path that will direct their futures. As I look back at the fiscal year that ended in May, I’m reminded of the many
reported on its progress, and Bethel forged new relationships with Chinese universities to promote the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program. Prestigious speakers visited campus, including Wess Stafford of Compassion International; Judge Michael McConnell; former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and his wife and Bethel alumna, Mary Pawlenty; former presidential candidate Ron Paul; and former NFL coach Tony Dungy. We heard news that our students and faculty had received notable awards, including one student and two faculty members who received Fulbright fellowships, and stories of our alumni continuing to change their communities and our world. And we welcomed several new coaches to campus with impressive backgrounds who will help lead student athletes on and off the field. Thanks to God, we have so much to celebrate at each of our campus locations as well. Following are some highlights
from each of our schools: • Last spring, Bethel Seminary San Diego had a record enrollment of 234 students. Construction of the site’s new facility is in full swing. • The Higher Learning Commission and the Association of Theological Schools recently granted accreditation for 10 years to all locations of Bethel Seminary. And a renewed search for the key leadership
Wallace Boeve (right), director of the new physician assistant program at Bethel University, spoke with Board of Trustee members.
role of vice president and dean of Bethel Seminary is underway. • We’re pleased to honor Art professor Wayne Roosa, who was recently named University Professor: only the fourth faculty member to earn such designation in the College of Arts & Sciences. • In the College of Adult & Professional Studies and Graduate School, we’re thrilled
with the positive reception of our new physician assistant program, only the third such program offered in Minnesota. The Master of Science Physician Assistant (P.A.) program will begin next May, pending accreditation. It promises to enhance Bethel’s distinctiveness in a competitive market. Through it all, investors and board members continue to demonstrate their dedication to Bethel. We appreciate all those, including the leaders of the National Alumni Board and Seminary Alumni Council (see p. 2), who have continued their loyal commitments. I pray that the giving model of the alumni board members will encourage others to invest in Bethel students. We are blessed by your prayers, support, encouragement, and trust. As we anticipate the beginning of another school year, I humbly ask for your continued commitment to our mission to equip adventurous Christ-followers.
In gratitude, President Jay Barnes
President Jay Barnes posed with faculty and 2012 graduates from Bethel Seminary of the East.
exciting projects and initiatives we’ve undertaken and the many blessings we have experienced this year. We debuted the Campus Master Plan and finalized plans for the Wellness Center. The Reconciliation Task Force
Under Construction Wayne Roosa, University Professor of Art.
Members of the Bethel Seminary San Diego Executive Board toured the seminary’s new facility construction site in June. Construction is scheduled to be completed in November 2012.