Bethel Investor Winter 2013

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in this issue:

Alumnus of the Year Serves Homeless Children Page 2

Clark Named Seminary VP and Dean Page 3

BethelInvestor • Winter 2013

News for Donors to Bethel University

Prayerfully Consider Investing in Bethel Light a Path for a Student like Garret

When you give to the Bethel Fund, you invest in students like Garret Wright. Garret’s Bethel experience and education have been truly transformational. “If you knew me then, you wouldn’t Garret Wright recognize me now,” he says, recalling the unfocused transfer student who arrived at Bethel University three years ago. Wright credits concerned friends and Bethel Assistant Campus Pastor Donna Johnson not only with confronting his self-acknowledged immaturity and poor academic performance, but also with helping him find a rhythm with his studies and “to stop living for myself.” He has since poured his life into others, including summers spent at a residential corrections facility for teenage boys, demonstrating the love of Christ while teaching them basic social skills. “Bethel has drawn maturity out of me,” Garret testifies. “I’ve become my own person with vision: the person who God has intended me to be. I have a better understanding of the past, peace about the present, and a vision for the future.” When Garret graduates in May, he’ll be the first member of his family to earn a college diploma.

Bethel Fund: Equipping Adventurous ChristFollowers The Bethel Fund bridges the gap between tuition and the actual cost of Bethel’s Christ-

centered education. Your gifts to the Bethel Fund help provide: • Innovative academic programs and resources—cutting-edge technology for labs, classroom resources, and scholarships • Spiritual formation opportunities— challenging chapel speakers, discipleship programs, and off-campus ministries • Faculty enrichment—grants and training/learning opportunities • A vital student life experience—health services, career services, student activities, and programs This year, $3.4 million is needed for the Bethel Fund.

Bethel Fund Partners To invite and encourage donor participation in various levels of philanthropy, Bethel has established five new levels for unrestricted gifts to the Bethel Fund. “This invitation to the next generation of philanthropy is an opportunity for additional friends to support both the short- and long-term goals of the institution,” says Pat Mazorol, senior vice president for university relations. Visit for more information about becoming a Bethel Fund Partner.

Sustaining our Future Annuities, will provisions, trusts, and other forms of planned giving allow alumni, parents, and friends of Bethel to make an impact on the lives of Bethel students now and into the future. “Those who include Bethel in their planning become part of the Royal Heritage Society and have the satisfaction of leaving a legacy in support of a Christ-centered education,” explains Dan Wiersum, associate vice president and director of planned

giving. (Learn more about the advantages of Charitable Gift Annuities on page 3.)

Engaging Alumni Student callers recently moved from the Bethel Office Center to campus. Manager of Alumni Engagement Chad Boysen says of the move, “Moving to campus is a big step in the advancement of our new student and young alumni engagement initiative. We look forward to seeing how our call team and our class gift drives grow in this new environment. Being on campus will go a long way in creating awareness among students about the role that investors play in their Bethel experience and the importance of giving back.”

Key Projects Bethel seeks to secure cash donations and financial commitments—above and beyond regular gifts to the Bethel Fund—to support the university’s mission through capital improvements. “Investments in the form of current gifts and pledges will move us closer to bringing key projects into reality,” explains Bruce Anderson, executive development and university relations officer. The Seminary San Diego expansion project will soon be fully operational. (See page 3).

Health & Wellness Center At its recent meeting, the Bethel University Board of Trustees affirmed plans for a state-of-the art, integrated Health & Wellness Center as a

top priority for the university. It will serve the entire Bethel community by providing one integrated, easily accessible location that promotes fitness, health, prevention, and wellness. The Health & Wellness Center project will cost $20 million. Our goal is to raise $10.6 million in gifts and commitments by May 31, 2013, so construction may begin.

Investing in Quality New students, refreshed facilities, exciting achievements, energy, and excitement marked the beginning of the 2012-2013 academic year at Bethel. A total of 5,355 students are enrolled in all schools. In the College of Adult & Professional Studies and Graduate School, the new Master of Science in Physician Assistant (P.A.) program continues to move toward accreditation. Staff and faculty have received numerous accolades. Vice President for Student Life Edee Schulze was awarded the Don L. Boender Distinguished Service Award at the annual Association for Christians in Student Development (ACSD) conference this summer. —Investing continued on page 2

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