17 minute read

Holistic Health by Joanne Augusto

Non-Toxic Spring Cleaning

Most consumers are unaware of the dangers that might be in their cleaning products. The average household contains more than 62 toxic chemicals, say environmental experts. Ingredients in common household products have been linked to asthma, cancer, reproductive disorders, hormone disruption and neurotoxicity.


Combine these chemicals with synthetic fragrance from room fresheners and candles and your air pollution could be harming your health.

I always suggest taking all chemical cleaners and fragrance out of your home and open up windows to begin any health program. The air we breath in our home and work environment is critical to our overall health.

I have found that using natural cleaning products not only made me breath easier but left my home smelling better than before.

If you are using a misting type air freshener an essential oil diffuser might be a healthier alternative. Also using Himalayan salt lamps and plants also improve your indoor air quality.

Most natural cleaning products use these main ingredients. Baking soda, vinegar, coconut oil, lemon oil and tea tree oil. Once you stock up on the basics you will find that going natural not only saves your health but your pocket book as well. H ere are a few recipes I use to clean and freshen the air in my home.

Window cleaner: 1/2 cup vinegar with one gallon of water.

Furniture polish: One cup of coconut oil and ten drops of lemon oil. You could also use MCT oil for a lighter application but it is more expensive.

Tile floor cleaner: 1cup vinegar to one cup water. No rinsing required. (I love adding peppermint oil to cut the vinegar smell. If you add tea tree oil you will add a disinfectant quality.

Toilet cleaner: 1/4 cup baking soda to 1/2 cup vinegar. A little pure Castile soap is sometimes necessary for stubborn messes.

Granite: In a spray bottle prepare with one cup water to one cup vodka or rubbing alcohol a squirt of Castile soap and 10 drops of tea tree oil.


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Once you stock up on the basics you will find that going natural not only saves your health but your pocketbook as well.

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2,300 SF of Office Space Available for Lease PORT SAINT LUCIE, GRAND OAK SQUARE, Offered at $18 sq. ft. Rate includes utilities, building services and property expenses. • 5 Private Offices • 1 Conference Room • Reception Area • Print/Copy Room • Kitchen • Private Restrooms • On site Parking • Excellent Condition

490 NW CONCOURSE PLACE Outstanding opportunity to own one of the best priced commerical parcels in SLW! The property consists of 1.76 acre lot improved with TWO 10,000 square foot flexible buildings. Offered at $1,750,000

488 NW CONCOURSE PLACE. Now Available for Lease Act Quick, Won’t Last 2,500 sq. ft. Industrial Flex Condo Unit. 1 12’ Overhead Door, 1 front door, 1 back door. Space located in St. Lucie West just off Enterprise Dr. Asking $10 sq.ft. modified gross.

FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 Excellent opportunity to step into an established full mechanic shop with 13 years presence in a market filled with loyal and satisfied customers. All shop equipment and office equipment valued at $110k in the asking price of $500,000. The building is also available for sale for $500,000.

Praise Worthy, in Our Community Along my travels, there is always a silver lining. What a beauty Gianna is! Thank you to her dad for sharing.

amaphotodesign So, this is not one of my usual posts where either I put a quote or I write something funny attached to a picture. When I saw this little girl for the very first time, I was seriously touched for so many reasons, but I was also inspired to see this little Super Star Athlete hit that mat without any complaints and just give it her all and perform! See, many of us go through life complaining about the adversities, bumps or obstacles life throws our way or sometimes just complain about dumb shit, and waste your time complaining about the things you don’t have instead of appreciating the things you do have! Let this little Cheerleader inspire you to work just as hard as she does!

community events march

Now – March 8

St. Lucie County Fair St. Lucie County Fair Grounds 15601 Midway Rd., Fort Pierce 4 Fort Pierce Jazz & Blues Society Jazz Jams at The Gardens 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens, 2410 SE Westmoreland Blvd. 6 Friday Fest 5:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Fort Pierce City Marina Square 7 Blessing of the Fleet 11 a.m. • South Causeway Park LoveFortPierce.com 8 Daylight Savings Time Begins 9-13 Careathon – Christian FM For more information www.christianfm.com 12 River Nights 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens, 2410 SE Westmoreland Blvd.

13 & 14 St. Patrick’s Day Festival Begins Friday 5 p.m. MIDFLORIDA Event Center, 9221 SE Civic Center Place, PSL 13 4th Annual Beast & Bourbon Dinner – Helping Local Vets 5:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Santa Lucia River Club at Ballantrae, 3325 SE Ballantrae Blvd., PSL Tickets: www.pslsunsetrotary.com 17 Happy St. Patrick’s Day 17 St. Lucie Draft House St. Patrick’s Day Celebration DJ at 4 p.m. 6630 S. US Highway 1, Port St. Lucie 19 First Day of Spring 21 Sandy Shoes Seafood & Brew 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Indian River Veterans Memorial Park 600 N Indian River Dr., Fort Pierce 26 Spring Training – Mets vs. W Nationals 1:10pm *Promotion: 2020 Magnetic Schedule 31 Piazza Drive, PSL

Events listed here, are only partial listing of events in the area. Better Living & Marketplace Inc. is not responsible for any typos, copy errors, omissions or cancellations of any listed events. Please contact the facilities directly for any question regarding these events.



27-29 2020 Treasure Coast Ribs and Wings Festival Begins Friday 4 p.m. Causeway Cove Marina, 601 Seaway Drive, Fort Pierce 28 Moonraker at The Gardens – Celebrating 10 Years 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. Black Tie Optional PSL Botanical Gardens, 2410 SE Westmoreland Blvd. Tickets: PSLBG.ORG/MOONRAKERTICKETS 28 & 29 23rd Annual Downtown Stuart Craft Fair Begins Sat. 10 a.m. 26 SW Osceola St., Stuart

4 Fishing for Futures Fishing Tournament Lines in 6 a.m. Manatee Center, Fort Pierce

MATERIAL INCLUDED: https://christianfm.com www.mlb.com/mets/spring-training www.cityofpsl.com www.pslbg.org/ www.stluciecountyfair.org www.eventbrite.com www.allthingstreasurecoast.com www.supportstluciecounty.com 4 Easter Family Fun Day at Tradition Square 3 p.m. - 9 p.m. Tradition Square, Port St. Lucie, FL 34987

“Ladies Night” Featuring shabby chic furniture painting instruction & demonstration Call for Date, Time and Details (772) 342-7505 “Not So Shabby” painting techniques demonstration. Wine and non-alcoholic beverages along with finger foods will be served. 205 N 2nd St., Fort Pierce Contact Becky: becky@chicandshore.com

30 Wine Madness – Presented by Roseann Gregory Cancer Foundation 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Tutto Fresco 9501 Reserve Blvd., PSL

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Visit www.blmmag.com and Click “Subscribe” betterliving@blmmag.com 1391 NW St. Lucie West Blvd., #184 Port St. Lucie, FL 34986

Monday, March 30, 2020 6-9PM

Event Location: Tutto Fresco 9501 Reserve Blvd. Port St. Lucie

#WalkAway Campaign www.youtube.com/channel/UCDb4InP9mRZR9oogD1b2dOQ

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