Bethel Seminary Investor Spring 2015

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Passion and Wisdom: Your Gift Supports Faculty Excellence “I can’t believe I get to sit at the feet of someone who devoted his entire life to studying the Bible.” A Bethel Seminary student said this about one of her favorite professors. She was referring to Professor of Old Testament David Howard, who has invested a lifetime in biblical scholarship. He radiates a richness that only comes from long, disciplined study of God’s Word. He often pauses his lectures to pray the Psalms. Howard shares his passion and wisdom with students, and also with

a wider audience through print. He recently co-wrote The Psalms: Language for All Seasons of the Soul. He’s not the only Bethel Seminary professor reaching others through publication. Professor of New Testament Jeannine Brown’s book, The Gospel of Matthew in the “Teach the Text” commentary series, was just published. We’re thrilled that Mark Strauss’ recent book Mark: The Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament was just named a finalist for the 2015 Christian Book Award in the Bible Reference category.

Your investment in Bethel Seminary supports this incredible biblical richness and spiritual depth. And that matters. When professors inspire Bethel Seminary students, their gift—and yours—produces an impact that will last for decades. Thanks for investing in our students. You’re making God’s Word come alive for generations to come. —David K. Clark Vice President and Dean

Heartfelt Thanks for Your Care Dear Friends and Supporters of Bethel Seminary, As president of the Bethel Seminary student body, I would like to thank you all for your continued support...not only through your financial assistance but through the prayers with which we know you lift us up. As all of us prepare for the ministry God has in store for us, we are so thankful for your continued support through these difficult years of juggling ministry, family, and learning. Your support—both financial and spiritual— allows us to continue forward. Thank you all so much, Cassy Bloyer S’16 Student Senate President

InMinistry students gathered on campus in March for intensives. —1—

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