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A Year of Centennial Celebrations

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A historic milestone like the 100th anniversary of the largest Modern Orthodox synagogue in North America deserves a year of equally historic events, programs, and learning opportunities… a Centennial Experience. Read on to explore the calendar of exciting, thoughtprovoking, and entertaining programming we have planned for you this fall. Visit bethtfiloh.com/centennial to view complete details and to register online.

A new century brings with it a new look and new faces. Read about our exciting building renovations and in-progress enhancements, meet the newest members of our shul’s professional team, and find out what’s up next for Rabbi Wohlberg, Hazzan Albrecht, Eve Kresin Steinberg and Cherie Brownstein.


Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah

Check bethtfiloh.com/sukkot for complete holiday service & program details.

Yaffe Scholars Centennial Style: An Exploration of Beth Tfiloh’s Timeless Values

Wednesdays, November 17-May 25, 7-8:15 pm

This year’s Yaffe Scholars course will highlight Beth Tfiloh’s seven core values: joyful inspiration, meaningful practice, inclusiveness, Jewish learning, Israel and peoplehood, community, and generations. Together, we will delve into each value for several sessions using an array of textual sources from classical and contemporary commentators. You’ll gain practical tools on how to live life in sync with these values. The classes will be taught by an outstanding lineup of Beth Tfiloh clergy, Judaics faculty and guest presenters. Catered dinner will be served once a month.



See website for specific session dates for each weekly series

Mondays, October 11-May 23, 7-8 pm

Join Rabbi Dr. Yoggev for stimulating discussions on Tanach, mitzvot, halacha, Jewish philosophy and much more. Our source-text will be Ask Rabbi Jack, which will be taught in an informal, conversational format. As we move through the book, topic by topic, you will have the opportunity to ask Rabbi Yoggev all of your tough questions and learn new insights. Free of charge.

Email eyoggev@btfiloh.org to register.

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