Honor Roll 2021-2022

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INSIDE THE HONOR ROLL Message from Leadership .......................................................................................... 1 About the Annual Campaign .................................................................................... 2 Who Supports the Annual Campaign 3 Our BT “Village” in Action 4 Annual Campaign Support ........................................................................................ 6 Alumni Support ........................................................................................................ 16 Spotlight 2022 18 Centennial Campaign 20 Kadima Legacy Society ........................................................................................... 22 Special Gifts ............................................................................................................... 22 Endowments 22 BT Lay Leadership 24 OUR BT VILLAGE Village Vil•lage /vilij/ Settlements of people clustered around a central point, most often a house of worship, marketplace, or public space.

Rabbi Chai Posner

We are forever indebted to each member of our village for the bright path he or she has forged toward our future — our teachers, clergy, volunteers, school parents, alumni, and congregation – all of whom share in our inclusive mission and our desire to be a part of something greater than the sum of its parts. Our BT village means something different to each of us, and we all share a sense of pride in knowing that we belong and that we are family.

Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022 1

Looking back on the past year, we recognize with immense gratitude how remarkable our “village” is. You have helped us to weather the storm over the past few years, having faith that together we would return to what we all remember as “normal life.” And together, we reflected on all of our village’s accomplishments and growth throughout the past 100 years. Your continued support has helped us to usher in a new era for BT.

“It takes a village to raise a child.” We — the Beth Tfiloh community — are a village; a community that supports each member and draws strength from each individual working together for the greater good. Being a member of the BT family means we support each other with all of our collective resources.

Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg

Dr. Zipora Schorr

Todah Rabah,

2 Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022

With nearly 1,000 students enrolled in our Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School and more than 1,200 Beth Tfiloh Congregation member families, we recognize the powerful impact of our village on our school and shul’s past, present, and future.

About the Annual Campaign

We have seen how our village rises to the occasion in times of greatness and uncertainty. In our most recent years, we have thrived despite global health, security and financial challenges. You, our Beth Tfiloh school and shul community, have rallied in support of our BT family through your investment in BT’s Annual Campaign.

Our Annual Campaign is a Beth Tfiloh community-wide effort to provide the necessary resources that keep our village in motion. We ask each of you to contribute to our Annual Campaign to sustain our facilities, programs, technology, faculty and staff — the foundation of our village.

We thank you for providing us with the means to keep our BT village strong as we look ahead to a bright future together.

Synagogue – Revenue FY ’22 Budget n Dues & Seats 28% n Philanthropy 34% n Rentals ............................ 2% n Programs & Camp ...... 27% n Sales and Fees 9% n Salary & Benefits 65% n Programs 15% n Occupancy 13% n Facility & Security ..... 7% Synagogue – Expenses FY ’22 Budget

Who supports the Annual Campaign

The Annual Campaign is a Beth Tfiloh community-wide effort that raises money from all branches of our BT family: School parents, grandparents, alumni and their parents, faculty and staff, shul members, and other friends of BT.

Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022 3

The 2022 Annual Campaign was supported by these Beth Tfiloh community members:

90% of faculty & staff 300 75%alumniofschool parents 551 congregant families 337 parents of alumni 20% of school grandparents TEACHER • SHULMEMBER • PARENT•VOLUNTEER School – Revenue FY ’22 Budget n Tuition 69% n Philanthropy 24% n The Associated 1% n Program Income ......... 2% n Sales & Fees .................. 4% n Salary & Benefits 78% n Programs 6% n Occupancy 11% n Facility & Security ....... 5% Schoool – Expenses FY ’22 Budget “The BT village has always been one without a gate, an open community that strives to welcome and include everyone. Every member of our family has received joy, compassion, education and, of course, love from the BT community. Our family has received so much, we always look for opportunities to volunteer or donate to push those gifts forward.” Ivy and AmmannChris

...to celebrate the joy of summer.

Your generous support of the 2022 Annual Campaign helped our community to grow and thrive.

...to foster a child’s love of Judaism and Israel.

Through divisions,opportunitiesage-appropriateacrossallourstudentsbuild selfconfidence through individual student support, social and emotional learning and a team-focused approach in the classrooms, which enhances all aspects of their learning at BT.

Beth Tfiloh has been named an Anti-Defamation League No Place for Hate school, with renewed focus on making the school environment more accepting and inclusive.

...to nurture a child’s social and emotional growth.

Lower School introduced a writing curriculum developed at the Teachers College at Columbia University. This curriculum enables our students to develop writing skills at an early age, which leads to a more complete understanding of the overall curriculum.

Our seniors traveled to Israel, thanks to the support of the Natanzon/Taylor endowed Senior Class Trip to Israel. Middle School students, engaged in diverse social action events across our Jewish community, and strengthened their connection to our local Jewish community, while Lower School students learned through our cutting-edge Kriability curriculum and participated in an intensive research opportunity that culminated in the Israel Fair.

More than 700 campers enjoyed summer fun at both our Old Court Road and BT Camps campuses, creating memories for children that will last a lifetime.

...to transform a child into a changemaker.

4 Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022

...to build a child’s reading and writing skills.

It TakesVillage...a

Our renowned college guidance program has assisted the entire class of 2022 in being accepted to college. One hundred percent of our seniors planned to attend a college of their choice, received more than $4 million in merit scholarships, and were accepted to the University of Maryland at a rate that far surpasses the university’s average acceptance rate.

...to prepare a child for success after graduating from BT.

Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022 5

In addition to our 700 community members attending Beth Tfiloh’s Centennial Celebration event, ushering in a new century for our congregation, more than 1,000 community members attended Rabbi Posner’s installation weekend, including Shabbat dinner, a family event, and the installation program.

...to build community and camaraderie through Jewish learning.

Our Mercaz Dahan Center for Jewish Life and Learning provided opportunities for adult learning through the Moms and Midrash program, Yaffe Scholar program, Penn Lecture series, book clubs, and weekly classes with our clergy.

...to embrace the next chapter.

More than 250 Middle and High School students have participated this year in interscholastic sports consisting of 41 teams. Five of our teams made it all the way to their division championships, bringing home three championship victories for BT.

...to encourage a child to reach their potential.

...to build a community.congregational

With an ever-increasing number of members participating in both family and individual learning programs throughout the year, BT offered a broad spectrum of davening experiences, including the Dahan Sanctuary service, Young Family Minyan, Teen Minyan and groups for preschool and lower school-aged children.

Our Creative Arts department provided instrumental, drama and music classes, visual art classes, choral, dance, creative movement, and filmmaking classes, and hosted 16 productionconcerts/theatre s in front of live audiences.

...to secure our shul’s next era.

...to inspire the next generation.

...to help a child discover and develop their passions.

BT’s major capital and endowment Centennial Campaign raised more than $25 million to secure and sustain the future for our school and shul communities. As a result, over the next several years our community will experience enhancements that will strengthen our community and take our shul and school to the next level.

As we continue to expand and strengthen our shul community, we doubled the number of young families attending the Young Family Minyan, starting with 20 young families and growing to 40 davening together on a weekly basis. Our next generation continued to grow as we welcomed 10 new young families into our shul community this past year.

Dr. Cindy & Dr. Harvey Kasner

Judy & Howard Cardin

Rosemary & Dr. Thomas Pozefsky

Alison & Dr. Marcos Roffe


Rachel & Rabbi Mordechai Posner

CallaRosenblatt&Dr.Todd Samuels

Irene & Robert Russel

Elizabeth & Dr. Eric Brown

Helene & Dr. Robert Riederman

Diane & Larry Seegull

Myra & Dr. Howard Strassler

Betsy & David Katz

Brenda & Isaac Samuel

Cassandra & Dr. Sheldon Gottlieb

Pat & David Bernstein

Linda & Steven Hurwitz

Beth Kaplan & Bruce Sholk

Stanley Goldberg


Leslie & Dr. David Goldstein

Beth Tfiloh’s Hineini Society recognizes donors of gifts of $3,000 or more in the Annual Campaign. Leadership giving at this level ensures the sustainability of our school and synagogue community. Literally translated as “Here I Am,” members of the Hineini Society continue to prove that they are, in fact, always here for Beth Tfiloh.

Liba & Avi Benus

Dodi & Joseph Samuel

Sylvia Tulkoff

6 Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022

Marina Moore & Leonid Grunin

Tamara & Donald Kirson


Ilene & Dr. Peter Jay

Emily & Scott Levin

Howard & Dr. Sandra z”l

Michelle & Steve Wions

Ronnie Silverstein

Liora & Dr. Ed Schlesinger

The Haron Dahan Foundation

SharonAuster&Jacob z”l Benus

Heather & Aaron Levinoff

Roberta & Scott Fader

$50,000 & ABOVE

Sarellen and Dr. Marshall Levine

Carol & Dr. Carl Oppenheim

Jill & Gary Eidelman

Elaine & Stanley Weintraub

Beth Tfiloh’s Chamsa Society was established to recognize donors of $5,000 or more to the Annual Campaign. The Chamsa symbolizes G-d’s protection. Our Chamsa Society donors protect the vitality of Beth Tfiloh through their extraordinary generosity.

Irene & Dr. Michael Sherman

Roz and Marvin H. Weiner Family Foundation

Sandy & Howard Schoenfeld

Ora & Dr. Michael Noorani

Tina & Lee Sheller

DeborahAnonymousH. F. & Dr. Louis Baer

Robin & Mark Neumann

Rachel Steinberg Warschawski & David Warschawski

Cheri & David Hurwitz

Cee Cee & Michael Friedman

MINYAN $10,000-$24,999SOCIETY


Dr.AnonymousAdrianDobs & Dr. Martin

Amy & Dr. Martin Passen

Patricia J. & Dr. Andrew N. Pollak

RebaAnonymous&Arnold Cohen


Elaine & Neal Kitt

Lizabeth Shrier & Daniel Engelhart

Leslie & Dr. Barry Walters

Tamara & Anton Samuel

Margie & Lowell Herman

Joyce & Dr. Marshall Bedine Janet RebeccaBillig& Joshua Brenner

Gladys & Richard Kremen

CHAMSA $5,000-$9,999SOCIETY

Shellye & Steven Gilden

Jill Spector & Joel Cohn Norman Dubois

Ruthie & David Carliner

Stacy & Louis Schwartz

Minyan is representative of the number 10. Often referred to as a “community of Israel,” a minyan exemplifies this group whose gifts are foundational for our community.


Sandra & Sheldon Dobres

Alison Witow & Jack Tucker

JulieAnonymous&Dr.Gary Applebaum

Phyllis & Jack

Amy Deutschendorf & Dr. Ira Fine

Natalie & Dr. Jay Chason

Ann Kahan

HINEINI $3,000-$4,999SOCIETY

Abby Weinstock & Shawn Sefret

Karen & P. J. Pearlstone

Tova & Rony Natanzon

MINYAN $25,000-$49,999SOCIETY

Sue & Dr. David Liebman

Ruth & David Naftaly


Elaine & Melvin Rosenzweig

Nancy & Edward Kutler

Lynnette Gruenhut

Susan & Steve Bond

Mickey Katzen

Dr. Renee Flax Goldenberg & Dr. David Goldenberg

Philippa and Justin Lichterman

Rachel & Arthur Adler

ACHARAI $1,800-$2,999SOCIETY

Melissa & Richard Peters

Faith & Adam Harrison Howard Kaplowitz

Rena & Dr. Elliot Rank

Gloria Greenspun

Rosalie & Gerald Klotzman

Sharon & Dr. Richard Lamb

Dr. Steven Bernstein

Susan & Arnold Frank

Mandi & Brett Miller

Dr. Sally & Dr. Ronald Davis

Jordana & Andrew Hurwitz

Huppit & David Miller

Brenda & Joseph Pariser

Anne RenaAlbertPfefferPolovoy&Sheldon

Nava & Dr. Elliott Gorbaty

“We made the decision to move to Baltimore based on our experience in reaching out to BT. We were so impressed with how warm and welcoming everyone was and the engagement opportunities for our family. We just felt it would be a great fit. We felt so good about moving here because of BT. This community helped us to make this new city our new home.”


Carole & Ronald Fradkin

Anonymous (3) Faye & Abraham L. Adler Ivy &

Fran & Dr. Steven Pruce

Barbara & Steve Geller

Vered & Martin Taylor


Rachel & Dr. Alfred Meisels

Sally & Howard Goldstein

Sherry & Joshua Mauer

Shelley & James Gitomer

Marilyn & Josef z”l Rosenblatt

Ian Dr.AnnNeumanKatzAlanGary

Marlyn & Herbert Seidman

Jody & David Berg

Melissa & Dr. Adam Eisner

Sheila & David Fox

Stacey & Dr. Randal Getz Steven Goldberg

Dr. Stephen M. Zemel

Jodi & Colin Fleisher

Melanie & Dr. Milton Gertner

Audrey & Stanford Gann Sr.


Denise & Carl Verstandig

Gina & William Zahler

Wendy & Perry Gould

Ellen & Sidney Cohen

Patty & Dr. Charles Leve

Judith & Dr. Judah Minkove

ACHARAI $1,000-$1,799SOCIETY

Jerome Glazer

Dr. Pamela Zeitlin & Dr. Myron Yaster

Wendy & Dr. Allan Gelber

Dr. Beth Hogans

Joan & Howard Friedel

Aryeh Landsberg

Joyce & Dr. Richard Franklin

Jayne & Jonathan Havens

Elizabeth & Elan Rozmaryn

Ann Sue & Leonard Grossman

Steven Cohen

Jennifer & Andrew Grossman

Richard Rynd z’’l

Avigail & Dr. Justin Rosemore

Dr. Karen Garber & Andrew Sandler

Dr. Amy Caplan & Dr. Robert Abbott

Sharon & Mordechai Bar

Leslie & Ron Goldberg

The meaning of the Hebrew word Acharai is “follow my lead.” We acknowledge our donors who give at the Acharai level of $1,000 or more and encourage others to follow their lead. Acharai Society members are invited to a special recognition event in their honor.

Regina & Feliks Leybengrub

Mandy & Keith Miller

Lisa & Dr. David Hackam

Nurite Notarius-Rosin & Craig Rosin

Alison & Dr. Michael Kleinberg

Rosalind & Harold Taylor


Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022 7

Anonymous (2)

Sharon & David Green

Marcia & Dr. Marc Leavey Melvin Lessing

Joan & Lawrence Feldman

Mira & Nissim Dahan

Jane & Paul Lichter

Michael Yerman

Judith & Arnold Zerwitz

Maria & Vitaly Galilov

Dr. Lea & Dan Scheffer

Nancy & Joseph Kowitz

Rabbi Dana & Rafi Rone

Randi & Laurence Abramson

Edna & Ervin Kowitz

Ahuva PamelaWeinreb&Dr.Neil Weissman

Jeffrey Amdur Lisa & Steven Attman

Ellen Heller & Shale Stiller

Nina Becker

Rosalyn & Joel Chazen Michelle & Scott Cherry Kerri & Robert Cohen Gail & Steve Coppel Rachel Baldus & Winston Dickson

Leah & Yehuda Bennett

Sherri & Neil Sweren

Rosanne & Keith Ehrlich

Amy & Patrick Mutch

Nancy & Benjamin Polakoff

Rachel & Dr. Shaanan Meyerstein

Lois & Benjamin z”l Sigman

Rina Schiff

Patti Spigel


Glenna & Leonard Ross

Fern & Dr. Samuel Friedel

Rosalie Sellman

Sherri & Gary Kassimir

Amy & Dr. David Stampfer

Daniella & David Steinberg

Shoshana & Dr. Adam Laytin

Shoshi & Brian Ponczak

Alegra Best

Naomi & Walter Samet

Chana Leah & Motti Margalit

Marina & Vladimir Greben

MargieSchneider&Randall Singer

Philippa & Justin Myer Lichterman

Lily & Eric Black

Dr. Susan & Dr. Paul Brenner Rivka & Michael Bresler

Joel StaceyRubenstein&Dr.David Rubin

Dr. Anna & Gordon Hyman

Lauren & David Braunstein

Beverly & Gerald Rashbaum

Judy & Dr. Martin Woolfson

GloriaSegal& John Segall

Sheila & Charles Jay


Dr. Risa & Dr. Joshua Wolf Libby & Martin Wolff Kimberly & Jason Wynn Rebecca & Scott Zakheim

Linda & Ralph Ringler


Alexander Reznikov

Marilyn & Rony Werthamer

Cherie & Jerome Brownstein Marsha & Ellis Caplan

Rebecca & Robert Goldstein

Glenn Hyman

Rachel & Slava Katz

Cindy & Dr. Jeffrey Schreiber

Steven Samuelson

Jamie & Dr. Joshua Forman

Eleanor Ochfeld z’’l

Suzanne & Michael Podberesky

Julie & Joshua Schenker

Amanda & Dr. Stuart Levine

William Sacks

Diane & Nathan Torn

Marcia & Alvin Sachs

Deborah & D. Martin Disney

Susan & Dr. Michael Sless Robin & Mark Smolarz

Josie and Captain Joseph LaurieSchwartzsteinLieberman & Dr. Robert

Dr. Hudi Schorr

Courtney & Ezra Hercenberg

Dr. Monica & Dr. Abraham

Julie & Dr. Jordan Wolff

Debra & Joel Hervitz

Adelia & Arthur Sabintsev

Laura & Jason Rubenstein

Melanie & Steven Lichter

Sharon & Dr. Alan Rosen

Jan & Barry Weiss

Abigail & Dr. Yonah Heller

Eve Kresin Steinberg

Dr. Roberta & Dr. Harold Tucker Stacey & Steven Verstandig

Dr. Saul & Danielle z”l Roskes

Dr. Robyn & Steven Blum

Kalea & Mark Kaiser

Leslie Wexner

Roselyn & Irving Kalb

Esther Gross

Annual Campaign donors of $613 or more are members of the Mitzvot Society. The number 613 corresponds to the number of mitzvot, or commandments, found in the Torah.

Estelle & Harvey Posner

Aliza & Daniel Leichter

Helen Tannenbaum

8 Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022

Michelle & Harry Auster


Ronnie & Dr. Stanley Amernick

Dr. Amy Freedman & Dr. Zvi AlexanderCohen Cohn Lauren Lyon-Collis & Ariel Collis

Shirley & Uri Avin


Susan & Dr. Michael Altman

Samara Ashpes


Ila Nirit & Jonathan W. Bierer Nira & Robert Birenbaum Judy & Aaron Bitman Simon

Kori & Michael Attman

Connie Berman

Rachel & Dr. David Berman

Rivka Bier

Tara & Simon Cornberg Hayley & Eli Creeger

Lawrence Aiken

Mireille & Bernie Baldus

Alicia Berlin


Mary Berkelhammer

Karina & Dima Ataev

Marianne & Dr. Michael


Mindy & Jason Abramson

Eileen & ElaineErinSusanRobertMichelleLidaAdamShiraSaraWendyJulieEvaDeborahMarceyRenaWhitneyDinaGildaSharonNicoleLoisMandyDeenaNinaCreegerKenneth&YitziCusnerMarsha&JacobDanickRobin&JonathanDavidov&JayDermer&GaryDiamond&Dr.RonaldDienerDisney-BatesandJeradBates&RobertDondes&Dr.LawrenceDonner&DavidDresin&ToddEhrlich&Dr.ElliotEinbinder&Dr.MarkEisen&Dr.HowardEisenberg&Dr.DavidEngles&SeanErb&Dr.EricEspeland&JeremyEvans&RabbiStevenExlerFauer&MichaelFeder&Dr.RichardFeinFeinberg&StevenFeldman&TzurielFenigstein&WilliamFine

Barbara & Marvin Abramson

Zali & Shua Bier



Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022 9

Michele & Jonathan Barron Linda Barron

Anne Pfeffer

Dr. Abigail & Captain Adam

RachelAlbrecht&Zachariah Alter

Linda & Barry Berman

SarahAghion&Maurice Aghion

$180-$612 Anonymous (16)

“I got the warmest welcome to BT through Mercaz. I was new to the Baltimore area, and it gave me a place to be at a time when I did not have anywhere else to be. BT gave me a good grounding and all at once, I became a person with a place where I belonged.”

Ahuva & Cantor Avraham

Elizabeth & David Green

Tina DiFranco & Leonid Mzhen

Dayna & Gilbert Leder

Roberta & Ronald Katz

Miriam & Leon Schenker

Todd Heller

Marci & Dr. Stephen Rosenbaum

Dr. Ellen & Dr. Erik Roskes


Leah & Rabbi Ron Muroff

Allison & Joseph Kehne

Jennifer & Jon Krieger Stephanie & David Kronthal Janet CaroleKurland&Robert Kussner

Adina StaceyLevinger&Jamey Levinson

Tali & Rabbi Benyamin Moss

Hinda & Jacob Rosin

Dr. Justin Kleinman

Eleanor & Robert Kott Aviva & Shalom Kovacs

Lorren & Richard Rapkin

Melissa & Joseph Gordon

Dr. Sherri & Layne Herman Victoria & Jesse Hervitz

Lynne & Stanley Haas

Barbara & Craig Neuman

Anita & Samuel Rozenel

Jennifer & Michael Schiff

Donna & Dov Perlmutter

Marsha & Ira Kevelson

Stephani & Mark Renbaum

Sylvia & Alan Sandler

Kenneth Miller

Merrill Chaus & Dr.

Tzipporah & Rabbi Jonathan

Aviva & Dr. Michael Kidorf

Deborah & Dr. Jonathan Dr.PaulaSusanHamburger&PaulHaransHarrisRuthKlein&Dr.

The BT village united for live music, family crafts, festive food, and the most fabulous fireworks around for the Centennial Chanukah celebration.

Janet & Paul Kramer

Charlene Schimberg

Helene Penn

Froma & Stanley Lustman

Elizabeth & Jonathan Minkove

Barbara & Solomon Mussey

Stephanie Hamburg

Jonathan Levine

Renee & Abraham Krieger

Janet LaurieKotelchuck&Michael Kott

Mary Sue & Arthur Rubenstein

Melanie & David Goodman

Dara Polakoff

Leslie & Dr. Stephen Pomerantz

Ann & Steven Halpern


Rivkah & Daniel Gutman

Alisa & Jonathan Murstein

Jacqueline & Dino La Fiandra Susan & Sidney Laytin Rebecca & Adam Lazrus Melissa & Adam Lebowitz

Samuel Ponczak

Jean & Mike Pindrik

Shirley Littman

Yael ElanaMoses&Dr. Ari Moskowitz

10 Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022

Sheri & Dr. David Knauth Elaine & Ilya Kohen

Dr. Jennifer & Dr. Daniel Schmerling

Deborah & Dr. Aaron Rapoport

Ina & Jeffrey Legum

Menachem Rauh

Zachary Pearlstone

Randee Greenwald

Karen CherylPresserMindy Pruce

Zhanna & Alex Maydanich Edith IsraelaMeyerson&RabbiP. Michael ShariVilmaMeyersteinMichelson&Dr.Edward

Dena & Gary Leibowitz Dr. Mesa Baker & Dr. Edward

Hershel Pachino

Dr. Edith Raphael Henne & Harvey Rapkin

Sharon & Harvey Grutman

Judy & Stuart Poltilove

A. Philip Leder

Lynn Gordon

Cheryl King Marina & Adam Klaff Davina & Micah Kleid

Joanna & Dr. Jonathan Rogers

Elaine & Michael Lowenstein

Amie & Paul Nochumowitz

Sarah & Justin Nicholas

Phyllis & Dr. Richard Kline Talya & Stephen Knable


Sharona & Dr. Leo Rozmaryn

Rabbi Yehuda Oratz

Giselle & Natalio Pincever


Carole & Cantor Melvin Luterman

Rosa & Akiva Gross

Denise & Arthur Gordon


Barbara & Morton Kesler

Penny Pasch

Laurie & Aaron Margolies

Rachel & Joel Monroe

Rosita & Samuel Podberesky

IleneRosenblatt&Stanley Rosenzweig

Alex Greenberg Gilda & Howard Greenberg Elizabeth & Joshua Greenwald

Paula & Michael Pearl

JoAnne & Edward Kelly

Austin Rief

Caren Lichter

Helen & Dr. Les Loew

Joelah & Yisroel Orange


Jane Epstein z”l & Stephen Oliner

Elizabeth & Lawrence Levin Ryan DanielaArnoldShaynaLevinLevinLevine&Dr.

Kathie & Harvey Okun

Dr. Malcolm Renbaum

Joyce & Martin Grand

Devorah Maho Lewin

Barbara Zakheim & Ronnie Kleinfeldt

Dr. Francine & Dr. Barnett

Luda Gorman

Laurie & Seth Okin

Lauren & Dr. Daniel Rosen

Melissa Boone-Miller &

Jan & Joseph Silhavy

Margaret Silverman

Irene & Barry Ash Shevy

Ellen & Andrew Shevrin

“I began going to morning minyan after my father passed away. When I first began coming to BT, it helped me connect – and still does – with him and all that meant so much to him. I always want to be a mensch and through BT, I have now found so many others who feel the same way. BT has given me a chance to help others and be a part of my Jewish community.”

Alice & Eugene Teveler

Joan & Eric Bleich

Cheryl & Dr. Ethan Spiegler

Laurie Austen



Seth Sholk

Raquel Schuster-Herr

Anonymous (26)

Philip LouiseSunshine&Daniel Supnick

Dina & Rabbi Dan Bacharach Nelya & Andrew Bagratuny

Dena Blaustein

Ilona & Svyatoslav Shparaga

Jayme & Michael Uhlfelder

JeannineTaxinHopfensperger &

Amy & Dr. Moshe Siev

Maytal & Dr. Mark Schneyer

Dr. Danielle & Aaron Shiller

Rivka Benjamin

Elle & Michael Becker

Bonnie Berman

Arlene Birnbaum

Jamie & Dr. Adam Silverman

Rosalind Shenker


Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022 11

Michal & Daniel Balsam

Jillian & Lev Bar-Av

Odeya & Jeremy Bedine


Aviva & Rabbi Moshe Schwartz

Sarah & Dr.

Dr. Ariellah & Dr. Morris Shochet

Carla & Michael Steinberg

Abby Sullivan Erin RochelleSullivan&Michael Sullivan

Nella Solovyovsky & Nick CarolSolovovsky&Harry Sommer

Shoshana & Barry Benjamin

Allison & Adam Steinmetz

Tamar & Amir Tsemach

Stella & Yuriy Benkler

Evan StephanieAlbert& Jared Albert Louise & Shlomo Alima Sarah Bargman & Gennadiy

RuthanneShapiro& Henry Sheller

Arielle & Adam Bauman

Dr. Karen Lindeman & Dr. Stuart Baker


John Stevens Elyse & Jacob Strauss

Amelia & Andrew Bassan


Dr. Jill Aizenstein

Jen & Dr. Matthew Bassan

Debbie & David Schwartz Nathan Sefret

Mandy & Mason Barish Judy

Mia & Elliott Thompson Shuli & Marc Tropp

Adina & Hadar Silverman

Connie & Dr. Michael Stern


Jamie & Jonathan Strauss

Mindy & Jacob Benhamou


Joan & Basil Taibel

Elana & Simeon Siegel

Sara & Jack Schmerling

Dr. Helene & Rabbi Yerachmiel

Rikki & Nadav Spiegler


Michelle & Dr. Kenneth Tepper

Claire & Dr. Michael Bassan

Sheila & Arnold Bogan

Matthew Tettelbach

Sara Beth Adler

Barbara Arnoff

Dr. Diane & Dr. Dan Berkowitz

Bessy & Seth Blum

Rachael & Marc Bolotin

Adina & Shlomo Berman

Ian Neuman

Lori & Stuart Abell

Dr. Michal Balass & Robert Stevens

Leah & Yehuda Baumer

Donna & Scott Bogash

Randee & Harry Baumohl

Jeremy Schmerling

Hannah & Guy Shem-Tov

Yehudit & Nitzan Bergman

Deborah Bernfeld

Jessica & Samuel Bazian

Inna & Vladimir Besser



Gertrude Schunick

Andrew Bender

Janet & Alan Abramowitz

Audra & Dr. Ari Stern

Arelene Rogovitz & Izzy Barish

Stephanie & Dr. Steven Schuster

Dr. Diana & Marc Terrill

Amy & Jared Akman

Muna & Vadim Bazov

UP TO $179

Barbara Aarons

Daniel SuzanneBen-Or&Ram Benzion

Nancy & Harold Tepper

Thomas Teal

Aliza & Doron Ben-Dov

Carole AdynnaSwaney&Michael Swarz

Ellen & Michael Agronin

Henry Sholk

Evelyn Bateman

Mila & Eli Burman

Rachel & Max Cardin

Catherine & Jeffrey Brown

Melanie Franklin

Charlotte Forman

Natalya Bomar

Vincent Bonina

Noah Broth

Leah & Louis Caplan

Rebecca Brondfield


Madeline & Larry Fox

Jennifer Franklin

Hindy ChayieChinn&Rabbi Hirsh Chinn

Carla & Matthew Cooper


Miriam & Joshua Brum

Eti & Felix Froimovich

Miriam & Dr. Jay Gerstenblith

Julie Friedman

Sharon Caplan


Alison Fruman

Judy & Richard Fleischer

Faigie & Heshie Friedman

Stefanie & Adam Fink

Max Chason

Sarah Adler & Sean Fierke

Melissa & Neal Charkatz

Yuliya & Yefim Cheremoshnyuk

Jessica & Rabbi Yosef Furman

Eric Chason

Melissa GabrielleCohen&Dr. Morris Cohen Shachar and Oren Cohen

Mildred Fisher

Megan & Jon Cardin

Nicole & Shane Gerstein

Marcy & Marc Burkom

Elisheva & Michael Franco


Helena & Richard Friner

Jessica & Stephen Fink

Hannah Cohn

Lilia IlanaBotelhoNodelman & Gregory

Phyl & Howard Cherry

Einat & Samuel Friedman

Bess & Jeffrey Gilden

Lisa & Robert Friedman

Aaron Gillette

JenniferDeborahGartenhausGellerNoparstak & Jonah Geller


Barbara & Myles Friedman

Nancy & David Bookoff

Alicia & Jason Broth

Beatrice Lang & Dr. Marc Caplan

Melanie Cohen

Vivian & Joshua First

Lisa & Murray Friedman

Michelle Gerchen

Alyssa & David Brown

Laura & Rabbi Aaron Frank

Stacy & Judah Fuld

Joseph Ciattei, Jr. Jesse Maizlish Cleveland & Steven AlisaArielClevelandCohen&Elliot Cohen

Judith Gerstenblith

Ester Caplan

Melissa & Ryan Carpenter

Mandy & Robert Book

Alana DevorahBrooks&Robert Owen Brooks

12 Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022

Zachary Cardin

Robin & Robert Chafitz

Diane & Howard Burkom

Susan Beth Cohen

Richard Fradkin

Daina & Dr. Ira Garonzik

Zoe & Ira Gewanter

Mitchell Cardin


Marlene Ripp & Dr. Ronald

Jocelyn Broth

Aviad Gamliel


Alyson Chason

Freda-Dale Cohen-Kruger

Chantelle & Joel Fink

EstherAllisonFreudFriedman&Binyomin Friedman

Cynthia Sadovnik & Russell AliceJeffryCooperCorden&Burton Cusner

Pamela Franklin

Abigail Lerman

Norrie Rabinowitz-Hirsch & Robert Hirsch Tracy & Michael Hoff

Hennie & Rabbi Usher Laifer

Jeffrey Hornstein

Jonathan Hoffman

StefanieJouroukhin&Josh Kades

Mandee & Steven Heinl

Andrea & Darren Kadish Lisa Silverstein and Eric Kahl

ChayaShainaLevinLevin&Amir Levy

Nathaniel Lerman


Ksenia Torchinsky & Dr. Yan

“The develops,BThighlightrealofthevillageishowitencourages, and celebrates the achievements of every individual student. The dedicated faculty and supportive student body ensure that every child can thrive and celebrate their success, whether on the field, in the classroom, in the arts, or even in the annual Pi contest.”

Sonia & Aeli Gonzalez Gladstein

Eliana FrancineLevey&Harvey Levin

Jeanie & Manuel Lazerov

Leo HarrietHersh&Bernard Heyman

Ian BrandonLever Levey

Kevin JenniferGorenz”l& Dr. Brian Granek

Rachel Levy

Isaac PaulinaLerman&Max Lerman

Rachel & Harvey Gordon Olga Abramova & Mikhail Gordon

Bradley Kronthal Noa & Spencer Kronthal

Shauna & Michael Leavey

Sonya Howell Hallie Hurwitz

Ina & Avi Krief


Rabbi Joe Hirsch


Elisa LisaMatthewLebowitzLebowitz&Dr.Howard Lederman

Liz and GreenwaldJosh

Caryn & Dr. Brian Lerman

Joseph La Fiandra


Dr. Harold Lehmann

Our BT community joined together to share in the simcha of Rabbi Eli Yoggev and Phaygi Chinn’s engagement and wedding.

Shlomo Golfeiz

Cheryl & Norman Gras Sheldon V. Green

Jacob Horowitz

Anita & Michael Goldstein

Erika & Jonathan Hornstein

Tim DevorahDavidDanielHoustonHowarthHowarth&Jason Howell

Marni & Richard Land

Carly & Jeffrey Greenberg

Rachel & Michael Lentz

Nancy & Michael Levine

Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022 13


Michael Lebovic

Esty & Ariel Goodman

Eti & Ryan Todd Lees

Dr. Loryn Lesser

Andrew Gorbaty

Samuel Goldstein

Lauren Krol

Sara & Dr. Henry Lesser

Judith Lannon

Sydney RobinDorothyZacharyVikiMekenzieKronthalKruger&GregKrupkinKuterKwatinetzBelsky&Neil Kwatinetz


Brianne Genter & Jason Herbert Sara & Stanley Herbst



Fred RebeccaLavonWeisgal-Lavon & Dr. Zev Lavon

Dani & David Hercenberg Elaine & Steven Hercenberg

Sara ChagitMelanieRubinsteinRuston&Avichai Samimi

Elli & Chaim Pauli


Deena & Dr. Daniel Lubelski


Beverly DianeDevorahMillerMiller&Donald Miller

Sonia MarleenOstrowPalacios Calderon

Rachel & Rabbi Moshe Machuca

Jennifer & Alexander Rozenberg

Community members viewed the Yom HaZikaron display before celebrating Yom HaAtzma’ut with music, dancing and traditional Israeli cuisine.

Linda & Herbert Proper

Michael Quitt Jenna


George & Al Miller

Judy AnnaRoth&Lenny Rotman

& Dr. Charles Locke

Rona & Mickey Rubin

Jordan AletheaSchiff&Mark Schmall

Co-chairs Fran & Steve Pruce and Holly & Steve Venick enjoyed a fabulous evening of entertainment at Spotlight 2022.

Carol & Herbert Rubenstein

Dr. Nancy & Daniel Roffman Selma & Dr. Martin Roffman Erin FrancineTehillaLouiseRoonerRoseRose&Sheldon

Andrea Mangels

Dr. Jennifer Hepps & Dr. Allen

Casey Lichter

14 Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022

Rachel & Jason Lieberman

Dr. Samuel Minkove

Jamie & Aaron Rubin

Ronit & Dr. Neil Rubin

Rivka & Ted Rosenbaum


Ann & Ellis Rosenberg


Olivia Mauer

HelenMarvin&Dr. Jesse Mashbaum


Kira & Michael Lurman

Sandra & Marc Rubin

Sarah & Yaacov Rubin

Ashley & Eric Schiff


Nechama Rosendorff



Marina Prokopenko

Deborah Schechter

Melyssa Manhoff

Dana Lande & Avidan Meyerstein

Dr. Tamar & Rabbi Etan Mintz

Jennifer Postal

Jeffrey Price Dr. Julie Price

Dr. Elana & Alan Rock Milena Rodban

Adam DeborahLubliner&James Lubliner

Julia & Amit Peled

Melanie Wolf & Rick Rubin

Sue & Michael Paymer

Nancy & Frank Lipira

Steven Rubenstein

Karla & Dr. Sandler

Yelena & Gary Sapoznick

Krista Maniatis


Stefanie & Brian Penn

Glenne & Adam Nudelman

Dr. Ariana & Israel Mashilker


Mandi & David Lowenstein



Honey & Howard Lowenthal


Stacy & Stephen Lunenfeld

Trace & Dr. Kevin Loeb

Dr. Neta Stahl & Dr. Yitzhak


Rachel HannaKevinDavidMorganPetersPlantPlattPlatt&Sidney Pollack Miriam Pomerantz

Melissa & Eli Matyas

Rabbi Shira Lander & Dr. David Portnoy

Nina Rosenzwog and Stuart

Marion & Seymour Newman Lana DanielleNissel&Ted Nisson

Gabriella & Evan Rosenberg

Lani Roskes

Barbara & Dr. Jerome Rubin

Laura & Ronald Samuelson

Maria JenniferChloeAndrewAshleyJenniferMostovoyMoxley&ElliotMutchNeumannNeumannNewfeld&Nathan Tinsley

Wendy & Scott Quartner

Florence & Robert Scheiner


Cole SharonJordanMagatMagat&Allen

Sara & Jeff Ostrow

Irina & Nick Rifkind

Jamie & Yossi Moshkatal


JasonManisonMann and Aliza Jessica

Yael & Michael Mashbaum

Shira & Jeffrey London

Marcia & Daniel Pearl Gary Pedroni

Sara & Benjamin Michaels

Yuval Mei-Tal

Luna & Baruch Rosendorff

Julian CaitlinSless&William Sless

Alexandra Stampfer

Irene & George Siegel

SaraShaliehsabou&RabbiBenjamin Shalva

Laura & David Stein MarkDanaStein&Michael Stein

Cindy & Dr. Robert Stein

Whitney & Ron Zember

Jake ShoshanaShapiro&

Rachel Weiner

Yael LenaSonyaJillianSamanthaJosephSeamanSeidlerSeidmanSeigleSetrenRoshanshad&

Ruth & Dr. Harry Silber

Shani & Matan Shefler

Jeremy Silber

Jenna & Jeremy Sperber

Charna & Rabbi Asher Stein

Marni & Jonathan Yoffe

Melinda & Steve Stein

Regina Spivak

Andrew Shapiro


RebeccaStanley&Yitz Statman

Dora & Eli Siegel

Joshua Silber

Sharon & Edward Silberfarb

Chava & Martin Weinheber

Ruth & Sidney Solomon

Diane & Jerry Smith

Jennifer & Benjamin Sobol


Selena Shirkin

Diane & Dr. David Yoffe

Allison & Rabbi Mordechai Soskil

Tania & Melvin Shichtman

Barrie & Harold Smullian


Yona & Rabbi Leib Zalesch

Inna & Boleslav Shklyar

Dr. Lauren & Richard Simon

Sylvia & Greg Weiner

Dianne & Eric Yospe

Dr. Anna &


Dr. Ronen Shechter

Shelly Spector

Allyson & Scott Siegel

Betty & Howard Zavin

Eva & Lee Siegel

Hillary & Zvi Spivack

Allyson Yospe

Erin & Matt Smith

Natan DeborahWeissman&Robert Wilcox

Marissa Zamanian

“Beth Tfiloh is the teacher who welcomes our children into her home. The friends who encourage us and provide us with a network of support. The coworkers who solve problems and inspire. At Beth Tfiloh we do life together – with each other – through all of life’s circumstances, settings, and seasons. For our family, Beth Tfiloh is our community, our connection, our village.”

Harriet Shiffman

Alex JodieBrianHarrySimoneSindlerSinger&Eliyahu Singer

Lore & Mark Singerman

Jacob DeborahWilkowskyCardin& Jonathan Willis Dr. Alicia Wilson Emma JulieSamanthaWionsWions&RabbiJosh Wohl

Violeta Yushvah

Whitney and Todd Ehrlich

Frances & David Sivakoff

Anna Silver

Julie & Jonathan Singer

Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022 15

Casey Spigel

Dr. Yelena & Michael Shirkin

Alexandra Shapiro

Sigalle & Yehoshua Soskil

Beth & Chaim Steinberg

June & Dr. Jeffery Wynn

Adele Sidle z’’l

Shifra & Rabbi Dovid

Ilene & Philip Spector


Adrian & Dr. Stephen Wolf

Sheila & Leonard Small

Tikvah & Avi Spodek

Susanna Smith

Noa & Mayer Solomon

Lisa & Edward Shamus

Isabella Shapiro

1990 Eric DanielleNinaJoelSheriJasonAliciaBleichBrothBrothFelsherRubensteinSegalShiller

Mindy Abramson Mandy Book Shiko Kazin Brian Klaff 1992 Catherine Brown Michael Diamond Avron Elbaum Teri Gitlitz 1993 David MichaelLowensteinPodberesky

2005 Michael Attman Harry Auster Jessica Bazian Joseph Carliner Aviva Ghitman




2000 Rachel Baldus Levi JackieVadimShuliTedRenataYelenaAaronLisaNinaBrandrissCusnerDiamondHollanderJacksonKepnerRosenbaumTroppVaynermanYahr

Morris Cohen Jordan Genut Ari AdynnaDavidShaiMicahGladsteinKleidLevinSteinbergSwarz


2006 Rachel Alter Zach WilliamAlexHenryAaronJulieDavidPamelaArielAlanaRebeccaAndrewAlterBassanBrondfieldBrooksCohenFranklinGoldsteinSchenkerSchmerlingShellerSimoneSless


2007 Dena KevinStevenBrandonCynthiaAlexAngelicaBlausteinCarlinerGreenbergGrosbergLeveyLichterPlatt

Vicki MickeyGabriellaAllisonDaraMatthewHervitzKleidPolakoffRaphaelRosenbergRubin

2001 Sharon Bar Joshua Chinsky Adam Fauer Joel Fink Ira ArielAndreaChananSarahCaseyFrancesHudiShaananGewanterMeyersteinSchorrSivakoffSpigelVanderWaldeWeissmanWolfWolf

2004 Andrew Bender Leah ArielleMarniAllisonRichardAllysonDanielArthurMilenaCherylDavidSarahJustinSamRebeccaJesseYehudaBennettBennettHervitzLazrusMinkoveNicholasNicholasPlattPruceRodbanSabintsevSchmerlingSiegelSimonSteinmetzYoffeZorger


1994 Elle Becker Avi MartyStevenJenniferMichaelAdamLaraMarcRachaelLibaBenusBenusBolotinErshlerKehleKlaffLeaveyNewfeldRubensteinTaylor

Etz Chaim Society donated $1,000+ to the Alumni Campaign

Names in PURPLE are Dorot— Beth Tfiloh alumni who send their children to BT Shorashim Society donated $180+ to the Alumni Campaign

1996 David Brown Katie Cohen Lisa RachelHilaryYelenaYelenaRachelExlerKatzSapoznickShirkinTaylorSteinberg Warschawski Anna Zemelshtern

Abigail Aghion Rena WhitneyHannahNancyLindsayRachelRachelAriAlisonMichaelStacyBeckyErinMichelleAriDoriLaurenAntebiAptBrodyBrownsteinCherryFenigsteinFreedmanFuldJaskulskyKaplanLandsbergLentzMargoliesMontagueRoffmanShem-TovZember

1997 Lily Black 1998 Rivka Bresler Marc Burkom Rabbi Steven Exler Aeli Gonzalez Gladstein Aaron JoshuaJosephDodiBrianJonathanJessicaEdithMichaelLeviMashbaumMeyersonMillerMinkovePonczakSamuelSamuelWolf

1995 Rachel Kogul Dana Lande Avi VeredMeyersteinTaylor

16 Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022

Julie ’06 and Josh Schenker

2009 Samara Ashpes Ariella Berger Jordan

2019 Jacob JoshuaYaelJosephBrennerLaFiandraSeamanSilber

2008 JennaSaraPaulinaAdamJeremyJonathanJoshArielleAnonymousBaumanEidelmanHornsteinHurewitzJosephsLermanMichaelsSperber


2012 MaxEmilyChasonEisnerJillGoldsteinSarahGreenbergIanLeverRachelPetersJosephSchwartzMarkSteinMarissaZamanian

2014 Sara Beth Adler Noa ErinAlexandraLaniHallieSpencerArielleCoreyLaurenAlexanderCardinCohnEisnerGoldHamburgKronthalMillerRoskesStampferSullivan

2015 Jocie SethJoshuaAndrewOliviaColeAdamIsaacMatthewFredAlysonBrothChasonLavonLebowitzLermanLublinerMagatMauerNeumannSchwartzSholk

2011 Evan Albert Max

2020 Zachary Pearlstone Shira EmmaJeremySelenaSeamanShirkinSilberWions


2018 Jared SamanthaAbbyChloeRyanAbigailMitchellHurwitzJayLermanLevinNeumannSullivanWions


“For us, BT represents a unique intersection of the past, present, and future of our family. When I walk through the halls, I reflect on the lessons I learned as a BT student, and the many momentous occasions we have shared here as both young adults and now parents. As we look toward the future, we feel fortunate to watch our children grow into proud, knowledgeable, and observant American Jews here at BT.”

2016 Hannah Cohn Allison Friedman Lea YehoshuaSigalleAndrewNoahHallieSydneyGlazerHamburgHurwitzRapoportSchwartzSoskilSoskil

2013 Nicole EliJulianIsabellaSamanthaJordanAustinMiriamMorganYuvalDylanLindsayJacobJulieJenniferAltmarkFranklinFriedmanHorowitzHurwitzKarlinMei-TalPlantPomerantzRiefSchiffSeidmanShapiroSlessTettelbach

Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022 17

2017 Daniel Ben-Or Noah TevaJosephBradleySamuelMitchellBrothCardinGoldsteinMelzerSeidlerVogelstein


2010 Eric JacobMiaJeremyWilliamJessicaCaseyJeffreyMelissaLindsayChasonDermerHaransHornsteinLichterMarderSacksSchmerlingThompsonWilkowsky

2021 Noah Brenner Emily Feldman Aviad MeghanMeghanShaynaNathanielSydneyMargotGamlielJayKronthalLermanLevinShevrinShevrin

Pat and David Bernstein Susan and Steve Bond

Rosemary Gluck and Dr. Thomas Pozefsky

The Haron Dahan Foundation

We are so grateful to the more than 500 sponsors and supporters who contributed over $1.1 million to support Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School’s scholarship fund. Their generous support enables more than 50 percent of our students to receive a Beth Tfiloh education. This year would not have been possible without your support. You can view the list of our SPOTLIGHT 2022 sponsors below.

A special thank you to our Spotlight co-chairs, Fran and Steve Pruce, and Holly and Steve Venick, as well as the entire Spotlight 2022 committee.

Sapphire Sponsors $18,000 and up

Dr. Frona A. Brown and Family

The Greenwald Family

18 Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022

The Family of Nelson and Phyllis Neuman Orthodontic Associates

Irene and Robert Russel and Family

Ruby Sponsors $5,000 and up

Louise D. Macks and Morton J. Macks z”l, Genine Macks Fidler and Josh Fidler, Ellen and Lawrence Macks, Martha Macks-Kahn and Peter Kahn

The Polakoff Family | Ellyn, Stephen, Dara ’05, Ben, Lilly ’22, Sophie ’22, and Asher ’24

Fran and Steve Pruce

Diamond Sponsors $25,000 and up

Association Parent

Roz and Marvin H. Weiner Family Foundation

Reba and Arnold G. Cohen

Dr. Jeffrey and Wendy Miller, Abby ’06 and Joshua ’06 Miller, Dr. Adam ’08 and Morah Jamee Miller, and Erin ’12 Miller

The David and Barbara B. Hirschhorn Foundation


Isaac Samuel and Family, Anton and Tamara Samuel and Family, Joseph and Dodi Samuel ’98 and Family, Moty and Sharon ’01 Bar and Family

Hoffman and Co. | Robyn and Ed Hoffman | Yaakov Fader

Sharon and Jacob (z”l) Benus, Liba and Avi Benus ’94 and Family, Mia and Dr. Lee Blecher and Family

Emily, Scott, Ryan ’18, and Shayna ’21 Levin in honor of Rabbi Wohlberg Sarellen and Marshall Levine

Jerome G. and Annette S. Zimmerman Foundation

Marcia and Harry Hochman

The Messing Family Foundation

DLA Piper LLP (US)

Quarry Orthodontics

Helene Siegel in honor of Rabbi Wohlberg

Emerald Sponsors $10,000 and up

The Philip and Harriet Klein Foundation, Inc.

Robin and Mark Neumann


Beth Tfiloh Alumni Association

Phyllis and Leonard J. Attman Foundation and Family

Henry H. Lewis Contractors

The Penn-Carliner Family Andrew and Trish Pollak and Family Tsipi and Michael Renbaum

Jessica and Michael Bronfein | Wendy and Jonathan Mogol Rebecca and Brad Raphael | David and Daniella Bronfein


Jack Finkelstein and Frances Kessler Myra and William Z. Fox

Royal Sponsors $50,000 and up

Eve and Mark Gheiler in Memory of Isaac Gheiler

Jane Goldseker

Dr. Michael and Ora Noorani, Ami ’24 , Lila ’25 and Aaron ’28 Noorani

The Silverstein Family Sylvia Tulkoff

Rochlin, Settleman & Dobres, P.A. David and Leslie Goldstein and Sheldon and Sandy Dobres

We were thrilled to be able to celebrate Spotlight in person for the first time since 2019! What a joy to welcome more than 1,300 in-person guests and 1,400 virtual guests watching the livestream, as we celebrated our legendary BT community, legendary rabbi, and legendary school with the legendary voice of Mandy Patinkin.

MiCasa Title Group, LLC

Rosalie and Richard Alter in honor of Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg


Anonymous (2) Wilma and Paul Alpert Elayne Berg

Cheri and David Hurwitz, Linda and Steve Hurwitz, Suzanne and Marc Hurwitz Katz & Associates, P.A. Anna and Daniel Klein

The Natanzon and Taylor Families

Donna and Irwin Azman – In honor of Rabbi Wohlberg BDO USA

Truist Bank

Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022 19

The Rosenblatt Group

Holly and Steve Venick and children, Jordyn ’23, Hunter ’25 and Marley ’29 and Fram Monument Company

Shelley and Robert Kaye

Debbie and Marty Disney, Sarah, Adina ’08, Jordan ’09, Josh ’12, Aleah ’15 In honor of Rabbi Wohlberg

Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP

Ned Himmelrich, Searle Mitnick and Abba David Poliakoff

Becky, Josh, Jacob ’19 and Noah ’21 Brenner

The Zakheim Family | Terri and Steve Zemel | Drs. David and Marcie Zisow

Jacob and Odette Cohen | City Wide Facility Solutions | Jesse and Steve Cleveland | The Columbia Group | Joseph and Annette Cooper | Mark D. Coplin | John Davison | Dr. Howard and Maureen Davidov Josh, Jamie, Alyssa ’21, & Ryann ’24 Forman | Sharon and David Green | Lisa and David Hackam Faith, Adam, Maia ’15 and Bradley ’19 Harrison | Hoffman and Co. | Robyn and Ed Hoffman | Yaakov Fader Peter, Ilene, Mitchell ’18, and Margot ’21 Jay | Ann H. Kahan - In honor of Rabbi Wohlberg’s Retirement

Gilbert L. and Ruth Solomon Beth Tfiloh Community School Endowment

Samuelson’s Diamonds and Estate Buyers

Schoenfeld Insurance Associates, Inc.

Dr. Edward and Faith Wolf

Joanne Block Rief

Media Sponsors

Sam Rosenblatt, Mortgage Planner

Silver Sponsors $1,800 and up

Joseph and Debra Weinberg Family Foundation

Carole and Ronald Fradkin | Stacey and Randy Getz and Family | Nicole, Sidney, Ethan ’21, Paige ’23, and Ella ’27 Glick | Amy and Albert Harris in honor of Rabbi Wohlberg | Margie and Lowell Herman Shelly and Jeff Hettleman | IntelliComp Technologies | Arik, Elite, Eden ’14, Adee ’15, and Amit Jakob Nancy and Joseph, Aaron, Joshua, Shannon, Simon and Jordan Kowitz | Manuel and Jeanie Lazerov

Elizabeth and Eric Brown | Defender One Security Jon and Jen Krieger | Jodi and Colin Fleisher

Anonymous (3) | The Adelstein Family in memory of Janean Adelstein | The Ammann Family Julie and Dr. Gary Applebaum | The Attman Family | Acme Paper & Supply Co. | Debbi and Louis Baer Stephanie and David Baron | Ann Berman and Family | Josef and Abigail Brandriss Michael, Rivka ’98, Yoni ’24 and Ami ’27 Bresler in honor of all of our children’s amazing teachers | Tara Brown and Ari Mittleman | Cherie Brownstein and Melissa and Ari Brownstein ’02 | Cap Ex Advisory Group

Smash Productions | David Goldstein ’06

Dr. Adelia and Arthur Sabinstev | Calla and Todd Samuels | Sandy and Heshy Schoenfeld | Diane, Larry and Ronen ’21 Seegull | Tina and Lee Sheller | Margie, Randall, Tyler ’20 and Lexi ’23 Singer | Mark and Robin Smolarz | Smile Forever Dentistry and the Moss Family | Drs. Teal and Hopfensperger

The Peters Family | Albert Polovoy | Rena and Sheldon Polun | Harvey and Estelle Posner | Rena and Elliot Rank | Helene and Robert Riederman | Alison and Marcos Roffe | Elan and Liz Rozmaryn

Bronze Sponsors $1,200 and up

Randallstown Synagogue Center

Abraham and Berly Hershkovitz

Lyn and Freddie Traub, Mitchell ’14, Kelsey ’16, and Ethan ’20

Anonymous (2)

Mrs. Alan J. Karlin

Pearlstone Family Foundation

Beth J. Kaplan and Bruce, Henry ’11, and Seth ’15 Sholk

Celebrating 100 Years in Business

Anonymous (5) | Amy Caplan and Robert Abbott | BeMore Physical Therapy | The Best Family Phyllis and Larry Brash | Jeffrey Burgan | Natalie and Jay Chason | Steven Cohen | Marsha and Jacob Danick | Norman DuBois | Dynamic Data Concepts | Dr. Michael and Linda Elman | Jodi and Colin Fleisher | Johanna Gruenhut and Dr. Jonathan Flombaum | Linda Freud and Samantha, Adam ’05 and Micah Kruger | Cee Cee and Michael Friedman | Debra Hettleman and Michael Gansky | Melanie and Milton Gertner | Steve and Shellye Gilden | Sheldon and Carol Glusman | Edward and Sheila Goldscheider | Cass and Sheldon Gottlieb | HLC Party Planning & Consulting - Heather Cohen Kenneth Hornstein and Larraine Bernstein | Cindy and Harvey Kasner and Family | Linda Kaufman Tamara and Donald Kirson | Fran and Geoffrey Kroll | Melvin Lessing | Levinson Rugs & Home and McDowell’s Rug Service Jamey and Stacey Levinson and Family | Gayle Levy and Marty Barber

Roslyn A. Mazer and David A. Holzworth | Judy and Judah Minkove | Ruth and David Naftaly Ricka Neuman and Ted Niederman | Seth and Laurie Okin | OrthoMaryland | Mitch and Janice Posner Carol and Allan Pristoop | Marilyn and Josef Rosenblatt | Saul Roskes | Jeff, Cindy, Maya and Jake Schreiber Sol Levinson and Bros., Inc. | Ellen M. Heller and Shale D. Stiller | Diane and Nathan Torn Pamela and Neil Weissman

Crossroads Dental Arts

Steven Goldberg Elliott Gorbaty Gordon Feinblatt LLC

Lois Sigman | Christine and David Sigman Strategic Factory

Judy and Rick Morrison, Phyllis and Harvey Shankman Stacy and Louis Schwartz

R. A. Walton and Co. Inc.

David and Sue Liebman | Dr. and Mrs. Aaron Magat | Stephen Oliner | Rabbi and Mrs. Yehuda Oratz

Gold Sponsors $3,600 and up

Patron $500 and up

Allison Witow and Jack Tucker | Stan and Elaine Weintraub | Drs. Risa and Josh Wolf

Kimberly and Jason Wynn | York Roofing, Inc. | Zahler Construction & Development, LLC

Joel and Rosalyn Chazen, Steve Oliner, Daniel and Jodi Wahlberg

Gary and Jill Eidelman | Jonathan and Jayne Havens | Matthew and Elissa Kohel | Howard and Linda Miller | Jon and Julie Singer Peggy and Ben Schapiro

Shelley and James Gitomer

The Kazin Family | Lucia and Boris Kerzner | Sharan and Melvin Kushner | The La Fiandra Family – Ella ’24, Olivia ’21, Joseph ’19, Jackie & Dino | Armand and Esther Lasky in honor of Liba and Avi Benus ’94 Patty and Charles Leve | The Levinoff Family | Regina and Feliks Leybengrub | LifeBridge Health | Betty and Jerry Maizlish | Josh, Sherry, Hannah ’13 and Olivia ’15 Mauer | Joel and Rachel Monroe | The Quarry Lake Group at Morgan Stanley | Avigail Rosemore, George Strum and Avi Greenlinger | Murphy & Dittenhafer Architechts | Judy and Barry Nabozny in honor of Rabbi Wohlberg | Martha Nathanson Amie Sue and Paul Nochumowitz | Pikesville Tree Service and Y&L Landscaping | The Ponczak Family | Rachel and Rabbi Chai Posner | Shoshana and Jason Reitberger | Revolution Event Design and Production | Laura, Jason, Evan and Harris Rubenstein | Richard Rynd | Alvin and Marcia Sachs Liora and Ed Schlesinger | The Nathan and Louise Schwartz Tzedaka Fund | Capt. Joe, Josie and Vida Schwartzstein in honor of Dr. Lew Schon | Benjamin and Jennifer Sobol and family in memory of Isaac Gheiler | Rozzie and Harold Taylor | Matt ’11 and Eli ’13 Tettelbach | Dr. Simcha and Debra Varon Donna and Howard Weiss | Michelle and Steve Wions

Joel Cohn, Jill Spector, Alex Cohn ’14, and Hannah Cohn ’16

Azman Eye Care

SUSTAINABILITY FUND – Deepening our commitment to community and accessibility

As the greater Jewish community grapples with pressing challenges, including feelings of disconnect to their Judaism and rising levels of antisemitism, the need for vibrant schools and synagogues like Beth Tfiloh is more critical than ever before. Our centennial milestone was an opportunity to mobilize our community to ensure that our beloved Beth Tfiloh continues to be a fixture of Jewish life in the Baltimore community and beyond for generations to come.


Our synagogue is more than a house of prayer. It is the nexus of our community, connecting the religious, spiritual, social, emotional, and intellectual. With an already robust schedule, we will establish a center for Jewish life, a centralized programming hub with modern space for communal experience in a personalized, meaningful, and inter-connected manner.


20 Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022

PROGRAM FUND – Establishing a center for Jewish life to better engage our entire community


Our congregational funding priorities are focused on: OUR HOME – Improving our synagogue to provide a more warm and welcoming experience

We have embarked on a $25 million capital and endowment campaign in order to secure and sustain Beth Tfiloh for you, your children, and your children’s children. The primary goal of the Centennial Campaign is to address the most pressing needs of our congregation and school.


Deborah and Dr. Louis Baer

Sarellen and Dr. Marshall Levine Heather and Aaron Levinoff

Avigail and Dr. Justin Rosemore Stacy and Louis Schwartz




Centennial Campaign Honor Roll

Beth Kaplan and Bruce Sholk



Dr. Adrian Dobs and Dr. Martin Auster Becky and Josh Brenner and Family Sandy and Sheldon Dobres Robert and Shelley Kaye

In honor of Edward and Phyllis Gordon Ricka Neuman, Ian Neuman, and Family

The David and Barbara B. Hirschhorn Foundation

The Nathan and Louise Schwartz


Linda and Howard Miller

Faye and Abraham Adler, Rachel and Arthur Adler, Debra and James Buslik, Louise Kovens Goodman, Linda A. and Steven Hurwitz Rosalie and Richard Alter

Louise D. and Morton J. Macks Family Foundation Partners


Anonymous (2)

$3,000,000 and Above Haron Dahan Foundation Irene and Robert Russel and Family

The Penn-Carliner Family Ronnie Silverstein and Family Builders

Mark D. and Judith L. (z”l) Coplin

Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022 21

Rebecca and Moshe “Shiko” ’91 Kazin Emily and Scott Levin

Richard Rynd z”l Diane and Larry Seegull

Jill Spector and Joel Cohn

Tzedaka Fund - Wilmington, NC Nancy and Stuart Rombro

Dr. Les Vogel


Calla and Dr. Todd Samuels

Our school is a pipeline for future Jewish leaders. BT provides students with a strong education grounded in Jewish tradition and identity. To ensure our school continues to remain a competitive option for Jewish families, we must invest in the core of BT—our faculty, our students, and our facilities. Doing so will sustain our school’s rigor and programming, enhance our ability to recruit and retain students, and ensure BT remains affordable for all families by removing the need to burden our community with additional tuition costs.

Sharon and Jacob Benus, Liba and Avi Benus ’94

The Philip and Harriet Klein Foundation

Deborah and Dr. Kenneth Vogelstein Faith and Dr. Edward Wolf


$100,000-$249,999 Anonymous

As of June 30, 2022


Dr. Frona Brown and Family Charles Crane Family Foundation, Inc.

הּבר Todah rabah – thank you to our most generous foundational donors to the Centennial Campaign. To become a part of this historic effort please contact the Development Office at (410) 413-2399.


Ellyn and Dr. Stephen Polakoff Eve Kresin Steinberg

$500,000-$999,999 Anonymous

Our school funding priorities are focused on: OUR HOME – Investing in our facilities to better reflect and promote our purpose FACULTY FUND – Increasing compensation and benefits to attract and retain our talent STUDENT SUPPORT FUND – Enhancing academic and emotional support to meet students’ needs

Loryn Lesser

Marcey & Mark Eisen

Jack MyraFinkelstein&William Fox

Rheda & Jerry z”l Fader

Eve Kresin Steinberg

Allison & Aaron Magat

Faith & Dr. Edward Wolf

Rosalind & Harold Taylor

Adella Russel z”l

Mrs. Alan J. Karlin

Elayne Berg - Faculty Pesach Fund Dr. Darryl and Nancy Garfinkel - The Garfinkel Family Learning Assistance Fund Howard B. Miller Ricka Neuman - The Nelson Family Kiddush Fund

Roz & Marvin H. Weiner Family Foundation Weiner

The endowment helps to maintain the affordability of our membership dues and High Holiday seat fees. This allocation also provides flexibility within the Congregation’s budget for the support of adult education, youth programming, religious services, and many other important facets of Congregation life. The Congregation’s endowment is invested through the Community Investment Fund at The Associated.

Sherry & Joshua Mauer Howard B. Miller

Deborah & Searle Mitnick


Melvin SarellenLessing&Marshall Levine

Irene & Robert Ellin z”l

(AS OF 5/31/2022)

Samuel Lessing Yahrzeit Fund

Dr. Liebe Diamond z”l

Sharon & David Green Ben CheriLarraineReneeRonaEvelynGreenwaldGrossz”l&LouisHalikman&DavidHeydenBernstein&KennethHornstein&DavidHurwitz

Jennifer & Michael Sachs

Pat & David Bernstein

Sherry & Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg

Deborah & Louis Baer Shul Membership Fund

Marcia & Alvin Sachs

Sally & Harold z”l Goldberg

Shellye & Steven Gilden


Helene and Stanley Z. Penn Lecture Endowment

Susan z”l & Herbert Garten

Jennifer and Michael Sachs Camp Fund

Elaine & Marc Lowen


TOTAL VALUE: $10,317,299 2020/2021 DRAW: $514,807

The Alan J. Karlin Chatan Torah Honor Fund

Mickey & Bernie z”l Bliden


Judy Chernak

Becky & Josh Brenner

Cassandra and Sheldon Gottlieb

Louise D. & Morton J. z”l Macks

Linda Steel Yaffe

Drs, Eva & Simion James Zinreich Elinor & William Ziv

Marvin Egorin

CeeFreemanCee&Michael Friedman

Drs. Zipora & Nachum Schorr

Rosalie & Richard Alter

Frona RuthieBrownandDavid Carliner

S. Harold Cohen Scholarship Fund

Ted EthelChernak&Howard Cohn

Linda WalterBarronBecker z”l

Stanley Goldberg

Cemetery Perpetual Core Funds

Silverstein Synagogue Family Membership Fund

75th Anniversary Fund

Nelson Neuman Family Kiddush Fund

Tina & Lee Sheller



Willie & Sophie Mazer Staff Luncheon Fund


Susan Zimmerman

Linda & Steven Hurwitz

Howard & Dr. Sandy z”l Rosenblatt

Faye & Abe Adler

Lilmod U’lelamed Endowment Fund

Beth Jacob Endowment Fund

Nathan and Louise Schwartz Scholar-InResidence Endowment Fund

Tova & Rony Natanzon

Dr. John z”l & Elaine Kaplan

Joan & Larry Feldman


Deborah & Louis Baer

Kadima is Hebrew for forward. Members of the Kadima Legacy Society have invested in the future of Beth Tfiloh by making an endowment gift or testamentary arrangements for a legacy gift.

$25,000 and above

The following bequests were received during the 2021-2022 year: Susan L. Kaufmann

Ian AvigailNancyDr.BeverlyFranCarolEllynHeleneDr.RickaPhyllisJonathanNeumanNeumanNeumanz”lNeumanSelvinPassenPenn&StephenPolakoff&Dr.AllanPristoop&StevenPruce&GeraldRashbaumMarvinRombroz”l&StuartRombro&JustinRosemore

Isaac Samuel


Dahan Sanctuary Renovation Fund

The Sally & Harold Goldberg Music Fund

Penn-Carliner Shul Programming Fund

Irene & Robert Russel

Seymour Yaffe Advanced Jewish Studies Scholar Fund

Dr. Howard A. & Maureen H. Davidov

The Haron Dahan Foundation Roz & Marvin H. Weiner Family Foundation Jerome G. & Annette S. Zimmerman Founda tion

Stanley Z. Penn Memorial Lecture Fund

Phyllis & Leonard Attman

Ann GladysElaineKatzKatzen&Richard Kremen

Carol & Sheldon Glusman


Beth Kaplan & Bruce Sholk

Irene & Michael Sherman

Norwood Shpritz z”l

22 Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022

Sandra & Sheldon Dobres

Sonia z”l & Stanley Goldberg

Rachelle z”l & Ronnie Silverstein

Ezra Seegull Leadership and Advocacy Fund

Beverly & Gerald Rashbaum Scholarship Fund Henry Reichenberg Scholarship Fund

Steve & Shellye Gilden Family Programming Fund

Ronnie & Allie Russel Charitable Foundation

Rosalie Alter Scholarship Fund

Jerome Lichter Scholarship Fund

Yad B’Yad Fund

Holly & Steve Venick & Family Activities Fund

Epstein Chapel Fund



Roz and Marvin H. Weiner Scholarship Fund

Edward & Faith Wolf Family Scholarship Fund

TOTAL VALUE: $24,510,294 2021-2022 DRAW: $700,750

Bessie & Saul Caplan Fund

Russel Faculty Fund


Joseph & Rose Lazinsky Library Fund

Adella Russel Scholarship Fund

Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022 23

Rosie and Hayim Kutzer Scholarship Fund

Marc & Elaine Lowen My Family Story Endowment

Louise D. & Morton J. Macks Library Fund


Max & Esther Kaye Israel Experience Fund

Garfinkel Family Learning Assistance Fund

The Corey Seidel Drug and Addiction Awareness Fund

Klein Family Fund for Faculty Tuition Assistance

PaulEndowmentEllinHolocaust Fund

Beth Jacob Congregation Scholarship Fund Brown/Crane Scholarship Fund Dahan Scholarship Fund


Ceremony Endowment

Weinberg Foundation

Ray Nachlas Becker Scholarship Fund

Dr. Isadore & Hilda Kaplan Merit Scholarship Fund

The School’s endowment is invested through the Community Investment Fund at The Associated.

Jerome Kirson Scholarship Fund

Rachelle Silverstein Student Support Fund


Deborah & Louis Baer Social and Emotional Support Services Fund

Betty Katz Flower Fund

The Ida Altman & Hannah Kahn Memorial Scholarship Fund

Bliden Middle School Fund


Dr. Sandra Rosenblatt Scholarship Fund

Alfred L. Tuvin Library Fund

Holly & Steve Venick & Family Extracurricular Activity Fund

Bomstein Library Endowment Fund

Levine Family Arts Appreciation Fund

William & Sophie Mazer Scholarship Fund Meyerhoff Endowment Fund

The Kresin Steinberg Family Tehillim Program

Penn-Carliner Faculty Support Fund

Katrina Samuel Scholarship Fund

Academic Support Fund

Ellyn and Stephen Polakoff Senior Trip Scholarship Fund

Rachelle & Ronnie Silverstein

Sonia & Stanley Goldberg Adopt-a-Child Fund

Oorah Fund for Middle School Academic Support

Samuelson Fund

The Sally & Harold Goldberg Music Fund Hirschhorn Foundation Faculty Fund Hirschhorn Scholarship Endowment Fund Laurence M. Katz Israel Trip Fund

Family Israel/Poland Trip Fund Passen Scholarship Fund

Eric Levi Memorial Scholarship Fund

Frona Brown Endowment Fund

The school’s endowment provides much needed resources to enable the school to educate as many children as possible, while also maintaining the highest level of excellence in all curricular areas. Close to 20% of the scholarship dollar come from the annual endowment draw. This allocation provides flexibility within the school’s operating budget, allowing for the support of professional development, teacher salaries, and countless other areas that are critical to the overall success of the program.

Krasna Family Fund

Ralph Meyerstein Memorial Fund Deborah & Searle Mitnick Chumash Program

Mollie & Aaron Schwartz Israel Trip Fund

Julius Zerwitz Memorial Scholarship Fund

Zinreich Scholarship Fund

The Silverstein Synagogue Family Membership Fund helps to subsidize synagogue membership for school families.

Levinoff Educational Enhancement Fund

The Ezra Seegull Leadership and Advocacy Fund supports extracurricular programs such as Model UN, mock trial, AIPAC, and the student newspaper.

Phyllis & Leonard Attman Scholarship Fund

Walter Baumstein & Morris Bob Scholarship Fund

Louise D. & Morton J. Macks Art Fund

Dr. Sandra and Howard Rosenblatt Siddur

Nechama Spector Memorial Fund

Liebe & Earl Diamond Scholarship Fund Sandy & Sheldon Dobres Middot Program

Louise D. & Morton J. Macks Scholarship & Teachers Fund

Emanuel Kaplan Memorial Fund

Roz and Marvin H. Weiner Educational Learning Assistance Fund

Dodi Samuel ’98, Vice President


Ivy LaurenAviStephanieAmmannBaronBenus’94H.Braunstein ’03

Dr. Jeffrey Sagel

Daniel Schmerling ’04, Vice Chair, MartyGovernanceTaylor’94, Vice Chair, SheilaCampGoldscheider, Vice Chair, Synagogue Life Natalie Chason, Secretary


Vered Taylor ’95, Officer at Large

Richard Rynd z”l


Louis Baer


Jacob Benus z”l

Gary B. Eidelman

Michael Bresler

Howard Rosenblatt


Michael Bresler, Executive Vice Chair

Dr. Ed Schlesinger, Vice Chair, Properties and Facilities

Becky Brenner, President

Sherry Mauer, Vice Chair, Development

Melissa Eisner, Assistant Vice Chair, Finance

Shoshi Ponczak ’03

Michael AngelicaBreslerCarliner ’07



Dr. Ron Davis, Honorary BenjaminPresidentSobol, First Vice LaurenPresidentH.Braunstein ’03, Second Vice President Dr. Peter Jay, Secretary

Beth Tfiloh Lay Leadership



Tara BenjaminRonnieDanielDr.JudahSherryDeenaMelindaDr.VickiSheilaDavidColinMelissaJoelNatalieBrownChasonCohnEisnerFleisherGolanerGoldscheiderHervitz’05PeterJayLevinLubelskiMauerRosenblattEdSchlesingerSchmerling’04SilversteinSobol

Hinda Rosin Jason

Aaron Levinoff, Treasurer

Neil Sweren, Chair


Dr. Ron Davis

Avi Benus ’94, Vice Chair, Finance

Kyley MorrisMartyNeilMichaelSommerSteinSwerenTaylor’94Wise

LaurenConnieAviSharonRichardAbramsonAlterBar’01Benus’94BermanH.Braunstein ’03

Heather Cohen

David Schwartz Lee StanleyMarvinEveMarkShellerSmolarzKresinSteinbergH.WeinerWeintraub

24 Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2021-2022

Irvin L.

Louis Schwartz

Gary Eidelman, President

Rabbi Chaim Wecker, Ritual Director

Talia Jordan, Director of Programming & Engagement

Rabbi Mordechai Soskil, Director of Judaic Studies

Development Team

School Administration

Chazzan Avi Albrecht

Dr. Elana Weissman, Principal, Lower School

Chana Slavaticki, Director of Adult Education Seydee K. Doradea, Events Director

Marketing & Communications Team

Hennie Laifer, Assistant Principal, Lower School

Rabbi Jason Goldstein, Rabbinic Fellow

Michelle Cherry ’02, Assistant Director of Development

Joan Feldman, Director of Strategic Initiatives

Rabbi Dr. Eli Yoggev

Rina Schiff, Director of Marketing & Communications Paul Miller, Art Director

Lisa Silverstein, Development Associate

Julie Wolff, Content Marketing Specialist

2022-2023 Administration, Staff & Clergy

Rabbi Yehuda Oratz, Principal, Middle School

Dan Silien, Director of Synagogue Operations

Synagogue Administration

Larry Brenner, Chief Financial Officer

Rabbi Chai Posner

Mandi G. Miller, Director of Institutional Advancement

Laurie Okin, PreSchool Director

Laurie Kott, Director of Admission

Mark Kaiser, Director of Facilities, Security & Technology

Diane Smith, Creative Arts Director


Itael E. Toibman, Development Project Manager

Dr. Renee Koplon, Principal, High School

Stacy Fuld ’02, Athletic Director

Erin Smith, Marketing Manager

Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg, Rabbi in Residence

Allison Magat, Chief Administrative Officer, Office of Tuition & Financial Aid

Julian Sless ’13, Development Coordinator

Dr. Zipora Schorr, Director of Education

Make your gift bethtfiloh.com/annualcampaigntoday: 3300 Old Court Road | Baltimore, MD 21208 | bethtfiloh.com | 410.486.1900 CONGREGATION & SCHOOL הלפת תיבBETH TFILOH

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