Kol BT Beth Tfiloh High School Student Newspaper Spring 2020

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Spring 2020 Edition

THESENIORS OF KOL BT shir a k. '22 As our senior s begin to say goodbye and m ove on to the next stage in their lives, w e r em em ber the special senior s w ho have helped the Beth Tfiloh new spaper thr ive and flour ish. Ella W. '20 joined the new spaper because she felt ?it w ould be a r eally fun and nice w ay to expr ess [her ]self.? She w anted to speak her m ind and knew that new spaper w ould give her and other students the platfor m they deser ve. This year , Ella?s favor ite ar ticle she?s w r itten is about being a gir l in a fantasy football league. Fr om the new spaper , she?s lear ned that ?deadlines ar e r eally im por tant? because the new spaper ?is a collabor ative and team effor t.? For the r est of the high-schooler s, Ella w ants to r em ind ever yone ?to m ake the m ost of [your ] tim e and even if it feels like [you?r e] having a r eally har d day, keep going!? W hen M olly S. '20 cam e to the new spaper this fall, she w as a little skeptical. How ever , she w as pleasantly sur pr ised w ith how m uch she enjoyed w r iting for the new spaper and seeing her ar ticles in pr int. This year , M olly enjoyed w r iting about Weiner Fever , A-Z Tips on School, and Shabbat w ith Teacher s. Fr om the new spaper , she?s lear ned that ?your paper is never fully done and can alw ays be r eedited.? After year s at BT, M olly says that ?com m unity is ver y valuable and it's im por tant to find your com m unity. Going thr ough str uggles and losses ar e har d. It?s im por tant to have a com m unity that is ther e for you like BT.? Sam antha Z. '20 enter ed the new spaper r oom this year hoping to tr y som ething new. She?s lear ned differ ent w r iting styles and how to w r ite other types of ar ticles. This year , she?s w r itten about spor ts, classes and other things that m ake BT unique.

I f you w ou l d l i k e t o

After four year s w ith the Beth Tfiloh New spaper , Julia S. '20 has seen it all. She?s acted as an editor , layout editor and she?s cur r ently

j oi n t h e n ew spaper

editor -in-chief. Fr om the new spaper , she?s ?lear ned leader ship and or ganization.? She says that ?new spaper is differ ent than how ever yone else sees it. It?s fun and r eally enjoyable!? Julia encour ages

st af f or w ou l d l i k e t o

ever yone to w r ite for the new spaper saying,?you don?t

w r i t e ar t i cl es f or t h e

even have to be in the class to w r ite.? Senior s, w ithout you all, the

n ew spaper r each ou t

new spaper w ould not be the sam e. We hope you r em em ber the new spaper and look back

t o ei t h er Rach el H. '21 or Abi gai l H. '21

on the fun tim es w e?ve had.




The Senior s of Kol BT pg. 1

CONTENTS Recap of Model UN pg. 7

Cor onacat ion pg. 2

Top 4 Passover Foods pg. 8

How To: The College Pr ocess pg. 4

BT's Favor it e Desser t s pg. 9

Newspaper Behind t he Scenes pg. 5

Net f lix vs. Disney + pg. 9

At t ent ion St udent At hlet es pg. 6

Top 10 Games t o Look For war d t o in 20 20 pg. 10

The Posit ive Ef fect s of Medit at ion pg. 7

Top Shoes of t he NBA pg. 11

Gr ades vs. Ment al Healt h pg. 7

CORONACATION Abigail h. '21 and r achel h. '21 To be fr ank, I str uggled w hen tr ying to w r ite this ar ticle. How can I do this topic justice? How can I captur e the r am pant confusion, the fear , the sheer

ar ound the w or ld; that w e ar e w atching histor y in the m aking. Fur ther elucidating Covid-19?s effect on the

tum ultuousness of these unpr ecedented tim es. The

student body, Har per G. 21?spoke about her

best w ay I could think of, is to shar e how our

exper ience dur ing this tim e. She explained how she

com m unity is feeling, how w e ar e all dealing w ith the

?m isses physically being at Beth Tfiloh? and how she

situation at hand.

?m isses seeing [her ] fr iends the m ost.? She also

It has only been a few days since the online

asser ted how she thinks ?the online schooling is

lear ning system com m enced, and the gener al tone of

r unning sm oothly.? Of cour se ther e is r oom for

the student body has been one of str ess and

im pr ovem ent as both Har per and Henr y D. 21?asser t

confusion. On top of that, social distancing contr ibutes

how both com m unication and w or kload need to be

to the cultur e of fear as it can exacer bate the feeling of

tw eaked. Plenty of the Junior s feel over bur dened and

loneliness and disor ientation.To be fair , a pandem ic is

this w ill take tim e to be r esolved. It is a w or k in

r avaging the w or ld, spr eading thr oughout our county,

pr ogr ess, this is unchar ted ter r itor y for all of us.

and incr easing by 50% daily, w e have ever y r ight to be

An im por tant par t of navigating this new r eality is

a little on-edge. Either w ay, Beth Tfiloh pushes

r em aining calm , connected, and safe. So, w hile w e

for w ar d, adapting and accom m odating to the best of

stay hom e it is im por tant to occupy our selves in

its ability. For that, w e should be pr oud.

healthy and pr oductive w ays. M y fr iends and I, for

The best w ay to pr eser ve Beth Tfiloh?s tightly knit

exam ple, have FaceTim ed w hile w or king out and

com m unity is to stay in contact, to under stand how

w hile eating lunch. Talia M . '21 also stated that she

our fellow students and teacher s ar e feeling. And to

has been ?w atching docum entar ies on Netflix and

enfor ce that, I asked a few of my peer s to disclose

playing lacr osse? to occupy her tim e at hom e. Netflix,

their thoughts about Covid-19?s effect on them . Talia

w hether it be w atching w ith fr iends via a Netflix

M . 21?states that ?things ar e pr etty chaotic and I m iss

par ty (w hich I highly r ecom m end) or on your ow n,

hum an inter action. Things feel like a dr eam ...doesn't

can be a nice w ay to unw ind and r elax. Exer cise is

feel r eal.? I w holehear tedly agr ee w ith Talia, it is quite

also highly im por tant especially since you m ay be

har d to believe w hat w e ar e seeing on the new s and

confined to your hom e. Rachel H. 21?as w ell as plenty

Continued on next page

3 other students have expr essed that they have been

all or see my fr iends, it's r eally har d for m e. I usually

w alking their dogs m or e often or just taking w alks in

hang out w ith them at least once a w eek .

gener al. Healthy habits like these m ake our tim e at hom e all the m or e beneficial. Just as the students ar e dealing w ith Covid-19?s effect on our daily lives, so ar e our teacher s. To gain their per spective, w e conducted an inter view w ith M r. Bosley fr om the histor y depar tm ent, M r. Jacobs fr om the Jew ish Histor y depar tm ent, M or ah Shachar fr om

M r s. Dan i el : Wor king w ith my classes that do not m eet as r egular ly as other sections. I w ant them to keep up w ith the m ater ial but it?s cer tainly har der w hen they have m or e lim ited ?face tim e.? W h at ar e you goi n g t o r em em ber m ost abou t t h i s t i m e?

the Hebr ew depar tm ent, and M r s. Daniel fr om the

M r . Bosl ey:I w ill r em em ber the hundr eds and

science depar tm ent. We asked each of them four

thousands of people w ho sacr ificed their tim e, ener gy,

questions about their exper iences dur ing this

and potentially their health to keep us all safer. I w ill

unpr ecedented tim e as Beth Tfiloh educator s. Her e is

also r em em ber the sense of com m unity so m any tr ied

w hat w e gleaned:

to continue thr ough social m edia and vehicles like

W h at i s on e t h i n g you h ave l ear n ed f r om t h i s

Zoom .

ex per i en ce?

M r . Jacobs: I w ill r em em ber how pr oud I am of our

M r . Bosl ey:That having your health and fam ily m eans

students and faculty that w e?r e figur ing this ?thing?

a lot in tr ying tim es such as these. Due to my r ecent

out and continuing to lear n.

m edical pr ocedur e, I am im m uno-com pr om ised, thus I

M or ah Sh ach ar : That w e w or ked har d, even har der

am not allow ed to go out w her e people gather , even to

than the usual, pr epar ing all the m ater ials for the

the gr ocer y stor e or phar m acy.

Online classes..I'll also r em em ber the anxiety I felt,

M r . Jacobs: I have lear ned that I am better off w ith a

w hen I found out that my son has a fever and

scheduled day. So the night befor e I w r ite out a

com plained that his thr oat hur ts... Even though he had

schedule for the next day. If I didn?t have this

a sim ple vir us?

schedule, I?d be on the sofa w atching too m uch TV.

M r s. Dan i el : I w ill r em em ber the am azing

M or ah Sh ach ar :That the year of 2020 has just star ted,

connections w e m ade and ar e m aking w hen w e ar e

and w or king online isn't so bad, and actually I'm

alone. I w as so touched by the sense of com m unity

pr etty good w ith all the new technologies?

w hen so m any of us joined for Fr iday?s assem bly to

M r s. Dan i el :How r esilient our lear ning cur ve is ? even

just ?be together ? follow ed by a beautiful Shabbat

those of us w ho ar e m or e ?tech-phobic? m anaged to

dur ing w hich I w as w ith my fam ily, only, and shar ed a

figur e this out ? and so quickly! It is incr edible how

special day together.

quickly w e w er e up and r unning and I w as thr illed

W h at h as been occu pyi n g you r t i m e w h en you ar e

w ith 100% attendance dur ing the fir st classes of this

n ot t each i n g?

exper ience w ith all of my students. W h at i s on e ch al l en ge you h ave f aced over t h e l ast f ew days?

M r . Bosl ey: Contending for my health ever yday w hile r ecuper ating fr om my pr ocedur e. I tr y to get in at least a couple of m iles each after noon w ith my w ife and I

M r . Bosl ey:Teaching my APUSH classes w ith

am r eading a lot and tr ying to keep my m ind engaged.

m eaningful content that is engaging and w ill help

Staying connected w ith my cir cle via social m edia.

them succeed on the APUSH exam via distance

Tr ying to inspir e other s to be the BEST ver sion of

lear ning and Zoom has been one of my biggest

them selves.

pr ofessional challenges

M r . Jacobs: So Er ik Lar son is my favor ite author , and

M r . Jacobs: Tr ying to find a quiet place to teach over

I just pur chased his new est book at Bar nes and Noble.

Zoom . I have thr ee r eally active gr andsons w ho love to

So I?m r eading the book for now.

play outside of my hom e office. M or ah Sh ach ar : Staying hom e and not going out at

M or ah Sh ach ar : M y childr en... Especially my youngest, that needed m e the m ost.. I also cooked a lot,

Continued on next page

4 and cleaned the house a lot... and w atched good

and it is im por tant to r ealize that. You ar e com pletely

m ovies, and laughed a lot because of all the gr eat jokes

justified in feeling anxious, unsur e, or even sad. But, it

I hear d and r ead on the social m edia...

is vital that you use this tim e in a pr oductive m anner.

M r s. Dan i el : M y childr en and hom e!!

Use it to str engthen fam ilial bonds, have deep

I w ould like to thank our teacher s for giving their all to help us dur ing this tr ansition to ?school fr om hom e.? We ar e all adjusting, fighting differ ent battles,

Jul ia S. '20


a new hobby, r ead, w r ite, expand your m ind. Rem em ber , ?r elationships w ill not be cancelled, love w ill not be cancelled, hope w ill not be cancelled.?

How To: The col l ege pr ocess

M y bi ggest pi eces of adv i ce: -

conver sations w ith your fr iends on the phone, take up

Each jour ney is unique. Don?t feel pr essur ed

Su m m er -

by things you hear in the hall fr om your peer s.

br ainstor m ing any stor ies for your

If your college counselor says you'r e on tr ack,

supplem ents. Your fir st dr aft of your per sonal

then you?r e on tr ack .

statem ent is NOT YOUR FINAL DRAFT. You w ill

Don?t choose a school just because it sounds

m ost likely r ew r ite SEVERAL tim es until you

cool. Find som ew her e you w ill be happy and

find the essay that r esonates w ith you m ost

able to succeed. For som e, this m eans a sm all

and expr esses your m essage in the best w ay.

pr ivate school, w hile for other s, this m eans a

Do not feel discour aged. I thought my fir st

state school or , m aybe, it?s just w hat w ill leave

essay w as fine and, after r eceiving feedback, I

them in the least debt - all ar e equally gr eat.

r ealized that it did not r eflect the potential I str ived for. I r ew r ote it fr om scr atch five tim es

Ju n i or Year -


until I tr uly felt like it show ed w ho I am . It?s

Study har d and per for m w ell on your ACT/SAT,

har d to w r ite your feelings and r eflect fr om

subject tests, and AP exam s.

your subconscious - but, if you keep r ew r iting

Star t r esear ching schools. You don?t have to

and r ethinking, then you w ill find your self

necessar ily visit yet, but star t lear ning w hat to

eventually (kuddos to anyone w ho w as able to

look for in schools and how to look for it.

find them selves on the fir st tr y. I?m sur e your

W hen I w as at this point, I felt r eally pr essur ed

essay w as just as gr eat, it just doesn?t com e as

to look at specific schools r ight aw ay, but I had

easy to ever yone) - so use the sum m er to dr aft

no idea w hat to look for in a school and w her e

your fir st tr y. This w ill m ake the pr ocess

to star t.

dur ing the school year m uch easier because

Look for school size, m ajor s, location fr om

you w ill have alr eady finished one out of

hom e, and inter esting pr ogr am s and

potentially five tr ies, giving you m or e tim e to

scholar ships offer ed. Is it a r each, tar get, or

r evise.

safe school? Do they r equir e supplem ental essays? Do they r equir e subject tests? -

M ake a post-it note of schools that you w ill

Sen i or year -

pr ogr ess w ith and follow up on. -

Star t dr afting your per sonal essay and

Request letter s of r ecom m endation fr om your

teacher s w ith your fir st deadline. -

teacher s in per son and then follow up w ith a r equest on Naviance!!!! A lot of teacher s like to

Update your letter of r ecom m endation Star t attending r epr esentative sessions fr om differ ent schools, at BT.


In Naviance, m ove colleges fr om ?colleges "I'm

use the sum m er to w r ite these w ell thought out

inter ested in? to ?colleges I?m applying to.? This

letter s, so this is your best chance to get w ell

is im por tant so that your college counselor can

w r itten letter s that ar e finished by your due dates.

send your tr anscr ipt to the cor r ect school. -

Figur e out w hich colleges?applications ar e on

Continued on next page

5 mycoalition, com m on app, or have a separ ate


Finish your essays by the Novem ber 1 deadline

application and w r ite it all on that sam e sticky

and tr y to send them in at least a w eek befor e

note fr om befor e.

just to ensur e that the univer sity r eceives

Star t filling out the basic infor m ation on your

ever ything and ther e ar e no pr oblem s.

mycoalition and com m on application - like




The pr ocess doesn?t end her e for som e because

your nam e, bir th date, m ajor , etc... so you don?t

of later deadlines, but it is easier fr om this

have to w or r y about that later.

point since you?ve alr eady done it once. You'll

Star t visiting schools you ar e still

get the hang of the r est.

inter ested in. -

Have fr equent m eetings w ith your college counselor - they know alm ost ever ything, so utilize them ! I w ould com e to my college counselor w ith like 100 questions because my par ents have never gone thr ough this pr ocess and I left ever y single tim e feeling so m uch better and on tr ack .

Behind t he Scenes of Kol BT Ahr on F. '22 Ever y m onth, the new spaper is placed in the

Once our dr afts ar e tur ned in, they ar e looked over by

student m ailboxes to be r ead by the BT High School,

the editor s, r anging fr om differ ent gr ades in the high

but m any do not know the w or k and oper ations

school. Rachel H. ' 21, layout editor , explains her

behind these paper s. It star ts w ith a list. This is w her e

pr ocess to choose editor s. ?We w ant to choose people

w r iter s ar e assigned dates to tur n in our ideas for

w ho w e know w ill do w or k and get it done in a tim ely

ar ticles. These ar ticles r ange fr om tr ending topics,

m anner ? she says. ?We don?t w ant editor s and w r iter s

latest new s in the com m unity, and inter view s w ith

w asting tim e. We m ake sur e to pair the r ight editor to

fellow students and teacher s. Dr. Rubin and M r.

the r ight w r iter , and w e tr y to pair a differ ent editor to

Jacobs, the advisor s for New spaper , ask thr ee

a differ ent w r iter for each new addition.?

questions to the students about their ar ticle ideas

Julia S. '20, editor -in-chief, descr ibes the

befor e they w r ite it: Do people other than you w ant to

editor s?r ole as a lot of r esponsibility. ?It's not just

r ead it? Does it m eaningly advance conver sation? and

about w r iting the ar ticle. You have to m ake sur e you'r e

is it done in a quality w ay of w r iting?

w r iting your ow n ar ticles as w ell as editing som eone

W hen asked about how he finds his ideas for ar ticles,

else's.? Julia and Rachel ar e also r esponsible for

Daniel A. 22?says ?I tr y to sear ch up w hatever ?s

cr eating the deadlines, ar ticle lists, assigning editor s,

tr ending, or just do som ething I have inter est in at the

sending the deadlines to Dr. Rubin and M r. Jacobs for

tim e. If I?m ever stum ped for ideas, I take suggestions

appr oval. They also help people w ith the w r iting

fr om other editor s.?

pr ocess, m aking sur e w r iter s m eet deadlines, and in

After the ideas ar e appr oved, w e have a few w eeks to w r ite tw o differ ent dr afts. Her e, w e take our notes and inter view s that w e have conducted w ith students and expand them to w r ite a full ar ticle. Gar ett R. 22?, w ho r uns a fr equent cooking colum n, says ?I go ar ound the school looking for people to inter view , and expand upon my inter view ees?statem ents w ith hum or and my ow n thoughts.?

the end, laying out the ar ticles and putting them in or der. And Sam S. 20?, another head editor , stated that he just did this inter view so he didn?t get fined. Once our ar ticles ar e r eady to pr int, ther e is still a lot m or e to go thr ough, and the new spaper gets laid out for pr int. ? W hen putting the ar ticles in or der , I look at titles to see w hich ar ticles com plem ent each other ?, Rachel H 21?says. ?For exam ple, an ar ticle about cultur al ar ts night and The Hunchback of Notre

6 Dame w or k w ell together , so I place them next to each

r eview s the layout. ?The new spaper could be going

other w hen editing the final

outside of our school as w ell as to


par ents and r elatives, so w e w ant to

She then uses a

m ake sur e it is top notch,? she says.

softw ar e, w hich only takes a

The final dr aft is then sent to Dr.

few hour s to pr ocess, and the

Koplon, w ho gives the final stam p of

layout is done. Julia then looks

appr oval on all of the stor ies. Once

over the ar ticles one m or e

that is done, the pr ocess is finally

tim e for any m istakes, and

com plete.

ATTENTIONSTUDENT ATHLETES Abigail h. '21 and Sa mant ha M. '21 Have you ever str essed about w hen you should

Br uner agr eed that the students?dism issal tim e should

leave your class befor e a spor ts gam e or the

be displayed ?all thr oughout the school r ather than

infor m ation you w ould m iss? Do you find your self

just on the attendance sheets.? Fur ther m or e, both

w onder ing w hether your teacher w ould accom m odate

teacher s expr essed a desir e that the students?

you for m issing class? Well, her e you can under stand

dism issal tim e be noted at the beginning of the day

how Beth Tfiloh?s teacher s appr oach ear ly dism issals

(unless alter ed by w eather conditions) to incr ease

for athletics.

clar ity.

As student athletes, w e often exper ience the

W ith fur ther insight fr om the m ath

difficulties of navigating Beth Tfiloh?s lack of an ear ly

depar tm ent, M r s. Ralston and M r s. Gelfand expr essed

dism issal policy. We feel as if the school should

concer ns for students w ho r epeatedly deal w ith

r equir e a unifor m standar d for athletes; a cer tain tim e

athletic dism issals, inter r upting their m ath classes

to tur n w or k in by, a cer tain tim e to let teacher s know

w hich ar e fr equently scheduled for the end of the day.

that w e ar e m issing class, and a cer tain tim e-fr am e for

Even though M r s. Ralston ?know s w hen they?r e

r eview ing the m issing w or k, all of w hich should be

leaving because it?s on the attendance,? it is the

deter m ined and publicized

student?s ?r esponsibility if [he/she is]

schoolw ide in the beginning of the

m issing class to talk to [her ].? We

year. By setting such a standar d, the

believe that by im plem enting a

students w ould be held accountable

schoolw ide code, such com m unication

for m eeting w ith teacher s pr om ptly,

w ould be ensur ed. The teacher w ould

and the teacher s w ould not have to

have a set tim e that the student m ust

r eteach m ater ial dur ing class or

m eet w ith them by and tur n in their

deal w ith student com plaints for

w or k, ther eby elim inating the

issues they should be r esponsible

inconsistencies in typical


student-teacher com m unication of the We w onder ed if the faculty

agr eed w ith our sentim ents, so w e conducted a few inter view s to under stand their per spectives. Fr om the English depar tm ent, M r. Pedr oni, a teacher and coach, elucidated his desir e for change in Beth Tfiloh?s policy. W hile ?m any students appr oach [him ] and tell [him ] about classes they w ill m iss,? ther e ?should be a clear policy about students and how they appr oach teacher s about leaving ear ly for spor ts.? M r. Pedr oni and M r.

like. Additionally, the m ath depar tm ent as a w hole expr essed their view that the classes w hich tend to be difficult to m iss w or k in ?should be put ear lier in the day... since it?s har d to m ake up the w or k on your ow n.? Indeed, as M r s. Gelfand stated ?one of the conditions is to keep education as #1 and spor ts as #2.? In or der to do so, the student-faculty com m unication m ust be enhanced.


The posit iv e ef f ect s of medit at ion Lindsay B. '23 Dur ing the school w eek, it can be difficult to find tim e for your self to r elax. So, w hen the chance ar ises, you should take a couple of m inutes to m editate and her e is w hy:

m editations that r esult in enhanced kindness and positivity. 4. I m pr ove you r sl eep sch edu l e. M editation can hasten the pr ocess of falling asleep and

1. M edi t at i on i s a st r ess r edu cer . Sim ply br eathing in and out slow ly for a few m inutes can r educe your str ess. 2. I t l en gt h en s you r at t en t i on span . If you m editate on a r egular basis,

lengthen the individual?s sleep per night. 5. Low er i n g bl ood pr essu r e. Studies found that m editating r elaxes the ner ves that tr igger hear t function. M editating can contr ol your blood pr essur e.

you can stay focused longer dur ing

So, if you ever find your self w ith

your daily activities.

som e spar e tim e, tr y m editating.

3. Posi t i v i t y. M editating can enfor ce a m or e positive outlook on your self

It can im pr ove your physical and em otional health!

and other s. Ther e ar e types of

GRADES VS. MENTALHEALTH Isabel l e A. '23 The pr essur e to succeed in school by getting

student str ess. The m ajor ity of answ er s w er e

good gr ades causes negative m ental health, especially

school-r elated. Ten to tw enty year s ago, the answ er s

anxiety. This ser ves the questions: w hat should com e

w ould have to do w ith bullying or fam ily issues r ather

fir st, good m ental health or good

than gr ades. The str ess com es fr om a

gr ades? Educationnew s.or g states that

m ixtur e of sour ces, var ying fr om par ents

ther e is a significant incr ease in teen

to self-im posed pr essur e. Ther e is no

anxiety, str ess, and depr ession. W hen

solution to fit ever y per son w ith

asked if it could be connected to

academ ic induced str ess, but w ith

academ ic pr essur e, a sur vey w as

inter vention, a solution can be

conducted w her e 67% of students said

discover ed to cater to the per son.

they ar e constantly str essed about school. A sim ilar question w as asked, quer ying w hat, if anything, causes the

gideon r . '22


The m odel United Nations team at Beth Tfiloh has

tir elessly to ensur e the team ?s success. Captain

been ar ound for year s. Dur ing this tim e, the team has

Pear lstone joined the team as a sophom or e, lear ning

flour ished thanks to a w onder ful advisor , M r s. Austen.

and gr ow ing as a delegate, all w hile w or king tow ar ds

M r s. Austen tr ains the team , teaching new m em ber s

a year of captainship. He says that he ?liked M odel

the ins and outs of a m odel United Nations session

U.N. because [he] w as able to polish his public

including, debate, pr ocedur e, and caucus. This year ,

speaking skills w hile being able to m entor younger

alongside M r s. Austen, Captain Zach P. '20 w or ked

students.?This year , the team w as assigned the nations

Continued on next page

8 of United Ar ab Em ir ates (UAE) and The

them for the futur e. Although it

Dem ocr atic Republic of the Congo, w ith a

w as supposed to be a r ebuilding

m ajor ity of BT delegates r epr esenting

year , BT still had tw o w inner s.

UAE. For BT, this year w as a ?r ebuilding

Although BT only had tw o w inner s,

year.? After losing six senior s, w e played

the entir e team w or ked r elentlessly

the long gam e, attem pting to w in in the

for m onths in or der to com pete at

futur e, as w e intr oduced five

an aw esom e M odel U.N.

sophom or es to the team and tr ained


TOP 4 PASSOVERFOODS ELi w. '23 1. M atzo Br ei M atzo Br ei is an Ashkenazic food for Passover consisting of fr ied m atzah, eggs, salt, and other

M at zo Br ei

ingr edients. M any people enjoy m atzo br ei for br eakfast, lunch, or as a snack . 2. M atzo Ball Soup Not only is m atzo ball soup a popular dish dur ing Passover but it is also com m only enjoyed by m any people year r ound. Its br oth contains w ater , salt, car r ots, onions, and other vegetables. The m atzo ball is m ade of m atzah, eggs, w ater , and oil. M any people

M at zo Ball Sou p

enjoy the soft textur e of the m atzo ball. 3. Kugel Kugel is a dish that has been m ade in Jew ish hom es for hundr eds of year s. Ther e ar e m any var ieties of kugel, including ones kosher for Passover. One exam ple of this is Passover potato kugel, m ade

Ku gel

w ith potatoes, eggs, and other ingr edients that do not contain br ead. Kugel is a favor ite dish for lunch or dinner am ong Jew s. 4.Br isket Br isket appear s as a dish at alm ost ever y Passover seder because m any Jew s enjoy any non-m atzo based food that they can eat on Passover. Cooked in a var iety of w ays, br isket r anges fr om sw eet to savor y depending on the chef. No m atter how it is m ade, Jew s love br isket on Passover.

Br isk et


BT'S FAVORITEDESSERTS Gar r et t R. '22 As you m ay have noticed, I did not w r ite a

The things that m any students like ar e desser ts

cooking colum n last issue and I am sor r y to the people

such as cake, pie, ice cr eam and chocolate. These

w ho pr obably star ved w ithout my culinar y w isdom .

desser ts ar e com m on am ong teenager s and people

W ithout fur ther ado w elcom e to

ar ound the w or ld.

this edition of Gar r ett?s cooking

In conclusion, the desser t choices for

colum n star r ing m e w ith som e

students and teacher s at the Beth Tfiloh

sw eet anecdotes about desser ts.

Dahan Com m unity High School var y fr om per son to per son because G-d

Let m e ask: do you like

m ade us all unique and special.

desser ts? Chocolate? Vanilla?

How ever , ther e ar e som e sur pr ises, like

Tir am isu? Baklava? Babka? If

cake is the m ost popular desser t choice.

you answ er ed no to any of these

I w ould expect the chocolate categor y

questions, you ar e pr obably

to be w ay higher.

lying. Ever yone has a sw eet

That is all for today and r em em ber to

tooth, so I decided to go out and

alw ays eat your gefilte fish befor e your

ask students and teacher s to find

desser t, I know it tastes bad but it

out w hat those in the Beth Tfiloh

m akes the desser t w or th it.

Dahan Com m unity High School cr ave.

NETFLIX VS. DISNEY+ Rachel H. '21 For the last sever al year s Netflix has been the

their m oods.

m ost popular cinem atic str eam ing ser vice. How ever

Recently, Netflix intr oduced a new featur e:

in Novem ber 2019 Disney r eleased its ow n com bating

Netflix Par ty. This featur e can be dow nloaded as an

for ce, Disney+. W hile Netflix still houses m any

extension to your chr om e br ow ser and allow s for

popular show s and m ovies as w ell as Netflix

you to w atch a m ovie or TV show w ith your fr iends at

or iginals, Disney+ now str eam s ever ything Disney.

the sam e tim e. Dur ing this tim e of quar antine, it has

W ith this new ser vice available, I decided to find out

allow ed m any to r econnect w ith their fr iends and

w hich one BT pr efer s.

w atch a m ovie together like they w ould nor m ally.

Pr edictably, Netflix w on the poll. Out of the

Per sonally, I gener ally pr efer Netflix.

50 students polled, 38 voted for Netflix, only 11 voted

How ever , w hile aw ay fr om school I have enjoyed

Disney+, and one voted both. The m ajor ity pr efer

w atching show s on Disney+ since they allow m e to

Netflix as it allow s them to w atch m any of their

r elax for a w hile. That being said, Netflix is my fir st

favor ite show s and m ovies such as ?The Office? and


?Gr ey?s Anatomy.? It also offer s Netflix or iginals such

Now that you have hear d ar gum ents fr om

as ?Str anger Things.? Disney+, how ever , also appeals

both sides it is tim e to decide w hich ser vice you

to students including Lily G. ?21 as ?It has all of the

pr efer. W ill you agr ee

Star War s m ovies and thr ow backs? allow ing her to

w ith m ost of Beth Tfiloh

w atch show s such as ?W izar ds of Waver ly

in choosing Netflix, or

Place.?M any people, like our m ath teacher s could not

w ill you defy the nor m

choose betw een them and use both depending on

and opt for Disney+?


TOP TENGAMES TOLOOK FORWARD TOIN2020 Daniel a. '22 * Please note that these pr edictions w er e m ade pr ior to the COVID-19 Pandem ic* Cyber pu n k 2077: Cyber punk 2077 is the next gr eat gam e com ing out of the legendar y developer - CD Pr ojekt Red. Cyber punk 2077 is a futur istic Gr and Theft Auto. The location, Night City, Califor nia, looks like a place w ith m any hidden secr ets that the player w ould w ant to explor e. M any fans ar e excited for Keanu Reeves, w ho joins the gam e as the m ain char acter. Lego St ar War s: Th e Sk yw al k er Saga: After 20+ year s of m aking video gam es, LEGO continues to not

other s. Hal f Li f e Al yx : Is this Half-Life 3?! Nope, it?s not. It?s Half-Life: Alyx. The VR gam e takes place betw een Half-Life 1 and Half-Life 2. Although fans have been asking for the sequel to Half-Life 2, Valve (the developer ) decided to give the fans a VR gam e. How ever , Half-Life: Alyx looks r eally good. It w ill contain a fir st-per son shooter cam paign w ithin the Half-Life univer se, w hile taking the VR appr oach.

disappoint. This new LEGO Star War s, boasts a long,

Th e Last of Us 2: The Last of Us 2 is a sequel that

action-packed stor y that's set to tell the tale of the

aim s to be tw ice as br utal as the or iginal. The

Skyw alker fam ily fr om star t to finish.

developer Naughty Dog shifted focus in The Last of

Hal o I n f i n at e: M aster Chief has r etur ned in the new

Us: Par t 2 to Ellie in an effor t to expand a stor y that

Halo. Halo Infinite is a gam e that follow s M aster

has left us on a cliffhanger. Definitely a m ust buy for

Chief on a br and-new adventur e. The developer , 343

Playstation ow ner s.

Industr ies, has stated the gam e w ill include

Wat ch _Dogs Legi on : The new est installation in the

ever ything the fans w anted. Halo Infinite w ill be

ser ies, Watch Dogs: Legion, takes place in a futur istic

r eleased on the new Xbox Ser ies X and on the PC.

London setting. The m ain focus of the gam e is that

Over w at ch 2: Over w atch 2, the successor of the

you can contr ol liter ally anyone w ander ing ar ound

m assively popular FPS Over w atch fr om Blizzar d. The

the city, including a hacker gr andm a. But w hen they

gam e includes stor y m issions and co-op battles

die, they?r e gone for good. The pr evious iter ation of

against com puter gener ated opponents. This is

the ser ies, Watch Dogs 2, w as a fun, lighter gam e and

differ ent fr om the or iginal gam e w hich only had

Legion looks to shar e sim ilar aspects. The gam e

m ultiplayer m atches. The Over w atch univer se is full

should com e out later this year.

of gr eat char acter s and inter esting back-stor ies. Fans ar e excited to explor e the Over w atch lor e even fur ther. Player s w ill still be able to play w ith fr iends on the or iginal Over w atch gam e. An i m al Cr ossi n g: New Hor i zon s: Anim al Cr ossing is all about living on an island w ith a bunch of cr eatur es/anim als, explor ing the ter r ain, com pleting tasks, building up your hom e, and inter acting w ith fr iends. The new gam e w ill featur e all the sam e featur es as pr evious iter ations, now on the Nintendo Sw itch. Up to four local and eight online fr iends can play together , m aking fr iends able to play along w ith


TOP SHOES OF THENBA Nat han l . '22 * Please note that these pr edictions w er e m ade pr ior to the COVID-19 Pandem ic* Langston Gallow ay, Anim aniacs

Langston Gallow ay, Alvin and the Chipm unks

Paying hom age to his favor ite

Gallow ay w or e these shoes in a

TV car toon, Langston Gallow ay

car eer high per for m ance w her e he

r ocked these shoes in a r ecent

scor ed 32 points, 7 of w hich w er e 3

gam e.

pointer s.

Royce O'Neale, Goku

Ja M or ant, Spongebob Show ing off his favor ite anim e, M or ant w or e these shoes in a

O?Neale w ent on to scor e 15

r ecent gam e against the Nets

points in this gam e.

w her e he put up 30 points and 9 assists.

Lebr on, som e cool design Lebr on w or e this ver sion of his ow n shoe in a r ecent NBA gam e w her e he w ent on to scor e 25 points and w on the gam e.

Edi t or -i n -ch i ef :

St af f :

Rachel H. '21 Chaim B. '21, Abigail H. '21, Layou t Edi t or : Shir a K. '22

Sam antha M . '21, Ronen S. '21, Daniel A. '22, Ahr on F. '22, Nathan L. '22, Gideon R. '22, Gar r ett R. '22,

Facu l t y Adv i ser s:

Isabelle A. '23, Lindsay B.'23, Eli W. '23

M r. Phil Jacobs

Kol BT

Dr. Neil Rubin

Continued on next page

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