Spring 2021 Be Well Magazine for Women Entrepreneurs

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APRIL 1, 2021







Be Wellers! CARMEN RAY

Spring has Sprung - and so has Be Well Magazine (BWM)! BWM was able to GO Bigger by adding 10 new talented and resourceful contributors this quarter. I'm absolutely overjoyed by the direction of Be Well Magazine with the leadership and creativity of Crystal Thompson and Michael Damond. Collaboration is truly the new currency. Special thanks to our readers for taking time to complete our surveys. Your responses provided relevant and substantive feedback. Our $50 Survey Winner will be announced in this issue! This issue I encourage you to GO Brighter by realizing it is serious work involved in initiating, maintaining, and growing personal and professional relationships. However, the most important relationship is the one we have with ourselves. Are we operating in alignment and practicing self care? I sure wasn't. January could have gotten off to a rocky start for many of us since we were so consumed with politics, the insurrection, and the inauguration; all while navigating a global pandemic. Here is the deal—there will always be something going on—always. 2020 taught me external things are constantly competing for our time and energy. Once we have decided to Go Beyond the Status Quo (the inside jo) we clear our plates, no pun intended. We refuel with wholesome, energizing, and vibrant choices. We move more because stagnation and living a sedentary lifestyle will definitely weigh us down. In the mist of attracting, growing, and maintaining a business many of us are juggling all of this, a full time job, and a family. Carrying this load at such an intense level for the last 5 years showed up physically and emotionally in my life. February 1st, after seeking wise counsel and spending time in prayer and meditation, I decided I simply can't "GO Bigger in my business," until I Go Bigger with my personal goals. I definitely did not embark upon a diet or immediate weight loss pursuit, but began focusing on better food choices daily, and reflection time—all emotionally sprinkled with a little grace.

The capacity to Go Brighter brightens when we pursue clarity, and clarity isn't attainable without clearing our plates and starting with a healthier lifestyle. This is a journey marathon not a sprint. Spring Has Sprung and I invite you to join me in this daily effort to "Be Well" and Go Beyond the Status Quo personally and in our businesses.



APRIL 2021


Thank You

2021 ADVISORY COMMITTEE Carmen Ray ~ Founder Yolanda Anderson-Wagner Jocelyn Gillespie-Obermeyer Sandy Malone Michael Damond Cyrena Martin Laneice McGee Dr. Keshia Tate Dr. Pamela Hemphill-Walker Crystal Thompson Patrice Register

MAGAZINE DESIGN BY Michael Damond - WemergeMedia.com




Your Time

Be Well Magazine is overjoyed to welcome you back for our spring edition, 2021! The calendar has spoken. We have all been officially advised to walk boldly into this new season. How many of you have started saving? No, I am not speaking of money. How much daylight have you saved and banked into your “account” so far? It is time to take note that springtime and daylight savings are so much bigger than changing the clock. As Editor in Chief of this magazine—this movement to give you MORE of what makes you thrive—I owe it to each and every reader to frame the focus and adjust the lens. Many of us cannot help but reflect on the loss we have suffered as of late. We have lost the freedom to dine out and visit with friends, we have lost the lives of family and neighbors, we have lost jobs and income, and some of us even lost our taste and smell! The thing about loss is that it heightens our senses in other areas. We gained an appreciation for home cooking, we gained an appreciation for life, and we have gained a desire to persevere for our passions and become the best versions of ourselves. Pandemic-related loss has stunningly given victory to our visions, and sharpened our sight. Think about the cleaning frenzy that happens each spring. What leads us to do this? It is our eyes. Suddenly, our eyes recognize the dust build-up. Out of the blue, we can see the dull paint. We do a double take and our eyes just know that it is time to give away the boxes of old clothes. Dingy and dirty are anti-spring. The season of spring adjusts our lenses; it tells our eyes to seek BRIGHTER. As you click through and page through this issue, know that it has been crafted especially for YOU. Pay attention to our efforts to give you more daylight to savor—more power, more energy, and more focus. Losing that hour means this is your time for INCREASE! Find your lane by reading and also engaging with the plethora of information we have in store for you— right here! Springtime is YOUR time—go bigger, go brighter, go beyond the status quo, and partner with Be Well Magazine to make it happen. Open up


your windows and allow your eyes to scan the colour; see and recognize the depth of this network of contributors eager to support you. And let me be the first to say, CONGRATULATIONS on your new beginning!

Love and wellness to you all!

Crystal Thompson Editor, Be Well Magazine BE WELL MAGAZINE FOR WOMEN | APRIL 2021



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The Steps


Planning is needed in every aspect of our lives and should be viewed as a necessity. We often say, "I plan to do it", but never take action on establishing steps. Because there is always so much to do, proper planning cannot be ignored; especially, when you want to succeed. You have every reason to make planning a part of your routine. Would you say "I have too much money so I don’t need to plan?" or, "I don’t have enough money to follow a plan?" Neither scenario makes sense. There is always room for a plan, no matter what stage of life and regardless of age. A five year old will likely develop a habit of planning simply by having a scheduled routine everyday. Starting young, of course, establishes a great foundation. The Magic of Planning

We all know we need a plan, however, we also know that things do not always go “as planned." But, here is the magic of planning—when circumstances change, you are able to make adjustments much easier than just “winging it” from nothing. Review, Reset and Move Forward- Pivot! Get Excited About Planning Your Life

Write it down! What a difference a few sheets of paper can make! It can get pretty exciting when you start to lay it out. Planning will give you more benefits than I can list, both personally and professionally. It helps you create strategies instead of just letting things happen. Creating a Plan

Think about where you want to be in 2-5 years. Next, what do you need to do in the first year to get started? Now, scale back to what you need to do in the first month that will set you on the path to achieve your five year goal. As previously stated, do not forget to write it down! The key is to stay focused. When distractions interfere with your plan, get back on track as soon as you can. Business Planning

When making plans for your business, be sure that the company’s financial statements are reviewed at least quarterly and especially before year-end. Prioritize review of the company’s business plan annually. Seek advice to make sure you have the correct type of business entity; find out where you stand compared to industry standards. Determine the accuracy of estimated taxes, and whether you are correctly recording business transactions. Identify the ideal time to acquire a retirement plan, etc. Get Started Now

Starting your plan now in preparation for the year-end and next year ensures that you will start each year in action! Begin with a simple outline and add levels as you discover more of your interests and goals. Don't just write it down, keep moving; allow your plans to change and evolve but always stay on the path. Final Tips

Get maximum results by conducting planning meetings through-out the year, outlining your strategic plans. Contact professionals and mentors that can offer guidance. Have an agenda, allow for honesty, take ownership, delegate, be open and remember...sometimes veering off the plan may be effective; avoid being too strict.






Dream Big

IIt has often been said if your dreams don’t scare you, they are not big enough. How big are your dreams? What do you feel you are being called to do with this one amazing life you have to live? How long will you allow your dreams to be put on the back burner; hoping that someday, it may happen? As winter gives way to spring, the season of new beginnings, this is the ideal time for you to reassess where you are and give your dreams the chance to thrive. In order to push your dreams to the next level, you must conquer anything that could hold you back. Below are four essential strategies to ensure you get in position to dream big, conquer your fears, and make your dreams your reality. Look back on your past with a growth mentality, not blame. Looking back on yesterday with a blame mentality

will undermine your capacity to move out of woe-is-me and make your dreams happen. Don’t get stuck in the setbacks, disappointments, or traumas from your past; learn and grow from them. Too often we look back on our past difficulties with anger, anxiety, and insecurities that keep us in a pit of despair and self-doubt. This mindset will only lead to hopelessness and believing change is impossible. Let your past circumstances grow you in strength and determination, not keep you in a place of defeat. Believe you can have what you desire. The biggest step anyone can take to make a dream happen is to believe

that you deserve what you desire. You must believe in yourself enough to claim every promise that God has given you with boldness, despite any fears. Both the fear of failure and fear of success can cripple forward movement when it comes to making dreams reality. Whatever your fears, you cannot let them keep you from your promise. Through faith, all things are possible. So, believe in your possibilities, push past the negativity, and boldly pursue your desires. Believe in yourself enough to fight to make your dreams happen. Realize that this is an ideal season to begin anew. During this past year, we have lived through some things that

have amazed us in both positive and negative ways. We have had to shut-in, be isolated, and change how we operate. You may have had to shut-in physically, but you don’t have to be shut down mentally. Do not let the mental limitations surrounding your potential keep you from the pursuit of what you say you want. You are stronger and more powerful than you can ever imagine. You just have to know it…and walk in it. Don’t let the company you keep derail your dreams. As you position to dream big, you must make wise decisions

when it comes to your connections. Be careful who you listen to and who you allow to pour into your dreams. If someone can’t support you in your goals, ask yourself if these individuals deserve the gift of being in your inner circle. Think about what you really want, make a plan, stick to it, and don’t allow anyone to undermine your journey to make your big dreams your reality.

You have one life to live. You will either live in defeat or you will live in victory. If you want to live a life of victory, boldly go after all that God has promised you, and Dream Big! You deserve it! www.drbrespeaks.com

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For You


M a n y t i m e s a s e n t r e preneurs we play it s a f e w i t h o u r f a s h i o n , o r n e v e r c o n s i d e r a u n i f o r m a s a w a y t o t a k e o u r b r a n d t o t h e n e x t l e v el. This month I wan t t o p r e s e n t 5 W A Y S t h a t y o u c a n t r a n s f o rm your image to att r a c t t h o s e w h o a r e w a i t i n g o n you to play big in all a r e a s o f y o u r b u s i n e s s . Use s o c i a l media websites like Pinter e s t t o i n s p i r e y o u to b e c o m e that woman who fits your bra n d perf e c t l y . When you are searching for in s p i r a t i o n f o r g e t a l l t h e w o r d s t h a t m a y p l a y o v e r i n y o u r h e a d l i k e , ‘ I ne e d t o lose a cou ple of pounds befor e f i t t i n g i n t o t h a t o u t f i t ’ , o r ‘ I a m t o o o l d w e a r t h a t s t y l e ’ . D i s m i s s thos e t h o ughts from your pretty little he a d r i g h t n o w , b e c a u s e t h e y a r e a l l e x a mp l e s o f f a l s e e v i d e n c e — onl y a p p e aring real. Never be afraid to a l l o w s o m e b o l d b r i g h t c o l o r s t o f i n d t h ei r w a y i n t o y o u r l i f e . B e g i n to s e e y o urself as the brand you are read y t o c r e a t e , a n d g o a l l o u t f o r y o u ! Crea t e a fashion envisioning board tha t s p e aks to the very essence of who y o u w i l l b e c o m e t h r o u g h t h i s j our n e y o f fashionably revealing your bra n d t o t h e w o r l d . M a n y t i m e s w e c o n f u se l e t t i n g g o w i t h r e l e a s i n g or s u r r e n dering. This is the time you do n o t o v e r t h i n k a n y t h i n g . T h e f a s h i o n b r an d i n g b o a r d y o u c r e a t e can b e d i gital or created through magaz i n e p h o t o s . C r e a t e y o u r t o p 5 f a s h i o n s f o r y o u r b r a n d b a s e d o n wher e y o u are headed, not where you cur r e n t l y a r e . If yo u a r e not having fun while you are c r e a t i n g y o u r f a s h i o n b r a n d f o r y o u r b u s i n e s s y o u w a n t t o bloc k o u t all the noise. No n e e d to go out and pay a photograph e r t h a t w i l l m a k e y o u m o r e n e r v o u s a n d add m a n y more ideas to your current mas s i v e l i s t o f , “ N o w w h a t ? ” G r a b y o u r c e l l p h o n e a n d s t a r t s n a p p i n g phot o s o f yourself in total confidence wi t h p o w e r p o s e s t h a t b l o w y o u r m i n d ! R em e m b e r , i f y o u g e t t o o f a r out t h e r e a lways res ult back to your env i s i o n i n g b o a r d t o s t a y o n t r a c k . Join a f a shion group on social media tha t m a k es your fashion taste buds com e a l i v e . T h a t w i l l b e a grea t w a y to get advice, share updates, t r a c k y o u r p r o g r e s s , a n d m a y b e e v e n o f f e r a c c o u n t a b i l i t y t o k e e p the f i r e l i t through your transformation. As y o u b u ild your fashion sense, style, a n d b r a n d r e m e m b e r t h a t i t i s al w a y s best to own the fashion and nev e r a l l o w t h e f a s h i o n t o o w n y o u ! So, y o u s ay a uniform makes perfect sen s e f o r y o u r b r a n d ? T h a t w o u l d b e m e . H o w e v e r , I h a v e c h o s e n t o add e m b r o idery to garments. This, I sim p l y f e e l i s a p o w e r y e t l e i s u r e m o v e f o r m y n e w l y l a u n c h i n g l i f es t y l e c ompany. A dding a fashion face l i f t t o y o u r b u s i n e s s p l a n b r i n g s a n o t h e r l e v e l o f e n e r g y , a n d attr a c t s t h e custome r you were never loo k i n g f o r .

My sister, Big, Bolder and Brighter already looks phenomenal on you! BE WELL MAGAZINE FOR WOMEN | APRIL 2021


Well Hello Darlings!


Home Decor!

The spring bloom has already begun to blossom, are you ready? Let’s talk Home Design! Let’s Talk Décor… For this particular home staging project in Maywood, IL, we simply took the one long wall in the living room that brought the entire living room & dining room together in the most beautiful way by adding a pop of bold deep purple to transform the existing space and bring it to life by creating a more dramatic effect. Purple also just happens to be our client’s favorite color so although she was a bit nervous about how dark it was, in the end she loved it and it was a major attraction point when we recently sold her family’s home! Let SW Living share some fabulous tips that will make everyone feel welcome and look forward to returning soon as spring approaches.

When transforming your space, here are some questions to consider, AND keep these other ideas top of mind: How does your personal style reflect & speak to you and your

If you are on Facebook, I would HIGHLY recommend you

guests through your home accessories, artwork & special

joining the most fabulous group, “Black Women Who

touches throughout your space?

Love Outdoor Living” for more ideas.

Does your space allow you to feel like you can get away

I hope you all enjoyed these tips and I would love to see your

without leaving your home to create an AMAZING

photos and creative ideas that bloomed in your space over this

“staycation” for the day off or the weekend to recharge and


relax? To see more home designs & ideas, check us out at Your space should confidently hold a style of its own that is


not only inviting to you and your special guests, but is also a perfect layout for entertaining and enjoying shared moments

All My Best,

that leave them feeling good.


Your front entryway or porch is your grand entrance to welcome guests! Egg chairs are an instant major hit, very chic & classy. Fresh exotic plants always win the day & combining pops of colors with your accent rug & throw pillows will easily bring your space together to get those “porch parties” started!




pring is a time of transformation. The trees that shed their leaves during fall and winter start blooming again. The flowers begin to bud. The grass is coming back to life. There is a crisp freshness and sense of newness in the air. It is also a season of resurrection, a time where new life springs from the dry ground. Some of this new growth happens naturally, but often we have to plant new seeds and nurture them. We have to water what we want to grow and remove weeds that could be hindering the growth of new plants.

Have you sorted through what needs to be released or where you need repairs? Like many of you, we do deep cleaning in our house during the spring. We scrub and do repairs. We sort through clothes, shoes, and household items to figure out what we no longer need. This process usually takes a while. It is exhausting but it feels so good when we are done! Have you ever taken time to do this in your life though? Have you sorted through what needs to be released or where you need repairs? Last spring, I felt compelled to do a deep cleaning of my life. I took inventory of my overall wellness in these seven areas: physical, emotional, intellectual, environmental, occupational, social, and spiritual. I set goals for improvement and implemented an action plan. I did a deep cleaning and removed “weeds” that were restricting my growth. I sowed seeds for new growth in myself and in my ministry. I spent time nurturing myself and committed to tending to the garden of my heart. I watered the things that were blooming by investing in other women as they began their transformation processes. As I have journeyed personally through this transformation, Imperfectly Flawless has been experiencing a parallel shift as well. For the past 5 years, it has been pretty amazing to watch this business flourish as everyone involved operates from a place of wellness and abundance. I have finally come to know who I am and I fully embrace my identity—first, as a daughter of the King. From that I can stand firm in my identity as a mom, wife, pastor, leader, family member, and friend. Painfully, I initially learned how to run an ineffective organization. It took time to process some truths about running a business. Staff members, board members, and key personnel must be more than just cheerleaders and seat-fillers. A business is fortified by movers, shakers, and talents who are ready and willing to commit to the mission. I took those lessons and made necessary changes. Pruning is uncomfortable, but through the process we develop tolerance and perseverance, then we experience growth. Be willing to mess up and learn from your mistakes. Dig into what needs to be removed in your life and in your business. Determine where you need to sow and what you need to water. Imperfectly Flawless has made great strides. We recently renovated an old building which is now a ministry center. We will continue to focus on serving women in the sex industry, but we realize that we are also called to help every woman figure out their purpose, as well as who they truly are. The Living Room was created to be a safe, loving, comfortable environment where women can receive tools and mentoring as they consider their journey through true life transformation. Many have come through and just sat with God; praying. Some come for condoms and a cup of coffee. I invite you to see what God has for you at The Living Room. I would love to share more about my journey and learn about yours! Please contact us at 602-888-3787 or email https://meetfox.com/en/e/living-room/1 to schedule your visit. BE WELL MAGAZINE FOR WOMEN | APRIL 2021




Spring Forward



here is a freshness in the air as we transition from the sleepiness of Winter to the awakening of Spring. It is a new season and T a new day. As you begin to saturate yourself in the beauty and busyness of Spring, don’t forget to saturate yourself in selfcare. Self-care, according to Psych Central is “an activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional and physical needs.” Good self-care is key to improved mood, reduced anxiety, and a sound relationship with oneself and others. There was a time when I overlooked my own needs for the sake of what I believed were valid needs of some precious people around me. That oversight landed me in a mental hospital; misdiagnosed for 13 days. My body was simply tired and needed rest. We have a tendency to play the role of superwoman, putting the needs of everyone around us before our own. Has there ever been a time in your life when you have been so exhausted at the end of the day that you could hardly see straight? And yet, you find yourself doing just one more thing to tackle your own to-do list which has been ignored all day because you have been “getting it done” —tasks for others— be it work, family or friends. Your well-being is a prerequisite for the well-being of those around you. When traveling on an airplane you are instructed to put your oxygen mask on first before helping those around you. The same theory is necessary in your everyday life. Taking time to take care of your needs first will better position you to help care for the needs of those around you. Intentionally pausing to step aside and be still enables you to hear your inner wisdom. You will be better equipped to make quality decisions about your next course of action. On my video podcast, “Living IN Courage with Linda Michelle” I share encouragement to awaken the silence of hope and silence the noise of hopelessness by owning the one life we have to live. To help you begin owning your bigger, brighter, healthier life here are 14 key self-care strategies that wisdom has taught me which I believe will surely help you: Honor God First

Be still and let your nail polish dry. Pampering your

Mediate in order to unclutter your mind. De-weed the

body, whether at your own in-home spa or at a Covid-

flower bed of your thoughts.

19 free professional spa, will help reinforce your

Fill your cup to overflow and serve from the saucer with joy.

strength and sanity.

Grant yourself permission to cry, and do so with an agenda

Respect your vulnerabilities. Listen for and recognize

for an appointed time. Afterwards, get back up, wash your

the internal warning bells of stress and take the

face, readjust your focus and keep it moving forward.

necessary time to rest and reset—No apology

Seek and ask for support when you need it. Asking for help


is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength.

Live with an attitude of gratitude

Nurture yourself like you nurture others. You are worthy.

Make time to have child-like fun, alone.

Honor your body and your brain by having regular

Journal to remember what you do not want to forget.

professional physical, dental, and mental wellness checks.

Manage and respect your time.

Take an emotional enema when necessary



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Wow, it’s that time of year again! A time to refresh, rejuvenate, and restore!


I know most of us have been anticipating some muchneeded warmer weather. Additionally, I look forward to putting aside many of the irregularities and difficulties I have had to overcome both professionally and personally.

Clean out the closets Clean out the basement Donate to Goodwill Gather & put away winter clothes Fill closets and dressers with spring/summer items

Spring is one of my favorite times of the year, albeit this

Buy a plethora of cleaning supplies

year will be most unusual. Still, it is a time to reflect, to

Wash windows (inside and out)

regroup, go on a fast, celebrate life, faith, and family and

Clean the ceiling fans

do some spring cleaning! Every year it’s the same old

Clean behind the stove and refrigerator

thing; year in and year out, without fail. SPRING

Clean the garage


Paint the fence

The first order of business—make a checklist. “Check” on the checklist, by working on the following:


Plant some flowers Re-pave the driveway (and the list goes on)


APRIL 2021



“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” PSALM 51:10


Cauliflower serves as “brain food” stimulating electrolytes and cells that operate the higher cognitive functions. The same can be said for seeds, nuts, grains and some herbs. All do their fair share to cleanse the physical realm. The same can be said for seeds, nuts, grains and some herbs.

Let’s face it…we all take that deep dive into transforming

All do their fair share to cleanse the physical realm.

the dirty, residential abyss! Spring cleaning is an age-old custom. No, this is not just a “tidy-up” for weekend guests;

So far 2020 and 2021 have not done us many favors. Some

not a “spruce up” for the backyard BBQ or “light dusting”

of us may still feel the weight of winter and wanting to shed

for the family dinner. Nope, this is a “roll-up-the-sleeves,

excess baggage, whatever that may be. Nonetheless, we

pull-on-the-coveralls, get-out-the-mop-and-bucket, glass

all have much to be proud of, working and living under

cleaner, furniture polish, laundry detergent, bleach, dish

difficult circumstances yet remaining productive and

soap, lawnmower, garbage bins, and dust rags affair.” You

optimistic. Look how we have integrated and embarked

name it, you dig it out! Why? Because everything needs to

upon a new working structure. It is a challenge under

be spic and span! (Though no real person has even a

normal circumstances, but to do so almost entirely through

vague idea of what “spic” is, let alone “span.”)

virtual settings is inspiring! What a lovely sight to see people taking care of one other and chipping in when and

At any rate, there is another higher level of cleanliness that

where needed. Lastly, the agility, creativity and

goes far beyond the surface into the spiritual realm. Yes,

collaboration to manage through such a strange year has

the spiritual realm. How so? Well, it seems that “cleanliness

been impressive. We have likely spent more time with our

is next to godliness” is a well-worn phrase that has

immediate families than ever before, but less with our

arguably stood the test of time. Surprisingly, the origin of

extended families. Prayer, empathy, and loyalty have

the phrase (or more accurately, the proverb) is not biblical.

gotten us through the worst and best of times. Despite an

The proverb expresses the idea that those who are pure

inability for us to gather as we normally would, I am

and wholesome are close to God. This, of course, suggests

constantly observing many examples of dedication and

that being clean is a sign of spiritual purity or goodness. I

growing trust that make me so proud. I have every reason

would like to take it a step further and quote Psalm 51:10,

to be hopeful that we will become even stronger and more

“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit

impactful for the remainder of 2021 and beyond; during

within me.”

which we will need to pivot again to embrace whatever the new normal becomes.

There is yet another cleaning that aligns our physical bodies with food. Eating mindfully has been shown to

Ultimately it can be said that Spring Cleaning in its

promote proper digestion and reduce unhealthy eating

traditional, conventional way, is only the tip of the

habits. Different foods and food groups have unique

proverbial iceberg. It can also be applied, creatively

properties that ward off illness and disease. Several power

speaking, in broader areas of life including the spiritual and

foods (oatmeal, raisins, and cauliflower) have direct

physical body realms. While adhering to the principles of

correlations with the heart, digestive system, and brain

good health (which can be quite lofty at times), one can

(development and maintenance).

elevate to a healthier you!

Oatmeal, for example, is a natural “scrub brush” for the

Be blessed and be a blessing!

heart; raisins (and prunes) act as a natural detox for the digestive system.



APRIL 2021





s I began to write this article, I asked myself when and why. When did I decide I want to be an entrepreneur? Why did I want to become an entrepreneur? It was many years ago when I decided that I wanted to become an entrepreneur. It was my freshman year in college. I attended an HBCU in a small town in the south. The college was the city. Every corner store and restaurant was black owned and was remarkably successful. When I returned home, that is when I started to notice several successful black owned businesses within my own community. At that moment, I decided I want to become an entrepreneur. My “why” is to show my two children that you can be successful and not work a typical 9 to 5; and to leave a legacy for them. I also wanted to give back to my community by providing jobs and by helping those who are less fortunate. I am the proud owner of a travel agency—Joriy Travel Solutions. Our mission is to create dreams and bring families together through travel. I also have a virtual assistant business— Joriy Virtual Solutions. Our mission is to collaborate and assist small business owners with their day-to-day operations at a low cost. I am an independent tax consultant with Millionaire Tax Consultants. Our mission is to take the stress out of preparing taxes and provide our clients with the maximum tax return. Lastly, I have a logistics business—As One Logistics and Dispatch Service. Our mission is to provide office support to the transportation industry and provide jobs to individuals that need a second chance. When embarking upon entrepreneurship your mindset and routine must change. There are 13 steps that entrepreneurs should follow when building and growing a successful business.






1. Be Business Smart - Building a solid business foundation early is a must as going from employee to employer is a major transition. A different set of required knowledge and expertise is needed. You should have self-discipline, be well organized, and have a real passion for what you are doing. 2. Ask - Never be afraid to ask questions and always ask for what you want. 3. Create Multiple Revenue Streams – You should never rely on one source of income when starting a business. When one aspect of your business is slow, having another source of revenue can be a lifesaver. Always remain focused. Each stream of income should share a commonality and further your overall business practice. Being all over the place can weaken your brand, negatively impact your message, and cause confusion amongst your audience about who you are and what you do. 4. Brand Yourself - Personal branding is a critical business component that many business owners overlook. You are the face of your brand, therefore your self-brand should complement your business. When executed properly, personal branding will differentiate you from your competition, highlight your areas of expertise, and ensure that more people will come to you when they are looking for the product or service that your business offers. 5. Promote Yourself - No one knows how great you are until you tell them. Come from behind the desk and behind closed doors and speak before groups; do media interviews and write articles. These strategies offer great benefits! They further your personal brand presence; exposing you to new audiences with whom you may not be in contact but are of value. In a nutshell, it grows your company’s visibility. 6. Be a Joiner and a Networker - You can get a lot of business from membership-based professional groups such as chambers of commerce. Be selective – do not join just to join. See what they offer, and what you can contribute. Be proactive so you maximize your opportunities to generate new business. 7. Social Media - Social platforms are goldmines. If you are not on social media, your competition is – and they are getting business that could have gone to you. So, post! Select a platform—LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram – wherever your primary audience is, develop a goal for that platform and start working toward it. 8. Outsource - Outsource when it makes sense to. There is a reason why there are accountants, bookkeepers, lawyers, etc. They are there to help. Why do your own taxes (which many solo shops do)? Why open yourself to potential legal issues by not hiring a lawyer to read your contracts? Yes, they are an additional cost, but the time and future expenses they can save you can be significant. 9. Fire Toxic Clients – Have you heard of the saying, “all money is not good money”? This goes for clients, also. Not all clients are not good clients. If the partnership between you and your client is not working out do not be afraid to let that client go. 10. Turn Away Clients - To turn a client away may be painful but focusing on clients who will not advance your business is a waste and may take valuable time away from clients that are a better fit for both your business goals and theirs. 11. Invest in Your Company – The success of your business often means spending money. Regardless of the size of your business you have to offer the value and services that are industry standards. Keep in mind that many of these services can either be charged back to the client or be written off as a tax expense. (consult with an accountant) 12. Self-care- Self-care is the most important of them all. Take time for yourself. New business owners tend to get burned out, especially in the early years. Taking a break, (even if it is only a day off) or building in blocks of time just for you throughout your work week will keep you motivated. It gives your brain time off, and will stimulate your brain for new ideas that you may have overlooked. 13. Be Thankful - Gratitude is undervalued. Having a business, contributing to the community, and building a legacy are reasons, as an entrepreneur, for you to celebrate, be proud, and grateful.





A ccording to Chinese astrology, 2020 was the Year of the Rat, which is believed to bring wealth, prosperity, and abundance. The Chinese New Year fell on January 25th of 2020, so when COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic on Friday, March 13th the

world was thrown into a ‘never before’ global shutdown of businesses which caused an enormous economic breakdown. So much for the promise of wealth and prosperity! But I learned by the end of the year that rats can be quite deceptive. 2020 turned out to be one of the most prosperous years in my journey as a self-employed entrepreneur. Not only did I earn 10% more than in my previous four years, but I also established new streams of income that have become long-term situations. So, how did I thrive during a global pandemic? How did I earn business income during a time when unemployment rates in the United States rose to 14.8% among non-military persons, and 40% of all those unemployed remained so for more than six months? The answer is that I broke through the fear and uncertainty by using the following three tools of self-mastery: spiritual intelligence, emotional intelligence, and self-worth. My field of expertise is in consulting with community services, but despite this being among the essential services, I believe anyone who learns to practice these self-mastery tools can earn income no matter what the circumstance. This is because I truly believe there is always treasure in trouble and that the Universe is always out to “gift me”, not “get me”! I will discuss each of the three tools in more detail, but first want to share my definition of self-mastery. Self-mastery is the ability to choose not to be a victim to negative life circumstances or negative people. This does not mean that life and people won’t challenge you, but you can choose to respond to the challenge through love instead of fear. During childhood our experience of the world is determined by the people, places, things, and situations around us, over which we have no control. We are totally dependent upon our external world, and the people in it, for physical and emotional survival. When something goes wrong, i.e., our needs do not get met, or something or someone hurts us, we have no choice but to experience ourselves as victims, and our world as unsafe. As adults however, we can learn to respond to our problems, needs, and painful situations from the inside-out. In adulthood, all of our problems must be resolved internally before the results can manifest externally. Self-mastery is a practice and a discipline that grows our internal ability to successfully overcome difficult challenges and successfully adapt to unwelcome changes. All humans possess intelligence – the ability to learn and apply knowledge and skills. In 1983, Howard Gardner, a psychologist from Harvard University, presented a theory that people do not have just an intellectual capacity, but have many types of intelligence including musical, interpersonal, spatial-visual, and linguistic intelligences. The following three aspects or learning fields of self-mastery are part of this multiverse of human understanding and perception:





JOJOPAHMARIA NSOROMA Number 1 - Spiritual Intelligence: This is the field of knowing and aligning with the people, places, and situations that matter most to the well-being of your soul. In this field we find awareness of living on purpose and having a sacred contract for our human existence. You master spiritual intelligence by asking, “How do I serve and contribute to the evolution of humanity?” Number 2 – Emotional Intelligence: This term was made popular in the 1990’s by Daniel Goleman’s book of the same name. Essentially, this is the field of knowing and regulating your emotions to improve or enhance interpersonal relationships. Within this field is the ability to be empathetic. You master emotional intelligence by asking, “How can I help others and myself feel better?” Number 3 – Self-worth: This is the ability to believe in your value as a human being. Unlike self-esteem, which is based on what I experience externally, self-worth emanates from within. If I have little or no self-worth I can not experience healthy self-esteem. You master self-worth by asking, “Am I open and willing to receive my blessings?” The Monday after COVID was declared a global pandemic, I began to think about the staff of an organization that I cared about very much. I had facilitated an annual retreat for them in November of 2019 and had a very powerful and fulfilling experience. I moved into my spiritual and emotional intelligence and asked myself how I could be of service to them so they could be emotionally and spiritually supported for their work with community members. By the end of March, I was using Zoom to provide healing circles and one-on-one counseling for staff on a volunteer basis. By June I was also providing consultation to administrative staff and facilitating all-staff emotional wellness sessions. In January, I had done the 21-day Abundance Meditation Practice by Deepak Chopra. By July, this selfworth discipline to consciously open myself to receiving my blessings manifested as me receiving payment from the organization for all of my time and effort going back to the end of March. I continued consulting with the organization for the remainder of the year and now have annual contract as their senior consultant. It’s important to know that I have been learning self-mastery for at least 20 years, but the tools I use and the principals behind them can work for anyone regardless of the length of time you’ve been doing your self-development work. COVID-19 has brought much fear, pain, disruption, and grief. But, it has also brought tremendous opportunity to become creative and successful by accepting and adapting to the changes humanity has been given. Most businesses can no longer operate in the same manner they did before March of 2020. Putting people above profit is the spiritually and emotionally intelligent right thing to do, and can provide the way forward. For example, if you are in the travel business, instead of crying about the money you are losing, think about how you can support people to travel safely, or provide learning opportunities for them to plan their dream vacation for when the pandemic ends. By using your spiritual and emotional intelligences, and strengthening your self-worth, I believe you can have new money streams in ways you could not have imagined. It only takes a willingness to consider how to be of service to humanity, how to help others and yourself feel better, and to believe with great certainty that you are worthy of your blessings. About Jojopahmaria Nsoroma Jojopahmaria Nsoroma, owner and steward of Higher Expectations Consulting Collaborative, is an accomplished innovator and influencer of human and organizational change. Since 1979, she has made significant contributions as a human services professional through a wide variety of educational and program leadership roles. In addition to her organizational and professional development work, Jojopah also provides spiritual coaching and guidance to individuals, broadcasts a weekly internet radio program (Wisdom Walk Talk), is a YouTube influencer (Wisdom Walk to Self-Mastery), and has published her first book, (Wisdom Walk to Self-Mastery: ancient wisdom for transforming pain). She currently resides in Santa Monica, CA where she can easily walk to the ocean, practice her skills as a classical pianist, and visit restored movie palaces in Hollywood.










Your Dreams

Yes, Spring is here! Where are those GOALS and DREAMS you made for the

New Year?! Hmmm, I imagine some of you are actually saying to yourselves, “Yes, where are they?” Let me refresh you with some your memories: You STARTED them and then “life” got in the way. You SAID you would start them, and distractions prevented the launch. You SAID you would start them, and procrastination kept rearing its cute little head—again, and again, and again, and again…. You SAID you would contact someone to help, but conveniently found a very EASY excuse not to. (“I do not think they will be right to help me, anyway.”) You PRAYED for God to send you a sign and tell you what to do, but repeatedly ignored the signs because it was not the exact sign you thought you were looking for; or simply did not recognize the sign. BEST CASE SCENARIO – You actually started and are WELL on your way to moving toward them and are happy about your PROGRESS (which is music to my Dreamsteerer ears) This is all to say that spring is here, and it is time to reassess where you are with the Goals, Dreams and Vision that you made a resolution for at the beginning of this year. I can relate to most of the above because I have been there many times myself—Year after year, month after month, quarter after quarter, day after day, season after season, storm after storm, (Covid after Covid). I stand firm in challenging you so you do not go season after season doing the same things with no results. Right now, I am speaking only to those that have let April, 2021 arrive without significant change; without pursuit of that marvelous DREAM from that great New Year resolution. Please seriously consider this question, “What do you “think” you need to move forward?” Do you know? Do you truly care to know? Or, perhaps the biggest question—are you even ready to know? I can only write from a level of prior experience. I was READY for many years but also not REALLY ready for many years. The usual obstacle and dream blockers were always MONEY and TIME. Money, because if you must work a job to pay bills (that has NOTHING to do with your Dream) then you are working for MONEY that you need which keeps you from THINKING about how to pursue your Dream.

You are engrossed for an 8 – 10 hour time frame each day that is devoted to something that only pays the bills and takes time away from you pursuing what you REALLY want to do. Did I just answer your own question or confirm what you already knew to be true? How do you move past this obstacle (if that is the one)?. Well, there is no crystal ball as to how you do it but there is one thing that God gave you – the CHOICE to do something about it. So, let us refer back to A, B, C, D, E, and F (above) and turn it around: A. STOP allowing life get in the way – reassess and list what those actual “life” issues are. Once you identify and WRITE them down it becomes REAL and easier to manage and overcome. B. Actually START the process –again, WRITE down what you want to start. Your best reality is speaking to yourself through your own WRITING. C. STOP procrastinating – JUST DO IT – make yourself do it even against your will! D. CONTACT someone to help you! You have a person or persons in mind and you must reach out and ASK for help. (If you think it could be me, then contact me for a friendly chat) E. KEEP praying but pay attention to the signs and signals your spirit is sending you - it may come in the form of a “THOUGHT” that will not go away, or you might see a person or hear something repeatedly – PAY ATTENTION and listen to God’s friendly whisper. F. The BEST response to those that are on their way to a GRAND second quarter – just KEEP doing what you do, but now do it even bigger and better; Time to take it to the next level. Spring is in the air and that is why they call it SPRING – it’s time to SPRING into ACTION towards your Goals, Dreams and Vision! ~ The Dreamsteerer BE WELL FOR WOMEN







Every year my church fasts corporately for 21 days. We fast as Daniel did in the Bible— only eating fruits, vegetables, and foods from the ground.

I would love to tell you that I prayed to God to give me a way, but I didn’t. I did not see this as His doing, but the luck of the draw. I honestly believed God was mad at me. Years later, I was one of the final candidates for a job. The company asked me to spend half a day in OJT (On the Job Training) to get a feel for the office culture, the people, and the functions of the job. They wanted to see if it was a good fit. I sat with a woman that had a sad disposition about her. For some reason she opened up to me. She began to tell me about the loss of her recent baby and how hard it was

Although Daniel did not have internet and social media, I am sure there

for her to return to work. Her story sounded so familiar. It was familiar

were enough distractions in his life that required him to set aside time to

because it was mine. I waited for her to finish, then I told her mine. I

fellowship with God.

also suggested she ask her doctor to consider an incompetent cervix diagnosis. I saw hope in her eyes that was not previously there. We

One of the things I fasted from in addition to food, was Judge Judy and

both cried when we realized that I was not there for the position, after

about 5 or 6 of my favorite television shows. I watched only faith-based

all. We had not even discussed the job. She said to me, “I don’t think

movies for 21 days. One of the things God spoke to me about was

you were sent here to interview for this job. I think God sent you here

unbelief. Most Christians believe God can, but wonder if God will.

for me.” I believed she was right. Even though I know now that God did not take my babies. He wasn’t trying to punish me or hurt me. He was

The summer before my senior year in college I got pregnant. I started

able to use my situation to help another family.

experiencing complications fairly quickly, and I wasn't sure if my baby would be born. I remember hoping things would be ok; that despite all of

As I watched these movies during my fast that told tales of how people

the trouble we would have a beautiful baby. That didn't happen. I left for

lost all hope and believed more in their situations than they did in God,

Atlanta at my doctor’s request. The morning after arriving, I went into

I reflected on my story and how I was the same way at one point in my

labor and on September 11, 1990 I gave birth to my stillborn son. He

life. For me, it took telling my story to someone that believed I was sent

was small and bowlegged like me. He was also a twin. We had lost her

from God as an answer to her prayers. I believe God uses people in

the month prior. My next pregnancy after the twins was the last loss I

that way. I also believe we are inundated with distractions that render

ever wanted to experience.

us deaf from God’s word. Fasting and separating from those things is another practice which may help us surrender to be used by God.

I began to think I was being punished. That is why God broke me and

What three things can you fast from that will allow you to hear

took my babies. The reason I thought I was being punished was because

from God regularly? For me it was not only Judge Judy but also

I decided at a young age (not on my own) to terminate a pregnancy, so

meat, sweets, and trolling social media. Additionally, I kept paper and

God in His ultimate wisdom decided for me that I was not going to be a

pen handy so I could write down what God was saying to me.

mother. I had an aunt that loved the Lord and she was one of the most godly women I knew. She told me abortion was murder, murder was a

There may be times when you feel confused and need answers; or you

sin, and sinners go to hell. In my mind, my fate was determined. I lost

might find yourself in a state of just plain “blah”. Take a day or two (or

hope in that moment.

21) and fast from things that distract you from hearing God. Keep paper handy to write down what He says. I wrote down unbelief. We have to

I learned from my sister of a condition called incompetent cervix. Thanks

be “believing believers” to become the change the world needs us to

to a successful medical procedure and 7 months of complete bed rest, I


was eventually able to birth two beautiful daughters. BE WELL FOR WOMEN







When I first started researching self-care in 2019, I found very few suggestions on social media. Therefore, I had to find ways to relax in the midst of a storm. Some of the techniques I used were: ✅ Deep Breathing ✅ Filling my oil diffuser with lavender for at least 12 hours per day

Great Day Be Well Community and Happy Spring

✅ Stretching and only focusing on myself for those few minutes ✅ Reading and looking through magazines when I could

As you peruse through this awesome magazine filled with contributors

✅ Looking at family photos of happier times

from all over the USA, I would like to thank you for taking the time to

✅ Practicing Mindfulness

read this today. Without the vision of Carmen Ray I would not have the

✅ Meditation and Prayer

platform to share something I hold dear to my heart— Self-Care,

✅ Standing outside in the sunshine

Unapologetically! These are just a few of the practices I incorporated as often as Welcome to spring! For many of us this past winter, along with all of

possible just to ground myself. If you create a list, you may likely

the challenges that Covid-19 presented, we are now ready for

choose totally different items. Self-Care is personal and there is no

renewal. One of the definitions of spring is to arise, rise, originate,

‘one size fits all’. Since 2019, I have learned to incorporate another

derive, flow, and proceed. Spring can also imply rapid or sudden

grounding activity when I really get overwhelmed and need to

emerging. So as you spring into your self-care, find the flow that works

immediately reduce stress. This grounding activity is to identify and

for you. Look for what brings sunshine into your heart and soul.

think about the following: 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing

As I mentioned to you in the last issue, because of my commitment to

you can taste. This activity helps you disengage from stressful or

my loved ones, I had to find a way to care for myself while at the same

overwhelming situations and helps you get back to being “grounded”

time providing all of the loving care they needed and deserved. From

so you can move forward.

2009-2020 I was caring for three of my family members (my husband, mom and dad). Due to the fact that my son passed in 1994 from

Lastly, I have a challenge for us all. I know vision boards are very

Leukemia, and the fact that I have never had siblings, I had very little

popular at the beginning of the year. I have decided since spring

help along my journey. I was going along pretty good for the majority

includes new beginnings—flowers grow and grass turns green....my

of that time until my body started sending me signals that it was time

new beginning for this season will be to create a Self-Care Vision

to take a stand and make my self-care as much a priority as I made

Board! This board will serve as a dedicated reminder of all the

caregiving for my loved ones. Well, it is very obvious that was a huge

strategies I can use throughout the year. If you are on board for this

challenge. I had to be creative and figure out ways to bring myself

activity, please email me at yourselfcare2day@gmail.com with your

some relief, especially during those times when I could not even leave

name and complete address and I will send you one of my self care

my home. I had to find my flow. So, in this article I want to share a few


self-care strategies I’ve used and give you a challenge to complete during this spring season.

In the meantime, remember—self-care is not selfish. We can no longer pour from an empty cup! Have an awesome spring and hope to hear from you soon. BE WELL FOR WOMEN






Are you feeling overwhelmed? Anxious? Like things are spiraling out of your control? You are not alone! We are all experiencing a situation that we have never been through before and have no idea when things will go back to the way they were (if EVER). We are adapting to a worldwide pandemic which has changed the way we do almost everything. Essential workers are overworked and exhausted. We thank you for all that you do for us, our families, and our communities. Employees, many of whom are now working from home, are spending endless hours at their computers and feeling like they are at work 24 hours a day. We must create balance. Work Hard~Play Hard - What exactly does this mean? Many of us grew up with a very strict work ethic, focusing primarily on working hard. We have all heard or used phrases such as: "You get what you work for, not what you wish for." ~Author Unknown OR "The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary." ~ Vidal Sassoon. And I think we can all agree that to reach success we must put in plenty of hard work. However, we can not forget about balance; we need to rejuvenate, relax, and enjoy the fruits of our labor in order to feel satisfied in our lives. We must explore the balance between purpose and fulfillment, creating lifetime achievements such as memories, making significant differences, and leaving our legacy for generations to follow. WORK HARD! Yes, this is a time to focus on your goals, dreams, and aspirations. Start that business, write that book, go back to school, do what your heart desires. Get up in the morning. Start your day with routine prayer, tea, or coffee; figure out what you want to accomplish. Working hard is a way for us to grow and acquire personal development to elevate and be better in everything we do in life. By working hard, we set examples for our children and others who may be studying how we handle adversity, struggle, and what is required to perform at many levels to reach visible or monetary success. Self-fulfillment is self-motivating; we know we did our best and put in the long hours, sweat, and commitment to something we are passionate about. Working hard not only invites self-gratification, but also earns accolades and admiration from supporters for reaching goals we have committed to. Working hard has many aspects that are beneficial to what we contribute to the future. PLAY HARD! A time to celebrate all the hard work, training, education/graduation, business start-ups or promotions that we have all achieved. Many of us experience emptiness after achieving a goal that we were entirely focused on for a period of time. We ask ourselves, “What's next?” It is very typical to feel the "blues" after finishing a project or completing a goal. Playing hard can be accomplished by discovering ways to take care of yourself. This is a must! Rule #1- When your workday is complete, that’s it. It is acceptable, however, for you to meditate on what went well and what you may want to work on. Still it is necessary to shut it down! We must choose a time to end our day. Maximize the free time you do have. Rule #2- Self-care is anything you do to take care of yourself so you can stay physically, mentally, and emotionally well. Rejuvenate! Schedule a designated time to do what you need to feel free; free from tension, anxiety, and the pressures of everyday life. You deserve breaks throughout the day, and always schedule a lunch hour. Get away from the computer and enjoy that time reading, writing, or catching up with friends or family. Rule #3- Always have something to look forward to such as a vacation, getaway, date night, movie, shopping, party, or anything you chose to reward yourself for doing your best. The anticipation helps us build discipline and motivates us to follow through and get tasks completed in the time allotted. Having something to look forward to is like a reward for doing what you said you wanted to do. It can alleviate procrastination and is powerful in reducing aggravation, annoyance and disappointment. Having something to look forward to also keeps us excited and optimistic about the things we are currently working on. Creating a wish list of things—both big and small —to always look forward to, will stimulate your thinking into a positive view of what is coming soon. ‘The best is yet to come’ is a phrase I use often when I see friends or family struggle with what they are going through. They have told me it helps them change their focus away from the “right now” difficulties into what is possible. BE KIND! "Kindness, It Costs Nothing But Means Everything" Being kind is an essential part of your success. First, be kind to yourself. We all make mistakes, we all make adjustments, and there are allowances for not being perfect. You deserve happiness and you are worthy of success. Remember how the kindness of others has made a difference in your ability to overcome, persevere, and progress through challenging times; as well as to survive when you thought you were alone. A person's kind words can be powerful, and may give motivation or support to someone who feels like giving up. The generosity of both time and resources (not necessarily monetary) can make the difference for someone maintaining their household with basic needs like food, shelter, clothing, going back to school, or taking the first step towards a lifelong dream. We are natural mentors; what we know is to be shared and used to uplift and encourage others. Making someone laugh or smile could literally save their life. Remember we are all facing each day with grief, pain, fear, and many other life challenges. Being kind is a form of gratitude. Do not think of being kind as giving something away; actually, you are receiving at the same time. An act of kindness attracts kindness. It has the power to reduce stress, boost the immune system, and help reduce negative emotions such as anger, depression, and anxiety. “Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.” —Barbara De Angelis

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