Be Together BETH TFILOH HONOR ROLL 2018–2019
2018–2019 Honor Roll 2
Be Thankful
With gratitude, we are pleased to present the Beth Tfiloh Honor Roll 2019 and acknowledge all those who have graciously supported Beth Tfiloh during the 2018/2019 fiscal year. Your contributions, once again, enabled Beth Tfiloh’s ability to thrive; to remain relevant; and to ‘Be Together’ under the same roof for the same purpose: to learn
from one another and study side-by-side for our collective futures. It is the wide range of religious affiliations and observance among our members and students that form the foundation of respect, acceptance and understanding. This is the hallmark of Beth Tfiloh and we are proud that you continue to believe in us and support us. Thank you for your ongoing support, Dr. Zipora Schorr Director of Education Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg Beth Tfiloh Congregation
INSIDE THE HONOR ROLL Financial FAQs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Alumni Support .
School & Synagogue Budgets . . . . 4 SPOTLIGHT 2019 .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
BT Facts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Kadima Legacy Society .
Annual Campaign .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Faculty & Staff Support .
. . . . . . . . .
7 Special Gifts .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
19 21
23 23
17 Endowments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
P.I.E. Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Volunteers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
FINANCIAL FAQs Who makes financial decisions for Beth Tfiloh?
Why do we need philanthropy if we pay tuition and membership dues?
How much is raised for Annual Campaign and Spotlight and how is the money used?
Do the School and/or Shul have endowments?
eth Tfiloh Congregation’s Board of Directors and the School’s Board of Trustees, along with the senior professional leadership, take most seriously their fiduciary responsibilities to their respective organizations. Each of the boards function independently and have their own unique operating budgets. Both boards have their own finance committees whose main responsibilities include developing an annual budget and providing oversight of revenue streams and expenses. This ensures that the organization remains in a position of financial strength. At the same time, the committees are committed to maintaining affordability and access for all families.
hanks to the generosity of the BT community, in recent years, the Annual Campaign has reached $1,000,000. Approximately 40% of the money raised supports the Synagogue and 60% supports the School. The unrestricted nature of the Annual Campaign helps to provide for the many unfunded areas within the School and Synagogue budgets. The Annual Spotlight Scholarship Event raises approximately $1,000,000 each year, providing approximately 25% of our overall financial aid budget of $4,000,000. The remaining financial aid is funded through the endowment, the annual allocation we receive from THE ASSOCIATED, and other donations.
3 Beth Tfiloh Annual Campaign
amilies who are a part of Beth Tfiloh make significant financial commitments through their payment of tuition as well as dues and High Holiday seats. Fortunately, both the School’s enrollment and Synagogue membership population are thriving. While our revenue has grown, our expenses have grown as well. These expenses cannot be covered through tuition, dues and seat revenue alone. In order to sustain our precious resources— our faculty, staff, clergy, our vast facility and stellar programming—we continue to rely on philanthropic support. This support is provided by many members of our community who believe in our mission: School parents, Synagogue members, alumni, grandparents, parents of alumni, faculty and staff, and countless others. The two major fundraising efforts that take place each year are the Annual Campaign, which provides resources for both the School and Synagogue, and the Annual Spotlight Scholarship Event, which provides resources to help fund the School’s financial aid program.
es, the School and Synagogue each have their own endowment funds. These funds have been built up over the years by generous contributions from donors during their lifetimes, legacy gifts, and grants from foundations. The endowments are invested prudently through the Community Investment Fund at THE ASSOCIATED. Each year a 5% draw is taken from the funds and applied towards the School and Synagogue’s operating budgets. This draw has become a critical source of income for both the School and Synagogue. Take a look at Beth Tfiloh School and Synagogue Budgets u
Tuition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76% Philanthropy . . . . . . . . . . 15%
spotlight . . . . . . . . . . $1,000,000 Annual Campaign . . . . . $623,000 Endowment Draw . . . . . $890,000
ASSOCIATED Allocation . . . 2% Program Income . . . . . . . . 2% Sales and Fees . . . . . . . . . . 5%
School Expenses
Salary and Benefits . . . . 82% Occupany Costs . . . . . . . . . 4%
Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8% Facility and Security . . . . . 6%
Dues and Seats . . . . . . . . 27% Program and . . . . . . . . . . 36% Camp Income
Philanthropy . . . . . . . . . . 22%
Endowment Draw . . . . . $466,000 Annual Campaign . . . . . $336,000 Other Gifts . . . . . . . . . . . $209,000
Synagogue Expenses
Salary and Benefits . . . . 71% Occupany Costs . . . . . . . . . 4%
Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19% Facility and Security . . . . . 6%
Rental Income . . . . . . . . . . 5% Sales and Fees . . . . . . . . . 10%
2018–2019 Honor Roll 4
YOUR GIFT TO BETH TFILOH’S ANNUAL CAMPAIGN HELPS TO PROVIDE: An unparalleled college preparatory Jewish day school education that prepares more than 1,000 children for life-long success and Jewish connection.
Many opportunities for children to excel in athletics, arts, STEM, and 21st century learning.
Diverse Shabbat offerings that provide meaningful and enjoyable experiences for adults, families, and children.
Our world-renowned clergy who offer personalized care and support to all members of our extended BT family.
Grandparents contribute 33% of our overall Annual Campaign dollars.
82% of school parents support the Annual Campaign
90% of faculty and staff support the Annual Campaign.
100% of alumni who are also school parents and BT members support the Annual Campaign.
$730,000 represent the dollars contributed by synagogue members to the Annual Campaign.
Parents of alumni contribute 30% of our overall dollars to the Annual Campaign.
5 Beth Tfiloh Annual Campaign
CONGREGATION n Welcomed 41 young families to our growing shul community n Shared Shabbat with 100 Liberty Grace Church congregants (50 children, 50 adults) who visited Beth Tfiloh for an inspiring Shabbat Service bringing two vibrant communities together n Launched 15 BTYP programs which provide Baltimore-area young Jewish professionals aged 21-mid-30s a space to connect and engage n 60 students enjoy a Hebrew school education at Beth Jacob at BT Hebrew School n 3,500 participants in BT synagogue and school holiday programs
PRESCHOOL n BT PreSchool has increased by over 40 students over the past 5 years n Boasts its Reggio Emilia Curriculum—one of the few schools in the Baltimore area that specializes in this program n The PreSchool’s new Movement Lab promotes big movement and creative thinking, as children use their bodies, senses and minds to explore and play with a variety of equipment and materials
MERCAZ n Over 60 adult learners participated in evening classes including workshops on Judaism, Haggadah, and Siddur for beginners n Offered diverse community programs including BT Book Talk & Brunch and Festival of Jewish Literature n Challah-Luya! Baked over 70 challahs at an evening of singing, baking, and blessings, where our bat mitzvah aged girls joined together with our inspiring BT female role models n “BT in the AM” welcomed over 100 adult learners who expanded and deepened their Jewish knowledge through courses rich with ideas and text study n Nearly 200 participants attended the Mercaz Fall Semester programs where they had the opportunity to learn and study with Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg and Dr. Zipora Schorr YOUTH PROGRAMS n 170+ children participate in 1 of
6 weekly Shabbat children’s programs n 613 guests enjoyed our “Shabbat 613” Dinner BT CARES n 800 Mishloach Manot packages created and delivered to area
senior living facilities n 40 boxes of clothes collected and distributed to Wolfe Street Academy families n $1,400 in gift cards donated to women at CHANA for Mother’s Day n 125 Brain Food Packages packed for Nathan Pitts Elementary students, Liberty Grace Church’s partner school
Camp n More
than 1,000 campers learning, growing, and having fun throughout the summer n 60 acres of fun in a wholesome and safe camp environment n Over 100 high school students learning to be community leaders through the collaborative Leadership Training Program
LOWER SCHOOL n Over 500 STEM projects created in the MakerSpace, focusing on
engineering and design thinking n Lower School students participate in an annual interdisciplinary learning experience about various Israel landmarks, where they conceive of, develop, and create hands-on exhibits to share their learning with the broader school community n Lower School students’ days are anchored by Morning Meetings and Closing Circles, a Responsive Classroom teaching approach that builds classroom community, models and reinforces social skills, and integrates academic content into team-building activities MIDDLE SCHOOL n Personal development programs offered to Middle School students
to strengthen their social/emotional well-being
n Two Beth Tfiloh Middle School students received top scores in
their divisional competition at the Chidon HaTanach (Bible Contest) national competition—with another six scoring in the top 10! n 16 Middle School interscholastic athletics teams HIGH SCHOOL n BT college guidance counselors partner with students to assess
their interests and needs, identify appropriate colleges, advise throughout the application process, and advocate for each student to college admissions officers, resulting in a 100% college, university and Israel gap-year program acceptance rate for BT applicants. n 88% acceptance rate to the University of Maryland for the Class of 2019 (double their national average acceptance rate of 44%) n 100% BT applicants accepted to a university, college or Israel/gap year program n 3 National Merit Finalists | 3 Maryland State Merit Scholastic Awards | 17 Advanced Placement Scholars, Scholars with Honor and Scholars with Distinction | 2 ROTC Scholarships | A Delegate Jon S. Cardin Scholarship | Recipients of $1.57 million in scholarship award offers n 26 High School interscholastic athletics teams with 17 all-conference athletes, and several team championship victories n 2019 Maryland State Mock Trial Co-Champions
2018–2019 Honor Roll 6
ANNUAL CAMPAIGN CHAMSA SOCIETY Beth Tfiloh’s Chamsa Society was established to recognize donors of $5,000 or more to the Annual Campaign. The Chamsa symbolizes G-d’s protection. Our Chamsa Society donors protect the vitality of Beth Tfiloh through their extraordinary generosity. $25,000 & ABOVE CHAMSA SOCIETY Pat & David Bernstein The Haron Dahan Foundation Sarellen & Dr. Marshall Levine Tova & Rony Natanzon Roz & Marvin H. Weiner Family Foundation
Deborah H. F. & Dr. Louis Baer Stephanie & Erwin Greenberg Patricia J. & Dr. Andrew N. Pollak Irene & Robert Russel Ronnie & Alli Russel Charitable Foundation Inc. Anton & Tamara Samuel Dodi & Joseph Samuel
Isaac Samuel Beth Kaplan & Bruce Sholk Ronnie Silverstein
Judy & Howard Cardin Natalie & Dr. Jay Chason Reba & Arnold Cohen Jill Spector & Joel Cohn $5,000–$9,999 Jill & Gary Eidelman CHAMSA SOCIETY Nancy & Dr. Darryl Garfinkel Anonymous (3) Mark Gheiler Dr. Adrian Dobs & Dr. Martin Auster HINEINI SOCIETY Shellye & Steven Gilden Sharon & Dr. Jacob Benus Carol & Dr. Sheldon Glusman Beth Tfiloh’s Hineini Society Ruthie & David Carliner recognizes donors with gifts of Stanley Goldberg Sandra & Sheldon Dobres $3,000 or more in the Annual Leslie & Dr. David Goldstein Phyllis & Jack Finkelstein Foundation Campaign. Leadership giving Dena & Dr. Mayer Gorbaty at this level ensures the Michele Lax & Barry Garber Margie & Lowell Herman and Family vitality of our school and Hoffberger Family Philanthropies Cassandra & Dr. Sheldon Gottlieb synagogue community. Larraine Bernstein & Adele Richer & Kenneth Hornstein Literally translated as “Here Michael Greenebaum I Am,” members of the Hineini Cheri & David Hurwitz Ben Greenwald Society continue to prove Linda A. & Steven Hurwitz Shelley & Robert Kaye that they are, in fact, always Dr. Cindy & Dr. Harvey Kasner Tamara & Donald Kirson here for Beth Tfiloh. Anna & Daniel Klein Heather & Aaron Levinoff Gladys & Richard Kremen Gayle Levy $3,000–$4,999 Sue & Dr. David Liebman Wendy & Dr. Jeffrey Miller HINEINI SOCIETY Allison & Dr. Aaron Magat Deborah & Searle Mitnick Anonymous Phipps & Thomas Moran Robin & Mark Neumann Julie & Dr. Gary Applebaum Ruth & David Naftaly Ricka Neuman & Ted Niederman Joyce & Dr. Marshall Bedine Phyllis Neuman Ora & Dr. Michael Noorani Janet & Jack Billig Rachel & Rabbi Mordechai Posner Karen & P. Justin Pearlstone Susan & Steve Bond Rosemary & Dr. Thomas Pozefsky Ellyn & Dr. Stephen Polakoff Rebecca & Joshua Brenner Carol & Dr. Allan Pristoop Elaine & Melvin Rosenzweig Elizabeth & Dr. Eric Brown Beverly & Gerald Rashbaum Helene & Dr. Robert Riederman Nancy & Stuart Rombro Dr. Sandy & Howard Rosenblatt Richard Rynd Calla & Dr. Todd Samuels Sandy & Howard Schoenfeld Diane & Larry Seegull Tina & Lee Sheller Irene & Dr. Michael Sherman Carolyn & Freddie Traub Sylvia Tulkoff Deborah & Dr. Kenneth Vogelstein Leslie & Dr. Barry Walters Rachel Steinberg Warschawski & David Warschawski Elaine & Stanley Weintraub Dr. Zipora & Dr. Nachum Schorr Stacy & Louis Schwartz Beth & Dr. Michael Sellman Faith & Dr. Edward Wolf Dr. Eva & Dr. Simion James Zinreich Marcie & Dr. David Zisow
ACHARAI SOCIETY The meaning of the Hebrew word Acharai is “follow my lead.” We acknowledge our donors who give at the Acharai level of $1,000 or more and encourage others to follow their lead. Acharai Society members are invited to a special recognition event in their honor. $1,800–$2,999 ACHARAI SOCIETY
Anonymous Dr. Amy Caplan & Dr. Robert Abbott Arthur Adler Steven Cohen Mira & Nissim Dahan Dr. Sally & Dr. Ronald Davis Norman DuBois Myra & William Fox Joyce & Dr. Richard Franklin Joan & Howard Friedel Charlotte & Michael Friedman Wendy & Dr. Craig Friedman Beth Gansky Stacey & Dr. Randal Getz Sally & Howard Goldstein Sharon & David Green Lisa & Dr. David Hackam Ann Kahan
Be Trusted Beth & Peter Kallman Elaine & Neal Kitt Emily & Scott Levin Batsheva & Shimmy Messing Melissa & Richard Peters Fran & Dr. Steven Pruce Avigail & Dr. Justin Rosemore Dr. Karen Garber & Andrew Sandler Liora & Dr. Ed Schlesinger Louise & Nathan Schwartz Abby Weinstock & Shawn Sefret Lois & Benjamin Sigman Michael Yerman
$1,000–$1,799 ACHARAI SOCIETY Anonymous Janean & Michael Adelstein Faye & Abraham L. Adler Revanne Aronoff Brenda & Henry Belsky Liba & Avi Benus Jody & David Berg Dr. Steven Bernstein Dr. Susan & Dr. Paul Brenner Patricia & Michael Bruner Jan & Dr. Andrew Cardin Dr. Marian Jackson & Dr. Jeffrey Chinsky Ellen & Sidney Cohen Heather & Dr. Howard Cohen
Mark Coplin Lynn & Harold Davidov Arnold Davidov Sharon & Robert Dondes Melissa & Dr. Adam Eisner Joan & Lawrence Feldman Amy Deutschendorf & Dr. Ira Fine Brenda Fishbein Susan & Arnold Frank Audrey & Stanford Gann Sr. Wendy & Dr. Allan Gelber Melanie & Dr. Milton Gertner Carollee & Alan Getz Shelley & James Gitomer Dorathy & Arnold Golberg Leslie & Ron Goldberg Rina & Steven Goloskov Nava & Dr. Elliott Gorbaty Lauren & Julian Hammond Faith & Adam Harrison Dr. Beth Hogans Dr. Anna & Gordon Hyman Howard Kaplowitz Barbara & Robert Karen Betsy & David Katz Fran & Geoffrey Kroll Nancy & Edward Kutler Marcia & Dr. Marc Leavey Melvin Lessing Hilda & Dr. Howard Levin Rona Lewis Sherry & Joshua Mauer Rachel & Dr. Alfred Meisels Vered & Dror Mei-Tal Mandi & Brett Miller Ellen & Dr. Joseph Miller Joanna & Ryan Millman Carol & Dr. Carl Oppenheim Anne Pfeffer Rena & Dr. Elliot Rank Linda & Ralph Ringler Marilyn & Josef Rosenblatt Glenna & Leonard Ross Elizabeth & Elan Rozmaryn Marcia & Alvin Sachs Dr. Yehudis Schorr Gloria & John Segall Marlyn & Herbert Seidman Rosalie Sellman
Joy & Steven Sibel Susan & Dr. Michael Sless Robin & Mark Smolarz Eve Kresin Steinberg Sherri & Neil Sweren Vered & Martin Taylor Rosalind & Harold Taylor Betty & Dr. Marcos Tepper Diane & Nathan Torn Dr. Roberta & Dr. Harold Tucker Debra & Dr. Stuart Varon Holly & Steven Venick Nina & Dr. Gary Wand Ranaye & Donald Weinapple Florence Wolf Dr. Pamela Zeitlin & Dr. Myron Yaster Susan & Scott Yurow Sarah & Harold Zaleschz’l Dr. Stephen M. Zemel
MITZVOT SOCIETY Annual Campaign donors of $613 or more are members of the Mitzvot Society. The number 613 corresponds to the number of mitzvot, or commandments, found in the Torah. $613–$999 MITZVOT SOCIETY
Anonymous (2) Randi & Laurence Abramson Jeffrey Amdur Lisa & Steven Attman Wendy & David Berman Alegra Best Lily & Eric Black Aileen & David Bormel Myrna & Benjamin Cardin Susan & David Case Rosalyn & Joel Chazen Barbara & Irving Cohen Andrew Dansicker Steven Davidson Sylvia & Victor Elhai Carole & Ronald Fradkin Dr. Nicole & Sidney Glick
2018–2019 Honor Roll 8
Be Talented Victoria & Felix Goldovsky Gloria Greenspun Esther Gross Lynnette Gruenhut Merrill Chaus & Dr. John Herzenberg Sheila & Charles Jay Rachel & Slava Katz Dr. Rebecca & Moshe Kazin Robert Klein Alison & Dr. Michael Kleinberg Dr. Justin Kleinman Sharon & Dr. Richard Lamb Aryeh Landsberg Vivian & Marvin Leventon Dr. Jacqueline & Dr. Stuart Miller Judith & Dr. Judah Minkove Eleanor Ochfeld Brenda & Joseph Pariser Nancy & Benjamin Polakoff Donna & Albert B. Polovoy Rena & Sheldon Polun Joanna & Dr. Jonathan Rogers Sharon & Dr. Alan Rosen Laura & Jason Rubenstein Cindy & Dr. Jeffrey Schreiber Hanan Sibel Margie & Randall Singer Amy & Dr. David Stampfer Dr. Emily & Ross Taylor Shuli & Marc Tropp Michelle & Steve Wions Libby & Martin Wolff Julie & Dr. Jordan Wolff Judy & Dr. Martin Woolfson Judith & Arnold Zerwitz
Anonymous (8) Barbara & Marvin Abramson Mindy & Jason Abramson Lauren & Jonathan Ades Lawrence Aiken Amy & Jared Akman Susan & Cary Albert Aimee & Scott Albert Deborah Allen Rachel & Zachariah Alter Susan & Dr. Michael Altman 9 Beth Tfiloh Annual Campaign
Ivy & Christopher Ammann Rena & Michael Antebi Shirley & Uri Avin Janice Babitt Sharon & Mordechai Bar Michele & Jonathan Barron Linda Barron Stephanie & Bradley Barthlow Nina Becker Dr. Holly Engelman & Dr. Moshe Bell Lester Belsky Donna Belsky Leah & Yehuda Bennett Paula & Louis Berger Mary Berkelhammer Judy & Joel Berman Connie Berman Nira & Robert Birenbaum Dr. Debra & Dr. Howard Birenbaum Judy & Aaron Bitman Phaygi & Tzviel Blankchtein Simon Blekhman Ruby & Marcel Blitz Victoria & Scott Blumberg Brenda & Frank Boches Janice & Dr. Bruce Bolten Nancy & David Bookoff Joseph Bosley Fran & Dr. John Bowman Shoshana Braun Lauren & David Braunstein Rivka & Michael Bresler Irene & Frank Bressler Phyllis Bricker Amanda & Matthew Brown Rhoda & Stanley Brown Cherie & Jerome Brownstein Laura & Jeffrey Buckner Dina Burcat Gail & Joel Burcat Marcy & Marc Burkom Adena & Avi Burstein Marsha & Ellis Caplan Angelica & Joseph Carliner Ted Chernak Michelle & Scott Cherry Sandra Chin Rebecca Chinsky
Marla & Joshua Chinsky Julian Cohen Regina Cohen Sophie & Richard Cohen Katie Cohen Barbara & David Cohen David Coleman Lauren & Ariel Collis Carla & Matthew Cooper Gail & Steve Coppel Hayley & Eli Creeger Eileen & Kenneth Creeger Nina & Yitzi Cusner Robin & Jonathan Davidov Maureen & Dr. Howard Davidov Harry Davidson Dr. Tammi & Mark Davis Deena & Jay Dermer Jeremy Diamond Lois & Dr. Ronald Diener Ariella Neren & Aharon Dinovitz Gilda & Dr. Lawrence Donner Dorothy & Aaron Donner Rena & Barry Dubin Rosanne & Keith Ehrlich Deborah & Dr. Howard Eisenberg Lizabeth Shrier & Daniel Engelhart Eva & Dr. David Engles Lisa & Mark Ermine Sara & Jeremy Evans Rachel & David Evgey
Shira & Rabbi Steven Exler Michelle & Dr. Richard Fein Susan & Steven Feldman Marshall Feldmanz’l Michelle & Dr. David Feller-Kopman Erin & Tzuriel Fenigstein Lauren & Dr. Derek Fine Elaine & William Fine Marianne & Dr. Michael Fingerhood Benita & Roy Finkelstein Kristen & Brian Flank Bella & Boris Fooksman Jamie & Dr. Joshua Forman Sheila & Harold Fox Madeline & Larry Fox Dr. Trina & Dr. Neal Frankel Rebecca & Daniel Freedman Trudy & Earle Freedman Paula Freeman Fern & Dr. Samuel Friedel Liz Minkin-Friedman & Dr. Keith Friedman Lisa & Robert Friedman Lisa & Murray Friedman Reut & Dror Friedman Helena & Richard Friner Miryam & Elliot Fuld Maria & Vitaly Galilov Bonnie & Robert Garonzik Daina & Dr. Ira Garonzik Svetlana & Mark Gelfand Pamela & Dr. Russell Gelman
Herbert Gendason Jordan Genut Ana Pavich & Dr. Adam Geroff Beverly & Alan Gersh Aviva & Daniel Ghitman Ellen & Richard Gillette Olga Gimburg Barbara & Dr. Jerome Ginsberg Margaret Gitlitz Phyllis Gold Steven Goldberg Jessica & Shaya Goldberg Roslynn Goldberg Connie Morris & Gilbert Gonzalez Denise & Arthur Gordon Melissa & Joseph Gordon Joyce & Martin Grand Rosa & Akiva Gross Evelyn Gross Ann Sue & Leonard Grossman Marina Moore & Leonid Grunin Sharon & Harvey Grutman Lynne & Stanley Haas Ann & Steven Halpern Stephanie Hamburg Deborah & Dr. Jonathan Hamburger Svetlana & Gary Hanukayev Susan & Paul Harans Negin & Dr. Ronnie Hariri Jayne & Jonathan Havens Abigail & Dr. Yonah Heller Dr. Sherri & Layne Herman Debra & Joel Hervitz Tammy & Frederic Heyman Andrea & William Heyman Eileen & Ned Himmelrich Erica & Jay Hobby Benjamin Hoffman Linda Hollander Debra & Mark Holzman Sharon & William Howell Jeremy Hurewitz Judith Hyatt Glenn Hyman Milana & Michael Isaacson Joan & Steven Isack Ilene & Dr. Peter Jay Tziona & Daniel Josephs Sarah & Dr. Barry Josephs
Halley & Adam Josephs Kalea & Mark Kaiser Roselyn & Irving Kalb Dr. Martin Kanner Jenny & Igor Kantzler Sherri & Gary Kassimir Roberta & Ronald Katz Mickey Katzen Allison & Joseph Kehne JoAnne & Edward Kelly Rebecca Kenemuth Maggie Larsen & Jim Kepner Barbara & Morton Kesler Geri & Gary Kessler Valentina & Eduard Khusid Merle & Richard Kierson Barbara Kernan & Kenneth Kinsey Sharon & Edward Klawansky Dr. Anita & Dr. Jeffrey Knisbacher Janet Kotelchuck Laurie & Michael Kott Eleanor & Robert Kott Nancy & Joseph Kowitz Janet & Paul Kramer Jennifer & Jon Krieger Stephanie & David Kronthal Sharan & Dr. Melvin Kushner Jacqueline & Dino La Fiandra Sora Landes Rebecca Landes Bryna & Joshua Landes Melissa & Adam Lebowitz A. Philip Leder Aliza & Daniel Leichter
Dr. Mesa Baker & Dr. Edward Leventhal Shula & Armand Levin Elizabeth & Lawrence Levin Daniela & Dr. Jonathan Levine Amanda & Dr. Stuart Levine Arnold Levine Stacey & Jamey Levinson Jody & Theodore Levy Regina & Feliks Leybengrub Caren Lichter Elaine & Daniel Liebfeld Shirley Littman Elissa Hozore & Dr. Charles Locke Diane & Charles Lott Leslie & Charles Lowenstein Elaine & Michael Lowenstein Diana & Arthur Lubman Froma & Stanley Lustman Carole & Cantor Melvin Luterman Sonia & Arnold Maltinsky Vivian & Robert Manekin Chana Leah & Motti Margalit Laurie & Aaron Margolies Zhanna & Alex Maydanich Michelle & Benjamin Meisels Robyn & Dr. Mark Melzer Rachel & Dr. Shaanan Meyerstein Vilma Michelson Lia & Daniel Miller Mandy & Keith Miller Shari & Dr. Edward Miller Elizabeth & Jonathan Minkove Rachel & Joel Monroe
Marian Frankston & Burton Morris Elana & Dr. Ari Moskowitz Dr. Cheryl & Dr. R. Laurence Moss Barbara & Solomon Mussey Amy & Patrick Mutch Tina DiFranco & Leonid Mzhen Dr. Scott Nawy Ian Neuman Barbara & Craig Neuman Amie & Paul Nochumowitz Ann & Saul Offit Jane Epstein & Stephen Oliner Rabbi Yehuda Oratz Hershel Pachino Andrew Pariser Penny Pasch Sue & Michael Paymer Gary Pedroni Helene Penn Donna & Dov Perlmutter Howard Pierce Giselle & Natalio Pincever Rosita & Samuel Podberesky Suzanne & Michael Podberesky Dara Polakoff Judy & Norman Polovoy Judy & Stuart Poltilove Leslie & Dr. Stephen Pomerantz Shoshi & Brian Ponczak Jacqueline & Grant Posner Karen Presser Cheryl Mindy Pruce Ellen & Robert Quinn, Jr. Linda Rabinovich 2018–2019 Honor Roll 10
Alisa Beth Rank Tamar & Dr. Steven Rapaport Debra & Mark Rapaport Lorren & Richard Rapkin Henne & Harvey Rapkin Shoshana & Menachem Rauh Sue & Melvin Rayman Tammy & Dr. Bryan Reid Stephani & Mark Renbaum Malcolm Renbaum Alison & Dr. Marcos Roffe Dr. Nancy & Daniel Roffman Susan & Howard Rosen Michelle Newberry Rosenblatt & Samuel Rosenblatt Richard Rosenthal Ilene & Stanley Rosenzweig Nurite & Craig Rosin Danielle & Dr. Saul Roskes Dr. Ellen & Dr. Erik Roskes Michele & Jeffrey Ross Anita & Samuel Rozenel Mary Sue & Arthur Rubenstein Carol & Herbert Rubenstein Stacey & Dr. David Rubin Sharon & Dr. Eric Rubin Jamie & Aaron Rubin Bonnie Rubin William Sacks Janice Salzman Naomi & Walter Samet Barbara & Steven Samuelson Sylvia & Alan Sandler Yelena & Gary Sapoznick Dr. Lea & Dan Scheffer Julie & Joshua Schenker Wendy Schenker Jennifer & Michael Schiff Charlene Schimberg Miriam Schlachman Sara & Jack Schmerling Dr. Monica & Dr. Abraham Schneider Maytal & Dr. Mark Schneyer 11 Beth Tfiloh Annual Campaign
Dr. Susie & Matthew Schoenfeld Gertrude & Alvan Schunick Raquel Schuster-Herr Laurie Lieberman & Dr. Robert Segal Shirley Seidman Betty & Alvin Sellman Betsy & Larry Shapiro Steven Shefter Rosalind Shenker Ellen & Andrew Shevrin Dr. Yelena & Michael Shirkin Dr. Ariellah & Dr. Morris Shochet Dorothy & Barton Sidle Elana & Simeon Siegel Dr. Penny Brown & Dr. Ronald Silverman Shifra & Rabbi Murray Singerman Sylvia Sklar Lori & David Sochol Elizaveta Solovey Nella Solovyovsky & Nick Solovovsky Cindy & Dr. Robert Stein Dana & Michael Stein Daniella & David Steinberg Halaine & Edward Steinberg Carla & Michael Steinberg Audra & Dr. Ari Stern Connie & Dr. Michael Stern John Stevens Ellen Heller & Shale Stiller Myra & Dr. Howard Strassler Jamie & Jonathan Strauss Sharon & Marvin Strauzer Rochelle & Michael Sullivan Louise & Daniel Supnick Carole Swaney Adynna & Michael Swarz Joan & Basil Taibel Helen Tannenbaum Marla Taxin Michelle & Dr. Kenneth Tepper Alice & Eugene Teveler Mia & Elliott Thompson
Leora Tsadik Sarah & Dr. Noam VanderWalde Beverly & Herman Venick Stacey & Steven Verstandig Jodi & Dan Wahlberg Charles Waskiewicz Malky & Rabbi Chaim Wecker Deborah & Scott Weiner Martha Weinrauch Miriam & Michael Weinstock Marilyn Weisman Jan & Barry Weiss Pamela & Dr. Neil Weissman Dr. Elana & Chanan Weissman Marilyn & Rony Werthamer Eileen & Morris Wise Dr. Risa & Dr. Joshua Wolf Laura & Richard Wolf Jayme & Courtney Wood Jacqueline Yahr Gina & William Zahler Rebecca & Scott Zakheim Robin Zimmerman
UP TO $179
Anonymous (35) Barbara Aarons Janet & Alan Abramowitz Nancy Adler Ellen & Michael Agronin Terri Akman Shai & Eli Albrecht Louise & Shlomo Alima Laura & David Alima Sarah Bargman & Gennadiy Alperovich Wilma & Paul Alpert Terry & Mark Alpert Miriam & Ben Altman Elizabeth & Phil Anapolsky Vicky & Vladimir Anapolsky Ferne & Daniel Anshen Lisa & David Armenti
Yaffa & Scott Arnson Dr. Sharon & Lawrence Aronhime Sherry & Barry Ascher Ruth & Jeffrey Ashkenasy Shevy & Ira Ashman Kori & Michael Attman Rachel Attman Jennifer & Charles Auerhan Laurie Austen Michelle & Harry Auster Donna & Dr. Irwin Azman Esther Azwalinsky Dina & Rabbi Dan Bacharach Nechama Backer Nelya & Andrew Bagratuny Dr. Karen Lindeman & Dr. Stuart Baker Mireille & Bernie Baldus Joyce & Lee Barnstein Judith Basak Julia & Jacob Bashyrov Claire & Dr. Michael Bassan Jen & Dr. Matthew Bassan Amelia & Andrew Bassan Nancy & Gene Bate Lipaz Baum Arielle & Adam Bauman Leah & Yehuda Baumer Randee & Harry Baumohl Harriet & Michael Baverman Rita Bayuk Jessica & Sam Bazian Muna & Vadim Bazov Marina & Michael Bean Walter Beckerz’l Dr. Steven Becker Odeya & Jeremy Bedine Carol & Dr. Robert Benedek Marla Benedek Mindy & Jacob Benhamou Shoshana & Barry Benjamin Dr. Jennifer Benjamin Rivka Benjamin
Stella & Yuriy Benkler Alona & Jack Bennett Sharon & Michael Bennett Yossi Ben-Or Suzanne & Ram Benzion Ariella Berger Benjamin Berger Dr. Diane & Dr. Dan Berkowitz Gwynndolynn Berkowitz Gilad Berkowitz Michele & Craig Berman Melissa & Jeffrey Berman Ann Berman Hannah Berman Bonnie Berman Deborah Bernfeld Zali & Shua Bier Rivka Bier Arlene Birnbaum Dena Blaustein Samuel Blitzstein Lisa & Dr. Evan Bloch Dr. Ashley & Adam Block Rivka & Steve Bluestein Adrienne & Stephen Blumberg Joan Bob Sheila & Arnold Bogan Donna & Scott Bogash Rachael & Marc Bolotin Vincent Bonina Leslie Book Levi Brandriss Dorothy & Yehuda Brody
Be Triumphant Rebecca Brondfield Shayna Brookman Devorah & Robert Owen Brooks Alana Brooks Alicia & Jason Broth Noah Broth Jocelyn Broth Catherine & Jeffrey Brown Alyssa & David Brown Dustin Brown Melissa & Avraham (Ari) Brownstein Melissa & Jeffrey Burchman Gabrielle & Avri Burger Diane & Howard Burkom Mila & Eli Burman Dr. Jolanda Zickmann & Domenico Calandro Cheryl Campo & Bruce Campo Dr. Beatrice Lang & Dr. Marc Caplan Leah & Louis Caplan Anna & Ilan Caplan Sharon Caplan Ester Caplan Megan & Jon Cardin Zachary Cardin Noa Cardin Mitchell Cardin Max Cardin Ashley Case Alice & Albert Chaban Robin & Robert Chafitz Talia Chalew
Melissa & Neal Charkatz Doug & Juliana Charles Max Chason Eric Chason Alyson Chason Betty Chazen Judy Chernak Phyl & Howard Cherry Chayie & Hirsh Chinn Lisa Chinn Amy & Michael Chmar Joseph Ciattei, Jr. Evelyn & Jeffrey Clarke Lindsay & Wayne Coats Dr. Susan & Dr. Harvey Cohen Dr. Karen Babitt Cohen & Howard Cohen Dr. Pamela Diener & Daniel Cohen Odette & Jacob Cohen Alisa & Elliot Cohen Gabrielle & Dr. Morris Cohen Kerri & Robert Cohen Rebecca Jarosh & Craig Cohen Ariel Cohen Adam Cohen Viviane Cohen Alexander Cohn Hannah Cohn Erin & Micah Coleman Shari & Larry Cooper Deena & Robert Cooper Mary Corton Chaim Cotton Grainne Daly Mindy Berger & Michael Danels Tara Danels Marsha & Jacob Danick Rachelle & Dovid Daniel Jennifer Dansicker Dr. Lori Bernstein & Barry Datlof Tatiana & Michael Davidson Reta Davis Eli Davis Ilona & Lewis Dennen Lindsay Dermer Luba Deych Mandy & Gary Diamond Irina & Michael Diamond
Lisa & Andrew Diamond Mindy & Marc Dickler Nadine Dickstein Ilana & David Dinnerman Natalya Dixon Raisa Doronina Rachel Dratch Wendy & Stephen Drazin Dina & David Dresin Yimei & Dr. Alexander Duda Alexa & Mark Eckley Whitney & Todd Ehrlich Marlene Eichner Sara & Benjamin Eidelman Joshua Eidelman Eric Eidelman Emily Eisner Lauren Eisner Galya & Avron Elbaum Nikki & Benjamin Elgamil Emily & David Engelman Carol Engelman Leslie & Louis Erkes Deena & Jason Ermine Marc Ershler Wendy & Dr. Eric Espeland Mily & Itamar Evgey Matilda Falck Adam Fauer Lida & Michael Feder Janet Feinberg Ellen & Larry Feldman Sandra Feldman Boris Feldman Sam Feldman Isabel Feller-Kopman Jessica & Stephen Fink Stefanie & Adam Fink Chantelle & Joel Fink Vivian & Joshua First Mildred Fisher Judy & Richard Fleischer Lori Fleischmann Maria Fleischmann Louis Fleischmann Judith & Dick Forman Charlotte Forman Tzipora & Yehuda Frager 2018–2019 Honor Roll 12
Be Thrilled Bracha Frankel Pamela Franklin Jennifer Franklin Melanie Franklin Debbie & Charles Frazer Linda Freud Sheila & Leonard Freyer A. Alexander Friedberg Marlene & Louis Friedenberg Shevy & Tzvi Friedman Faigie & Heshie Friedman Barbara & Myles Friedman Esther Topas & Binyomin Friedman Allison Friedman Brenna & Michael Friedmann Samuel Friedmann Eti & Felix Froimovich Alison Fruman Stacy & Judah Fuld Rabbi Yosef Furman Stuart Garner Marlene Ripp & Dr. Ronald Gartenhaus Dr. Devorah Rivka Myers & Shlomo Gelfand Jennifer Noparstak & Jonah Geller Deborah Geller Linda & Steven Geroff Valeriya & Vladimir Gershengorn Lois & Leonard Gerstein Miriam & Dr. Jay Gerstenblith Judith Gerstenblith Zoe & Ira Gewanter Bess & Jeffrey Gilden Aaron Gillette Julie Block Gladstone & Adam Gladstone Robin Gladstone Maya & Ted Glazer Dina & Arie Glazer Lisa & Cliff Glick Sally Goldberg Barbara & Dr. Julian Goldberg Nancy & Harris Goldberg Heidi & Paul Goldberg Rachel & Elliott Goldberg Lance Goldberg Maya Goldberg Fran Goldberg 13 Beth Tfiloh Annual Campaign
Spencer Goldberg Alla Goldberg Diane & Stephen Goldbloom Gila Golder Kira & Dr. Jeremy Goldman Meira & Joshua Goldman Gloria Goldman R. Robert Goldman Lynne & Richard Goldsmith Jane & Dr. Mark Goldstein Nettie & Melvin Goldstein Anita & Michael Goldstein David Goldstein Jill Goldstein Marly & Nathan Goloskov Shoshana Goloskov Svetlana & Yevgeniy Gomberg Esty & Ariel Goodman Rachel Goodman Rachel & Harvey Gordon Lynn Gordon Alana Gordon Luda Gorman Jennifer & Dr. Brian Granek Dr. Rebecca & Ben Gras Elizabeth & David Green Lynn & Sheldon V. Green Kay Green Sarah Greenbaum Gilda & Howard Greenberg Carly & Jeffrey Greenberg Lisa Greenberg Carly Greenberg Elliott Greenblatt Rona London & Steven Greenspan Judith Greiner Marcelo Grosberg Cynthia Grosberg Dr. Jill Aizenstein & Dr. Andrew Gross Daniel Gross Karyn & Michael Grossman Adela & Israel Gruzin Erin Gum Rikk & Dan Gutman Tzvi Haber Susan & Harold Hackerman Harvey Hafter Stephanie Halon
Jodie Sykes Hamburg & Michael Hamburg Sydney Hamburg Arielle Hamburg Erica London & Drew Harris Elise & David Harrison Judy & Dr. Arthur Harrow Alison Hartman Laurie Havens Shari & Steven Hawtof Rachel & Justin Haynes Bayla & Moshe Hefter Rachel Hellman Sara & Stanley Herbst Courtney & Ezra Hercenberg Dani & David Hercenberg Elaine & Steven Hercenberg Danielle Herman Jesse & Victoria Hervitz Marilyn & Stan Heyman Stacey & Michael Heyman Norrie Rabinowitz-Hirsch & Robert Hirsch Beatrice & Theodore Hirsh Shira Hochheimer Leah Hochman Tracy & Michael Hoff Martha & Bernard Hoffman Erica Hoffman Marlene Hollander Aviva & Ed Hord Erika & Jonathan Hornstein
Marianne & Larry Hornstein Shirley & Randy Horsley Nina & Jason Horwitz Linda Howard Devorah & Jason Howell Sonya Howell Marci & Andrew Hunn Lindsay Hurwitz Jared Hurwitz Hallie Hurwitz Harriet Hyatt Ora & Dr. Babak Imanoel Lisa & Phil Jacobs Reanna Jacobs Maureen & Zachary Jaffe Terri & Dr. Richard Jaffe Bracha Jaffe Michael Jaskulsky Mitchell Jay Sharon Cohen & Richard Joseph Ksenia Torchinsky & Dr. Yan Jouroukhin Inbar & Aaron Kahn Dr. Cheryl Kalb Sandy & Keith Kanter Harilyn & William Kaplan Alison & Steven Kaplan Toby & Rabbi Elliot Kaplowitz Jamie & Bradley Karbeling June Karlin Dina & Fred Karlip Jamie & Dr. Clifford Katz Elaine Katzen
Mona & Russell Kaufman Caryl Kaufman Karen Kaufman Lisa Exler & Eliezer Kaunfer Jennifer & Chris Kelbaugh Rebecca Levin & Christopher Kent Renata & David Kepner Sheila & Harry Kessler Marsha & Ira Kevelson Julie Kitt & Michael Key Aviva & Dr. Michael Kidorf Cheryl & Dr. Roderick King Rebecca & Greg King Shari & Brandon Kirk Barbara & Mitchell Kirk Russell Kirk Barbara & Dr. Michael Klaff Marina & Adam Klaff Sari & Brian Klaff Davina & Micah Kleid Matthew Kleid Rabbi Frederick Klein Barbara Zakheim & Ronnie Kleinfeldt Talya & Stephen Knable Sheri & David Knauth Rachel & Morey Kogul Merissa & Dr. Benjamin Kogutt Bettye Kohn Terri Kollman Marci Phillips & Joseph Kontoff Samuel Korman Robin & Eric Kornblit Tracey Kotlicky Aviva & Shalom Kovacs Sonia & Dr. Bernard Kozlovsky Irwin Kramer Denia Kramer Benjamin Kreshtool Barbara Kreshtool Ina & Avi Krief Lauren Krol Michele & Joshua Kronick Spencer Kronthal Bradley Kronthal Freda-Dale Cohen-Kruger & Benjamin Kruger Mekenzie Kruger Odalis & Dr. Richard Kuntz Janet Kurland
David Kurland Zachary Kuter Robin Belsky & Neil Kwatinetz Hennie & Rabbi Usher Laifer Joyce Lamptey Mindy & Rabbi Chaim Landau Esther & Armand Lasky Rebecca Weisgal-Lavon & Dr. Zev Lavon Fred Lavon Julie Lazer Jeanie & Manuel Lazerov Shauna & Michael Leavey Elisa Lebowitz Dayna & Gilbert Leder Ina & Jeffrey Legum Ann Leikach Caryn & Dr. Brian Lerman Paulina & Max Lerman Isaac Lerman Abigail Lerman Sara & Dr. Henry Lesser Deborah & Ari Lesser Esta Lee Lesser Dr. Loryn Lesser Ian Lever Cheryl & Benjamin Levey Joshua Levey Jody Levey Phyllis & Barry Levi
Aaron Levi Rabbi Elie Levi Dr. Lauren Mendelsohn-Levin & Dr. Adam Levin Lisa & Myles Levin Francine & Harvey Levin Ellen & Arnold Levin Mark Levin Jordan Levin Benjamin Levin Ryan Levin Miri Levin Nancy & Michael Levine Miriam & Ram Levinger Chaya & Amir Levy Casey Lichter Rachel & Jason Lieberman Randi Lifson Ellen & Dr. Noah Lightman Nancy & Frank Lipira Emily Lipsitz Tamar & Rabbi Josh Livingstone Helen & Dr. Les Loew Shira & Jeffrey London Debbie & Rabbi Lee Jay Lowenstein Honey & Howard Lowenthal Deena & Dr. Daniel Lubelski Deborah & James Lubliner Nannette Herlands & Dr. Wesley Ludwig Stacy & Stephen Lunenfeld
Jordan Magat Cole Magat Devorah Maho Lewin Sharon & Allen Maier Elana & Cary Maister Luna Maman Sheila & Dr. Hirsch Mandelberg Melyssa Manhoff Jessica Marder Jennifer & Yacov Margolese Rachel Margolies Carrie & Darren Margolis Beverly Margolis Susan Gewirtz & Stuart Martin Chana Rochel & Rabbi Jonathan Marvin Yael & Michael Mashbaum Helen & Dr. Jesse Mashbaum Dr. Ariana & Israel Mashilker Melissa & Eli Matyas Olivia Mauer Hannah Mauer Lillian Mayer Shira Meister Yuval Mei-Tal Dr. Neta Stahl & Dr. Yitzhak Melamed Donna Meliker Bradley Melzer Eileen & Joshua Mendelsohn Bella & Rabbi Daniel Metzger
Be Timeless 2018–2019 Honor Roll 14
Be Treasured Erin & Joshua Meyers Israela & Rabbi P. Michael Meyerstein Dana Lande & Avidan Meyerstein Sharon & Lester Miller Melissa Boone-Miller & Kenneth Miller George & Al Miller Abby & Joshua Miller Adam Miller Marcia Kurland Miller Laura Miller Jessica Miller Bradley Miller Beverly Miller Felicia Minnix Dr. Tamar & Rabbi Etan Mintz Polina & Denis Mirskiy Alexandra Shapiro & Bruce Misheyev Lindsay & Travys Montague T. Conor Moran David Moray Saundra Morstein Yael & Dr. David Moses Jamie & Yossi Moshkatal Tali & Rabbi Benyamin Moss Rabbi Yisrael Motzen Jonathan Murstein Ashley & Elliot Mutch Renee Kaplan-Nadel & Russell Nadel Jacey & Amit Natanzon Idon Natanzon Ben Ness Network For Good Chloe Neumann Andrew Neumann Marion & Seymour Newman Sharon & James Nicholas Sarah & Justin Nicholas Danielle & Ted Nisson Feiga & Rabbi Leonard Oberstein Laurie & Seth Okin Sheryl & Irwin Okin Kathie & Harvey Okun Michael O’Neil Joelah & Yisroel Orange Aleeza Oshry Sara & Jeff Ostrow Sonia & Harry Ostrow Rita & Alex Pach 15 Beth Tfiloh Annual Campaign
Elli & Chaim Pauli Marcia & Daniel Pearl Paula & Michael Pearl Cecelia & Israel Pelc Julia & Amit Peled Stefanie & Brian Penn Oren Pincever Morgan Plant Janet & Edward Platt David Platt Rachel & Rabbi Daniel Plotkin Hanna & Sidney Pollack Caycee & Aaron Polun Hanna Pomerantz Miriam Pomerantz Samuel Ponczak Shoshana & Rabbi Shlomo Porter Janice & Mitchell Posner Jennifer Postal Dr. Julie & Jeffrey Price Rebecca Pristoop Marina Prokopenko Linda & Herbert Proper Melissa & Richard Puritz Wendy & Scott Quartner Michael Quitt Terri & Michael Rabinowitz Flora & Elan Rafael Tanya Kolker & Eldar Rakhamimov Veronica Nurilova & Elman Rakhamimov Jenna Ralston Benjamin Rank Soonia Raoofian Allison & Michael Raphael Rosalie & Dr. Morton Rapoport Deborah & Dr. Aaron Rapoport Isaac A. Ratner Dr. Francine & Dr. Barnett Rattner Lauren & David Rauseo Frances Reicher Lisa Reyburn-Payne Irwin Richman Irina & Nick Rifkind Raymond Rivera Nicole & Jeffrey Robbins Dr. Elana & Alan Rock Milena Rodban Itamar Rodban
Ariela Rodban Selma & Dr. Martin Roffman Joseph Rogers Andra Roitman Rabbi Dana Saroken & Rafi Rone Michelle & Michael Roseman Jennifer & Jared Rosen Laurie & Dr. Michael Rosen Evelyn Rosen Sarah Rosen Rebecca Rosen Rivka & Ted Rosenbaum Nechama Rosendorff Hinda & Jacob Rosin Lani Roskes Sherry & Glenn Roth Judy Roth Anna & Lenny Rotman Dr. Carol & Dr. Abba Rubin Ronit & Dr. Neil Rubin Bonnie & Bernard Rubin Barbara & Dr. Jerome Rubin Ann & Dr. Avi Rubin Rhonda & Harry Rubin Melanie Wolf & Rick Rubin Ilyssa Rubin Sara & Hy Rubinstein Samuel Ruddie Davida & Elly Rutstein Benjamin Salzberg Robin Samuel Dr. Susan & Douglas Schehr
Florence & Robert Scheiner Cindy & Allen Schiff Ashley & Eric Schiff David Schimmel Jenny & Adam Schloss Alethea & Mark Schmall Dr. Jennifer & Dr. Daniel Schmerling Aaron Schmerling Sara Schoen Brenda Schuman Stephanie & Dr. Steven Schuster Andrew Schuster Laura Schutzman Rebecca & Rabbi Steven Schwartz Marie & Martin Schwartz Joseph Schwartz Joshua Schwartz David Schwartz Dr. Renee Koplon & Marc Schwarzschild Sheri Seaman Ezra Seegull Janet & Jerome Sefret Nathan Sefret Zachary Seidel Cari Seidler Joseph Seidler Samantha Seidman Emily Sellman Jennifer Sellman Eugene Semenov Linda & Alan Shafer Lauren Shaivitz
Orly & Ron Shalem Erin & Benzion Shamberg Lisa & Edward Shamus Henrietta (George) Shapiro & Susan Ross Rabbi Avner Shapiro Isabella Shapiro Jake Shapiro Jacob Shapiro Esther Shapiro Avital & Jaron Shaul Shoshana & Dr. Ronen Shechter Laura & Rabbi Benjamin Shefter Ruthanne & Henry Sheller Hannah & Guy Shem-Tov Daniella Sherizen Jamie & Steven Sherman Erika Shevrin Tania & Melvin Shichtman Harriet Shiffman Dr. Danielle & Aaron Shiller Rebecca & Nir Shimoni-Stoil Michele & Tim Shirah Mara Taskin & Naum Shkolnik Ann & Henry Shofer Muriel & Moshe Shoshan Alexander Shpigel Shira & Yaakov Shugarman Adele Sidle Eva & Lee Siegel Irene & George Siegel Julie & Dr. Alexander Siegel Amy & Dr. Moshe Siev Rachel & Alex Sigman Helen Silber Ruth & Dr. Harry Silber Margaret Silverman Karina Gold & Eugene Simanovsky Julie & Shmuel Simhi Alex Simone Brian Singer Lore & Mark Singerman Esta & Chaim Sitrin Karen Sitrin Frances & David Sivakoff Mary Skurnik Chana Slavaticki Julian Sless Diane & Jerry Smith Erin & Matt Smith
Karyn Smith Jennifer & Benjamin Sobol Dr. Steven Soifer Melanie Sokol Noa & Mayer Solomon Allison & Rabbi Mordechai Soskil Jaclyn Sova Ilene & Philip Spector Deborah & Frank Spector Shelly Spector Hillary & Zvi Spivack Alexandra Stampfer Rebecca & Yitz Statman Chaya & Yossi Statman Charna & Rabbi Asher Stein Kacy Stein Aaron Stein Shifra & Rabbi Dovid Steinberg Amy Steinberg Ayelet & Daniel Steiner Chane & Bernie Steinharter Allison & Adam Steinmetz Rebecca & Michael Steller Roberta & Dr. Scott Steppa Joyce & Thomas Stern Cynthia & Jerry Stern Barbara & Dr. Milton Stern Ingrid Strand Lynn & Alan Straus Ashley & Yoni Strauss Loryn & Stuart Strauzer Rivka & Rafi Strum Diane & Neil Stulman Susan & Mark Stutman Erin Sullivan Abby Sullivan Andrea & Ronald Sultan
Samuel Supnick Elaine & Gary Susel Lindsey & Justin Suter Fern Swerdlin Raymond Szparagowski Jonathan Talor Marlene & Melvin Tapper Todd Taylor Dr. Hilary Taylor Rachel & Jeffrey Teles David Teles Shepard Teles Eliza Feller & Michael Temchine Anna & Aaron Temin Ellen & Timothy Thompson Itael & Hersh Toibman Heidi & Richard Topaz Kelsey Traub Olivia Travis Eeta Travis Jody & Steven Troy Pavel Tseytlovskiy Ethan Tucker Dr. Jennifer Heller & Dr. Joel Turner Meir Tusk Jayme & Michael Uhlfelder Serafima (Sima) & Howard Unger Gayle & Shai Vaday Dorina Zilbermint & Alex Vainer Elena & Andre Vazhnov Denise & Carl Verstandig Elana Vogel Tali Vogelstein Irina Shraga & Vladimir Volinsky Suzanne & Dr. Charles Walder Michele & Donald Walters Adam Walters Lisa Warren
Phyllis Waxman Sylvia & Greg Weiner Lia & Sholom Weisbord Elisheva & Daniel Weiser Nina & Darren Weiss Leslie & Jonathan Welfeld Justin Welfeld Judith & Carl Werner Sheri Whelpley Jeri Wilkins Jacob Wilkowsky Deborah Cardin & Jonathan Willis Julie & Rabbi Josh Wohl Melissa & Jonathan Wohlberg Elizabeth & Andrew Wohlberg Adrian & Dr. Stephen Wolf Andrea & Ariel Wolf Gideon Wolf Natalie Wolfson Betsy & Herb Wolk Kimberly & Jason Wynn Liron & Nir Yaslovitzh Diane & Dr. David Yoffe Marni & Jonathan Yoffe Rabbi Eli Yoggev Daniel Zaidman Betty Zalesch Paulina & Leon Zaydel Jim Zelaya Whitney & Ron Zember Florence & Lawrence Ziffer Stephanie & Adam Ziman Susan Zimmerman Lisa & Robert Ziv Elise Ziv Laurie & Jay Zukerberg Avram Zysman n 2018–2019 Honor Roll 16
FACULTY & STAFF SUPPORT Mrs. Ellen Agronin Dr. Jill Aizenstein Mrs. Deborah Allen Mrs. Terry Alpert Mr. Jeffrey Amdur Mrs. Laurie Austen Mrs. Shirley Avin* Mrs. Dina Bacharach Ms. Nechama Backer Mrs. Leah Baumer Mrs. Jessica Bazian ‘05 Mrs. Shoshana Benjamin Ms. Rivka Benjamin Mrs. Phaygi Blankchtein* Mr. Scott Blumberg ‘03 Mrs. Donna Bogash Mr. Vincent Bonina Mr. Joseph Bosley Mrs. Rivka Bresler ‘98* Mrs. Alicia Broth ‘90 Ms. Stephanie Brown Mrs. Cherie Brownstein Mr. Michael Bruner Mr. Marc Burkom ‘98 Ms. Cheryl Campo Mrs. Robin Chafitz Mrs. Michelle Cherry ‘02 Mrs. Lisa Chinn Mr. Joseph Ciattei, Jr. Mr. Jeffrey Clarke Mrs. Mary Corton Mr. Chaim Cotton Mr. Eli Creeger ‘03 Mrs. Nina Cusner ‘00 Mrs. Grainne Daly Mrs. Rachelle Daniel Mrs. Irina Diamond Mrs. Ilana Dinnerman Ms. Seydee Doradea Mrs. Rachel Dratch Mrs. Dina Dresin Mrs. Yimei Duda Mrs. Alexa Eckley Mrs.Whitney Ehrlich Mrs. Nikki Elgamil Ms. Jane Epstein Mrs. Leslie Erkes Mrs. Ellen Feldman Mrs. Joan Feldman Mrs. Jessica Fink Mrs. Beeny Finkelstein Mrs. Jamie Forman Mrs. Bracha Frankel Mrs. Faige Friedman
Mrs. Stacy Fuld ‘02 Rabbi Yosef Furman Mrs. Lindsay Gaister ‘02 Mrs. Svetlana Gelfand Mrs. Fran Goldberg Mrs. Jessica Goldberg ‘03 Mrs. Kira Goldman Mrs. Lynne Goldsmith Mrs. Rina Goloskov Mrs. Rachel Gordon* Mr. David Green Mrs. Judith Greiner Ms. Erin Gum Mr. Tzvi Haber Mrs. Stephanie Halon Mrs. Elise Harrison Mrs. Bayla Hefter Mrs. Elaine Hercenberg Ms. Nannette Herlands Mrs. Vicki Hervitz ‘05 Ms. Shira Hochheimer Ms. Marlene Hollander ‘97 Mrs. Shirley Horsley Ms. Sonya Howell Mr. Glenn Hyman Mr. Phil Jacobs* Ms. Reanna Jacobs Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe Mrs. Maureen Jaffe Mrs. Terri Jaffe Mrs. Inbar Kahn Mr. Mark Kaiser Mrs. Toby Kaplowitz Mrs. Jamie Karbeling Ms. Karen Kaufman Mrs. Mona Kaufman Mrs. Jennifer Kelbaugh ‘02 Mrs. Merle Kierson Mr. Russell Kirk Ms. Julie Kitt Mrs. Barbara Klaff Mrs. Sheri Knauth Ms. Terri Kollman Dr. Renee Koplon Mrs. Tracey Kotlicky Mrs. Laurie Kott Mrs. Ina Krief Ms. Mekenzie Kruger ‘09 Mr. Zachary Kuter Mrs. Hennie Laifer Mrs. Joyce Lamptey Mrs. Rebecca Weisgal-Lavon Ms. Julie Lazer Mrs. Melissa Lebowitz
17 Beth Tfiloh Annual Campaign
Mrs. Elisa Lebowitz Mrs. Caryn Lerman Mrs. Lesley Lesser Ms. Jody Levey Rabbi Elie Levi Mrs. Emily Levin Mrs. Miri Levin Mrs. Nancy Levine Mrs. Stacey Levinson Mrs. Tamar Livingstone Ms. Rona London Mrs. Shira London Mrs. Honey Lowenthal Mr. Stan Lustman Mrs. Allison Magat Ms. Luna Maman Ms. Melyssa Manhoff Mrs. Chana Leah Margalit* Rabbi Jonathan Marvin Mrs. Melissa Matyas Mrs. Lillian Mayer Mrs. Vered Mei-Tal Ms. Shira Meister Ms. Donna Meliker Mrs. Bella Metzger Mr. Bradley Miller Ms. Laura Miller Mrs. Mandi Miller Mr. Joel Monroe Rabbi Benyamin Moss Mrs. Tali Moss Rabbi Yisrael Motzen Rabbi Yehuda Oratz Mr. Gary Pedroni Mrs. Stephanie Penn Mrs. Giselle Pincever Mrs. Shoshana Porter Rabbi Mordechai Posner Ms. Jennifer Postal Ms. Marina Prokopenko Mrs. Melissa Puritz Mrs. Wendy Quartner Mrs. Jenna Ralston Ms. Alisa Rank Mrs. Soonia Raoofian Ms. Lisa Reyburn-Payne Mr. Raymond Rivera Ms. Andra Roitman Dr. Neil Rubin Dr. Lea Scheffer Ms. Charlene Schimberg Mrs. Liora Schlesinger Mrs. Jenny Schloss Mr. Michael Schneider
Mrs. Maytal Schneyer Dr. Hudi Schorr ‘01 Dr. Zipora Schorr Mrs. Brenda Schuman Ms. Sheri Seaman ‘90 Ms. Jennifer Sellman Mrs. Lisa Shamus Rabbi Avner Shapiro Ms. Esther Shapiro Mr. Jake Shapiro Mrs. Shoshana Shechter Mrs. Daniella Sherizen Mrs. Michele Shirah Ms. Lizabeth Shrier Mrs. Ruth Silber Mr. Brian Singer Mr. Chaim Sitrin Ms. Karen Sitrin Mrs. Chana Slavaticki Mrs. Diane Smith Mrs. Erin Smith Ms. Melanie Sokol Ms. Lizzy Solovey ‘09 Rabbi Mordechai Soskil Mrs. Jaclyn Sova Ms. Shelly Spector Rabbi Asher Stein Mrs. Charna Stein Mrs. Cindy Stein Rabbi Dovid Steinberg Mrs. Eve Kresin Steinberg Mrs. Halaine Steinberg Mrs. Ayelet Steiner Mr. Daniel Steiner
Mrs. Chane Steinharter Mrs. Roberta Steppa Mr. John Stevens Ms. Ingrid Strand Mrs. Loryn Strauzer Mrs. Rivka Strum Mrs. Rochelle Sullivan Mr. Raymond Szparagowski Mr. Michael Temchine Mrs. Ellen Thompson Mrs. Itael Toibman Mrs. Lynn Traub Ms. Eeta Travis Ms. Olivia Travis Mrs. Holly Venick Ms. Elana Vogel Mrs. Nina Wand Ms. Lisa Warren Mrs. Phyllis Waxman Rabbi Chaim Wecker Mr. Donald Weinapple Mrs. Sylvia Weiner Mrs. Abby Weinstock Dr. Elana Weissman Mrs. Jeri Wilkins Mrs. Laura Wolf* Ms. Melanie Wolf Mrs. Julie Wolff Rabbi Eli Yoggev Mrs. Susan Yurow Mrs. Florence Ziffer Mrs. Stephanie Ziman Ms. Michon Zysman
*School Level Captains
50% u 82% increase in overall school parent participation 475 families in total who made gifts 142 first time gifts in 2018 116 first time gifts in 2018 that repeated in 2019 82 first time gifts in 2019
A very special thank you goes to our team eth Tfiloh’s pie (Participation Is of dedicated Grade Level Captains: Everything) initiative kicked off on November 27, Giving Tuesday, with a Melissa Levy (PreSchool 2’s) grand effort on the part of our devoted Daniela Levine (PreSchool 3’s) Grade Level Captains to reach out to Merissa Kogutt (PreSchool 4’s) fellow school parents, encouraging full participation Whitney Ehrlich (Kindergarten) in our Annual Campaign. This year’s pie initiative Shari Kirk (1st Grade) exceeded our goals, increasing from 75% to an Wendy Berman (2nd Grade) impressive 82% parent participation rate in our Lisa Hackam (3rd Grade) Annual Campaign. In the weeks that followed pie’s Laurie Lieberman (4th Grade) kick off, we came together as a school community, Lorren Rapkin (5th Grade) becoming more unified in our show of support for Carla Steinberg (6th Grade) our school, both spiritually and financially. This is Mandy Miller (7th Grade) key to our longevity, as a show of strong campaign Teri Gitlitz (8th Grade) participation from our school community demonYelena Shirkin (9th Grade) strates to major donors and foundations that our Sharon Dondes (10th Grade) school parents believe in our institution, which serves Margie Singer (11th Grade) as a significant motivating investment factor. Jackie LaFiandra (12th Grade)
PreSchool 2’s PreSchool 3’s PreSchool 4’s Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade
55% 79% 55% 84% 86% 80% 82% 95%
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25 Beth Tfiloh Annual Campaign
5th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade
85% 73% 88% 77% 84% 72% 72% 74%
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BT students encourage their parents to support the Annual Campaign as part of the P.I.E. (Participation Is Everything) campaign. 2018–2019 Honor Roll 18
Alicia Broth* Jason Broth* Adam Cohen Rhonda Rubin Sheri Seaman* Danielle Shiller
Mindy Abramson* Jack Bennett Steven Goloskov* Shiko Kazin Brian Klaff Eric Kornblit* Jonathan Wohlberg*
Anonymous* Catherine Brown* Avron Elbaum* Michael Diamond*
Jeremy Diamond* Michael Podberesky* Rachel Sigman
Avi Benus* Liba Benus* Rachael Bolotin* Marc Ershler* Adam Klaff* Michael Leavey* Felicia Minnix* Marty Taylor*
Tatiana Davidson Rachel Kogul* Dana Lande* Avidan Meyerstein* Vered Taylor*
David Brown Katie Cohen* Rachel Katz* Lisa Kaunfer* Alexandra Misheyev* Yelena Sapoznick* Yelena Shirkin* Hilary Taylor Rachel Warschawski*
David Alima Lily Black* Micah Coleman* Lauren Hammond* 19 Beth Tfiloh Annual Campaign
Marlene Hollander* Rebecca Kent* Amit Natanzon*
Rivka Bresler* Marc Burkom* Talia Chalew Steven Exler* Rebecca Kenemuth* Aaron Levi Michael Mashbaum Jessica Miller* Jonathan Minkove* Rachel Plotkin* Brian Ponczak* Dodi Samuel* Joseph Samuel* Joshua Wolf* Liron Yaslovitzh
Morris Cohen* David Coleman* Jordan Genut* Micah Kleid* Shai Levin* David Steinberg* Adynna Swarz
Levi Brandriss* Nina Cusner* Lisa Diamond Renata Kepner* Rebecca Pristoop Ted Rosenbaum* Shuli Tropp* Jackie Yahr*
Sharon Bar* Matthew Brown* Joshua Chinsky* Joel Fink* Ira Gewanter* Shaanan Meyerstein* Joanna Millman* Sara Schoen Hudi Schorr* Frances Sivakoff* Sarah VanderWalde* Chanan Weissman* Andrea Wolf* Ariel Wolf*
Rena Antebi* Dori Brody Ari Brownstein*
Dina Burcat* Michelle Cherry* Erin Fenigstein* Becky Freedman* Stacy Fuld* Lindsay Gaister* Michael Jaskulsky* Alison Kaplan* Jennifer Kelbaugh Aryeh Landsberg* Rachel Margolies* Nancy Roffman* Hannah Shem-Tov* Whitney Zember*
Rachel Attman* Matthew Bassan* Simon Blekhman* Scott Blumberg* Lauren Braunstein* Eli Creeger* Jessica Goldberg* Joshua Goldman* Sarah Greenbaum Rachel Hellman David Hercenberg* Daniel Josephs* Lauren Krol* Benjamin Levin Shoshi Ponczak* Rebecca Rubin* Laura Schutzman* Eugene Semenov Jaron Shaul Elana Siegel* Pavel Tseytlovskiy*
Leah Bennett* Yehuda Bennett* Rebecca Chinsky* Jesse Hervitz* Benjamin Kreshtool* David Kurland* Justin Nicholas Sarah Nicholas David Platt Cheryl Pruce* Milena Rodban* Robin Samuel Daniel Schmerling* Allison Steinmetz* Jonathan Talor* Marni Yoffe
Michael Attman* Harry Auster Jessica Bazian Joseph Carliner* Aviva Ghitman* Vicki Hervitz* Matthew Kleid Idon Natanzon Dara Polakoff* Allison Raphael* Andrew Schuster
Rachel Alter* Zach Alter* Andrew Bassan* Rebecca Brondfield* Alana Brooks Ariel Cohen*
Pamela Franklin* David Goldstein Samuel Korman* Jordan Levin Abby Miller Joshua Miller Julie Schenker* Aaron Schmerling* Henry Sheller* Alex Simone*
Benjamin Berger Dena Blaustein* Angelica Carliner* Maya Goldberg* Spencer Goldberg* Cynthia Grosberg* Ari Lesser* Benjamin Shefter
Arielle Bauman* Marla Benedek Gilad Berkowitz Joshua Eidelman* Elliott Goldberg Lance Goldberg Gila Golder* Jonathan Hornstein* Jeremy Hurewitz* Adam Josephs* Paulina Lerman* Deborah Lesser* Sara Michaels* Adam Miller* T. Conor Moran* Benjamin Rank Adam Walters
Ariella Berger* Melanie Franklin* Judy Gerstenblith Aaron Gillette Erika Hornstein* Mekenzie Kruger* Sara Lesser Tal Lesser Joshua Levey Jordan Magat* David Schwartz Emily Sellman* Lizzy Solovey Samuel Supnick Ethan Tucker
Lindsay Dermer Eric Chason* Casey Lichter Jessica Marder* Ariela Rodban Sarah Rosen William Sacks* Mia Thompson Jacob Wilkowsky Gideon Wolf*
Max Cardin* Zachary Cardin* Tara Danels* Eric Eidelman* Sam Feldman Bradley Kronthal*
Max Chason* Eli Davis Emily Eisner* Louis Fleischmann* Jill Goldstein Ian Lever* Joseph Schwartz*
Jennifer Franklin Lindsay Hurwitz* Hannah Mauer* Yuval Mei-Tal Morgan Plant* Miriam Pomerantz Itamar Rodban Samantha Seidman Isabella Shapiro Julian Sless Kacy Stein Yaakov Teles Tali Vogelstein*
Noa Cardin* Alexander Cohn* Lauren Eisner* A. Alexander Friedberg* Carly Greenberg Marcelo Grosberg Daniel Gross* Arielle Hamburg* Spencer Kronthal* Rebecca Rosen Lani Roskes* Alexandra Stampfer Erin Sullivan
Jocelyn Broth* Alyson Chason* Shani Goloskov Fred Lavon Isaac Lerman Cole Magat* Olivia Mauer* Andrew Neumann* Joshua Schwartz* Aaron Stein Natalie Wolfson
Hannah Berman* Shayna Brookman Hannah Cohn* Isabel Feller-Kopman Allison Friedman Sydney Hamburg* Danielle Herman* Hallie Hurwitz Zachary Seidel* Kelsey Traub Justin Welfeld
Noah Broth*
Mitchell Cardin* Samuel Friedmann Bradley Melzer Ilyssa Rubin Benjamin Salzberg* Joseph Seidler* Dovid Teles
Ashley Case Alana Gordon Jared Hurwitz Mitchell Jay Abigail Lerman Ryan Levin Chloe Neumann Oren Pincever Ezra Seegull Erika Shevrin Abby Sullivan
Jacob Brenner Sage Friedman Rebecca Goldscheider Max Gordon Gabrielle Goldman Rebecca Goldscheider Benny Klein Joseph La Fiandra Michael Martin Ariella Sapoznick Evyatar Singerman Grace Stulman Sam Supnick * Those that have given the past 3 years in a row (2017, 2018, 2019) Names in PURPLE Alumni who send their children to Beth Tfiloh Shorashim Society Donated $180+ to the Alumni Campaign Etz Chaim Society Donated $1,000+ to the Alumni Campaign
Be Tenacious 2018–2019 Honor Roll 20
SPOTLIGHT 2019 Myrna Hurwitz, Cheri & David Hurwitz, Linda & Steve Hurwitz, Suzanne & Marc Hurwitz IMPAQ International LLC Benus and Blecher Families Jonathan & Stephanie Landau Tova & Rony Natanzon and Family Nelson Neuman Family Robin & Mark Neumann Northern Pharmacy & Medical Equipment, In loving memory of Judy by Martin Mintz Orthodontic Associates Drs. Miller, Abrahams, Wray, and Mahmoudi The Philip & Harriet Klein HONOREES PNC Bank Foundation, Inc. Tsipi & Michael Renbaum Louise D. Macks & Morton J. Macksz'l Ellyn & Stephen Polakoff Genine Macks Fidler & Josh Fidler and Family $50,000 & ABOVE Rosemary Gluck & Ellen & Lawrence Macks ROYAL Martha Macks-Kahn & Peter Kahan Dr. Thomas Pozefsky Elite Spice Randallstown Synagogue Center The Messing Family Foundation Isaac Samuel and Family Susie & Bill Rienhoff to honor the Andrew & Trish Pollak and Family Anton & Tamara Samuel memory of Mr. Haron Dahan Gertrude & Alvan Schunick and Family Schoenfeld Insurance Associates, Inc. Silverstein Family Joseph & Dodi Samuel ’98 Judy & Rick Morrison, and Family Phyllis & Harvey Shankman, Moty & Sharon ’01 Bar $7,500 & ABOVE and Lisa & Scott Scherr EMERALD Beth Kaplan & Bruce Sholk $25,000 & ABOVE Rosalie & Richard Alter, Rachel SunTrust Bank CROWN and Zach Alter ‘06 TD Bank, NA Anonymous Carliner-Penn Family Gilbert L. & Ruth Solomon Pat & David Bernstein Saul Ewing Arnstein and Lehr LLP Beth Tfiloh Community The David & Barbara B. Hirschhorn Gary & Jill Eidelman, School Endowment Jonathan & Jayne Havens, Foundation Lyn & Freddie Traub Randy & Helene Lutz, Roz & Marvin H. Weiner Family Mitchell ‘14, Kelsey ‘16, Andrew Segall, and Foundation and Ethan ‘20 Howard & Linda Miller Jerome G. & Annette S. Zimmerman Joseph & Debra Weinberg BB&T | Scott & Stringfellow Foundation Family Foundation Michelle & Steve Wions $5,000 & ABOVE $18,000 & ABOVE
Phyllis & Leonard J. Attman Foundation and Family Susan & Steve Bond Brown Advisory Irene & Robert Russel and Family
Parent BT Association Anonymous Frona A. Brown, Ed.D. and Family Josh & Zhanna Diamond The Judi & Steven B. Fader Family Foundation Greenebaum Enterprises 21 Beth Tfiloh Annual Campaign
Dr. Adrian Dobs & Dr. Martin Auster Elayne Berg and Family Beth Tfiloh Alumni Association The Haron Dahan Foundation DLA Piper LLP (US) Richard Kremen, Lee Sheller, and Shale Stiller Leslie & David Goldstein Law Offices of Rochlin, Settleman, and Dobres Gordon Feinblatt LLC Ned T. Himmelrich, Searle E. Mitnick, and Abba David Poliakoff Hoffman & Co. Caterers
$3,000 & ABOVE GOLD
Atlas Restaurant Group Jody & David Berg In memory of Sheldon Berman by Ann Berman and Family Carbiz Jodi & Colin Fleisher, Debra & Jeff Berney Reba & Arnold G. Cohen Joel Cohn & Jill Spector Hertzbach and Company Joel & Rosalyn Chazen, Jane Epstein & Steve Oliner, and Daniel & Jodi Wahlberg Judith & Davidz'l Jacobson Mrs. Alan J. Karlin Shelley & Robert Kaye Emily & Scott Levin Lewis Contractors Anne & Yehuda Neuberger Frankel Properties LLC Bob & Sherrie Frankel Pearlstone Family Fund Karen & P. J. Pearlstone R&R Events, Inc. Stacy & Louis Schwartz Chana & Jeremy Staiman In Memory of Sarah Bush Strategic Factory Walton and Company, Inc.
Dr. Robert & Miriam Adelstein and Family Alex Cooper Auctioneers, Inc. Joseph & Annette Cooper
Alleviation Institute LLC Alexander Reznikov, ATP Anonymous (5) Arrow Parking Azman Eyecare Specialists Debbi & Louis Baer Joan & Brian Brown Michael, Rivka ‘98, Yoni ‘24, and Ami ‘27 Bresler Chase Commercial Bank Mark D. Coplin Crossroads Dental Arts Joanne Block Rief DDS Dr. Howard & Maureen Davidov Sharon & Robert Dondes Proudly Supported by First National Bank Chaya & Howard Friedman Craig & Wendy Friedman Eve & Mark Gheiler MiCasa Title Group, LLC GorfineSchillerGardyn Sharon & David Green Lauren ‘97 & Julian Hammond Lowell & Margie Herman Herman, Sessa & Dorsey, LLC Jeff & Shelly Hettleman Arik, Elite, Eden ‘14, Adee ‘15 and Amit Jakob Dr. Peter & Ilene Jay Katz and Associates The Kazin Family Anna & Daniel Klein Jackie & Dino La Fiandra Alvin Lapidus Esther & Armand Lasky Patty & Charles Leve Heather & Aaron Levinoff LifeBridge Health Dr. Marc & Elaine Lowen Jacob Yosef Miliman and Family Rachel & Joel Monroe Phipps & Tom Moran Amie & Paul Nochumowitz Bob & Amy Pollokoff Shoshi ‘03 & Brian ‘98 Ponczak Quarry Orthodontics Dr. Michael Noorani and Dr. Jill Baldinger Shoshana & Jason Reitberger Steven Renbaum, Mark, Stephani, David and Sarah Renbaum The Rosemore-Greenlinger Group at Morgan Stanley Avigail Rosemore and Avi Greenlinger
Laura, Jason, Harris & Evan Rubenstein Samuelson’s Diamonds and Estate Buyers Liora & Ed Schlesinger Ben & Lois Sigman Smile Forever Dentistry Moss Family Stark & Keenan, P. A. Rozzie & Harold Taylor Michael Temchine Photography Valley Realty Dr. Simcha & Debra Varon Carl & Denise Verstandig The Verstandig Family Dr. & Mrs. Howard Weiss Wells Fargo Melissa & Richard Peters York Roofing, Inc.
Susan & Cary Albert Anonymous Kerry & Alan Appelbaum The Attman Family of Acme Paper & Supply Co. Becky, Josh, Jacob ‘19 and Noah ‘21 Brenner City Wide Maintenance Defender One Security Jennifer & Jon Krieger Dr. Michael & Linda Elman Europa Eyeware Scott Shapiro Melanie & Milton Gertner Elliott Gorbaty M.D. Lisa & David Hackam IntelliComp Technologies
Drs. Gail & Bob Liss The Liss Family Philanthropic Fund Mayer & Steinberg, Inc. Dror & Vered Mei-Tal Global Telecom Ricka Neuman & Ted Niederman Mitch & Janice Posner Dr. Bruce & Susan Rabin Radcliffe Jewelers Sol Levinson and Bros., Inc. Diane & Nathan Torn, Shoshana, Max, and Jaclyn Woodlawn Motor Coach W.S. Tegeler Monument Company
Mike & Janean Adelstein Anonymous (2) Julie & Gary Applebaum Attman’s Delicatessen Beth Tfiloh Congregation Sisterhood Israel Bonds Dr. Jay & Natalie Chason Steven Cohen Jack Finkelstein & Frances Kessler in honor of Tsipi & Michael Renbaum Friends of the IDF Beth Gansky Steven Goldberg Mayer & Dena Gorbaty Dr. Sheldon & Cassandra Gottlieb GPS Law Group Faith, Adam, Maia ‘15 and Bradley ‘19 Harrison Dr. Beth Hogans
Larraine Bernstein & Kenneth Hornstein Ann H. Kahan Cindy & Harvey Kasner Kassimir Physical Therapy Tamara & Don Kirson Lands’ End Allison & Aaron Magat Maryland Vascular Specialists Joanna ‘01 & Ryan Millman Jonathan Murstein Elissa & Bob Ness Rabbi & Mrs. Yehuda Oratz Stephen & Leslie Pomerantz Dr. & Mrs. Steve Pruce Dr. & Mrs. Robert Riederman The Rosenblatt Group Marilyn & Josef Rosenblatt Dr. Sandy & Howard Rosenblatt Elaine & Melvin Rosenzweig Danielle & Dr. Saul Roskes Calla & Todd Samuels Mark & Lorraine Schapiro Laury & Lewis Scharff The Nathan & Louise Schwartz Tzedaka Fund Larry & Diane Seegull Robert Segal & Laurie Lieberman Frank & Danielle Sarah Storch Swirnow Building Systems, David & Beth Swirnow Dr. & Mrs. Peter and Rosemary Warschawski Elaine & Stan Weintraub Marilyn Weisman Faith & Ed Wolf
2018–2019 Honor Roll 22
Kadima is Hebrew for forward. Members of the Kadima Legacy Society have invested in the future of Beth Tfiloh by making an endowment gift or testamentary arrangements for a legacy gift. Faye & Abe Adler Rosalie & Richard Alter Phylllis & Leonard Attman Deborah & Louis Baer Linda Barron Walter Beckerz’l Pat & David Bernstein Mickey & Berniez’l Bliden Becky & Josh Brenner Judy Chernak
Ted Chernak Ethel & Howard Cohn Dr. Howard A. & Maureen H. Davidov Sandy & Sheldon Dobres Marvin Egorin Marcey & Mark Eisen Irene G. & Robert I. Ellin Rheda & Jerryz’l Fader Joan & Larry Feldman Jack Finkelstein Myra & William Fox Dr. John & Elaine Kaplan Freeman Cee Cee & Michael Friedman Sue & Herbert Garten Shellye & Steve Gilden Carol & Sheldon Glusman
Sally & Haroldz’l Goldberg Sonyaz’l & Stanley Goldberg Cassandra & Sheldon Gottlieb Sharon & David Green Ben Greenwald Evelyn Gross Louis, Rona & Ruth Halikman Renee & David Heyden Larraine Bernstein & Ken Hornstein Cheri & David Hurwitz Linda & Steven Hurwitz Beth Kaplan & Bruce Sholk Mrs. Alan J. Karlin Elaine Katzen Loryn Lesser Melvin Lessing Sarellen & Dr. Marshall Levine Elaine & Marc Lowen Louise D. & Morton J.z’l Macks Allison & Aaron Magat Sherry & Josh Mauer Willie Mazerz’l Howard B. Miller Deborah & Searle Mitnick Tova & Rony Natanzon Ian Neuman Jonathan Neuman Phyllis Neuman Ricka Neuman Dr. Selvin Passen Ellyn & Steve Polakoff
Dr. Allan & Carol Pristoop Fran & Steve Pruce Beverly & Gerald Rashbaum Dr. Marvin Rombro Nancy & Stuart Rombro Avigail & Justin Rosemore Dr. Sandy & Howard Rosenblatt Irene & Robert Russel Jennifer & Michael Sachs Marcia & Alvin Sachs Isaac Samuel Drs. Nachum & Zipora Schorr Lee & Tina Sheller Irene & Michael Sherman Rachellez’l & Ronnie Silverstein Eve Kresin Steinberg Rosalind & Harold Taylor Roz & Marvin H. Weiner Family Foundation Rabbi Mitchell & Sherry Wohlberg Dr. Edward & Faith Wolf Linda Steel Yaffe Annette & Jeromez’l Zimmerman Susan Zimmerman Drs. Eva & Simion Zinreich Eleanor and William Ziv The following bequests were received during the 2018-2019 year: Frida Riedermanz’l
SPECIAL GIFTS GIFTS TO SCHOLARSHIP FUND $500–$999 Rosalie & Richard Alter Rachel & Zachariah Alter Christopher Desmarais Mickey Katzen Dr. Rhonda & Dr. Hyam Levitsky
GIFTS TO THE ENDOWMENT $25,000 & ABOVE Sarellen & Dr. Marshall Levine Marc & Elaine Lowen My Family Story Endowment
23 Beth Tfiloh Annual Campaign
Stanley Goldberg Beverly & Gerald Rashbaum
The Oorah Middle School Academic Support Fund
$5,000 & ABOVE
Ricka Neuman & Ted Niederman— The Nelson Neuman Family Kiddush Fund Roz & Marvin H. Weiner Family Phyllis Neuman—The Nelson Neuman Foundation support for the Annual Florence & Joseph Weiner Family Kiddush Fund Memorial Basketball Tournament $1,800–$4,999 and Academic Support Dr. Darryl & Nancy Garfinkel— Tova and Rony Natanzon— The Garfinkel Family Learning The Natanzon/Taylor Family Assistance Fund Senior Trip to Poland and Israel Adele Richer & Michael Greenebaum—Yad B’Yad Fund $10,000 & ABOVE Dror & Vered Mei-Tal— Stephanie & Erwin Greenberg Yad B’Yad Fund
The BT community welcomed athletes and staff from five Jewish day schools across North America and Israel for a weekend of sports, spirit and camaraderie at the 32nd Annual Florence & Joseph Weiner Memorial Basketball Tournament.
ENDOWMENTS SYNAGOGUE ENDOWMENTS The Endowment helps to sustain affordability for our members and provides flexibility within the Congregation’s budget for the support of adult education, youth programming, religious services, and many other important facets of Congregation life. The Congregation’s endowment is invested through the Community Investment Fund at THE ASSOCIATED. SYNAGOGUE ENDOWMENT AS OF 5/31/2019
Total Value: $10,420,000 2018/2019 Draw: $513,000
Beth Jacob Endowment Fund Cemetery Perpetual Care Funds S. Harold Cohen Scholarship Fund Dahan Sanctuary Renovation Fund The Sally & Harold Goldberg Music Fund The Alan J. Karlin Chatan Torah Honor Fund Samuel Lessing Yahrzeit Fund Willie & Sophie Mazer Staff Luncheon Fund Stanley Z. Penn Memorial Lecture Fund Jennifer & Michael Sachs Camp Fund Seymour Yaffe Advanced Jewish Studies Scholar Fund 75th Anniversary Fund
OTHER SYNAGOGUE FUNDS Epstein Chapel Fund Betty Katz Flower Fund Max & Esther Kaye Israel Experience Fund Steve & Shellye Gilden Family Programming Fund Nelson Neuman Family Kiddush Fund Samuelson Fund Alfred L. Tuvin Library Fund Holly & Steve Venick & Family Activities Fund
Louise D. & Morton J. Macks Library Fund Louise D. & Morton J. Macks Scholarship & Teachers Fund William & Sophie Mazer Scholarship Fund Meyerhoff Endowment Fund Ralph Meyerstein Memorial Fund Deborah & Searle Mitnick Chumash Program Endowment Natanzon & Taylor Family Israel/ Poland Trip Fund Passen Scholarship Fund Ellyn & Stephen Polakoff Senior Trip Scholarship Fund Beverly & Gerald Rashbaum Scholarship Fund Henry Reichenberg Scholarship Fund Dr. Sandra & Howard Rosenblatt Siddur Ceremony Endowment Adella Russel Scholarship Fund Ronnie & Allie Russel Charitable Foundation SCHOOL Katrina Samuel Scholarship Fund ENDOWMENT Mollie & Aaron Schwartz Israel AS OF 5/31/2019 Trip Fund Total Value: $15,247,000 The Kresin Steinberg Family 2018/2019 Draw: $856,000 Tehillim Program Endowment The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg ENDOWED FUNDS Foundation The Ida Altman & Hannah Kahn Roz & Marvin H. Weiner Educational Memorial Scholarship Fund Learning Assistance Fund Phyllis & Leonard Attman Roz & Marvin H. Weiner Scholarship Fund Scholarship Fund Walter Baumstein & Morris Bob Edward & Faith Wolf Family Scholarship Fund Ray Nachlas Becker Scholarship Fund Scholarship Fund Bomstein Library Endowment Fund Julius Zerwitz Memorial Scholarship Fund Beth Jacob Congregation Zinreich Scholarship Fund Scholarship Fund Brown/Crane Scholarship Fund OTHER SCHOOL Dahan Scholarship Fund FUNDS Liebe & Earl Diamond Rosalie & Richard Alter Scholarship Scholarship Fund Fund Sandy & Sheldon Dobres Middot Bliden Middle School Fund Program Endowment Bessie & Saul Caplan Fund Paul Ellin Holocaust Fund Garfinkel Family Learning The Sally & Harold Goldberg Assistance Fund Music Fund Sonia & Stanley Goldberg Hirschhorn Scholarship Adopt-a-Child Fund Endowment Fund Emanuel Kaplan Memorial Fund Laurence M. Katz Israel Trip Fund Dr. Isadore & Hilda Kaplan Krasna Family Fund Merit Scholarship Fund Rosie and Hayim Kutzer Jerome Kirson Scholarship Fund Scholarship Fund Joseph & Rose Lazinsky Library Fund Eric Levi Memorial Scholarship Fund Levine Family Arts Appreciation Fund Jerome Lichter Scholarship Fund Oorah Fund for Middle School Marc & Elaine Lowen Academic Support My Family Story Endowment Louise D. & Morton J. Macks Art Fund The Corey Seidel Drug and Addiction Awareness Fund
SCHOOL ENDOWMENTS The school’s endowment provides much needed resources to enable the school to educate as many children as possible, while also maintaining the highest level of excellence in all curricular areas. Close to 20% of the scholarship dollar come from the annual endowment draw. This allocation provides flexibility within the school’s operating budget, allowing for the support of professional development, teacher salaries, and countless other areas that are critical to the overall success of the program. The school’s endowment is invested through the Community Investment Fund at THE ASSOCIATED.
Rachelle & Ronnie Silverstein Academic Support Fund Nechama Spector Memorial Fund Holly & Steve Venick and Family Extracurricular Activity Fund Yad B’Yad Fund
TOP: Beth Tfiloh eighth graders exhibited creative 3D depictions of their diverse family histories at the Jewish Museum of Maryland, as part of the Museum of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot’s My Family Story program, supported by the Marc & Elaine Lowen My Family Story Endowment. middle: BT 10th graders took their annual trip to Gettysburg National Park. The trip serves to conclude their history unit on the Civil War, while also closing the first year of their US History Course. The Holly & Steve Venick and Family Activities Fund helps to ensure that all families have the opportunity to send their children on school field trips. bottom: Our fourth grade students celebrated learning King David’s wisdom written in Sefer Tehillim (the Book of Psalms) at The Kresin Steinberg Family Tehillim Program Endowment. 2018–2019 Honor Roll 24
OUR VOLUNTEERS ANNUAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE Emily Levin, Chair Lisa Hackam, Vice-Chair Randi Abramson Ivy Ammann Louis Baer Jon Barron Wendy Berman Connie Berman Lauren Braunstein Becky Brenner Alicia Broth Melissa Burchman Natalie Chason Joel Cohn Maureen Davidov Sandy Dobres Sharon Dondes Whitney Ehrlich Melissa Eisner Teri Gitlitz Arnie Golberg Cass Gottlieb Ken Hornstein Cheri Hurwitz Roberta Katz Robert Kaye Shelley Kaye Cheryl King Shari Kirk Merissa Kogutt Aviva Kovacs McKenzie Kruger Jackie La Fiandra Daniela Levine Aaron Levinoff Heather Levinoff Melissa Levy Laurie Lieberman Allison Magat Mandy Miller Sherry Mauer Ricka Neuman Ora Noorani Paula Pearl PJ Pearlstone Melissa Peters Ellyn Polakoff Shoshi Ponczak Rena Rank
25 Beth Tfiloh Annual Campaign
Lorren Rapkin Carol Rubenstein Jason Rubenstein Calla Samuels Louis Schwartz Larry Seegull Diane Seegull Lee Sheller Michael Sherman Yelena Shirkin Alex Simone Margie Singer Jill Spector Carla Steinberg Vered Taylor Marty Taylor Debbie Vogelstein Rachel Steinberg Warschawski Jan Weiss Laura Wolf Jackie Yahr
Ellyn & Stephen Polakoff, Co-Chairs Michelle & Steve Wions, Co-Chairs Randi Abramson Avi Benus Liba Benus Wendy Berman Larraine Bernstein Susan Bond Lauren H. Braunstein ’03 Becky Brenner Deborah Cardin Natalie Chason Sophie Cohen Heather Cohen Joel Cohn Jenny Dansicker Sandy Dobres Marlene Friedenberg Eti Froimovich Stacey Getz Teri Gitlitz Lisa Hackam Midge Herman Ken Hornstein Cheri Hurwitz Linda Hurwitz Cindy Kasner Shelley Kaye
Becky Kazin Brian Levin Emily Levin Amanda Levine Elaine Lowen Sherry Mauer Josh Mauer Vered Mei-Tal Jamie Moshkatal Ora Noorani Amy Passen PJ Pearlstone Karen Pearlstone Melissa Peters Dara Polakoff ’05 Ben Polakoff Nancy Polakoff Rena Polun Shoshi Ponczak ’03 Rena Rank Mark Rapaport Betty Reichenberg Mark Renbaum Alison Roffe Susan Rosen Carol Rubenstein Calla Samuels Ronnie Samuelson Hudi Schorr ’01 Yanky Schorr Louis Schwartz Beth Sellman Irene Sherman Ronnie Silverstein
Marty Taylor Holly Venick Stacey Verstandig Steve Verstandig Melissa Weiner Laurie Weitz
Joel Cohn, President Larry Seegull, Vice President Becky Brenner, Treasurer Dodi Samuel, Assistant Treasurer Jackie La Fiandra, Secretary Randi Abramson Richard Alter Louis Baer Connie Berman David Carliner Heather Cohen Nissim Dahan Sharon Dondes Melissa Eisner Randy Getz Cass Gottlieb Faith Harrison Lowell Herman Cheri Hurwitz Linda A. Hurwitz Peter Jay Robert Kaye Aaron Levinoff Heather Levinoff Gail Liss Allison Magat
Searle Mitnick Thomas Moran Ron Muroff Ricka Neuman Ora Noorani P. J. Pearlstone Ellyn Polakoff Shoshi Ponczak Fran Pruce Jason Rubenstein Steven Samuelson Zipora Schorr Louis Schwartz Michael Sherman Randall Singer Jill Spector Eve Steinberg Neil Sweren Vered Taylor Marvin H. Weiner Scott Weiner Mitchell Wohlberg Richard Wolf
Ricka Neuman, Chair Louis Schwartz, Exec Vice Chair Neil Sweren, Vice Chair, Prop/Fac Arnie Golberg, Vice Chair, Dev Melissa Eisner, Vice Chair, Finance Alan Sandler, Asst. Vice Chair, Finance Craig Friedman, Vice Chair, Camp Shelley Kaye, Vice Chair, Synagogue Life Michael Bresler, Secretary
Gary B. Eidelman Irvin L. Fishbein Michael Friedman Steve G. Gilden Dr. Julian Goldberg Cass Gottlieb Leonard Grossman Lowell Herman Richard Kremen Dr. Marc I. Leavey Jacob Y. Miliman Searle Mitnick Fran Pruce Howard Rosenblatt Richard Rynd David Schwartz Lee Sheller Mark Smolarz Eve Kresin Steinberg Stanley Weintraub Marvin H. Weiner
Michael Bresler OFFICERS OF THE Elliot Cohen CONGREGATION Steve Hurwitz Dr. Louis Baer, President Cheryl King Lowell Herman, Honorary President Stephanie Kronthal Dr. Ron Davis, 1st Vice President Julie Price Gary B. Eidelman, 2nd Vice President Calla Samuels Yoni Bedine, Secretary Alan Sandler Ed Schlesinger MEMBERS OF
Marlene Friedenberg, President Roselyn Kalb Ellen Karp
Roberta Katz Cheryl King Rosalie Klotzman Anita Knisbacher Sonia Maltinsky Sheila Mentz Judy Werner
Shoshi (Wolf) Ponczak ’03, Alumni Council Chair Scott Blumberg ‘03 Lauren (Hurwitz) Braunstein ‘03 Alicia (Katznelson) Broth ‘90 Teri (Ershler) Gitlitz ‘92 Jessie (Barthlow) Goldberg ‘03 Allison (Sellman) Raphael ‘05 Ariela Rodban ‘10 Milena Rodban ‘04 Alex Simone ‘06 Marty Taylor ‘94 Jackie (Fuchs) Yahr ‘00
SYNAGOGUE LIFE COMMITTEE Vered Taylor, Chair Bess Gilden, Vice Chair Ivy Ammann Stephanie Baron Rachel Berman Elliot Cohen Ron Davis Whitney Ehrlich Larry Feldman Sheila Goldscheider Helen Gordon Jessica Kaplan Roberta Katz Shelley Kaye Nonny Kelly
Renata Kepner Cheryl King Sheri Knauth Phil Leder Marcie Lehnhoff Emily Levin Melinda Levin Anne Pfeffer Alan Sandler Jen Sobol Marty Taylor Steve Venick
Randi Abramson, President Heather Levinoff, Vice President Sharon Bar Saadya Barron Leah Bennett Wendy Berman Bess Gilden Carly Greenberg Allison Kehne Cheryl King Shari Kirk Merissa Kogutt Daniella Levine Sara Ostrow Lorren Rapkin Joanna Rogers Stacey Verstandig Michelle Wions Laura Wolf Jayme Wood Michon Zysman
2018–2019 Honor Roll 26
2018/2019 LEADERSHIP RICKA NEUMAN Chairman of the Board Beth Tfiloh Congregation DR. LOUIS BAER Congregation President JOEL COHN President, Board of Trustees Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School
RABBI MITCHELL WOHLBERG Rabbi and Dean DR. ZIPORA SCHORR Director of Education DEVELOPMENT OFFICE MANDI G. MILLER Director of Development MICHELLE CHERRY ’02 Director of Alumni Relations ALISA RANK Senior Development Associate ITAEL E. TOIBMAN Development Project Manager JULIE WOLFF Development and Admissions Outreach Associate COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE JOAN FISHBEIN FELDMAN Director of Communications RINA GOLOSKOV Assistant Director of Communications
3300 Old Court Road Baltimore, Maryland 21208 PHONE (410) 486-1900 FAX (410) 486-0975