Beth Tfiloh Congregation's Shabbat Companion

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The Shabbat Experience Sponsored in Memory of Nelson, Phyllis and Roberta Neuman by Ricka Neuman and Ian Neuman

Shabbat Companion In his book Radical Then, Radical Now, the late Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z”l wrote, “Shabbat is the day we stand still and let all our blessings catch up with us.” We invite you to join your BT family this January in the Shabbat Experience, when we allow our myriad blessings to catch up with us each week as we focus on Shabbat. This pull-out Shabbat Companion insert is your how-to guide for welcoming in Shabbat, bidding it farewell, and everything in between. May we enjoy the peace and warmth of Shabbat throughout the winter – and beyond! Blessing on the Shabbat Candles — ‫הדלקת נרות‬ Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, Who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to light the Shabbat candle[s].

‫ ו ְ ִצוָּנּו‬,‫ אֲ שֶ ׁר קִ דְ ּשָ ׁנּו ְבּמִ צְֹותָ יו‬,‫ אֱ ֹלקינּו מֶ לְֶך הָ עֹולָם‬,'‫ָבּרּוְך ַאתָ ּה ה‬ .‫לְהַ דְ לִיק נֵר שֶ ׁל שַ ׁ ָבּת‬

Shalom Aleichem — ‫שלֹום עליכם‬ According to the Gemara (Shabbat 119b) two angels join us in our homes on Friday night to offer their blessings. Whether understood literally, or figuratively, there is certainly an uplifted and holy feeling in the home Friday night. May we all be blessed with a Shabbat of shalom. Peace be with you, ministering angels, messengers of the Most High, messengers of the King of Kings, the Holy One, Blessed be He. Come in peace, messengers of peace, messengers of the Most High, messengers of the King of Kings, the Holy One, Blessed be He. Bless me with peace, messengers of peace, messengers of the Most High, messengers of the King of Kings, the Holy One, Blessed be He. Go in peace, messengers of peace, messengers of the Most High, Messengers of the King of Kings, the Holy One, Blessed be He.

,‫שָ לֹום עֲ לֵיכֶם מַ לְאֲ כֵי הַ שָ ּ ֵׁרת מַ לְאֲ כֵי עֶ לְיֹון‬ ‫מִ מֶ ּלְֶך מַ ְלכֵי הַ מְ ּ ָלכִים הַ קָ ּדֹוׁש ָבּרּוְך הּוא‬ ,‫ּבֹואֲ כֶם לְשָ ׁלֹום מַ לְאֲ כֵי הַ שָ ּׁלֹום מַ לְאֲ כֵי עֶ לְיֹון‬ ‫מִ מֶ ּלְֶך מַ ְלכֵי הַ מְ ּ ָלכִים הַ קָ ּדֹוׁש ָבּרּוְך הּוא‬ ,‫ב ְָרכּונִי לְשָ לֹום מַ לְאֲ כֵי הַ שָ ּׁלֹום מַ לְאֲ כֵי עֶ לְיֹון‬ ‫מִ מֶ ּלְֶך מַ ְלכֵי הַ מְ ּ ָלכִים הַ קָ ּדֹוׁש ָבּרּוְך הּוא‬ ,‫צֵאתְ כֶם לְשָ לֹום מַ לְאֲ כֵי הַ שָ ּׁלֹום מַ לְאֲ כֵי עֶ לְיֹון‬ .‫מִ מֶ ּלְֶך מַ ְלכֵי הַ מְ ּ ָלכִים הַ קָ ּדֹוׁש ָבּרּוְך הּוא‬

Blessing of the Children — ‫ברכת הבנים‬ Over the course of the week, perhaps our impatience got the better of us. Maybe we said things to those closest to us that we should not have said. We take the opportunity upon entering Shabbat to reset our priorities and to focus on blessing and goodness. For girls: May you be like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah. May God bless you and protect you. May God show you favor and be gracious to you. May God show you kindness and grant you peace. For boys: May you be like Ephraim and Menashe. May God bless you and protect you. May God show you favor and be gracious to you. May God show you kindness and grant you peace.

‫ י ָאֵ ר‬.‫ יְב ֶָרכְָך ה' וְי ִשְ ׁמְ ֶרָך‬.‫ ָרחֵ ל וְלֵָאה‬,‫ ִרבְקָ ה‬,‫י ְׂשִ ימֵ ְך אֱ ֹלקים ְכּׂשָ ָרה‬ .‫ י ִשָ ּׂא ה' פָ ּנָיו אֵ לֶיָך וְי ָשֵ ׂם לְָך שָ ׁלֹום‬.ּ‫ה' פָ ּנָיו אֵ לֶיָך ו ִיחֻ נֶָּך‬

‫ י ָאֵ ר ה' פָ ּנָיו‬.‫ יְב ֶָרכְָך ה' וְי ִשְ ׁמְ ֶרָך‬.‫י ְשִ ׂימְ ָך אֱ ֹלקים ְכּאֶ פְ ַרי ִם וְכִמְ נַשֶ ּׁה‬ .‫ י ִשָ ּׂא ה' פָ ּנָיו אֵ לֶיָך וְי ָשֵ ׂם לְָך שָ ׁלֹום‬.ּ‫אֵ לֶיָך ו ִיחֻ ּנֶָך‬

Friday Night Blessing on the Wine — ‫קידוש‬ Our sages teach us that we are to sanctify Shabbat when it enters and when it leaves. We accomplish this through Kiddush at the beginning of Shabbat and Havdalah at the end. Kiddush turns a meal into a Shabbat feast. Friday night Kiddush references Shabbat as a remembrance of two events: creation and the exodus from Egypt. God chose to give us, the Jewish people, the gift of Shabbat. How fortunate we are!

‫ָארץ וְכָל ְצבָ​ָאם׃‬ ֶ ָ‫וַי ְהִ י עֶ ֶרב וַי ְהִ י ב ֹקֶ ר יֹום הַ שִ ּׁשִ ּׁי׃ וַיְכֻּלּו הַ שָ ּׁמַ י ִם ו ְה‬ ‫ וַי ִשְ ׁב ֹּת ַבּ​ּיֹום‬,‫וַיְכַל אֱ ֹלקים ַבּיֹום הַ שְ ּׁבִיעי מְ לַאכְּתֹו אֲ שֶ ׁר עָ שָ ׂה‬ ‫הַ שְ ּׁבִיעי מִ ָכּל מְ לַאכְּתֹו אֲ שֶ ׁר עָ שָ ׂה׃ וַיְב ֶָרְך אֱ לקִ ים אֶ ת יֹום הַ שְ ּׁבִיעי‬ ‫ ִכּי בֹו שָ ׁבַת מִ ָכּל מְ לַאכְּתֹו אֲ שֶ ׁר ָב ָּרא אֱ ֹלקים לַעֲ ׂשֹות׃‬,‫וַי ְקַ דֵ ּׁש א ֹתֹו‬

[Silently: Evening became morning]: The sixth day. And the heavens and the earth and all that filled them were complete. And on the seventh day God completed the labor He had performed, and He refrained on the seventh day from all the labor which He had performed. And God blessed the seventh day and He sanctified it, for He then refrained from all his labor – from the act of creation that God had performed.

(.‫בנָן ו ְַרּבֹותַ י‬ ּ ָ ‫)סַ ב ְִרי מָ ָרנָן ו ְַר‬ ֵ ,‫ָבּרּוְך ַאתָ ּה ה' אֱ ֹלקינּו מֶ לְֶך הָ עֹולָם‬ .‫ּבֹורא פְ ִּרי הַ ָגּפֶ ן‬

(Permit me, distinguished ones, rabbis, guests and colleagues.) Blessed are You, the Lord our God, King of the Universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine. Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, Who sanctified us with His commandments, and hoped for us, and with love and intent invested us with His sacred Sabbath, as a memorial to the deed of Creation. It is the first among the holy festivals, commemorating the exodus from Egypt. For You chose us, and sanctified us, out of all nations, and with love and intent You invested us with Your Holy Sabbath. Blessed are You, Adonai, Sanctifier of the Sabbath.

‫ אֲ שֶ ׁר קִ דְ ּשָ ׁנּו ְבּמִ צְֹותָ יו ו ַ ְָרצָה‬,‫ָבּרּוְך ַאתָ ּה ה' אֱ ֹלקינּו מֶ לְֶך הָ עֹולָם‬ ‫ ִז ָכּרֹון לְמַ עֲ שֵ ׂה‬,‫ ו ְשַ ׁ ָבּת קָ דְ ׁשֹו ְבַּאהֲ בָה ּוב ְָרצֹון הִ נְחִ ילָנּו‬,‫בָנּו‬ .‫ ֵזכֶר לִיצִיַאת מִ צ ְָרי ִם‬,‫ ִכּי הּוא יֹום תְ ּחִ ָלּה לְמִ קְ ָראֵ י ק ֹדֶ ׁש‬.‫ב ְֵראשִ ׁית‬ ‫ ו ְשַ ׁ ָבּת קָ דְ שְ ָׁך ְבַּאהֲ בָה‬,‫ִכּי בָנּו בָחַ ְרתָ ּ ו ְאֹותָ נּו קִ דַ ּשְ ׁתָ ּ מִ ָכּל הָ עַ מִ ּים‬ .‫ּוב ְָרצֹון הִ נְחַ לְתָ ּנּו‬ .‫ָבּרּוְך ַאתָ ּה ה' מְ קַ דֵ ּׁש הַ שַ ׁ ָבּת‬

Shabbat Day Blessing on the Wine — ‫קידוש‬ ‫ ְב ִּרית‬,‫ לַעֲ ׂשֹות אֶ ת הַ שַ ּׁ ָבּת לְד ֹר ֹתָ ם‬,‫ אֶ ת הַ שַ ּׁ ָבּת‬,‫ו ְשָ ׁמְ רּו ְבנֵי י ִשְ ָׂראֵ ל‬ ,‫ ִכּי שֵ ׁשֶ ׁת י ָמִ ים‬:‫ לְעֹלָם‬,‫בנֵי י ִשְ ָׂראֵ ל—אֹות הִ יא‬ ּ ְ ‫ ּובֵין‬,‫ ֵבּינִי‬.‫עֹולָם‬ .‫ שָ ׁבַת וַיּ ִנָּפַׁש‬,‫ ּובַּיֹום הַ שְ ּׁבִיעִ י‬,‫ָארץ‬ ֶ ָ‫עָ שָ ׂה ה' אֶ ת הַ שָ ּׁמַ י ִם ו ְאֶ ת ה‬

And the Children of Israel shall observe the Shabbat, by establishing the Shabbat for their generations as an eternal covenant. Between Me and the Children of Israel it is an eternal sign, that [in] six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He ceased from work and rested. Remember the Shabbat day to sanctify it. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is Shabbat for the LORD your God; you shall not do any work—you, your son and your daughter, your manservant and your maidservant, and your cattle, and the stranger who is in your gates. For [in] six days the Lord made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore, the Lord blessed the Shabbat day and made it holy.

‫ ו ְעָ שִ ׂיתָ ָכּל‬,‫ שֵ ׁשֶ ׁת י ָמִ ים תַ ּעֲ ב ֹד‬.‫ לְקַ דְ ּׁשֹו‬,‫זָכֹור אֶ ת יֹום הַ שַ ּׁ ָבּת‬ ‫ ֹלא תַ עֲ שֶ ׂה כָל‬:‫ ַל ה' אֱ ֹלקיָך‬,‫ הַ שְ ּׁבִיעִ י—שַ ׁ ָבּת‬,‫ ו ְיֹום‬.‫מְ לַאכְתֶ ָּך‬ ‫ אֲ שֶ ׁר‬,‫ וְג ְֵרָך‬,‫ עַ בְדְ ָּך ו ַאֲ מָ תְ ָך ּובְהֶ מְ תֶ ָּך‬,‫מְ לָאכָה ַאתָ ּה ּו ִבנְָך ּובִתֶ ָּך‬ ‫ אֶ ת‬,‫ָארץ‬ ֶ ָ‫ ִכּי שֵ ׁשֶ ׁת י ָמִ ים עָ שָ ׂה ה' אֶ ת הַ שָ ּׁמַ י ִם ו ְאֶ ת ה‬.‫ִבּשְ ׁעָ ֶריָך‬ ‫ ֵב ַּרְך י ה' אֶ ת‬,‫ ַבּ​ּיֹום הַ שְ ּׁבִיעִ י; עַ ל ֵכּן‬,‫ ו ַ ּי ָנַח‬,‫הַ יָּם ו ְאֶ ת ָכּל אֲ שֶ ׁר ָבּם‬ .‫יֹום הַ שַ ּׁ ָבּת—וַי ְקַ דְ ּשֵ ׁהּו‬ (‫)סברי מרנן ורבנן ורבותי‬ ֵ ‫ָבּרּוְך ַאתָ ּה ה' אֱ ֹלקינּו מֶ לְֶך הָ עֹולָם‬ .‫ּבֹורא פְ ִּרי הַ ָגּפֶ ן‬

(Permit me, distinguished ones, rabbis, guests and colleagues.) Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine.

Beginning the Meal Part of the Shabbat meal is washing our hands and making the bracha over lechem mishneh – two loaves of bread. Most traditionally, challah is used, but any type of bread (including matzah!) over which we recite the Hamotzi blessing can be used. The two loaves remind us of the double portion of manna that fell in the desert and miraculously stayed fresh for all of Shabbat. May we be refreshed with enough physical and spiritual nourishment over this Shabbat to carry us onto the next!

Washing the Hands for Bread — ‫נטילת ידים‬ Before eating the bread, wash your hands and recite this blessing: Blessed are you, Lord our G‑d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us concerning the washing of the hands.


‫ ו ְ ִצּוָנּו‬,‫ּבָרּוְך אַ ּתָ ה ה' אֱ ֹלקינּו מֶ לְֶך הָ עֹולָם אֲ ׁשֶ ר קִ ּדְ ׁשָ נּו ּבְמִ צְֹותָ יו‬ .‫עַ ל נְטִ ילַת י ָדָ ים‬

Blessing on the Bread — ‫המוציא‬ Blessed are you, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who brings forth bread from the earth.

.‫ָארץ‬ ֶ ָ‫ּבָרּוְך אַ ּתָ ה ה' אֱ ֹלקינּו מֶ לְֶך הָ עֹולָם הַ ּמֹוצִיא לֶחֶ ם מִ ן ה‬

A Woman of Valor — ‫אׁשת חיל‬ An excerpt from the last chapter of Mishlei (Proverbs), Eishet Chayil describes the “ideal” woman. This can be understood to be a metaphor for the Shabbat queen, the Divine presence, or even the mother of the home who so often bears the responsibility for making Shabbat. A woman of valor, who can find? Her worth is far beyond that of rubies. Her husband’s heart trusts in her, and lacks no treasures. She is good to him, never bad, all the days of her life. She looks for wool and flax, and sets her hand to them willingly. She is like a merchant fleet, she brings her bread from afar She rises while it is still night, and supplies provisions for her household, the daily fare of her maids. She sets her mind on a field and acquires it; she plants a vineyard through the fruit of her handiwork. Her loins are girded with strength, and her arms are mighty. She sees that her business thrives; her lamp never goes out at night. She sets her hand to the distaff; and her fingers work the spindle. She stretches out her palms to the poor; she extends her hand to the needy. She does not fear for her household on account of snow, for her whole house is dressed in crimson. She makes covers for herself; her clothing is linen and purple. Her husband is known in the gates, where he sits among the elders of the land. She makes cloth and sells it, and offers a girdle to the Canaanite. She is clothed with strength and splendor; and laughs until the last day. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is upon her tongue. She oversees the activities of her household, and never eats bread of idleness. Her children stand and rejoice in her, her husband praises her. Many women have displayed valor, but you rise above them all. Grace is falsehood and beauty is vapid; a woman who fears God is the one who shall be praised. Give her from the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates. (Translation c/o

:‫ ו ְָרחק מִ ּפְ נִינִים מִ כ ְָרּה‬.‫אֵ ׁשֶ ת חַ י ִל מִ י י ִמְ צָא‬ :‫ ו ְׁשָ לָל לא י ֶחְ סָ ר‬.‫ּבָטַ ח ּבָּה לֵב ּבַעְ לָּה‬ : ָ‫ ּכל י ְמֵ י חַ ּיֶיה‬.‫ּגְמָ לַתְ הּו טוב ו ְלא ָרע‬ : ָ‫ ו ַּתַ עַ ׂש ּבְחֵ פֶ ץ ּכַּפֶ יה‬.‫ּדָ ְרׁשָ ה צֶמֶ ר ּופִ ׁשְ ּתִ ים‬ :‫ מִ ּמֶ ְרחָ ק ּתָ בִיא לַחְ מָ ּה‬.‫הָ י ְתָ ה ּכָאֳ נִּיות סוחֵ ר‬ ‫ ו ְחק‬.‫ו ַּתָ קָ ם ּבְעוד ַליְלָה ו ַּתִ ּתֵ ן טֶ ֶרף ְלבֵיתָ ּה‬ :‫ְלנַעֲ רתֶ יה‬ :‫ מִ ּפְ ִרי כַּפֶ יהָ נָטְ עָ ה ּכ ֶָרם‬.‫זָמְ מָ ה ׂשָ דֶ ה ו ַּתִ ּקָ חֵ הּו‬ ָ:‫ ו ַּתְ אַ ּמֵ ץ זְרועתֶ יה‬. ָ‫חָ ג ְָרה בְעוז מָ תְ נֶיה‬ :‫ לא י ִ ְכּבֶה ַב ַּליְלָה נ ֵָרּה‬.‫טָ עֲ מָ ה ּכִי טוב סַ חְ ָרּה‬ :‫ וְכַּפֶ יהָ ּתָ מְ כּו פָ לְֶך‬.‫י ָדֶ יהָ ׁשִ ּלְחָ ה ַבּכִיׁשור‬ :‫ וְי ָדֶ יהָ ׁשִ ּלְחָ ה לָאֶ בְיון‬.‫ּכַּפָ ּה ּפָ ְרׂשָ ה לֶעָ נִי‬ ָ ִ‫לא ת‬ ‫ ּכִי כָל ּבֵיתָ ּה ָלבֻׁש‬.‫ירא ְלבֵיתָ ּה מִ ּׁשָ לֶג‬ :‫ׁשָ נִים‬ :‫ְַארּגָמָ ן לְבּוׁשָ ּה‬ ְ ‫ ׁשֵ ׁש ו‬.‫מַ ְרבַּדִ ים עָ ׂשְ תָ ה ּלָּה‬ :‫ָארץ‬ ֶ ‫ ּבְׁשִ בְּתו עִ ם זִקְ נֵי‬.‫נודָ ע ּבַּׁשְ עָ ִרים ּבַעְ לָּה‬ :‫ ו ַחֲ גור נָתְ נָה ַל ְּכנַעֲ נִי‬.‫סָ דִ ין עָ ׂשְ תָ ה ו ַּתִ מְ ּכר‬ :‫ ו ַּתִ ׂשְ חַ ק לְיום ַאחֲ רון‬.‫עוז ו ְהָ דָ ר לְבּוׁשָ ּה‬ ַ ‫ ו‬.‫ּפִ יהָ ּפָ תְ חָ ה בְחָ כְמָ ה‬ :‫ְתורת חֶ סֶ ד עַ ל לְׁשונָּה‬ :‫ וְלֶחֶ ם עַ צְלּות לא תאכֵל‬.‫צופִ ּיָה הֲ לִיכות ּבֵיתָ ּה‬ :‫ ּבַעְ לָּה וַי ְהַ ְללָּה‬. ָ‫קָ מּו ָבנֶיהָ וַי ְאַ ּׁשְ רּוה‬ :‫ ו ְאַ ּתְ עָ לִית עַ ל ֻּכ ָּלנָה‬.‫ַרּבות ּבָנות עָ ׂשּו חָ י ִל‬ ‫ אִ ּׁשָ ה י ְִרַאת ה' הִ יא‬.‫ׁשֶ קֶ ר הַ חֵ ן ו ְהֶ בֶל הַ ּיפִ י‬ :‫תִ תְ הַ ּלָל‬ . ָ‫ ו ִיהַ לְלּוהָ בַּׁשְ עָ ִרים מַ עֲ ׂשֶ יה‬. ָ‫ּתְ נּו לָּה מִ ּפְ ִרי י ָדֶ יה‬

Havdallah — ‫הבדלה‬ Just as Shabbat begins with sanctification over a cup of wine or grape juice, it ends that way as well. Many rituals take place over such a cup. But why do we add besamim (spices) and a candle? The sweet smell of the besamim serves to bring us comfort as we step away from Shabbat. The candle signifies that the prohibited labors on Shabbat are now permitted once again, and that there can be holiness in our work week as well. Shavua tov! Behold, God is my savior, I will trust God and not be afraid, for my strong faith and song of praise for God will be my salvation. You will draw water joyously from the wellsprings of salvation. Salvation belongs to God; may Your blessing rest upon Your people. God of the heavenly armies is with us; the Lord of Yaakov is a fortress protecting us. God of the heavenly armies, happy is the individual who trusts You. God, redeem us! The King will answer us on the day we call God. The Jews had light, happiness, joy and honor; may we have the same. I will raise the cup of salvation and call out in the name of the God. Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, Who creates the fruit of the vine. Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, Who creates varieties of spices. (The spices are then passed around and smelled by those present). Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, Who creates the lights of the fire. (The candle is held up in the air and those present look at the reflection of the light on their fingernails.) Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, Who distinguishes between the sacred and the secular, between light and dark, between Israel and the nations, between the seventh day and the six days of labor. Blessed are You, Lord, Who distinguishes between the sacred and the secular. (The person who recited the blessings now drinks the wine.)

‫ ִכּי עָ ִזּי‬,‫ אֶ בְטַ ח ו ְֹלא אֶ פְ חָ ד‬,‫ל י ְׁשּועָ תִ י‬- ֵ‫הִ נֵּה א‬ ‫מי ִם‬ ֽ ַ ‫ ּושְ ַׁאבְתֶ ּם‬.‫ וַי ְהִ י לִי לִיׁשּועָ ה‬,'‫ה ה‬-‫וְזִמְ ָרת י‬ ‫ עַ ל עַ מְ ָּך‬,‫ לַה' הַ י ְׁשּועָ ה‬.‫ מִ מַ ּעַ יְנֵי הַ י ְׁשּועָ ה‬,‫ְבּשָ ׂ​ׂשֹון‬ ‫ מִ שְ ׂ ָגּב לָנּו אֱ ֹלקי‬,‫ ה' ְצבָאֹות עִ מָ ּֽ נּו‬.‫ב ְִרכ ֶָתָֽך סֶ ּֽ לָה‬ .‫ ַאשְ ֵרי ָאדָ ם ב ֵֹּטֽחַ ָבְּך‬,‫ ה' ְצבָאֹות‬.‫סלָה‬ ֽ ֶ ‫י ַעֲ ק ֹב‬ ‫ ַליְּהּודִ ים‬.‫ הַ מֶ ּֽ לְֶך י ַעֲ נֵ ֽנּו בְיֹום קָ ְר ֵאֽנּו‬,‫הֹושׁיעָ ה‬ ֽ ִ '‫ה‬ ָ ‫הָ י ְתָ ה‬ .‫ ֵכּן תִ ּהְ י ֶה ָ ּלֽנּו‬.‫אֹורה ו ְשִ ׂמְ חָ ה ו ְשָ ׂ​ׂשֹון ו ִיקָ ר‬ .‫ ּובְשֵ ׁם ה' אֶ קְ ָרא‬,‫ּכֹוס י ְׁשּועֹות אֶ שָ ּׂא‬ ֵ ,‫ אֱ ֹלקינּו מֶ לְֶך הָ עֹולָם‬,'‫ָבּרּוְך ַאתָ ּה ה‬ ‫ּבֹורא פְ ִּרי‬ ,‫ אֱ ֹלקינּו מֶ לְֶך הָ עֹולָם‬,'‫ ָבּרּוְך ַאתָ ּה ה‬.‫הַ ֶגּפֶ ן‬ ֵ ‫ ָבּרּוְך ַאתָ ּה ה' אֱ ֹלקינּו מֶ לְֶך‬.‫ּבֹורא מִ ינֵי בְשָ ׂמִ ים‬ ֵ ְ‫ּבֹורא מ‬ ֵ .‫הָ עֹולָם‬ '‫ ָבּרּוְך ַאתָ ּה ה‬.‫אֹורי הָ אֵ ׁש‬ ‫ ֵבּין‬,‫ הַ מַ ּבְדִ ּיל ֵבּין ק ֹדֶ ׁש לְחֹול‬,‫אֱ ֹלקינּו מֶ לְֶך הָ עֹולָם‬ ‫ ֵבּין יֹום הַ שְ ּׁבִיעִ י‬,‫ ֵבּין י ִשְ ָׂראֵ ל לָעַ מִ ּים‬,‫אֹור לְחשֶ ְׁך‬ ‫ הַ מַ בְדִ ּיל‬,'‫ ָבּרּוְך ַאתָ ּה ה‬:‫לְשֵ ׁשֶ ׁת י ְמֵ י הַ מַ ּעֲ שֶ ׂה‬ .‫ֵבּין ק ֹדֶ ׁש לְחֹול‬

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