Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2020 CHUYIN QI Studio 10
Joel Collins 1020385
Week One
Week One
Precedent Analysis
Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.
According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols? (100 words Maximum)
According to Zaera-Polo, diagram are usually used as a tool that explaning the relationship between spatial programming and Intuitive object. Unlike the signs and symbols, the diagram is a potential way which usually guide people to understand the concepts, functions, spacial arrangment or even people’s activities.This is more like an organization which collects the information and then make a strong analyse from object itself. However, signs and symbols are expressions which directly describe physical objects. In fact, signs and symbols are more likely to be one of the elements that represent the the appearance of things.
Fig1- Amy, Frearson. MPacilion 2015. Photogrqaph. July 10, 2015. Accessed at https://www.dezeen. com/2015/07/10/amanda-levete-ala-architectsforest-canopy-design-melbourne-mpavilion/. Fig 2- The pattern from roof plan- This image shows The design of the pattern plays a key role in the overall aesthetics. Fig 3-A part from floor plan-The material and shape of the floor play a good role in defining the space in the analysis of the entire design. Fig 4-The structure plan-The structure provides support for the roof, and the structure is also an important factor in forming the shape of the roof.
Mpavilion is an important design exhibition launched by Amanda in 2015. She aims to design a pavilion combined with nature. Therefore, it can provide people with a good spatial experience, and also can move and light like leaves in the sunlight through pavilion. In my modeling process, I first Analyse the spacial meaning of Mpavilion and try to find the logic about how to build up in Rhino. With the help of the adjustment in Rhino, I soonly finish the overall design of Pavilion. With the study of the design process of Amanda’s Pavilion, it gradually shows that under the condition of continuous technological innovation, designers are constantly looking for ways for humans and nature to coexist.
Week Two
Week Two
Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture. MPavilion- A Lively Space
The image on the left side is the isometric view of the modelled MPavilion. In this
Herzberger discusses how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use. (100 words Maximum)
view, I manily show the pattern on the shelter , the depth of the Pavilion, the shadow on the floor , as well as the texture of floor and landscape. In amanda’s Pavilion, the most intuitive pictures are the roofs that are as elegant as “leaves”. In more detailed objects that our view coud have, is the middle
In my precedent study, Amanda’s MPavilion 2015 gives a typical method to explain how design behaves functionaity which is not so extrme.In her design, pavilion is more like a space that “Blurred” functionality around us. On the one hand, the pavilion use some special elements such as table, landscape to define the inner space. On the other hand, she also takes advantages of surroundings to decorate and make people feel that the space is connected to the nature, though there is still full of grass outside of the pavilion in the park.
hexagonal shelter and wooden floor for people to walk under the eaves. With
This method makes a certain flexibility between functionality and human activities
The space also subtly creates a special range of activity and transition space.
the growing plant, they may not show any special arrangment, but the blurry and vivid edges make nature and harmony coexist.
Among them, the scope of some people’s activities has been affected by the landscape. Some activities have also been affected by something special such as coffee table. But to a certain extent, they have not completely restricted the flow of people. That is to say, space does not have an absolute functionality, but instead guides people to do what they want to do. As for transition, the thick dark lines on the drawings, as well as the roof edge and environment, represent three different levels of space. They all have a spatial line that enables people to cross.
At the same time, I also learned how to build up a complete model while using plan, elevation and research. This provides more logical way of thinking how to arrange the space. Why should I say it is a lively space? According Amanda’s description, the concept becomes more clear. Human life is always connected with architecture. Regardless of the size of the space design, people can always find their own shelter in a certain space.Such a space, they do not need a specific definition to let people know the purpose of building him. On the contrary, some people can stay alone, and some people can communicate and gather. Even better, they can also give people a feeling of rhythm like nature, and let people be in it.
Isometric 1:50
Week Two
Circulation Area&Density Low Density Medium Density High Density
Circulation Area&Density
Inner Area
Low Density
Transition Space
Medium Density
Boundary between Primary and Secondary Area
High Density
Inner Area
Transition Space
Boundary between Primary and Secondary Area Access
Step 1- Doing Research
Overall Area
Cirsulation Path&Gathering Place
Cirsulation Path&Gathering Place
Primary Gathering Place
Primary Gathering Place
Secondary Gathering Place
Secondary Gathering Place
Primary direction
Primary direction
Secondery direction
Overall Area
Transition Space Boundary between Evironment and Overall Area Access
Transition Space Boundary between Evironment and Overall Area Access
Secondery direction
Circulation 1:200
Circulation 1:20
Threshold 1:20
Although there is no specific obstruction space on the pavilion to make
Obviously, the entire space is effectively divided 1:200 into three parts-inner Thresholds (Permeability)
Circulation 1:200
people inaccessible, some special things make them slightly limit the scope
Thresholds (Permeability) 1:200
shelter,outer shelter including floor and environment. Among them, two transi-
and path of activities. The trajectory of people like this is closely related to
tion spaces are required to pass from the outside to the space itself. Each
pavilion itself and the environment. However, under the influence of environ-
boundary makes people have different spatial experiences after crossing the
ment and design, people have different densities and crowds, which makes
transition space.
the space have a certain focus.
When it is the first time to came into contact with the model drawings, I was worried about the accuracy of the model, I chose to do a field study before making the model. During the research, the structure of the building is worth thinking about how to make it, for its structure becomes the basis of a shape for the entire design. In addition, the environment of the pavilion are also essential and has been marked it down. Meanwhile, some people who was walking through the pavilion are also captured to analyse the circulation path that the area could have. For the problem of height, I have numbered each roof at different heights so that I can group and level them in the subsequent models.
Step 3 - Arranging and Extrude In this step, marshalling the shelter into different colors after finishing every shelter’s location on the plan is essential. Then, the height on the elevation map is canculated, and then the shelters which have been marshalled into group are represented by different colors to the correct heights.
Step 2 - Making Outline and Structure In this step, I first traced the outline of the shelter. As the picture shown above,every Triangular and hexagonal roof has central point as the guide point to form the shape. The horzontal and vertical lines are used to form the line accurately.
Next, I extrude the curve on on both my shelter and floor into 3Dimensional and divide into two colors to identify easily.
Then it comes to floor plan.The floor has two parts, which are wood plain and landscape area. And not every single area has the same direction of material.Therefore, I use different layers to distinguish. The other part is the structure.One triange and hexagonal shelters are set as examples to try to think about the structure from inside of the pavilion. After finishing one structure, I use “group“ to fix structure for easy modeling. 8
Step 4 - Placing and drawing pattern In this step, both color shelters are placed in a fixed, arranged outline. It can be clearly seen that the hexagonal roofs are mainly concentrated in the middle, while the triangular shelters are mainly distributed around. This distinction is more intuitive and analytical on the shelter plan. At the same time, with the help of the control point, each structure with the control points of the shelter to complete the model of the shelter and the structure. Meanwhile, the control point also helps to create the symmetrical line pattern on the top of the shelter. 10
Step 5 - Combination In final step, according to the location of the roof and floor on the plan, shelters and floor are combined together. At the same time, after determining where the shelter is above the floor, columns are used to connect the roof to the floor. Finally, adding the pattern makes the model more complete. 11
Model Making Process
Model Making Process
The shelter
Use circle to draw the basic geometry
The structure
Find the tangency point and use the mirror to make a symmetric tangent line
Use trim to cut every extra line
use copy and rotate to adjust the location
Use polyline to create triangle equilateral triangle
Use the shape above and then copy and move another one to the right distance. Use Sweep2 to create surface between them
Use Polararray to create 3 supporter. Then use Blendcrv to create intersecting arcs for each supporter
The floor gap
Use Extrudecrv to create the central part of the floor in one floor flame
With the shape from previous cross section, use Sweep2 to creat crossed surface among these three supporter
The pattern
Follow the direction that gap have, first create one cuboid with a width of 6mm. Then use RectangularArray to create 20 cuboids
Put the group of cuboids into the floor, then use Trim to cut out the gap formed by the intersection of the cuboid and the floor 12
Use the same method to cut the gap from another direction
Creat a circle
Use Tweenbetweentwocurve to creat 5 line in the circle
Use Polararray to creat the lines centered around the center of the circle 13
Use Trim to cut extra line