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Don't Stop! Do Wop!

A Letter from the Editor, Crystal Thompson

Entrepreneurship is often a lonely road to travel. Be Well Magazine maintains a duty and commitment to provide an impressive cache of networking opportunities and business connections to make that road less daunting. In this issue, I am personally psyched and excited to report that success is not reserved only for the solo artist. A common misconception is that our most celebrated hero’s slaved all by themselves to attain greatness. Many men and women with brilliant ideas and genius in their genes have stopped fighting for success because the tasks were too difficult, complex, or seemingly out of reach; or so they thought. Those “ should-have-beens” lacked the support necessary to coach them through to the finish.


Oprah Winfrey was already a force in her field when she became a humble mentee of the late, Maya Angelou. Young Kobe Bryant sought to BE Michael Jordan, so he became a “ nuisance” to MJ in wanting to model his intensity, finesse, and work ethic. Who was Mark Zuckerberg’s (CEO of Facebook) mentor? Apple’s Steve Jobs. Moral of the story, don’t stop….DO WOP!

Who remembers when"do wop" was the chant of many background singers back in the day?

Those ladies and gentlemen behind the lead singer were talented in their own right, yet played their role and paid attention. Artists such as Luther Vandross and Mariah Carey were background singers who used not only their talent but their observations and experiences to rise to solo stardom. The stairway to their success includes the backs of many mentors. I implore you, readers, to follow the same advice I am taking for myself—be willing to DO WOP until you reach your goals. DO WOP means:

Do hire a “Work Out Partner” (accountability/discipline)

Do “Welcome Other People” into your development plan (be teachable)

Do insist that “Wants Outweigh Pride” (focus)

Do “Water Our Protégés” (pay it forward).

Whoopi Goldberg said, “We ’ re here for a reason. I believe a bit of the reason is to throw little torches out to lead people through the dark.

This July issue IS A TORCH!! It welcomes new contributors and welcomes back our legacies. Dig into this collection of reflections and fuel in the form of real life labors, victories, websites, books— hot off the press, interviews, and organizations that are literally extending a lifeline to those of you who are ready to WIN.


Love and wellness to you all,

Crystal Thompson, Editor in Chief, Be Well Magazine

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