Construction II: Documents

Page 1








First Level Plan Second and Third Level Plans Fourth Level Plan


2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04

First Level Plan Second and Third Level Plans Fourth Level Plan Axonometric Diagram


3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05

Casino Cost Estimate Performance Hall Cost Estimate Ferry Terminal Cost Estimate Restaurants Cost Estimate Cost Estimate Summary


4.01 4.02 4.03

Plan Axonometric Diagram Section and Details


5.01 5.02

Plan Axonometric Diagram






Elevation, Section, and Details



Reduced Cost Estimate

Student: Beth Mikon Unique Name: bmikon Date of Submission: 04.15.09 LAB Instructor: Steven Christensen

1.01 1.02 1.03

Sandusky Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall Table of Contents







First Level 16 32



Scale: 1’ =1/64” North

7 26



Student: Beth Mikon Unique Name: bmikon Original Date: 01.14.09 Date Revised: 04.12.09 LAB Instructor: Steven Christensen


8 19 18


A-1 A-2 A-3 B F-1 M S-1 U 1- HR 2-HR 3-HR











14 15

Program/Level Casino 1 Casino 1 Casino 1 Casino 1 Casino 1 Casino 1 Casino 1 Casino 1 Casino 1 Casino 1 Terminal 1 Terminal 1 Terminal 1 Terminal 1 Terminal 1 Terminal 1 Performance 1 Performance 1 Performance 1 Performance 1 Performance 1 Performance 1 Performance 1 Performance 1 Performance 1 Performance 1 Performance 1

Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Room Meeting Spaces 1.0 Meeting Spaces 1.1 Meeting Spaces 1.2 Meeting Spaces 1.3 Meeting Spaces 1.4 Offices Restaurant/Bar 1.0 Restaurant/Bar 1.1 Kitchen 1.0 Gaming Floor 1.0 Immigration Screening Immigration Office Lobby Tickets/Check-in Operation Office Concessions Lobby 1.0 Shop Dressing Area 1.0 Dressing Area 1.1 Office/Lounge 1.0 Office/Lounge 1.1 Rehearsal 1.0 Rehearsal 1.1 Green Room Storage 1.0 Mechanical

Area Title Business Business Business Business Assembly: Unconcentrated Business Assembly: Unconcentrated Assembly: Unconcentrated Assembly Assembly: Gaming Business Business Assembly Business Business Mercantile: Grade Assembly: Concentrated Industrial Business Business Business Business Exercise Exercise Business Accesory Storage Mechanical Equipment

Size (Square Feet) 647 768 682 809 1454 1438 1938 1938 2020 26560 1243 511 3108 573 772 928 2922 4217 772 772 456 351 898 618 579 374 6594

Occupany Type B B B B A-3 B A-2 A-2 A-2 A-3 B B A-3 B B M A-3 F-1 B B B B A-3 A-3 B S-1 U

Factor (SF/occupant) Total # of occupants 7 100 gross 8 100 gross 7 100 gross 9 100 gross 98 15 net 100 gross 15 15 net 130 15 net 130 15 net 135 11 gross 2416 100 gross 13 100 gross 6 7 net 446 100 gross 6 100 gross 8 60 gross 16 5 net 585 100 gross 43 100 gross 8 100 gross 8 100 gross 5 100 gross 4 50 gross 19 50 gross 13 100 gross 6 300 gross 1 300 gross 22 Total Occupancy Level 1

4164 occupants

Sandusky Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall First Level, 1’ = 1/64”



Student: Beth Mikon Unique Name: bmikon Original Date: 01.14.09 Date Revised: 04.12.09 LAB Instructor: Steven Christensen



34 39

28 28


40 33

36 37 30

38 35


Second Level


16 32


Third Level



Scale: 1’ =1/64” North

Program/Level Casino 2 Casino 2 Casino 2 Casino 2 Casino 2 Casino 2 Casino2 Performance 2 Performance 2 Performance 2 Performance 2 Performance 2 Performance 2 Performance 2

Number 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

16 32


Scale: 1’ =1/64” North

Room Meeting Spaces 2.0 Meeting Spaces 2.1 Security and A/V Lounge/Lunchroom Cash Operations/Vault Gaming Floor 2.0 Gaming Floor 2.1 Lobby 2.0 Office Tickets Coats Performance Hall 2.0 Performance Hall 2.1 Storage 2.0

Area Title Size (Square Feet) 3137 Assembly: Unconcentrated 1578 Assembly: Unconcentrated Business 1054 Assembly 941 Business 790 21731 Assembly: Gaming Assembly: Gaming 6511 Assembly: Concentrated 5944 Business 275 Business 574 Business 306 Assembly 5235 Assembly 4169 Accessory Storage 553

Occupany Type A-3 A-3 B A-2 B A-3 A-3 A-3 B B B A-1 A-1 S-1

Factor (SF/occupant) 11 gross 11 gross 100 gross 15 net 100 gross 11 gross 11 gross 5 net 100 gross 100 gross 100 gross 7 net 12 gross 300 gross

Total # of occupants 286 144 11 63 8 1976 592 1189 3 6 4 748 348 2

Total Occupancy Level 2 Program/Level casino 3

Number 42


Room Gaming Floor 3.1

Area Title Assembly

Size (Square Feet) 21930

Occupany Type A-3

Factor (SF/occupant) 11 gross

5380 occupants

Total # of occupants 1994

Total Occupancy Level 3

1994 occupants

A-1 A-2 A-3 B F-1 M S-1 U 1- HR 2-HR 3-HR

Sandusky Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall Second and Third Level, 1’ =1/64”



16 32




Scale: 1’ =1/64” North

44 48 47

Program/Level shopping 4 shopping 4 shopping 4 shopping 4 shopping 4 shopping 4

Number 43 44 45 46 47 48

Total Occupancy Level 1 Total Occupancy Level 2 Total Occupancy Level 3 Total Occupancy Level 4 Total Occupancy

Room Restaurant/Bar 4.0 Restaurant/Bar 4.1 Kitchen 4.0 Kitchen 4.1 Store 4.0 Store 4.1

4164 occupants 5380 occupants 1994 occupants 575 occupants 12113 occupants

A-1 A-2 A-3 B F-1 M S-1 U 1- HR 2-HR 3-HR Area Title Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly Mercantile Mercantile

Size (Square Feet) 3444 1664 1076 1266 2520 2050

Occupany Type A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 M M

Factor (SF/occupant) Total # of occupants 15 net 230 15 net 111 15 net 72 15 net 85 60 gross 42 60 gross 35 Total Occupancy Level 4 575 occupants

Sandusky Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall Fourth Level, 1’ = 1/64”

Fourth Level


Student: Beth Mikon Unique Name: bmikon Original Date: 01.14.09 Date Revised: 04.12.09 LAB Instructor: Steven Christensen





First Level




41 ’ 7


16 32



Scale: 1’ =1/64” North

10 27



8 19 18



23 21










Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Room Meeting Spaces 1.0 Meeting Spaces 1.1 Meeting Spaces 1.2 Meeting Spaces 1.3 Meeting Spaces 1.4 Offices Restaurant/Bar 1.0 Restaurant/Bar 1.1 Kitchen 1.0 Gaming Floor 1.0 Immigration Screening Immigration Office Lobby Tickets/Check-in Operation Office Concessions Lobby 1.0 Shop Dressing Area 1.0 Dressing Area 1.1 Office/Lounge 1.0 Office/Lounge 1.1 Rehearsal 1.0 Rehearsal 1.1 Green Room Storage 1.0 Mechanical

Occupany Type B B B B A-3 B A-2 A-2 A-2 A-3 B B A-3 B B M A-3 F-1 B B B B A-3 A-3 B S-1 U

Total # of occupants 7 8 7 9 98 15 130 130 135 2416 13 6 446 6 8 16 585 43 8 8 5 4 19 13 6 1 22

Total Occupancy Level 1



Required Exits 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Total Exits


Student: Beth Mikon Unique Name: bmikon Original Date: 01.21.09 Date Revised: 04.04.09 LAB Instructor: Steven Christensen


Maximum Travel Distance without sprinklers (ft) with sprinklers (ft) 200 250 200 300 300 400

Sandusky Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall First Level Egress, 1’ = 1/64”


occupancy A,F-1,M,S-1 B U


Student: Beth Mikon Unique Name: bmikon Original Date: 01.21.09 Date Revised: 04.04.09 LAB Instructor: Steven Christensen




39 28




33 36 37 30

38 35


Second Level


16 32

Third Level




Number 42

Room Meeting Spaces 2.0 Meeting Spaces 2.1 Security and A/V Lounge/Lunchroom Cash Operations/Vault Gaming Floor 2.0 Gaming Floor 2.1 Lobby 2.0 Office Tickets Coats Performance Hall 2.0 Performance Hall 2.1 Storage 2.0

Room Gaming Floor 3.1



Scale: 1’ =1/64” North

Scale: 1’ =1/64” North

Number 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

16 32

Occupany Type Total # of occupants Required Exits A-3 286 2 A-3 144 2 B 11 1 A-2 63 1 B 8 1 A-3 1976 4 A-3 592 3 A-3 1189 4 B 3 1 B 6 1 B 4 1 A-1 748 3 A-1 348 2 S-1 2 1 Total Exits Total Occupancy Level 2 4+ 5380 Occupany Type A-3 Total Occupancy Level 3

1994 1994

4 Total Exits


occupancy A,F-1,M,S-1 B U

Maximum Travel Distance without sprinklers (ft) with sprinklers (ft) 200 250 200 300 300 400

Sandusky Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall Second and Third Level Egress, 1’ = 1/64”



occupancy A,F-1,M,S-1 B U

Fourth Level

0 43

16 32

Scale: 1’ =1/64” North

46 44 48



Number 43 44 45 46 47 48

Room Restaurant/Bar 4.0 Restaurant/Bar 4.1 Kitchen 4.0 Kitchen 4.1 Store 4.0 Store 4.1

Maximum Travel Distance without sprinklers (ft) with sprinklers (ft) 200 250 200 300 300 400

Occupany Type A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 M M

Total # of occupants 230 111 72 85 42 35

Total Occupancy Level 4


Required Exits 2 2 2 2 1 1

Total Exits 2

Student: Beth Mikon Unique Name: bmikon Original Date: 01.21.09 Date Revised: 04.04.09 LAB Instructor: Steven Christensen



Sandusky Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall Fourth Level Egress, 1’ = 1/64”




Sandusky Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall Egress Axonometric Diagram

Student: Beth Mikon Unique Name: bmikon Original Date: 01.21.09 Date Revised: 04.12.09 LAB Instructor: Steven Christensen

Floor Area (S.F.): Labor Type: Basement Included: Data Release: Cost Per Square Foot: Building Cost:

105396 Union No Year 2009 $146.86 $15,479,000

A Substructure A1010

Standard Foundations

Carpet, padding, add to above, maximum C3030 D Services D1010

D2010 % of Total Cost Per S.F. 4.00% $4.36 $1.66

Cost $459,500 $174,500

A2010 A2020

Excavate and fill, 30,000 SF, 4' deep, sand, gravel, or common earth, on site storage Basement Walls

$2.29 $0.09 $0.33



Steel column, W12, 400 KIPS, 10' unsupported height, 79 PLF Floor, composite concrete slab on fireproofed W beam, 5.5" slab, 25'x25' bay, 24.5" total depth, 125 PSF superimposed load, 200 PSF total Roof Construction Floor, composite slab on steel beam, 25'x25' bay, 4.5"slab, 20.5" total depth, 40 PSF superimposed load, 99 PSF total load Exterior Walls


Exterior wall, precast concrete, flat, 8" thick, 8' x 8', white face, low rise Exterior Windows

$36.15 $18.23

$241,500 $9,000

$3,810,000 $1,921,500




Water cooler, electric, floor mounted, dual height, 14.3 GPH Domestic Water Distribution




Gas fired water heater, commercial, 100< F rise, 200 MBH input, 192 GPH Rain Water Drainage















$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0 $0 $0 $0


Roof drain, CI, soil,single hub, 5" diam, for each additional foot add Terminal & Package Units


Rooftop, multizone, air conditioner, schools and colleges, 25,000 SF, 95.83 ton Sprinklers








Wet pipe sprinkler systems, steel, light hazard, each additional floor, 10,000 SF Electrical Service/Distribution Service installation, includes breakers, metering, 20' conduit & wire, 3 phase, 4 wire, 120/208 V, 600 A Feeder installation 600 V, including RGS conduit and XHHW wire, 600 A


Switchgear installation, incl switchboard, panels & circuit breaker, 600 A Lighting and Branch Wiring Receptacles incl plate, box, conduit, wire, 8 per 1000 SF, .9 W per SF, with transformer



Door, aluminum & glass, without transom, bronze finish, hardware, 3'-0" x 7'-0" opening Roof Coverings



Wall switches, 2.0 per 1000 SF


Miscellaneous power, 1.2 watts Central air conditioning power, 4 watts

Roofing, asphalt flood coat, gravel, base sheet, 3 plies 15# asphalt felt, mopped

Motor installation, three phase, 460 V, 15 HP motor size

Insulation, rigid, roof deck, composite with 2" EPS, 1" perlite

Motor feeder systems, three phase, feed to 200 V 5 HP, 230 V 7.5 HP, 460 V 15 HP, 575 V 20 HP

Roof edges, aluminum, duranodic, .050" thick, 6" face


Flashing, aluminum, no backing sides, .019" Gravel stop, aluminum, extruded, 4", mill finish, .050" thick Roof Openings



$24.03 $4.12

$2,533,000 $434,500


21.90% Partitions Metal partition, 5/8"fire rated gypsum board face, 1/4" sound deadening gypsum board, 2-1/2" @ 24", same opposite face, no insulation Interior Doors




Door, single leaf, kd steel frame, hollow metal, commercial quality, flush, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/8" Stair Construction




Stairs, CIP concrete, w/landing, 20 risers, with nosing Wall Finishes



2 coats paint on masonry with block filler Painting, interior on plaster and drywall, walls & ceilings, roller work, primer & 2 coats

Carpet, tufted, nylon, roll goods, 12' wide, 36 oz


Roof drain, CI, soil,single hub, 5" diam, 10' high



Vinyl wall covering, fabric back, medium weight Floor Finishes


Wet pipe sprinkler systems, steel, light hazard, 1 floor, 10,000 SF

Glazing panel, plate glass, 1/4" thick, clear Exterior Doors






C Interiors C1010


Lavatory w/trim, vanity top, PE on CI, 19" x 16" oval

Aluminum flush tube frame, for 1/4"glass,1-3/4"x4", 5'x6' opening, no intermediate horizontals

Skylight, plastic domes, insulated curbs, 30 SF to 65 SF, single glazing


Urinal, vitreous china, wall hung

Service sink w/trim, PE on CI, corner floor, 28" x 28", w/rim guard

Floor Construction


Water closet, vitreous china, tank type, 2 piece close coupled


Spread footings, 3000 PSI concrete, load 300K, soil bearing capacity 6 KSF, 7' - 6" square x 25" deep

Slab on grade, 4" thick, non industrial, reinforced Basement Excavation


Hydraulic passenger elevator, 2500 lb., 2 floor, 125 FPM Plumbing Fixtures

Kitchen sink w/trim, countertop, stainless steel, 19" x 18" single bowl

Foundation wall, CIP, 4' wall height, direct chute, .148 CY/LF, 7.2 PLF, 12" thick


1 - Moving stairs, escalator type, 10FT ht, 48" width, metal balustrade Elevators and Lifts

Strip footing, concrete, reinforced, load 5.1 KLF, soil bearing capacity 3 KSF, 12" deep x 24" wide Spread footings, 3000 PSI concrete, load 400K, soil bearing capacity 6 KSF, 8' - 6" square x 27" deep Slab on Grade


Acoustic ceilings, 3/4" fiberglass board, 24" x 48" tile, tee grid, suspended support


8 - Hydraulic, passenger elevator, 2000 lb, 2 floors, 100 FPM


B Shell B1010

Vinyl, composition tile, maximum Ceiling Finishes

Student: Beth Mikon Unique Name: bmikon Original Date: 01.28.09 Date Revised: XXX LAB Instructor: Steven Christensen

Square Foot Cost Estimate Report Casino College, Student Union with Precast Concrete Panel / Steel Frame TOLEDO, OH 2 15



Fluorescent fixtures recess mounted in ceiling, 3 watt per SF, 60 FC, 15 fixtures @40 watt per 1000 SF Communications and Security Communication and alarm systems, includes outlets, boxes, conduit and wire, sound systems, 12 outlets Communication and alarm systems, fire detection, non-addressable, 25 detectors, includes outlets, boxes, conduit and wire Communication and alarm systems, includes outlets, boxes, conduit and wire, master TV antenna systems, 12 outlets

Internet wiring, 8 data/voice outlets per 1000 S.F. Other Electrical Systems Generator sets, w/battery, charger, muffler and transfer switch, gas/gasoline operated, 3 phase, 4 wire, 277/480 V, 11.5 kW E Equipment & Furnishings 0.00% E1090 Other Equipment F Special Construction 0.00% G Building Sitework 0.00% D5090

SubTotal Contractor Fees (General Conditions,Overhead,Profit) Architectural Fees User Fees Total Building Cost

100% 25.00% 7.00% 0.00%

$109.80 $11,573,000 $27.45 $2,893,500 $9.61 $1,012,500 $0.00 $0 $146.86 $15,479,000 $15,349,625

Sandusky Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall Casino Cost Estimate

Estimate Name: Building Type: Location: Story Count: Story Height (L.F.):


Floor Area (S.F.): Labor Type: Basement Included: Data Release: Cost Per Square Foot: Building Cost:

49713 Union No Year 2008 Quarter 1 $138.19 $6,870,000

A Substructure A1010

Painting, masonry or concrete, latex, brushwork, addition for block filler C3020

Parameters ar

ecommended by RSMeans.

Standard Foundations


% of Total Cost Per S.F. 4.40% $4.51 $0.73

Cost $224,000 $36,500


D Services D1010 D2010


Slab on grade, 6" thick, non industrial, reinforced Basement Excavation




Excavate and fill, 30,000 SF, 4' deep, sand, gravel, or common earth, on site storage Basement Walls



Floor Construction


Steel column, W8, 100 KIPS, 20' unsupported height, 40 PLF Floor, concrete, slab form, open web bar joist @ 2' OC, on bearing wall, 30' span, 24.5" deep, 125 PSF superimposed load, 172 PSF total load Floor, concrete, slab form, open web bar joist @ 2' OC, on bearing wall, 5/8" gypsum board fireproofing on metal furring, add Roof Construction Roof, steel joists, 1.5" 22 ga metal deck, on bearing walls, 30' bay, 23.5" deep, 40 PSF superimposed load, 60 PSF total load Roof, steel joists, 1.5" 22 ga metal deck, on bearing walls, 100' bay, 57.5" deep, 40 PSF superimposed load, 65 PSF total load Roof joist, light gauge, 14 ga Exterior Walls


Exterior wall, precast concrete, flat, 8" thick, 20' x 10', white face, low rise Exterior Windows

$32.17 $1,599,500 $2.60 $129,500


$16.47 $4.42



Water cooler, electric, wall hung, wheelchair type, 7.5 GPH Domestic Water Distribution




Gas fired water heater, commercial, 100< F rise, 75.5 MBH input, 63 GPH Rain Water Drainage



Roof drain, DWV PVC, 4" diam, diam, 10' high


$819,000 $219,500




Roof drain, DWV PVC, 4" diam, for each additional foot add Terminal & Package Units




Rooftop, single zone, air conditioner, restaurants, 10,000 SF, 50.00 ton Sprinklers




Wet pipe sprinkler systems, steel, light hazard, 1 floor, 10,000 SF Electrical Service/Distribution









$4.11 $4.11

$204,500 $204,500

$0.00 $0.00

$0 $0

Feeder installation 600 V, including RGS conduit and XHHW wire, 800 A

(.69)=$565,110 (.69)=$151,455


Switchgear installation, incl switchboard, panels & circuit breaker, 800 A Lighting and Branch Wiring Receptacles incl plate, box, conduit, wire, 8 per 1000 SF, .9 watts per SF Miscellaneous power, 1 watt


Central air conditioning power, 3 watts Motor installation, three phase, 200 V, 15 HP motor size


Motor feeder systems, three phase, feed to 200 V 15 HP, 230 V 15 HP, 460 V 40 HP, 575 V 50 HP


Roofing, asphalt flood coat, gravel, base sheet, 3 plies 15# asphalt felt, mopped


Insulation, rigid, roof deck, composite with 2" EPS, 1" perlite

Fluorescent fixtures recess mounted in ceiling, 3 watt per SF, 60 FC, 15 fixtures @40 watt per 1000 SF Communications and Security Communication and alarm systems, includes outlets, boxes, conduit and wire, sound systems, 30 outlets

Roof edges, aluminum, duranodic, .050" thick, 6" face Flashing, aluminum, no backing sides, .019"

Communication and alarm systems, includes outlets, boxes, conduit and wire, fire detection systems, 25 detectors Other Electrical Systems Generator sets, w/battery, charger, muffler and transfer switch, gas/gasoline operated, 3 phase, 4 wire, 277/480 V, 100 kW E Equipment & Furnishings 4.00% E1090 Other Equipment D5090

Gravel stop, aluminum, extruded, 4", mill finish, .050" thick Roof Openings

$0.17 22.50%


$23.24 $1,155,500 $3.22 $160,000


Concrere block (CMU) partition, light weight, hollow, 6" thick, no finish Interior Doors




Door, single leaf, kd steel frame, hollow metal, commercial quality, flush, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/8" Stair Construction




Stairs, steel, cement filled metal pan & picket rail, 20 risers, with landing Wall Finishes



Painting, masonry or concrete, latex, brushwork, primer & 2 coats


Wall switches, 2.0 per 1000 SF

Door, steel 18 gauge, hollow metal, 2 doors with frame, no label, 6'-0" x 7'-0" opening Roof Coverings

2 coats paint on masonry with block filler


Service installation, includes breakers, metering, 20' conduit & wire, 3 phase, 4 wire, 120/208 V, 800 A

Glazing panel, plate glass, 1/4" thick, tempered Exterior Doors


Hydraulic passenger elevator, 4500 lb., 2 floor, 125 FPM Plumbing Fixtures

$39.29 $1,953,000 $3.19 $158,500

Shower, stall, fiberglass 1 piece, three walls, 36" square

Door, aluminum & glass, without transom, narrow stile, double door, hardware, 6'-0" x 7'-0" opening

C Interiors C1010


Service sink w/trim, PE on CI, corner floor, 28" x 28", w/rim guard

Aluminum flush tube frame, for insulating glass, 2" x 4-1/2", 5'x20' opening,3 intermediate horizontals

Roof hatch, with curb, 1" fiberglass insulation, 2'-6" x 3'-0", aluminum

Elevators and Lifts

Lavatory w/trim, wall hung, PE on CI, 18" x 15"

Roof joist, light gauge, 12 ga B2010

Acoustic ceilings, 3/4" fiberglass board, 24" x 48" tile, tee grid, suspended support

Urinal, vitreous china, stall type $135,000

Foundation wall, CIP, 4' wall height, direct chute, .197 CY/LF, 9.44 PLF, 16" thick

Underlayment, plywood, 5/8" thick Ceiling Finishes

Water closet, vitreous china, bowl only with flush valve, wall hung $2.72



Add for sleepers on concrete, treated, 24" OC, 1"x2" .




Vinyl tile, maximum

Spread footings, 3000 PSI concrete, load 100K, soil bearing capacity 6 KSF, 4' - 6" square x 15" deep Slab on Grade



Carpet, padding, add to above, maximum

spread footings, 3000 PSI concrete, load 50K, soil bearing capacity 6 KSF, 3' - 0" square x 12" deep



Carpet, tufted, nylon, roll goods, 12' wide, 36 oz

Strip footing, concrete, reinforced, load 6.8 KLF, soil bearing capacity 3 KSF, 12" deep x 32" wide

B Shell B1010

Wall coatings, epoxy coatings, maximum Floor Finishes

Student: Beth Mikon Unique Name: bmikon Original Date: 01.28.09 Date Revised: XXX LAB Instructor: Steven Christensen

Square Foot Cost Estimate Report Auditorium Auditorium with Precast Concrete / Steel Frame TOLEDO, OH 2 24

20 - Sound system, speaker, ceiling or wall 6 - Sound system, amplifier, 250 W 711 - Auditorium chair, fully upholstered, spring seat F Special Construction G Building Sitework SubTotal Contractor Fees (General Conditions,Overhead,Profit) Architectural Fees User Fees Total Building Cost

0.00% 0.00% 100% 25.00% 7.00% 0.00%

$103.32 $5,136,500 $25.83 $1,284,000 $9.04 $449,500 $0.00 $0 $138.19 $6,870,000 $6,522,025

Sandusky Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall Performance Hall Cost Estimate

Estimate Name: Building Type: Location: Story Count: Story Height (L.F.):


Floor Area (S.F.): Labor Type: Basement Included: Data Release: Cost Per Square Foot: Building Cost:

7492 Union No Year 2009 $152.09 $1,139,500

A Substructure A1010

Standard Foundations

D Services D2010

Plumbing Fixtures


$29.56 $3.07

$221,500 $23,000

Water closet, vitreous china, bowl only with flush valve, wall hung Urinal, vitreous china, stall type Lavatory w/trim, wall hung, vitreous china, 18" x 15" Service sink w/trim, PE on CI, corner floor, wall hung w/rim guard, 24" x 20" .

% of Total Cost Per S.F. 12.70% $14.42 $2.74

Cost $108,000 $20,500

spread footings, 3000 PSI concrete, load 25K, soil bearing capacity 3 KSF, 3' - 0" square x 12" deep A1030

spread footings, 3000 PSI concrete, load 50K, soil bearing capacity 3 KSF, 4' - 6" square x 12" deep Slab on Grade




Slab on grade, 6" thick, light industrial, reinforced Basement Excavation




Excavate and fill, 10,000 SF, 4' deep, sand gravel, or common earth, on site storage Basement Walls



Foundation wall, CIP, 4' wall height, pumped, .148 CY/LF, 7.2 PLF, 12" thick


34.20% Roof Construction Floor, steel joists, beams, 1.5" 22 ga metal deck, on columns, 25'x25' bay, 22" deep, 30 PSF superimposed load, 50 PSF total load Floor, steel joists, beams, 1.5" 22 ga metal deck, on columns, 25'x25' bay, 22" deep, 30 PSF superimposed load, 50 PSF total load, add for column Exterior Walls


$38.91 $10.28

$291,500 $77,000

Water cooler, electric, wall hung, wheelchair type, 7.5 GPH Domestic Water Distribution




Electric water heater, commercial, 100< F rise, 50 gallon tank, 9 KW 37 GPH Rain Water Drainage



Roof drain, DWV PVC, 4" diam, diam, 10' high D3050

Roof drain, DWV PVC, 4" diam, for each additional foot add Terminal & Package Units




Rooftop, single zone, air conditioner, banks or libraries, 10,000 SF, 41.67 ton Sprinklers




Wet pipe sprinkler systems, steel, ordinary hazard, 1 floor, 10,000 SF Electrical Service/Distribution









$1.40 $1.40

$10,500 $10,500

$0.00 $0.00

$0 $0

Service installation, includes breakers, metering, 20' conduit & wire, 3 phase, 4 wire, 120/208 V, 400 A Feeder installation 600 V, including RGS conduit and XHHW wire, 400 A D5020

Switchgear installation, incl switchboard, panels & circuit breaker, 400 A Lighting and Branch Wiring Receptacles incl plate, box, conduit, wire, 8 per 1000 SF, .9 watts per SF


Miscellaneous power, .8 watts Central air conditioning power, 8 watts




Exterior wall, precast concrete, flat, 8" thick, 6' x 18', smooth gray, 2" rigid insulation, low rise Exterior Windows





Glazing panel, plate glass, 3/8" thick, tinted Exterior Doors





Door, aluminum & glass, with transom, narrow stile, double door, hardware, 6'-0" x 10'-0" opening Roof Coverings



Roofing, asphalt flood coat, gravel, base sheet, 3 plies 15# asphalt felt, mopped



Strip footing, concrete, reinforced, load 11.1 KLF, soil bearing capacity 6 KSF, 12" deep x 24" wide

B Shell B1020

Acoustic ceilings, 3/4"mineral fiber, 12" x 12" tile, concealed 2" bar & channel grid, suspended support

Fluorescent fixtures recess mounted in ceiling, 1 watt per SF, 20 FC, 5 fixtures @40 watts per 1000 SF Communications and Security Communication and alarm systems, fire detection, non-addressable, 25 detectors, includes outlets, boxes, conduit and wire D5090 Other Electrical Systems Generator sets, w/battery, charger, muffler and transfer switch, gas/gasoline operated, 3 phase, 4 wire, 277/480 V, 7.5 kW E Equipment & Furnishings 1.20% E1090 Other Equipment D5030

1 - Turnstiles, economy, electric, 1-way, 4 arm, 46" dia 1 - Parking equipment, ticket spitter with time/date stamp, standard 1 - Directory boards, plastic, glass covered, 30" x 20" F Special Construction G Building Sitework

Insulation, rigid, roof deck, composite with 2" EPS, 1" perlite Roof edges, aluminum, duranodic, .050" thick, 6" face

0.00% 0.00%

Flashing, aluminum, no backing sides, .019" C Interiors C1010

Gravel stop, aluminum, extruded, 4", mill finish, .050" thick Partitions


$29.43 $6.21

$220,500 $46,500


Concrere block (CMU) partition, light weight, hollow, 8" thick, no finish Interior Doors




Door, single leaf, kd steel frame, hollow metal, commercial quality, flush, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/8" Wall Finishes







Glazed coating Wall coatings, acrylic glazed coatings, minimum C3020

Wall coatings, acrylic glazed coatings, maximum Floor Finishes Vinyl, composition tile, minimum Vinyl, composition tile, maximum Tile, quarry tile, mud set, minimum


Tile, quarry tile, mud set, maximum Ceiling Finishes

Student: Beth Mikon Unique Name: bmikon Original Date: 01.28.09 Date Revised: XXX LAB Instructor: Steven Christensen

Square Foot Cost Estimate Report Terminal Bus Terminal with Precast Concrete Panels / Steel Frame TOLEDO, OH 1 14

SubTotal Contractor Fees (General Conditions,Overhead,Profit) Architectural Fees User Fees Total Building Cost

100% 25.00% 7.00% 0.00%

$113.72 $852,000 $28.43 $213,000 $9.94 $74,500 $0.00 $0 $152.09 $1,139,500 $1,090,450

Sandusky Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall Ferry Terminal Cost Estimate

Estimate Name: Building Type: Location: Story Count: Story Height (L.F.):


16182 Union No Year 2008 Quarter 1 $141.27 $2,286,000

A Substructure A1010

Standard Foundations

Urinal, vitreous china, wall hung Lavatory w/trim, vanity top, PE on CI, 20" x 18" Kitchen sink w/trim, countertop, stainless steel, 44" x 22" triple bowl Service sink w/trim, PE on CI, corner floor, wall hung w/rim guard, 24" x 20" Shower, stall, baked enamel, terrazzo receptor, 36" square


% of Total Cost Per S.F. 6.80% $7.14 $0.90

Cost $115,500 $14,500



Water cooler, elec, floor mounted, refrigerated compartment type, 1.5 GPH Domestic Water Distribution




Gas fired water heater, commercial, 100< F rise, 500 MBH input, 480 GPH Rain Water Drainage



Roof drain, CI, soil,single hub, 3" diam, 10' high Roof drain, CI, soil,single hub, 3" diam, for each additional foot add

Strip footing, concrete, reinforced, load 11.1 KLF, soil bearing capacity 6 KSF, 12" deep x 24" wide

Roof drain, CI, soil,single hub, 4" diam, 10' high


spread footings, 3000 PSI concrete, load 25K, soil bearing capacity 3 KSF, 3' - 0" square x 12" deep Slab on Grade


Slab on grade, 4" thick, non industrial, reinforced Basement Excavation




Excavate and fill, 4000 SF, 4' deep, sand, gravel, or common earth, on site storage Basement Walls



B Shell B1020


Foundation wall, CIP, 4' wall height, direct chute, .148 CY/LF, 7.2 PLF, 12" thick


17.70% Roof Construction Roof, steel joists, 1.5" 22 ga metal deck, on bearing walls, 35' bay, 25.5" deep, 40 PSF superimposed load, 60 PSF total load Exterior Walls


Brick wall, composite double wythe, standard face/CMU back-up, 8" thick, perlite core fill Exterior Windows


$18.66 $4.23

$302,000 $68,500








Roof drain, CI, soil,single hub, 4" diam, for each additional foot add Terminal & Package Units




Rooftop, multizone, air conditioner, restaurants, 3,000 SF, 15.00 ton Sprinklers




Wet pipe sprinkler systems, steel, light hazard, 1 floor, 10,000 SF Electrical Service/Distribution









$7.01 $7.01

$113,500 $113,500

$0.00 $0.00

$0 $0

Service installation, includes breakers, metering, 20' conduit & wire, 3 phase, 4 wire, 120/208 V, 400 A


Feeder installation 600 V, including RGS conduit and XHHW wire, 400 A D5020


Miscellaneous power, 1.8 watts Central air conditioning power, 6 watts



Door, aluminum & glass, without transom, full vision, double door, hardware, 6'-0" x 7'-0" opening Door, aluminum & glass, with transom, non-standard, double door, hardware, 6'-0" x 10'-0" opening B3010

Door, steel 18 gauge, hollow metal, 1 door with frame, no label, 3'-0" x 7'-0" opening Roof Coverings





$17.92 $2.19

$290,000 $35,500

Insulation, rigid, roof deck, fiberglass, 3'x4' or 4'x8' sheets, 15/16" thick, R3.70 Gutters, box, aluminum, .027" thick, 5", enameled finish B3020 C Interiors C1010

Downspout, aluminum, rectangular, 2" x 3", embossed mill finish, .020" thick Roof Openings Skylight, plastic domes, insulated curbs, nominal size to 10 SF, double glazing


Partitions Wood partition, 5/8"fire rated gypsum board face, none base,2 x 4,@ 16" OC framing,same opposite face, 0 insul





Door, single leaf, wood frame, 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/8", birch, hollow core Fittings




Toilet partitions, cubicles, ceiling hung, plastic laminate Wall Finishes



Painting, interior on plaster and drywall, walls & ceilings, roller work, primer & 2 coats Ceramic tile, thin set, 4-1/4" x 4-1/4" Floor Finishes





$54.88 $6.70

$888,000 $108,500

Tile, quarry tile, mud set, minimum Tile, quarry tile, mud set, maximum Ceiling Finishes

D Services D2010

Acoustic ceilings, 3/4"mineral fiber, 12" x 12" tile, concealed 2" bar & channel grid, suspended support 52.00% Plumbing Fixtures

Fluorescent fixtures recess mounted in ceiling, 2 watt per SF, 40 FC, 10 fixtures @40 watt per 1000 SF Communications and Security Communication and alarm systems, includes outlets, boxes, conduit and wire, fire detection systems, 25 detectors D5090 Other Electrical Systems Generator sets, w/battery, charger, muffler and transfer switch, gas/gasoline operated, 3 phase, 4 wire, 277/480 V, 15 kW E Equipment & Furnishings 6.60% E1090 Other Equipment 3 - Refrigeration Rooms, prefab walk-in, aluminum, 6' x 6' O.D. nominal, 7' 6" h, incl. doors & floors, excl. partitions or refrigeration D5030

6 - Range, commercial kitchen equipment, restaurant type, 6 burners & 1 standard oven, 36" wide 3 - Ice cube maker, commercial kitchen equipment, 50 lbs per day 3 - Freezers, commercial kitchen equipment, reach-in, 44 C.F. 3 - Food warmer, commercial kitchen equipment, counter, 1.2KW 3 - Cooler, commercial kitchen equipment, reach-in, beverage, 6' long 3 - Coffee urn, commercial kitchen equipment, twin, 6 gallon 3 - Broiler, commercial kitchen equipment, without oven, standard 20 - Booths, banquet booths, upholstered seat & back, "L" or "U" shape, minimum 80 - Booths, banquet booths, upholstered seat & back, straight, minimum 4 - Restaurant furniture, bar, built-in, back bar

Carpet tile, nylon, fusion bonded, 18" x 18" or 24" x 24", 35 oz



3 - Dishwasher, commercial kitchen equipment, 10 to 12 racks per hour

5/8" gypsum board, taped & finished, painted on metal furring Interior Doors


Switchgear installation, incl switchboard, panels & circuit breaker, 400 A Lighting and Branch Wiring Receptacles incl plate, box, conduit, wire, 10 per 1000 SF, 1.2 watts per SF

Aluminum flush tube frame, for 1/4"glass,1-3/4"x4", 5'x6' opening, no intermediate horizontals Glazing panel, plate glass, 1/4" thick, tempered Exterior Doors

Student: Beth Mikon Unique Name: bmikon Original Date: 01.28.09 Date Revised: XXX LAB Instructor: Steven Christensen

Floor Area (S.F.): Labor Type: Basement Included: Data Release: Cost Per Square Foot: Building Cost:

Water closet, vitreous china, tank type, 2 piece close coupled

4 - Restaurant furniture, bar, built-in, front bar F Special Construction G Building Sitework SubTotal Contractor Fees (General Conditions,Overhead,Profit) Architectural Fees User Fees Total Building Cost

0.00% 0.00% 100% 25.00% 7.00% 0.00%

$105.61 $1,709,000 $26.42 $427,500 $9.24 $149,500 $0.00 $0 $141.27 $2,286,000 $2,273,490

Sandusky Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall Restaurants Cost Estimate

Building Type: Location: Story Count: Story Height (L.F.):

Square Foot Cost Estimate Report Restaurants Restaurant with Face Brick with Concrete Block Back-up / Steel Joists TOLEDO, OH 1 12

Estimate Name:


Restaurants Restaurant with Face Brick with Concrete Block Back-up / Steel Joists TOLEDO, OH 1 12 16182 Union No Year 2008 Quarter 1 $141.27 $2,273,490

Building Type: Location: Floor Area (S.F.): Cost Per Square Foot: Building Cost:

Total Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall SANDUSKY, OH 178783 $141.15 $25,235,590

Student: Beth Mikon Unique Name: bmikon Original Date: 01.28.09 Date Revised: XXX LAB Instructor: Steven Christensen

Building Type: Location: Story Count: Story Height (L.F.): Floor Area (S.F.): Labor Type: Basement Included: Data Release: Cost Per Square Foot: Building Cost:

F. Contractor Fees

B. Shell


E. Equipment and Fu

C. Interiors D. Services

Sandusky Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall Cost Estimate Summary

Terminal Bus Terminal with Precast Concrete Panels / Steel Frame TOLEDO, OH 1 14 7492 Union No Year 2009 $152.09 $1,090,450


Estimate Name: Building Type: Location: Story Count: Story Height (L.F.): Floor Area (S.F.): Labor Type: Basement Included: Data Release: Cost Per Square Foot: Building Cost:

A. Substru

Performance Hall Auditorium with Precast Concrete / Steel Frame TOLEDO, OH 2 24 49713 Union No Year 2008 Quarter 1 $138.19 $6,522,025

$907,000 $5,561,340 $4,199,000 $7,833,000 $328,500 $4,818,000 $1,686,000


Building Type: Location: Story Count: Story Height (L.F.): Floor Area (S.F.): Labor Type: Basement Included: Data Release: Cost Per Square Foot: Building Cost:

Breakdown A. Substructure B. Shell C. Interiors D. Services E. Equipment and Furnishings F. Contractor Fees G. Architectural Fees

ctural F

Casino College, Student Union with Precast Concrete Panel / Steel Frame TOLEDO, OH 2 15 105396 Union No Year 2009 $146.86 $15,349,625

ite G. Arch

Estimate Name: Building Type: Location: Story Count: Story Height (L.F.): Floor Area (S.F.): Labor Type: Basement Included: Data Release: Cost Per Square Foot: Building Cost:


bay: 28’-10” by 36’-7“ (1 x 1.26) column: 10” x 6“ (taller than 12’, tributary area from second floor and roof: 2100 SF) girder: 28‘-10” span, 18“ depth beam: 36’-7” span, 22” depth

column girder beam vierendeel truss shear wall


First Level


16 32



Scale: 1’ =1/64” North


* * * *

pros lightweight members precise and quick construction can support multiple cladding systems framing system can be used in comubstible and noncombustible construction reliance on on-site fabrication makes this sytem a good choice for irregular form tubes and pipes are more resistant to buckling forces and can be employed as columns in long-span steel structures steel floor decking can span 6-15 FT composite construction possible to reduce cost

cons fire-resistive assemblies or coatings could have significant impoact on the architectural use some form of wall board or panel material needed to stabilize slender members against buckling beam orientation can be determined by cells in the decking due to electrical/communication wiriring distribution

* most important considerations for choosing a steel framing system

pros can achieve variety of span and load-carrying capacity posttensioning can be employed to increase span and reduce depth inherent fire-resistive qualities allow system to be partially exposed in a finished building monolithic and plastic qualities give concrete unique architectural potential easy integration of building mechanical and electrical services into exposed structure higher strength concrete and greater amounts of reinforcing can be used to maintain columns of more practical size sitecast concrete columns may be used in both combustible and noncombustible construction concrete walls can be used for construction below grade, building structural cores, and shear walls in steel or concrete frame construction sitecast concrete walls can be used as shear walls to help stabilize buildings against wind and seismic forces walls can meet fire-resistance requirements without coating desirable for multiple dwelling building types such as apartments or hotels

cons extensive use of posttensioning may limit ease with which structure can be modified added cos tand difficulty of achieving acceptable levels of finish quality and dimensional accuracy with exposed concrete increased quanity and weight of material must be used for taller buldings or longer spans columns sizes should remain consistent more material needed for taller structures and heavier loads column bays are most eficient when they are square or close to square

Student: Beth Mikon Unique Name: bmikon Original Date: 01.21.09 Date Revised: 04.13.09 LAB Instructor: Steven Christensen


r girde

Sandusky Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall Framing Plan, First Level, 1’ = 1/64”

deck:14’-5” x 18‘-3” sheets perpendicular to beams


Sandusky Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall Structure Axonometric Diagram

column girder beam vierendeel truss shear wall forces


Student: Beth Mikon Unique Name: bmikon Original Date: 02.11.09 Date Revised: 04.13.09 LAB Instructor: Steven Christensen

5” concrete slab on 2” steel deck

18” girder 22” beam

10” by 6” column

18” girder 22” beam

10” by 6” column

concrete slab on grade

Student: Beth Mikon Unique Name: bmikon Original Date: 02.18.09 Date Revised: 04.13.09 LAB Instructor: Steven Christensen

steel column W8

Sandusky Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall Section 1’ = 1/32”, Details 1’ = 1/4”



16 32



Scale: 1’ =1/64” North



mechanical transformer vaults and switchgear room fire pumps

5000 SF 900 SF 240 SF

required SF 6140 SF actual SF 6594 SF


Total # of occupants 7 8 7 9 98 15 130 130 135 2416 13 6 446 6 8 16 585 43 8 8 5 4 19 13 6 1 22 286 144 11 63 8 1976 592 1189 3 6 4 748 348 2 1994 230 111 72 85 42 35 Total

Male Water Closets 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.784 1.000 1.733 1.733 1.800 19.328 1.000 1.000 0.892 1.000 1.000 0.032 1.170 0.430 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.152 0.104 1.000 0.010 0.000 2.288 1.152 1.000 0.840 1.000 15.808 4.736 9.512 1.000 1.000 1.000 5.984 2.784 0.020 15.952 3.067 1.480 0.960 1.133 0.084 0.070 113.039

Female Water Closets 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.508 1.000 1.733 1.733 1.800 37.169 1.000 1.000 0.892 1.000 1.000 0.032 1.170 0.430 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.292 0.200 1.000 0.010 0.000 4.400 2.215 1.000 0.840 1.000 30.400 9.108 18.292 1.000 1.000 1.000 11.508 5.354 0.020 3.538 3.067 1.480 0.960 1.133 0.084 0.070 158.439

electrical room women’s bathroom men’s bathroom

30” 48”

Student: Beth Mikon Unique Name: bmikon Original Date: 03.04.09 Date Revised: 04.13.09 LAB Instructor: Steven Christensen

Room Occupany Type Meeting Spaces 1.0 B Meeting Spaces 1.1 B Meeting Spaces 1.2 B Meeting Spaces 1.3 B Meeting Spaces 1.4 A-3 Offices B Restaurant/Bar 1.0 A-2 Restaurant/Bar 1.1 A-2 Kitchen 1.0 A-2 Gaming Floor 1.0 A-3 Immigration Screening B Immigration Office B Lobby A-3 Tickets/Check-in B Operation Office B Concessions M Lobby 1.0 A-3 Shop F-1 Dressing Area 1.0 B Dressing Area 1.1 B Office/Lounge 1.0 B Office/Lounge 1.1 B Rehearsal 1.0 A-3 Rehearsal 1.1 A-3 Green Room B Storage 1.0 S-1 Mechanical U Meeting Spaces 2.0 A-3 Meeting Spaces 2.1 A-3 Security and A/V B Lounge/Lunchroom A-2 Cash Operations/Vault B Gaming Floor 2.0 A-3 Gaming Floor 2.1 A-3 Lobby 2.0 A-3 Office B Tickets B Coats B Performance Hall 2.0 A-1 Performance Hall 2.1 A-1 Storage 2.0 S-1 Gaming Floor 3.1 A-3 Restaurant/Bar 4.0 A-2 Restaurant/Bar 4.1 A-2 Kitchen 4.0 A-2 Kitchen 4.1 A-2 Store 4.0 M Store 4.1 M

Sandusky Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall Plumbing/ Electrical, First Level, 1’ = 1/64”

First Level

Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48


Sandusky Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall Plumbing/Electrical Axonometric Diagram

women’s bathroom men’s bathroom mechanical + electrical rooms


Student: Beth Mikon Unique Name: bmikon Original Date: 03.04.09 Date Revised: 04.12.09 LAB Instructor: Steven Christensen

16 32


Scale: 1’ =1/64” North

vertical chase supply return structure


VARIABLE AIR VOLUME pr os mi nim ize ope ra ting cost ma xim ize control of ai r veloc ity and ai r qual ity ma xim ize ind ividua l con trol over tem pe ra tu re mi nim ize sys tem noise mi nim ize visual ob trusivene ss ma xim ize flexibility of rental spa ce mi nim ize sys tem ma inten an ce econ omical to operat e virtua lly self-balancing con s first cost expensive requ ire s lo ts of floor sp ac e requ ire s l arge floor to f loor heig ht do es no t ma xim ize speed of construction lim ited in the ran ge of hea ting or co oling de ma nd that m ay be accomm oda ted w ith a sin gl e syst em

MAJOR COMPONENTS boi lers an d chim ne y chilled wa ter pla nt cooling to w er fan room outd oor fresh air an d exha ust louvers vertica l supp ly an d return ducts ho rizo ntal supp ly an d return ducts VA V cont rol box for ea ch zone supp ly diffuser s retur n grilles

SIZING cooling cap acit y: 700 t ons 2 tot al s p ace f or boile r r oo m and ch illed w at er pla nt : 5,000 ft 2 sp ace f or c ooling tow ers : 900 ft cooling a ir volum e: 300 ,000 CFM 2 area o f m ain sup ply o r return du ct s: 175 f t 2 area o f b ran ch suppl y or ret ur n d uc ts : 300 f t 2 area o f fa n r ooms : 300 ft 2 area o f fresh a ir l ouvers : 600 ft 2 area o f exh aust a ir l ouvers : 600 ft

Student: Beth Mikon Unique Name: bmikon Original Date: 04.13.09 Date Revised: 04.13.09 LAB Instructor: Steven Christensen

First Level

Audi to riu m, The at er : Va riab le Air Volum e (VAV) Sin gle D uct C onstant Air Volume (C AV) Mul tizo ne Arena s, Exh ibit ion Ha lls: VAV CAV , Fan -Coil ter min als Office s: VA V, V AV ind uc tion Mul tizo ne Air Wa te r Ind uc tion (infrequently us ed) Hy dronic conve ctor s (for hea ting onl y)

Sandusky Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall Heating and Cooling, First Level, 1’ = 1/64”




operable louver louver substructure

clip steel panels gympsum board panel substructure Elevation and Section, 1’ =1/8”

moisture barrier Section Details, 1’ =1/2”

rain 1-2” gap


Moisture Detail, 1’ =1/4”

prevents moisture intrusion through porous exterior cladding, air cavity, drainage layer, and air-tight structure

operable steel panles control heat gain serving as shading devices

Solar/Thermal Detail, 1’ =1/2”

Student: Beth Mikon Unique Name: bmikon Original Date: 04.01.09 Date Revised: 04.13.09 LAB Instructor: Steven Christensen

batt insulation

Sandusky Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall Enclosure: Elevation,Section, and Details

5/8” exterior sheathing


Estimate Name: Building Type: Location: Story Count: Story Height (L.F.): Floor Area (S.F.): Labor Type: Basement Included: Data Release: Cost Per Square Foot: Building Cost:

Performance Hall Auditorium with Precast Concrete / Concrete Frame TOLEDO, OH 2 20 43177 Union No Year 2008 Quarter 1 $121.00 $5,224,417

Strategy Reduce story height by 4' throughout Eliminated Performance Hall 2.0 to reduce SF by 1.15% (6536 SF) Savings $1,297,608

Estimate Name: Building Type: Location: Story Count: Story Height (L.F.): Floor Area (S.F.): Labor Type: Basement Included: Data Release: Cost Per Square Foot: Building Cost:

Terminal Bus Terminal with Precast Concrete Panels / Concrete Frame TOLEDO, OH 1 14 7492 Union No Year 2009 $141.00 $1,056,372

Strategy Concrete Frame and Cheaper Finsihes (-$11/SF) Savings $34,078

Estimate Name: Building Type: Location: Story Count: Story Height (L.F.): Floor Area (S.F.): Labor Type: Basement Included: Data Release: Cost Per Square Foot: Building Cost:

Restaurants Restaurant with Face Brick with Concrete Block Back-up / Steel Joists TOLEDO, OH 1 12 16182 Union No Year 2008 Quarter 1 $130.00 $2,103,660

Strategy Cheaper Finishes (-11/SF) Savings $169,830

Estimate Name: Building Type: Location: Floor Area (S.F.): Cost Per Square Foot: Building Cost:

Total Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall SANDUSKY, OH 165931 $122.18 $20,274,049

Total Savings $4,961,541 (approximately 20%)

Strategy Reduce SF by 1.06% (6316 SF) * Replace steel frame with concrete frame (-$11/SF) Savings $3,460,025

*concrete frame would require reduced cantilevers

Student: Beth Mikon Unique Name: bmikon Original Date: 04.07.09 Date Revised: XXX LAB Instructor: Steven Christensen

Casino College, Student Union with Precast Concrete Panel / Concrete Frame TOLEDO, OH 2 15 99080 Union No Year 2008 Quarter 1 $120.00 $11,889,600

Sandusky Casino, Terminal, and Performance Hall Reduced Cost Estimate

Estimate Name: Building Type: Location: Story Count: Story Height (L.F.): Floor Area (S.F.): Labor Type: Basement Included: Data Release: Cost Per Square Foot: Building Cost:


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