When choosing the right type of grass, you must first consider where you live and the climate you will be growing your grass. It is important to learn about different grass types so you can choose the right type of sod for your individual needs. NG Turf’s Sod School has published an assortment of articles on grass varieties such as Choosing the Best Sod Variety, Choosing the Best Bermuda Grass, and Shade Tolerant Sod. With that being said, this article will focus solely on all things Zoysia!
Zoysia Facts:
Warm Season Grass Zoysia is a warm season grass. It can be found throughout the southern two-thirds of the United States because it performs wells in heat and tolerates cooler weather. While zoysia is more common in the south, it can still survive in the transition zones. *map of US zones*
Shade Tolerant As a warm season grass, zoysia tolerates shade in the southern parts of the United States. Zoysia thrives in the sun, but will survive in the shade with at least 3-4 hours of sunlight.
Dormancy Zoysia typically goes dormant once the first frost of the year happens but is also one of the first grass types to turn green in the spring. Once soil temperatures reach 50 degrees again, zoysia will come back full and green.
Zoysia Characteristics
grows thick, like soft carpet strong, medium-thick blades grows very densely, which chokes out weeds making it difficult for weeds become established in the lawn produces rhizomes and stolons that creep and expand horizontally *see below* adapts to a variety of soil conditions (sandy, clay, and loamy) does well in drought conditions low maintenance
*separate block- with picture and caption* Wait! What are rhizomes and stolons?! Zoysia grass produces stolons that creep along the surface of the soil and rhizomes that grow below the surface. Stolons and rhizomes help zoysia grass to expand horizontally.
Pros and Cons of Zoysia Lawn Pros
Thrives in sun or partial shade
Extremely drought tolerant - because of its deep root system, zoysia can survive extended periods of drought
Thrives in heat and cool temperatures
Less mowing - because of its rhizomes and stolons, zoysia grows more laterally, meaning its growth height is slower than other varieties = less mowing!
Soft feel
Dormancy - your lawn can go from green to brown with the first sign of cooler weather
Slower growth rate - because zoysia does have a slower growth rate than other grasses it may make it slower to recover from high stress in comparison
Patch: zoysia is prone to patch disease
Thatch: prone to thatch problems
Establishing Zoysia Grass Sod vs. Seed Homeowners typically have more success installing zoysia as sod. Creating a zoysia lawn from seed can be difficult due to the fact that only a small percentage of seed will germinate successfully and is sensitive to light. Zoysia requires quite a bit of watering until the lawn is
established, this takes a lot of water and time monitoring the conditions. Seeded varieties also produce a medium to coarse texture and the growth can be uneven and form mounds. If you desire a fully established lawn sooner rather than later, installing sod is the better option. Visit NG Turf's resources page to view and/or download the sod installation guide.
Where can zoysia grass be used? The best usage of zoysia grass is in landscapes (home lawns and commercial properties), athletic fields, and golf courses (fairways, tees, and roughs). Zoysia is an excellent choice for families with young children or pets because it stands up well to high traffic.
Zoysia Maintenance All lawns need some maintenance, and zoysia is no different. Zoysia lawns are beautiful but do need a bit of attention to look their best. Zoysia Maintenance Includes:
Weed Control
Insect/Fungus Control
When: It is best to water your lawn between 9pm - 10 am. This helps reduce water loss and fungus issues.
How Much: A general recommendation of 1 inch of water per week. During periods of heat or drought, increase watering. Watering should be done in no more than 3 total
waterings. The specific amount of time depends on your individual sprinkler system or method of watering. *Watering Tip: you can always put a container out under your sprinkler and check how long it takes to get a 1/2 inch of water. Just measure with a ruler. Don't forget to account for rain!
Caution: Watering your lawn too much, too little, or at the wrong time of day are factors that may cause your lawn to not look its best.
Note: Zoysia is moderately drought resistant and will turn brown like straw during heat or drought and greens up after watering.
When: If sod was installed, you can begin mowing once sod is fully rooted and can no longer be lifted from the soil. Typically, in the south, mowing the lawn is necessary from April thru October.
Height: Optimal mowing height is between 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches tall during the summer. In areas of shade, it is recommended that you mow zoysia higher.
How: Only take 1/3 off the grass blade at a time and remember to keep those mower blades sharp! The more you mow, the less chance you have of thatch occurring.
Fertilization: *Note: We always recommend testing your soil before fertilizing. Contact your local or state Cooperative Extension office for more information on soil testing.
What: Zoysia grass generally requires 0.5-1 pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet annually. Use a fertilizer with a balanced blend of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium.
When: Fertilizer is applied in spring and late summer. Avoid high nitrogen "winterizing" fertilizers is fall. Do not fertilize in spring before May 1 or until sod is 100% green.
How: Apply fertilizer to dry grass; immediately apply water to saturate soil. Always read product instructions and warnings carefully.
What: De-thatching is simply removing the accumulated dead plant material (thatch) from underneath the leaf blades.
Why: A thin thatch layer (less than 1/2 inch thick), is beneficial to a lawn’s health. It acts as organic mulch to help conserve soil moisture and protect against large soil temperature fluctuations. When thatch builds up, pests and diseases can attack the grass. A thick layer of thatch (1 inch or more) can block water and fertilizer. When a thatch layer is too thick, water from irrigation can accumulate in the layer and the grass roots will suffocate from lack of oxygen.
When: Zoysia grass should be de-thatched in spring and fall. Check your lawn's thatch layer before de-thatching. If your thatch is 1-2 inches, it is time to de-thatch.
What: Aeration is simply poking holes through the grass and into the soil.
Why: Poking holes into the soil allows air and water to get through. It also always the roots to have some room.
How: Lawn aeration can be done by renting a machine called an aerator, or by walking around with golf shoes on, or any other means of poking small holes through the grass and into the soil. *For more detailed information read: When and How to Aerate your Lawn
Weed, Insect, and Fungus Control:
Weed Control: Broadleaf weeds like dandelion, clover, and annual bluegrass are most common in zoysia. Apply a pre-emergent herbicide when soil temperatures reach 55 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent weeds from showing up.
Caution: Pre-emergent contains a chemical that prevents weeds from putting down roots. Due to pre-emergents root inhibiting properties it can negatively affect newly sodded lawns, which are trying to establish roots of its own. A newly sodded lawn should have few weeds. We suggest hand picking weeds of a newly sodded lawn for the first season.
Insect Control: Applying a broad-spectrum insecticide will prevent spring insects, such as chinch bugs, billbugs, or white grubs from appearing.
Fungus Control: Overly wet grass and shade can lead to fungus problems. Zoysia is prone to brown patch, rust, and leaf spot disease. Apply a systemic fungicide to prevent fungus outbreaks.
Zoysia Lawn Maintenance Schedule: [table id=3 /]
Zoysia Varieties:
(these are all copied and pasted from the description
on the specific variety page)
NG Turf grows and harvests four premium zoysia sod varieties, each offering a unique quality.
Zeon Zeon® is a barefoot grass, soft to the touch and developed to provide a superior finebladed zoysia. Its remarkable shade performance, low thatch production and improved traffic tolerance make it an ideal grass for home lawns, commercial installations and golf courses. Zeon’s extensive root system produces a thick, compact turf in a wide range of soil types. Zeon is sold only as certified zoysia.
El Toro El Toro sod is the most drought tolerant zoysia variety and also tolerates shade well. It is easy to maintain with a rotary mower and requires less nitrogen than other grasses. El Toro’s dark green color and density provide a high quality turf, perfect for residential and commercial installations.
Marvel Marvel™ is our newest variety of zoysia, exclusively grown at NG Turf. It is notably dense, performs well in both sun and shade, and will establish in a variety of soils. This fine-bladed zoysia features a bright green color with late season color retention. Marvel’s low maintenance and low fertilization requirements make it an excellent choice for commercial and residential applications.
Meyer Meyer zoysia has been grown successfully for more than 50 years. Native to Japan, it features a dark green color with a slightly wider blade. Meyer spreads to create a dense lawn that provides good traffic and cold tolerance.
Want to View a Side-by-side Comparison of Zoysia Varieties? Visit our zoysia varieties page to view a side-by-side comparison of NG Turf's zoysia varieties regarding features such as: -Drought Resistance -Shade Performance -Disease Resistance -Fertilization Needs -Traffic Tolerance -Mowing Frequency Interested in learning more about other sod varieties NG Turf has to offer? Visit our varieties page for a Side-by-Side Comparison of all the sod varieties NG Turf has to offer. *link pages and list all varieties (Bermuda Tiftuf, Tifway, TifGrand….and so on) Questions? If you have specific questions concerning sod varieties, sod maintenance, don’t hesitate to call one of NG Turf’s Certified Turfgrass Professionals!