Bethel Investor Spring 2012

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BethelInvestor • Spring 2012

News for Donors to Bethel University

Invest in Bethel and Light a Path for a Student Key Dates Spring Semester Began (CAS): February 1 • Commencement (CAS, CAPS/GS): May 26 • End of Fiscal Year: May 31 Commencement (Seminary St. Paul): June 2 • Commencement (Seminary San Diego): June 9 • Commencement (Seminary of the East): June 16


Construction on an addition and renovations at the Bethel Seminary San Diego campus began in January. It is expected to be completed in 2012. “There are many people who have been dreaming about and planning for this project for a long time, and I’m very glad to see construction begin,” says Bethel President Jay Barnes. The campus expansion includes a two-story 14,500 square foot addition and a renovation of 6,800 square feet. The net gain of the project will be a 380-400 seat chapel and conference center, additional classroom spaces, offices, and an expanded student center. “In addition to serving a larger student body, this new and remodeled space will be used as a center for spiritual renewal for the community,” says Bethel Seminary San Diego Dean John Lillis. Generous gifts from the Solheim Foundation, Converge Worldwide, and key committed investors narrowed the fundraising goal to $1.5 million. Faithful investors are encouraged to help Bethel close this final gap. Those interested in helping expand the ministry of Bethel Seminary San Diego should contact Mark Pearsey at or 619.325.5225. Visit for updates on the progress of the construction.


Construction Begins at Bethel Seminary San Diego

Bethel Fund Progress


tudents don’t progress from the start of spring semester in February to graduation in May or June, to their next step into the world without the support of investors like you who donate to the Bethel Fund before the key date of May 31. The end of Bethel University’s academic year is in sight, and hundreds of graduates are preparing to go out into the world with their degrees, equipped to transform culture and advance the gospel. There are many accomplishments to celebrate—thanks to generous investors. There are also several projects, such as the construction and renovation at Bethel Seminary San Diego and the proposed new Wellness Center, that need your support and commitment to become reality. “We invite alumni, parents, and friends to light a path for a Bethel student and help ensure that a quality, Christcentered Bethel education is available for both current and future students,” says Bruce Anderson, vice president for development. “We have a long way to our goal and we urgently ask you to consider submitting a gift by May 31, 2012.” Read on for brief updates on current projects and fiscal priorities.

Dean’s Circle Partners

Wellness Center Plans Finalized A new wellness center is Bethel University’s largest current capital fundraising priority. Bethel recently finalized plans for this facility, which will be added to the north and west sides of the Robertson Center. “This facility is integral to the future of Bethel University for many reasons, including recruitment and retention of students, convenience, and health and wellness,” says Pat Mazorol, senior vice president for university relations. “This project is significant because it will help us meet today’s needs for much-needed health and fitness facilities for students, as well as general classroom space.” Feedback from students and faculty during Bethel’s recent campus master planning process

(see story on page 2) has reinforced the need for both health and fitness facilities, as well as general-purpose classroom space. Developing this new space as a wellness center will allow broader use—possibly including Health Services, Counseling Services, and an academic program—than will a fitness center alone. The addition will also help Bethel fulfill its commitment to develop whole and holy persons—not just mentally, socially, and spiritually—but also physically. Fundraising for this project is underway and will determine the timeframe for construction. Interested in investing in this project? Call Bethel’s Office of Development at 651.635.8050 or 800.255.8706, ext. 8050.

Welcome Center Complete The final phase of the Welcome Center Experience—the Admissions Guest Center in Brushaber Commons—is now complete and is already enhancing the campus experience for prospective students and their families. Thank you to those generous investors who made this dream a reality.

Bethel Fund Dean’s Circle partners are donors who give $1,000 to $2,499 in annual contributions to the Bethel Fund. Bethel has welcomed many new households as Dean’s Circle members this academic year. Kirk and Mary Nesvig are one of these families. All of their children and their children’s spouses are Bethel graduates, and two family members are now graduate students. “We feel that all four of our children grew stronger in their faith in Christ during their four years at Bethel. . . . it is getting the education in an environment that encouraged them in their Christian faith that makes us appreciate their experience at Bethel,” says Kirk. “We have continued to give to Bethel because Bethel does a great job of producing well-educated graduates with a Christian world view. We are grateful for the impact Bethel had on our children and their spouses. Donating to Bethel is a way of expressing that gratitude and also helping Bethel continue and expand that impact with other students.”

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