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Betsy Birkholm
To have a personal friebdship with the Lord Jesus, to know him, comes first in my life. My family - husband and 3 sons- come next. Friends are high up on my list. Then gardening and my buttons. Buttons are my tool for teaching children about God and his creation and how we can walk in peace and joy by being friends with Christ. I've been a button collector for 20 years. I love all things in nature: esp seashells and stones. I find nature fascinating, esp ocean life and trees. Sotra is my favorite island, my second home. Bergen and Paris are favorite cities. I love to travel both abroad and just whizzing around in my convertible! I enjoy setting a lovely table with flowers, good china and a freshly ironed tablecloth for my family and also for friends. I do love to whip up a 3-4 course gourmet meal.