THE BETH TFILOH EXPERIENCE Programs for Adults, Families & Children of All Ages
January-August 2018 • 5778
Shalom! AS BETH TFILOH approaches its centennial year, it continues a long and cherished tradition of serving the most diverse and vibrant Jewish community on the national scene. Through its congregation, school and camp, Beth Tfiloh offers an extensive calendar of services, programs and events that is truly unparalleled. There is something for everyone at BT — for adults, families, and children from toddlers to teens — to enrich Jewish life, Jewish learning and to foster a sense of community. From Shabbat services and Yom Tov celebrations to weekly adult classes for the novice and advanced learner alike, to a vast offering of youth and family programs, Beth Tfiloh is committed to embracing your family’s desire to share, explore, and celebrate with joy a love of Judaism from generation to generation. We look forward to having you be part of the BT family again this year. Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg Dr. Zipora Schorr Director of Education Sandy Vogel Director, MERCAZ Dahan Center for Jewish Life & Learning Cherie Brownstein Director, Beth Tfiloh Youth Center Holly Venick Director of Synagogue Life Lindsay Gaister Director, BT CARES/Social Action
ABOUT THE COVER The cover artwork, celebrating our beloved city of Jerusalem, is composed of the final murals created by each of the Beth Tfiloh Middle School teams as part of their annual Color War competition. 2
Shabbat at Beth Tfiloh
eth Tfiloh’s weekly Shabbat line-up provides a choice of services with a number of “user-friendly” enhancements. A full complement of children’s and teen services in addition to babysitting make the Modern Orthodox services especially attractive to families with young children. Our halachicallyapproved Tzomet sound system, a mechitza, and increased participation by women are innovations which aim to expand the appeal of this unique house of worship. The BT Minyan service on Shabbat morning and Yomim Tovim provides a
participatory service in a more intimate setting to enable Beth Tfiloh to serve Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg Hazzan Avi Albrecht the broadest cross-section of Modern Orthodoxy. Inspiring “talk of the town” sermons by our rabbis and the melodic baritone of Hazzan Avi Albrecht, make Beth Tfiloh’s service truly unique on the American Jewish scene.
Rabbi Eli Yoggev
Start Shabbat morning off with an indepth class led by Rabbi Chaim Wecker at 8:10 am. Join Rabbi Eli Yoggev and thousands of Jews worldwide who are studying a page of Talmud every Shabbat at 8:15 am.
SHABBAT SERVICES take place weekly at 8:45 am in the Dahan Sanctuary (9 am in July/ August) and 9:15 am at the BT Minyan in the Epstein Chapel.
SHABBAT AFTERNOON CLASS Every Shabbat afternoon our rabbis, Community Educator, and special guests lead a stimulating session of Torah study in the Epstein Chapel. Topics range from Jewish thought to the weekly Parshah to Jewish law. The classes are always interactive, lively, and accessible. Texts are available Rabbi Chai Posner in English, making this class perfect for everyone: young and old, men and women, experts and beginners. Mincha and Seudah Shlishit (the third Shabbat meal) follow the class on longer Shabbat afternoons; during the winter the class takes places during the Seudah.
“WHAT’S ON THE RABBI’S MIND?” Several times during the year, meet with our rabbis for a half-hour pre- or post-Kiddush discussion on news, books and topics of interest. Next session: February 24
PARSHAH INSIGHTS: CONVERSATION FOR WOMEN Beginning at 10 am, Community Educator Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe invites women to enjoy 15 minutes of engaging discussion on Parshah, current events or topics of their choice.
Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe
ALIYOT & HONORS To request an aliyah or other honor on Shabbat, holidays or during weekday services, please contact Rabbi Chaim Wecker, Ritual Director, at cwecker@ or 410-413-2218. Rabbi Chaim Wecker
Children, Teens & Families
eth Tfiloh’s dynamic and charismatic team of service leaders for children’s Shabbat & Yom Tov services engage children and teens at their own level. Our leaders are professionals who love working with your children and sharing their enthusiasm for Shabbat. Come often and make each Shabbat your special family time!
Babysitting for children (infant-age 4) is available on Shabbat and Yom Tov at 10 am through the end of services by trained teens.
Kid Cong (Junior Congregation) is a highly participatory service for children in grades 1-4 and Hebrew School classes MechinaDaled, led by the charismatic Brian Singer, whose creativity keeps kids engaged and entertained. Services take place weekly and on holidays from 10-11:45 am. Our themed Kid Cong will be even more special Brian Singer with wild and crazy ways to connect to the parshah and holidays. Check the calendar for all of our special themes!
Cindy Stein
Terry Alpert
Our PreSchool Service, “Cookie Minyan,” brings together parents and our youngest congregants, infant through age 3 ½ in an interactive parent/child service led by BT PreSchool teachers and staff in the Rynd Family Room. This weekly service begins at 10:45 am on Shabbat and holidays and engages everyone through song, prayer, stories, activities and a totfriendly Kiddush.
Special Kiddush lunches will be held for different grades throughout the year, as part of a creative program for parents and children with the BT clergy - January 6: Hebrew School; January 13: 3rd and 4th grades; January 27: 1st grade; February 10: 2nd grade; April 21: Kindergarten; May 19: Hebrew School
MIDDLE SCHOOL BOYS MINYAN Boys in Grades 5-8 and Hebrew School classes Hay and Vav spend Shabbat morning at our weekly Middle School Minyan, led by BT alumni Joseph Schwartz ‘12 and Julian Sless ‘13 at 10 am in Room 265. This Minyan gives students the opportunity to spend Shabbat and holidays with friends, reinforce their Hebrew reading and davening skills, and participate in an occasional “Ask the Rabbi” session. Each week includes a delicious Kiddush. Grade level Shabbatonim will be Mini-Minion held throughout the year, sponsored by our school. STARTS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3RD!!
FOR children age 4 through Kindergarten
MEETS every Shabbat morning 10:45 am / Next to the Rynd Room
Led by Morah Jody Levey & Morah Becky Gordon BABYSITTING BEGINS AT 10 AM
Girls in Grades 5-8 and Hebrew School classes Hay and Vav are invited to join together each Shabbat at 10:30 am in Room 264 for a girls-only service. The service will include both prayer and discussion of the meaning of prayer, topical investigations, and special shmooze time. Combined “Ask the Rabbi” sessions along with the grade level Shabbatonim are also held. Services will be led by young shelicha Yarden Salansky, Hailey Grutman ‘19, and Abby Lerman ‘18.
• A NEW drop-off service for 4 year-olds through Kindergarten
• A fun, creative participatory service with puppets, songs, stories and games.
Temi Kiwala
Becky Gordon
For children age 4 through Kindergarten, we have a dropoff service with Morah Temi Kiwala and teacher and music specialist Becky Gordon at 10:45 am that gives children more active and independent participation. Children have the opportunity to learn prayers, play age-appropriate games, and engage in activities to make participation fun. Special Kiddush Lunches for participating Cookie Minyan and Mini Minion families will be held on February 3 and April 14 featuring special guest teachers from our PreSchool and Lower School.
• Kiddush treats each week
• Right next door to our Cookie Minyan (for age 3 and younger)
BAR/BAT MITZVAH PROGRAM The Beth Tfiloh Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program has been developed to prepare students for the responsibilities of Jewish adulthood and provide them and their families with a meaningful and memorable Jewish life-cycle experience. Beth Tfiloh’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah students and their parents meet monthly with Rabbi Wohlberg for family education revolving around synagogue
life, rituals and life cycle events, and topical issues of current interest. Our rabbis meet individually with students to help personalize and enrich a course of learning leading up to their Bar/Bat Mitzvah in conjunction with our excellent Bar/ Bat Mitzvah teachers. Students also participate in a series of hands-on projects that prepare them to take on adult mitzvot in addition to doing their own mitzvah project. Bar and Bat Mitzvah dates are assigned to children of Beth Tfiloh members at least two years in advance of the calendar year of their 13th birthday. Dates for 2019 have been assigned to those who have requested them. Dates for 2020 will be completed in the winter of 2018. For more information on getting an assigned date, please contact Eve Kresin Steinberg at 410-413-2251. For questions about programming, please contact Cherie Brownstein at 410-413-2220.
TEEN MINYAN Teen Minyan is a student-led service held in the High School Beit Midrash that allows both young men and women to take part in the Shabbat experience. Services are conducted weekly on Shabbat and on holidays. A special Kiddush follows each service, prepared especially for this devoted group of teens. Stan Lustman assists Stan Lustman with this service, together with a rotation of young adults who provide excellent role models for our students.
MINYAN MEYUCHAD Beth Tfiloh sponsors this monthly service for teens and adults with special needs, led by Susan Coleman and Miriam Rosenberg. Participants take part in a meaningful adapted Shabbat service followed by Shabbat lunch. Signing for the hearing impaired is provided. January 6; February 3; March 3; April 14; May 5; June 2
SHABBAT AND HOLIDAY CELEBRATIONS Throughout the year, there are creative and exciting celebrations of holidays and special Shabbatot for families and the Shul community. Upcoming meals have been planned include themed Kiddushim for Yom HaAtzma’ut and honoring our students and families throughout the year.
for our Youth Services in honor of a birthday or other special dates. Contact Cherie Brownstein at Cookie Minyan or Mini Minion Kid Cong Middle School Boys/Girls Services Teen Minyan
$75 and up $100 and up $100 and up $150 and up
BT Cares! The Beth Tfiloh Social Action Committee BT Cares Social Action is dedicated to enriching the lives of those less fortunate. This year will include a variety of hands-on projects that will benefit different facilities including Baltimore Station, GEDCO, Helping Up Mission, Beans & Bread, CHANA, Paul’s Place, and more. In the Winter and Spring, Beth Tfiloh will collect home-made or store bought desserts to donate to Paul’s Place, host our annual Mishloach Manot Making event where we will make 800 bags to deliver to nursing homes during Purim, and run a Mitzvah Crafts event where projects will be donated to local organizations to help brighten up rooms of the elderly. HELP (Homeless Extra Lunch Program) LUNCHES: Support needy families at Beans & Bread by bringing in bagged lunches or sending an extra lunch with your child two Fridays per month. While all members and families are encouraged to send in lunches on any/all dates, this year, each HELP lunch day will be assigned to a grade in the
school. Grades are encouraged to participate as Beans & Bread is counting on that specific grade for food. The following BT Cares programs will take place this Winter and Spring: January: BT Cares and Sisterhood Clothing Drive: Men and Women’s clothing for CHANA (Receipts will be given) February: Mishloach Manot Making March: Pre-Pesach Chametz Drive to benefit GEDCO April: Mitzvah Crafts Event June: Summer Collection to benefit Camp St. Vincent Beth Tfiloh affiliates, including the School, Hebrew School, Congregation, Brotherhood, Sisterhood, Mercaz, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, and BT Camps, will participate in BT Cares events. Please check the calendar and Social Action webpage for more opportunities to get involved: For additional information, please contact Lindsay Gaister at 5
MERCAZ Dahan Center for Jewish Life & Learning
Mercaz & Sisterhood Jointly Sponsored Programs
Ora Imanoel will join us for a fun night of innovative Pesach cooking. Take home delicious new recipes for Pesach. Monday, March 12, 2018. Registration required.
This study group, facilitated by Phil Jacobs, meets monthly on Sunday evenings at 7:30 pm at the homes of group members for lively discussion. Contact the Mercaz office for host details at 410413-2321. January 21, March 18, April 15, May 6, June 10
MERCAZ BOOK CLUB HALAINE STEINBERG, FACILITATOR The book club, facilitated by Halaine Steinberg, will feature an impressive selection of books of Jewish interest. Read and discuss the season’s best, most thought-provoking books. Special fee. Mondays at 12:45 pm: January 29, February 26, March 26, April 30, May 14; Wednesdays at 10:30 am: January 31, February 28, March 28, May 2 , May 16
THE LUNCH BUNCH A monthly program providing lunch, entertainment, music and speakers, meeting on Wednesdays at 12 pm. Special fee; advance reservations required. January 31, March 21, April 25, May 23 and June 20
DAF YOMI RABBI ELI YOGGEV Join thousands of Jews worldwide who are studying a page of Talmud every day. The one-hour class meets during the week at 6 am, on Shabbat morning, at 8:15 am and on Sunday morning at 7:30 am.
PARSHAH CLASS RABBI CHAI POSNER Study the Torah with Rabbi Posner through the lens of different Torah commentaries-from Midrash to Chassidut, from Rashi to Rabbi Sampson Raphael Hirsch, and find out how we interpret, apply and understand God’s word in our world. Monday nights at 8 pm, Through May
BODY & SOUL Join the women of Beth Tfiloh in warm home-hosted gatherings as we engage in intimate conversation focusing on personal and spiritual growth, as well as physical and emotional health. Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe guides the mindful discussions with meditation, poetry and various experiential settings grounded in themes within our Jewish lifecycle. Contact the Mercaz office for more information. Dates TBA
MEET THE AUTHOR We look forward to meeting Ronald Balson, author of Once We Were Brothers, Saving Sophie, Karolina’s Twins, and his newest book, The Trust. Tuesday, April 24
SAFEGUARDING SENIORS CHANA spotlights the growing public health problem and human rights issue of elder abuse. Join us when Jacke Schroeder, Director of SAFE (Stop Abuse of Elders), explains the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships. She will also provide tips for taking care of yourself and loved ones to prevent abuse and financial exploitation. Thursday, May 24 at 7:30 pm. Registration required.
BT IN THE AM PROGRAM BT in the AM offers Monday morning weekly classes on a wide range of Jewish topics. Enrollment is open to Jews of all ages from all backgrounds and learning levels. Contact Sandy Vogel at 410-413-2306 for more information.
THE SEYMOUR YAFFE SCHOLARS PROGRAM FOR ADVANCED JEWISH STUDY The Seymour Yaffe Scholars Program is modeled after the Wexner Heritage program. Participants meet weekly on Wednesday evenings for dinner and a 90-minute Shiur. This year the Yaffe Scholars will be examining the challenges faced by classic Jewish leaders, paying special attention to their wisdom, critical thinking, innovations, problem solving and communication. For more information about these programs, contact Sandy Vogel at 410-413-2306.
MERCAZ LENDING LIBRARY: BOOKS AND VIDEOS Through the generosity of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Silverman (z”l) MERCAZ is able to provide a lending library of both books and videos that reflect the richness of Jewish thought and variety of Jewish experience. Located in the Tuvin Library next to the MERCAZ office, the library offers an array of books—fiction, memoirs, biographies, Jewish history, current affairs, self help, and cooking—and a collection of outstanding Israeli and Jewish films. MERCAZ Library Hours: Monday–Thursday: 10 am–3 pm; Friday: 9–11 am. Closed holidays and weekends.
Help Us To Serve You!
Beth Tfiloh Young Professionals (BTYP) provides a vibrant and welcoming home at Beth Young Professionals Tfiloh Congregation for young professionals, ages 21 to mid/late 30s. With the support and leadership of Rabbi Eli Yoggev and Marlene Hollander, this new groups provides a space for young professionals to connect with one another and with Judaism through fun and engaging programming. Starting in January, Rabbi Yoggev will be inviting small groups of young professionals to Shabbat and Holiday meals, as well as offering a BTYP Downtown lecture series. We will also join B’nai Israel: The Downtown Synagogue, for a Purim themed celebration. For additional details and to learn about other events, check out and join our Facebook Group:!
EMPTY NESTER CHAVURAH Beth Tfiloh’s Empty Nester Chavurah (ENC) is a group of Beth Tfiloh Empty Nesters who gather Sunday evenings each month at members’ home to discuss topics related to Judaism or Israel or meet at local venues for socialization and fun. The Empty Nester Chavurah is a wonderful way to make new friends, strengthen connections with Beth Tfiloh members, and engage in meaningful religious, educational, cultural, and social pursuits. Should you wish to participate in the Empty Nester Chavurah, please email or phone Roberta Katz ( / 410-290-7991). New members are warmly welcomed and encouraged to join. January 28: Bowling with pizza, February 25: Program to be determined, March 25: Pesach stories, anecdotes, and ideas, April 29: Meeting with Rabbi Yoggev, Topic to be determined, June 3: Meeting with Rabbanit Jaffe, Topic to be determined
BT WEBSITE AND ON SOCIAL MEDIA Visit the Beth Tfiloh website for the most up-to-date schedule of services, calendar of events and programs, with the convenience of online registration plus sermons, online donations, news, photos, videos and more! Follow Beth Tfiloh on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Instagram — with the very latest updates including school news, photos and videos, posts and sermons by Rabbi Wohlberg, timely articles, and upcoming events. Visit our social media sites below and be sure to “like” us on Facebook and “follow” us on Twitter and Instagram. • • • • • • instagram: @bethtfilohschool • linkedin: Beth Tfiloh Professional Network •
Our tradition teaches that it is customary for us to honor meaningful occasions in our lives, be they joyous or difficult times, by giving tzedakah (charity). Giving tzedakah is a tangible way to show gratitude for the blessings that we all have in our lives. Consider honoring your smachot and yahrzeits by making a gift to Beth Tfiloh in one of the following ways.
SHABBAT SPONSORSHIP OPTIONS: Youth Sponsorships: Cookie Minyan or Mini Minion $75 and up Kid Cong $100 and up Middle School Boys/Girls Services $100 and up Teen Minyan $150 and up Coffee Club $150 Full Kiddush $1,500 Wine $500 Flowers $300 Seudah Shlishit $300 Simcha plaque $360
Brotherhood brick $90 Friday morning Minyan breakfast $200 Yom HaAtzma’ut sponsor $200 and up Purim sponsor $500 and up Lag B’Omer sponsor $500 Gifts of $18 and above to a wide choice of Beth Tfiloh funds will be acknowledged in the Bulletin. For Youth Sponsorships, please contact Cherie Brownstein, Youth Director, at 410-413-2220 or For other sponsorships, please contact Eve Kresin Steinberg, Executive Director, at 410-413-2251 or for more information.
SHABBAT & YOM TOV HOME HOSPITALITY Beth Tfiloh is our home for Shabbat and Yom Tov services. Opening your home or being a guest in someone’s home for a Shabbat or Yom Tov meal is a way to make and strengthen relationships between fellow congregants. Please consider Sharing Shabbat with members of our Beth Tfiloh community for the holidays or Shabbat all year round. Please contact Holly Venick,, if you would like to be a part of this ongoing program. This program is brought to you by the Synagogue Life Committee. 7
Saturday, January 6
n Hebrew School Shabbat
Saturday, January 6 Join the BT Family for a great Shabbat with special children’s programs and a delicious hot Kiddush lunch. Highlights will include a “Meet & Greet,” fun and interactive children’s activities for ages 1 through High School, a Hebrew School Shabbat program, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah class, and a special animal show. Plus, Parshah Insights for women and intriguing sermons by our rabbis in both services. The morning will be topped off by a delicious, hot Simcha Kiddush. All are welcome!
Saturday, January 6 n Winter Wonderful Shabbat n Kid Cong: Parshat Shemot: Name Games n Minyan Meyuchad
Saturday, January 13 n Kid Cong: Parshat Va’era: PJ Shabbat n PreSchool Playdate, Dinner, and Havdallah n Shabbat Lunch for Grades 3 and 4
Friday-Saturday, January 19-20 n 10th Grade Shabbaton Join the BT Family for a great Shabbat
Saturday, January 20 with special children’s programs and a delicious Kiddush lunch. n Kid Cong: Parshat Bo: Fitnesshot Shabbat
• Meet other BT families and enjoy coffee 10am • Fun interactive children’s activities for ages 1-3 and 4-6 10:45am • Shabbat Fun with Brian Singer for children in Grades 110am • Shabbat games & contests for Grades 5-8 Boys 10am / Girls 10:30am • Hebrew School family program 10am • High School Teen Service 9:32am • Torah Insights for Women 10am • Choice of two inspiring Shabbat services 9am-Noon • Intriguing sermons by our rabbis 10:45 am
Saturday, January 27 n Shabbat Shira
n Kid Cong: Parshat Beshalach: Tu B’Shevat Shabbat n All-Star Shabbat
n Honoring First Graders for Siddur Ceremony n Shabbat Lunch for 1st Grade
BT CARES Fridays, January 5 and 19 n HELP Lunches
Sunday, January 14 n BT Cares and Sisterhood Men & Women’s Clothing Drive
The daily minyan, led by our dedicated Minyanaires, has daily morning, afternoon and evening services with a Dvar Torah (short words of Torah) between Mincha and Maariv. For further information about weekday or Shabbat services, contact Rabbi Chaim Wecker, our ritual director. A schedule of services is available at 8
Wednesday, January 17 n YACHAD Program for 7th and 8th grades
Friday, January 19 n High School Sophomores’ Day of Service
Tuesday, January 2
Wednesdays, January 3, 31
n School Resumes
n Mercaz Fellows
Friday, January 5
Wednesdays, January 3, 10, 17 & 24
n PreSchool Pop-In Day
n Hebrew Reading Crash Course
Sunday, January 7
Wednesdays, January 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
n Sunday Sports: Basketball
n Israeli Dance
n ICEE Testing
Mondays, January 8, 15, 22, 29
Monday, January 8
n Parshah Class with Rabbi Posner
n Lower School BT Plus Winter Classes Begin
Tuesday, January 16
Friday, January 12
n Meals for CHANA
n 2nd Grade Welcome Day
Wednesdays, January 17, 24, 31
Monday, January 15
n Yaffe Scholars Program
n No School – Professional Day
Sunday, January 21
n Middle School Red Cross Babysitting Course
Friday, January 19 n Kindergarten Welcome Day n Sophomores’ Day of Service
Sunday, January 21 n Sunday Sports: Basketball
Friday, January 26 n 1st Grade Siddur Program
Tuesday, January 30 n High School STEM Program
Learn about our outstanding BT Camps for children, ages 2 through 14. Visit or call 410-517-3451.
n Living Room Learning
Mondays, January 22, 29 n BT in the AM Program
Monday January 29 & Wednesday January 31 n Mercaz Book Club: Judas by Amos Oz
Tuesday, January 30 n Sisterhood Game Day
Wednesday, January 31 n The Lunch Bunch
Saturday, January 27
Enjoy true BT “nachas” (joy) as an all-star team of Beth Tfiloh Dahan High School teens will lead the Shabbat Service in the Dahan Sanctuary. This is a wonderful opportunity to see the impact that our school is having on the future of Jewish leadership.
February 15, 18, & 20
n Cookie Minyan & Mini Minion Lunch
Saturday, February 3 n Minyan Meyuchad
Friday-Saturday, February 9-10 n 6th Grade Shabbaton
Saturday, February 10 n Kid Cong: Parshat Mishpatim: Order in the Court! n 2019 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program n Shabbat Lunch for 2nd Grade
Saturday, February 17 n Kid Cong: Parshat Terumah: Lego Shabbat – build the Mishkan!
Our talented High School students will return to the stage to perform “The Addams Family,” directed and produced by the award-winning Beth Tfiloh Creative Arts Department.
Saturday, February 24 n Kid Cong: Shabbat Zachor - “A Shabbat to Remember” n “What’s on the Rabbi’s Mind?”
Wednesday, February 28 n Fast of Esther n Purim Megillah Reading & Shushan Street Carnival
BT CARES! Tuesday, February 6 n YACHAD Program for 7th and 8th grades
February 28-March 1
Dress up and join in the celebration of Purim at BT. Special early evening Megillah Story and Carnival for PreSchool age children and their families. Our famed Multimedia Megillah enhances the understanding and participation of the whole family before heading into the greatest Shushan Street carnival anywhere west of Shushan. Enjoy the fun and nosh on hamentashen! Our annual Purim Seudah extravaganza will take place on March 1 featuring SOULFARM -- make your reservation early! 10
Wednesday, February 7 nBar/Bat Mitzvah students “Empty Bowls” Program
Fridays, February 9 and 23 n HELP Lunches
Monday, February 12 n Dessert Drop-Off
Sunday, February 25 n “Spread the Love” BT Cares Mishloach Manot Making Event
Wednesday, February 28 n Pasta Graggers Collection on Purim to benefit GEDCO
Friday, February 2
Mondays, February 5, 12, 26
n PreSchool Pop-In Day
n BT in the AM Program
Sunday, February 4
n Parshah Class with Rabbi Posner
n Bar Mitzvah Tefillin Workshop and Breakfast
Wednesday, February 7, 21
n Bat Mitzvah Challah Bake
n Mercaz Fellows
Monday, February 5
Wednesdays, February 7, 14, 21
n Preschool BT Plus Winter Classes Begin
n Yaffe Scholars Program
Sunday, February 11
Wednesdays, February 7, 14, 21, 28
n High School ACT Testing
n Israeli Dance
Sunday, February 11-Tuesday, February 13
Monday, February 26
n High School Model UN
n Canning with Amy Caplan
Tuesday, February 13
Monday, February 26 & Wednesday, February 28
n Lower School Conferences
n Mercaz Book Club: Walking Lions, By Ayelet Gundar-Goshen
Thursday, Sunday, Tuesday, February 15, 18, 20 n High School Musical
Wednesday, February 21
n Middle School Conferences
Thursday, February 22
Thursday, February 22
n New York Reunion: Talia’s Steakhouse, Manhattan
n Lower School Conferences
Sunday, February 25
Friday, February 23
n College Park Reunion, Maryland Hillel
n 3rd Grade Middot Program
Wednesday, February 28
Monday, February 26
n Alumni Warrior Day
n Junior College Visitation Day
Wednesday, February 28 n Lower School/High School Buddy Program
We look forward to our annual BT Alumni reunions in New York and College Park. 11
March 1
Saturday, March 3
MEXICAN FIESTA SEUDAH Grab your sombrero and follow Mordechai and Esther over the border to our annual Purim Seudah where east meets south over a sumptuous Mexican buffet. The sounds of SOULFARM plus Purim games and activities make this the biggest and best seudah anywhere.
Sunday-Tuesday, March 4-6
Thursday, March 1 n Purim Seudah n Kid Cong: Parshat Ki Tisa - Take Two Tablets n Minyan Meyuchad
Saturday, March 10 n Kid Cong: Chocolate Shabbat n 2019 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program
Saturday, March 17 n Kid Cong: Shabbat Rosh Chodesh moon trivia
Friday-Saturday, March 23-24 n 7th Grade Shabbaton
Saturday, March 24 n Kid Cong: Parshat Tzav: Moshe Says n Shabbat HaGadol Drasha: Is the Messiah About to Arrive? Reflections on Israel’s 70th Anniversary
Thursday, March 29 n Bedikat Chametz (Search for Chametz)
Friday, March 30 n Erev Pesach and First Seder n Fast of the First Born
We take great pride in the leadership role that both our students and synagogue members take in AIPAC, and look forward to their attendance again this year at the national policy conference in Washington, D.C.
Thursday, March 22 and Sunday, March 25
MIDDLE SCHOOL MUSICAL Our talented Middle School students will return to the stage to perform “Peter Pan, Jr.,” directed and produced by the award-winning Beth Tfiloh Creative Arts Department. 12
n Chametz Burning and Chametz Collection
Saturday, March 31 n Pesach - 1st Day n Special Pesach Children’s Program
Saturday, March 31-Saturday, April 7
Make this year’s Pesach the most meaningful ever, as we celebrate the festival of freedom. Look for the newest edition of Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg’s inspiring “10 Questions for the Pesach Seder” as well as updates to his “UnHaggadah” at bethtfiloh. com/Pesach. Pesach services will include children’s services and holiday treats.
Sunday-Tuesday, March 4-6
Sunday-Tuesday, March 4-6
n AIPAC Conference
n High School AIPAC Conference
Mondays, March 5, 12, 19, 26
Wednesday, March 7
n Parshah Class with Rabbi Posner
n High School Cultural Arts Night
Wednesday March 7, 21
Friday-Saturday, March 9-10
n Mercaz Fellows
n High School Shabbaton
Wednesdays, March 7, 14, 21
Sunday, March 11
n Yaffe Scholars Program
n High School SAT Testing
Wednesdays, March 7, 14, 21, 28
Monday, March 12
n Israeli Dance
n Preschool Closed
Thursday, March 8
n National Honor Society Installation
n Multi-Sisterhood Luncheon
Monday, March 12 n Pesach Cooking Demonstration with Ora Imanoel
Mondays, March 12, 19, 26 n BT in the AM Program
Sunday, March 18 n Living Room Learning
n Senior Internships Begin
Thursday, March 22 and Sunday, March 25 n Middle School Musical
Tuesday, March 27 n PreSchool Pop-In Dinner
Thursday, March 29 n Passover Break Begins (through April 9)
Monday, March 19 & Wednesday, March 21 n Book Club: Orphan’s Tale by Pam Jenoff
Wednesday, March 21
n Lunch Bunch
Dates TBD n BT Puppeteers Purim Performances
Hold your birthday party at Beth Tfiloh and leave the planning to us! We provide the space, the food, the cake, and several party packages to choose from including sports, arts and crafts, and cooking. You may also bring your own entertainment if you choose. For more information, please contact Jen Postal at
Thursday, March 1 n Pasta Graggers Collection
Tuesday, March 6 n YACHAD Program for 7th and 8th grades
Fridays, March 9 and 23 n HELP Lunches
Sunday, March 18 n Bar/Bat Mitzvah students “Helping Up Mission” Program
Monday, March 19-Tuesday, March 27 n Pre-Pesach Chametz Drive to benefit GEDCO 13
CELEBRATING ISRAEL’S 70 Tuesday, April 17
ANNUAL DAHAN LECTURE Jeffrey Goldberg and Bret Stephens with Senator Ben Cardin, Moderator
SHABBAT AND HOLIDAYS Sunday, April 1 n Pesach - 2nd day
Friday, April 6 n Pesach - 7th day
Saturday, April 7 n Pesach - 8th day (Yizkor)
Thursday, April 12 In Pirkei Avot, we are told that at age 70 one attains wisdom. As Israel celebrates its 70th year, we ask what lessons has Israel learned that it didn’t know earlier in its statehood? Conversely, despite its 70 years, what is critically important for Israel to know going forward? We pose these questions to two major voices known for their views on Israel and the Jewish American scene. Jeffrey Goldberg is editor-in-chief of The Atlantic. Bret Stephens is former editor-in-chief of the Jerusalem Post, a contributing columnist for The New York Times and senior contributor for NBC news. We are honored to have Beth Tfiloh’s own Senator Ben Cardin, as moderator.
Wednesday, April 18
Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the State of Israel The evening includes activities for kids, a soulful davening led by SOULFARM, followed by a celebration with vendors, music, and fun for the whole family featuring the largest and most creative birthday cake ever. 14
n Yom HaShoah Commemoration
Saturday, April 14 n Kid Cong: Blue & White Shabbat n 2019 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program n Minyan Meyuchad n Cookie Minyan & Mini Minion Lunch
Tuesday, April 17 n Yom HaZikaron Program (6:30 pm)
Wednesday, April 18 n Yom HaZikaron n Yom HaAtzma’ut: Celebrating Israel’s 70th Year
Thursday, April 19 n Yom HaAtzma’ut
Saturday, April 21 n Kid Cong: Super Hero Shabbat n Shabbat Lunch for Kindergarten n Honoring our graduating seniors in Shul
Saturday, April 28 n Kid Cong: Love Your Neighbor Shabbat
Monday, April 9
Mondays, April 9, 16, 23, 30
n School Resumes
n BT in the AM Program
Friday, April 13
n Parshah Class with Rabbi Posner
n PreSchool Pop-In Day
Wednesdays, April 11, 18, 25
Sunday, April 15
n Yaffe Scholars Program
n High School ACT Testing
Sunday, April 15
Monday, April 16
n Living Room Learning
n Lower School BT Plus Spring Classes Begin
Tuesday, April 17
Tuesday, April 17
n Annual Dahan Lecture featuring Jeffrey Goldberg, Bret Stephens, and Senator Ben Cardin
n High School Internship Showcase n All School Convocation
Monday, April 23 n PreSchool BT Plus Spring Classes Begin
Thursday, April 26 n PreSchool Grandparents’ & Special Friends’ Day
Friday, April 27 n Lower School Grandparents’ & Special Friends’ Day
Tuesday, April 24
Friday, April 20
n Author and Dinner: Meet Ronald Balson, author of Once We Were Brothers, Saving Sophie, Karolina’s Twins and The Trust
Wednesday, April 25 n The Lunch Bunch n Israeli Dance
Monday, April 30 n Mercaz Book Club: Saving Sophie by Ronald Balson
Monday, April 30 n High School AP Exams
Sunday, April 15
n PreSchool Grandparents’ & Special Friends’ Day
n Good Deeds Day: BT Cares! “Spread the Love” Mitzvah Crafts Event
Friday, April 27 n Lower School Grandparents’ & Special Friends’ Day
Monday, April 16 (through Monday, May 7) n Mercaz Gift Card Collection to benefit CHANA
Wednesday, April 25 n YACHAD Program for 7th and 8th grades
Friday, April 13 and 27 n HELP Lunches
May Saturday, May 19-Monday, May 21
SHABBAT AND HOLIDAYS Thursday, May 3 n Lag B’Omer
Saturday, May 5 n Kid Cong: Parshat Emor - You Don’t Say?! n Minyan Meyuchad
Sunday, May 13 n Yom Yerushalayim
Saturday, May 19 n Shabbat Lunch for Hebrew School and Hebrew School Graduation n Erev Shavuot – Dinner & Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Sunday, May 20 n Shavuot – Lunch and Panel Discussion
Saturday, May 19 Erev Shavuot – Dinner & Tikkun Leil Shavuot n Israel at 70: Exploring the Past, Appreciating the Present and Envisioning The Future From: Yerushalayim to Tel Aviv, Secular to Religious, Hawk to Dove, Diaspora to Israel
Sunday, May 20 n Shavuot (1st Day) Lunch and Panel Discussion
n 2019 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program
Monday, May 21 n Shavuot (2nd Day) - Yizkor n School Closed
BT CARES Monday, May 7
n Installation of Officers
n Mercaz “Mother’s Day” Gift Card Collection to benefit CHANA
n 2019 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program
Fridays, May 11 and 18
Monday, May 21
n HELP Lunches
n Shavuot (2nd Day) - Yizkor
Tuesday, May 15 n YACHAD Program for 7th and 8th grades
TRIBUTE GIFTS Beth Tfiloh offers a variety of Tribute Gifts to honor or memorialize a friend or family member. Gifts will be acknowledged by a letter or card to the recipient, and gifts of $18 or more are listed in the monthly Beth Tfiloh Bulletin. A variety of congregational and school funds are available for Tribute Gifts. Gifts may be made online at or by calling 410-486-1900. 16
Wednesday, May 16 n Bar/Bat Mitzvah students at Weinberg Park
Tuesday, May 1
Sunday, May 6 and Tuesday, May 8
n Sisterhood Game Day
n Lower School Production
Wednesdays, May 2, 9, 16
Sunday, May 6
n Yaffe Scholars Program
n 5th Grade Musical Production: Aladdin Kids
Wednesdays, May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Monday-Friday, May 7-11
n Israeli Dance
n High School AP Exams
Wednesdays, May 2, 16 and Monday, May 14
Thursday, May 10
n Mercaz Book Club
n Night of One Act Plays
Sunday, May 6
Friday, May 11
n Living Room Learning
n Kindergarten Mother’s Day Tea
Monday, May 7, 14
Monday-Friday, May 14-18
n BT in the AM Program
n High School AP Exams
n Parshah Class with Rabbi Posner
Tuesday, May 15
Tuesday, May 8
n Middle School Spring Concert
n Sisterhood Donor Dinner
Wednesday, May 16
Wednesday, May 23
n PreSchool Vehicle Day
n The Lunch Bunch
Thursday, May 17
Thursday, May 24
n High School Dance Performance
n Safeguarding Seniors Schmooze and Learn Program
Friday, May 18
n 4th Grade Tehillim Program n High School Awards Ceremony
Sunday & Tuesday, May 6 & 8
Wednesday-Friday, May 23-25 n High School AP Exams
Thursday, May 24 n 8th Grade Performance
Friday, May 25 n Memorial Day Assembly
Monday, May 28 n School Closed: Memorial Day
Tuesday, May 29 n High School Trip Day
Thursday, May 31 n PreSchool Pop-In Dinner
Monday, June 25
Sunday, June 3
Friday, June 1 n PreSchool Pop-In Day n High School Spring Formal n High School SAT Testing
Monday-Friday, June 4-8 n PreSchool Beach Week
Tuesday, June 5 n 8th Grade Innovation Week
Thursday, June 7 n Kindergarten Follies
SHABBAT AND HOLIDAYS Saturday, June 2 n Kid Cong: Parshat B’Ha’alotcha - Summer/Beach Shabbat
n 8th Grade Athletic Awards
Sunday, June 10 n High School ACT Testing
n Minyan Meyuchad
n High School Graduation
Friday, June 8
Monday, June 11
n PreSchool Pre-Shabbat Dinner
n PreSchool 4’s Aliyah Program
Saturday, June 9
n 4th Grade Moving Up Ceremony
n Kid Cong: End of the Year Combo Shabbat!
n 8th Grade Moving Up Ceremony
n 2019 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program
Tuesday, June 12
n Aliyah Shabbat
n Last Day of School for Students, ½ Day Dismissal
JUST FOR ADULTS Monday, June 4 n BT in the AM Program
Wednesdays, June 6, 13, 20, 27 n Israeli Dance
Sunday, June 10 n Living Room Learning
Tuesday, June 12 n Sisterhood Closing Meeting
Wednesday, June 20 n The Lunch Bunch 18
Friday, June 8
Monday, June 25 n BT Camps Begins
BT CARES! Monday-Friday, June 5-12 n Camp St. Vincent Summer Collection
Wednesday, June 6 n YACHAD Program for 7th and 8th grades
Sunday, June 24 n Camp St. Vincent Summer Collection at BT Camps
Saturday night, July 21 Sunday, July 22
SHABBAT AND HOLIDAYS TBA n Family Shabbat Picnic Lunch n Family Shabbat Afternoon Play Dates
Sunday, July 1 n Fast of the 17th of Tammuz
Saturday Night-Sunday, July 21-22 n Tisha B’Av
SCHOOL AND YOUTH Monday, July 23-Friday, August 10 n Beth Tfiloh’s Performing Arts Summer Camp
Wednesday & Thursday, August 8 & 9 n Beth Tfiloh Arts Camp Performances
We will mark this day of mourning beginning Saturday night, July 21 with the recitation of Eicha (Book of Lamentations) and selected Kinot. Our Tisha B’Av program continues on Sunday, July 22 with explanatory Kinot (elegies), special classes, a feature film relating to the theme of the day, and concludes with Maariv and a break fast.
n Alumni BBQ
Tuesday, August 28
August TBA
n Brotherhood Orioles Big Screen BBQ
Wednesday & Thursday, August 8 & 9
Our growing Alumni Association, including our many Dorot (2nd Generation BT) Families, will enjoy our annual family-friendly BBQ, with great food, fun activities, and an opportunity to reminisce about their wonderful years at BT. 19
Beth Tfiloh Congregation and Schools Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 1262 Baltimore, MD
Roz & Marvin H. Weiner Family Campus 3300 Old Court Road / Baltimore, MD 21208
switchboard: 410-486-1900 fax: 410-653-0603 Schedule of Services: Dial 6, 2 Information Hotline: 410-413-2345
beth tfiloh congregation
Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg 410-413-2215 Hazzan Avraham Albrecht 410-413-2212 Rabbi Chai Posner 410-413-2219 Rabbi Eli Yoggev 410-413-2316 Rabbi Chaim Wecker Ritual Director, 410-413-2218 Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe Community Educator, 410-413-2441 Eve Kresin Steinberg Executive Director, 410-413-2251 Don Weinapple VP, Finance, 410-413-2291 Holly Venick Director of Synagogue Life, 410-413-2244 Dr. Louis Baer, President Ricka Neuman, Board Chairman Richard Goldsmith & Charlie Jay Brotherhood Presidents, 410-413-2238 Marlene Friedenberg Sisterhood President, 410-413-2239
beth tfiloh dahan community school
switchboard: 410-486-1905
2018 JEWISH HOLIDAYS Tu B’Shevat Wednesday, January 31
Lag B’Omer Thursday, May 3
Fast of Esther Wednesday, February 28
Yom Yerushalayim Sunday, May 13
Purim Wednesday, February 28 - Megillah Thursday, March 1
Shavuot Sunday May 20 Monday, May 21
Pesach Saturday, March 31 Saturday, April 7
Fast of Tammuz 17 Sunday, July 1
Yom HaShoah Thursday, April 12 Yom HaZikaron Wednesday, April 18 Yom HaAtzma’ut Thursday, April 19
Tisha B’Av Sunday, July 22 Rosh Hashanah Monday, September 10 Tuesday, September 11
Holidays begin on the prior evening at sundown.
Dr. Zipora Schorr Director of Education, 410-413-2305 Melissa Lebowitz PreSchool Director, 410-413-2303 Nina Wand Lower School Principal, 410-413-2508 Rabbi Yehuda Oratz Middle School Principal, 410-413-2407 Dr. Renee Koplon High School Principal, 410-413-2235 Brian Singer Hebrew School Coordinator, 410-413-2523 Laurie Kott Director of Admission, 410-413-2308 Allison Magat Director of Financial Assistance, 410-413-2310 Mandi Miller Development Director, 410-413-2399 Joel Cohn President, Board of Trustees Laura Wolf Parent Association President, 410-413-2314
beth tfiloh youth center
Cherie Brownstein Director 410-413-2220
mercaz dahan center for jewish life and learning Sandy Vogel Director, 410-413-2306
beth tfiloh camps
David Schimmel Director, 410-517-3451
bt cares!
Lindsay Gaister Director, 410-413-2224
Joan Feldman Director of Communications, 410-413-2312 Rina Goloskov Asst. Dir. of Communications, 410-413-2369 Lori Bernstein Graphic Designer, 410-413-2216 Erin Smith Communications Coordinator, 410-413-2322 Charlene Schimberg Communications Associate, 410-413-2217