3 minute read

The Real & BeWellPBC

The Culture of Health Prize started in 2013 in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin’s Population Health Institute. The Prize recognizes communities working at the forefront of advancing health, opportunity, and equity for all and honors urban, rural, tribal, large, or small communities that are beacons of hope and progress for healthier people, families, and places.



The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is the nation’s largest philanthropy dedicated solely to health. They seek to improve the health and health care of all Americans. In recent years they have placed a strong emphasis on the social determinants of health.

• Commitment to equity in our work • Resident Leadership • Civic Muscle and Belonging • Focus on Youth and Accountability for Success

Palm Beach County was officially selected as one of 10 communities across the nation to receive the prestigious Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize. The Prize recognizes the whole county and the accomplishments across our community in four achievement areas:

Palm Beach County!




Thank You to Our Invested Partners

We welcome you to join our Palm Beach County-wide movement towards health. Check out our website, social media, and YouTube channel for podcasts, resource videos, events, and ways to get involved.


Everyone wants to feel Hopeful, Supported, Connected and Empowered. BeWellPBC’s Community Connectors have opened the door to insightful conversations between residents and system leaders in Palm Beach County, who are understanding and exploring behavioral health needs and solutions together in new ways by including the voices of all. With the launch of their podcast Couch Conversations, each episode features an intriguing and relevant topic to our times and connects a diverse group of people passionate about creating positive change in behavioral health and wellness in our community. Listen to a clip of our recently released Episode 4: School District of Palm Beach County Edition with one of our high school seniors and Dr. Mary Claire Mucenic, Director of Behavioral Health and Mental Services who joined the couch.

Couch Conversations - Episode 4: School District

Dr. David Shern, Patrick McNamara, Lauren Zuchman, Anna Creegan, and Dupree Jackson

Local partners presented “Rethinking Population Health in Palm Beach County, FL: A Shared Stewardship Approach” at the American Public Health Association (APHA) conference in Denver, Colorado in October 2021. The 5-part workshop highlighted national perspective (offered by ReThink Health), regional context (Palm Health Foundation), study recommendations for a population health approach (Dr. David Shern), examples of countywide collaboration and alignment (BeWellPBC), and the story of civic muscle and belonging success (EJS Project). To learn more about what was shared, watch the presentation above.

BeWellPBC presents at American Public Health Association Annual Meeting

We envision a community in which every person in Palm Beach County feels hopeful, supported, connected, and empowered.


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