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Pastor Mike’s Corner View

Some time ago I read a book titled “Didn’t See It Coming” authored by Carey Nieuwhof. The title was the hook. I immediately related to the title, because throughout my life I have experienced some crazy things and most of them were unexpected. Some good, some not so good. There are challenges that no one expects and everyone experiences.

Too often life begins a slow slide into circumstances that steal your hope and your confidence. Some of these situations might be creeping up on you right now. You have no idea it’s happening, which is precisely how it happens. Everything seems normal… until one day, it doesn’t. Left unchecked, these areas will even affect --- and infect --- your relationships with God and poison your relationships with others, especially the people you love most.


I need to periodically stop and take a good look at my surroundings, both physical, emotional, and socially. Things like pride, fear of change, procrastination, all these things can leave me open to unforeseen circumstances that can hinder my walk through this lifetime.

There are many instances in the Bible where we are reminded to stay accountable not only to ourselves, but to God and others we trust. This can be challenging. It requires that I embrace a sense of humility, and honesty with myself and with others, and especially with God.

I need to have righteous boundaries. I’m in charge of who I let into my life. I have the keys to my life’s gate and I have the responsibility of who comes into my life’s property line. Sometimes I unknowingly let toxic people in the gate and I find that there is chaos and turmoil within my property. I need to periodically check the fence line of my property to see if any unwanted people, places, or things have crawled under the fence or has there been a breech in the perimeter line.

As I daily seek God’s wisdom and direction, the chances are lessened that I will be blindsided by some unexpected challenge. That doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen anyway, but I am reassured that whatever the challenge may be, I’m not alone. I have a savior who will always be by my side and I can lean on Him to get me through.

Psalms 46:1-10 “Lord you are my refuge, Lord you are my strength…….I need to be still and know that you are God.” God Bless Pastor Mike “Didn’t See It Coming” Pastor Mike’s Corner column

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