BT PS Parent/Student Handbook 2018-19

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Beth Tfiloh Dahan

PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook


‫ תשע"ט‬- ‫תשע"ח‬ 3300 Old Court Road Baltimore, MD 21208 Phone #: (410) 413-2303 Fax #: (410) 415-5280

Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Accredited by the Association of Independent Maryland Schools (AIMS) and Licensed by the Maryland State Department of Education



Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Table of Contents Director’s Message ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Philosophy and Mission Statement................................................................................................................. 5 Our BT Beliefs ............................................................................................................................................... 6 Teachers, Assistants, and Specialists ............................................................................................................. 7 Parent Association ......................................................................................................................................... 8 School Calendar.............................................................................................................................................. 9 Hours of Operation ....................................................................................................................................... 10 BT Plus ......................................................................................................................................................... 11 Updated Registration/Schedule Changes ................................................................................................. 12 Napping Policy ............................................................................................................................................. 12 Health and Safety ........................................................................................................................................ 13 Immunization Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 13 Inclement Weather ....................................................................................................................................... 14 Arrival and Dismissal Procedures ................................................................................................................ 15 Updated Late Pick-Up Policy .................................................................................................................... 16 Communication Policy ................................................................................................................................ 16 Emergency Communications ……………………………………………………………………………… 17 Website…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 18 Social Media Policy……………………………………………………………………………………….. 19 Discipline Policy ......................................................................................................................................... 20 Bullying Policy………………………………………………………………………………..………20-22 Transportation Policy .................................................................................................................................. 23 Maryland Booster Seat Law……………………………………………………………………………..24-25 Lunch Policy ................................................................................................................................................ 26 Kashrut ........................................................................................................................................................ 26 Nut Awareness Policy ………………………………………………………………………………...27-28 Birthday Parties ........................................................................................................................................... 29 Celebrations and Holidays ........................................................................................................................... 29 Dress Code ................................................................................................................................................... 30 Diapers and Toilet Training ......................................................................................................................... 31 Field Trips ................................................................................................................................................... 31 AIMS Parent and Independent Schools…………………………………………………………………32-33 AIMS Code of Ethics…………………………………………………………………………………34-35 AIMS Statement of Confidentiality………………………………………………………………………...36 Child Abuse/Neglect Reporting Policy……...………………………………………………………………36 Child Abuse Law…………………………………………………………………………………………...36 Right of Privacy…………………………………………………………………………………………….36 Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School Contact Information………………………………………………37


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Director’s Message Dear Parents, Shalom! I would like to welcome you to Beth Tfiloh PreSchool. We are thrilled that you are here and look forward to creating memories with you. There is so much to learn about our school and we have provided a handbook to assist you with this information. The Parent Handbook is intended to be your guide during the school year. It will provide useful information to help familiarize you with our program. Please keep it as a handy reference to answer specific questions that may arise. As always, please feel free to call or stop by with any questions or concerns. The children at Beth Tfiloh are provided with experiences that will shape their future and the image of themselves. We provide the children with love and respect as well as an environment that encourages creativity, exploration, celebration and individuality. We pay close attention to the individual needs of each child to be sure their emotional and academic needs are met. We look forward to getting to know your child and your family throughout this amazing and most important journey. Thank you for choosing our school. Sincerely, Melissa Lebowitz PreSchool Director


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Philosophy and Mission Statement Beth Tfiloh PreSchool is dedicated to the belief that young children are active learners and that the PreSchool years are of utmost importance to a child’s development. Our school provides an integrated combination of developmentally appropriate activities as well as Jewish learning. Beth Tfiloh’s environment is warm, safe and stimulating. It reflects the developmental needs of each individual child. Beth Tfiloh PreSchool welcomes children of all abilities. Our curriculum is child centered and focuses on the individual needs of each child. Our work stands on three values: Joy, Discovery and Respect. We want each child to fully engage and enjoy his/her childhood as we challenge each child to discover, think, develop ideas and take initiative. We believe that play is the basic right of children and that it is through play that children develop curiosity and imagination. Every child reaches his or her potential through child-initiated, adult supported experiences. We respect each child’s individual interests and capacity to learn. Our students develop a positive self-image and empathy through facilitated and caring interactions with adults. We lay the foundation for a lifelong love of Judaism through the teaching of Jewish values, concepts and traditions. We foster a love for Israel and the Hebrew language. We encourage parent involvement in their child’s education through opportunities for adult education, classroom participation and family enrichment. We provide ongoing assessment of each child through parent-teacher conferences and open communication. We believe that atmosphere of mutual support between parents and staff is essential is creating an effective learning environment.


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Our BT Beliefs Each day, each child‌ *will be respected as a unique and competent individual. *will be embraced as members of our community, together with their families. *will interact with responsive and intentional teachers through meaningful relationships and exchanges. *will have opportunities to be curious, to explore, to create, and to think. *will be immersed in an engaging and joyous environment that inspires wonder. *will be surrounded by Jewish values, traditions, customs, and a love of Israel and Judaism.


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Teachers, Assistants, and Specialists All staff members are experienced, highly motivated and devoted early childhood educators. They are required to be certified in Early Childhood Education. All participate in programs for continuous professional advancement in order to be aware of the ever-changing needs of today’s Jewish families and to the findings of current educational research. The staff works closely with the students and parents to provide a warm, loving and secure environment. Our first priority is the children’s well-being physically as well as emotionally and mentally. We work to establish a strong sense of independence and high self-esteem for each child.


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Parent Association The Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School Parent Association (PA) is dedicated to serving the needs of our children, through a variety of education, communication, social events, services and hospitality activities, and to raise funds to support these activities. An important component is to interact with the school administration on issues that pertain to students, parents and faculty providing an open forum for discussion regarding the well-being of our children. Each parent is encouraged to take an active role in the PA. The success of the PA is measured by the participation of parent volunteers in the form of time, materials, skills, communication and commitment. By involving as many parents as possible, the PA will ensure that our school continues to be an enriching experience for all our children and their families. Officers 2018-2019 President: Randi Abramson Executive Vice President: Heather Levinoff Public Relations: Lorren Rapkin Fundraising: Joanna Rogers, Allison Kehne Service/Chesed: Carly Greenberg, Leah Bennett Social: Wendy Berman, Jayme Wood Pre-School VP: Stacey Verstandig Lower School VP: Michon Zysman , Saadya Barron Middle School VP: Sara Ostrow High School VP: Michelle Wions Recording Secretary: Daniela Levine Corresponding Secretary: Shari Kirk Treasurer: Cheryl King School/Shul Liaison: Bess Gilden At Large Members: Sharon Bar, Merissa Kogutt Advisor: Laura Wolf Staff Liaison: Julie Wolff


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

School Information


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Hours of Operation Early Drop off (all ages) Available M-F..........7:30-8:15 am (if there is a delayed opening, there is no early drop-off) Two’s Two Days (T, Th)..........8:30-11:30 am Two Days (T, Th)..........8:30 am-1:00 pm (Lunch in school) Two Days (T, Th)..........8:30 am-3:45 pm (Lunch in school) Three Days (M,W, F)..........8:30-11:30 am Three Days (M,W, F)..........8:30 am-1:00 pm (Lunch in school) Three Days (M,W, F)..........8:30 am-3:45 pm (Lunch in school) Fridays till 2:00 pm Five Days ..........8:30-11:30 am Five Days ..........8:30 am-1:00 pm (Lunch in school) Five Days ..........8:30 am-3:45 pm (Lunch in school) Fridays till 2:00 pm February Two’s Program (T, Th).......... 8:30-11:30 am Three’s Three or Five Days (M-F)..........8:30 am-1:00 pm Three or Five Days (M-F)..........8:30 am-3:45 pm (Lunch in school) Fridays till 2:00 pm Four’s Five Days (M-F)..........8:30 am-1:00 pm (Lunch in school) Five Days (M-F)..........8:30 am-3:45 pm (Lunch in school) Fridays till 2:00 pm


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

BT Plus We are delighted to again offer our popular BT Plus program to provide extended day options for your child. Your child will remain in the nurturing care of our very own PreSchool staff, who will provide age appropriate and enjoyable activities throughout the afternoon. Fridays: Please note that BT Plus will begin at 2:00 pm on Fridays all year long. BT Plus Friday dismissal will be at 3:30 pm beginning November 4, 2018 through March 17, 2019. BT Plus will dismiss at 5:00 pm on all other Fridays. Two’s 3:45 - 5:00 pm 3:45 - 6:00 pm 1:00 - 2:00 pm Fridays only 2:00 - 3:00 pm Fridays only 2:00 - 4:00 pm Fridays only (3:30 pm beginning November 4, 2018 through March 17, 2019) 2:00 - 5:00 pm Fridays only (3:30 pm beginning November 4, 2018 through March 17, 2019) Three’s, Four’s 3:45-5:00 pm 3:45-6:00 pm 1:00-2:00 pm Fridays only 2:00-3:00 pm Fridays only 2:00-4:00 pm Fridays only (3:30 pm beginning November 4, 2018 through March 17, 2019) 2:00-5:00 pm Fridays only (3:30 pm beginning November 4, 2018 through March 17, 2019)


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

UPDATED: REGISTRATION/SCHEDULE CHANGES Due to licensing regulations we are unable to accommodate short term changes to your child’s schedule. This means that students may be here during their contracted times only, per your application. For long-term changes: Changes in scheduling to reduce the number/length of days will be accepted until November 1st. After that date, there will be a $25 surcharge. There is no surcharge to increase the number/length of days (subject to availability). All changes must be made through the PreSchool office. We have many special events during the school year. If an event is during a time your child is not registered for, you are welcome to attend and remain with your child. Please discuss with your child’s teacher in advance.

NAPPING POLICY As required by the Maryland State Department of Education licensing for pre-schools, Beth Tfiloh PreSchool requires that all children rest for a minimum of 1 hour per day. While many of our children utilize this time for an afternoon nap, others may rest on their cot with a quiet activity (i.e. read, books on tape, etc.).


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Health and Safety Please keep your child home if: • Your child has a fever greater than 100 degrees. • Your child is vomiting. • Your child has a heavy nasal discharge or constant cough. • Your child has an untreated parasitic condition such as lice, or pinworm. • Your child has had two or more episodes of diarrhea within 24 hours. • Your child has a communicable or contagious disease. Notify the school immediately if your child has a communicable disease. A physician’s note is required for readmission after your child has had a communicable or contagious disease. A child may only return to school after being symptom-free for 24 hours. As mandated by Baltimore County Health Department, the school is not permitted to administer any medication without written consent from a physician. In addition, no student is permitted to selfadminister medication. A nurse is available from 8:00 am to 3:45 pm. It is Beth Tfiloh’s policy that parents notify both the staff and nurse when a child is on medication. Approved non-prescription medications will be made available, with written parental consent, in an effort to relieve minor discomforts that impede student learning.

Immunization Requirements The Baltimore County Department of Health requires that all PreSchool students must have a full immunization program and records of immunization filled out by your physician and must be kept on file in the school office. It’s essential that this information be submitted to the office by July 17, 2018.


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Inclement Weather If we find it necessary to delay the opening or close school because of inclement weather (snow, ice, etc.) an announcement will be made over Radio Station WBAL 1090 AM between 7:20 am and 8:20 am. Please keep your radio tuned for such announcements when the weather is adverse or call our Beth Tfiloh Weather Hotline: 410-413-2345 You may also subscribe to text message notifications. Please see instructions on page 17. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE DO NOT FOLLOW BALTIMORE COUNTY’S SNOW POLICY. Policy on Late Openings In the case of a delayed opening due to inclement weather, there is no PreSchool or Lower School early drop off. 



Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures The security of our children is a top priority to us. In order to assure their safety we have therefore set up arrival and dismissal procedures that will be followed without exception. Arrival When dropping off your child, please park only in designated parking spaces. Never park in the fire lane or in the handicapped parking spaces (unless you have handicapped tags). For security reasons, all violators will be towed. An adult must accompany your child into the PreSchool building and stay with him/her until released to a teacher’s care. Early drop off is available from 7:30-8:15 am for a fee. Prior registration is required. Dismissal Please make every effort to pick up your child on time. It can be very upsetting for a young child not to be greeted with a familiar smiling face at the end of the day. We realize that situations do arise, but it is very important to always plan ahead, including noting traffic and weather conditions. For your child’s safety and protection, the school will release your child only to those listed on either his/her Emergency Card. Prior verbal or written notification is required for release to any adult other than the child’s parents. Adults unknown to the school staff will be required to show photo identification. NEW THIS YEAR: Children being picked up at 1 pm will be brought to the Lower School carpool line for dismissal. This includes Fridays at 1 pm. Afternoon Carpool is at 3:45 pm. Carpool begins Thursday, August 30, 2018 on the first day of school. Where is carpool located? The carpool line is located in the High School Lot (East Entrance/ Torah Drive) Monday-Thursday at 3:45 pm and 2 pm on Fridays. To enter the carpool line, turn in from Old Court Road to Torah Drive and take the third left into the parking lot before the mid-rise condos. Drive to the end and line up at the High School Entrance. Signs and staff will be there to direct you the first few days. If your child has an 11:30 am please walk in to get them. Friday Dismissal: Children who dismiss at 3:45 pm Monday-Thursday will dismiss at 2 pm on Fridays (except if your child is enrolled in our BT Plus Extended Day Program). Carpool for Fridays will be in the High School lot at 2 pm. Dismissal remains at 1 pm for all children who are scheduled to be dismissed at that time. Sibling Dismissal: Many children in our PreSchool have siblings in Lower School. If you have signed up your child to dismiss with siblings, dismissal will be in the PreSchool carpool line for all siblings (at the High School entrance on Torah Drive) at 3:45 pm Monday-Thursday, and 2 pm on Fridays.


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Late Pick-Up Policy Your child looks forward to seeing you on time every day. If, however, circumstances cause you to be late at dismissal (or BT Plus), your Beth Tfiloh account will be assessed a fee of $25. This fee will appear on your monthly FACTS statement. If you have an emergency and cannot pick up your child(ren) on time, please call the PreSchool Office at 410-413-2303. If we cannot be reached, please call the Lower School Office at 410-413-2500. If you need to contact the PreSchool after 4:00 pm, please call the security desk at 410-413-2333, and they will contact the BT plus teachers. Thank you for your cooperation.

Communication Policy Communication is a crucial part of our program, we believe that the connection between ourselves, our children and our families is what makes our program unique and successful. In our program you can expect at least three types of communication: 1. Daily emails: Each day, your child’s teacher will send you an email. These emails bring you into our daily adventures, so you can connect with your child at home. These emails often highlight comments or ideas from different children throughout the year. 2. Documentation stories: These are stories that are specifically about a special moment that your child experienced by his/her self or with their class. They may get sent to you by email and/or hung on the classroom or hallway walls. 3. Parent/Teacher conferences: You will have a chance to meet with your teachers for a conference two times per year. At this conference you will discuss your child’s acclimation to school, social/emotional, physical, language and academic development. The teacher will show you documentation that demonstrates their progress and answer any questions you may have. 4. Parent/Teacher communication: If you have a need at any time to speak with your child’s teacher, please feel free to call or email during the day. The teacher will respond to you by the end of the day. 5. If there is an emergency, please call the PreSchool office at 410-413-2303. 6. If your child is enrolled in our BT Plus program and you need to contact the teacher, please call 410-486-1900 x371.


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Emergency Communications In the event of an unscheduled school closing or other event requiring emergency communication with members of our school community, Beth Tfiloh may utilize the following avenues of communication, as appropriate for the particular circumstance: • Information Hotline: 410-413-2345 • Text messages & email: Beth Tfiloh parents and students can choose to receive text messages and email alerts for important announcements. These notification settings are available on our website and all parents have the ability to access and change their email or text settings at any time. To enable text messaging and email alerts, go to to login to the BT Website. Click on your name (upper right-hand corner), then “Settings," and then “Notifications.” Verify (or add) your email address and your cell phone number. Click “Edit Options” to choose which notifications you wish to receive and click “Save.” You will then be sent a text message with an activation code to activate text messaging. For illustrated instructions, go to • To change your email address, please contact Charlene Schimberg at • Website: A notice will be posted on the Recent Activity feed of our MyBT portal ( • Radio & Television: An announcement will be posted on WBAL Radio 1090 AM, and on WBAL TV Channel 11. • Social Media: Please follow un on Facebook at


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Website The Beth Tfiloh "PreSchool Today” Resource page is located on our new secure MyBT portal (login required) and provides access to announcements, news, events, flyers, forms and other resources specifically for PreSchool students and parents. The PreSchool homepage is available to students and parents by logging into our secure web portal using the “Sign In” link OR by going directly to Once you have successfully logged in, you will be able to view Recent News, Resources, the school calendar, update your profile, and search the school directory.

The Beth Tfiloh website includes the following helpful resources located on the menu bar:       

CHILDREN – direct links to your child’s class page and other group pages GROUPS – provides access to the BT Parent and BT Student group page, with general information relevant to all parents and students RESOURCES – “PreSchool Today” and other frequently used resources for parents and students NEWS – a running list of Recent Activity specific to you and your child’s classes and groups CALENDARS – school-wide and division calendars with filtering options DIRECTORIES – a searchable directory of Beth Tfiloh students, parents, faculty & alumni NOTIFICATIONS – choose how you wish to receive important school notifications. Click on your name, click “Settings” and select “Notifications.” For more details see,

Our website also includes an Information Hotline at, which includes timely messages and school closings due to inclement weather. For login questions, use the Login Help link, view our online Website Help at, or contact the Communications Office at 410-413-2217. For other questions about our school website, contact Joan Feldman at or 410-413-2312.


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Social Media Policy This policy and accompanying guidelines are designed to create an atmosphere of goodwill, honesty, and individual accountability for all members of our school community while using social media. All Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School students and parents/guardians represent the school, even when they are communicating electronically and posting on social media outside of school. Any individual who violates this policy may be subject to disciplinary action as appropriate. In addition, students who fail to abide by the terms and conditions of this policy may lose their opportunity to take part in projects utilizing online sites and/or access to future use of online tools. POLICY: All Beth Tfiloh students and parents shall abide by the policy set forth below in all electronic and online communications as they relate to the Beth Tfiloh school community: derech eretz (as defined in Code of Conduct). ol’s Code of Conduct and Bullying Policy. Cyberbullying will not be tolerated. communications. While it is acceptable to disagree with someone else’s opinions and provide constructive criticism, it must be done in a respectful way that is not hurtful to others. such. derech eretz and in accordance with this policy when posting pictures or videos of any activities or individuals at activities taking place on school grounds or at school-sponsored events. Do not post embarrassing or maliciously intended pictures or videos of such activities. Posting appropriate pictures or videos with the consent of the subject(s) is permissible. students. Tagging or otherwise identifying students in photos, videos, or other posts is strictly prohibited, unless they have consented to such action. and Independent Schools,� in electronic and online communications, as in all of their endeavors. violation of school policy. GUIDELINES leaves a digital footprint for all to see. The manner in which you represent yourself online is an extension of yourself. Do not post anything you would not want friends, enemies, parents, teachers, other schools, or a future employer to see. exact birthdates, and pictures with identifying information. t share your passwords with anyone besides your parents/guardians and teachers. -based tagging for all photos and status updates. disrespectful, tell a trusted adult.


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Discipline Policy Joy, Discovery, and Respect are our values. These values are deeply embedded in all that we do including in our approach to discipline. “Each child has within a spark of divinity.” Social challenges are a natural part of children's growth and development. At Beth Tfiloh, we see these as opportunities to teach self-regulation and social skills that will last a lifetime. Because our school's curriculum is based on a strong understanding of developmentally appropriate practice, our teachers view each child as unique and competent. Our classrooms inspire children to be actively engaged which in turn prevents typical preschool challenges. Should behaviors arise, we practice redirection, logical and natural consequences and conflict resolution. We demonstrate our confidence in children by providing them the opportunity to make choices in their environment and to have flexibility in their own school experience. In cases of more complex challenges we will work together with your family to create a plan for your child’s success. As with all other areas of our program we value our open communication with our families. Families are always encouraged to reach out for support by speaking with us to get a full picture of their child’s environment.

School-Wide Bullying Policy It is fundamental to the values of Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School that we create and ensure for students a “warm, welcoming and secure learning environment”. Bullying is clearly at odds with these values and will not be tolerated. It may come in various forms and can leave victims hurt, distressed, and frightened, preventing successful learning from taking place. Our Bullying Policy and Social Media Policy go hand in hand. Please read and refer to both policies when necessary. Prohibition against Bullying: Bullying of students occurring in school is prohibited and will not be tolerated. Our Code of Conduct outlines derech eretz, the expectation of positive behavior and respect for all. This policy governs behavior in, but is not limited to: school buildings, school grounds, schoolsponsored activities, including social events, field trips, sports events, and similar school-sponsored events and functions, and travel to and from school and/or school-sponsored events, and any form of electronic communication, such as but not limited to texting, emails, and social media. Definition of Bullying: Typically, bullying is a continuing pattern of intimidation, harassment, or abuse by one or more persons against another person or persons, through verbal, nonverbal, physical, digital, or written interactions in a relationship characterized by a real or perceived imbalance of social or physical power or strength or an attempt to gain dominance over another. It can take many forms and occur in virtually any setting. Bullying includes, but is not limited to, the following types of behavior:

ctronic device, which includes sharing of offensive language or images) 20

Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Intervention and Response to Alleged Bullying: Bullying is not acceptable at Beth Tfiloh; it undermines the school’s mission and has strong effects on students. All claims will be considered urgent and will receive a full investigation to determine appropriate action. Teachers and administrators work to investigate the full scope of each incident to evaluate the impact or outcome of the behavior, and thus whether or not an individual’s behavior is considered bullying. (See Chain of Command at end of policy.) The appropriate Divisional Administrative Team, consisting of the division’s guidance counselor, assistant principal, and principal, will assess the incident. School officials will act promptly to impose corrective action as necessary. Depending upon the severity of the incident, the Divisional Administrative Team may implement a student safety plan; separate and supervise the students involved; provide staff support for students; and/or develop a supervision plan with parents/guardians. In addition, the Divisional Administrative Team may require the offender(s) to work with school personnel on better behavior; recommend that the offender(s) obtain counseling or other therapeutic services; and/or impose disciplinary action or other measures, as deemed necessary. The parents/guardians of students who bully others shall be notified and may be summoned to school to seek their support to change the behavior of their child. Possible Consequences:

udents and staff on a case by case basis incentives for demonstrating positive behaviors an open communication system between parents/guardians and school officials in order to address in a collaborative manner issues the student may be facing others, and the school

-in/check-out intervention plan for the at-risk student with a caring adult in the school who tracks the student's behavioral progress and addresses his/her individual needs on a daily basis -ins with an administrator for a set period of time

those harmed or offended mendation that the student receive outside professional services -school suspension, during which the student completes his/her work

pecified period of time We are committed to the view that ALL members of our school community -- students, staff, and parents/guardians, have a shared responsibility to ensure that a climate of derech eretz exists where bullying is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. In the event that the school administration deems a child’s behavior as detrimental to the safety of other members of the school community, the most severe consequences will be imposed. 21

Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Chain of Command Administrative Team. director of education. director of education shall confer with the Divisional Administrative Team. -by-case basis, a member of the Divisional Administrative Team shall contact the parents/guardians of the student(s) involved and might summon the parents/guardians to school for a meeting with certain teachers and/or members of the Divisional Administrative Team. ADDENDA Advice for Parents/Guardians Parents/Guardians can help by discussing bullying with their children, particularly these key points: harm or personal abuse. happening to someone else. endly vs. unfriendly teasing, or bullying vs. not bullying. -outs and changes of friendship groupings are common in young people, but efforts should be made by all to ensure this does not lead to the isolation of any individual. reports of bullying seriously and is prepared to discuss the matter in confidence. in firm action, including police involvement if necessary. Advice for All Students TELL SOMEONE—discuss with, write, or email an adult you trust, such as a parent, guardian, teacher, tutor, guidance counselor, principal, or coach. REMEMBER--the school will investigate claims of bullying and will do so in a sensitive way, so that those concerned are treated fairly and justly. ELIMINATE bullying by REPORTING incidents you see. Do not join in with bullying. SUPPORT those who experience bullying. VALUE the diversity that exists in our students and do not let differences give rise to inappropriate behavior. If you are being bullied – TELL someone that you trust. You have the right to be and feel safe. IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT! If you are bullying someone: ou are bullying others?



Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Transportation Policy Guidelines The following policy and guidelines have been adopted by the Beth Tfiloh Community School to help ensure that every trip to school, extra-curricular activities, or home is safe. The Safe Transportation Committee assumes that all members of the Beth Tfiloh Community will follow these guidelines for all motor vehicle travel at any time. Drivers All drivers of vehicles transporting students shall comply fully with the provisions of the laws of Maryland, which are applicable to these drivers. Vehicle Requirements All vehicles used to transport students shall meet school bus or passenger vehicle specifications, licensing, and inspection requirements as prescribed by the laws of Maryland. Occupant Protection As required by Maryland law, the driver is responsible to provide an approved and properly installed child safety seat for each PreSchool-age child he/she is transporting. A Guide to Safer Rides  Do not leave a child in a car unattended.  A carpool should be no larger than the number of usable seatbelts in the smallest car.  Do not put a child in the front seat of a car with passenger-side airbags.  A child younger than eight years and who weighs forty pounds or less must be secured in a  Federally-approved safety seat according to the safety seat and vehicle manufacturer’s instructions.  A child needs to be in a booster seat if they weigh between 60-80 pounds and are less than four feet, nine inches tall.  Choose responsible drivers with well-maintained vehicles and a concern for safety.  Keep doors locked and windows open only slightly and keep sharp or heavy objects in the trunk or on the floor.


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Maryland Booster Seat Law


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Lunch Policy At Beth Tfiloh PreSchool we encourage and promote independent eating. Although we are happy to help with the opening of food containers and packaging, we allow our children to choose the order and amount food they eat. Please keep this in mind when packing their lunches. We will return uneaten items to allow you to change future lunch contents.

Kashrut Policy Kashrut at School Kashrut is an important concept of Judaism that is taught at Beth Tfiloh. It is approached with sensitivity, especially because there are so many different levels of Kashrut observance represented among the Beth Tfiloh school population. Our goal at Beth Tfiloh is to ensure that every child is comfortable at our school, whatever his/her background may be. Beth Tfiloh's in-house food preparation for our school lunch program and other school and synagogue events is under the Kashrut supervision of Rabbi Chaim Sitrin, Mashgiach. Lunches brought from home must be dairy or pareve only. (Pareve is a category of foods that is neither meat nor dairy; examples are vegetables, grains, fruits, juice, rice, fish). Students may not bring meat or poultry products into school. All food, including snacks or cakes, brought into school to be shared with the class must have Kosher certification. Absolutely no homemade food items may be distributed, even if the family has a Kosher home. Any food served after lunch on a meat hot lunch day must be pareve. Acceptable bakeries: Pariser’s, Rosendorff’s, Goldberg’s, Sion's, Seven Mile Market, or Dunkin’ Donuts (Colonial Village and Reisterstown Rd. near Old Court locations only) Most grocery stores carry kosher items, which are acceptable if they carry the following symbols of Kashrut certification:

Please note:  The letter “D” together with one of the symbols above indicates “Dairy.”  The letter “K” without any accompanying logo is not an acceptable certification.  See also the school’s Nut Awareness Policy For specific questions, please contact your school office. Kashrut Outside of School We take great pride in the fact that Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School embraces the concept of Klal Yisrael (the diversity of the Jewish community) and aims to create an environment that is inclusive of all of our children, respecting the dignity of all levels of religious observance. We believe that derech eretz, thoughtfulness and respect for one another, concepts our children learn here at Beth Tfiloh, extend beyond the classroom and inform our treatment of others outside of our school walls. Any birthday party, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, or other event that includes Beth Tfiloh classmates should be an opportunity for all guests to fully participate and feel welcome.


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook To enable our school community to achieve the ideals of inclusivity, respect and thoughtfulness, we have included the following resources:    

Guidelines and FAQ’s about Kosher Food List of area restaurants and carry-outs with approved kashrut certification How to Throw a Beth Tfiloh Birthday Party Beth Tfiloh Birthday Party Packages

For more information, see

Nut Awareness Policy Our aim is to provide a safe learning environment for all people in our school community. To support this, Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School is a “Nut Aware School”. This policy aims to increase our community awareness, in order to minimize the risk to children with documented allergies to nut products. Anaphylaxis is a severe form of allergic reaction which is potentially life threatening. There are many causative agents for anaphylaxis with nuts often being the precipitating factor. Anaphylaxis is preventable. Avoidance of specific triggers is by far the best option. Management is via immediate injection of adrenaline and emergency transfer to the hospital. We have several children with life-threatening nut allergies. In order to create the safest possible environment, you may not send any products that contain nuts for lunch, including nut butters (soy nut butter is fine). We know you will respect these accommodations so we can be sure all our children are safe. SCHOOL RESPONSIBILITIES � Reinforce appropriate avoidance and management strategies. � Keep updated Health Care Plan information � On advice from a Health Care Plan, individual classes may need to develop class specific measures. � Ensure that the cafeteria and other school lunch providers are sensitive of the Nut Awareness Policy. � Provide additional information to classes with children who have had previous anaphylaxis to nuts. � Ensure that any food items purchased for school events such as special holidays are nut safe. PARENT RESPONSIBILITIES Parents/caregivers of children with previous anaphylaxis: � Provide the school with a Health Care Plan with a documented plan for first aid response and an Epi-pen/Auvi Q to be kept in a clearly defined location agreed to by parents and the school. � The name and contact details of the doctor who signed the Health Care Plan. � Support the class teachers and other staff in implementing the Health Care Plan. All parents are asked to support the school’s Nut Awareness Policy by: � Being sensitive and supportive to the needs of students with a history of anaphylaxis. � Providing children with healthy food options that do not contain nuts. � Encouraging children to wash their hands before and after eating.


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

STAFF RESPONSIBILITIES All staff are asked to support the school’s Nut Awareness Policy by: � Incorporating it as part of the class health program. � Teaching children the importance of washing their hands before and after eating. � Reminding students and parents of the Nut Awareness Policy prior to school events where food is available for sharing and /or purchase. � Have up-to-date training in:

ild having a severe allergic reaction? -pen/Auvi Q use PROMOTING THE NUT AWARENESS POLICY The policy will be promoted by: � Parents and caregivers being informed via this newsletter. � Publication on the school website. � Staff being informed and provided with training opportunities.


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Birthday Parties Celebrations in School We love birthdays and want to celebrate with your family. There are many wonderful ways to celebrate a birthday! We invite you to join us in planning an activity or craft for your child’s birthday. We will not be celebrating with food due to the food restrictions in the classroom. Please contact your child’s teachers to make the arrangements for a celebration. No latex balloons may be brought into the school.

Celebrations Out of School It is important that, when planning a party or celebration, careful consideration be given to include everyone. Therefore, we request that all birthday parties that occur out of school be planned with Kashrut and allergies in mind, so as not to exclude any of our children who have different levels of observance. Our goal at Beth Tfiloh is to ensure that every child, whatever his/her background, be comfortable at our school and feel an important part of the Beth Tfiloh family. We ask that you not have birthday parties on either Shabbat or Chagim (Jewish holidays) so as not to exclude those children who are Shabbat observant. In addition, to further convey care for the feelings of others, the teachers will NOT distribute invitations in school. Do not distribute invitations in school - please send them in the mail.

Celebrations and Holidays Parents are often invited to join in their child’s classroom celebrations. Whether it is to help celebrate Shabbat, a birthday, Pesach, or Parent Pop-In Days, having you join your child for the event definitely makes it more special. Please note that Halloween, Valentine’s Day, and St. Patrick’s Day are not part of a Jewish day school curriculum and are not acknowledged at Beth Tfiloh. Children do not dress in costume for Halloween and Valentine’s Day cards may not be distributed in class.


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Dress Code We feel PreSchool should be a place where children can experiment with all kinds of materials including paint, water, glue, sand, snow, etc. We even dabble in bubbles, cornmeal, oatmeal and rice! We do our best to use washable materials and absolutely encourage smock use, yet there are no guarantees that artistic accidents won't spoil clothing. Please send them in casual play clothes that you don’t mind getting messy. We also regularly run, jump, climb, and even walk on balance beams. In order to feel comfortable, the children must have on suitable clothing that is not going to inhibit them. On winter days, please send hats and mittens. We go outside every day, except on “extremely” cold, rainy, or snowy days. Shoes: • It can be tempting on warm days to put your child in open-toed sandals for school. It is important to note that the woodchips on the playground often get inside these shoes and make outdoor play unpleasant. • Dress shoes can be very slippery; therefore rubber-soled shoes are suggested. • No flip-flops may be worn as they are dangerous during active play. • On occasion, you may be asked to send boots on a snowy day, for snow is one of nature’s most fantastic play materials and we try taking full advantage of it. Please send in a bag filled with extra clothing for your child in case of spills or accidents. Be sure to update the clothing regularly with the changing temperatures. Most importantly, please label all clothing clearly with your child’s name.


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Diapers and Toilet Training Children who are not yet toilet trained Many young children are not yet toilet trained. If your child is not yet trained, please bring all necessary supplies such as disposable diapers, wipes and an additional change of clothing. Teachers will change all soiled and visibly wet diapers. Please restock regularly to assure an adequate supply.

Children who are working on toilet training Toilet training is an exciting milestone in a young child’s life, but can also be very stressful. This process can sometimes be made easier with a joint effort between home and school. Please make your child’s teacher aware when you begin potty training so you can work as a team to support your child and his/her individual needs. Please supply extra clothing for your child during this training time. Helpful tip: Many families have found success beginning this process over vacations or a long weekend.

Field Trips Field trips are events which enhance a particular area of study. They are fun and help our children develop independence and unique experiences away from the school environment. Permission slips will be sent home and must be signed and returned to school before your child may participate. If your child is not enrolled in our 5-day program, it is possible that a field trip may be planned for a day other than your child’s regularly scheduled school days. Your child is always welcome to attend with a parent; please make arrangements with the teacher so that your child will be included. Each child will be given a blue Beth Tfiloh t-shirt in the beginning of the school year. Please dress your child in this shirt on a day where he/she will be traveling off campus for a field trip. We welcome the participation of parent chaperones on our trips. Due to limitation of space and expense per event, we need to limit the number of chaperones. Chaperones may not bring other children unless told otherwise. The primary responsibility of the parents is to assist the teachers in providing a safe experience for all the children on the trip especially those assigned to their care. In consideration and fairness to all children and parents, we request that only those parents who are asked to chaperone attend. Your adherence to this policy is greatly appreciated. We encourage all children to ride the bus as part of the field trip experience. Please be assured that we will give every parent an opportunity during the course of the year to assist on one of our trips.


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

General Information AIMS Parents and Independent Schools AIMS PARENTS AND INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS To be successful, every independent school needs and expects the cooperation of its parents, who must understand and embrace the school’s mission, share its core values, and fully support its curriculum, faculty and staff. When joined by a common set of beliefs and purposes, the independent school and its parents form a powerful team with far-reaching positive effects on children and the entire school community. Working together, parents and school professionals exert a strong influence on children to become better educated; they also help them to mature by modeling adult working relationships based upon civility, honesty, and respect.

authority to manage the schools; it develops broad institutional policies that guide the Head in running the school; and it is accountable for the financial well-being of the school. In the conduct of its official business, the Board acts only as a whole; individual Trustees, including the Board Chair, have no authority to act unless specifically authorized to do so by the Board acting as a whole.

In practice, the greatest impediment to effective teamwork between independent schools and parents grows out of misunderstandings about school decision-making processes: Who makes decisions in independent schools? How are those decisions made? Independent schools must communicate their procedures to parents, who, in turn, share the important responsibility to become informed members of the school community.

 AIMS encourages parents who are interested in high-level decision making to stay informed about the work of the Board of Trustees by reading school publications, talking to the Head of School, and attending appropriate meetings.  Parents with concerns about the school or with decisions made by the administration or faculty are encouraged to inquire about and follow the school’s review process, but they should not expect the Board of Trustees to act as an appeals board. In a day school, trustees often interact with others within the school community and hear concerns about the daily operation of the school. As a matter of good practice, the trustee reports those concerns to the Head of School.

PARENTS AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES In most independent schools, decision-making authority at the highest level resides in a volunteer Board of Trustees whose membership often includes current parents. The Board of Trustees does not intervene in the daily affairs of the school, such as curriculum development and hiring, evaluating, or firing of faculty and staff. Instead, the Board focuses on three areas critical to the success of any independent school: it selects, evaluates, and supports the Head of School, to whom it delegates

¹See the excellent Trustee Handbook by Mary Hundley DeKuyper, published by the National Association of Independent Schools


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

AIMS Parents and Independent Schools PARENTS AND THE FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATION Parents play an essential and positive role in the life of an independent school. Not only are parents advocates for their children, they also support the faculty and administration through extensive volunteer activities and events.

community. In such cases, both the parent and the school should consider whether another school would be a better match for the family. THE PARENTS ASSOCIATION AND THE SCHOOL The Parents Association in an independent school provides a vital and much-appreciated service to school leadership and the entire school community. Because the Parents Association is so important, and its volunteer activities potentially so wide-ranging, AIMS recommends the following steps to structure and clarify the Association’s role.

The relationship between parents and the faculty and administration is formally governed by the school’s written enrollment contract and handbook, in which its procedures are spelled out. When parents choose to enroll their child in an independent school, they agree to subscribe to its mission, follow its rules, and abide by its decisions. However, most teachers and administrators would agree that trust and mutual respect are the most essential underpinnings of effective working relationships with parents.

 The Board of Trustees, in consultation with the administration, should develop a set of written bylaws for the Association that make clear its procedures and role as a service organization.  The by-laws should clearly state the Association’s mission to support the decisions and policies of the Board and administration. The Parents Association neither participates in policy-making by the school, nor functions as a lobbying group.

 AIMS encourages parents to work productively with teachers and administrators by staying informed about their child and important events in the life of the school. Thoughtful questions and suggestions should be welcomed by the school. It is incumbent upon the school to provide parents with timely and pertinent information.

 The finances of the Parents Association should be supervised and regularly monitored by the school and should be part of the school’s annual audit process.

 Parents best support a school climate of trust and respect by communicating concerns openly and constructively to the teacher or administrator closest to the problem. Efforts by parents to lobby other parents will be viewed by the school as counterproductive.

 The Head of School should be closely involved in the Association nominating process. Cooperation and teamwork between the Head of School and the officers of the Parents Association are crucial to the health of the school community.

 While parents may not agree with every decision by the school, in most cases, the parent and school will find enough common ground to continue a mutually respected relationship. In the extreme case, however, an impasse may be so severe that the parent cannot remain a constructive member of the

 It is appropriate that the Parents Association advertise its activities and events. However, the Association is not a public relations arm of the school and should play no role in the school’s efforts to communicate about itself.

AIMS The Association of Independent Maryland Schools (AIMS) is an association of more than 100 independent, college preparatory schools in Maryland and the District of Columbia, representing more than 40,000 students and more than 5,000 teachers, administrators, and staff. It was organized in 1967. AIMS works in cooperation with the Maryland State Department of Education and is a member of the Maryland chapter of the Council of American Private Education and the National Association of Independent Schools.


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

AIMS Code of Ethics


A school will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of its admission policies.*


A school will not initiate a conversation with a student or family known to be enrolled at another AIMS school for the intended purpose of recruiting that student from another member school.


A school recognizes the right of its students or families to visit and consider other schools without notifying the present school. It also recognizes and respects the right of another school to hold preliminary discussions about the possibility of admission.


Upon request and as promptly as possible, a school will send an official copy of a transcript (or its equivalent) and other pertinent information to another school to which a student has applied.* However, if a transcript or other information is being withheld, the present school will notify the requesting school immediately.


(a) A school will advise any school requesting a transcript if a family has not met its financial obligations at its present school. (b) A school will not offer an enrollment contract to a student without first receiving an official copy of a transcript (or its equivalent) from the student’s present school.*


A school will not offer an enrollment contract to a student whose family has not made satisfactory arrangements to meet its financial obligations at another school.


A school will take all reasonable and lawful measures to maintain the confidentiality of reports and information exchanged among schools concerning students and parents.*

FINANCIAL AID ADMINISTRATION Need-based financial aid is the primary means to support access to independent schools by students of diverse socio-economic levels. For this reason, AIMS strongly endorses need-based financial aid and recommends that assistance be granted only on the basis of demonstrated financial need. 1.

A school will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of its financial aid policies.*


A school that offers merit awards will advise the Association at the start of each academic year. The Association will publish annually a list of all such merit award programs. For purposes of this Code, merit awards include any amounts granted in excess of demonstrated need.


A school will not use merit awards to “bargain” for a student attending, applying to, or committed to attending another AIMS school.


A school will use a uniform methodology to assess annually, in a consistent and equitable manner, each family’s ability to pay for education.*


A school will require adequate documentation of family resources when determining need.*


A school will provide students and families with factual information about its aid opportunities, financing


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook opportunities, policies, and procedures. 7.

A school will use financial aid only as a means to enroll students who match the school’s mission and academic programs. A school will not make financial awards, whether need-based or merit, to attract a student for whom the school’s philosophy and academic programs are not well suited.


A school will not set different standards of behavior and academic performances for its financial aid recipients.*


A school will refrain from and discourage others within the school community from disclosing the names of financial aid recipients and award amounts.*

10. A school will safeguard the confidentiality of all financial information supplies by a family.*

HIRING OF FACULTY AND STAFF AIMS expects that school communities will espies a spirit of respect and professionalism between employers and employees. While many individuals in an AIMS school may participate in the employment process, the Head of School is responsible for ensuring that the following standards are met: 1.

A school will not take any action intended to encourage an employee of another school, whether a member of AIMS or not, to break a contract.


A school will ascertain whether the candidate is under contract at another school.


A school will recognize the right of an employee to visit and consider employment in another school without notifying the employee’s present school. A school will also recognize and respect the right of another school to hold discussions about the possibilities of employment without notifying the present school. In both cases, it is understood that the period of employment under consideration does not coincide with a period to which the employee is already committed by contract.


Prior to entering into an employment contract with an employee of another AIMS school, the school head will notify the head of the employee’s present school and will also direct the employee to do so.


A school head will not stand in the way of an employee who wished to move to another school after the employee has fulfilled all contractual obligations.


A school should honor all promises made to its various constituencies and to the general public.


A school will carefully avoid misleading statements about its programs, situation, or status.

*From Principles of Good Practice, by the National Association of Independent Schools Board Approved January, 2010



Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

AIMS Statement of Confidentiality

As an AIMS (Association of Independent Maryland Schools) member school we agree to abide by the procedures and statement expressed below.  The Family Rights and Privacy Act (Buckley Amendment) does not apply to Admission Folders.  All information provided on a recommendation form will be held in strictest confidence and will not be shared with students, parents or guardians.  If a student is rejected for admission, the recommendation will be destroyed.  If a student is admitted and if the school wishes to retain the recommendation, it will be filed separately and not added to the student's permanent record folder.

Child Abuse/Neglect Reporting Policy Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School and its faculty and staff are mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect under Maryland law, and, as such, the school has established a Reporting Protocol for Suspected Child Abuse/Neglect. If any member of our faculty or staff has reason to suspect abuse has occurred at home, school, or anywhere else the school is required to make a report to local law enforcement authorities and/or Child Protective Services. The school administration will contact and notify the non-offending parent(s) or caretaker of the student in question after the school has discharged its duty as a mandated reporter and provided that this communication is authorized by Child Protective Services and/or law enforcement officials. Any further questions about this policy can be directed to Dr. Zipora Schorr, Director of Education, the principal of your child’s division, or the applicable school counselor.

Child Abuse Law

A copy of the Child Abuse Law of the State of Maryland has been distributed to and discussed with all members of the staff of Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School. This is in accordance with Maryland State Department of Education (Article 27, Section 35A, Annotated Code of Maryland).

Right of Privacy

Access to and release of pupil's records must be with the written permission of student's parent or legal guardian or a student of l8 years of age and over. No records will be transferred without written permission of the student's parent or legal guardian or student l8 years of age and over. Only parents, legal guardian, or students l8 years of age and over will have access to the student records. This takes place only in the presence of a School Official. A log will be maintained concerning the name of the viewer, date accessed, and a description of the records viewed.


Beth Tfiloh Dahan PreSchool Parent/Student Handbook

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School Contact Information MAIN PHONE NUMBER: 410-486-1900 Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg ....................... Dean ....................................................... Ext. 215 Dr. Zipora Schorr.................................... Director of Education ............................. Ext. 305 Mrs. Cherie Brownstein.......................... Youth Director........................................ Ext. 220 Mrs. Laurie Kott ..................................... Director of Admissions .......................... Ext. 308 Mrs. Allison Magat ................................. Director of Financial Assistance ............ Ext. 310 PRESCHOOL DIRECT NUMBER: 410-526-9995 Mrs. Melissa Lebowitz ........................... PreSchool Director ................................. Ext. 554 Mrs. Phaygi Blankchtein…….………….Administrative Assistant ........................ Ext. 303 Ms. Ellen Feldman.................................. Administrative Assistant ........................ Ext. 445 Mrs. Wendy Quartner……………..…....School Nurse .......................................... Ext. 512

Hotlines Weather/Announcement (410) 413-2345 / Transportation Information (410) 486-1900, Menu Option 6, Then 5 Trip Information (410) 486-1900, Menu Option 6, Then 3

___________________________________________________________________________________________ PRESCHOOL SCHOOL MAIN OFFICE: 410-413-2300 FAX: 410-415-5280 ________________________________________________________________________ ALL FACULTY EMAILS are assigned as follows: First Initial, Last Name (for example: ALL FACULTY EXTENSIONS can be located in a dial by name directory at our main phone # or via the BT Website


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