Mercaz Programs 2019-2020

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Mercaz Dahan Center for Jewish Life & Learning

Beth Tfiloh

B T in the AM Expand and deepen your knowledge through courses rich with ideas and text study. Enrollment is open to men and women from all backgrounds and learning levels. This premier Jewish learning program consists of three sessions with a choice of outstanding classes. Fee required.

11:25 am–12:25 pm Jewish Philosophers in Dialogue Rabbi Dr. Eli Yoggev

9:15–10:15 am

Compare four pairs of Jewish thinkers and analyze the effects of their philosophies on the current Jewish denominational landscape. The pairs include: Maimonides and Rabbi Judah Halevi; Rabbi Joseph Ber Soloveitchik and Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook; Rabbi Avi Weiss and Rabbi Shimon Gershon Rosenberg; and Rabbi Mordechai Kaplan and Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. Each pair will be compared with the others, with a focus on the practical takeaways.

Heartstrings and Soul-Stirrings: Text-Based Study of Ketuvim (Writings)

Rabbi Dr. Eli Yoggev is a member of the Beth Tfiloh rabbinic team, and teaches Judaic studies at Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community High School.

Mrs. Chana Slavaticki

11:25 am–12:25 pm

September 9, 16, 23; October 28; November 4, 11, 18, 25; December 2, 9, 16; January 13, 27; February 3, 10, 24; March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; April 20, 27; May 4, 11 (luncheon), 18 (2020-2021 preview)

Join us on a roller coaster of human emotions as we struggle with adversity in the book of Iyov (Job), are love-struck in the book of Shir HaShirim (Song of Songs), and communicate with G-d through it all in the book of Tehillim (Psalms). Chana Slavaticki is the director of Mercaz and teaches Judaic studies at Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community High School.

10:20–11:20 am Coping with Today Through the Words of Yesterday Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg (Sept.-Dec.), Dr. Zipora Schorr (Jan.-March), and Rabbi Chai Posner (March-May)

If you’re curious about how Jewish tradition provides guidance for the modern issues we face today, then this course is for you. Examine contemporary religious, social, and lifecycle issues through the lens of traditional and contemporary Jewish texts to address topics such as birth, abortion, organ donation, family dynamics, homosexuality, immigration, gun control, healthcare, animal rights, prayer in the modern world, and interfaith dialogue.

Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg is the spiritual leader of Beth Tfiloh Congregation. Dr. Zipora Schorr is the Director of Education of Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School. Rabbi Chai Posner is a member of the rabbinic team.

Current Events Mr. Phil Jacobs

We will follow the news and issues of interest in our media, whether the source is digital media, social media, cable news or an old reliable newspaper delivered to one’s front door. In the current season of presidential debates, caucuses and primaries, not to mention elections in Israel, there will be an abundance of news to discuss and debate. Please join us for a spirited conversation. Phil Jacobs teaches Jewish history at Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community High School and was executive editor of the “Baltimore Jewish Times.”

Yaffe Scholars Footsteps: A Journey in Jewish History Join renowned historians and Torah scholars as they deliver insightful and interactive lectures on Jewish history from the Second Temple period until modern times, with an in-depth focus on select time periods. Immerse yourself in primary text study as we take a closer look at leading Jewish personalities of those times. Fee required. The Seymour Yaffe Scholars Program for Advanced Jewish Learning is named for Seymour “Siggy” Yaffe. He was a past president of Beth Tfiloh Congregation and a most beloved and respected member of Beth Tfiloh. Wednesdays: Dinner at 6:30 pm; Lecture 7-8:30 pm December 4, 11, 18; January 8, 15, 22, 29; February 5, 12, 19, 26; March 4, 11, 18, 25; April 1, 22; May 6, 13, 20, 27

Fall Semester

The Traditional Jewish Family Confronts the Nontraditional 21st Century Penn Lecture: The Jewish Family Faces the Future: Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Let Me Hear Thy Voice: Reflections of an Orthodox Journalist: Mrs. Avital Chizhik-Goldschmidt

Wednesday, October 30 • 7 pm

Wednesday, November 13 • 7 pm

The French poet Paul Valery once wrote, “The future, like everything else, is no longer what it used to be.” How will the Jewish family, the vital core of Jewish existence throughout our history, be affected with a future so unpredictable? Rabbi Weinreb will address this question from the perspectives of a psychologist, a synagogue rabbi, and a communal leader. He will discuss some of the struggles that Jewish families across the ideological spectrum are now facing, and will identify trends which are already apparent and which portend even greater struggles in the future. Rabbi Weinreb will conclude with practical advice and words of hope.

What is it like being an Orthodox Jewish woman in journalism, speaking truth to power? What is it like, reporting on your own community, commenting on societal ills—knowing full well you may have to sit next to the subject of your criticism the next day in synagogue? Does reporting on wrongdoing in the religious community fall under “lashon hara?” And what is the future of Orthodox women's leadership? Chizhik-Goldschmidt will share the story of her journey, the stories she has worked on over the years, and the challenges she has faced, navigating modernity and tradition, as both a journalist and as a traditional “rebbetzin.” The lecture will be followed by a Q&A with Rabbi Chai Posner.

Rabbi Dr. Weinreb is an ordained rabbi, a clinical psychologist, and the executive vice president emeritus of the Orthodox Union. Rabbi Weinreb lectures extensively, visiting communities and congregations across North America, Europe and Israel. He is the editor-in-chief of the new Koren Talmud Bavli, and has authored a commentary on the book of Psalms, “The Rohr Family Edition of Tehillim.”

End-of-Life Ethical Dilemmas: An Evening with Dr. Jessica Nutik Zitter Monday, November 4 • 7 pm Film Screening: Extremis An Oscar-nominated 24-minute documentary film on end-of-life decisions. Keynote: Dr. Jessica Nutik Zitter What types of moral distress do physicians face? What happens when family members disagree about a treatment plan? What about patient autonomy? What is the end-of-life conveyor belt? How does Judaism inform heart-wrenching end-of-life decision making? This powerful talk will offer insight into these and other important questions, and will be followed by a fireside chat with Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg. This evening is a collaboration between Beth Tfiloh and Gilchrist Jewish Hospice. Dr. Jessica Nutik Zitter, MD, MPH, from Oakland, CA, is a national advocate for transforming the way people die in America. She is Harvard- and UCSFtrained to practice the unusual combination of critical and palliative care medicine. Dr. Zitter is the author of “Extreme Measures: Finding a Better Path to the End of Life.”

This program is presented in conjunction with The Baltimore Festival of Jewish Literature. Avital Chizhik-Goldschmidt is an editor at the “Forward.” She teaches journalism at Yeshiva University's Stern College for Women, and does pastoral work alongside her husband, Rabbi Benjamin Goldschmidt, in Manhattan's Upper East Side. Her work focuses on Orthodoxy, faith, women's rights and politics.

The Opioid Crisis is Also a Jewish Problem: Mr. Harry Nelson Wednesday, November 20 • 7 pm The opioid crisis has forced national attention on the interwoven problems of overdose deaths, addiction, and chronic pain. While the coverage has primarily focused on “hot zones” in rural America, the profound underlying social challenges are also reverberating through the Jewish community. How should we understand and respond to the challenges? Do Jewish sources offer lessons or integrate with potential solutions? Drawing on his recent book, The United States of Opioids, Harry Nelson will offer ideas for addressing the issues in our own lives, as parents, educators, and community members. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A with Dr. Zipora Schorr. Based in Los Angeles, Harry Nelson is a healthcare lawyer and the author of “The United States of Opioids: A Prescription for Liberating a Nation in Pain” (Forbes 2019) and “From ObamaCare to TrumpCare: Why You Should Care” (2017). Since 2017, he has served on the Wexner Foundation’s Heritage Alumni Council, and worked to call attention to addiction and related challenges in the Jewish community.

Fall Semester will take place in the Mintzes Theatre and is free and open to the public.

Dahan Lecture Antisemitism: Here and Now: Dr. Deborah Lipstadt Thursday, March 19 Free and open to the public. There been a noticeable uptick in antiSemitic incidents in America. Where is all this hatred coming from? Is there any significant difference between left-wing and right-wing anti-Semitism? What role has the anti-Zionist movement played? Lipstadt gives us her own brilliantly argued, and certain to be controversial, responses to these troubling questions. Dr. Deborah E. Lipstadt, Dorot professor of Holocaust studies at Emory University in Atlanta, has published and taught about the Holocaust for close to 40 years.

Women’s Initiatives Moms and Midrash September 23, October 28, November 25, December 9, January 27, February 24, April 20, June 22, July 20, August 31 • 7:45-9 pm Carve some meaningful “me time” out of your busy schedule to engage in reflective Torah study with fellow moms of preschool kids and Chana Slavaticki, on topics related to spirituality and personal growth. These interactive learning sessions will take place in private homes. Contact to be added to the list.

Kneading Spirituality: BT Bakes Challah Thursday, January 9 • 7-9 pm “Knead” some spirituality? Join your soul sisters for an inspirational hands-on challah bake with Dr. Zipora Schorr, Morah Faigie Friedman, and Mrs. Shelley Kaye. They will walk you through the steps of making your own mouthwatering challah and will enlighten you with the significance of challah in our tradition. Nourish your body and feed your soul. To register, contact Fee required. Co-sponsored by the Beth Tfiloh Sisterhood.

Shabbat Shira: Women’s Shabbat Shabbat, February 8 Joining us will be the Jewish women’s a capella group, Mezumenet, from the University of Maryland. Stay tuned for more details.

Pre-Pesach Women’s Night Sunday, March 22 • 7 pm • Light dairy dinner Do you feel prepared for Pesach, beyond the cleaning and cooking? Get in the zone with your mind, heart and soul. Join Dr. Zipora Schorr as she shares insights and ways to inspire and renew your Pesach Seder. To register, please contact

B T in the P M BT in the PM is the umbrella for Mercaz’s evening classes. The series of classes listed below are open to men and women from all backgrounds and learning levels and are free of charge.

Do-It-Yourself Judaism Mondays, November 11, 18, 25; December 2, 9, 16 • 7-8 pm Learn how to put up a mezuza, prepare a d’var Torah, tie tzitzit, visit the sick, bake challah, check a Torah scroll, find Jewish content on the internet, ward off evil spirits, pay a shiva call, and more! This six-week workshop with Rabbi Dr. Eli Yoggev will provide hands-on instruction in more than 20 areas of Jewish law and custom.

Hebrew Reading Crash Course Mondays, November 11, 18, 25; December 2, 9 • 7-8 pm Do you know the difference between an aleph and a bet? Would you feel more at home in shul being able to read the prayers in Hebrew? This beginner’s course in Hebrew reading is your entry point to the rich world of Hebrew texts and prayers. In just five weeks you will be reading Hebrew! Co-sponsored by the National Jewish Outreach Program. Elana Vogel is a master language teacher at Beth Tfiloh Dahan High School and Mercaz.

Gemara Class Mondays, January 6, 13, 20, 27; February 3, 10, 17, 24; March 2 • 7-8 pm Learn how to properly learn a daf (page) of Gemara, understand the thought process, and familiarize yourself with the main players on the page. The learning will be “Beit Midrash style” with time for chevrutas (peer study) and a shiur (lecture) by Rabbi Dr. Eli Yoggev.

Cholent Chaburah Thursdays, December 5, 12, 19; January 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; February 6, 13, 20, 27; March 5, 12, 26; April 23, 30; May 7, 14 • 7-8 pm Join an outstanding line-up of Beth Tfiloh community educators for inspiring Parshah learning and piping hot cholent in traditional Thursday night Mishmar style.

Mercaz for Me Mercaz is Beth Tfiloh’s address for adult learning from ages 20-120. Is there something you’re interested in seeing Mercaz offer? Please contact Chana Slavaticki,, to talk about your idea, and how you envision Mercaz being a space for YOU!

Monthly Classes

Special Programs

Mercaz Book Club: Mrs. Halaine Steinberg

Mercaz Friday Night Edition

The Book Club, facilitated by Halaine Steinberg, will feature an impressive selection of books of Jewish interest. Read and discuss the season’s best, most thought-provoking books. Fee required.

November 1, February 21

Halaine Steinberg is beginning her 22nd year at Beth Tfiloh. She is the Director of College Guidance and 12th grade teacher of Honors College Writing.

“Fiddler on the Roof” Trip

Mondays: 12:30–1:30 pm (A light lunch will be provided) October 28; November 18; December 16; January 27; February 24; March 30; April 27; May 18 Wednesdays: 10:30–11:30 am October 30; November 20; December 18; January 29; February 26; April 1; April 29; May 20

Yiddish Club: Dr. Beatrice Lang Was Yiddish your first language? Do you want to kvetch or kibbitz all in Yiddish? Are you interested in Yiddish wisdom, humor, culture, or texts? Do you love the sound of mame-loshen? Then come join our Yiddish club facilitated by Dr. Beatrice Lang, with the participation of Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg, Dr. Zipora Schorr, and Cantor Avi Albrecht. The discussions will always be lebedik (lively)! Fee required. Mondays: 12:30-1:30 pm (A light lunch will be provided) November 4; December 2; January 13; February 10; March 16; April 20; May 11 Beatrice (Brukhe) Lang teaches Yiddish language and culture at Johns Hopkins University and is a writer for the online Yiddish language program, YiddishPOP. She speaks Yiddish with her two children and is very much looking forward to meeting Yiddishspeakers at BT.

Living Room Learning: Mr. Phil Jacobs A study group facilitated by Phil Jacobs meets monthly on Sunday evenings at the homes of group members for engaging and lively discussion. We are kicking off the year on October 27 at Beth Tfiloh. Please contact the Mercaz office for more information. October 27 November 17; December 29; January 26; February 23; March 22; April 19; May 17 • 7:30 pm

Join fellow BT in the AM and Yaffe Scholars participants for an exclusive Friday night dinner with cocktails, inspirational davening, delicious food, and dynamic speakers. Sunday, November 3 Join us on a trip to New York to see “Fiddler on the Roof” in Yiddish (with English subtitles). The trip is organized by Sandie Nagel of Playbound and includes travel on a Superior Tours bus, Goldberg’s bagels “to go” for breakfast, and dinner from Mr. Broadway Kosher Bar & Grill. Orchestra seating. $223 per person. Contact Mrs. Shelley Kaye at or the Mercaz office.

Lunch Bunch Come socialize with new and old friends, enjoy some musical entertainment, and a delicious lunch. Contact the Mercaz office to register. $8 for BT members, $10 for non-members In collaboration with the Beth Tfiloh Sisterhood Festive Chanukah Celebration: Wednesday, December 18, 11:30 am Spring Klezmer Celebration: Stay tuned for more details.

Mercaz Office Director: Mrs. Chana Slavaticki Coordinator: Ms. Sheera Zaidman Shar Mercaz Committee Members Co-chairs: Shelley Kaye & Anne Pfeffer Louis Baer Marcia Leavey Devorah Brooks Loryn Lesser Sandy Dobres Shirley Littman Teri Gitlitz Sonia Maltinsky Cass Gottlieb Sheila Mentz Stanley Haas Ellen Miller Myra Hoff Searle Mitnick Mike Pearl Norm LaCholter

Rena Polun Steven Pruce Rena Rank Betty Reichenberg Josef Rosenblatt Eve Steinberg Howard Ungar

Register online at

Our Benefactors The Mercaz Dahan Center for Jewish Life and Learning is the recipient of a perpetual endowment from Haron z”l and Rachel Dahan z”l. This endowment helps Beth Tfiloh’s adult Jewish education programs reach out to the entire Beth Tfiloh family and to the local Jewish community. Mercaz proudly carries the name of its dedicated benefactors.

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