Winter Wonderful Shabbat On the coldest day of the year, January 6, BT members, school families, and guests enjoyed a warm and wonderful morning at BT for Winter Wonderful Shabbat! The day was full of programs to appeal to all ages and stages of our BT members and guests. Highlights included a Meet and Greet for adults, a B’nai Mitzvah family program with Rabbi Wohlberg, a Beth Jacob at Beth Tfiloh Hebrew School program with Rabbi Yoggev, Minyan Meyuchad for our members and guests with special needs, an array of children’s services featuring a special animal show, inspiring davening, and insightful sermons. Following services, everyone joined together for a delicious and sumptuous hot Simcha
Purim @BT February 28-March 1
Kiddush lunch. Winter Wonderful Shabbat was the brainchild of the Synagogue Life Committee, chaired by Vered Taylor, and staffed by Holly Venick, Director of Synagogue Life. The special Shabbat came together through the coordinated efforts of many staff and lay leaders. Much of this programming happens at BT on a regular basis, every Shabbat, including a choice of two regular adult services and six regular children/teen services, but this day was a special opportunity to highlight Shabbat at BT and make it especially Winter Wonderful! Although it was bitterly cold outside, the energy was high and the community was warm and toasty inside Beth Tfiloh.
The 80s are totally gnarly dude!
Get your shoulder pads and MC Hammer pants ready, because on WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 28, Beth Tfiloh Young Professionals (BTYP) is joining B’nai Israel at their 80s themed Purim party! Dude, get your Running Man and Cabbage Patch on in DOWNTOWN BALTIMORE, from 7:30 pm – 12 am (6:30 pm Megillah reading).
OPEN BAR, all night 80s jams, Purim nosh, and plenty of 80s nostalgia. Dress in your 80’s best! BTYP is one of this year’s sponsors, so you’ll totally find us there with our big hair! Tickets are $36 in advance and $40 at the door. PARTY IS 21+ ONLY. FOR MORE INFORMATION, email mhollander@btfiloh.org or visit the Beth Tfiloh Young Professionals Facebook group.
Celebrating the Joy of Judaism, Embracing all Jews. SHEVAT-ADAR 5778 FEBRUARY 2018
Do All Prayers Get Answered? By Rabbi Eli Yoggev
Unfortunately not. I worked this summer as a chaplain and prayed with many patients for continued health, only to see those prayers go unanswered time after time. So, why do we pray? Chasidism teaches that not a single prayer is ever lost; all prayers go up and accumulate in the spiritual realm. Sometimes, they are answered in others’ life circumstances; at other times, they are answered in ours, upon connecting with other prayers offered by us on the same situation. They may not always be answered, but they are received and have an effect. Another approach highlights God as listener to prayer, vkp, gnua. Upon Continued on page 3
Community is Happiness By Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe, Beth Tfiloh Community Educator
Mishenichnas Adar – Marbim B’Simcha (Babylonian Talmud, Ta’anit 29a) When
Adar enters, JOY is increased! Happiness is en vogue – there is a veritable explosion of books that focus on how to bring more joy and happiness into our lives. Here is a short list of bestsellers: • The Happiness Project • Stumbling on Happiness • The Art of Happiness • Authentic Happiness
BT Young Professionals
Each of these books offer insights and suggestions such as: Continued on page 3
7:00 am 5:10 pm 5:25 pm 5:30 pm
8:30 am 7:00 am 5:15 pm 5:30 pm 5:35 pm
8:30 am 7:00 am 5:25 pm 5:40 pm 5:45 pm
8:30 am 7:00 am 5:35 pm 5:50 pm 5:55 pm
8:30 am 7:00 am 5:40 pm 5:55 pm 6:00 pm
Th-F Shacharit Th Mincha Th PM Class Th Maariv
Sun Shacharit M-F Shacharit S-Th Mincha S-Th PM Class S-Th Maariv
Sun Shacharit M-F Shacharit S-Th Mincha S-Th PM Class S-Th Maariv
Sun Shacharit M-F Shacharit S-Th Mincha S-Th PM Class S-Th Maariv
Sun Shacharit M-W Shacharit S-T Mincha S-T PM Class S-T Maariv
Weekday Services
College Park Alumni Reunion
BT Cares Mishloach Manot Making
Book Club
5:21 am 5:30 pm 6:05 pm 6:20 pm 6:30 pm 6:40 pm
Fast of Esther
Book Club
Israeli Dance
Mercaz Fellows
Yaffe Scholars
BT in the AM
MS Conferences
Israeli Dance
Joys of Jewish Preserving
HS Musical: The Addams Family
LS Conferences
Yaffe Scholars
Fast Begins Mincha PM Class Maariv Megillah Fast Ends
HS Musical: The Addams Family
Parshah Class
ACT Testing
Dessert Drop Off
BT in the AM
Yaffe Scholars
Israeli Dance 28 SHEVAT
Parshah Class
Mercaz Fellows
BT in the AM
Bar Mitzvah Tefillin Workshop
Bat Mitzvah Challah Bake
5:25 pm
5:10 pm 5:10 pm
5:30 pm
5:18 pm 5:15 pm
5:40 pm
5:26 pm 5:25 pm
Shacharit The Minyan Teen Minyan Afternoon Class Mincha Seudah Maariv Shabbat Ends
recited each weekday morning 10 minutes prior to Shacharit prayers.
Shabbat Zachor
Kid Cong Lego Shabbat
Shacharit The Minyan Teen Minyan Afternoon Class Mincha Seudah Maariv Shabbat Ends
8:45 am 9:15 am 9:32 am 4:25 pm 5:15 pm 5:45 pm 6:35 pm 6:36 pm
8:45 am 9:15 am 9:32 am 4:20 pm 5:05 pm 5:35 pm 6:25 pm 6:28 pm
Shacharit The Minyan Teen Minyan Afternoon Class Mincha Seudah Maariv Shabbat Ends
8:45 am 9:15 am 9:32 am 4:20 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:20 pm 6:20 pm
8:45 am 9:15 am 9:32 am 4:20 pm 4:50 pm 5:20 pm 6:10 pm 6:12 pm
Shabbat Services YITRO
Shacharit The Minyan Teen Minyan Afternoon Class 2nd Grade Shabbat Mincha Lunch Seudah Maariv Bar/Bat Mitzvah Shabbat Ends Program
PreSchool Family Lunch
Please note: T’hillim are
Half Day for LS/MS 3rd Grade Midot NY Alumni Reunion Program
5:50 pm
5:34 pm 5:35 pm
Rosh Chodesh
Mincha Kabbalat Shabbat
Parenting in the Digital Age
Mincha Kabbalat Shabbat
PreSchool Pop-In Day
Mincha Kabbalat Shabbat
Mincha Kabbalat LS/MS Conferences: Shabbat
Rosh Chodesh
HS Musical: The Addams Family
Mazel Tov B’nai Mitzvah vumn hbc cuy kzn Jonah Harris Cohen
vbuh kgargv
Son of Alisa and Elliot Cohen Sat. Feb. 24, 2018 Jonah attends Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School and is the brother of Joshua, Jacob and Jared Cohen. He is the grandson of Ian and the late Carol Cohen, Joahne Pierce, Ira and Mindelle Pierce; and the great-grandson of Ethel Cohen. His hobbies include fishing, playing video games, lacrosse, football, and basketball. For his Mitzvah Project, Jonah is collecting dark cotton hiking socks and letters of thanks and support to provide to soldiers in the IDF, specifically his first cousin’s unit.
Continued from page 1
sharing a painful story with a friend, we often aren’t looking for answers: we sometimes just want to be heard. Prayer provides an outlet for our pain and emotions, someone to talk to. God is always accessible and there to listen. This can be a great source of comfort. A final function of prayer is to enhance our spiritual lives. Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch explains that the root of prayer, kkp, is similar to another root, kkc, to incorporate. When praying the silent amida, we incorporate its ideals and vision into our lives: redemption, healing, justice, unity. It’s not only about imploring God; through daily prayer, we reinvigorate our spirituality. Therefore, whether we are answered or not is not the correct litmus test for a positive prayer experience. Are we better off — feeling closer to God and spiritually elevated — after praying? If the answer is yes, we are in a good place — and, in turn, well on our way to seeing our prayers answered! At BT the opportunity to engage in inspiring and meaningful prayer is available every day, 365 days a year. Join us at daily services or on Shabbat to experience for yourself how prayer can elevate and enrich your life.
New Members ohtcv ohfurc
Mishloach Manot Making
We are delighted to welcome the recent new members of our Congregation:
Join BT Cares Social Action to fulfill one of the mitzvot of Purim
Steven Goldberg is a lawyer practicing in Greenbelt, Maryland. He is the son of our members, Roslynn and the late Barry Goldberg, and brother of Karen and P.J. Pearlstone and Howard Goldberg. Greg and Rebecca King and their children, Aubrey and Courtney. Greg is a funeral director at Sol Levinson & Bros., Inc. and Rebecca is an acupuncturist at Blueprint Acupuncture. Aubrey is in 2nd grade at Fort Garrison and Courtney is in Pre-K at Goldsmith Early Childhood Center. Emily Lipsitz
Sunday, February 25 • 1 pm High School Crane Lunch Room Help make hundreds of mishloach manot baskets that will be delivered to Jewish nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and alternative living units. All are welcome– activities are family-friendly! Register at bethtfiloh.com/register Contact Lindsay Gaister, Director of Social Action, lgaister@btfiloh.org
Community is Happiness
Continued from page 1
• Practicing meditation and guided imagery • Mindfulness and being present • Feeling gratitude • Finding new perspectives • Focusing on what really matters to you
• Kri’at Megillah: Reading the megillah out loud – morning and night—in a communal setting; generally with lots of noise and fun! • Se’udat Purim: Having a festive Purim meal with friends and family!
Our own Jewish tradition recognizes the need to consciously bring more joy into our lives. There are special occasions that are associated with joy, such as dancing with the bride and groom at their wedding and celebrating the holiday of Sukkot.
• Mishlo’ach Manot: Sending gifts of food; this was originally intended to help people who did not have food for their Purim feast!
But what about enhancing our happiness within our day-to-day lives?
Our sages were onto something. There is a reason that this holiday of JOY has a one-to-one connection with COMMUNITY. They knew it intuitively; research has proven this scientifically:
Our sages suggest a two-week Happiness Intensive, starting with Rosh Chodesh Adar (the 1st of Adar) and culminating with the delightful holiday of Purim on the 14th of Adar with masquerades, masks and much feasting. How do we practice joy during the two weeks leading up to Purim? This may be a good time to focus on a happiness practice in our lives, such as one of those in the list above. We can also take our cue from Purim itself; what are the mitzvot that our sages set up for us?
• Matanot L’Evyonim: Gifts of money to the poor; also intended to help them celebrate the holiday of Purim.
• Connecting to something greater than ourselves makes us happier and healthier • Doing good makes you feel good • Kindness makes you happy Jackpot! Let’s grow our joy as we connect with each other in the school, in shul and on Purim itself! 3
Beth Tfiloh’s Empty Nester Chavurah
Pre-Pesach Cooking Demo Monday, March 12 • 7-9 pm Please join the Sisterhood and Mercaz on Monday, March 12 from 7-9 pm in the Tuvin Auditorium for a wonderful evening with Ora Imanoel as she demonstrates some of her delicious Pesach dishes. As she prepares the food, we will observe her cooking techniques and will have the opportunity to savor a sample of each dish. Copies of her recipes will be available. $5 in advance/$8 at the door Register at bethtfiloh.com/register or Cheryl King at chewcat1@verizon.net
By Roberta Katz
BT Cares - Dessert Drop Off
Beth Tfiloh’s Empty Nesters have enjoyed a busy fall. In September, hosts Carol and Carl Oppenheim challenged everyone to an exciting game of Jewish trivia. October’s Havdallah Service and Yiddish lesson was led by Debi and Mark Holzman at the home of Debi’s father, Irvin Fishbein. After a spiritually uplifting service, Dr. Beatrice Lang taught an insightful Yiddish lesson. Prior to the November meeting, the Chavurah saw the film Menashe. Afterwards, Devorah and Moishe Werdesheim completed the evening by demonstrating unique ways to engage with grandchildren using technology.
Monday, February 12 • 8-10 am
The highlight of the fall was the December Mitzvah Project and Hanukkah celebration. Leslie and Ron Goldberg organized the making of gift baskets for the Jewish Community Services Residential Program. The Chavurah concluded the evening by lighting the Chanukiah, singing, eating, and listening to Rabbi Posner discuss the holiday.
Gary Rosenthal triangular mezuzah with modern metal accent shapes and colorful glass.
Photo: Roberta Dondes Katz
Upcoming Empty Nester Chavurah meetings include bowling, a Ladies’ Night Out, Pesach stories, and thoughtprovoking discussions with Rabbi Yoggev, Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe, and Phil Jacobs. Carol Oppenheim, a Chavurah member shares her thoughts: “The Empty Nester Chavurah is a wonderful group of people that has a variety of fun and worthwhile activities. We try to never miss a Chavurah event!”
For information contact: Roberta Katz, robertakatz@comcast.net; 410.290.7991.
Phone: 410-413-2227 www.bethtfiloh.com/giftshop Hours: Sun: 10 am-1 pm, Mon-Thur: 1-4 pm
Mitzvah Cards Brenda Boches Marcia Miller
410-585-1045 410-580-2039
Special Mitzvah Cards Charlene Schimberg
Chesed Committee Roselyn Kalb
As part of BT Cares Social Action, which is dedicated to enriching the lives of those less fortunate, Mercaz will be collecting delicious home-baked or store-bought desserts on Monday, February 12 in the Weiner Board Room from 8-10 am. Please help be part of this project that will benefit the clients at Paul’s Place in downtown Baltimore.
The Joy of Jewish Preserving Monday, February 26 • 11:30 am Have you ever wanted to try making your own kosher dills, to taste Moroccan preserved lemons, or try a new filling for hamantaschen?
Mercaz News
Emily Paster has written a cookbook, “The Joys of Jewish Preserving,” which combines her expertise in home preservation with her interest in investigating Ashkenazi and Sephardic food traditions. The result is what she calls “modern recipes with traditional roots” for jams, jellies, pickles and other preserves for holidays and everyday. Come and learn the role that preserving has played in Jewish food cuisine from Eastern Europe to Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa and taste some reconfigured familiar (and unfamiliar) delights adapted and conceived for modern kitchen and ingredients.
Meet our Members Abby and Adam Aghion: Growing the BT Family Abby and Adam Aghion met at a Shabbat dinner hosted by mutual friends. “My friends from the University of Maryland, College Park were her friends from Beth Tfiloh,” Adam explains. Abby had recently moved back to Baltimore to study at the University of Maryland School of Medicine; Adam, a Boston native (and Patriots fan!), had just started his first job out of college managing four Sherwin Williams paint stores. Today, Abby and Adam are the proud parents of a fifth BT generation: Eitan ’31 and Leora ‘33. Abby ’02, a third-year neonatal/perinatal medicine fellow working at the University of Maryland Medical Center’s NICU, attended BT School from the age of three. She was happy to introduce BT to Adam, who serves as Director of Channel Sales and Alliances at FourV Systems, to BT. Together, they have celebrated all of
their Jewish life cycle milestones here: their wedding, their son, Eitan’s, brit milah and pidyon haben; and their daughter, Leora’s, baby naming. It’s where they hope to celebrate many more. Abby’s family has deep roots at BT. Her father, Louis Baer, is the shul’s current president; her mother, Debbi, has a long history of shul involvement.
THE AGHION FAMILY: Abby, Eitan, Leora, and Adam
The Aghions enjoy spending family time outdoors: at the park, the zoo, the aquarium or at local farms. “Adam is a true outdoorsman,” says Abby. “Whether he’s kayak fishing in the Chesapeake Bay targeting striped bass, bluefish, flounder, or sharks or wearing camouflage doing wildlife photography, Adam always carves out time to be outdoors.”
According to Adam, Abby expresses her creativity through her “amazing cooking and artwork.”
“Eitan is a very active and adventurous four year old who loves to ride his two wheeler and climb to the top of everything in sight,” Abby describes. Adam notes that “Leora is a very sweet, inquisitive, and verbal two year old who has already expressed interest in becoming a doctor just like Learn to Better Understand our Children and Help them Grow and Realize their Full Potential her mother.”
Helping Our Kids to Soar FREE Community Program, OPEN to the Public
Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School / Russel Lower School Library 3300 Old Court Road, 21208 (use West Entrance) iParent 101 : Real tips for Parenting in the Digital Age Dr. Adam Pletter
Learn how to combine safety controls and behavior modification techniques to give children age-appropriate access to digital media, and empower kids to use technology safely. Friday, February 9 • 8:30 - 9:30am Educational Innovation at Beth Tfiloh
Mrs. Melissa Lebowitz, Mrs. Nina Wand and Mrs Susan Yurow Beth Tfiloh’s PreSchool Director and Lower School Principals will describe student-centered learning at Beth Tfiloh PreSchool through Lower School. Friday, March 23 • 8:30 - 9:30am
Limited seating - Please register at bethtfiloh.com/parenting or contact the Admissions office at admissions@btfiloh.org/410-413-2309 Dr. Adam Pletter is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in the treatment of children, adolescents, and young adults. Based in Bethesda, Maryland, he has lectures nationally about parenting and technology.
Mrs. Melissa Lebowitz is Director of Beth Tfiloh PreSchool. A passionate and innovative early childhood educator, Melissa championed the Reggio Emilia Emergent Curriculum at Beth Tfiloh. She is the parent of two Beth Tfiloh students.
Mrs. Nina Wand and Mrs. Susan Yurow are Principal and Assistant Principal of Beth Tfiloh Lower School. They are true master teachers who well understand child development and its role in best practices in education.
Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School
Abby and Adam are grateful that their children are growing up as part of the BT family. “BT has always been a home away from home for me,” says Abby. Adam adds, “We truly appreciate all of the effort that goes on behind the scenes to make BT a safe, happy, and family friendly place.” 5
School News
LS CODING NIGHT: Nearly 60 Lower School students and their parents teamed up to complete fun software programming puzzles and challenges at one of two coding sessions: Scratch Jr. Family or Family Code Night, part of Code.org’s Hour of Code program.
BT PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR Melissa Lebowitz and 4’s teacher Morah Jody Levey gave a presentation at the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington’s recent Early Childhood Education Conference. They reviewed the year-long inter-generational learning program taking place with BT 4 year olds.
REMEMBERING DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. BT Lower and Middle School students reflected on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s impact. Together, they traced the timeline from slavery to the civil rights movement and created collages of their interpretations of his historic “I Have a Dream” speech. SPAIN TRIP: BT juniors and seniors enjoyed a one-week trip to Spain to put their Spanish skills to good use while visiting famous landmarks and exploring Jewish life.
PROFESSIONAL DAY: Educational consultant/trainer and school improvement facilitator Dr. David Ghoogasian shared his expertise with our faculty at the January Professional Day. Dr. Ghoogasian helped to enrich teachers’ understanding and application of brain-based research on multisensory teaching methods.
Baltimore City natives Kondwani Fidel (left) and Jason Caldwell (right) honored Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy by sharing their personal stories of perseverance in the face of adversity and words of encouragement with our Middle and High School students.
4TH GRADE ENTREPRENEURS - BT fourth graders enjoyed networking session at a recent Business Fair. The event culminated several weeks of business development, as students dreamed up their business ideas and created marketing materials to promote them.
WASHINGTON, DC TRIP: Beth Tfiloh’s seventh grade students visited Washington, D.C. where they toured the White House—arranged by Mr. Bill Fox and the office of Congressman Jeff Duncan—and met with Congressman Glenn Thompson, to see up close what they’ve been studying in their government classes this year.
Development News
Reaching our Campaign Goal
A very special thank you to our terrific grade level captains!
Thanks to the tremendous efforts of the entire Beth Tfiloh community and the Russel Family Challenge Grant matching all new and increased gifts, Beth Tfiloh’s 2018 Campaign will reach its ambitious goal of $950,000. To date, the success of the campaign is supported by 1,400 donor families. Special thanks to our many committed campaign volunteers and especially to our hardworking and devoted leadership: Chair, Emily Levin and Vice-Chair Anna Klein.
The Sweeping Success of the P.I.E. Initiative In the months leading up to winter break, we, as a school community, showed our heartfelt support to become
impressive 74% in just four weeks. Historically, our overall school participation rate at the end of each year has remained steady at about 45%. Not only did our school community reinforce the value of tzedakah, we were able to demonstrate a strong level of commitment to the community, including major donors and foundations for whom parent participation is a significant motivating investment factor. The dedication of our captains was unparalleled and the time and energy put towards motivating their fellow grade level parents was essential to our ability to accomplish our goal and increase our school participation so significantly. We can’t thank our grade level captains enough for their commitment to strengthening our school.
more unified in our fundraising efforts. The school’s first ever participation initiative, P.I.E. – Participation is Everything – kicked off on Giving Tuesday, November 28, and accelerated school participation from 29% to an
PreSchool 2’s Preschool 3’s Preschool 4’s Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4rh Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade
12th Grade
Daniela Levine Sophie Cohen Ivy Ammann Shari Kirk Wendy Berman Carla Steinberg Randi Abramson & Johanna Gruenhut Lorren Rapkin Joanna Rogers Jayme Wood Teri Gitlitz Aviva Kovacs Sharon Dondes & Lisa Hackam Margie Singer Jackie LaFiandra
Cindy Kasner
ALUMNI REUNIONS Thursday, February 22 n New York Reunion: Talia’s Steakhouse, Manhattan
Sunday, February 25 n College Park Reunion, Maryland Hillel
Participation Is Everything and it most certainly showed. This first year of our P.I.E. initiative will have a profound impact on the strength and our future success.
To make your gift please visit bethtfiloh.com/annualcampaign or call the Development Office at 410-413-2233.
We look forward to our annual BT Alumni reunions in New York and College Park.
BEST.CAMP.E Beth Tfiloh Camps is an incredible summer day camp serving Baltimore and Howard Counties. We offer the best program led by exceptional staff for campers, ages 2 through entering 10th grade.
Register Online by
January 31 for Early Bird Savings!
Follow the Purim Story on the Jumbo Screens!
ged un-Plu g at BETH TFILOH
Wednesday, February 28
Thursday, March 1
Shacharit & Megillah Reading
PreSchool Costume Extravaganza
5:45 PM - THEATRE (use High School entrance) followed by Mini Carnival in TUVIN HALL
Rabbi’s Class
Maariv/Traditional Megillah Reading 6:20 PM/EPSTEIN CHAPEL
Multimedia Megillah Reading
6:30 PM (promptly)/DAHAN SANCTUARY Followed by the
Shushan Street Carnival
Additional Megillah Readings 7:45 PM/EPSTEIN CHAPEL
Wear your costume!
High School Megillah Reading 8 AM/HS BEIT MIDRASH
Middle School Megillah Reading 8:15 AM/DAHAN SANCTUARY
Women’s/Girls’ Tefilah & Megillah Reading 8:25 AM/EPSTEIN CHAPEL
Additional Megillah Reading
4 PM/EPSTEIN CHAPEL Followed by 4:45 PM Mincha/Maariv
Purim Seudah (festive meal)
5:00 PM/AUDITORIUM (reservations required) Register at bethtfiloh.com/register
Second Maariv - Following Seudah (7:15 pm)
FEBRUARY 2018 A SHEVAT-ADAR 5778 Enjoy the Purim Seudah with the BT Family
Purim Seudah Thursday, March 1
Grab your sombrero and come to our Mexican Purim Fiesta!
Schedule 4:00 pm – Late Megillah Reading • Epstein Chapel 4:45 pm – Mincha • Epstein Chapel 5:00 pm – Doors open to Seudah • Beth Tfiloh Auditorium 5:30 pm – Dinner and entertainment for adults & children 5:40 pm – Mincha & Maariv • Epstein Chapel Second Maariv at conclusion of Seudah
Mexican Buffet Enjoy chicken & beef fajitas, taco and nacho bar, spicy salsa bar, Mexican salad bar, and south of the border desserts
Dazzling Entertainment Enjoy the exotic musical flavor, captivating blues & soft rock melodies and adventurous rhythms of international rock band SoulFarm. Kid’s Castle Playland: Four-person PacMan Mega Moon Bounce Kosher Piñata
Face Painting Roaming Magician Purim Trivia Game And MORE!!! Come in Costume and win a prize!
2 and under
BT Congregants
Camp/School Families
For more information, call the Beth Tfiloh Youth Center at 410-413-2221.
Register online at bethtfiloh.com/register by February 23 at 9:00 am
Sellou t Regis Event ter ea rly! 11
Alumni News Alumni Panel shares experiences with seniors A panel of recent Beth Tfiloh alumni met with our senior class to discuss their transition to college life. Special thanks to Beth Tfiloh Alumni Adee Jakob ‘15, Mitchell Traub ‘14, Mitchell Cardin ‘17, Noah Rapoport ‘16, Lea Glazer ‘16, Emma Silverman ‘16, Andrew Schwartz ‘16 and Yair Pincever ‘16 for sharing the college campus experiences with our seniors.
IDF INDUCTION - Mazel Tov to Daniel Goldman ‘16 on his induction into the Israel Defense Forces. Daniel is the brother of Rebecca Goldman ‘16 and Max Goldman ‘20, and the son of Middle School teacher, Melyssa Goldman. SUPER LAWYER - Mazel Tov to Kelley (Spigel) Goldberg ‘04 on being named a 2018 Super Lawyer! Kelley is the sister of Jordan Spigel ‘07, and the daughter of BT members, Patti Spigel and Howard Spigel. PUBLIC RELATIONS EXPERT Shana Harris ‘92, COO of Warschawski, made an appearance on WJZ-TV to share her thoughts on the crises facing large retailers. Warschawski CEO David Warschawki is married to Rachel Steinberg Warschawski ‘96.
NEWEST BT COUPLE - Mazel Tov to Rachel Abbott ‘08 and Cory Brown ‘08 on their marriage. They are our 21st BT couple! Rachel is the daughter of BT members, Amy Caplan and Robert Abbott, and Cory is the son of BT members, Joan and Brian Brown, and is the grandson of Lois and Jacob Miliman.
We gratefully acknowledge the following contributions to our Congregation & School ROSALIE AND RICHARD ALTER SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of: Linda and Michael Elman, with thanks for the fabulous Shabbat Across America evening, by Rosalie and Richard Alter Shellye Gilden and the Attman Women, in recognition of their honor by Israel Bonds, by Rosalie and Richard Alter Rose and Andrew Lipsitz, and the Lipsitz and Walder Families, on the birth of Ivy Isabella, by Rosalie and Richard Alter, and Rachel and Zach Alter Angela and Alex Munitz, and Ryan and Adam Munitz, on the birth of their granddaughter and daughter, Bella, by Rosalie and Richard Alter, and Rachel and Zach Alter Eve Steinberg, and Rachel and David Warschawski and family, on Micah becoming a Bar Mitzvah, by Rosalie and Richard Alter, and Rachel and Zach Alter In Memory of: Barry Goldberg, by Rosalie and Richard Alter, and Rachel and Zach Alter Stewart Greenebaum, by Rosalie and Richard Alter Jack Luskin, by Rosalie and Richard Alter, and Rachel and Zach Alter
BETH JACOB CONGREGATION SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory of: Zena Jay, by Donna and Al Polovoy Bernice Koppel, by Donna and Al Polovoy Elsie Miller Legum, by Tammy Cohen and Dan Katz
BETH TFILOH DAHAN COMMUNITY SCHOOL In Honor of: Eve Steinberg, on the birth of her granddaughter, Nili Gal Steinberg, by Roselyn and Irv Kalb In Memory of: Elaine Blitzstein, by Natalie and Jay Chason and family, Susan and Paul Harans, Melissa and Julie Rose Bloom, by Susan and Paul Harans, Melissa and Julie Barry Goldberg, by Robin and Mark Neumann Stewart Greenebaum, by Ineza and David Chikvashvili, Jill Spector and Joel Cohn Zena Jay, by Jill Spector and Joel Cohn Eudice Lowenthal, by Jamie and Kenny Bernstein Sylvia Stone, by Rosalie and Jerry Klotzman
BETH TFILOH DAHAN COMMUNITY SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of: Leon Albin, on his special 92nd birthday, by Reba and Arnold Cohen
Sammie Birenbaum, on becoming a Bat Mitzvah, by Brian and Fran Tannenbaum Kaye, and Josh Kaye Evelyn Gross, on her special 95th birthday, by Marlene and Philip Feldman, Lisa and Rich Amster, and Nancy and Bruce Craven Linda and Steve Hurwitz, on their son, Michael’s engagement, by Lana and Larry Bank Lucia and Boris Kerzner, on their grandson, Noah Kerzner, becoming a Bar Mitzvah, by Roz and Steve Blum, Eileen and Donald Himelfarb Mia, Philip, and Esther, for being the best nieces and nephew, by Daniella and Joseph Bedros Rabbi Chai and Rachel Posner, in appreciation of their warm and welcoming Shabbat hospitality, by Brian and Fran Tannenbaum Kaye, and Josh Kaye Harriet Rosen, on the occasion of her retirement, by Gail and Ronald Liss In Memory of: Elaine Blitzstein, by Marsha and Ellis Caplan, Wendy and Jeffrey Miller, Rabbi Yeuda Oratz Yale Fagan, by Cheri and David Hurwitz and family Gilbert Galpern, by Allison and Aaron Magat Barry Goldberg, by Wilma and Paul Alpert, Sandy and Sheldon Dobres, Carole and Billy Glick, Ann and Gene Goodman, Cheri and David Hurwitz and family, Fran Kessler and Jack Finkelstein, Allison and Aaron Magat, the Peters Family, Rena and Sheldon Polun, Terri and Kevin Tracy Stewart Greenebaum, by Wendy, Jeffrey and Erin Miller Zena Jay, by Cheri and David Hurwitz and family Selma Klein, by Rabbi Yehuda Oratz Bernice Koppel, by Rachelle and Ronnie Silverstein Samuel Kurland, by Rena and Elliot Rank Barbara Lipson, by Allison and Aaron Magat and family Jack Luskin, by Wendy and Jeffrey Miller, Amy and Wayne Seidman Selvin Madow, by Rachelle and Ronnie Silverstein Isidor Mayer, by Janet Feinberg, Allison and Aaron Magat, the Merlmelstein Family, Jon Michael, Ann and Joann Nagy, PartnerMD, Susan Yurow Herbert Rosen, by Wilma and Paul Alpert, Rona and Michael Balenson, Elayne and Buzz Berg, Arlene Birenbaum,Beth and Albert Blumberg, Jan and Andy Cardin, Reba and Arnold Cohen, Sandy and Sheldon Dobres, Susanna Garfein and Ross Goldstein, Carole and Billy Glick, Cheri and David Hurwitz and family, Fran Kessler and Jack Finkelstein, Gail and Robert Liss, Allison and Aaron Magat, DeVera and David Nachman, Ann and Joann Nagy, the Peters Family, Irene and Robert Russel, Laury and Lewis Scharff, Sandy and Heshy Schoenfeld, Susan and Larry Schultz, Karen and Sanford Shapiro, Rachelle and Ronnie Silverstein Mark Rosenfeld, by Rena and Elliot Rank
Bette Sherman, by Rabbi Yehuda Oratz To commemorate the yahrzeit of Francine Stadin, by Mindy and Marc Dickler
PAUL BURMAN HOSPITALITY FUND In Memory of: Irving Hyatt, by Margaret Bell Melvin Paul, by Sandy and Sid Diamond
CHARLES CRANE AND FRONA AND HOWARD S. BROWN EDUCATION FUND We appreciate the anonymous donation made to this fund.
JEROME AND RHEDA FADER CAMP SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory of: Howard Robbins, by Rheda Fader Herbert Rosen, by Carol and David Buchoff Laurie Schimmel, by P.J. and Karen Pearlstone
GARFINKEL FAMILY LEARNING ASSISTANCE FUND In Memory of: Gilbert Galpern, by Nina Wand and Susan Yurow
GENERAL FUND In Honor of: Jeanette Katcoff, by Ben and Nancy Katcoff In Memory of: Rose Bloom, by Wilma Asrael Morton Davis, by Norman DuBois Perla Finkielsztein, by Jacqueline and Stuart Miller Sara Gloria Finkielsztein, by Jacqueline and Stuart Miller Barry Goldberg, by Andrea and Perry Beckerman, Stephen Bierer and Rhoda Cohen, Norman Samson, Mona Schechner, Penny and Michael Schwartz, Gloria Simons, Ayelet and Terry Weiss Stewart Greenebaum, by Reba and Arnold Cohen Irving Hyatt, by Margaret Bell Nelson L. Hyman, by Anna and Gordon Hyman Jeanette Rena Kramer, by Sharon Rose, Donna and Howard Weiss Herbert Rosen, by Joyce and Marshall Bedine, Stephen Bierer and Rhoda Cohen, Sharon and Irvin Caplan, Donna Elrick, Louise Goldberg, Lois and Leonard Greenebaum, Ann and Saul Offet, Emelie Schwab and family, Irene and Michael Schwab and family, Marlene and Richard Teitel
SHELLYE & STEVE GILDEN FAMILY PROGRAMMING FUND In Memory of: Jack Luskin, by Shellye and Steve Gilden
In Memory of:
Herbert Rosen, by Carole and Melvin Luterman, Jules and Froma Willen
Sonia Goldberg, by Lois and Stanford Bensky, Karen and David Rosen Ira Kirsch, by Leslie and Ron Goldberg Bernice Koppel by Stanley Goldberg Sidney P. Levin, by Leslie and Ron Goldberg Jack Luskin, by Dawn and Glenn Goldberg Herbie Rosen, by Reta Davis, Leslie and Ron Goldberg
ALAN J. KARLIN CHATAN TORAH HONOR FUND In Memory of: Jeffrey Dunn, by Judy and Stuart Poltilove Barry Goldberg, by Betsy and David Katz Herbert Rosen, by Betsy and David Katz
MORTON J. AND LOUISE MACKS LIBRARY In Memory of: Irving Hyatt, by Ed, Shari and Jessica Miller
THE MERCAZ DAHAN CENTER FOR JEWISH LIFE AND LEARNING In Memory of: Elaine Blitzstein, by Norman La Cholter Jeanette Rena Kanner, by Sharon Rose Aaron Landau in commemoration of his yahrzeit, by Rosanne Ehrlich Herbert Rosen, by Norman La Cholter,
In Memory of:
RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Memory of: Zena Jay, by Jennifer Heller and Joel Turner, the Tepper Family Jack Luskin, by Richard Rynd and Goodie Finkelstein Herbert Rosen, by Kathie and Harvey Okun, Joan Rombro, Marilyn and Alfred Rosenstein
We wish the following members a speedy and complete recovery:
Herbert Rosen, by Betty Reichenberg
To Richard Kierson
RABBI SAMUEL ROSENBLATT FUND In Memory of: Jeannette, Daniel and Saul Schapiro by Carol Schapiro Kekst and family
JENNIFER & MICHAEL SACHS’ CAMP FUND In Memory of: Herbert Rosen, by Marcia and Alvin Sachs
MILTON AND RAE SAMUELSON MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Herbert Rosen, by Barbara and Steve Samuelson
Eve Steinberg, on her grandson, Micah, becoming a Bar Mitzvah, by Tova and Rony Natanzon
Evelyn Gross, on her special birthday, by the BT Sisterhood, Sylvia and Ron Carmel, Charlene Schimberg, Susan Weintraub and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tatelbaum In Memory of:
In Memory of: Elaine Blitzstein, by PJ and Karen Pearlstone
ANN NEUMANN-LIBOV SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of: Edgar Feingold, on his special 90th birthday, by Mort Libov In Memory of: Jack Luskin, by Mort Libov To commemorate the yahrzeit of his beloved wife, Ann Neumann-Libov, by Mort Libov
THE STANLEY Z. PENN MEMORIAL LECTURE FUND In Memory of: Esther Levin, by Helene Penn Dorf
ELLYN AND STEPHEN POLAKOFF SENIOR TRIP SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of: Hilda and Howard Levin, on their son, Richard’s marriage, by Janice and Marc Strauss
Speedy Recovery
In Memory of:
In Honor of:
To Evelyn Gross on her special 95th birthday To Rabbi Jeff and Barbara Ifrah on the marriage of their son, Ami, to Dana Gerson, daughter of Arnold and Esther Gerson To Marcia and Marc Leavey on their granddaughter, Nora Leavey ‘23 becoming a Bat Mitzvah; and to the parents, Shauna and Michael Leavey ‘94 To Tillie Rosenfeld on her 100th birthday To Randy and Ronald Sweren on the marriage of their daughter, Becky Sweren ‘05 to David Pincas; and to the grandmother, Jeane Sweren
Barry Goldberg, by Brenda and Frank Boches Daniel Pevner, by Sylvia Tulkoff
THE HOLLY & STEVEN VENICK & FAMILY EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITY FUND In Honor of: Eve Kresin Steinberg on the birth of her granddaughter, Nili, by Holly and Steve Venick In Memory of: Barry Goldberg, by Holly and Steve Venick Jack Luskin, by Holly and Steve Venick
Mazel Tov We extend a Mazel Tov to the following members: To Leon Albin on his 92nd birthday To Terry and David Golaner on the naming of their daughter, Charlotte Rose; to the grandparents, Nancy and Michael Levine, and Stephen Golaner; and to the great-grandparents, Audrey Levine, and Joseph and Julia Damizia To Helen Gordon on her special birthday
Condolences We extend our heartfelt condolences to the following members: To the family of our member, Barry Goldberg; husband of Roslynn Goldberg, and father of Howard Goldberg, Jeffrey (Tina) Goldberg, Steven Goldberg, and Karen (P.J.) Pearlstone To Michael Greenebaum on the loss of his father, Stewart Greenebaum To Peter Jay on the loss of his mother, Zena Jay To Alfred Kleeman on the loss of his wife, and our member, Claire Kleeman To Harriet Rosen on the loss of her husband, and our member, Herbert Rosen
Shabbat Kiddush Sponsors We gratefully appreciate the generosity of the following individuals for their sponsorship of the weekly Shabbat morning Kiddush: DECEMBER 16 – the Nelson Neuman Family Kiddush Fund DECEMBER 23 - Leon Albin in honor of his 92nd birthday DECEMBER 30 - the Nelson Neuman Family Kiddush Fund JANUARY 6 - SIMCHA KIDDUSH by Fran and Steve Pruce in celebration of their anniversary, and Ricka Neuman in honor of her birthday
Kiddush Wine Sponsors We gratefully appreciate the generosity of the following individuals for their sponsorship of the wine at the Shabbat morning Kiddush: DECEMBER 16 – Terry and David Golaner in honor of the baby naming of their daughter, Charlotte Rose
Seudah Shelishit Sponsors We gratefully appreciate the generosity of the following sponsors of the weekly Shabbat afternoon Seudah Shelishit: DECEMBER 16 - Karen and Alan Zarembski to commemorate the yahrzeit of Karen’s father, Julius Greenspan; and by Negin and Ronnie Hariri in memory of Negin’s grandparents, Manoochehr Keyvanfar, Moshe Ben Dovid and Mohtaram Keyvanfar, Miriam Bat Reuven DECEMBER 30 - Myra Hoff to commemorate the first yahrzeit of her beloved husband, Brian Hoff; and by Brenda and Frank Boches to commemorate the yahrzeits of their parents, Minnie and Edward Boches, and Helen and Oscar Polinger JANUARY 6 - Steven Bernstein in memory of his beloved brother, Jack A. Bernstein.
Memorial Plaques Memorial Plaques have been purchased in memory of the following: Theresa K. Dreyer Irving Albert Hyatt Jacqueline Helen Wilen
Yahrzeit Contributions Lillian Amdur, by Marlene Amdur Ferguson Samuel Asrael, by Bonnie Abeles Shmerko Balbir, by Benjamin Balbir David Barron, by Linda Barron David Baylin, by Annyce Baylin Alvin Becker, by Marci Rosenbaum Margie Belsky, by Lester Belsky David Benus, by Jacob Benus Fannie Benus, by Jacob Benus Joseph Bernstein, by Larraine Bernstein, Sharon Klein Barbara Blass, by Carol Oppenheim Florence S. Block, by Nancy Rombro Jay Blumenthal, by Ted Chernak Albert M. Bormel, by Gloria Segall Solomon Brafman, by Marsha Grabush Abraham Marcus Caplan, by Joseph Caplan Rebecca Caplan, by Joseph Caplan Alvin Cheslock, by Jack Cheslock Marie Patz Cohen, by Ted Chernak Myer Cohen, by Harry Cohen Stella Cohen, by Annyce Baylin Julius Leon Creeger, by Gertrude Schunick Joan Mae DuBois, by Norman DuBois David Edelman, by Bonnie Epstein Israel Eisen, by Phyllis Eisen Rose Eisenberg, by Gwenn Eisenberg, Ronald Eisenberg, Ruth Eisenberg Anna Erkes, by Shirley Miller Morris Fain, by Ellen Adler Lillian R. Feit, by Gail Orzechowski Sandra Feldman, by Mindy Dickler Chana Finkelstein, by Sherry Blum Morris Finkelstein, by Phyllis Lerner Gail Fleischmann, by Marlene Eichner Max Fleischmann, by Rudy Fleischmann Joyce R. Frank, by Arnold Frank Leonard Frank, by Arnold Frank Daniel Freedman, by Dawn Goldberg Ruth Friedman Freud, by Deborah Baer Samuel Fried, by Dan Fried Morris David Friedman, by Deborah Baer Alexander Gambel, by Ellen Gottfried Eva Geshekter, by Charles Geshekter, Ruth Geshekter Millward Anita Gheiler, by Isaac Gheiler Albert J. Glass, by Marvin Glass Evelyn Glassman, by Marc Glassman Samuel Gloger, by Enid Friedman
FEBRUARY 2018 A SHEVAT-ADAR 5778 Barry A. Gold, by Ronnie Gold David Goldscheider, by Edward Goldscheider Theodore Goldsmith, by Richard Goldsmith Cranie Goldstein, by Gertrude Schunick David Goldstein, by Harriet Silverstein Rayzella Gordon, by Paul Gordon Harold Gottfried, by Alan S. Gottfried Phyllis Greenbaum, by Edward Miller Bernard Greenberg, by Rosalie Rapoport Julius Greenspan, by Karen Zarembski Dora Sheller Hecht, by Lee Sheller Moses A. Horwitz, by Norris Horwitz Eli Jaschik, by Marcia Leavey Bernice Karpel, by Susan Karpel Max Kaye, by Robert Kaye Lina Kleeman, by Al Kleeman Louis Kleeman, by Al Kleeman Zelma Klein, by Robert Klein Theodore Kobernick, by Zenia Billian Ellis Kossow, by Carole Fradkin Avigdor Kravetsky, by Sonia Maltinsky Jacob La Cholter, by Norman La Cholter Sidney la Cholter, by Norman La Cholter Minnie Landsman, by Gwenn Eisenberg, Ronald Eisenberg, Ruth Eisenberg Samuel Landsman, by Gwenn Eisenberg, Ruth Eisenberg Jennie Lazinsky, by Mindie Flamholz Charles Lichter, by Beverly Gersh Ruth Lindenberg, by Arlene Carmel Nadine Cohen Madger, by Viviane Cohen Emily Magram, by Glorie Magram Renata Marini, by Marie Schwartz Hilda Matuszak, by Phyllis Eisen Binyamin Ze’ev Meiseles, by Alfred Meisels Jennie Ment, by Loryn Lesser Ethel Miller, by Joseph Cooper Evelyn Molofsky, by J. Max Millstone Barry Y. Moss, by Susan Moss Celia Needle, by Roslynn Goldberg Anna Newman, by Seymour Newman Lillian Jackson Newman, by Roslyn Mazur Marvin Newman, by Nina Wand Louis H. Nieman, by Marlene Amdur Ferguson Joseph Nudelman, by June Karlin, Irwin Nudelman Thelma Oppenheim, by Carl Oppenheim Sylvia Pachino, by Hershel Pachino, Rosalind Shenker Morris Pats, by Marc Leavey Harold Patz, by Ted Chernak Yetta Patz, by Ted Chernak Mina Podberesky, by Samuel Podberesky Helen Polinger, by Brenda Boches Sydney Rattner, by Barnett Rattner Abraham Rayman, by Melvin Rayman Belle Rayman, by Melvin Rayman
Daniel Reicher, by Frances Reicher Elma Rombro, by Stuart Rombro Robert Rosenberg, by Harriet Robbins, Ronald Rosenberg Earle Rosenfeld, by Merle and Richard Kierson Herman Roskes, by Saul Roskes Solomon Roth, by Gladys Kremen Nathoma Rotner, by Richard Rotner Gertrude Rubin, by Schania Zelvin Abraham Rynd, by Richard Rynd Rebecca Rynd, by Richard Rynd Rebecca Sandler, by Alan Sandler Sylvia Sandler, by Alan Sandler David Schenerman, by Fred Schenerman Jack Schenker, by Wendy Schenker Gerald Schiff, by Vivian Leventon Max Schnitzer, by Charlotte Schnitzer and Robin Smolarz Glenn P. Schubert, by Louise Macks Ceva Setlen, by Julie Wasserman Rachel Shuman, by Charlotte Schnitzer and Robin Smolarz Tmima Sibel, by Hanan Sibel Harold W. Siegel, by Bernard Siegel Edward Sigman, by Benjamin Sigman I. Jerome Sobel, By Tamara Sobel Doris St. Ours, by Neda Angster Gayle Leon Stein, by Nancy Kowitz Joseph Stoler, by Charlene Schimberg Nathan Surasky, by Cindy Savitz Pauline Surasky, by Cindy Savitz Doris Teplick, by Mickey Bliden Sofia Lazar Tonkaya, by Ludmila Oborin Frima Unfasung, by Solomon Z. Eichner William B. Waldman, by Nancy Yuskovitz Hyman White, by Richard Lamb Edyth Winter, by Danica Guttman Kitty Wolff, by Martin Wolff Susan Wolff, by Martin Wolff Harold L. Yoffe, by Beatrice Yoffe Irwin Zeiger, by J. Barry Zeiger Ida Zemel, by Minnie Daniels Jacob Zimmerman, by N. Mitchell Feinstein
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BETH TFILOH CONGREGATION Roz & Marvin H. Weiner Family Campus 3300 Old Court Road / Baltimore, MD 21208
FEBRUARY 2018 A SHEVAT-ADAR 5778 Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 1262 Baltimore, MD
BETH TFILOH Synagogue Office 410-486-1900 Fax 410-653-0603 Schedule of Services Dial 6, 2 Information Hotline 410-413-2345 mail@btfiloh.org • www.BethTfiloh.com
Beth Tfiloh Congregation
Celebrating the Joy of Judaism Embracing all Jews
Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg, 410-413-2215 Hazzan Avraham Albrecht, 410-413-2212 Rabbi Chai Posner, 410-413-2219 Rabbi Eli Yoggev, 410-413-2316 Rabbi Chaim Wecker, Ritual Director, 410-413-2218 Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe, Community Educator, 410-413-2441 Dr. Louis Baer, President Ricka Neuman, Board Chair Don Weinapple, VP, Finance, 410-413-2291 Eve Kresin Steinberg, Executive Director, 410-413-2251
Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School
Beth Tfiloh Dahan Performing Arts Studio presents
Switchboard: 410-486-1905
Dr. Zipora Schorr, Director of Education, 410-413-2305 Joel Cohn, President, Board of Trustees Melissa Lebowitz, PreSchool Director, 410-413-2303 Nina Wand, LS Principal, 410-413-2508 Rabbi Yehuda Oratz, MS Principal, 410-413-2407 Dr. Renee Koplon, HS Principal, 410-413-2235 Brian Singer, Hebrew School Coordinator, 410-413-2523 Laurie Kott, Director of Admission, 410-413-2308 Joan Feldman, Director of Communications, 410-413-2312 Mandi Miller, Development Director, 410-413-2399 Michelle Cherry, Director of Alumni Relations, 410-413-2336
Beth Tfiloh Youth Center Cherie Brownstein, Youth Director 410-413-2220 Marlene Hollander, Asst. Youth Director 410-413-2451
Sandy Vogel, Director, 410-413-2306 Shelley Kaye and Anne Pfeffer, Co-Chairs
Beth Tfiloh Camps
David Schimmel, Director Craig Friedman, Chair
They’re creepy and they’re kooky, mysterious and spooky… they’re the Addams family!
February 15 & 20 • 7 pm February 18 • 2 pm Rosen Arts Center • Mintzes Theatre 3300 Old Court Road • Baltimore, MD 21208
Tickets: Adult $15, Student & Senior $10
Buy tickets online at www.bethtfiloh.com/bttheater The Addams family is your everyday, normal family who love each other as family does. But tonight things are about to get weird, when Wednesday invites her boyfriend’s family, the very respectable Beinekes, over for dinner to meet the Addams family and find out what it means to be an Addams.
Synagogue Life Committee Holly Venick, Director of Synagogue Life, 410-413-2244 Vered Taylor, Chair
Beth Tfiloh Cemetery Morris Segall, Chair
Parent Association
Laura Wolf, President
Brotherhood Sisterhood
Marlene Friedenberg, President Evelyn Gross & Shirley Miller, Gift Shop
Social Action Committee
Lindsay Gaister, Director
Chesed Committee
Irv Hyatt, Chair Roselyn Kalb, Sisterhood Chair
Joan Feldman, Director of Communications, 410-413-2312 Rina Goloskov, Asst Dir. of Communications, 410-413-2369 Lori Bernstein, Graphic Designer, 410-413-2216 Charlene Schimberg, Communications Assoc., 410-413-2217 Erin Smith, Communications Coordinator, 410-413-2322