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Better Living & Marketplace Magazine Oct/Nov 2022

By Roberta Kay

Visit: www.RobertaKay.com

Sometimes You’ve Just Got to Let it Go!


If you are like me and have a vision, a dream or a new place you want to get to, you're going to have to let go of some things in order to move forward.

Paul said in Phillippians 3:13-14, “Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

As I was preparing for a special ministry event we were having, God spoke to me and said to look up what time it was on the Jewish calendar. It was actually the beginning of Rosh Hashanah, which in the Hebrew/Jewish calendar is the New Year. In God’s time, it is His New Year. We are closing one year and going onto the next. Are you ready for your next year? 2021-2022 in the Hebrew/Jewish calendar was the year 5,782 which meant a time to look back in order to go forward. It is also referred to as a year to let go or release.

As I began to look back through the past year, I was amazed at the things the Lord had me “let go of ”. I had to let go of discouragement, fear, resentment, and some physical things as well. If you and I don’t let go of things in our life that need to go, it prevents us from entering the NEW place He has for us. There are many ways we can “let go”, but I feel the Lord wants us first and foremost to get rid of things in our spirit that are not profitable. Spirits of hate, bitterness, resentment, and a big one that is so prevalent in today’s society, “entitlement”.

If you are holding onto grudges and past mistakes, keeping ill feelings due to someone doing you wrong, or just feeling as if YOU are owed something, I am going to challenge you today… LET IT GO! It is holding you back and it is withholding God’s blessings. We have to get rid of the garbage so He can fill us back up with His strength. His power, His love, His favor. We can be upset, angry and full of bitterness thinking someone should have treated us differently or that someone owes us, when in reality no one owes us anything for it is God who gives and God that takes away. (Job 1:21) ALL of us have sinned and fallen short of God's grace. (Romans 3:23) You and I have no entitlements except what God's WORD gives to us. We have authority over the evil one. We have authority and power to become the sons and daughters of God. There is so much that God has given us, but His grace and mercy is UNDESERVED! We are owed nothing. We are to walk by faith and to live each day totally surrendered to Him and trusting Him fully. Being doers of the word and not only hearers. If we give it all to Him and trust Him to lead us and guide us, He will show us the way and give us the strength to carry our own cross. God will avenge your enemies.

Read the entire article online at www.betterlivingandmarketplace.com

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